Acmeist poetry

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Acmeism, or the Guild of Poets, was a

Sergei Gorodetsky.[2][3] Their ideals were compactness of form and clarity of expression.[4]
The term was coined after the Greek word άκμη (ákmē), i.e., "the best age of man".

The acmeist mood was first announced by

Russian symbolist poets like Bely and Vyacheslav Ivanov. To the Symbolists' preoccupation with "intimations through symbols" they preferred "direct expression through images".[6]

In his later manifesto "The Morning of Acmeism" (1913),

Parnassian poets among their predecessors.[7]

Major poets in this school include

, then a celebrated meeting place for artists and writers. Mandelstam's collection of poems Stone (1912) is considered the movement's finest accomplishment.

Amongst the major acmeist poets, each interpreted acmeism in a different stylistic light, from Akhmatova's intimate poems on topics of love and relationships to Gumilev's narrative verse.[8]

See also
