Angular cheilitis

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Angular cheilitis
Other names
TreatmentBased on cause, barrier cream[2]
Frequency0.7% of the population[3]

Angular cheilitis (AC) is inflammation of one or both corners of the mouth.[4][5] Often the corners are red with skin breakdown and crusting.[2] It can also be itchy or painful.[2] The condition can last for days to years.[2] Angular cheilitis is a type of cheilitis (inflammation of the lips).[6]

Angular cheilitis can be caused by

patch testing for allergies.[2]

Treatment for angular cheilitis is typically based on the underlying causes along with the use of a

other vitamin deficiencies are a common cause.[5]

Signs and symptoms

Angular cheilitis – a fissure running in the corner of the mouth with reddened, irritated facial skin adjacent.
A fairly mild case of angular cheilitis extending onto the facial skin in a young person (affected area is within the black oval).

Angular cheilitis is a fairly non specific term which describes the presence of an inflammatory lesion in a particular anatomic site (i.e. the corner of the mouth). As there are different possible causes and contributing factors from one person to the next, the appearance of the lesion is somewhat variable. The lesions are more commonly symmetrically present on both sides of the mouth,

eczema) can extend from the corner of the mouth to the skin of the cheek or chin.[4] If Staphylococcus aureus is involved, the lesion may show golden yellow crusts.[8] In chronic angular cheilitis, there may be suppuration (pus formation), exfoliation (scaling) and formation of granulation tissue.[2][4]

Sometimes contributing factors can be readily seen, such as loss of lower face height from poorly made or worn dentures, which results in mandibular overclosure ("collapse of jaws").

pruritus (itching) or burning or a raw feeling.[2][9]


Angular cheilitis is thought to be a multifactorial disorder of infectious origin,

iron deficiency anemia),[12] which in turn may be evidence of malnutrition or malabsorption. Angular cheilitis can be a manifestation of contact dermatitis,[13]
which is considered in two groups; irritational and allergic.


The involved organisms are:

Candida can be detected in 93% of angular cheilitis lesions.

pathogenic hyphal form which is associated with invasion of host tissues. Potassium hydroxide preparation is recommended by some to help distinguish between the harmless and the pathogenic forms, and thereby highlight which cases of angular cheilitis are truly caused by Candida.[2] The mouth may act as a reservoir of Candida that reinfects the sores at the corners of the mouth and prevents the sores from healing.[citation needed

A lesion caused by recurrence of a latent

vesicle (blister) formation followed by rupture leaving a crusted sore which resolves in about 7–10 days, and recurs in the same spot periodically, especially during periods of stress. Rather than utilizing antifungal creams, angular herpes simplex is treated in the same way as a cold sore, with topical antiviral drugs such as aciclovir

Irritation contact dermatitis

The Last Supper
. The subject shows overclosure of the jaws and loss of facial support around the mouth.
Pronounced skin folds extending from the corner of the mouth.

22% of cases of angular cheilitis are due to irritants.

edentulism (tooth loss), or wearing worn down, old dentures or ones which are not designed optimally. This results in overclosure of the mandible (collapse of the jaws),[9]
which extenuates the angular skin folds at the corners of the mouth,
ultraviolet light exposure and smoking.[2]

Habits or conditions that keep the corners of the mouth moist might include chronic lip licking, thumb sucking (or sucking on other objects such as pens, pipes, lollipops), dental cleaning (e.g. flossing), chewing gum, hypersalivation, drooling and

chapped lips. Individuals may lick their lips in an attempt to provide a temporary moment of relief, only serving to worsen the condition.[17]

The sunscreen in some types of lip balm degrades over time into an irritant. Using expired lipbalm can initiate mild angular cheilitis, and when the person applies more lipbalm to alleviate the cracking, it only aggravates it. Because of the delayed onset of contact dermatitis and the recovery period lasting days to weeks, people typically do not make the connection between the causative agent and the symptoms.[medical citation needed]

Nutritional deficiencies

Several different

alopecia and dermatitis.[5] Acrodermatitis enteropathica is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder causing impaired absorption of zinc, and is associated with AC.[5]

In general, these nutritional disorders may be caused by

pernicious anemia caused by ileal resection in Crohn's disease).[5]

Systemic disorders

Some systemic disorders are involved in angular cheilitis by virtue of their association with malabsorption and the creation of nutritional deficiencies described above. Such examples include people with

sideropenic dysphagia (also called Plummer–Vinson syndrome or Paterson–Brown–Kelly syndrome).[5]


Several drugs may cause AC as a side effect, by various mechanisms, such as creating drug-induced xerostomia. Various examples include isotretinoin, indinavir, and sorafenib.[5] Isotretinoin (Accutane), an analog of vitamin A, is a medication which dries the skin. Less commonly, angular cheilitis is associated with primary hypervitaminosis A,[20] which can occur when large amounts of liver (including cod liver oil and other fish oils) are regularly consumed or as a result from an excess intake of vitamin A in the form of vitamin supplements. Recreational drug users may develop AC. Examples include cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and hallucinogens.[5]

Allergic contact dermatitis

Patch test

Allergic reactions may account for about 25–34% of cases of generalized cheilitis (i.e., inflammation not confined to the angles of the mouth). It is unknown how frequently allergic reactions are responsible for cases of angular cheilitis, but any substance capable of causing generalized allergic cheilitis may present involving the corners of the mouth alone.[citation needed]

Examples of potential allergens include substances that may be present in some types of lipstick, toothpaste, acne products, cosmetics, chewing gum, mouthwash, foods, dental appliances, and materials from dentures or mercury containing amalgam fillings.[2] It is usually impossible to tell the difference between irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis without a patch test.[citation needed]

Loss of lower facial height

Severe tooth wear or ill fitting dentures may cause wrinkling at the corners of the lip that creates a favorable environment for the condition.[21] This can be corrected with onlays or crowns on the worn teeth to restore height or new dentures with "taller" teeth. The loss of vertical dimension has been associated with angular cheilitis in older individuals with an increase in facial laxity.[22]


canker sore - inside the mouth, 2) herpes, 3) angular cheilitis and 4) chapped lips

Angular cheilitis is normally a diagnosis made clinically. If the sore is unilateral, rather than bilateral, this suggests a local factor (e.g., trauma) or a split

mandibular overclosure, drooling, and other irritants is usually bilateral.[2]

The lesions are normally swabbed to detect if

bacterial species may be present. Persons with angular cheilitis who wear dentures often also will have their denture swabbed in addition. A complete blood count (full blood count) may be indicated, including assessment of the levels of iron, ferritin, vitamin B12 (and possibly other B vitamins), and folate.[4]


Angular cheilitis could be considered to be a type of cheilitis or

refractory (the condition persists despite attempts to treat it).[2]


There are four aspects to the treatment of angular cheilitis.[24] Firstly, potential reservoirs of infection inside the mouth are identified and treated.[24] Oral candidiasis, especially denture-related stomatitis is often found to be present where there is angular cheilitis, and if it is not treated, the sores at the corners of the mouth may often recur.[8][13] This involves having dentures properly fitted and disinfected. Commercial preparations are marketed for this purpose, although dentures may be left in dilute (1:10 concentration) household bleach overnight, but only if they are entirely plastic and do not contain any metal parts, and with rinsing under clean water before use.[9] Improved denture hygiene is often required thereafter, including not wearing the denture during sleep and cleaning it daily.[4] For more information, see Denture-related stomatitis.

Secondly, there may be a need to increase the vertical dimension of the lower face to prevent overclosure of the mouth and formation of deep skin folds.

collagen injections (or other facial fillers such as autologous fat or crosslinked hyaluronic acid) are used in an attempt to restore the normal facial contour.[2][4] Other measures which seek to reverse the local factors that may be contributing to the condition include improving oral hygiene, stopping smoking or other tobacco habits and use of a barrier cream (e.g. zinc oxide paste) at night.[2]

Thirdly, treatment of the infection and inflammation of the lesions themselves is addressed. This is usually with

antibacterial action.[8] Diiodohydroxyquinoline is another topical therapy for angular cheilitis.[14] If Staphylococcus aureus infection is demonstrated by microbiological culture to be responsible (or suspected), the treatment may be changed to fusidic acid cream,[8] an antibiotic which is effective against this type of bacteria. Aside from fusidic acid, neomycin,[24] mupirocin,[2] metronidazole,[7] and chlorhexidine[24]
are alternative options in this scenario.

Finally, if the condition appears resistant to treatment, investigations for underlying causes such as anemia or nutrient deficiencies or HIV infection.[24] Identification of the underlying cause is essential for treating chronic cases. The lesions may resolve when the underlying disease is treated, e.g. with a course of oral iron or B vitamin supplements.[4] Patch testing is recommended by some in cases which are resistant to treatment and where allergic contact dermatitis is suspected.[2]


Most cases of angular cheilitis respond quickly when antifungal treatment is used.[16] In more long standing cases, the severity of the condition often follows a relapsing and remitting course over time.[14] The condition can be difficult to treat and can be prolonged.[4]


AC is a relatively common condition,[11] accounting for between 0.7 – 3.8% of oral mucosal lesions in adults and between 0.2 – 15.1% in children, though overall it occurs most commonly in adults in the third to sixth decades of life.[2][4] It occurs worldwide, and both males and females are affected.[4] Angular cheilitis is the most common presentation of fungal and bacterial infections of the lips.[14]


The term "angular cheilitis" is from Ancient Greek, χείλος meaning lip and -itis meaning inflammation.


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