Augmented seventh chord

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

augmented seventh chord
Component intervals from root
minor seventh
augmented fifth
major third
Forte no. / Complement
4-24 / 8-24

The augmented seventh chord, or seventh augmented fifth chord,

popular-music symbols, it is denoted by +7, aug7,[2]
or 75. For example, the augmented seventh chord built on A, written as A+7, has pitches A-C-E-G:

The chord can be represented by the integer notation {0, 4, 8, 10}.


The root is the only optional note in an augmented seventh chord, the fifth being required because it is raised.[4] This alteration is useful in the major mode because the raised 5th creates a leading tone to the 3rd of the tonic triad.[3] See also dominant.


Hendrix chord", a 79 chord which contains the interval of an augmented ninth but not an augmented fifth.[5]

\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\relative c' { 
  \clef treble 
  \time 6/4 c4^\markup { "C whole tone scale" } d e fis gis ais \time 4/4 c1 \bar "||"
  \time 4/4 <c, e gis bes>1 \bar "||"
} }
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The augmented seventh chord normally resolves to the chord a perfect fifth below.[8] Thus, G aug7 resolves to a C major or minor chord, for example.

\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\relative c' {
   \clef treble 
   \time 4/4
   \key c \major
   <b dis f g>1 <c e e g> \bar "||"
} }

Augmented seventh chord table

Chord Root Major third Augmented fifth Minor seventh
Caug7 C E G B
Caug7 C E (F) Gdouble sharp (A) B
Daug7 D F A C (B)
Daug7 D F A C
Daug7 D Fdouble sharp (G) Adouble sharp (B) C
Eaug7 E G B D
Eaug7 E G B (C) D
Faug7 F A C E
Faug7 F A Cdouble sharp (D) E
Gaug7 G B D F (E)
Gaug7 G B D F
Gaug7 G B (C) Ddouble sharp (E) F
Aaug7 A C E G
Aaug7 A C E (F) G
Aaug7 A Cdouble sharp (D) Edouble sharp (F) G
Baug7 B D F A
Baug7 B D Fdouble sharp (G) A

See also
