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Bühnendeutsch (German:

German Sprachraum. Established in the 19th century,[1] it came to be considered pure High German. It was codified in the pronouncing dictionary Deutsche Bühnenaussprache, edited by the German scholar Theodor Siebs
, and first published in 1898.

An artificial standard not corresponding directly to any dialect, Bühnendeutsch is mostly based on Standard German as spoken in Northern Germany. For example, the suffix -ig is pronounced [ɪç].[2]


Three acceptable realizations of /r/

Until 1957, only two pronunciations were allowed: an alveolar trill [

r] and an alveolar flap [ɾ]. After 1957, a uvular trill [ʀ] was also allowed. A voiced uvular fricative [ʁ], used extensively in contemporary Standard German, is not allowed. Therefore, rot ('red') can be pronounced [roːt], [ɾoːt] and [ʀoːt] but not [ʁoːt].[3]


The vocalized [

r ~ ɾ ~ ʀ] in Bühnendeutsch so für 'for' is pronounced [fyːr ~ fyːɾ ~ fyːʀ] rather than [fyːɐ̯].[4]

Whenever the sequence /ər/ is vocalized to [ɐ] in German or Austrian Standard German, Bühnendeutsch requires a sequence [ər ~ əɾ ~ əʀ] so besser 'better' is pronounced [ˈbɛsər ~ ˈbɛsəɾ ~ ˈbɛsəʀ] rather than [ˈbɛsɐ].[4]

In contemporary Standard German, both of these features are found almost exclusively in Switzerland.

No schwa-elision

Contrary to Standard German, /ə/ cannot be elided before a sonorant consonant (making it syllabic) so Faden 'yarn' is pronounced [ˈfaːdən] rather than the standard [ˈfaːdn̩].[5]

Fronting of word-final schwa

In loanwords from Latin and Ancient Greek, the word-final /ə/ is realized as a short, tense [e] so Psyche 'psyche' is pronounced [ˈpsyːçe] rather than the standard [ˈpsyːçə].[4]


Syllable-final fortition

As in Standard German, syllable-final obstruents written with the letters used also for syllable-initial lenis sounds (⟨b, d, g⟩ etc.) are realized as fortis so Absicht 'intention' is pronounced [ˈʔapz̬ɪçt] (note the full voicing of /z/, which, in position immediately after a fortis, occurs in Bühnendeutsch: see below), but Bad 'bath' is pronounced [baːt].

The corresponding standard southern (Southern German, Austrian, Swiss) pronunciations contain lenis consonants in that position: [ˈab̥z̥ɪçt ~ ˈab̥sɪçt] and [b̥aːd̥], respectively.

Strong aspiration of /p, t, k/

The voiceless plosives /p, t, k/ are aspirated [pʰ, tʰ, kʰ] in the same environments as in Standard German but more strongly, especially to environments in which the Standard German plosives are aspirated moderately and weakly: in unstressed intervocalic and word-final positions.[6] That can be transcribed in the IPA as [pʰʰ, tʰʰ, kʰʰ]. The voiceless affricates /p͡f, t͡s, t͡ʃ/ are unaspirated [p͡f˭, t͡s˭, t͡ʃ˭], as in Standard German.

Complete voicing of lenis obstruents

The lenis obstruents /b, d, ɡ, d͡ʒ, v, ð, ʝ, z, ʒ/

d̬, ɡ̬, d̬͡ʒ̬, , ð̬, ʝ̬, , ʒ̬] after voiceless obstruents so abdanken 'to resign' is pronounced [ˈʔapd̬aŋkən].[4]
That is in contrast with the Northern pronunciation, which requires the lenis sounds to be devoiced in that position: [ˈʔapd̥aŋkn̩]. Southern accents (Southern German, Austrian, Swiss) generally realize the lenis sounds as voiceless in most or all positions and do not feature syllable-final fortition: [ˈab̥d̥aŋkŋ̩].

See also


  1. ^ Mangold (2005), p. 62.
  2. ^ "Pronunciation: Part 2". Retrieved May 6, 2012.
  3. ^ Mangold (2005), pp. 53, 63.
  4. ^ a b c d Mangold (2005), p. 63.
  5. ^ Mangold (2005), pp. 37–40, 63.
  6. ^ Mangold (2005), pp. 57, 63.
  7. approximant. However, he explicitly states that /j/ is the lenis fricative counterpart of the fortis fricative /ç/ (Mangold (2005
    :44, 51)). It is also worth noting that among the lenis obstruents /d͡ʒ, ð, ʒ/ as well as the fortis counterpart of the /ð/ (/θ/) appear only in loanwords.
