Bible Historiale

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Folio 1 du Ms Ars. 5057: A preacher preaches to old ladies. "Pource que le Deable qui chascun jour destourbe et enordut le coeur des hommes par oyseuse (ie: "paresse") et par mille lacs (i.e. "lacets, cordes") qu'il a tendus..."(Because the devil, who every day troubles and soils men's hearts with sloth and by a thousand traps...)

The Bible Historiale was the predominant

Peter Comestor
(d. c. 1178), a literal-historical commentary that summarizes and interprets episodes from the historical books of the Bible and situates them chronologically with respect to events from pagan history and mythology.

It is part of the wider phenomenon of History Bibles [de].


The composite work is organized into parts labeled "text", i.e. from the Bible; "gloss", offering interpretations based on the Historia Scholastica, other authoritative commentaries or the translator's own opinion; "incidents", which insert parallel histories from pagan history and mythology; and "histories", passages directly translated from Comestor's work. It was composed between 1291 and 1295 (1294 old system) by priest and canon Guyart des Moulins, who added a prologue in 1297 announcing his recent election as dean of his canonical chapter at the collegial church of Saint Pierre d'Aire-sur-la-Lys. Describing his own role as translating and "ordering" the text, Guyart censored or omitted portions of the Bible that "should not, according to reason, be translated", rearranged materials "so that the laity might find them better ordered" and, on occasion, added further commentaries of his own or from other sources to produce the work known as the Bible Historiale in accordance with prevailing norms and expectations of Bible translation. Later scribes and compilers further revised and modified the work according to the changing priorities of readers, patrons, and the church. [1]


The work was copied in many manuscripts, of which more than a hundred survive, most of them richly illuminated, some with more than 300 miniatures.[2] Genesis is typically especially heavily illustrated. In this respect, it is similar to other vernacular medieval redactions of the Bible such as the Bible moralisée, Biblia pauperum and Speculum Humanae Salvationis; it differed from these, however, in containing extended direct translations from the Bible. The French name is usually used in English, at least partly because scholars differ as to whether "Historiale" should be translated as "historical" or "historiated" (illustrated).

Contents vary tremendously among

Peter Comestor's Historia Scholastica. As early as 1317, however, Paris book shops began adding books from other translations—mainly the one known as the Thirteenth-Century Bible or the University of Paris Bible—to expand the French Bible over several stages to conform to the canonical Vulgate.[3] Samuel Berger categorized the manuscripts into four main families according to their contents, although many fifteenth-century copies resist categorization for their inclusion of new glosses, prologues and other additions from a variety of sources; these have been further categorized and described by Clive Sneddon.[4][5][6][7]
One manuscript, London, British Library Royal MS 19 D III, includes some apocryphal stories whose translation is also attributed to Guyart.

Some of the most lavish 14th- and early 15th-century manuscripts are luxury copies commissioned by bibliophile magnates or royalty;

Protestant Reformation. It was also widely owned, in manuscript and print, in England, Flanders and modern-day Belgium
, and today one may find copies in libraries around the world.

Other versions

While the Bible historiale was by far the most popular medieval French translation of the Bible, it was not the first. Verse adaptations of the Bible first appeared in the latter part of the 12th century, with more or less complete prose French Bibles appearing in the mid thirteenth century. These were the "Thirteenth-Century Bible," probably completed between 1230 and 1250 at the University of Paris and the Acre Bible, written between 1250 and 1254 in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.[9] The Thirteenth-Century Bible survives in four complete or near-complete copies and a significant number of single volumes (of two) and fragments in addition to parts of it being used to supplement the Bible historiale.[10]


  1. .
  2. ^ Sneddon, Clive R. A Critical Edition of the Four Gospels in the Thirteenth-Century Old French Translation of the Bible, Thesis presented for the degree of D. Phil., Oxford University, 1978.
  3. ^ Berger, Samuel. La Bible française au Moyen Âge : étude sur les plus anciennes versions de la Bible écrites en prose de langue d'oil, Genève, Slatkine Reprints (Fac Similé de l'édition originale Paris, 1884), 1967.
  4. ^ Berger, Samuel. La Bible française au Moyen Âge : étude sur les plus anciennes versions de la Bible écrites en prose de langue d'oil, Genève, Slatkine Reprints (Fac Similé de l'édition originale Paris, 1884), 1967.
  5. ^ Sneddon, Clive R. A Critical Edition of the Four Gospels in the Thirteenth-Century Old French Translation of the Bible, Thesis presented for the degree of D. Phil., Oxford University, 1978.
  6. ^ Sneddon, Clive R. "The 'Bible du XIIIe siècle', Its Medieval Public in the Light of its Manuscript Tradition", The Bible and Medieval Culture, Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series I/Studia VII, eds. W. Lourdaux and D. Verhelst, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1979, 125-144
  7. ^ De Hamel, Christopher. A History of Illuminated Manuscripts, London: Phaidon Press, 1986.
  8. ^ Sneddon, Clive R. "The 'Bible du XIIIe siècle', Its Medieval Public in the Light of its Manuscript Tradition", The Bible and Medieval Culture, (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series I/Studia VII), eds. W. Lourdaux and D. Verhelst, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1979, 125-144
  9. ^ Sneddon, Clive R. A Critical Edition of the Four Gospels in the Thirteenth-Century Old French Translation of the Bible, Thesis presented for the degree of D. Phil., Oxford University, 1978.

Selected bibliography

The different types of the Historical Bible is clearly shown here (aqui ms fr 155). Above the red rubric, a translation of the Historia Scholastica by Comestor, and below, in larger script, Genesis.
  • S. Berger :
    • La Bible romane au Moyen Âge : Bibles provençales, vaudoises, catalanes, italiennes, castillanes et portugaises, Genève, Slatkine Reprints (réimpression des articles extraits de Romania XVIII-XXVIII, 1889-1899), 1977.
    • Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du Moyen Âge, Paris, Hachette, 1893.
    • De l'histoire de la Vulgate en France. Leçon d'ouverture faite le 4 novembre 1887, Paris, Fischbacher, 1887.
    • Des Essais qui ont été faits à Paris au treizième siècle pour corriger le texte de la Vulgate, Paris, Fischbacher, 1887.
    • La Bible française au Moyen Âge : étude sur les plus anciennes versions de la Bible écrites en prose de langue d'oil, Genève, Slatkine Reprints (Fac Similé de l'édition originale Paris, 1884), 1967.
  • Guyart des Moulins
    • Bible historiale
      ou Bible française
      , édition de Jean de Rely, 1543.

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