Chechen cuisine

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Chechen cuisine is the traditional folk cuisine of the

Chechen people, who dwell in the North Caucasus

The bases of Chechen cuisine are

corn. The main components of Chechen dishes include spicy seasonings, onion, wild garlic, pepper and thyme.[1]

Chechen cuisine is known for having rich dishes, and is also typically simple to prepare and easily digestible.[2]


Main dishes



  • Ahar Hovla (Ахьар Хьовла) - Helva made from corn flour.
  • Dema Hovla (Дема Хьовла) - Helva made from wheat flour.
  • Garzni Hovla (Гарзни Хьовла) - Helva made from wheat flour in form of noodles.
  • Gvaymakkhsh (Гваймакхш) - Sort of
    pancakes with honey
  • Vieta (dish) (Виета) is a Chechen national dish of flax seeds with a thick liquid mass of dark brown color obtained from chopped fried or simply dried flax seeds by grinding in millstones. It is used in the traditional cuisine of Chechens, like a nutritious sweet dish, mixing with sugar or honey and oil. Any can be added oil: vegetable or cream melted.[3] Vieta - "Linum" has long been common among Chechens; an exquisite dish is prepared from its ground seeds - linum pasta - by frying linseed flour in boiling oil with sugar or honey.[4] Chechens prepare a dish only from seeds linum (flax).[5]
Vieta (Vieta)
Dema Holva


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