Constantine Harmenopoulos

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Constantine Harmenopoulos (

Thessalonica, one of the highest judicial offices in the Byzantine Empire

He is best known for his Hexabiblos (1344–1345), a law book in six volumes in which he compiles a wide range of Byzantine legal sources. First printed Paris in 1540, the Hexabiblos was widely adopted in the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire. In 1828, it was also adopted as the interim civil code in the newly independent Greek state.


  1. ^ А.П. Каждан. Армяне в составе господствующего класса Византийской империи в 11-12 вв. Стр 99 ч.27 Арменопулы. АН АрмССР 1973 г. (in Russian)
  • Burgmann, Ludwig (2001). "Konstantinos Armenopulos". In Michael Stolleis (ed.). Juristen: ein biographisches Lexikon; von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert (in German) (2nd ed.). München: Beck. p. 39. .
  • Foundation of the Hellenic World, History of the late Byzantine Period, The Hexabiblos, accessed January 2007
  • .
  • А.П. Каждан. Армяне в составе господствующего класса Византийской империи в 11-12 вв. Стр 99 ч.27 Арменопулы. АН АрмССР 1973 г. (in Russian).

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