Differential geometry

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hyperbolic paraboloid), as well as two diverging ultraparallel lines

Differential geometry is a

plane and space curves and surfaces in the three-dimensional Euclidean space
, and the study of these shapes formed the basis for development of modern differential geometry during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Since the late 19th century, differential geometry has grown into a field concerned more generally with geometric structures on differentiable manifolds. A geometric structure is one which defines some notion of size, distance, shape, volume, or other rigidifying structure. For example, in Riemannian geometry distances and angles are specified, in symplectic geometry volumes may be computed, in conformal geometry only angles are specified, and in gauge theory certain fields are given over the space. Differential geometry is closely related to, and is sometimes taken to include, differential topology, which concerns itself with properties of differentiable manifolds that do not rely on any additional geometric structure (see that article for more discussion on the distinction between the two subjects). Differential geometry is also related to the geometric aspects of the theory of differential equations, otherwise known as geometric analysis.

Differential geometry finds applications throughout mathematics and the

standard model of particle physics. Outside of physics, differential geometry finds applications in chemistry, economics, engineering, control theory, computer graphics and computer vision, and recently in machine learning

History and development

The history and development of differential geometry as a subject begins at least as far back as classical antiquity. It is intimately linked to the development of geometry more generally, of the notion of space and shape, and of topology, especially the study of manifolds. In this section we focus primarily on the history of the application of infinitesimal methods to geometry, and later to the ideas of tangent spaces, and eventually the development of the modern formalism of the subject in terms of tensors and tensor fields.

Classical antiquity until the Renaissance (300 BC – 1600 AD)

The study of differential geometry, or at least the study of the geometry of smooth shapes, can be traced back at least to

of curves, a concept which did not see a rigorous definition in terms of calculus until the 1600s.

Around this time there were only minimal overt applications of the theory of

tangency of a line to a circle is discussed, and Archimedes applied the method of exhaustion to compute the areas of smooth shapes such as the circle, and the volumes of smooth three-dimensional solids such as the sphere, cones, and cylinders.[1]

There was little development in the theory of differential geometry between antiquity and the beginning of the


After calculus (1600–1800)

An osculating circle of plane curve

The first systematic or rigorous treatment of geometry using the theory of infinitesimals and notions from

Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton. At this time, the recent work of René Descartes introducing analytic coordinates to geometry allowed geometric shapes of increasing complexity to be described rigorously. In particular around this time Pierre de Fermat, Newton, and Leibniz began the study of plane curves and the investigation of concepts such as points of inflection and circles of osculation, which aid in the measurement of curvature. Indeed, already in his first paper
on the foundations of calculus, Leibniz notes that the infinitesimal condition indicates the existence of an inflection point. Shortly after this time the Bernoulli brothers, Jacob and Johann made important early contributions to the use of infinitesimals to study geometry. In lectures by Johann Bernoulli at the time, later collated by L'Hopital into the first textbook on differential calculus, the tangents to plane curves of various types are computed using the condition , and similarly points of inflection are calculated.[1] At this same time the orthogonality between the osculating circles of a plane curve and the tangent directions is realised, and the first analytical formula for the radius of an osculating circle, essentially the first analytical formula for the notion of curvature, is written down.

In the wake of the development of analytic geometry and plane curves,

space curves at just the age of 16.[2][1] In his book Clairaut introduced the notion of tangent and subtangent directions to space curves in relation to the directions which lie along a surface on which the space curve lies. Thus Clairaut demonstrated an implicit understanding of the tangent space of a surface and studied this idea using calculus for the first time. Importantly Clairaut introduced the terminology of curvature and double curvature, essentially the notion of principal curvatures
later studied by Gauss and others.

Around this same time,

Lagrange, a co-developer of the calculus of variations, to derive the first differential equation describing a minimal surface in terms of the Euler–Lagrange equation. In 1760 Euler proved a theorem expressing the curvature of a space curve on a surface in terms of the principal curvatures, known as Euler's theorem

Later in the 1700s, the new French school led by

surfaces of revolution and envelopes of plane curves and space curves. Several students of Monge made contributions to this same theory, and for example Charles Dupin provided a new interpretation of Euler's theorem in terms of the principle curvatures, which is the modern form of the equation.[1]

Intrinsic geometry and non-Euclidean geometry (1800–1900)

The field of differential geometry became an area of study considered in its own right, distinct from the more broad idea of analytic geometry, in the 1800s, primarily through the foundational work of Carl Friedrich Gauss and Bernhard Riemann, and also in the important contributions of Nikolai Lobachevsky on hyperbolic geometry and non-Euclidean geometry and throughout the same period the development of projective geometry.

Dubbed the single most important work in the history of differential geometry,

geodesic triangle
in various non-Euclidean geometries on surfaces.

At this time Gauss was already of the opinion that the standard paradigm of Euclidean geometry should be discarded, and was in possession of private manuscripts on non-Euclidean geometry which informed his study of geodesic triangles.[6][7] Around this same time János Bolyai and Lobachevsky independently discovered hyperbolic geometry and thus demonstrated the existence of consistent geometries outside Euclid's paradigm. Concrete models of hyperbolic geometry were produced by Eugenio Beltrami later in the 1860s, and Felix Klein coined the term non-Euclidean geometry in 1871, and through the Erlangen program put Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries on the same footing.[8] Implicitly, the spherical geometry of the Earth that had been studied since antiquity was a non-Euclidean geometry, an elliptic geometry.

The development of intrinsic differential geometry in the language of Gauss was spurred on by his student,

Riemannian curvature tensor
for the first time, and began the systematic study of differential geometry in higher dimensions. This intrinsic point of view in terms of the Riemannian metric, denoted by by Riemann, was the development of an idea of Gauss' about the linear element of a surface. At this time Riemann began to introduce the systematic use of linear algebra and multilinear algebra into the subject, making great use of the theory of quadratic forms in his investigation of metrics and curvature. At this time Riemann did not yet develop the modern notion of a manifold, as even the notion of a topological space had not been encountered, but he did propose that it might be possible to investigate or measure the properties of the metric of spacetime through the analysis of masses within spacetime, linking with the earlier observation of Euler that masses under the effect of no forces would travel along geodesics on surfaces, and predicting Einstein's fundamental observation of the equivalence principle a full 60 years before it appeared in the scientific literature.[6][4]

In the wake of Riemann's new description, the focus of techniques used to study differential geometry shifted from the ad hoc and extrinsic methods of the study of curves and surfaces to a more systematic approach in terms of

pseudo-Riemannian geometry

Modern differential geometry (1900–2000)

The subject of modern differential geometry emerged from the early 1900s in response to the foundational contributions of many mathematicians, including importantly the work of Henri Poincaré on the foundations of topology.[12] At the start of the 1900s there was a major movement within mathematics to formalise the foundational aspects of the subject to avoid crises of rigour and accuracy, known as Hilbert's program. As part of this broader movement, the notion of a topological space was distilled in by Felix Hausdorff in 1914, and by 1942 there were many different notions of manifold of a combinatorial and differential-geometric nature.[12]

Interest in the subject was also focused by the emergence of Einstein's theory of general relativity and the importance of the Einstein Field equations. Einstein's theory popularised the tensor calculus of Ricci and Levi-Civita and introduced the notation for a Riemannian metric, and for the Christoffel symbols, both coming from G in Gravitation.

moving frames, leading in the world of physics to Einstein–Cartan theory.[13][4]

Following this early development, many mathematicians contributed to the development of the modern theory, including

gauge leading to the development of gauge theory in physics and mathematics

In the middle and late 20th century differential geometry as a subject expanded in scope and developed links to other areas of mathematics and physics. The development of

Seiberg–Witten invariants


Riemannian geometry

Riemannian geometry studies

first order of approximation. Various concepts based on length, such as the arc length of curves, area of plane regions, and volume of solids all possess natural analogues in Riemannian geometry. The notion of a directional derivative of a function from multivariable calculus is extended to the notion of a covariant derivative of a tensor
. Many concepts of analysis and differential equations have been generalized to the setting of Riemannian manifolds.

A distance-preserving

Riemannian symmetric spaces, whose curvature is not necessarily constant. These are the closest analogues to the "ordinary" plane and space considered in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry

Pseudo-Riemannian geometry

. A special case of this is a
Lorentzian manifold, which is the mathematical basis of Einstein's general relativity theory of gravity

Finsler geometry

Finsler geometry has Finsler manifolds as the main object of study. This is a differential manifold with a Finsler metric, that is, a

Banach norm
defined on each tangent space. Riemannian manifolds are special cases of the more general Finsler manifolds. A Finsler structure on a manifold M is a function F : TM → [0, ∞) such that:

  1. F(x, my) = m F(x, y) for all (x, y) in TM and all m ≥ 0,
  2. F is infinitely differentiable in TM ∖ {0},
  3. The vertical Hessian of F2 is positive definite.

Symplectic geometry

non-degenerate skew-symmetric bilinear form on each tangent space, i.e., a nondegenerate 2-form
ω, called the symplectic form. A symplectic manifold is an almost symplectic manifold for which the symplectic form ω is closed: dω = 0.

A diffeomorphism between two symplectic manifolds which preserves the symplectic form is called a


By contrast with Riemannian geometry, where the

G.D. Birkhoff in 1912. It claims that if an area preserving map of an annulus twists each boundary component in opposite directions, then the map has at least two fixed points.[14]

Contact geometry

Contact geometry deals with certain manifolds of odd dimension. It is close to symplectic geometry and like the latter, it originated in questions of classical mechanics. A contact structure on a (2n + 1)-dimensional manifold M is given by a smooth hyperplane field H in the tangent bundle that is as far as possible from being associated with the level sets of a differentiable function on M (the technical term is "completely nonintegrable tangent hyperplane distribution"). Near each point p, a hyperplane distribution is determined by a nowhere vanishing 1-form , which is unique up to multiplication by a nowhere vanishing function:

A local 1-form on M is a contact form if the restriction of its exterior derivative to H is a non-degenerate two-form and thus induces a symplectic structure on Hp at each point. If the distribution H can be defined by a global one-form then this form is contact if and only if the top-dimensional form

is a volume form on M, i.e. does not vanish anywhere. A contact analogue of the Darboux theorem holds: all contact structures on an odd-dimensional manifold are locally isomorphic and can be brought to a certain local normal form by a suitable choice of the coordinate system.

Complex and Kähler geometry

Complex differential geometry is the study of

complex manifolds
. An almost complex manifold is a real manifold , endowed with a
almost complex structure

, such that

It follows from this definition that an almost complex manifold is even-dimensional.

An almost complex manifold is called complex if , where is a tensor of type (2, 1) related to , called the

Nijenhuis tensor
(or sometimes the torsion). An almost complex manifold is complex if and only if it admits a holomorphic coordinate atlas. An
Riemannian metric
g, satisfying the compatibility condition

An almost Hermitian structure defines naturally a differential two-form

The following two conditions are equivalent:

where is the Levi-Civita connection of . In this case, is called a

Hodge manifolds) is given by all the smooth complex projective varieties

CR geometry

CR geometry is the study of the intrinsic geometry of boundaries of domains in complex manifolds

Conformal geometry

Conformal geometry is the study of the set of angle-preserving (conformal) transformations on a space.

Differential topology

Differential topology is the study of global geometric invariants without a metric or symplectic form.

Differential topology starts from the natural operations such as Lie derivative of natural vector bundles and de Rham differential of forms. Beside Lie algebroids, also Courant algebroids start playing a more important role.

Lie groups

A Lie group is a group in the category of smooth manifolds. Beside the algebraic properties this enjoys also differential geometric properties. The most obvious construction is that of a Lie algebra which is the tangent space at the unit endowed with the Lie bracket between left-invariant vector fields. Beside the structure theory there is also the wide field of representation theory.

Geometric analysis

Geometric analysis is a mathematical discipline where tools from differential equations, especially elliptic partial differential equations are used to establish new results in differential geometry and differential topology.

Gauge theory

Gauge theory is the study of connections on vector bundles and principal bundles, and arises out of problems in

Euler–Lagrange equations describing the equations of motion of certain physical systems in quantum field theory
, and so their study is of considerable interest in physics.

Bundles and connections

The apparatus of vector bundles, principal bundles, and connections on bundles plays an extraordinarily important role in modern differential geometry. A smooth manifold always carries a natural vector bundle, the tangent bundle. Loosely speaking, this structure by itself is sufficient only for developing analysis on the manifold, while doing geometry requires, in addition, some way to relate the tangent spaces at different points, i.e. a notion of parallel transport. An important example is provided by affine connections. For a surface in R3, tangent planes at different points can be identified using a natural path-wise parallelism induced by the ambient Euclidean space, which has a well-known standard definition of metric and parallelism. In Riemannian geometry, the Levi-Civita connection serves a similar purpose. More generally, differential geometers consider spaces with a vector bundle and an arbitrary affine connection which is not defined in terms of a metric. In physics, the manifold may be spacetime and the bundles and connections are related to various physical fields.

Intrinsic versus extrinsic

From the beginning and through the middle of the 19th century, differential geometry was studied from the extrinsic point of view: curves and surfaces were considered as lying in a Euclidean space of higher dimension (for example a surface in an

theorema egregium, to the effect that Gaussian curvature
is an intrinsic invariant.

The intrinsic point of view is more flexible. For example, it is useful in relativity where space-time cannot naturally be taken as extrinsic. However, there is a price to pay in technical complexity: the intrinsic definitions of curvature and connections become much less visually intuitive.

These two points of view can be reconciled, i.e. the extrinsic geometry can be considered as a structure additional to the intrinsic one. (See the

shape operator.[15]


Below are some examples of how differential geometry is applied to other fields of science and mathematics.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Struik, D. J. "Outline of a History of Differential Geometry: I." Isis, vol. 19, no. 1, 1933, pp. 92–120. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/225188.
  2. ^ Clairaut, A.C., 1731. Recherches sur les courbes à double courbure. Nyon.
  3. ^ O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Leonhard Euler", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews
  4. ^ a b c d e f Spivak, M., 1975. A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry (Vol. 2). Publish or Perish, Incorporated.
  5. ^ Gauss, C.F., 1828. Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas (Vol. 1). Typis Dieterichianis.
  6. ^ a b c d Struik, D.J. "Outline of a History of Differential Geometry (II)." Isis, vol. 20, no. 1, 1933, pp. 161–191. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/224886
  7. ^ O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Non-Euclidean Geometry", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews
  8. ^ Milnor, John W., (1982) Hyperbolic geometry: The first 150 years, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) Volume 6, Number 1, pp. 9–24.
  9. ^ 1868 On the hypotheses which lie at the foundation of geometry, translated by W.K.Clifford, Nature 8 1873 183 – reprinted in Clifford's Collected Mathematical Papers, London 1882 (MacMillan); New York 1968 (Chelsea) http://www.emis.de/classics/Riemann/. Also in Ewald, William B., ed., 1996 "From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics", 2 vols. Oxford Uni. Press: 652–61.
  10. ^ Christoffel, E.B. (1869). "Ueber die Transformation der homogenen Differentialausdrücke zweiten Grades". Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 70.
  11. S2CID 120009332
  12. ^ a b Dieudonné, J., 2009. A history of algebraic and differential topology, 1900-1960. Springer Science & Business Media.
  13. ^ a b Fré, P.G., 2018. A Conceptual History of Space and Symmetry. Springer, Cham.
  14. ^ The area preserving condition (or the twisting condition) cannot be removed. If one tries to extend such a theorem to higher dimensions, one would probably guess that a volume preserving map of a certain type must have fixed points. This is false in dimensions greater than 3.
  15. ^ Hestenes, David (2011). "The Shape of Differential Geometry in Geometric Calculus" (PDF). In Dorst, L.; Lasenby, J. (eds.). Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 393–410. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2014-08-14. There is also a pdf[permanent dead link] available of a scientific talk on the subject
  16. .
  17. .
  18. .
  19. ^ Micheli, Mario (May 2008). The Differential Geometry of Landmark Shape Manifolds: Metrics, Geodesics, and Curvature (PDF) (Ph.D.). Archived from the original (PDF) on June 4, 2011.
  20. ^ Joshi, Anand A. (August 2008). Geometric Methods for Image Processing and Signal Analysis (PDF) (Ph.D.). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2011-07-20.
  21. (PDF) on 2008-10-02.

Further reading

External links