Ecclesiastical titles and styles

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Ecclesiastical titles are the formal

styles of address used for members of the clergy

Catholic Church

Latin Church clergy

Two Roman Catholic priests celebrating the Holy Mass
  • Pope: Pope (Regnal Name); His Holiness; Your Holiness; Holy Father.
  • Patriarch of an autonomous/particular church: Patriarch (Given Name); His Beatitude; Your Beatitude.
  • His Eminence
    ; Your Eminence.
  • Cardinal who is also an archbishop: Cardinal (Full Name), Archbishop of (Place); His Eminence; Your Eminence.
  • Archbishop: The Most Reverend (Full Name), (any postnominals), Archbishop of (Place); bishops in the U.S. commonly indicate their terminal degree(s) as postnominals, e.g., J.C.D. or S.T.D., or Ph.D. or D.D.; His
    Titular archbishops almost never indicate their respective sees in their titles.[6]
  • Bishop: The Most Reverend (Full Name), (any postnominals), Bishop of (Place); bishops in the U.S. commonly indicate their terminal degree(s) as postnominals, e.g., J.C.D., S.T.D., or Ph.D. or D.D.; His Excellency; Your Excellency. Titular bishops almost never indicate their respective sees in their titles.
  • Abbot: The Right Reverend (Full Name), (any religious order's postnominals); The Right Reverend Abbot; Abbot (Given Name); Abbot (Surname); Dom (Given Name); Father (Given Name). The custom for address depends on personal custom and custom in the abbey.
  • Prioress
    , or other superior of a religious order of women or a province thereof: The Reverend Mother (Full Name), (any religious order's postnominals); Mother (Given Name). The title of women religious superiors varies greatly, and the custom of a specific order should be noted.
  • Honorary Prelate, or Chaplain of His Holiness: The Reverend Monsignor
    (Full Name); Monsignor (Surname). The postnominals P.A. are often added for protonotaries apostolic. Postnominals are rarely added for honorary prelates or chaplains of His Holiness.
  • Vicar General
    : The Very Reverend (Full Name), V.G.; The Reverend (Full Name), V.G.; Father (Surname).
  • Dean, Provincial Superior, or Rector
    : The Very Reverend (Full Name); Father (Surname).
  • Prior, both superiors of or in monasteries, or of provinces or houses of a religious order: The Very Reverend (Full Name), (any religious order's postnominals); Father (Surname).
  • Pastor of a parish, Parochial Vicar, Chaplain, or Priest: The Reverend (Full Name); Father (Surname).
  • Permanent Deacon: The Reverend Deacon (Full Name); Deacon (Surname); Deacon (Given Name) (informal).
  • Transitional Deacon, i.e., a deacon who is studying for the priesthood: The Reverend Mr. (Full Name); Deacon (Full Name); Deacon (Surname).
  • Brother: Brother (Full Name), (any religious order's postnominals); Brother (Given Name). In some teaching orders Brother (Surname) is customary.
  • Religious sister or nun: Sister (Full Name), (any religious order's postnominals); Sister (Full Name); Sister (Given Name) (informal).
  • Candidate for priestly ministry (seminarian): The Reverend Seminarian (Full Name); Mr. (Full Name); Mr. (Surname).
  • Candidate for diaconal or lay ministry (deacon candidate or lay ecclesial minister candidate): Mr. (Full Name); Mr. (Surname).

United Kingdom and some other English-speaking countries

The major difference between U.S. practice and that in several other English-speaking countries is the form of address for archbishops and bishops. In Britain and countries whose Roman Catholic usage it directly influenced:

  • Archbishop: the Most Reverend (Most Rev.); addressed as Your Grace rather than His Excellency or Your Excellency.
  • Bishop: "the Right Reverend" (Rt. Rev.); formally addressed as My Lord rather than Your Excellency. This style is an ancient one, and has been used in the western church for more than a thousand years; it corresponds to, but does not derive from, the Italian
    Monsignore and the French Monseigneur
    . However, most bishops prefer to be addressed simply as Bishop (Bp.).

In Ireland, and in other countries whose Roman Catholic usage it influenced, all bishops, not archbishops alone, are titled the Most Reverend (Most Rev.).

Clergy are often referred to with the title Doctor (Dr.), or have D.D. (Doctor of Divinity) placed after their name, where justified by their possession of such degree.


Similar to, and the source of, most of the U.S. English titles, with some variation:

The Philippines

In the predominantly Catholic Philippines, ecclesiastical addresses are adapted from American custom but with modifications. The titles listed below are only used in the most formal occasions by media or official correspondence, save for the simpler forms of address. Post-nominals that indicate academic degree or membership in a religious order are usually included.

Eastern Catholic clergy

Although the styles and titles of

Eastern Catholic
clergy varies from language to language, in the Greek and Arabic-speaking world the following would be acceptable, but is by no means a full list of appropriate titles. It is notable that surnames are never used except in extra-ecclesial matters or to specify a particular person where many share one Christian name or ordination name. Where not noted, Western titles may be supposed. The following are common in Greek Melkite Catholic usage and in Greek Orthodox usage in the United States.

  • Archbishop or Bishop: In Arabic, a bishop is titled "Sayedna", while in churches of Syriac tradition he is titled "Mar". If an Eastern Catholic archbishop or patriarch is made a cardinal he may be addressed as "His Eminence" and "Your Eminence", or the hybrid "His Beatitude and Eminence" and "Your Beatitude and Eminence".
  • Priest: In Arabic, "Abouna" and in Greek "Pappas".
  • Deacon: Identical to that of a priest in all ways except sometimes in the use of "Father Deacon" (in Arabic "Abouna Shammas" and in Greek "Pappas Diakonos").
  • Subdeacon: "Reverend Subdeacon" in inscribed address, and the Christian name with or without "Brother" is usually used, except in some traditions that use "Father Subdeacon". In Arabic, this is confused by "Shammas" being used for both the subdiaconate and the diaconate, the distinction being a "Deacon of the Letter" and a "Deacon of the Gospel" respectively. Often a deacon will be addressed as "Father" and a subdeacon as "Brother" to distinguish them.
  • Reader: "Reader" or "Brother" depending on the preference of the addresser.
  • Seminarians: "Brother" and "Brother Seminarian" are the most common titles; the appellations "Father Seminarian" and "Father Student" are used only by rural Greek- and Arabic-speaking laity.
  • Tonsured persons without a title: "Brother".

Eastern Orthodox Church

An Eastern Orthodox priest blesses his congregation at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy

Usage varies somewhat throughout the Eastern Orthodox Communion, and not every church uses every clerical rank. Surnames are typically not used for archpastors (rank of bishop or above) or monastics.

  • Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
    : Ecumenical Patriarch John II, His All-Holiness, Your All-Holiness
  • Patriarch: Patriarch John II of Terirem, Patriarch John, His Beatitude, Your Beatitude
    • Note: Some Patriarchs use the honorific "His/Your Holiness"
  • Archbishop / Archiepiscope
    • of an independent Church: The Most Reverend (Rev.) Archbishop John of Terirem, Archbishop John
    • of a sub-national Church: The Most Reverend (Rev.) Archbishop John of Terirem, Archbishop John, His Eminence, Your Eminence
  • Metropolitan: The Most Reverend (Rev.) Metropolitan John of Terirem, Metropolitan John, His Eminence, Your Eminence
    • Titular Metropolitan: The Most Reverend (Rev.) Metropolitan John of Terirem, His Eminence, Your Eminence
    • Note: Some Metropolitans use the style "The Very Most Reverend" (V. Most Rev.)
  • Bishop / Episcope: The Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.) Bishop John of Terirem, Bishop John, His Grace, Your Grace
    • Titular/Auxiliary Bishop: same as for Bishops, above
    • Other Languages: Sayedna (Arabic), Despota (Greek), Vladika (Russian, Serbian)
  • Priest (Presbyter): The Reverend Father (Rev. Fr.) John Smith, Father John
    • Protopriest: The Very Reverend (V. Rev.) Protopriest John Smith, Father (Fr.) John
    • Archpriest: The Very Reverend (V. Rev.) Archpriest John Smith, Father (Fr.) John
    • Archimandrite: The Very Reverend (V. Rev.) Archimandrite John, or The Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.) Archimandrite John, Father John
    • Hieromonk (Priest-monk): The Reverend (Rev.) Hieromonk John, Father (Fr.) John
    • Other Languages: Abouna (Arabic), Pappas (Greek), Batushka (Russian)
    • Priest's Wife: Presbytera Mary (Greek), Khouria Mary (Arabic), Matushka Mary (Russian), Popadiya Mary (Serbian), Panimatushka Mary (Ukrainian), Preoteasa Mary (Romanian)
  • Deacon: The Reverend Father (Rev. Fr.) John Smith, Deacon (Dn.) John Smith, Father John, Deacon Father (Dn. Fr.) John, Deacon (Dn.) John
    • Protodeacon: The Reverend (Rev.) Protodeacon John Smith, Father (Fr.) John, Deacon Father (Dn. Fr.) John, Deacon (Dn.) John
    • Archdeacon: The Reverend (Rev.) Archdeacon John Smith, Father (Fr.) John, Deacon Father (Dn. Fr.) John, Deacon (Dn.) John
    • Hierodeacon (Deacon-monk): The Reverend (Rev.) Hierodeacon John, Father (Fr.) John
    • Deacon's Wife: Diakonissa Mary (Greek), or the same titles as a priest's wife
  • Abbot: The Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.) Abbot John, Abbot John, Father (Fr.) John
  • Abbess: The Reverend (Rev.) Mother Superior Mary, The Very Reverend (V. Rev.) Abbess Mary, Reverend Mother Mary, Mother Mary
  • Monk: Monk John, Father (Fr.) John
    • Rassophore
      Monk: Rassophore Monk John, Father (Fr.) John
    • Stavrophore
      Monk: Stavrophore Monk John, Father (Fr.) John
    • Schemamonk
      : Schemamonk John, Father (Fr.) John
    • Novice
      : Novice John, John; or Brother (Br.) John
      • Note: the title "Brother" is a result of Latin influence; the title is only given to some novices with a special blessing.
  • Nun: Nun Mary, Mother Mary
    • Rassophore Nun: Rassophore Nun Mary, Sister Mary
    • Novice: Sister Mary

Anglican Church

Anglican and Episcopal

In the Anglican and Episcopal Church, added titles are referred to as "preferments" and are ordered by bishops. Such appointments that place a preferment title in front of "Reverend" are normally a permanent preferment, while those after "Reverend" are not. For example, a bishop or an archdeacon retain their titles even after leaving their ministry posts. Generally, the preferment of "canon", which can be given to either ordained or laity, is not a permanent preferment. However, Bishops have been known to prefer a lifetime honorific of "Canon" to lay canons. For religious orders, all preferments, except that of a mitred abbot, are temporary and associated with the role, not the individual.

Other Protestantism


A Lutheran priest of the Church of Sweden prepares for the celebration of Mass in Strängnäs Cathedral.
  • Archbishops/Presiding Bishops: the Most Reverend (Most Rev.); Archbishop (Abp.; Arch.; Archbp.)/Presiding Bishop (P.B.).
  • Bishops: Bishop (Bp.); Reverend Bishop (Rev. Bp.); the Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.).
  • Pastors: the Reverend (Rev.); Pastor (Pr.).[12]
  • Kantors: the Reverend Kantor (Rev. Kantor)
  • Deacons: Deacon (Dcn.).
  • Vicars: Vicar (Vic.).
  • Seminarians: the Reverend Seminarian (Rev. Sem.).
  • Ecclesiastical Doctors (Dr. eccl.),[13] e.g., Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), Dr. sc. rel. (Doctor of Religious Sciences/Studies), Dr. mph. (Doctor of Christian Metaphysics), Dr. sc. bs. (Doctor of Biblical Studies), et al.: Reverend Doctor.[14]
