Ethics committee (European Union)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The ethics committee, according to

clinical trial protocol, the suitability of the investigators involved in the trial and the adequacy of facilities, and on the methods and documents to be used to inform trial subjects and obtain their informed consent

With the Clinical Trials Directive, the European Union (EU) envisioned a harmonisation of research ethics committees (RECs) across Europe, including the time taken to assess a trial proposal and the kinds of issues a committee should take into account.

Local terms for a European ethics committee include:

  • A Research Ethics Committee (REC) in the United Kingdom
  • A Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC) in the Netherlands.
  • An Ethical Vetting Board in Sweden - (Etikprövningsnämnden in Swedish)
  • A Comités de Protection des Personnes (CPP) in France.

See also


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