ISO 3166-2:AZ

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

ISO 3166-2:AZ is the entry for

states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1

Currently for Azerbaijan, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for two levels of subdivisions:

The eleven municipalities have special status equal to the rayons.

, the disputed municipality, has been removed from the list.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is AZ, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Azerbaijan. The second part is either of the following:

  • two letters: autonomous republic and municipalities
  • three letters: rayons

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

Click on the button in the header to sort each column.

Autonomous republic

Code Subdivision name (az) Subdivision name (en)[a]
AZ-NX Naxçıvan Nakhchivan

Municipalities and rayons

Code Subdivision name (az) Subdivision name (en)[a] Subdivision category Parent subdivision
AZ-ABS Abşeron Absheron rayon
AZ-AGC Ağcabədi Aghjabadi rayon
AZ-AGM Ağdam Aghdam rayon
AZ-AGS Ağdaş Agdash rayon
AZ-AGA Ağstafa Aghstafa rayon
AZ-AGU Ağsu Aghsu rayon
AZ-AST Astara Astara rayon
AZ-BAB Babək Babek rayon NX
AZ-BA Bakı Baku municipality
AZ-BAL Balakən Balakan rayon
AZ-BAR Bərdə Barda rayon
AZ-BEY Beyləqan Beylagan rayon
AZ-BIL Biləsuvar Bilasuvar rayon
AZ-CAB Cəbrayıl Jabrayil rayon
AZ-CAL Cəlilabad Jalilabad rayon
AZ-CUL Culfa Julfa rayon NX
AZ-DAS Daşkəsən Dashkasan rayon
AZ-FUZ Füzuli Fuzuli rayon
AZ-GAD Gədəbəy Gadabay rayon
AZ-GA Gəncə Ganja municipality
AZ-GOR Goranboy Goranboy rayon
AZ-GOY Göyçay Goychay rayon
AZ-GYG Göygöl Goygol rayon
AZ-HAC Hacıqabul Hajigabul rayon
AZ-IMI İmişli Imishli rayon
AZ-ISM İsmayıllı Ismayilli rayon
AZ-KAL Kəlbəcər Kalbajar rayon
AZ-KAN Kǝngǝrli Kangarli rayon NX
AZ-KUR Kürdəmir Kurdamir rayon
AZ-LAC Laçın Lachin rayon
AZ-LA Lənkəran Lankaran City municipality
AZ-LAN Lənkəran Lankaran rayon
AZ-LER Lerik Lerik rayon
AZ-MAS Masallı Masally rayon
AZ-MI Mingəçevir Mingachevir municipality
AZ-NA Naftalan Naftalan municipality
AZ-NV Naxçıvan Nakhchivan City municipality NX
AZ-NEF Neftçala Neftchala rayon
AZ-OGU Oğuz Oghuz rayon
AZ-ORD Ordubad Ordubad rayon NX
AZ-QAX Qax Gakh rayon
AZ-QAZ Qazax Gazakh rayon
AZ-QAB Qəbələ Gabala rayon
AZ-QOB Qobustan Gobustan rayon
AZ-QBA Quba Guba rayon
AZ-QBI Qubadlı Gubadlı rayon
AZ-QUS Qusar Gusar rayon
AZ-SAT Saatlı Saatly rayon
AZ-SAB Sabirabad Sabirabad rayon
AZ-SBN Şabran Shabran rayon
AZ-SAH Şahbuz Shahbuz rayon NX
AZ-SAL Salyan Salyan rayon
AZ-SMI Şamaxı Shamakhi rayon
AZ-SMX Samux Samukh rayon
AZ-SAD Sədərək Sadarak rayon NX
AZ-SA Şəki Shaki City municipality
AZ-SAK Şəki Shaki rayon
AZ-SKR Şəmkir Shamkir rayon
AZ-SAR Şərur Sharur rayon NX
AZ-SR Şirvan Shirvan municipality
AZ-SIY Siyəzən Siyazan rayon
AZ-SM Sumqayıt Sumgayit municipality
AZ-SUS Şuşa Shusha rayon
AZ-TAR Tərtər Tartar rayon
AZ-TOV Tovuz Tovuz rayon
AZ-UCA Ucar Ujar rayon
AZ-XAC Xaçmaz Khachmaz rayon
AZ-XA Xankəndi Stepanakert municipality
AZ-XIZ Xızı Khizi rayon
AZ-XCI Xocalı Khojaly rayon
AZ-XVD Xocavənd Khojavend rayon
AZ-YAR Yardımlı Yardimli rayon
AZ-YE Yevlax Yevlakh City municipality
AZ-YEV Yevlax Yevlakh rayon
AZ-ZAQ Zaqatala Zagatala rayon
AZ-ZAN Zəngilan Zangilan rayon
AZ-ZAR Zərdab Zardab rayon
  1. ^ a b For reference only, English name not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.


The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.

Newsletter Date issued Description of change in newsletter Code/Subdivision change
Newsletter I-2 2002-05-21 Correction of one code and four spelling errors. Notification of the rayons belonging to the autonomous republic Codes:
Naxçıvan: AZ-MMAZ-NX
Newsletter II-3 2011-12-13
Alphabetical re-ordering, name change of administrative places, first level prefix addition and source list update Subdivisions added:

The following changes to the entry are listed on ISO's online catalogue, the Online Browsing Platform:

Effective date of change Short description of change (en)
2015-11-27 Deletion of the romanization system; update List Source

See also

  • Subdivisions of Azerbaijan
  • FIPS region codes of Azerbaijan
  • Neighbouring countries: AM, GE, IR, RU, TR

External links