Mohammed Ben Brahim

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El Houari Mohammed Ben Brahim Assarraj (

El Glaoui.[1]

According to his biographer Omar Mounir he was "considered a nationalist by the French, a traitor by the nationalists, a alem by the man in the street and a rascal by the ulemas."

. He worked as a university professor for a short period and, after that as a journalist.

Many of Ben Brahim's poems are put to music and still popular in present-day Morocco. Karima Skalli is one of his work's interpreters.

Mehdi Khayat interprets Ben Brahim's poetry in his musical work, titled "Mehdi Khayat and the poet of Marrakech"



  1. ^ Écrivains marocains du Protectorat à 1965, p. 27-29 "Mohammed Ibn Ibrahim"
  2. ^ Omar Mounir, Le Poète de Marrakech : "Individu inclassable, inconstant en qui les nationalistes voyaient un traître et les Français un nationaliste, l'homme de la rue le voyait âlim, les oulamas le voyaient voyou".

External links

  • Said fragments from the journal Al Maghrib no. 396 (1940) [1] (translated in English)
  • Bouchra Lahbabi, "Maoussimyyat : hommage à Ben Brahim, poète de Marrakech", Le Matin, 28 - 10 - 2001 [2] (retrieved 15-7-2012)
  • Un poète chez les hommes (second article) [3] (in French)