Northern Rhodesia
1911–1964 | |||||||||||||
Anthem: Tonga and Lozi widely spoken | |||||||||||||
Government | Protectorate | ||||||||||||
Monarch | |||||||||||||
• 1911–1936 | George V | ||||||||||||
• 1936 | Edward VIII | ||||||||||||
• 1936–1952 | George VI | ||||||||||||
• 1952–1964 | Elizabeth II | ||||||||||||
Governor | |||||||||||||
• 1911–1921 (first) | Lawrence Aubrey Wallace | ||||||||||||
• 1959–1964 (last) | Evelyn Hone | ||||||||||||
Prime Minister | |||||||||||||
• 1964 | Kenneth Kaunda | ||||||||||||
Legislature | Legislative Council | ||||||||||||
Historical era | Interwar period · Cold War | ||||||||||||
1911 | |||||||||||||
• British protectorate | 1 April 1924 | ||||||||||||
1953–1963 | |||||||||||||
• Independence | 24 October 1964 | ||||||||||||
Area | |||||||||||||
• Total | 751,925 km2 (290,320 sq mi) | ||||||||||||
Currency | Southern Rhodesian pound | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Today part of | Zambia |
Northern Rhodesia was a British
Although under the BSAC charter it had features of a charter colony, the BSAC's treaties with local rulers, and British legislation, gave it the status of a protectorate. The territory attracted a relatively small number of European settlers, but from the time they first secured political representation, they agitated for white minority rule, either as a separate entity or associated with Southern Rhodesia and possibly Nyasaland. The mineral wealth of Northern Rhodesia made full amalgamation attractive to Southern Rhodesian politicians, but the British Government preferred a looser association to include Nyasaland. This was intended to protect Africans in Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland from discriminatory Southern Rhodesian laws. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland formed in 1953 was intensely unpopular among the vast African majority and its formation hastened calls for majority rule. As a result of this pressure, the country became independent in 1964 as Zambia.[6]
The geographical, as opposed to political, term "Rhodesia" referred to a region generally comprising the areas that are today Zambia and Zimbabwe.[7] From 1964, it only referred to the former Southern Rhodesia.
British South Africa Company
Establishment of BSAC rule
The name "Rhodesia" was derived from
British missionaries had already established themselves in Nyasaland, and in 1890 the British government's Colonial Office sent Harry Johnston to this area, where he proclaimed a protectorate, later named the British Central Africa Protectorate. The charter of BSAC contained only vague limits on the northern extent of the company's sphere of activities, and Rhodes sent emissaries Joseph Thomson and Alfred Sharpe to make treaties with chiefs in the area west of Nyasaland. Rhodes also considered Barotseland as a suitable area for British South Africa Company operations and as a gateway to the copper deposits of Katanga.[9] Lewanika, king of the Lozi people of Barotseland sought European protection because of internal unrest and the threat of Ndebele raids. With the help of François Coillard of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, he drafted a petition seeking a British protectorate in 1889, but the Colonial Office took no immediate action on it. However, Rhodes sent Frank Elliott Lochner to Barotseland to obtain a concession and offered to pay the expenses of a protectorate there. Lochner told Lewanika that BSAC represented the British government, and on 27 June 1890, Lewanika consented to an exclusive mineral concession. This (the Lochner Concession) gave the company mining rights over the whole area in which Lewanika was paramount ruler in exchange for an annual subsidy and the promise of British protection, a promise that Lochner had no authority to give. However, the BSAC advised the Foreign Office that the Lozi had accepted British protection.[10] As a result, Barotseland was claimed to be within the British sphere of influence under the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1891, although its boundary with Angola was not fixed until 1905.[11]
In 1889, although Britain recognised the rights of the
Fixing boundaries
The two stages in acquiring territory in Africa after the
The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1891 signed in
Boundaries with other British territories were fixed by Orders-in-Council. The border between the British Central Africa Protectorate and North-Eastern Rhodesia was fixed in 1891 at the drainage divide between Lake Malawi and the Luangwa River,[19] and that between North-Western Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia became the Zambezi River in 1898.[20]
BSAC administration
The area of what became Northern Rhodesia, including
At first,
Under British South Africa Company rule, the company-appointed Administrator had powers similar to those of the governor of a British colony or protectorate, except that certain decisions of the Administrator affecting Europeans had to be approved by the
Law and security
The British South African Company considered that its territory north of the Zambezi was more suitable for a largely African police force than a European one. However, at first, the British South Africa Police patrolled the north of the Zambezi in North Western Rhodesia, although its European troops were expensive and prone to diseases. This force and its replacements were paramilitaries, although there was a small force of European civil police in the towns. The British South Africa Police were replaced by the Barotse Native Police force, which was formed in 1902 (other sources date this as 1899 or 1901). This had a high proportion of European NCOs as well as all European officers and was merged with the civil police to form the Northern Rhodesia Police in 1911. Initially, Harry Johnston in the British Central Africa Protectorate had responsibility for North Eastern Rhodesia, and Central Africa forces including Sikh and African troops were used there until 1899. Until 1903, local magistrates recruited their own local police, but in that year a North Eastern Rhodesia Constabulary was formed, which had only a few white officers; all its NCOs and troopers were African. This was also merged into the Northern Rhodesia Police in 1912, which then numbered only 18 European and 775 African in six companies, divided between the headquarters of the various districts.[28][29]
Railway developments
The British South Africa Company was responsible for building the Rhodesian railway system in the period of primary construction which ended in 1911 when the main line through Northern Rhodesia crossed the Congo border to reach the Katanga copper mines. Rhodes' original intention was for a railway extending across the Zambezi to Lake Tanganyika, but when little gold was found in Mashonaland, he accepted that the scheme to reach Lake Tanganyika had no economic justification. Railways built by private companies needed traffic that can pay high freight rates, such as large quantities of minerals.[30]
A line from Kimberley reached Bulawayo in 1897; this was extended to cross the Victoria Falls in 1902. The next section was through Livingstone to Broken Hill, which the railway reached in 1906. The British South Africa Company had been assured that there would be plentiful traffic from its lead and zinc mines, but this did not materialise because of technical mining problems. The railway could not meet the costs of the construction loans, and the only area likely to generate sufficient mineral traffic to relieve these debts was Katanga. Initially, the Congo Free State had concluded that Katanga's copper deposits were not rich enough to justify the capital cost of building a railway to the coast, but expeditions between 1899 and 1901 proved their value. Copper deposits found in Northern Rhodesia before the First World War proved uneconomic to develop.[31]
In 1906,
The end of BSAC rule
Almost from the start of European settlement, the settlers in Northern Rhodesia were hostile to the BSAC administration and its commercial position. The company opposed the settlers' political aspirations and refused to allow them to elect representatives to the Advisory Council, limiting them to a few nominated members.[33] Following a judgement by the Privy Council that the land in Southern Rhodesia belonged to the British Crown not the BSAC, opinion among settlers in Southern Rhodesia turned to favour responsible government and in 1923 this was granted. This left Northern Rhodesia in a difficult position since the British South Africa Company had believed it owned the land in both territories and some settlers suggested that the ownership in Northern Rhodesia should also be referred to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. However, the British South Africa Company insisted that its claims were unchallengeable and persuaded the United Kingdom government to enter into direct negotiations over the future administration of Northern Rhodesia.
As a result, a settlement was achieved by which Northern Rhodesia remained a protectorate but came under the British government, with its administrative machinery taken over by the Colonial Office, while the British South Africa Company retained extensive areas of freehold property and the protectorate's mineral rights. It was also agreed that half of the proceeds of land sales in the former North-Western Rhodesia would go to the Company. On 1 April 1924, Herbert Stanley was appointed as Governor and Northern Rhodesia became an official Protectorate of the United Kingdom, with its capital in Livingstone. The capital was moved to Lusaka in 1935.
Under the Administration of the British South Africa Company, the Administrator had similar powers to those of a colonial governor, except that certain powers were reserved to the High Commissioner for South Africa. There was neither an
Colonial period
Mining developments
The most important factor in the colony's economy was copper. Ancient surface copper workings were known at Kansanshi (near
BSAC claimed to own mineral rights over the whole of Northern Rhodesia under concessions granted between 1890 and 1910 by
However significant they were, these copper deposits could not be exploited commercially until the Southern Rhodesian railway had extended across the Zambezi and continued northward, to reach the
Large-scale mining on the Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt started after 1924 and was mainly financed from the United States of America and South Africa.
South African interest in the Copperbelt was led the
At first, very little British capital was invested in the Copperbelt. However, in 1929 it seemed possible that a fourth source of copper,
While at first the existence this cartel encouraged investment, consumers sought alternative and cheaper materials and with the economic downturn, the price of copper crashed in 1931. An international agreement restricted output. This caused a catastrophe in Northern Rhodesia where many employees were sacked and put an end to hopes which many Europeans had held of turning Northern Rhodesia into another white dominion like Southern Rhodesia. Many settlers took this opportunity to move back to Southern Rhodesia, while Africans returned to their farms.
Economic recovery
Despite the economic crash, large firms were still able to maintain a
Legislative Council
When Northern Rhodesia became a Protectorate under the British Empire on 1 April 1924, a Legislative Council was established on which the Governor of Northern Rhodesia sat ex officio as Presiding Officer. The initial council consisted entirely of nominated members, as no procedure existed at the time for holding elections. However, the members were divided between the "official members" who held executive posts in the administration of the Protectorate, and the "unofficial members" who held no posts.[45]
In 1926, a system of election was worked out and the first election was held for five elected unofficial members, who took their seats together with nine nominated official members. An elector in Northern Rhodesia had to be a United Kingdom citizen, a requirement which practically ruled out Africans who were
In 1929, the number of unofficial members was increased to seven. This failed to meet settler aspirations and in 1937 their members demanded parity if numbers with the nine official members, and seats on the Executive Council, until then wholly composed of officials: this demand was rejected. In 1938, there was the first acknowledgement of the need to represent the opinions of Africans, and one nominated unofficial European member was added for this purpose, replacing one of the nominated officials, so that the official and unofficial members each numbered eight.[47] In 1941 one additional member was added to both the nominated officials and the elected unofficials, for a total of ten unofficials (nine elected) and nine nominated officials.
In 1945, there was an increase in the number of unofficial European members representing Africans from one to three, and an additional two nominated unofficials were introduced for a total of five. From 1948, the African Representative Council recommended two African unofficial members for nomination by the Governor.[48] 1948 saw the replacement of the Governor by a Speaker, who also sat ex officio, and the introduction of two members nominated on the advice of the African Representative Council.
An Order-in-Council coming into effect on 31 December 1953 provided for a new Legislative Council to consist of a Speaker ex officio, eight nominated officials, twelve elected unofficials, four African unofficial members nominated by the Governor on the advice the African Representative Council, and two nominated unofficial European members representing the interests of Africans.[49] The nominated officials were identified as the Chief Secretary, Attorney General, Financial Secretary, and Secretary for Native Affairs, and four others.
1959 Order-in-Council
1959 saw a large increase in the proportion of elected members. The Legislative Council then consisted of the Speaker and 30 members. All but eight of these members were to be elected: the eight nominated were the same four named posts as before, two others, and two nominated unofficial members (who were not specifically responsible for African interests). These two members were retained to provide that there were some members who could be called upon for Ministerial duties if there were too few elected members willing to do so.
The 22 elected members were organised in such a way as to ensure that there were eight African and 14 Europeans. The electoral roll was divided into 'General' and 'Special' with Special voters having much lower financial requirements than General voters so that the majority of Special voters were Africans (the nationality requirement had been varied so that
In the rural areas where most Africans lived, six special constituencies were drawn. Both general and special voters participated in the elections and their votes counted for equal weight, although the majority of voters were Africans. In the special constituency areas, there were two composite 'Reserved European seats', in which special voters were restricted to one-third of the influence. There were also two 'Reserved African seats' in the areas of the ordinary constituencies, although all votes counted in full.[50]
Before the end of BSAC administration, Northern Rhodesian law was in conformity with the laws of England and Wales and its High Court of Northern Rhodesia was ultimately subordinate to those of the United Kingdom. This continued after 1924; all United Kingdom statutes in force on 17 August 1911 were applied to Northern Rhodesia, together with those of later years if specific to the Protectorate. Where Africans were parties before courts, Native law and customs were applied, except if they were "repugnant to natural justice or morality", or inconsistent with any other law in force.[51]
Subsidiary Courts
Below the High Court were Magistrates' Courts which fell into four classes:
- Courts of Provincial Commissioners, Senior Resident Magistrates and Resident Magistrates. In criminal matters, such courts could impose sentences of imprisonment for up to three years; in civil matters, they were limited to awards of £200 and for recovery of land worth up to £144 annual rent.
- Courts of District Commissioners. In criminal matters, they could impose sentences of imprisonment for up to one year without confirmation by the High Court; they could also impose up to three years' imprisonment with the High Court's consent. Their civil jurisdiction was limited to £100.
- Courts of District Officers.
- Courts of Cadets attached to the Provincial Administration.
Criminal trials for treason, murder and manslaughter, or attempts and conspiracies to commit them, were reserved for the High Court. Civil matters relating to constitutional issues, wills and marriages were also restricted to the High Court.
Native Courts
The Native Courts Ordinance 1937 allowed the Governor to issue a warrant recognising native courts. Their jurisdiction only covered natives but extended to criminal and civil jurisdiction. Native courts were not allowed to impose the death penalty, nor try witchcraft without permission. There was also provision for a Native Court of Appeal, but if not established, appeal was to the Provincial Commissioner and thence to the High Court.
Chief Justices of North-Eastern Rhodesia
Incumbent | Tenure | Notes | |
Took office | Left office | ||
Sir Leicester Paul Beaufort | 1901 | 1911 |
Chief Justices of Northern Rhodesia
Incumbent | Tenure | Notes | |
Took office | Left office | ||
Cyril Gerard Brooke Francis[52] | 1941 | afterwards Chief Justice of Bermuda, 1941 | |
Sir | 1945 | 1951 | afterwards Chief Justice of Tanganyika
Sir Arthur Werner Lewey[55] | 1951 | 1955 | |
Sir (Edward) Peter Stubbs Bell | 1955 | 1957 | Died in office |
John Bowes Griffin | 1957 | 1957 | acting Chief Justice |
Sir George Paterson | 1957 | 1961 | |
Sir Diarmaid William Conroy | 1961 | 1964 | afterwards Chief Justice of Zambia , 1964–1965
Governing the people
From the 1890s and until after the end of BSAC administration, a policy of Direct Rule over Africans was operated, within the limits of what was possible with very small numbers of white District Officers. Except in
In June 1930, the Colonial Secretary of the Labour Government, Lord Passfield, published his Memorandum on Native Policy in East and Central Africa. His statement of colonial policy was an emphatic reassertion of the principle of paramountcy of African interests, which his predecessor as Colonial Secretary, the Conservative Leo Amery, has attempted to water-down in 1927 when setting up the Hilton Young Commission. Passfield's Memorandum stated that no further white minority governments would be permitted, dismissing settler aspirations of self-government in Kenya and Northern Rhodesia. This turned Northern Rhodesian Europeans against association with East Africa towards union with Southern Rhodesia. In 1933, a substantial minority in the Northern Rhodesian legislature favoured amalgamation with Southern Rhodesia, despite vigorous African opposition. However, the majority of settlers were still cautious about being marginalised by the much greater numbers of Europeans in Southern Rhodesia.[58][59]
From 1943, six Provincial Councils were set up to form a second tier of African representative institutions above the Native Authorities. These were purely advisory bodies, whose advice the Provincial Commissioner need not accept. Most of the members of the Provincial Councils were rural and many were chiefs, but some educated urban Africans were included. In 1946, a third tier was added with the formation of an African Representative Council for the whole protectorate, whose members were nominated by the Provincial Councils. The African Representative Council was also largely advisory, but was later able to make recommendations for Africans to be nominated as members of the Legislative Council.[60]
Land policies
In Northern Rhodesia, the British South Africa Company claimed ownership of all the unalienated land in the territory, and the right to alienate it. Europeans occupied land along the line of the railway and near the towns, but at first there was no land shortage, as the population density was low and the European population was small. In 1913, BSAC drew up plans for Native Reserves along Southern Rhodesian lines, outside which Africans would have no right to own or occupy land, but these plans were not put into effect under company administration. However, reserves were created in 1928 and 1929 in the northern and eastern parts of the protectorate, and about half the land adjacent to the line of the main railway line was reserved for European settlement and farming. In 1938, it was reported that the Native Reserves were overcrowded, while much of the land reserved for Europeans was unoccupied and unused.[61]
In 1918, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom had rejected the British South Africa Company claims to unalienated land in Southern Rhodesia, and this raised questions about the company's claim to unalienated land north of the Zambezi. However, the company's claim in Northern Rhodesia was based on concessions granted rather than conquest and, although a Northern Rhodesian parliamentary Committee in 1921 recommended that these claims also should be referred to the Privy Council, the British government preferred to negotiate an overall settlement for the end of BSAC administration in Northern Rhodesia. This effectively acknowledged the company's claim.[62] Under an Agreement of 29 September 1923, the Northern Rhodesian government took over the entire control of lands previously controlled by BSAC from 1 April 1924, paying the company half the net rents and the proceeds of certain land sales.[63]
Opposition to minority rule
In 1935, the Northern Rhodesian government proposed to increase the rates of tax paid by African miners working on the Copperbelt, while reducing it in rural areas. Although the Provincial Commissioners had been told about the change on 11 January 1935, it was not until 20 May that the Native Tax Amendment Ordinance was signed, with rates implemented as of 1 January 1935. This retrospective increase outraged the miners, who already had grievances about low pay and poor conditions, and also with the
One effect of the strike was the establishment of tribal elders' advisory councils for Africans across the Copperbelt, following a system introduced at the Roan Antelope mine. These councils acted as minor courts, referring other matters to the mine compound manager or district organiser. Native courts operated outside the urban areas and eventually these were introduced to the towns. Mufulira was the first, in 1938, and by the end of 1940 they existed in Kitwe, Luanshya, Ndola and Chingola on the Copperbelt, Lusaka and Broken Hill in the centre of the country, and Livingstone on the border with Southern Rhodesia. Simultaneously, African Urban Advisory Councils were established in the main Copperbelt towns. Relations between Africans and Europeans were often strained.[67]
A second round of labour hostilities broke out in March 1940. This was prompted by successful
Second World War
During the
There was
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Early attempts at association
As early as 1915, the British South Africa Company proposed amalgamating Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia, but this was rejected by the Southern Rhodesian legislature in 1917, as it might have prevented Southern Rhodesia obtaining self-government.[70] This option was again rejected in 1921, for the same reason. After the Southern Rhodesian electorate voted for self-determination in 1922, this objection ceased, and in 1927 the Conservative Colonial Secretary, Leo Amery gave Southern Rhodesia settlers the impression that he supported their claim to acquire the more productive parts of Northern Rhodesia.[71]
At the end of the First World War, the European population of Northern Rhodesia was tiny, about 3,000 compared with ten times as many in Southern Rhodesia, but it increased rapidly after the discovery of the Copperbelt in the 1920s. Northern Rhodesian settlers wanted self-government for the European minority electorate, separate from Southern Rhodesia. However, once the British government appeared to reject the idea of further white minority governments in Africa, talk of amalgamation resumed.[72]
In 1927, the British government appointed the Hilton Young Commission on the possible closer union of the British territories in East and Central Africa. Its majority thought that Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland should seek closer links with East Africa, but the minority report favoured linking these two territories with Southern Rhodesia on economic grounds. Even before the Commission's report was published, there were discussions between the Northern Rhodesian settlers and the Southern Rhodesian government on the terms of a total union of the two Rhodesias as a single colony. Northern Rhodesian settlers were only prepared to join Southern Rhodesia if there were no other way to achieve minority rule.[73][74] When Northern Rhodesia's mining industry suffered a major downturn in the 1930s, its representatives pushed for amalgamation in January 1936 at Victoria Falls, but the Southern Rhodesian Labour Party who blocked it, because the British government objected to Southern Rhodesian policies of job reservation and segregation being applied in the north.[75]
Shortly after the Copperbelt strike of 1935 there was an election to the legislative council, in which all candidates supported investigating the
Federation implemented
The Bledisloe Commission reported in March 1939, and suggested that Africans could benefit socially and economically from European enterprise. However, it thought that two major changes would be necessary: firstly, to moderate Southern Rhodesian racial policies, and secondly, to give some form of representation of African interests in the legislatures of each territory.[77] The Commission considered the complete amalgamation of the three territories, and thought that it would be more difficult to plan future development in a looser federal union. It did not favour an alternative under which Southern Rhodesia would absorb the Copperbelt. Despite the almost unanimous African opposition to amalgamation with Southern Rhodesia, the Commission advocated it at some time in the future, However, a majority of Commission members ruled amalgamation out as an immediate possibility, because of African concerns and objections. This majority favoured an early union of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland into one unit which would co-operate economically with Southern Rhodesia as a possible first step to uniting all three territories later.[78][79][80] Northern Rhodesia's white population were severely disappointed, but the outbreak of the Second World War fundamentally changed the economic and political situation, as Northern Rhodesian copper became a vital resource in winning the war.
During the Second World War, co-operation between the three territories increased with a joint secretariat in 1941 and an advisory Central African Council in 1945, made up of the three Governors and one leading European politician from each territory. Post-war British governments were persuaded that closer association in Central Africa would cut costs, and they agreed to a federal solution, not the full amalgamation that the Southern Rhodesian government preferred. The first post-war Colonial Secretary from 1946 to 1950,
Opposition to Federation
In 1946, the Federation of African Welfare Societies was formed, uniting the Welfare Societies that had been set up by educated Africans in towns in the 1930s to discuss local affairs in English. In 1948 the Federation changed its name to the
Harry Nkumbula, a schoolteacher from Kitwe, had been given a scholarship to study in London, where he met Hastings Banda. The main African objections to the Federation were summed up in a joint memorandum prepared by Nkumbula for Northern Rhodesia and Banda for Nyasaland in 1950, shortly before Nkumbula returned to Northern Rhodesia. These objections were that political domination by the white minority of Southern Rhodesia would prevent greater African political participation, and that control by Southern Rhodesian politicians would lead to an extension of racial discrimination and segregation. Nkumbula returned to Northern Rhodesia in 1950 to fight against Federation and against Mbikusita Lewanika's leadership of Congress. His radicalism caused some chiefs and conservatives to withdraw their support from Congress, but the Northern Rhodesian African National Congress, as the party was renamed in 1951, was able to persuade the African Representative Council to recommend two of its members to be African-nominated members of the Legislative Council in 1951.[83] Shortly after its formation, the Federal government attempted to take control of African affairs from the British Colonial Office, proving the fears of Nkumbula and Banda were justified. It also scaled back the fairly modest British post-war proposals for African development.[84]
The Northern Rhodesian African National Congress had been a rather small, largely urban, party under
Imprisonment radicalised Kaunda, who intensified the campaign of economic boycotts and disobedience on his release, but it had the opposite effect on Nkumbula, who had already acted indecisively over the 1953 general strike. Nkumbula's leadership became increasingly autocratic and it was alleged he was using party funds for his own benefit. However, Kaunda continued to support Nkumbula even though in 1956 Nkumbula attempted to end the campaign against the colour bar. Kaunda's estrangement from Nkumbula grew when he spent six months in Britain working with the Labour party on
End of Federation and independence
After the defection of Kaunda and the radicals, Nkumbula decided that the Northern Rhodesian African National Congress would contest the Legislative Council elections to be held under the 1959 Order-in-Council in October 1959. To increase the chances of Congress, he entered into electoral pacts with white liberals. Kaunda and the Zambia African National Congress planned to boycott these elections, regarding the 1959 franchise as racially biased.[87] However, before the elections a State of emergency had been declared in Nyasaland and Banda and many of his followers had been detained without trial, following claims that they had planned the indiscriminate killing of Europeans and Asians, and of African opponents, the so-called "murder plot". Shortly afterwards, on 12 March 1959, the governor of Northern Rhodesia also declared a State of emergency there, arrested 45 Zambia African National Congress including Kaunda and banned the party. Kaunda later received a 19-month prison sentence for conspiracy, although no credible evidence of conspiracy was produced. The declaration of States of emergency in both Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland marked the end of attempts by their nationalist parties to work within the colonial system, and the start of a push for immediate and full independence.[88]
Although Nkumbula and his party won several seats in the October 1959 elections, he made little use of Kaunda's enforced absence and managed to alienate another section of the Northern Rhodesian African National Congress who, with former Zambia African National Congress members, formed the
Sir Roy Welensky, a Northern Rhodesian settler who was the Federal Prime Minister from November 1956 had convinced Alan Lennox-Boyd, Colonial Secretary from 1954 to 1959, to support Federation and to agree that the pace of African advancement would be gradual. This remained the view of the British cabinet under Harold Macmillan until after the declaration of the States of emergency, when it decided to set up a Royal Commission on the future of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland to be held in 1960. This became the Monckton Commission, which concluded that the Federation could not be maintained except by force or through massive changes in racial legislation. It advocated a majority of African members in the Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesian legislatures and giving these territories the option to leave the Federation after five years.[91][92]
Iain Macleod replaced Lennox-Boyd as Colonial Secretary in October 1959: he soon released Banda and negotiated a constitution for responsible government for Nyasaland with him, to follow elections in 1961 that would lead to an African majority on the Legislative Council. However, Macleod was more cautious on political change in Northern Rhodesia. A plan for a Legislative Council with an African majority (16 African members to 14 Europeans) was strongly opposed by Welensky, and under pressure from cabinet colleagues, Macleod accepted Welensky's proposal for a council of 45 members, 15 of whom would be elected by a largely African electoral roll, 15 by a largely European roll, 14 by both rolls jointly and 1 by Asians. As well as greatly inflating the value of votes on the largely European roll, there was a further requirement in the 14 so-called "national" constituencies that successful candidates had to gain at least 10% of the African votes and 10% of the European ones. This complicated franchise, which also required voters to have a relatively high income, was used in elections of October 1962. In this, Kaunda's United National Independence Party gained only 14 seats with around 60% of the valid votes; the mainly European Federal party gained 16 seats with 17% of votes, and Nkumbula's Congress held the balance of power with 7 seats: only 37 of the 45 seats were filled, as in many of the "national" constituencies, no party gained 10% of both African and European votes.[93][94]
Although Congress had arranged before the election with the Federal party that their voters would vote for the other's candidates in some "national" constituencies, Nkumbula agreed to work in a coalition which had Kaunda as Prime Minister, and the two and their parties worked in reasonable harmony until a pre-independence election on 1964 where, with a much wider franchise, the United National Independence Party gained 55 of the 75 parliamentary seats. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was formally dissolved on 31 December 1963, and the country became the independent Republic of Zambia on 24 October 1964, with Kaunda as President.[95][96]
Year | Population | |||
Natives | Europeans | Coloured | Asiatic | |
1911 | 826,000 | 1,497 | ||
1923 | 1,000,000 | 3,750 | ||
1925 | 1,140,642 | 4,624 | ||
1931 | 1,372,235 | 13,846 | ||
1932 | 1,382,705 | 10,553 | ||
1933 | 1,371,213 | 11,278 | ||
1935 | 1,366,425 | 10,000 | ||
1940 | 1,366,641 | 15,188 | ||
1943 | – | 18,745 | ||
1945 | 1,631,146 | 21,371 | ||
1946 | 1,634,980 | 21,919 | ||
1951 | 1,700,577 | 37,221 | 1,092 | 2,529 |
1954 | 2,040,000 | 60,000 | 1,400 | 4,600 |
1956 | 2,110,000 | 64,800 | 1,550 | 5,400 |
1960 | 2,340,000 | 76,000 | 2,000 | 8,000 |
1961 | 2,430,000 | 75,000 | 1,900 | 7,900 |
1963 | 3,460,000 | 74,000 | 2,300 | 8,900 |
Source: Whitaker's Almanack
Postage stamps
The British government issued postage stamps for Northern Rhodesia from 1925 to 1963. See
1964 Olympics
Northern Rhodesia is the only country to have changed its name and flag between the opening and closing ceremonies of an Olympic Games. The country entered the 1964 Summer Olympics as Northern Rhodesia, and left in the closing ceremony as Zambia on 24 October, the day independence was formally declared.
See also
- ^ Although a protectorate, its official name was simply Northern Rhodesia.
- ^ SR&O 1911/438)
- ^ Barotziland-North-Western Rhodesia Order in Council, 1899, S.E.O. 1901 No. 567 (as amended, S.R.O. Rev. 1904, V.)
- SR&O 1900/89)
- ^ a b Commonwealth and Colonial Law by Kenneth Roberts-Wray, London, Stevens, 1966. P. 753
- ^ SR&O 1924/324), S.R.O. & S.I. Rev VIII, 154
- ^ Zambia Independence Act 1964 (c. 65)
- ^ "Merriam-Webster online dictionary". Archived from the original on 21 April 2009. Retrieved 25 October 2005.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), pp. 87, 202–203.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), pp. 101–103.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), pp. 211–215, 217–219.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), p. 222.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), pp. 103–104.
- ^ NRZAM website: Alfred Sharpe's Travels in the Northern Province and Katanga. Archived 30 October 2020 at the Wayback Machine The Northern Rhodesia Journal. Vol III, No.3 (1957) pp. 210–219.
- ^ David Gordon, (2000). Decentralized Despots or Contingent Chiefs: Comparing Colonial Chiefs in Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. KwaZulu-Natal History and African Studies Seminar, University of Natal, Durban.
- ^ a b Government of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), (1964). White Paper on British South Africa Company's claims to Mineral Royalties, pp. 1135, 1138.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), pp. 222–223.
- ^ Teresa Pinto Coelho, (2006). Lord Salisbury's 1890 Ultimatum to Portugal and Anglo-Portuguese Relations, pp. 6–7.
- ^ Brownlie (1979), pp. 706–713.
- ^ J G Pike, (1969). Malawi: A Political and Economic History, pp. 86–7.
- ^ Brownlie (1979), p. 1306.
- ^ Galbraith (1974), p. 223.
- ^ Keppel-Jones (1983), pp. 133–136.
- ^ Burnham, Frederick Russell (1899). "Northern Rhodesia". In Wills, Walter H. (ed.). . Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. pp. 177–180.
- ^ Gann, L.H. (1960). "History of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1889–1953". Handbook to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal Information Department. pp. 62, 74.
- ^ a b G. D. Clough, (1924). The Constitutional Changes in Northern Rhodesia and Matters Incidental to the Transition, Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, Third Series, Vol. 6, No. 4 pp. 279–80.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), p. 26.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 40–41, 45, 75–76.
- ^ L H Gann, (1958). The Birth of a Plural Society: The Development of Northern Rhodesia under the British South Africa Company, 1894–1914, pp. 67, 74–5, 106–7.
- ^ J G Pike, (1969). Malawi: A Political and Economic History, pp. 87, 90–2.
- ^ J Lunn, (1992). The Political Economy of Primary Railway Construction in the Rhodesias, 1890–1911, The Journal of African History, Vol. 33, No. 2 pp. 239, 244.
- ^ S Katzenellenbogen, (1974). Zambia and Rhodesia: Prisoners of the Past: A Note on the History of Railway Politics in Central Africa, African Affairs, Vol. 73, No. 290, pp. 63–4.
- ^ S Katzenellenbogen, (1974). Zambia and Rhodesia: Prisoners of the Past: A Note on the History of Railway Politics in Central Africa, pp. 65–6.
- ^ P Slinn, (1971). Commercial Concessions and Politics during the Colonial Period: The Role of the British South Africa Company in Northern Rhodesia 1890–1964, p. 369.
- ^ Baxter, T.W.; E.E. Burke (1970). Guide to the Historical Manuscripts in the National Archives of Rhodesia. p. 67.
- OCLC 407686.
- ISBN 978-1-85109-441-7.
- ^ S Cunningham, (1981). The Copper Industry in Zambia: Foreign Mining Companies in a Developing Country, pp. 57–8.
- ^ R W Steel, (1957) The Copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia, pp. 83–4.
- ^ A D Roberts. (1982). Notes towards a Financial History of Copper Mining in Northern Rhodesia, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol.16, No. 2, p. 348.
- ^ S Cunningham, (1981). The Copper Industry in Zambia: Foreign Mining Companies in a Developing Country, Praeger, pp. 61, 68, 118.
- ^ A D Roberts. (1982). Notes towards a Financial History of Copper Mining in Northern Rhodesia, pp. 348–9.
- ^ S Cunningham, (1981). The Copper Industry in Zambia: Foreign Mining Companies in a Developing Country, pp. 53–5
- ^ A D Roberts. (1982). Notes towards a Financial History of Copper Mining in Northern Rhodesia, pp. 349–50.
- ^ S Cunningham, (1981). The Copper Industry in Zambia: Foreign Mining Companies in a Developing Country, pp. 57–8, 81.
- ^ G. D. Clough, (1924). The Constitutional Changes in Northern Rhodesia and Matters Incidental to the Transition, p. 279.
- ^ Davison, J.W. (1948). The Northern Rhodesian Legislative Council. London. pp. 23–24.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) - ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 109–110, 199.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 206, 208.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), p. 234.
- ^ Clegg, Edward (1960). Race and Politics:Partnership in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 269–270.
- ^ G. D. Clough, (1924). The Constitutional Changes in Northern Rhodesia and Matters Incidental to the Transition, pp. 279–80.
- ^ "No. 35097". The London Gazette. 7 March 1941. p. 1364.
- ^ "No. 37457". The London Gazette. 5 February 1946. p. 818.
- ^ "No. 39391". The London Gazette. 23 November 1951. p. 6120.
- ^ "No. 39417". The London Gazette. 25 December 1951. p. 6707.
- ^ B. Malinowski, (1929). Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa, p. 317.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 47–50.
- ^ H. I Wetherell, (1979) Settler Expansionism in Central Africa: The Imperial Response of 1931 and Subsequent Implications, pp. 218, 225.
- ^ B Raftopoulos and A S Mlambo, editors (2009) Becoming Zimbabwe: A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008, p. 87.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 199, 207.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 37–38.
- ^ Memorandum by the Colonial Secretary on Rhodesia, 19 April 1923. Archived 22 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ G. D. Clough, (1924). The Constitutional Changes in Northern Rhodesia and Matters Incidental to the Transition, Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, Third Series, Vol. 6, No. 4 p. 281.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 56–60, 124–126, 136–139.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 45, 75–76.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 51, 165–166.
- ^ Jenkins, E.E. (1937). Report of an Inquiry into the Causes of a Disturbance at Nkana on the 4th and 5 November 1937. Lusaka: Government Printer.
- ^ Report of the Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Disturbances in the Copperbelt, Northern Rhodesia, July 1940. Lusaka: Government Printer.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 169, 171–173, 176.
- ISBN 978-1-77922-083-7.
- ^ H. I Wetherell, (1979) Settler Expansionism in Central Africa: The Imperial Response of 1931 and Subsequent Implications, African Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 311, pp. 214–6, 225.
- ^ H. I Wetherell, (1979) Settler Expansionism in Central Africa: The Imperial Response of 1931 and Subsequent Implications, pp. 216–7.
- ^ C Leys and C Pratt, (1960) A New Deal in Central Africa, Praeger, pp.4–5.
- ^ H. I Wetherell, (1979) Settler Expansionism in Central Africa: The Imperial Response of 1931 and Subsequent Implications, pp. 215–6.
- ^ C Leys and C Pratt, (1960) A New Deal in Central Africa, p. 9.
- ^ C Leys and C Pratt, (1960) A New Deal in Central Africa, pp. 9–10.
- ISBN 978-0-7190-0634-0.
- ^ M Chanock, (1977). Unconsummated union: Britain, Rhodesia and South Africa, 1900–45, p. 230.
- ^ H. I Wetherell, (1979) Settler Expansionism in Central Africa: The Imperial Response of 1931 and Subsequent Implications, p. 223.
- ^ B Raftopoulos and A S Mlambo, editors (2009) Becoming Zimbabwe: A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008, pp. 87–8.
- ISBN 978-0-7100-8080-6.
- ISBN 978-9966-25-358-3
- ^ a b Rotberg (1965), pp. 226, 229–234, 269–270.
- ISBN 99908-87-75-6
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 239, 249–251, 262–263.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 278, 285, 289–291.
- ^ A Roberts, (1976).A History of Zambia, Africana Publishing Company, p. 220.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 297, 299–301.
- ^ B Raftopoulos and A S Mlambo, editors (2009) Becoming Zimbabwe: A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008, African Books Collective, p. 92.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 301, 307–310.
- ISBN 0-394-48068-6.
- ISBN 978-0-11-290586-8
- ^ P Murray, (2005). British Documents on the End of Empire: Central Africa, pp.lxxxi-iv.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 311–312, 315.
- ^ Rotberg (1965), pp. 315–316.
- ^ A Roberts, (1976).A History of Zambia, pp. 221–3.
- Brownlie, I. (1979). African Boundaries: A Legal and Diplomatic Encyclopaedia. Hurst & Co. ISBN 978-0-903983-87-7.
- Galbraith, J. S. (1974). Crown and Charter: The Early Years of the British South Africa Company. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-02693-3.
- Keppel-Jones, A. (1983). Rhodes and Rhodesia: The White Conquest of Zimbabwe 1884–1902. McGill-Queen's Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-6103-8.
- Rotberg, R. I. (1965). "The Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa: The Making of Malawi and Zambia, 1873–1964". Journal of the International African Institute. 2 (3). Cambridge (Mass): Harvard University Press.
- Tindall, P. E. N. (1968) [UK edition 1967]. A History of Central Africa. New York; Washington, D.C.: Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers. OCLC 441027.
External links
- Hillier, Alfred Peter; Cana, Frank Richardson (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 23 (11th ed.). pp. 1004–1008. .
- The Great North Road, Northern Rhodesians worldwide
- Northern Rhodesia and Zambia, photographs and information from the 1950s and 1960s
- A Brief Guide to Northern Rhodesia