Peace of Pressburg (1805)

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Contemporary print advertising the Peace of Pressburg
Interview Between Napoleon and Francis II after the Battle of Austerlitz by Antoine-Jean Gros, 1812. The two Emperors agreed to an armistice that led on to the fuller negotiations at Pressburg.

The Peace of Pressburg

Napoleon Bonaparte and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, as a consequence of the French victory over the Russians and Austrians at the Battle of Austerlitz (2 December). A truce was agreed on 4 December, and negotiations for the treaty began. The treaty was signed by Johann I Joseph, Prince of Liechtenstein, and the Hungarian Count Ignác Gyulay for the Austrian Empire and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand for France

Beyond the clauses establishing "peace and amity" and the Austrian withdrawal from the

Duchy of Würzburg, created from territories of the former prince-bishopric

The Primate's Palace, where the Peace of Pressburg was signed

Francis II also recognized the kingly titles assumed by the Electors of Bavaria and Württemberg, which foreshadowed the end of the Holy Roman Empire. Within months of the signing of the treaty and after a new entity, the Confederation of the Rhine, had been created by Napoleon, Francis II renounced his title as Holy Roman Emperor. An indemnity of 40 million francs to France was also provided for in the treaty.[1]

Some remaining territorial issues, including the effective establishment of the new border along the

Isonzo river, were finally resolved by the Treaty of Fontainebleau (October 10, 1807).[2]


  1. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Pressburg; German: Preßburger Frieden; French: Traité de Presbourg


  1. .
  2. ^ Siemann 2019, p. 225-226.
