Philotheus of Pskov

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Philotheus (or Filofei;

Moscow - Third Rome prophecy, details of which are very scarce. He is popularly known as the presumed author of the concept of Moscow as the Third Rome; Philotheus set out this thesis in his letters[1] to the priest Mikhail Grigorievich Misyur-Munekhin [ru] and to Grand Duke Vasily III

In reality, these letters are mainly devoted to other issues, mostly talking about Church issues, and only refer to Moscow or

Latin heretics, and second to the Muslim heathens, with Moscow remaining its sole bastion. Philotheus prophecy could then best construed that the Muscovy (or Russia
in general) will stand as far as it remains true to the Orthodox faith.

His alleged authorship of the essays On the Grievances of the Church to

property rights of the church.[2]

In August 2009, it was reported that archaeologists had discovered a grave in Pskov, allegedly belonging to Philotheus.[3]


  1. ^ Филофей. «ПОСЛАНИЕ О ЗЛЫХЪ ДНЕХЪ И ЧАСѢХЪ», «ПОСЛАНИЕ К ВЕЛИКОМУ КНЯЗЮ ВАСИЛИЮ, В НЕМЪЖЕ О ИСПРАВЛЕНИИ КРЕСТНАГО ЗНАМЕНИЯ И О СОДОМСКОМ БЛУДѢ» Archived 2013-06-16 at the Wayback Machine // Библиотека литературы Древней Руси / РАН. ИРЛИ; Под ред. Д. С. Лихачева, Л. А. Дмитриева, А. А. Алексеева, Н. В. Понырко. — СПб.: Наука, 2000. — Т. 9: Конец XIV — первая половина XVI века. — 566 с.
  2. ^ Тимошина Е. В. Теория «Третьего Рима» в сочинениях «Филофеева цикла» // Правоведение. — 2005. — № 4. — С. 189.
  3. ^ Псковские археологи обнаружили могилу, предположительно принадлежащую старцу Филофею, автору концепции «Москва — третий Рим»