Plastic arts

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Plastic arts are

art forms which involve physical manipulation of a plastic medium by molding or modeling such as sculpture or ceramics. The term is also used to refer to the visual arts (such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, architecture, film and photography), rather than literature and music.[1] Materials for use in the plastic arts, in the narrower definition, include those that can be carved or shaped, such as stone or wood, concrete, glass, or metal

"Plastic art" should not be confused with the art described by Neoplasticism. Piet Mondrian wrote an essay in 1937 entitled "Plastic Art and Pure Plastic Art (Figurative Art and Non-Figurative Art) ", published in the book CIRCLE. In this essay, as the title implies, "plastic art" is described as "figurative" and "objective"; whereas "pure plastic art" is "non-figurative" and "subjective".[2]


The word "plastic" draws from the Greek word "plasticos," which means "to mold" or "to shape." It has long preceded its dominant modern meaning as a synthetic material. The term "plastic arts" has been used historically to denote visual art forms (painting, sculpture, and ceramics) as opposed to literature or music. The related terms plasticity and plasticism became more widely used in the early 20th century by critics discussing modern painting, particularly the works of Paul Cézanne.[3]

The oldest known "plastic art" dates back to 30,000–34,000

BP. [4]


In contrast to the limiting of 'plastic arts' to sculpture and architecture by Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling in 1807,[5] the German critic August Wilhelm Schlegel (1767–1845) applied the concept not only to visual arts, but also poetry.

Classical poetry lines he saw utilizing plastic isolation, and rhyme falling under the Romantic (domain).[6]

In Schlegel's Viennese lectures (1809–1811), published in 1827 as On the Theory and History of the Plastic Arts, he contrasted the plasticism of Classical Art with picturesque Romanticism. He

operated with the antinomy of terms plastic/pictorial, mechanically/ organically, finite/ infinite, and closed/accomplished. Schlegel stated that the spirit of the entire antique culture and poetry was plastic and that the spirit of modern culture, however, was picturesque (pittoresk)[7]

These distinctions were carried over into Russian Romanticism aesthetics

Venevitinov objected to the indiscriminate use of the term 'pictures'. In his use of August Schlegel's term 'plastic' (plastisch, plastika) he argues for a return to the simple, primitive, enclosed, defined, limited, finite, corporeal, and plastic world of the ancients. There seem to have been two interpretations of the plastic - picturesque contrast (antitheses) in Romantic Idealist philosophy. As Venevitinov uses the contrast, and as August Schlegel intended it to be used when he defined it in Lecture I of Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur, it denoted the difference between the corporeal mind of the man of antiquity and the 'picturesque' mind of modern man. Ancient art appeals directly to the senses, modern art gives rise to mental pictures or images. The former is therefore real and corporeal, the latter ideal.[8]


  • Saytour Torchons Nîmes
    Saytour Torchons Nîmes
  • Sarabande Musée des Tissus Lyon 2007-2008
    Sarabande Musée des Tissus Lyon 2007-2008
  • Milton Becerra Ale'ya Durban Segnini Gallery Miami 2009.
  • La Ferté Bernard Festival Artec 2010
    La Ferté Bernard Festival Artec 2010
  • Bois de Belle Rivière Québec 2010
    Bois de Belle Rivière
  • MasterCard/Visa (If it wasn't for plastic money I wouldn't have any money at all) Tyler Turkle, 2006, Poured Acrylic, 54 × 43 inches
    MasterCard/Visa (If it wasn't for plastic money I wouldn't have any money at all) Tyler Turkle, 2006, Poured Acrylic, 54 × 43 inches

See also

  • Art materials
     – Materials and tools used to create a work of art
  • Handicraft – Item production made completely by hand or with simple tools
  • Media (arts)
     – Materials and tools used to create a work of art
  • Plastic in art – Use of synthetic materials to create art
  • Visual arts – Art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature


  1. ^ "Merriam-Webster Online (entry for "plastic arts")". Retrieved 2011-10-30.
  2. . Retrieved 13 April 2024.
  3. .
  4. . Apart from rock art, whether engraved, drawn, or painted, there also exist some examples of early sculptures and plastic art (30,000–34,000 bp )

Further reading

External links