
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

5.333 ± 0.08 – 2.58 ± 0.04 Ma
Stratigraphic unitSeries
Time span formalityFormal
Lower boundary definitionBase of the Thvera magnetic event (C3n.4n), which is only 96 ka (5 precession cycles) younger than the GSSP
Lower boundary GSSPHeraclea Minoa section, Heraclea Minoa, Cattolica Eraclea, Sicily, Italy
37°23′30″N 13°16′50″E / 37.3917°N 13.2806°E / 37.3917; 13.2806
Lower GSSP ratified2000[4]
Upper boundary definition
Upper boundary GSSPMonte San Nicola Section, Gela, Sicily, Italy
37°08′49″N 14°12′13″E / 37.1469°N 14.2035°E / 37.1469; 14.2035
Upper GSSP ratified2009 (as base of Quaternary and Pleistocene)[5]

The Pliocene (

epoch in the geologic time scale that extends from 5.33 to 2.58[9] million years ago (Ma). It is the second and most recent epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch. Prior to the 2009 revision of the geologic time scale, which placed the four most recent major glaciations entirely within the Pleistocene, the Pliocene also included the Gelasian Stage, which lasted from 2.59 to 1.81 Ma, and is now included in the Pleistocene.[10]

As with other older geologic periods, the geological strata that define the start and end are well-identified but the exact dates of the start and end of the epoch are slightly uncertain. The boundaries defining the Pliocene are not set at an easily identified worldwide event but rather at regional boundaries between the warmer Miocene and the relatively cooler Pleistocene. The upper boundary was set at the start of the Pleistocene glaciations.


Charles Lyell (later Sir Charles) gave the Pliocene its name in Principles of Geology (volume 3, 1833).[11]

The word pliocene comes from the Greek words πλεῖον (pleion, "more") and καινός (kainos, "new" or "recent")



Some schemes for subdivisions of the Pliocene

In the official timescale of the ICS, the Pliocene is subdivided into two stages. From youngest to oldest they are:

The Piacenzian is sometimes referred to as the Late Pliocene, whereas the Zanclean is referred to as the Early Pliocene.

In the system of

In the Paratethys area (central Europe and parts of western Asia) the Pliocene contains the Dacian (roughly equal to the Zanclean) and Romanian (roughly equal to the Piacenzian and Gelasian together) stages. As usual in stratigraphy, there are many other regional and local subdivisions in use.


Praetiglian, Tiglian A, Tiglian B, Tiglian C1-4b, Tiglian C4c, Tiglian C5, Tiglian C6 and Eburonian. The exact correlations between these local stages and the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) stages is not established.[18]


Mid-Pliocene reconstructed annual sea surface temperature anomaly

During the Pliocene epoch (5.3 to 2.6 million years ago (Ma)), the Earth's climate became cooler and drier, as well as more seasonal, marking a transition between the relatively warm Miocene to the cooler Pleistocene.[19] However, the beginning of the Pliocene was marked by an increase in global temperatures relative to the cooler Messinian. This increase was related to the 1.2 million year obliquity amplitude modulation cycle.[20] By 3.3-3.0 Ma, during the Mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (mPWP), global average temperature was 2–3 °C higher than today,[21] while carbon dioxide levels were the same as today (400 ppm).[22] Global sea level was about 25 m higher,[23] though its exact value is uncertain.[24][25] The northern hemisphere ice sheet was ephemeral before the onset of extensive glaciation over Greenland that occurred in the late Pliocene around 3 Ma.[26] The formation of an Arctic

North Pacific Ocean beds.[27] Mid-latitude glaciation was probably underway before the end of the epoch. The global cooling that occurred during the Pliocene may have accelerated on the disappearance of forests and the spread of grasslands and savannas.[28]

During the Pliocene the earth climate system response shifted from a period of high frequency-low amplitude oscillation dominated by the 41,000-year period of Earth's obliquity to one of low-frequency, high-amplitude oscillation dominated by the 100,000-year period of the orbital eccentricity characteristic of the Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles.[29]

During the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, 3.6 to 2.6 Ma, the Arctic was much warmer than it is at the present day (with summer temperatures some 8 °C warmer than today). That is a key finding of research into a lake-sediment core obtained in Eastern Siberia, which is of exceptional importance because it has provided the longest continuous late Cenozoic land-based sedimentary record thus far.[30]

During the late Zanclean, Italy remained relatively warm and humid.[31] Central Asia became more seasonal during the Pliocene, with colder, drier winters and wetter summers, which contributed to an increase in the abundance of C4 plants across the region.[32] In the Loess Plateau, δ13C values of occluded organic matter increased by 2.5% while those of pedogenic carbonate increased by 5% over the course of the Late Miocene and Pliocene, indicating increased aridification.[33] Further aridification of Central Asia was caused by the development of Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the Late Pliocene.[34] A sediment core from the northern South China Sea shows an increase in dust storm activity during the middle Pliocene.[35] The South Asian Summer Monsoon (SASM) increased in intensity after 2.95 Ma, likely because of enhanced cross-equatorial pressure caused by the reorganisation of the Indonesian Throughflow.[36]

In the south-central Andes, an arid period occurred from 6.1 to 5.2 Ma, with another occurring from 3.6 to 3.3 Ma. These arid periods are coincident with global cold periods, during which the position of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies shifted northward and disrupted the South American Low Level Jet, which brings moisture to southeastern South America.[37]

From around 3.8 Ma to about 3.3 Ma, North Africa experienced an extended humid period.[38] In northwestern Africa, tropical forests extended up to Cape Blanc during the Zanclean until around 3.5 Ma. During the Piacenzian, from about 3.5 to 2.6 Ma, the region was forested at irregular intervals and contained a significant Saharan palaeoriver until 3.35 Ma, when trade winds began to dominate over fluvial transport of pollen. Around 3.26 Ma, a strong aridification event that was followed by a return to more humid conditions, which was itself followed by another aridification around 2.7 Ma. From 2.6 to 2.4 Ma, vegetation zones began repeatedly shifting latitudinally in response to glacial-interglacial cycles.[39]

The climate of eastern Africa was very similar to what it is today. Unexpectedly, the expansion of grasslands in eastern Africa during this epoch appears to have been decoupled from aridification and not caused by it, as evidenced by their asynchrony.[40]

Southwestern Australia hosted

heathlands, shrublands, and woodlands with a greater species diversity compared to today during the Middle and Late Pliocene. Three different aridification events occurred around 2.90, 2.59, and 2.56 Ma, and may have been linked to the onset of continental glaciation in the Arctic, suggesting that vegetation changes in Australia during the Pliocene behaved similarly to during the Late Pleistocene and were likely characterised by comparable cycles of aridity and humidity.[41]

The equatorial Pacific Ocean

El Niño state, or “El Padre.”[42] Several mechanisms have been proposed for this pattern, including increased tropical cyclone activity.[43]

The extent of the

kyr period of Earth's obliquity. Ice sheet collapse occurred when the global average temperature was 3 °C warmer than today and carbon dioxide concentration was at 400 ppmv. This resulted in open waters in the Ross Sea.[44] Global sea-level fluctuation associated with ice-sheet collapse was probably up to 7 meters for the west Antarctic and 3 meters for the east Antarctic. Model simulations are consistent with reconstructed ice-sheet oscillations and suggest a progression from a smaller to a larger West Antarctic ice sheet in the last 5 million years. Intervals of ice sheet collapse were much more common in the early-mid Pliocene (5 Ma – 3 Ma), after three-million-year intervals with modern or glacial ice volume became longer and collapse occurs only at times when warmer global temperature coincide with strong austral summer insolation anomalies.[45]


Examples of migrant species in the Americas after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. Olive green silhouettes denote North American species with South American ancestors; blue silhouettes denote South American species of North American origin.

Continents continued to

native ungulate fauna,[46] though other South American lineages like its predatory mammals were already extinct by this point and others like xenarthrans continued to do well afterwards. The formation of the Isthmus had major consequences on global temperatures, since warm equatorial ocean currents were cut off and an Atlantic cooling cycle began, with cold Arctic and Antarctic waters decreasing temperatures in the now-separated Atlantic Ocean.[47]

Africa's collision with Europe formed the Mediterranean Sea, cutting off the remnants of the Tethys Ocean. The border between the Miocene and the Pliocene is also the time of the Messinian salinity crisis.[48][49]

During the Late Pliocene, the Himalayas became less active in their uplift, as evidenced by sedimentation changes in the Bengal Fan.[50]

The land bridge between Alaska and Siberia (Beringia) was first flooded near the start of the Pliocene, allowing marine organisms to spread between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. The bridge would continue to be periodically flooded and restored thereafter.[51]

Pliocene marine formations are exposed in northeast Spain,[52] southern California,[53] New Zealand,[54] and Italy.[55]

During the Pliocene parts of southern Norway and southern Sweden that had been near sea level rose. In Norway this rise elevated the Hardangervidda plateau to 1200 m in the Early Pliocene.[56] In Southern Sweden similar movements elevated the South Swedish highlands leading to a deflection of the ancient Eridanos river from its original path across south-central Sweden into a course south of Sweden.[57]

Environment and evolution of human ancestors

The Pliocene is bookended by two significant events in the evolution of human ancestors. The first is the appearance of the

modern humans and their closest extinct relatives, near the end of the Pliocene at 2.6 million years ago.[61] Key traits that evolved among hominins during the Pliocene include terrestrial bipedality and, by the end of the Pliocene, encephalized brains (brains with a large neocortex relative to body mass[62][a] and stone tool manufacture.[63]

Improvements in

Sherwood L. Washburn, emphasized an intrinsic model of hominin evolution. According to this model, early evolutionary developments triggered later developments. The model placed little emphasis on the surrounding environment.[66] Anthropologists tended to focus on intrinsic models while geologists and vertebrate paleontologists tended to put greater emphasis on habitats.[67]

Alternatives to the savanna hypothesis include the woodland/forest hypothesis, which emphasizes the evolution of hominins in closed habitats, or hypotheses emphasizing the influence of colder habitats at higher latitudes or the influence of seasonal variation. More recent research has emphasized the variability selection hypothesis, which proposes that variability in climate fostered development of hominin traits.[63] Improved climate proxies show that the Pliocene climate of east Africa was highly variable, suggesting that adaptability to varying conditions was more important in driving hominin evolution than the steady pressure of a particular habitat.[62]


The change to a cooler, drier, more seasonal climate had considerable impacts on Pliocene vegetation, reducing tropical species worldwide.

deserts appeared in Asia and Africa.[69][failed verification


Both marine and continental faunas were essentially modern, although continental faunas were a bit more primitive than today.

The land mass collisions meant great migration and mixing of previously isolated species, such as in the

got bigger, as did specialized predators.


Nineteenth-century artist's impression of a Pliocene landscape

In North America,

carnivores including the weasel family diversified, and dogs and short-faced bears did well. Ground sloths, huge glyptodonts, and armadillos came north with the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. The latitudinal diversity gradient among terrestrial North American mammals became established during this epoch some time after 4 Ma.[70]


saber-toothed cats
appeared, joining other predators including dogs, bears, and weasels.

Human evolution during the Pliocene
Homo (genus)AustralopithecusArdipithecusParanthropusParanthropus robustusParanthropus boiseiParanthropus aethiopicusHomo erectusHomo habilisAustralopithecus garhiAustralopithecus africanusAustralopithecus bahrelghazaliAustralopithecus afarensisAustralopithecus anamensis

Africa was dominated by hoofed animals, and primates continued their evolution, with australopithecines (some of the first hominins) and baboon-like monkeys such as the Dinopithecus appearing in the late Pliocene. Rodents were successful, and elephant populations increased. Cows and antelopes continued diversification and overtook pigs in numbers of species. Early giraffes appeared. Horses and modern rhinos came onto the scene. Bears, dogs and weasels (originally from North America) joined cats, hyenas and civets as the African predators, forcing hyenas to adapt as specialized scavengers. Most mustelids in Africa declined as a result of increased competition from the new predators, although Enhydriodon omoensis remained an unusually successful terrestrial predator.

South America was invaded by North American species for the first time since the

did the opposite, migrating to the north and thriving there.


dasyurids, the dog-like thylacine and cat-like Thylacoleo. The first rodents arrived in Australia. The modern platypus, a monotreme
, appeared.



The predatory South American

Struthio and Corvus
), some now extinct.

Reptiles and amphibians

Alligator mississippiensis, having evolved in the Miocene, continued into the Pliocene, except with a more northern range; specimens have been found in very late Miocene deposits of Tennessee. Giant tortoises still thrived in North America, with genera like Hesperotestudo. Madtsoid snakes were still present in Australia. The amphibian order Allocaudata
became extinct.


In the Western Atlantic, assemblages of bivalves exhibited remarkable stasis with regards to their basal metabolic rates throughout the various climatic changes of the Pliocene.[73]


The Pliocene was a high water mark for species diversity among Caribbean corals. From 5 to 2 Ma, coral species origination rates were relatively high in the Caribbean, although a noticeable extinction event and drop in diversity occurred at the end of this interval.[74]


Oceans continued to be relatively warm during the Pliocene, though they continued cooling. The Arctic ice cap formed, drying the climate and increasing cool shallow currents in the North Atlantic. Deep cold currents flowed from the Antarctic.

The formation of the Isthmus of Panama about 3.5 million years ago[75] cut off the final remnant of what was once essentially a circum-equatorial current that had existed since the Cretaceous and the early Cenozoic. This may have contributed to further cooling of the oceans worldwide.

The Pliocene seas were alive with sea cows, seals, sea lions, sharks and whales.

See also


  1. ^ Because of the 2009 reassignment of the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary from 1.8 to 2.6 million years ago, older papers on Pliocene hominin evolution sometimes include events that would now be regarded as taking place in the early Pleistocene.


  1. .
  2. . Retrieved 11 February 2008.
  3. ^ "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" (PDF). International Commission on Stratigraphy. September 2023. Retrieved 16 December 2024.
  4. ^ .
  5. . Retrieved 8 December 2020.
  6. ^ "Pliocene". Dictionary. Merriam-Webster.
  7. ^ "Pliocene". Unabridged (Online). n.d.
  8. ^ "Pleiocene". Unabridged (Online). n.d.
  9. ^ See the 2014 version of the ICS geologic time scale Archived 2014-05-30 at the Wayback Machine
  10. .
  11. ^ See:
  12. ^ "Pliocene". Online Etymology Dictionary.
  13. .
  14. .
  15. ^ Hulbert, Richard C. Jr. (2 August 2016). "Hemphillian North American Land Mammal Age". Fossil Species of Florida. Florida Museum. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  16. ^ Hulbert, Richard C. Jr. (2 August 2016). "Blancan North American Land Mammal Age". Fossil Species of Florida. Florida Museum. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  17. .
  18. .
  19. .
  20. . Retrieved 24 November 2022.
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  22. ^ "Solutions: Responding to Climate Change". Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  23. S2CID 3199617
  24. . Retrieved 20 July 2024 – via Elsevier Science Direct.
  25. . Retrieved 20 July 2024 – via Elsevier Science Direct.
  26. .
  27. ^ Van Andel (1994), p. 226.
  28. ^ "The Pliocene epoch". University of California Museum of Paleontology. Retrieved 25 March 2008.
  29. (PDF) on 22 October 2011.
  30. ^ Mason, John. "The last time carbon dioxide concentrations were around 400ppm: a snapshot from Arctic Siberia". Skeptical Science. Retrieved 30 January 2014.
  31. . Retrieved 30 October 2024 – via Elsevier Science Direct.
  32. . Retrieved 1 January 2023.
  33. . Retrieved 1 January 2023.
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  35. . Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  36. . Retrieved 30 October 2024 – via Elsevier Science Direct.
  37. .
  38. . Retrieved 30 October 2024.
  39. . Retrieved 31 December 2022.
  40. .
  41. . Retrieved 31 December 2022.
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  47. .
  48. ^ Gautier, F., Clauzon, G., Suc, J.P., Cravatte, J., Violanti, D., 1994. Age and duration of the Messinian salinity crisis. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris (IIA) 318, 1103–1109.
  49. .
  50. . Retrieved 6 July 2023.
  51. . Retrieved 6 July 2023.
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  53. ^ Deméré, Thomas A. (1983). "The Neogene San Diego basin: a review of the marine Pliocene San Diego formation". Cenozoic Marine Sedimentation, Pacific Margin. Pacific Section,m Society for Sedimentary Geology. pp. 187–195. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  54. . Retrieved 6 July 2023.
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  58. ^ Rozé, Simon (28 August 2019). "Le plus vieux crâne fossile d'australopithèque a été découvert en Éthiopie". RFI (in French). Retrieved 18 February 2023.
  59. PMID 20855306
  60. ^ Lewis, Barry; et al. (2013). Understanding Humans: Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  61. ^ Stringer CB (1994). "Evolution of early humans". In Jones S, Martin R, Pilbeam D (eds.). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 242.
  62. ^
  63. ^ .
  64. .
  65. ^ Dart, R (1953). "The predatory transition from ape to man". Int. Anthrop. Ling. Rev. 1: 201–218.
  66. PMID 13843002
  67. ^ Potts 1999, pp. 106–108.
  68. PMID 27274042
  69. .
  70. .
  71. . Retrieved 23 August 2022.
  72. . Retrieved 6 November 2024.
  73. .
  74. . Retrieved 10 May 2023.
  75. .

Further reading