
Polyploidy is a condition in which the
Polyploidy is the result of whole-genome duplication during the evolution of species. It may occur due to abnormal cell division, either during mitosis, or more commonly from the failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis or from the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm.[1] In addition, it can be induced in plants and cell cultures by some chemicals: the best known is colchicine, which can result in chromosome doubling, though its use may have other less obvious consequences as well. Oryzalin will also double the existing chromosome content.
Polyploidization can be a mechanism of
On the other hand, polyploidization can also be a mechanism for a kind of 'reverse speciation',[7] whereby gene flow is enabled following the polyploidy event, even between lineages that previously experienced no gene flow as diploids. This has been detailed at the genomic level in Arabidopsis arenosa and Arabidopsis lyrata.[8] Each of these species experienced independent autopolyploidy events (within-species polyploidy, described below), which then enabled subsequent interspecies gene flow of adaptive alleles, in this case stabilising each young polyploid lineage.[9] Such polyploidy-enabled adaptive introgression may allow polyploids at act as 'allelic sponges', whereby they accumulate cryptic genomic variation that may be recruited upon encountering later environmental challenges.[10]
Polyploid types are labeled according to the number of chromosome sets in the nucleus
- haploid (one set; 1x), for example male European fire ants
- diploid (two sets; 2x), for example humans
- triploid (three sets; 3x), for example sterile Tardigrada[11]
- tetraploid (four sets; 4x), for example, Plains viscacha rat, Salmonidae fish,[12] the cotton Gossypium hirsutum[13]
- pentaploid (five sets; 5x), for example Kenai Birch (Betula kenaica)
- hexaploid (six sets; 6x), for example some species of wheat,[14] kiwifruit[15]
- heptaploid or septaploid (seven sets; 7x), for example some cultured Siberian sturgeon[16]
- octaploid or octoploid, (eight sets; 8x), for example Acipenser (genus of sturgeon fish), dahlias
- decaploid (ten sets; 10x), for example certain strawberries
- dodecaploid or duodecaploid (twelve sets; 12x), for example the plants Xenopus ruwenzoriensis.
- tetratetracontaploid (forty-four sets; 44x), for example black mulberry[18]
Autopolyploids are polyploids with multiple chromosome sets derived from a single taxon.
Two examples of natural autopolyploids are the piggyback plant, Tolmiea menzisii[19] and the white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanum.[20] Most instances of autopolyploidy result from the fusion of unreduced (2n) gametes, which results in either triploid (n + 2n = 3n) or tetraploid (2n + 2n = 4n) offspring.[21] Triploid offspring are typically sterile (as in the phenomenon of triploid block), but in some cases they may produce high proportions of unreduced gametes and thus aid the formation of tetraploids. This pathway to tetraploidy is referred to as the triploid bridge.[21] Triploids may also persist through asexual reproduction. In fact, stable autotriploidy in plants is often associated with apomictic mating systems.[22] In agricultural systems, autotriploidy can result in seedlessness, as in watermelons and bananas.[23] Triploidy is also utilized in salmon and trout farming to induce sterility.[24][25]
Rarely, autopolyploids arise from spontaneous, somatic genome doubling, which has been observed in apple (Malus domesticus) bud sports.[26] This is also the most common pathway of artificially induced polyploidy, where methods such as protoplast fusion or treatment with colchicine, oryzalin or mitotic inhibitors are used to disrupt normal mitotic division, which results in the production of polyploid cells. This process can be useful in plant breeding, especially when attempting to introgress germplasm across ploidal levels.[27]
Autopolyploids possess at least three homologous chromosome sets, which can lead to high rates of multivalent pairing during meiosis (particularly in recently formed autopolyploids, also known as neopolyploids) and an associated decrease in fertility due to the production of aneuploid gametes.[28] Natural or artificial selection for fertility can quickly stabilize meiosis in autopolyploids by restoring bivalent pairing during meiosis. Rapid adaptive evolution of the meiotic machinery, resulting in reduced levels of multivalents (and therefore stable autopolyploid meiosis) has been documented in Arabidopsis arenosa[29] and Arabidopsis lyrata,[30] with specific adaptive alleles of these species shared between only the evolved polyploids.[31][32]
The high degree of
About half of all polyploids are thought to be the result of autopolyploidy,[37][38] although many factors make this proportion hard to estimate.[39]
Allopolyploids or amphipolyploids or heteropolyploids are polyploids with chromosomes derived from two or more diverged taxa.
As in autopolyploidy, this primarily occurs through the fusion of unreduced (2n) gametes, which can take place before or after
Because pairing between homoeologous chromosomes is rare in established allopolyploids, they may benefit from fixed
Organisms in which a particular chromosome, or chromosome segment, is under- or over-represented are said to be aneuploid (from the Greek words meaning "not", "good", and "fold"). Aneuploidy refers to a numerical change in part of the chromosome set, whereas polyploidy refers to a numerical change in the whole set of chromosomes.[44]
Polyploidy occurs in some tissues of animals that are otherwise diploid, such as human
is defined with respect to a cell.Monoploid
A monoploid has only one set of chromosomes and the term is usually only applied to cells or organisms that are normally diploid. The more general term for such organisms is
Temporal terms
A polyploid that is newly formed.
That has become polyploid in more recent history; it is not as new as a neopolyploid and not as old as a paleopolyploid. It is a middle aged polyploid. Often this refers to whole genome duplication followed by intermediate levels of diploidization.

Ancient genome duplications probably occurred in the evolutionary history of all life. Duplication events that occurred long ago in the history of various evolutionary lineages can be difficult to detect because of subsequent diploidization (such that a polyploid starts to behave cytogenetically as a diploid over time) as mutations and gene translations gradually make one copy of each chromosome unlike the other copy. Over time, it is also common for duplicated copies of genes to accumulate mutations and become inactive pseudogenes.[47]
In many cases, these events can be inferred only through comparing
Other similar terms
A karyotype is the characteristic chromosome complement of a eukaryote species.[49][50] The preparation and study of karyotypes is part of cytology and, more specifically, cytogenetics.
Although the replication and transcription of DNA is highly standardized in
Homoeologous chromosomes
Examples in animals are more common in non-vertebrates
While some tissues of mammals, such as
Polyploidy was induced in fish by Har Swarup (1956) using a cold-shock treatment of the eggs close to the time of fertilization, which produced triploid embryos that successfully matured.[59][60] Cold or heat shock has also been shown to result in unreduced amphibian gametes, though this occurs more commonly in eggs than in sperm.[61] John Gurdon (1958) transplanted intact nuclei from somatic cells to produce diploid eggs in the frog, Xenopus (an extension of the work of Briggs and King in 1952) that were able to develop to the tadpole stage.[62] The British scientist J. B. S. Haldane hailed the work for its potential medical applications and, in describing the results, became one of the first to use the word "clone" in reference to animals. Later work by Shinya Yamanaka showed how mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent, extending the possibilities to non-stem cells. Gurdon and Yamanaka were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012 for this work.[62]
True polyploidy rarely occurs in humans, although polyploid cells occur in highly differentiated tissue, such as liver parenchyma, heart muscle, placenta and in bone marrow.[63][64] Aneuploidy is more common.
Polyploidy occurs in humans in the form of
Triploidy may be the result of either
Complete tetraploidy is more rarely diagnosed than triploidy, but is observed in 1–2% of early miscarriages. However, some tetraploid cells are commonly found in chromosome analysis at
A polyploidy event occurred within the stem lineage of the teleost fish.[48]
Polyploidy is frequent in plants, some estimates suggesting that 30–80% of living plant species are polyploid, and many lineages show evidence of ancient polyploidy (
Polyploid plants can arise spontaneously in nature by several mechanisms, including meiotic or mitotic failures, and fusion of unreduced (2n) gametes.[41] Both autopolyploids (e.g. potato[75]) and allopolyploids (such as canola, wheat and cotton) can be found among both wild and domesticated plant species.
Most polyploids display novel variation or morphologies relative to their parental species, that may contribute to the processes of
Some plants are triploid. As meiosis is disturbed, these plants are sterile, with all plants having the same genetic constitution: Among them, the exclusively vegetatively propagated saffron crocus (Crocus sativus). Also, the extremely rare Tasmanian shrub Lomatia tasmanica is a triploid sterile species.
There are few naturally occurring polyploid
Aquatic plants, especially the Monocotyledons, include a large number of polyploids.[85]
The induction of polyploidy is a common technique to overcome the sterility of a hybrid species during plant breeding. For example, triticale is the hybrid of wheat (Triticum turgidum) and rye (Secale cereale). It combines sought-after characteristics of the parents, but the initial hybrids are sterile. After polyploidization, the hybrid becomes fertile and can thus be further propagated to become triticale.
In some situations, polyploid crops are preferred because they are sterile. For example, many seedless fruit varieties are seedless as a result of polyploidy. Such crops are propagated using asexual techniques, such as grafting.
Polyploidy in crop plants is most commonly induced by treating seeds with the chemical colchicine.
- Triploid crops: some apple varieties (such as Belle de Boskoop, Jonagold, Mutsu, Ribston Pippin), banana, citrus, ginger, watermelon,[86] saffron crocus, white pulp of coconut
- Tetraploid crops: very few
- Hexaploid crops: chrysanthemum, bread wheat, triticale, oat, kiwifruit[15]
- Octaploid crops: sugar cane, oca (Oxalis tuberosa)[87]
- Dodecaploid crops: some sugar cane hybrids[88]
Some crops are found in a variety of ploidies:
Besides plants and animals, the evolutionary history of various fungal species is dotted by past and recent whole-genome duplication events (see Albertin and Marullo 2012[89] for review). Several examples of polyploids are known:
- autopolyploid: the aquatic fungi of genus Allomyces,[90] some Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains used in bakery,[91] etc.
- allopolyploid: the widespread Dekkera bruxellensis,[94]etc.
- paleopolyploid: the human pathogen Rhizopus oryzae,[95] the genus Saccharomyces,[96] etc.
In addition, polyploidy is frequently associated with hybridization and reticulate evolution that appear to be highly prevalent in several fungal taxa. Indeed, homoploid speciation (hybrid speciation without a change in chromosome number) has been evidenced for some fungal species (such as the basidiomycota Microbotryum violaceum[97]).

As for plants and animals, fungal hybrids and polyploids display structural and functional modifications compared to their progenitors and diploid counterparts. In particular, the structural and functional outcomes of polyploid Saccharomyces genomes strikingly reflect the evolutionary fate of plant polyploid ones. Large chromosomal rearrangements
Other eukaryotic
Azotobacter vinelandii can contain up to 80 chromosome copies per cell.[109] However this is only observed in fast growing cultures, whereas cultures grown in synthetic minimal media are not polyploid.[110]
See also
- Diploidization
- Eukaryote hybrid genome
- Ploidy
- Polyploid complex
- Polysomy
- Reciprocal silencing
- Sympatry
- ISBN 978-1-285-42358-6.
- PMID 31096847.
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- Vilela MM, Del Bem LE, Van Sluys MA, de Setta N, Kitajima JP, Cruz GM, et al. (February 2017). "Analysis of Three Sugarcane Homo/Homeologous Regions Suggests Independent Polyploidization Events of Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum". Genome Biology and Evolution. 9 (2): 266–278. PMID 28082603.
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- Zeng Q, Chen H, Zhang C, Han M, Li T, Qi X, et al. (2015). "Definition of Eight Mulberry Species in the Genus Morus by Internal Transcribed Spacer-Based Phylogeny". PLOS ONE. 10 (8): e0135411. PMID 26266951.
- Hussain F, Rana Z, Shafique H, Malik A, Hussain Z (2017). "Phytopharmacological potential of different species of Morus alba and their bioactive phytochemicals: A review".
- JSTOR 2443640.
- ISSN 1439-0426.
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- ISSN 1601-5223.
- PMID 10802558.
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- PMID 31740675.
- PMID 31740675.
- PMID 32667955.
- PMID 20070540.
- ^ PMID 20028473.
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- ^ Stebbins GL (1950). Variation and Evolution in Plants. Oxford University Press.[page needed]
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- PMID 18445653.
- PMID 19802709.
- ^ PMID 27671652.
- ^ White MJ (1973). The Chromosomes (6th ed.). London: Chapman & Hall. p. 28.
- ^ Stebbins GL (1950). "Chapter XII: The Karyotype". Variation and Evolution in Plants. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.[page needed]
- PMID 11092833.
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- PMID 17546077.
- PMID 16591473.
- PMID 32242122.
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- PMID 15780745.
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- ^ a b "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 awarded for discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent". ScienceDaily (Press release). Nobel Foundation. 8 October 2012.
- PMID 30312291.
- PMID 3323647.
- ^ "Triploidy". National Organization for Rare Disorders. Retrieved 2018-12-23.
- ^ ISBN 978-0-340-81662-2.
- PMID 14508508.
- PMID 23943708.
- PMID 16892970.
- ^ PMID 17702935.
- PMID 17981114.
- PMID 31645766.
- PMID 16701441.
- PMID 19667210.
- PMID 21743474.
- PMID 12615008.
- PMID 16479580.
- PMID 17280525.
- PMID 16624896.
- PMID 18276791.
- PMID 15183714.
- PMID 29212720.
- PMID 37337836.
- ^ Ahuja MR, Neale DB (2002). "Origins of Polyploidy in Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.) and Relationship of Coast Redwood to other Genera of Taxodiaceae". Silvae Genetica. 51: 2–3. INIST 13965465.
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- ^ Karp, David (25 March 2007). "Seedless Fruits Make Others Needless". The Ledger. The New York Times.
- ISBN 978-0-520-24638-6.
- PMID 18757946.
- ^ PMID 22492065.
- JSTOR 4547843.
- PMID 19765175.
- JSTOR 2440307.
- PMID 21873232.
- PMID 24550744.
- PMID 19578406.
- PMID 12093907.
- PMID 20524600.
- PMID 18787083.
- PMID 19261625.
- PMID 16541074.
- PMID 19243081.
- PMID 19526052.
- PMID 16626980.
- PMID 22476472.
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- PMID 17086204.
- PMID 649572.
- PMID 17006450.
- PMID 2785985.
- PMID 8021173.
- PMID 21265763.
- PMID 15844015.
- PMID 17903038.
Further reading
- Snustad DP, Simmons MJ (2006). Principles of Genetics (4th ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-69939-2.
- The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (December 2000). "Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana". Nature. 408 (6814): 796–815. PMID 11130711.
- Eakin GS, Behringer RR (December 2003). "Tetraploid development in the mouse". Developmental Dynamics. 228 (4): 751–766. PMID 14648853.
- Gaeta RT, Pires JC, Iniguez-Luy F, Leon E, Osborn TC (November 2007). "Genomic changes in resynthesized Brassica napus and their effect on gene expression and phenotype". The Plant Cell. 19 (11): 3403–3417. PMID 18024568.
- Gregory, T. Ryan; Mable, Barbara K. (2005). "Polyploidy in Animals". The Evolution of the Genome. pp. 427–517. ISBN 978-0-12-301463-4.
- Jaillon O, Aury JM, Brunet F, Petit JL, Stange-Thomann N, Mauceli E, et al. (October 2004). "Genome duplication in the teleost fish Tetraodon nigroviridis reveals the early vertebrate proto-karyotype". Nature. 431 (7011): 946–957. PMID 15496914.
- Paterson AH, Bowers JE, Van de Peer Y, Vandepoele K (March 2005). "Ancient duplication of cereal genomes". The New Phytologist. 165 (3): 658–661. PMID 15720677.
- Raes J, Vandepoele K, Simillion C, Saeys Y, Van de Peer Y (2003). "Investigating ancient duplication events in the Arabidopsis genome". Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics. 3 (1–4): 117–129. PMID 12836691.
- Simillion C, Vandepoele K, Van Montagu MC, Zabeau M, Van de Peer Y (October 2002). "The hidden duplication past of Arabidopsis thaliana". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99 (21): 13627–13632. PMID 12374856.
- Soltis DE, JSTOR 25065732.
- Soltis DE, Buggs RJ, Doyle JJ, Soltis PS (2010). "What we still don't know about polyploidy". Taxon. 59 (5): 1387–1403. .
- Taylor JS, Braasch I, Frickey T, Meyer A, Van de Peer Y (March 2003). "Genome duplication, a trait shared by 22000 species of ray-finned fish". Genome Research. 13 (3): 382–390. PMID 12618368.
- Tate, Jennifer A.; Soltis, Douglas E.; Soltis, Pamela S. (2005). "Polyploidy in Plants". The Evolution of the Genome. pp. 371–426. ISBN 978-0-12-301463-4.
- Van de Peer Y, Taylor JS, Meyer A (2003). "Are all fishes ancient polyploids?". Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics. 3 (1–4): 65–73. PMID 12836686.
- Van de Peer Y (2004). "Tetraodon genome confirms Takifugu findings: most fish are ancient polyploids". Genome Biology. 5 (12): 250. PMID 15575976.
- Van De Peer, Yves; Meyer, Axel (2005). "Large-Scale Gene and Ancient Genome Duplications". The Evolution of the Genome. pp. 329–368. ISBN 978-0-12-301463-4.
- Wolfe KH, Shields DC (June 1997). "Molecular evidence for an ancient duplication of the entire yeast genome". Nature. 387 (6634): 708–713. PMID 9192896.
- Wolfe KH (May 2001). "Yesterday's polyploids and the mystery of diploidization". Nature Reviews. Genetics. 2 (5): 333–341. PMID 11331899.
External links
- Polyploidy on Kimball's Biology Pages
- The polyploidy portal a community-editable project with information, research, education, and a bibliography about polyploidy.