Protoplast (religion)

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A protoplast, from ancient Greek πρωτόπλαστος (prōtóplastos, "first-formed"), in a religious context initially referred to the first human[1] or, more generally, to the first organized body of progenitors of humankind (as in Manu and Shatrupa or Adam and Eve), or of surviving humanity after a cataclysm (as in Deucalion or Noah).

List of protoplasts

Abrahamic mythology

Australian Aboriginal mythology

Ayyavazhi mythology

Aztec mythology
  • Tata/Coxcox and Nana/Xochitl - new progenitors of humankind after the flood
  • Oxomoco and Cipactonal - first human couple created

  • Selu and Kanati

Chinese folk religion

Cowichan peoples
  • Quiltumtun
Germanic mythology
  • Tuiscon
    - first ancestor of Germans

Greek mythology
  • Pandora - first woman
  • Epimetheus
    - first Man (by some Accounts)
  • Deucalion and Pyrrha (the first postdiluvian humans)


Inca mythology
  • Pacha Camac

Lakota people
  • Tokahe
    - first human emerged from the underworld
  • Wa and Ka

Maori mythology

Muisca mythology
  • Tena and Fura

Navajo mythology

Norse mythology

Polynesian mythology

Philippine mythology


Traditional African religions

Yoruba mythology

Turkic mythology

Vietnamese mythology


See also


  1. ^ The Apocalypse of Moses,
  2. ^ Ndiaye, Fata, La saga du peuple sérère et l'Histoire du Sine, Ethiopiques n° 54 revue semestrielle de culture négro-africaine, Nouvelle série volume 7, 2e semestre 1991.
  3. ^ The Seereer Resource Centre, An overview of Seereer deities and Seereer historical figures (2015) [in] The Seereer Resource Centre [1]
  4. ^ Taal, Ebou Momar, Senegambian Ethnic Groups : Common Origins and Cultural Affinities Factors and Forces of National Unity, Peace and Stability, [in] The Point (2010)[2]