
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A selenide is a chemical compound containing a

organoselenium compound

Inorganic selenides

Sample of cadmium selenide, a pigment.

The parent inorganic selenide is hydrogen selenide (H2Se). It is a colorless, malodorous, toxic gas. It dissolves in aqueous solution, to give the hydrogenselenide or biselenide ion HSe. At higher pH, selenide forms. Solutions of hydrogen selenide and selenide are oxidized by air to give elemental selenium:

2 SeH + O2 → 2 Se + 2 OH

Most elements form selenides. They sometimes have salt-like properties, e.g. sodium selenide, but most exhibit covalent bonding, e.g. molybdenum diselenide. Their properties are diverse, mirroring the diverse properties of the corresponding sulfides.

As indicated by the fact that only a few thousand tons of selenium are produced annually, the subset of selenium compounds called selenides find few applications. Commercially significant is



substitutes for sulfide in many sulfide minerals. The degree of substitution is only of commercial interest for copper sulfide ores, in which case selenium is recovered as a by-product of copper refining. Some selenide minerals include ferroselite and umangite[1]

Organic and biological selenides

Selenides are common in organic chemistry. They have two Se-C bonds, akin to organic sulfides. Examples include dimethyl selenide and selenomethionine. Such compounds have few applications.


See also

  • Sulfoselenide


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