Server-sent events

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a

HTML Living Standard[1] by the WHATWG. The media type
for SSE is text/event-stream.

All modern browsers support server-sent events: Firefox 6+, Google Chrome 6+, Opera 11.5+, Safari 5+, Microsoft Edge 79+.[2]


The SSE mechanism was first specified by Ian Hickson as part of the "WHATWG Web Applications 1.0" proposal starting in 2004.[3] In September 2006, the Opera web browser implemented the experimental technology in a feature called "Server-Sent Events".[4][5]


var source = new EventSource('updates.cgi');
source.onmessage = function (event) {

See also


  1. ^ "HTML Living Standard: 9.2 Server-sent events". WHATWG. 31 March 2022.
  2. ^ When can I use... Server-sent DOM events
  3. ^ Hickson, Ian, ed. (1 January 2006). "Server-sent DOM events". Web Applications 1.0. WHATWG. Retrieved 2024-05-09.
  4. ^ Bersvendsen, Arve (1 September 2006). "Event Streaming to Web Browsers".
  5. ^ Stream Updates with Server-Sent Events, Eric Bidelman, HTML5Rocks website.