Edit filter configuration

Differences between versions

ItemVersion from 19:52, 28 March 2018 by MusikAnimalVersion from 18:09, 4 January 2019 by Xaosflux
Basic information
Repeated addition of external links to articles by new users.  Often an indication of spam.  Not sure about the right limit/timeframe.  Testing >3 per 20 mins.
Repeated addition of external links to articles by new users.  Often an indication of spam.  Not sure about the right limit/timeframe.  Testing >3 per 20 mins.

Adding refs is generally a good use of external links.
Adding refs is generally a good use of external links.

Fix a bug temporarily -Prodego
Fix a bug temporarily -Prodego

Format.  -DF
Format.  -DF

Updated to allow "confirmed" to bypass as well - Xaos
Updated to allow "confirmed" to bypass as well - Xaos

article_recent_contributors is quite slow. Moving to the end -- better to have too many conditions in this case, I think; also some cleanup of syntax ~MA
article_recent_contributors is quite slow. Moving to the end -- better to have too many conditions in this case, I think; also some cleanup of syntax ~MA

Check for https and not just http, see [[Special:Permalink/832937586#Edit filter problems]] ~MA
Check for https and not just http, see [[Special:Permalink/832937586#Edit filter problems]] ~MA
20190104-Updated deprecated parameters ~Xa
Filter conditions
! "confirmed" in user_groups &
! "confirmed" in user_groups &
article_namespace == 0 &
page_namespace == 0 &
old_size > 0 &
old_size > 0 &
rcount("https?:\/\/", added_lines) > rcount("https?:\/\/", removed_lines) &
rcount("https?:\/\/", added_lines) > rcount("https?:\/\/", removed_lines) &
count("<ref", added_lines) <= count("<ref",  removed_lines) &
count("<ref", added_lines) <= count("<ref",  removed_lines) &
! user_name in article_recent_contributors
! user_name in page_recent_contributors