Uploads by Saviourofthe

This special page shows all files uploaded to the English Wikipedia. (See also the list for Wikimedia Commons.) By default, the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list, but clicking on a column header will change the sorting.

Deleted files are not shown here but are included in the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
13:12, 28 July 2021 Afilando-los-Chuchillos.jpg (file) 17 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Afilando los cuchillos |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source= Tidal <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Afilando los cuchillos |Artist= Residents de calle |Label= Residents de calle |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= |Portion= |Low_resolution= |Purpose= |Replaceability= |other_information= }}
12:31, 28 July 2021 Cover-Bellacoso.jpg (file) 46 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Bellacoso |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source= <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Bellacoso |Artist= Residente & Bad Bunny |Label= Sony Music Latin |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= |Portion= |Low_resolution= |Purpose= |Replaceability= |other_information= }}
13:59, 14 July 2020 Don Quichotte U.S. Remix (UK version).jpg (file) 57 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Don Quichotte (No Están Aquí) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://img.discogs.com/O6mts8zfsGlL9FaEwnXxSufvvsE=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-486824-1295364013.jpeg.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Don Quichotte (No Están Aquí) (U.S. Remix (UK version)) |Artist= Magazine 60 |Label= RCA |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OV...
20:53, 13 July 2020 Don Quichotte Magazine 60.jpeg (file) 54 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article= Don Quichotte (No Están Aquí) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source= [https://img.discogs.com/oYYbo6UYQC3EH1kIlPWSnwnnLL0=/fit-in/600x595/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-690642-1427313660-9811.jpeg.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Don Quichotte (No Están Aquí) |Artist= Magazine 69 |Label= CBS Records |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIEL...
19:16, 12 July 2020 Antes que el mundo se acabe.jpg (file) 55 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Antes Que El Mundo Se Acabe |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://cdn.smehost.net/sonymusices-45pressprod/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/bee288e2-cf8e-4796-a418-4602bac5df5f.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Antes Que El Mundo Se Acabe |Artist= Residente |Label= Sony Music Latin |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= |Portion= |Low_resolution= |Purpose=...
15:17, 24 May 2020 René (Edición Cuarentena).png (file) 167 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=René (song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=https://is5-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music123/v4/01/35/76/01357626-8bd7-90b0-2b63-4413f253b6c8/886448472377.jpg/600x600bf.png <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= René (Edición Cuarentena) |Artist= Residente |Label= Sony Music Latin |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= |Portion= |Low_resolution= |Purpose= |Repl...
15:12, 24 May 2020 René - Residente.png (file) 136 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=René (song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music124/v4/0a/f5/23/0af52355-8ed9-ad7b-fa88-57835daa975b/886448299189.jpg/600x600bf.png] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= René |Artist= Residente |Label= Sony Music Latin |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= |Portion= |Low_resolution= |Purpose= |Replaceability= |other...
19:36, 11 February 2020 Someday 12 - Glass Tiger.jpg (file) 53 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Someday (Glass Tiger song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://img.discogs.com/oTGFBraP1LQypfT65Hmv5_4cBL8=/fit-in/600x576/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-1708048-1272817696.jpeg.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Someday |Artist= Glass Tiger |Label= Manhattan Records |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= Single |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description...
19:31, 11 February 2020 Someday - Glass Tiger.jpg (file) 50 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Someday (Glass Tiger song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://img.discogs.com/yKgSz50ziNKxapDHIVEZ5fc8BTU=/fit-in/600x596/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-2985261-1373917372-8328.jpeg.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Someday |Artist= Glass Tiger |Label= Manhattan Records |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= Single |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Descri...
00:30, 3 February 2020 Mi Primer Millón - Bacilos.jpg (file) 55 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Mi Primer Millón |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://c-sf.smule.com/sf/s39/arr/75/61/b9f772b1-47fc-4f2e-8642-f93cb8a46892_1024.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Mi Primer Millón |Artist= Bacilos |Label= WEA Internacional |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= |Portion= |Low_resolution= |Purpose= |Replaceability= |other_information= }}
01:58, 17 January 2020 Plata Ta Tá.jpg (file) 40 KB == Summary == {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Plata Ta Tá |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://static.qobuz.com/images/covers/1a/e2/rt3u5ao4we21a_600.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Plata Ta Tá |Artist= Mon Laferte |Label= Universal Music Mexico |Graphic Artist= |Item= front cover |Type= single }}
17:56, 11 January 2020 S94myh2fwwyka 600.jpg (file) 65 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Amor (Los Auténticos Decadentes song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=https://static.qobuz.com/images/covers/ka/wy/s94myh2fwwyka_600.jpg <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Amor |Artist= Los Auténticos Decadentes feat. Mon Laferte |Label= PopArt |Graphic Artist= |Item= |Type= |Website= qobuz.com |Owner= |Commentary= }}
17:50, 7 January 2020 El Beso - Mon Laferte.png (file) 186 KB == Summary == {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=El Beso (Mon Laferte song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music128/v4/a6/0b/03/a60b03f0-f9dc-edbf-6a72-30f91a5a44ad/00602577039348.rgb.jpg/600x600bf.png] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= El Beso |Artist= Mon Laferte |Label= Universal Music |Graphic Artist= |Item= front cover |Type= single }}
02:35, 7 January 2020 Antes de Ti.jpg (file) 36 KB == Summary == {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Antes de Ti |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music118/v4/29/58/2e/29582ec9-af0f-a1b1-4867-2f7048129933/UMG_cvrart_00602567340461_01_RGB72_3000x3000_17UM1IM63207.jpg/600x0w.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Antes de Ti |Artist= Mon Laferte |Label= Universal Music |Graphic Artist= |Item= front cover |Type= single }}
00:29, 7 January 2020 Mi Buen Amor.jpg (file) 45 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Mi Buen Amor (Mon Laferte song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DADGsRqUMAAvPWt.jpg <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Mi Buen Amor |Artist= Mon Laferte |Label= Universal Music |Graphic Artist= |Item= front cover |Type= single }}
02:03, 3 January 2020 Ven a Mí.jpg (file) 30 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Ven a Mí |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41ABP4GKBBL.jpg] <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Ven a Mí |Artist= the Barrio Boyzz |Label= SBK Records |Graphic Artist= |Item= Front cover |Type= Album |Website= https://amazon.com/ |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= This is the promo cover art for Ven a Mí by the artist the Barrio Boyzz. The cover art copy...
05:44, 1 January 2020 El último romántico.jpg (file) 25 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=El Último Romántico |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41CXGEBGXSL.jpg <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= El Último Romántico |Artist= Álvaro Torres |Label= EMI Latin |Graphic Artist= |Item= Front cover |Type= Album |Website= https://amazon.com/ |Owner= |Commentary= <!-- OVERRIDE FIELDS --> |Description= This is the cover art for El Último Romántico by the artist Álvaro Torres. T...
17:08, 29 December 2019 Álvaro Torres - Tres.jpg (file) 8 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Tres (Álvaro Torres album) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[...
01:53, 29 December 2019 Más Romántico Que Nadie.jpg (file) 6 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Más Romántico Que Nadie |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=[...
20:00, 26 December 2019 Puedes Llegar.jpg (file) 65 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Puedes Llegar |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=http://www.ondanet.com/tejano/EMI.Latin/Emi.Times/vol0201/puedes.jpg <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Puedes Llegar |Artist= Gloria Estefan, Jon Secada, Julio Iglesias, Plácido Domingo, Roberto Carlos, Jose Luis Rodríguez, Patricia Sosa, Alejandro Fernández, Ricky Martin and Carlos Vives |Label= EMI Latin |Graphic Artist= |Item= Front cover |Type= Single |Website= ondanet.com |Ow...
14:50, 26 November 2019 Bloom - Renegade single cover.jpg (file) 60 KB {{album cover fur <!-- REQUIRED --> |Article=Bloom (The Paper Kites song) |Use=Infobox <!-- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED --> |Source=https://img.discogs.com/Wgc-bH4wxm3fUAyfLG8elgP5i_A=/fit-in/600x609/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-11523425-1517849076-2085.jpeg.jpg <!-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --> |Name= Bloom / Renegade |Artist= The Paper Kites |Label= The Paper Kites |Graphic Artist= |Item= Front cover |Type= Single |Website= https://discogs.com/ |Owner= |Com...