
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A Turkophile or Turcophile, (

Turkophobe is a person who shows hostility, intolerance, or racism against Turkish or Turkic people, Turkish culture and Turkic countries

Notable Turkophiles

See also


  1. ^ a b "Lived Like a Turk, Painted Like a Turk: Jean-Étienne Liotard". trdergisi.com. 3 April 2017. Archived from the original on 4 April 2017. Retrieved 22 February 2019.
  2. .
  3. .
  4. . But Urquhart's Turkophilia went so far that even in London he ate Turkish food, bathed in Turkish baths, and lounged on Turkish sofas.
  5. . In the case of David Urquhart, who went to fight for the Greeks but stayed on to help establish the post-war boundaries, it helped turn a Philhellene into a Turkophile.
  6. . The famous Hungarian Turkologist and Turkophile, Arminius Vambery (1832-1913), embarked on adventurous travels in Russian Central Asia and in Persia and later acquainted his Turkish friends with their Central Asian relatives through his books and lectures.
  7. . Auf Betreiben des turkophilen Journalisten Dr. Ernst Jäckh...
  8. . And just as Chateaubriand was a Turkophobe, Loti is as much a Turkophile
  9. . It should also be mentioned that although he was a definite Turkophile, he was always admired and valued in nationalistic circles.
  10. from the original on 2022-04-07. Retrieved 2020-10-03. He also developed a Turkophile attitude in the theory of "ethnic complementarity".
  11. ^ Zamfir, Mihai (2008). "Îndrăgostitul de Stambul: Dimitrie Ralet". România Literară (in Romanian) (35). Cu toate că se găsea în capitala unei țări ce reprezenta pentru un român trecutul întunecat și opresiunea, Ralet-scriitorul, opus diplomatului, dobîndește o inexplicabilă simpatie față de turcii înșiși. Le admiră nu doar costumele, limba, frumusețea fizică, dar și comportamentul zilnic; găsește în lumea otomană mai multă toleranță și simț al nuanțelor decît în cea occidental-europeană. Iată-l pe Ralet făcînd din nou opinie separată față de pașoptiști!

External links

  • The dictionary definition of turkophilia at Wiktionary