User:Alexis Jazz/WASP.js

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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// AJ's Wikitext Advanced Speed Preview
// WIP
// Create a textarea and a div, run AJWASP.attach(yourtextarea,yourdiv) and watch the magic
// Aims to be fast (for limited amounts of text) with minimal need for API requests. Does NOT aim to be 100% accurate. (though depending on input it could be)
// Goal is to preview parser that is *good enough* for most comments in discussions while using minimal bandwidth and causing minimal server load.
// #hugeparadigmshift(tm) Trademark belongs to Remsense.
// This script is irrevocably released as WTFPL Version 2[] by its author, Alexis Jazz.
// Need a signature to be added?
// window.AJWASPSIG = 1;window.AJWASPSIGPREPEND = '— '
// todo: nowiki, templates, events
window.AJWASPSIG = 1;window.AJWASPSIGPREPEND = '— ';
$('#wasptest1,#wasptest2,#AJWASP_workboard').remove(); //TESTING
var AJWASP = {};
AJWASP.wikilink = function(val) {
	path = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('\$1',encodeURIComponent(val));
	return path;
if ( window.AJWASPSIG ) {
	AJWASP.sig = 1;
	AJWASP.sigPrepend = (window.AJWASPSIGPREPEND || '');
	AJWASP.sigText = '<a href="'+AJWASP.wikilink('User:'+mw.config.get('wgUserName'))+'">'+mw.config.get('wgUserName')+'</a>';
	AJWASP.sigTextTime = new Date().toString();
String.prototype.WASPwikilink = function(val,path){
	path = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('\$1',encodeURIComponent(this));
	return path;
AJWASP.attach = function(textEl,previewEl) { // first argument should be a <textarea> element, second argument should be a <div>
	AJWASP.caseSensitive = ( mw.config.get('wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces').includes(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')));
	if ( ! $('#AJWASP_workboard')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.workboard = document.createElement('div'); //we'll dump parsed stuff the API returns in here. It'll be invisible, it'll just be searched for link classes etc. also embeds images so they shouldn't fall out of browser cache = 'AJWASP_workboard'; = 'display:none';['background-color'] = 'lightblue';
	if ( typeof AJWASP.redLinkTitle == 'undefined' && $('#content')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.redLinkTitle = $('#content')[0].title.replace(new mw.Uri($('#content')[0].href).query.title.replace(/_/g,' '),'$1');
	} else if ( ! $('#content')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.redLinkTitle = 0;
	AJWASP.wikitextForWorkboard = [];
	AJWASP.lastAPI = 0;
	AJWASP.workboardAPI = setInterval(function(){
		//make parse request if there is something to parse OR if a signature should be rendered and the last parse request was >60s ago (this ensures the timestamp gets updated)
		if ( AJWASP.wikitextForWorkboard.length > 0 || ( AJWASP.sig && AJWASP.lastAPI != 0 && (AJWASP.lastAPI+60000) < new Date().getTime() ) ) {
			if ( AJWASP.sig && ! AJWASP.gotSig ) {
				AJWASP.pushToWorkboard('<span class="AJWASPsig">— <span style="color:#e08020">Alexis Jazz</span> ([[User talk:Alexis Jazz|talk]] or ping me)</span>');
			if ( AJWASP.sig ) {
				AJWASP.pushToWorkboard('<span class="AJWASPsigTime">18:52, 25 November 2023 (UTC)</span>');
			AJWASP.wikitextForWorkboard = [];
	textEl.onchange = function(){AJWASP.update(textEl,previewEl)};
	textEl.onkeyup = function(){AJWASP.update(textEl,previewEl)};
AJWASP.pushToWorkboard = function(text) {
	if ( AJWASP.wikitextForWorkboard.indexOf(text) == -1 ) {
AJWASP.addToWorkboard = function(wikitext,int) {
	wikitext = wikitext.toString();
	mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api']).then( function() {
		if ( ! AJWASP.api ) {
			AJWASP.api = new mw.Api();
		AJWASP.params = {action:'parse',text:wikitext,format:'json',disablelimitreport:true,prop:['text'],pst:1};
			AJWASP.lastAPI = new Date().getTime();
			if ( AJWASP.sig && ! AJWASP.gotSig ) {
				AJWASP.sigText = $('.AJWASPsig:eq(0)')[0].innerHTML;
				AJWASP.gotSig = 1;
				sigPrependRegExp = new RegExp('^'+AJWASP.sigPrepend);
				if ( AJWASP.sigText.match(sigPrependRegExp) ) {
					AJWASP.sigPrepend = '';
			if ( AJWASP.sig ) {
				AJWASP.sigTextTime = $('.AJWASPsigTime')[$('.AJWASPsigTime').length-1].innerHTML;
			for (int=0;int<$('.AJWASP_textarea').length;int++){ //trigger update. If there are multiple instances, um, just update all of 'em, even though multiple instances aren't expected to work properly (also: WHY would you want that?)
AJWASP.update = function(textEl,previewEl,text) {
	//console.log('AJWASP: updating preview');
	text = textEl.value;
	if ( AJWASP.sig ) {
		text = text + AJWASP.sigPrepend + '— <span style="color:#e08020">Alexis Jazz</span> ([[User talk:Alexis Jazz|talk]] or ping me) 18:52, 25 November 2023 (UTC)';
	text = text.replace(/([^~])— <span style="color:#e08020">Alexis Jazz</span> ([[User talk:Alexis Jazz|talk]] or ping me) 18:52, 25 November 2023 (UTC)($|[^~])/g,'$1— <span style="color:#e08020">Alexis Jazz</span> ([[User talk:Alexis Jazz|talk]] or ping me) 18:52, 25 November 2023 (UTC)$2');
	text = AJWASP.addSig(text);
	text = AJWASP.parseImages(text); //images MUST be parsed before links
	text = AJWASP.parseLinks(text);
	text = AJWASP.basicMarkup(text);
	text = AJWASP.lists(text);
	previewEl.innerHTML = text;
AJWASP.addSig = function(text) {
	text = text.replace(/18:52, 25 November 2023 (UTC)/g, AJWASP.sigTextTime);
	text = text.replace(/— <span style="color:#e08020">Alexis Jazz</span> ([[User talk:Alexis Jazz|talk]] or ping me)/g, AJWASP.sigText);
	return text;
AJWASP.imgParsed = {};
AJWASP.parseImages = function(text,int,imgmatches,imgcode) {
		AJWASP.imgParsed[$('.AJWASPimage')[0].dataset.wikitext] = $('.AJWASPimage')[0].innerHTML;
		$('.AJWASPimage')[0].remove(); // got it in AJWASP.imgParsed now, no longer needed. free up memory
	AJWASP.imgRegExp = new RegExp('\\[\\[(File|Image|'+mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[6]+'):(([^\\]]|\\](?!\\]))*)\\]\\]','g');
	imgmatches = text.match(AJWASP.imgRegExp);
	if ( imgmatches ) {
			imgcode = AJWASP.parseImage(imgmatches[int]);
			text = text.replace(imgmatches[int],imgcode);
	return text;
AJWASP.parseImage = function(text,int) {
	if ( AJWASP.imgParsed[text] ) {
		return AJWASP.imgParsed[text];
//	} else if ( $('div[data-wikitext="'+text+'"]')[0] ) { //should not be needed anymore
//		AJWASP.imgParsed[text] = $('div[data-wikitext="'+text+'"]')[0].innerHTML;
//		$('div[data-wikitext="'+text+'"]')[0].remove(); // got it in AJWASP.imgParsed now, no longer needed. free up memory
//		return AJWASP.imgParsed[text];
	} else {
		AJWASP.pushToWorkboard('<div class="AJWASPimage" data-wikitext="<nowiki>'+text+'</nowiki>'+'">'+text+'</div>');
		return '';
AJWASP.basicMarkup = function(text) {
	return text.replace(/'''''(([^']|'[^'])*)'''''/g,'<b><i>$1</i></b>').replace(/'''(([^']|'[^'])*)'''/g,'<b>$1</b>').replace(/''(([^']|'[^'])*)''/g,'<i>$1</i>');
AJWASP.lists = function(text,oldtext) {
	text = text.replace(/((\n\*(.*)){2,500})/g,'\n<ul>$1\n</ul>');
	text = text.replace(/((\n\#(.*)){2,500})/g,'\n<ol>$1\n</ol>');
	oldtext = '';
	while ( text != oldtext ) {
		oldtext = text+'';
		text = text.replace(/<ul>(([^<]|<(?!\/ul>))*)\n\*(.*)(([^<]|<(?!\/ul>))*)<\/ul>/,'<ul>$1\n<li>$3</li>$4</ul>');
		text = text.replace(/<ol>(([^<]|<(?!\/ol>))*)\n\#(.*)(([^<]|<(?!\/ol>))*)<\/ol>/,'<ol>$1\n<li>$3</li>$4</ol>');
	return text;
AJWASP.ucFirst = function(text){
	return text[0].toUpperCase()+text.slice(1);
AJWASP.intLinkClasses = {};
AJWASP.getIntLinkClass = function(title) {
	if ( ! AJWASP.caseSensitive ) {
		title = AJWASP.ucFirst(title);
	//console.log('AJWASP: get link class for page '+title);
	if ( AJWASP.intLinkClasses[title] ) {
		return AJWASP.intLinkClasses[title];
	if ( AJWASP.redLinkTitle && $('[title="'+title.replace(/(.*)/,AJWASP.redLinkTitle)+'"]')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.intLinkClasses[title] = 'new';
		return 'new';
	if ( $('[title="'+title+'"]')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.intLinkClasses[title] = 'mw-redirect';
		return 'mw-redirect';
	if ( $('[title="'+title+'"]')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.intLinkClasses[title] = 'mw-disambig';
		return 'mw-disambig';
	if ( $('a:not(.unknown)[title="'+title+'"]')[0] ) {
		AJWASP.intLinkClasses[title] = 'bluelink';
		return '';
	return 'unknown';
AJWASP.parseLinks = function(text,regex,regexg,int,newlink,newLinkComponent,allLinks,regexstr,intlinks,intLinkClass,title,titleAttr) {
	regexstr = '\\[\\[(([^\]\|]){0,200})\|(([^\]]){0,200})\\]\\]';
	regex = new RegExp(regexstr);
	regex = new RegExp(regexstr);
	regexg = new RegExp(regexstr,'g');
	//piped wikilinks
	if ( text.match(/\[\[([^\|\]]*)\|([^\]]*)\]\]/) ) {
		text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\|\]]*)\|([^\]]*)\]\]/g,'<a class="AJintlink" href="AJINTLINKHREFSTART$1AJINTLINKHREFEND" data-title="$1">$2</a>');
	//unpiped wikilinks
	if ( text.match(/\[\[([^\|\]]*)\]\]/) ) {
		text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\|\]]*)\]\]/g,'<a class="AJintlink" href="AJINTLINKHREFSTART$1AJINTLINKHREFEND" data-title="$1">$1</a>');
	intlinks = text.match(/AJINTLINKHREFSTART([^"]*)AJINTLINKHREFEND/g);
	if ( intlinks ) {
			title = intlinks[int].replace(/AJINTLINKHREFSTART([^"]*)AJINTLINKHREFEND/,'$1');
			if ( ! AJWASP.caseSensitive ) {
				title = AJWASP.ucFirst(title);
			title = AJWASP.wikilink(title);
			text = text.replace(intlinks[int],title);
	intlinks = text.match(/"AJintlink" href="([^"]*)" data-title="([^"]*)"/g);
	if ( intlinks ) {
		AJWASP.intlinks1 = intlinks;
		AJWASP.text = text;
			title = decodeURIComponent(intlinks[int].match(/data\-title="(.*)"/)[1].replace(/_/,' '));
			intLinkClass = AJWASP.getIntLinkClass(title);
			if ( intLinkClass == 'new' ) {
				titleAttr = AJWASP.redLinkTitle.replace('$1',title);
			} else {
				titleAttr = title;
			titleAttr = AJWASP.ucFirst(titleAttr);
			text = text.replace(intlinks[int],intlinks[int].replace(/("AJintlink" href=").*"/,'$1'+intlinks[int].replace(/"AJintlink" href="(.*)"/,'$1'))+'"').replace('AJintlink',intLinkClass+'" title="'+titleAttr);
	return text;
AJWASP.el1 = document.createElement('textarea');
AJWASP.el1.rows=5; = 'wasptest1';
AJWASP.el2 = document.createElement('div'); = 'wasptest2'; = 'border:1px solid black;min-height:1em;margin-top:1em';
$('#wasptest1')[0].value = 'test [[test@test|te2st]] test [[test2@test2|te3st]]';