Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// Customised wikEd variables
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// user configurable variables

// user readable texts, copy changes to, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// WikedInitText: define built-in user interface texts
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// path to images, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// image filenames, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// WikedInitImage: define built-in image URLs
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// WikedInitFrameCSS: define built-in edit frame css
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// main window css rules
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// WikedInitMainCSS: define built-in main window css
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        74: ['wikEdScrollToEdit4',    'wikEdButtonSolo',      wikEdText['wikEdScrollToEdit4 title'],    wikEdImage['scrollToEditDown'],    '16', '16', wikEdText['wikEdScrollToEdit4 alt'],    'javascript:WikEdButton(this,;' ],

// dummy
        76: ['wikEdDummy',            'wikEdButtonDummy',     '',                                       wikEdImage['dummy'],               '16', '16', '',                                     '' ]

// button bars (id, class, button numbers)
var wikEdButtonBar = wikEdButtonBar || [];

// WikedInitButtonBar: define built-in button bars (id outer, class outer, id inner, class inner, height, grip title, button numbers)
function WikedInitButtonBar() {
    WikEdInitObject(wikEdButtonBar, {
        'format':    ['wikEdButtonBarFormat',    'wikEdButtonBarFormat',    'wikEdButtonsFormat',    'wikEdButtonsFormat',    44, wikEdText['wikEdGripFormat title'],  [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,25,13,14,'br',15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,11,76,26,27,28] ],
        'custom1':   ['wikEdButtonBarCustom1',   'wikEdButtonBarCustom1',   'wikEdButtonsCustom1',   'wikEdButtonsCustom1',   44, wikEdText['wikEdGripCustom1 title'], [ ] ],
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        'control':   ['wikEdButtonBarControl',   'wikEdButtonBarControl',   'wikEdButtonsControl',   'wikEdButtonsControl',   44, wikEdText['wikEdGripControl title'], [77,29,30,31,32,'br',33,34,35,75,36,78,37] ],
        'preview':   ['wikEdButtonBarPreview',   'wikEdButtonBarPreview',   'wikEdButtonsPreview',   'wikEdButtonsPreview',    0, null,                                [63,64,65,66,67] ],
        'preview2':  ['wikEdButtonBarPreview2',  'wikEdButtonBarPreview2',  'wikEdButtonsPreview2',  'wikEdButtonsPreview2',   0, null,                                [68,69,70,71,72] ],
        'jump':      ['wikEdButtonBarJump',      'wikEdButtonBarJump',      'wikEdButtonsJump',      'wikEdButtonsJump',       0, null,                                [74] ]

// history length for find, replace, and summary fields
var wikEdHistoryLength = wikEdHistoryLength || [];
wikEdHistoryLength['find'] = 10;
wikEdHistoryLength['replace'] = 10;
wikEdHistoryLength['summary'] = 10;

// presets for combo input fields dropdown options, {wikEdUsing} appends a link to this script
var wikEdComboPresetOptions = wikEdComboPresetOptions || [];
wikEdComboPresetOptions['summary'] = wikEdComboPresetOptions['summary'] || wikEdText['wikEdPresetSummary'];

// text for summary link to this script
var wikEdSummaryUsing = wikEdSummaryUsing || wikEdText['wikEdSummaryUsing'];

// expiration time span for permanent cookies in seconds
var wikEdCookieExpireSec = wikEdCookieExpireSec || (30 * 24 * 60 * 60);

// find ahead as you type checkbox preset
if (typeof(wikEdHighlightSyntaxPreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdFindAheadSelected = true; }

// highlight syntax preset
var wikEdHighlightSyntaxPreset = wikEdHighlightSyntaxPreset || true;

// enable wikEd preset
if (typeof(wikEdUseWikEdPreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdUseWikEdPreset = true; }

// add '...using wikEd' to summary preset (set to true by single-session cookie wikEdSummaryUsing)
if (typeof(wikEdUsingPreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdUsingPreset = false; }

// wikEdDiff preset
if (typeof(wikEdDiffPreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdDiffPreset = false; }

// fullscreen mode preset
if (typeof(wikEdFullScreenModePreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdFullScreenModePreset = false; }

// show MediaWiki toolbar preset
if (typeof(wikEdCloseToolbarPreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdCloseToolbarPreset = false; }

// hide ref tags preset
if (typeof(wikEdRefHidePreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdRefHidePreset = false; }

// initial text zoom for edit window (percentage)
var wikEdTextZoom = wikEdTextZoom || 100;

// remove invisible syntax highlighting comments after closing tag
if (typeof(wikEdRemoveHighlightComments) == 'undefined') { var wikEdRemoveHighlightComments = true; }

// show the text-to-source button for testing purposes
if (typeof(wikEdShowSourceButton) == 'undefined') { var wikEdShowSourceButton = false; }

// show the using-wiked button
if (typeof(wikEdShowUsingButton) == 'undefined') { var wikEdShowUsingButton = false; }

// the wikEd help page link to be displayed after the editing help link, an empty string disables the link
var wikEdHelpPageLink = wikEdHelpPageLink || wikEdText['wikEdHelpPageLink'];

// display the wikEd button bars on top of the edit box
if (typeof(wikEdButtonsOnTop) == 'undefined') { var wikEdButtonsOnTop = true; }

// enable external diff script
if (typeof(wikEdLoadDiffScript) == 'undefined') { var wikEdLoadDiffScript = true; }

// diff script URL
var wikEdDiffScriptSrc = wikEdDiffScriptSrc || '';

// enable external wikEdDiff script
if (typeof(wikEdLoadDiff) == 'undefined') { var wikEdLoadDiff = true; }

// wikEdDiff script URL, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
var wikEdDiffSrc = wikEdDiffSrc || '';

// enable external InstaView script
if (typeof(wikEdLoadInstaView) == 'undefined') { var wikEdLoadInstaView = true; }

// InstaView script URL
var wikEdInstaViewSrc = wikEdInstaViewSrc || '';

// enable external RegExTypoFix script
if (typeof(wikEdLoadRegExTypoFix) == 'undefined') { var wikEdLoadRegExTypoFix = false; }

// RegExTypoFix script URL
var wikEdRegExTypoFixSrc = wikEdRegExTypoFixSrc || '';

// enable RegExTypoFix (, needs User:Cacycle/wikEdTypoFix.js or translation
if (typeof(wikEdRegExTypoFix) == 'undefined') { var wikEdRegExTypoFix = true; }

// enable highlighting as links
if (typeof(wikEdFollowHighlightedLinks) == 'undefined') { var wikEdFollowHighlightedLinks = false; }

// skip the browser detection to run wikEd under IE and Opera
if (typeof(wikEdSkipBrowserTest) == 'undefined') { var wikEdSkipBrowserTest = false; }

// set the button bar grip width in px
var wikEdButtonBarGripWidth = wikEdButtonBarGripWidth || 8;

// enable local preview (Pilaf's InstaView)
if (typeof(wikEdUseLocalPreview) == 'undefined') { var wikEdUseLocalPreview = true; }

// allow ajax requests from local copy for testing, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (typeof(wikEdAllowLocalAjax) == 'undefined') { var wikEdAllowLocalAjax = false; }

// enable server preview (Ajax)
if (typeof(wikEdUseAjaxPreview) == 'undefined') { var wikEdUseAjaxPreview = true; }

// enable auto update (Ajax)
if (typeof(wikEdAutoUpdate) == 'undefined') { var wikEdAutoUpdate = true; }

// hours between update check
var wikEdAutoUpdateHours = wikEdAutoUpdateHours || 20;

// auto update version url (ajax)
var wikEdAutoUpdateUrl = wikEdAutoUpdateUrl || '';

// show complete unshortened article text for local diff, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (typeof(wikEdFullDiff) == 'undefined') { var wikEdFullDiff = false; }

// make links ctrl-clickable
if (typeof(wikEdFollowLinks) == 'undefined') { var wikEdFollowLinks = true; }

// correct tab order between check boxes and submit buttons
if (typeof(wikEdSubmitTabOrder) == 'undefined') { var wikEdSubmitTabOrder = false; }

// end of user configurable variables