
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Citizenshippost-colonial outlander - United States, foreign born.
Occupation(s)Scholar, Translator, Public Servant, F/LOSS Engineer, Raja Yogi, Street Musician
Known forresearch, writing, editing, translating, mural art, existential Aristotelianism, the organic method, public comment, posterior analysis,,

Welcome to the resume of my work-in-progress: a topical (though out-of-date) arrangement articles I've improved or created[1] This is also a proof-of-concept for high school and college reform; an exploration of

Mortimer Adler
, editor-in-chief emeritus of the Encyclopedia Brittanica. We will starting with the Sun and Moon, our two most reliable sources, and foray into the many calendrical methods that civilizations have devised for measuring time, predicting the future, and remembering the past.

הבל הבלים אמר קהלת, הבל הבלים, הכל הבל: מה יתרון לאדם בכל עמלו שיעמל תחת השמש Vanity of vanities, says Koheleth, transistory vapor.[3] What profit hath man with all his labour, wherein he laboureth, under the sun[4]

, son of David, king in Jerusalem, the first Encyclopedist

Sun and the Moon: Signs of the Times and Seasons

וזרח השמש, ובא השמש, ואל מקומו שואף זורח הוא שם The sun dawns, and the also sun sets, and to its place glides, and there it will dawn.

The sun sets, therefore it is obviously not a god; it is clearly a subsidiary and dependent power whose (apparent) motion is determined by a higher and more universal law given by a more supreme lawgiver. If you need further proof, Isaac Newton will, at some point in the distant future, demonstrate this by irrefutable mathematical principles of natural philosophy.

We need a second great light to mark the times and to rule the night, and hence the Lunisolar calendars are more natural and powerful than mere solar calendars.

Therefore we will learn the Metonic cycle from those that do dwell by the rivers of Babylon, and adapt it for the Ancient Macedonian Calendar, instead of using the Egyptian solar calendar now in vogue among the Romans.

Nor will we make any graven image, for god is not a man and the poets are liars. Sculptors are poets of stone, and even if they could sculpt or paint a likeness of the sun in all its radiance (they cannot), we would be inclined to disbelieve that it is an accurate representation. These mythologies are not reliable sources. Why watch the flickering shadows cast against the wall by the idolatrous fetishes in your cave, when you could step out into the light of the sun instead? Elevate your intellect to the contemplation of that which is universal and unchanging.

Fixing the Calendar Years

Weeks, and Names of the days of the week

Nundinae, Sunday, Sabbath in Christianity

vs. Clock Time

  • todo

Holidays: Remembering the past, imagining the future

Ecclesiastes 1:4, interpretation mine

דור הלך ודור בא והארץ לעולם עמדת

One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh;
And the earth abideth for ever.

, son of David, king in Jerusalem

Jewish Christians) of celebrating Pesach on the wrong day, and still do. Putting christians everywhere in a double-bind
, enforced by suppressing the scriptures. Thus the sacramental invention of the eucharist became a "mystery".

Koheleth and his Disciples

"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. 8 All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. 9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:7–9

User:Jaredscribe/Han Xue and Da Xue

Heraclitus and Parmenides both learned from Koheleth, but neither grasped the complete system. s:Fragments of Heraclitus

Natural Philosophy
is the Foundation

Porphyry's Isagoge (Introduction) to Aristotle's categories, translated by Boethius into Latin, and Ibn al-Muqaffa into Arabic.

Judeo-Islamic philosophies (800–1400)

Into English by s:Isagoge (Owen) 1853, and partially onto wikipedia, 3 May 2022. Since this is the most important philosophic work since Aristotle, why was it not yet on wikisource until I came by?

Porphyry introduced a subtle error that spawned the pseudo-problem of universals and thence the nominalist—realist controversy, which plagues academics on and off wikipedia to this day, in which both parties were and are ignorant of the correct understanding of ontology: universals are immanent real within particulars.

of the Western University

Maimonides =>

Corpus Aristotelicum => Aquinas, scholasticism and the Medieval university

of the Scientific Revolution

It was the scholastic movement that brought about the scientific revolution

12th century Renaissance

mechanistic philosophy (todo) which came to be known as "modern science": an agnostic or atheistic yet quasi-religious belief system that rejects essentialism (todo)
and teleology, and subordinates nature to human efficiency in the interest of industrial revolution and colonial empire, and is frequently believed and promoted by many others who do not possess the virtue of science. See below: basic errors modern.

of the Social Sciences

  • todo
    relationship subsisting between agent and field.

of the Foundations of Mathematics

The Aristotelian realist philosophy of mathematics predates and also supersedes the logicism of Russell-Carnap and the Vienna circle.[9]

Draft:Ricardo Nirenberg critiques Alain Badiou § Mathematics as ontology

Plato's Laws
renounce the Spartan and Cretan Constitutions idealized in his earlier Republic

Thesis: his renunciation is probably in response to Aristotle, after "the foal" kicked his mother, rendered his criticism and left the Academy. Am I the first to claim this? It seems so obvious upon reading the primary sources: how could this be "original research"? And yet, its not found on wikipedia, and I've not encountered this from the professors of platonic philosophy. Why is that? Because they are

neoplatonists fascinated by "the Republic" and don´t want to let it go, because its "noble lie
s" in support of proto-fascistic elitism and anti-family polyamoristic communism, form the organizational basis for their academies, monasteries, and colleges. These institutions are partial realizations of Plato's earlier ideal, and many of the professors and students don't even know this.

Someone please find a book or academic paper that argues this, cite it on the articles, and notify my talk page. How could this be

? It is so obvious.

Some background: Rhadamanthus was the legendary lawgiver of Knossos and the Cretan thalassocracy, who instituted gymnasiums and the syssitia (common meals) as a strategy of keeping his men in a state of perpetual war-readiness. This political history of ancient greece is explained by Draft:Cleinias of Crete to Megillos of Sparta and to the Athenian stranger, who is Plato's spokesperson in the dialogue. The interlocutors blame this system for the tradition of greek pederasty, at the end of book III, which they claim "corrupts natural desire" and is responsible for "civil unrest" among the youth.

Draft:Magnesia (Plato) is the replacement for Draft:Kallipolis (Plato).

Yoga Darsana vs. Advaita Vedanta

, of Indian philosophy.

I.i This is the authoritative teaching of Yoga. I.ii Yoga is the stilling of the variations of the mind.

— Patanjali,
Yoga Sutras

See also: todo, yoga has its own pramana - epistemological method, which assumes the ontology and metaphysics of the closely correlated Samkhya darsana. Avidya is given as the first of the five kleshas, the knots of affliction, and the productive field of all them that follow. (Sutra II.3) Individual life comes about through the union of purusa (spirit) and prakriti (matter). There exists a special purusha called Ishvara, which is free of all kleshas and karmas.[10]

Other Indian philosophy: The four Purushartha, goals of life. (needs a yoga perspective) The Arthashastra on diplomacy, war, and statecraft

Physics and Health Science

Basic Errors Ancient

Democritus, Atomism § Rejection in Aristotelianism

Fascism and Absolutist Monarchy of

. But Plato must renounce, and insofar as his Laws repudiate, Plato is redeemed, Aristotle is justified, and the Macedonians are lucky.

Thirty Tyrants.

Proclus, Porphyry, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Neo-Platonism,

Western Political theology based on Judenhass, Anti-Judaism, as theorized by David Nirenberg, and Constantine's_Sword, according to James Carroll (author). examples:

Basic Errors Modern

The so-called Rennaissance todo of ancient pornographic idolatry in the Italian art schools and plutocratic courts,[citation needed] during the 14th century, This was contemporaneous with the translation of Plato and other greek authors into Latin, and it ought to be called the "zombification" (of graeco-roman imperial mythology) instead of "the renaissance". The pornographic mythologizing was an ancient error that was refuted and rejected by christianity, for good reason. Reviving and zombifying the Roman empire is a modern error. This movement did not give us science, it gave merely gave us Modernity todo, which is to say, style and fashion, art and literary fiction, make believe. Despite claims of the modernists, this movement did not greatly influence the church reformation or the discoveries at the heart of the scientific revolution, which were already underway due to the rediscovery of Aristotle two centuries earlier, the rise of the aristotelian scholastic university and the study of nature and of natural law.

Scientism or "modern science" was an institutional theory formulated by Francis Bacon (who discovered nothing) and developed by Hobbes, Darwin, and the evolutionary biologists and is based on a metaphysical assumption: that there are no specific essences, no knowledge of metaphysics, and no final causes, purposes, or teleology in nature, against all common sense and evidence. Mechanistic philosophy as a replacement for dogmatic church metaphysics.

The scientific revolution on the other hand, resulted from the labors of natural philosophers such as Isaac Newton who practiced science as a virtue. It has been misappropriated by so-called "scientists" who practice it as assumption.

The negative evaluation of Kantian rationalism - especially in its formulation by Fichte - as a "science of hating Judaism", by Saul Ascher has been credited by historian David Nirenberg as foresight into the development of a pseudo-science of Antisemitism that translated the christian dialectic of supercession into the discourse of "critical reason".[11]

On the Jewish Question, a work by Karl Marx, written in 1843, and first published in Paris in 1844 under the German title Zur Judenfrage. It was one of Marx's first attempts to develop what would later be called the historical materialist conception of history.

The Modern Project

Draft:Basic Errors in Modern Thought[12]

Russell's Talk:Principia Mathematica#Lead section is too obscure by the work itself is obscure .. because it is unsound.

Wittgenstein concluded that the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus had resolved all philosophical problems,[16] leaving one free to focus on what really matters - ethics, faith, music and so on.[17] Instead of learning from him, the academic philsophers conceptually idolize him, as is their way.

To Do: User:Jaredscribe/Cognitive Science

Psychiatry and Abnormal Psychology

Anne Harrington: In this book Harrington shows that the pathological basis of almost all mental disorders remains as unknown today as it was in 1886. Regarding the "chemical imbalance" theory of mental illness, she writes “Ironically, just as the public was embracing the ‘serotonin imbalance’ theory of depression, researchers were forming a new consensus” about the idea behind that theory: It was “deeply flawed and probably outright wrong.”

Gary Greenberg

Robert Spitzer

Gregory Bateson's theory of schizophrenia as learned helplessness and confusion in response to double-binds from authorities, incorporated into the psyche. Before theorization of post-traumatic stress disorder - relation? Also pioneered cybernetics, the study of regulatory and purposive systems. Final causes in nature?

The Law and the Prophets

Main resume: he:משתמש:Jaredscribe#חומשי_התרה See also: he:משתמש:Jaredscribe#נבואה_והרמנויטיקה

Post-exilic Judaism

People, Places, and Events in Hasmonean and Roman Judaea & the Gospels

Pauline Christianity vs. Nicene Christianity

Reformation, Radical Reformation, and Counter-Reformation

Martin Luther#Anti-Vagrant Polemic, Liber Vagatorum (new article)

20th Century Religious History

German Christians (movement)#Lutheranism added missing section, hello?!

Post-colonial anti-imperialist history

Zionism, Palestine, Israel

The Jewish question.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda published HaZvi, one of the first Hebrew newspapers in the Land of Israel / Palestine. Psalm 22

List of newspapers in Israel: one with largest circulation is Yedioth Ahronoth and has english & spanish websites.

Arab–Israeli alliance against Iran => Abraham Accords => Negev Summit 2022

Diplomacy and International Relations

US Foreign Policy

to deface the Nazi swastika.

Among the Russia policy advisors of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign (todo or 2008?) was Richard Lourie (new article).

Atlantic Revolutions and Franco-US Alliance

Talk:Proclamation of Neutrality#Pro-Monarchy POV Hamiltonian-Federalist POV on almost all these articles: User:Jaredscribe/France. Promote perspectives of Girondists, ambassador Genet, and Democratic-Republicans led by Jefferson and Madison as "Helvidius"

Haitian Revolution, U.S. Invasion of Haiti


This user is an
Fascist Italy
, and others.

World War II

US Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long was "somewhat an admirer of European fascism", according to diplomat and historian David McKean. He later organized refugee policy for the Roosevelt administration, and prevented the US from admitting Jewish refugees fleeing the holocaust.

David Kertzer

Reunification of Germany

NATO, Russia, Ukraine and Baltics

This user opposes
Marxism-Leninism and supports De-Stalinization and De-Leninization

Its long past time for

Lenin Mausoleum of Red Square, and his mummified corpse should be buried and the Mausoleum dismantled, and Leninist and Marxist-Leninist
ideology should be exposed. (Most of these articles had ommissions and gaps that favored a Bolshevik-Marxist POV, here on wikipedia, until I fixed them. The bias on the latter two articles remains yet, and I will work on correcting this in future days.)

Putin is merely a symptom; the problem with Russia will continue even if he is ousted in a coup, because some other totalitarian strongmen will take his place until the idolatrous cult of power is dismantled.

Time for the US of A to establish a

Fallen Monument Park, which could be a new home for the Statue of Lenin (Seattle)

Talk:Enlargement of NATO § WP:WEIGHT "What Gorbachev heard", and what did the Allied negotiators actually say?

Russian Revolution and Civil War

Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Russia § Neutral rewrite of Russian Revolution lede is needed, due to:

Talk:Russian Revolution § Major Ommissions and Leninist-Bolshevik POV. The rewrite was successful, I'm pleasantly surprised at how well this content dispute went. Some major gaps were filled and totalitarian exaggerations corrected, and now I can say that it has been restored to Wikipedia:Neutral point of view, however the Bolshevik-Leninist POV persists on alot of other articles in this content field.

David Shub (new article), active in the 1905 Revolution, exiled to Siberia and USA, later wrote 1930 profile of Stalin and later biography of Lenin.

The Lenin Assasination Plot

DeWitt Clinton Poole (new article), U.S. Consul general in Moscow and America's spymaster in Revolutionary Russia. Poole employed Xenophon Kalamatiano (new article) as his main field officer,[21].

Espionage historian

red terror

U.S. Secretary of state (Robert Lansing todo) initiated the plot[21] after Vladimir Lenin seized power in October 1917 and removed Russia from the World War I, as part of a secret deal the Bolsheviks had struck with Germany. President Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy was publicly opposed to interference, but he told Lansing the Moscow coup had his "entire approval".[21]

In addition to instigating an attempted coup d'etat, they laundered money through the British and French to send the (

White Russian movement (todo)

General Jean Lavergne, chief of the French military mission to Russia was aided by Consul General (fr:Joseph-Fernand Grenard todo), who attempted to recruit resistance armies to march on Bolshevik Moscow, and dispatched agents across Russia.[22] fr:Intervention_en_Russie_septentrionale. See also: fr:Joseph Noulens. French agents were fr:Charles Adolphe Faux-Pas Bidet (nouveau article) and fr:Henri de Verthamon.[23]

Period of (
Dissolution of the USSR

In 1990,

George Kennan (todo), former US ambassador to the USSR and author of the containment theory (todo), was against the expansion. It would inevitably be taken as a hostile gesture, which would only increase nationalism and militarism in Russia. But the West was mighty, rich, and triumphant, and there was nothing Russia could do.

— From Review of Tony Wood (historian)'s book (new article). Lourie, Richard (29 January 2019). "Out of the Picture: On Tony Wood's "Russia Without Putin: Money, Power and the Myths of the New Cold War""
. LA Review of Books.

The Czardom of Putin

  • Vladimir Putin's doctorl dissertation had 15 pages were copied from an American textbook.[24]. Since he is obviously an admirer, maybe the US should teach him something, instead of stupid triumphalism and accusing his act of bravely translating suppressed knowledge, of being mere "plagiarism".18 Feb 2022: Vladimir Putin.
    • Russia analyst, historian, and H.Clinton advisor
      's future moves. He call's Tony Wood's book, below, a "maverick, battle cry of the opposition":
    • Tony Wood (historian) faults everyone for fixation on Putin rather than the dysfunctional system that was present before him and will outlast him. Faults the west and NATO for expanding into the baltics, contrary to assurances made to Gorbachev.
    • Maria Lipman also reviews Wood's analysis favorably, and so do I. Please read the article.

Persian Gulf & Mesopotamia

Near East and Maghreb

US Government

On July 5, 1852,

Declaration of Independence
were "saving principles", and the "ringbolt of your nations destiny". Nevertheless, he maintained that slaves owed nothing to and had no positive feelings towards the founding of the United States. He faulted America for utter hypocrisy and betrayal of those values in maintaining the institution of slavery.

Federal Law and US Supreme Court

Necessary and Proper Clause adds implied powers to enumerated powers, among the powers of the US Congress :: McCulloch v. Maryland, cert 1819, holds that establishment of a national bank is "necessary and proper" for enumerated power of "Taxing and Spending" for the "general welfare".

1st Amendment Free Speech and CDA Section 230 Immunity

Section 230 immunity challenges :: Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh cert. 2022, Gonzalez v. Google LLC cert. 2022.

Force v. Facebook Inc.
2019 2nd Appeals, denied cert.

Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University granted cert., vacated and returned moot with statement by Justice Thomas calling for regulation as Common carrier#Internet Service Providers. Is this not notable? Talk:Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump#Appealed to: Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University

Malwarebytes, Inc. v. Enigma Software Group USA, LLC dist court, denied cert by 9th Circuit, provoking statement by Justice Clarence Thomas.

C.f. Net neutrality in the United States, National Cable & Telecommunications Ass'n v. Brand X Internet Services, cert. 2005

No establishment of religion or prohibition on free exercise thereof

TWA v. Hardison cert. 1977. Estate of Thornton v. Caldor, Inc. cert. 1985, Biblical Sabbath, Sabbatarianism




gain of function research in partnership with US universities and institutions.[25]

Manifest Destiny and The American West

The doctrine of

(todo). The City government removed it on July 30th, 2020, in response to a petition (that I composed), and to the ongoing todo, but few people know why. There might be an article somewhere about Toppled Statues in Portland. Eventually a paragraph like this will be included on that article. Iconoclasm, however, isn't sufficient to remove the delusions that created particular instances of (todo) and (todo) in the first place, which have been "mainstreamed". These die hard: see Talk:The Promised Land (sculpture)
for an example.

Oregon Government

Constitution of Oregon, Oregon State Senate, Oregon House of Representatives, 81st Oregon Legislative Assembly, Oregon Republican Party, Democratic Party of Oregon, Oregon State Capitol

Oregon World War II Memorial, a historic monument that doesn't involve statues. Learn from this example!


Anti-Chinese violence in Oregon

~Racism in Oregon

Portland, Oregon

History of Portland Oregon Benson Bubblers temperance fountain - corporate social responsibility Portland, Oregon, Government of Portland, Oregon

Multnomah County Court (new article) Rod Underhill (district attorney) (new article) DA Mike Schmidt
JoAnn Hardesty Rene Gonzalez

The 2021 Western North America heat wave shut down the annual 4th of July Fireworks show over the Willamette riverfront, along with many others throughout the region. For many people who called out for justice and who have prayed for and end to the ostentatious display of military bravado and basic historic ignorance, this was heaven's answer to prayer. However, 90+ died, which was totally unnecessary. It is much better to solve problems through repentance than through judgement. For my part, I petition the city of Portland to permanently end the Firework show, and in its place, host a public reading of the Declaration of Independence, in Jefferson's Original Rough Draft.

Red House on Mississippi
? Vanport Mosaic Festival (new article)

Poetics, Culture, and Literary Criticism

TODO list: User:Jaredscribe/Literary Criticism

Poetics (Aristotle)

Bob Dylan (Shabtai Zimmerman) - Before the Flood (album), "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall", Planet Waves Slow Train Coming

Dire Straits c.f. Bein HaMetzarim

Witches Sabbath

Measure for measure


Meir Ariel

New Essays and Contributions to Wikipedia Policies and Consensus Documents

What is Reliable?

For detailed contributions (where I cleave to the wikipedia content policies of verifiability, neutrality, and NOR), see the linked article histories. (Subpages contain not resumes but reading lists and curriculums for future projects, likewise with links marked "todo"). Wikipedia is one starting place for research, along side Wikisource, the reference section of your local library, the dewey decimal system, and the collected works of Aristotle, but I would recommend precious few articles for an adequate encyclopedic treatment of their topics. Therefore I intend to travel to some distant point in time past, and try to discover some


WP:WikiProject Countering systemic bias

Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Theology § Lets not use an image of God, ok?

Casus Belli

Am I here merely to

Encyclopedic mission is itself the righting of a great wrong. I won't abdicate that merely because the truth happens in some matters to be an unpopular minority opinion. Where I've made errors or oversights, I gratefully welcome other editors to correct them and to teach me something new. By analyzing and publicly declaring my own point of view and agenda, and disclosing my identity IRL, I am committing to the practice self-awareness and transparency about my own POV, which I hope is a scholarly point of view.

Most of my arguments for inclusion are found in the revision history's edit summaries. Where its gone to talk, I list below.

WP:Bold-refine (new essay)

Is my answer to

WP:BRD Bold-Revert-Discuss. Note that my first action on the original article was to BOLD the phrase Bold-refine is the ideal collaborative editing cycle. And now, having written an essay, will link that to it. The error in BRD is one of emphasis, not of intent or process. Editors should consider alternatives to reverting. Like, DO THE RESEARCH. Jaredscribe (talk
) 05:51, 29 March 2022 (UTC)

Strategic Retreats and Theaters of Meta-Wiki Cold war (term) (todo)

This is where I keep track of articles needing work, from which I was driven away. This is NOT a boast. As a new user, I lacked the skill to win consensus, or the extensible quotable knowledge of

is a good and important essay in many respects - we need to exclude pseudo-science and value real science and scholarship, but it has un-examined consequences. At least now I'm starting to understand the mechanism whereby wikipedia reflects this bias, which is of course in "western society" as a whole.

Systemic Misogyny on Wikipedia only, or in Society as a Whole?

  • Give your woman some good lovemaking day, has been declared for
    Encyclopedic mission and have made many valuable contributions to subject matter that, unlike the article in question, is actually notable. I've been accused of bias, bad faith, and promoting a lunar religion. (Although, truth be told, I follow a Lunisolar calendar). After reflecting on my behavior in response to vague threats/warnings that I could be banned from Wikipedia over this, I have made a Talk:Steak and Blowjob Day#Sincere apology for disruptive soapboxing
    . If I have offended anyone, I'm terribly sorry.
  • hist Stacy Schiff "On July 24th, 2006, Schiff wrote a New Yorker essay on wikipedia itself entitled Know It All. This very Stacy Schiff wikipedia article was created the very same day, which can be verified on history tab above." But the editors here don't want you to know that, apparently.
  • hist
    Theory of the Leisure Class
    to this effect.
    • Although the foregoing was accepted into the article (in the year 2021, 13 years after the fact) the contents of his essay have not: Wikipedia already maintains
      presumption in favor of privacy on biographies of living persons, that already protect the encyclopedia from abuse, so why maintain a separate one for notability? As a case study, he uses this very wikipedia article on himself, which had been nominated for deletion in 2006, as the record will reflect, but immediately reversed after his Slate article that cited the case. But that is in order to draw attention to the more notable case of the lack of an article on Pulitzer prize winning writer Stacy Schiff until she too wrote an article about Wikipedia biases for the New Yorker. Noah contrasts her notable absence with the presence of many wikipedia articles on fictional characters and porn actresses, suggesting systemic gender bias in wikipedia standards and processes. Both pairs of articles are now featured in the Wikiproject to counter systemic bias.[26]

Dogmatism on
primary sources leads to bias toward WP:Recentism

Cultural Appropriation from the Jews enables the "noble Myth" of the American West and systemic Anti-Indigenous Ignorance

Traditional Antijudaism intersects with modern Scientism in unsound, ignorant, and dogmatic minimizing of the Hebrew Bible

    • Alot of other articles in the content field of Judaism are given titles in the "Yinglish" / transliterated hebrew. See below for some examples. No wonder that the Jewish editors seem to have resorted to "Yinglish" and made separate parallel articles, and avoid translating. And an editor like myself who is fluent in hebrew, and trying translate for the benefit of the uneducated and the gentile readership, is typically driven away by the minimalists and eventually will probably give up and start writing in Yinglish or on Hebrew wikipedia instead. While the ignoramuses who enforce the status quo will probably congratulate each other on removing my undue POV so that they can persevere in their ignorance. The readers deserve better.
  • counting of the omer
    (sheaves), which begins the day after. Each one of these is a major omission. I added them all just before the holiday began, and but my edit was reverted. However, it was a valid concern and in good faith, since I was contributing in "Yinglish", and late on a friday afternoon when the Jewish editors would be offline for sabbath preparation, and the editors eventually accepted my submissions after the weekend; and I appreciate the honest dialectic. This was a successful content discussion; the encylopedia wins.
    • Jewish Christianity
      , that may need some more work from historians and Jewish editors.
    • The discussion about this is happening at
      WP:AGF. Yes, we should probably take this to WP:WikiProject_Christianity
  • Sanhedrin trial of Jesus Factually inaccurate, not-neutral, and basically ignorant. I significantly altered it and improved it as of Maundy Thursday 2021, but still needs alot of work. I added a section /* Jewish laws on the conduct of capital trials */ that should also be included in the Sanhedrin article. Including excerpt from Sanhedrin (tractate) 32a demonstrating that this was an illegal trial according to Jewish law. Moreover, it was an unlawful assembly in its very presence, it being the eve of the Sabbath / Festival. These facts had been mentioned on the talk page, back in 2006. Appalling that it has taken until 2021 to correct this error. Wikipedia ought to stop driving away productive editors writing from a Jewish POV Someone made a quite convenient "harmony of the gospels" table, #Narrative Comparison from the NIV translation. I think this should replace the "Trial" prose section, which I deprecated and split into two sections needing expansion - /* Midnight inquest at Caiaphas' house */, /* Morning arraignment by the "sanhedrin" */
  • After the spring holidays of 2021, I moved on to other subject matter. Starting for the year 5782 which began after rosh hashana 2021, I began the editing on the yearly torah cycle on the hebrew wikipedia. I don't intend to waste much more time here on the english wikipedia on the subject of Hebrew bible until the bias issue is dealt with; I think the rest of you should learn from this case and increase your threshold of tolerance for the minority but notable POV that God exists and that God is one. When I return to editing in the common tongue, it will probably be in the spanish or french wikipedia.

I Will Sing of the Contributor and His Content Disputes

Moral of the story: Disputation and dialectic are a necessary part of this project, but in a successful "content dispute", both and all parties are focused on seeking knowledge, not on winning or losing. Putting our own pride and privelege aside, we seek knowledge in humility, and the winner is the encyclopedia and everyone who edits and reads it. The "contributor" is justified or corrected, the "editor" withdraws or better imroves on the first draft, but no one "wins or loses". The managing "editor" also benefits from having been taught a lesson. I will not humiliate any of my dialectical partners in a scholarly content dispute, I value them. I list these disputes in order to demonstrate how the encyclopedia can be changed for the better, because some of these patterns repeat.

Rather than war with the WP:WikiKnighthood and the WP:WikiElfs, if you are a young newbie editor, walk away rather than fight.

Become a WP:WikiHobbit and become a reader of the encyclopedia first and foremost, follow the citations to learn more. As you learn new subject-matter, copy-edit where you can, learning the technique and culture of the encyclopedia by working as a WP:WikiGnome and WP:Fairy.

Then go for a walk with the

sources say about that book, and cite them on its Wikipedia article.

I will sing of the Writer and His WikiWars

Moral of the story: When possible have "content disputes" rather than "edit wars", and engage with your colleague using dialectic in your edit summaries. Learn the

WP:Boldly persist. For this, Discussion and WP:Obversion
are both necessary.

Restoring Aristotelian Perspective in the face of persistent Neo-platonic bias in Christiantiy and Epicurean bias in Modernity

User:Jaredscribe/Wikipedia Ethics

Getting Started

If you are new here,

wp:FIXTHEPROBLEM. Worse, some of them have become sophomoric bureaucrats
and seem to want it to stay that way.

If you know that your assertions are verified, and encyclopedic, then admonish your challenger.

WP:5 pillars
are principles, not rules.

Recommended editing tools

User:Jaredscribe/Diatribes#Privilege is no excuse for ignorance

User:Jaredscribe/Diatribes#Defending an article


  1. ^
  2. ^ except for User:Jaredscribe/Russia studies, which is resume.
  3. ^ Everything changes!
  4. ^ under=without, sun=law (as the proverb says "the commandment is a candle the LAW is LIGHT") interpretation based on Rashi's commentary {without the law, the source of light}?
  5. ^ Adler 1985, p. 194.
  6. ^ Goleman 1995, pp. xix–xxiv.
  7. ^ Goleman 1995, pp. 285–286.
  8. ^ Adler 1978.
  9. ^ c.f. Paul Thagard
  10. Yoga Sutras
  11. ^ Nirenberg 2014, Philosophical Struggles with Judaism from Kant to Heine. sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFNirenberg2014 (help)
  12. ^ Adler 1985.
  13. ^ Barnes 2000, p. 137.
  14. ^ McKeon 1941, p. xii.
  15. ^ Adler 1985, p. 194-195.
  16. ^ Biletzki, Anat & Matar, Anat (2002-11-08). "Ludwig Wittgenstein". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Editorial Board.
  17. ^ Eagleton, Terry (2022-05-15). "Ludwig Wittgenstein's war on philosophy". UnHerd. Retrieved 2022-05-27.
  18. ^ Kritzler 2009.
  19. ^ Nirenberg 2014. sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFNirenberg2014 (help)
  20. ^ "EUROPA - The Schuman Declaration – 9 May 1950".
  21. ^ a b c Carr 2020, p. vii, preface.
  22. ^ Carr, p. viii, preface.
  23. ^ Carr202, pp. 121–122.
  24. ^ Lourie 2017, p. 52, Ch 4. Russia's Fall, Putin's Rise.
  25. ^ Josh Rogin (3/8/2021). "Chaos under heaven: Wuhan lab book excerpt". Politico. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  26. ^ Noah, Timothy (February 24, 2007). "Evicted From Wikipedia". Slate.

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The words of the wise are like goads, like nails driven by a master craftsman, given by a single shepherd. Beyond these, my son, beware! Of the writing of many books, there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.

— Qoheleth / The Collector, Son of David, King in Jerusalem, The Collection of Collections., 12:11-12