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<h1>Commandes de The Elder Scrolls Construction Set</h1>
<p><span class="date"><b>27 Janvier 2004</b></span> </p>
<p>&nbsp;Cette page contient une description de toutes les fonctions disponibles pour 
les scripts dans le TESCS. N'hésitez pas à <b>

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=liste de fonctions">contacter le 
traducteur </a></b>&nbsp;pour lui apporter toutes vos remarques ou suggestions. Vous 
pouvez aussi consulter la Liste des Fonctions par Catégorie. Il y a actuellement 
516 commandes/variables différentes recensées sur cette page. Vous pouvez sans 
problème télécharger cette page sur votre disque dur pour un accès plus 
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" border="1">
<tr bgColor="#000066">
<th colSpan="4"><font face="ARIAL" color="#FFFF99">Liste Alphabétique des 
<td><a href=";">

<font size="2" face="Arial">-&gt;</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetForceJump</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModDestruction</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetArmorer</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">Activate</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetForceMoveJump</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModDisposition</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAthletics</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AddItem</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetForceRun</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font face="Arial" size="2">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModEnchant</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAtStart</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AddSoulGem</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetForceSneak</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModEndurance</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAttackBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AddSpell</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetHandToHand</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModFactionReaction</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAxe</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AddToLevCreature</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetHealth</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModFatigue</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetBlindness</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AddToLevItem</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetHealthGetRatio</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial"> 

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModFight</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetBlock</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AddTopic</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetHeavyArmor</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModFlee</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetBluntWeapon</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AIActivate</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetHello</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModFlying</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetCastPenalty</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AIEscort</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetIllusion</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModHandToHand</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetChameleon</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AIEscortCell</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetIntelligence</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModHealth</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetConjuration</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AIFollow</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetInterior</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModHeavyArmor</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetDefendBonus</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AIFollowCell</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetInvisible</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModHello</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetDelete</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">AITravel</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetItemNombre</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModIllusion</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetDestruction</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">AIWander</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetJournalIndex</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModIntelligence</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetDisposition</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">BecomeWerewolf</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetLevel</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModInvisible</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetEnchant</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Begin</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetLightArmor</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModLightArmor</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetEndurance</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">BetaComment (BC)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetLineOfSight (GetLOS)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModLongBlade</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetFactionReaction</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Cast</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetLocked</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModLuck</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetFatigue</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">CellChanged</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetLongBlade</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetFight</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">CellUpdate</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetLuck</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModMarksman</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetFlee</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">CenterOnCell (COC)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModMediumArmor</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetFlying</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">CenterOnExterior (COE)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetMarksman</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModMercantile</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetHandToHand</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ChangeWeather</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetMasserPhase</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModMysticism</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetHealth</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Choice</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetMediumArmor</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModParalysis</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetHeavyArmor</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ClearForceJump</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetMercantile</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModPCCrimeLevel</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetHello</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ClearForceMoveJump</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetMysticism</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModPCFacRep</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetIllusion</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ClearForceRun</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetParalysis</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModPCVisionBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetIntelligence</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ClearForceSneak</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCCell</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModPersonality</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetInvisible</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ClearInfoActor</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCCrimeLevel</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModRegion</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetJournalIndex</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">CreateMaps</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCFacRep</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModReputation</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetLevel</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Day</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCInJail</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistBlight</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetLightArmor</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DaysPassed</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCJumping</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistCorprus</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetLongBlade</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Disable</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCRank</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistDisease</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetLuck</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisableLevitation</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCRunning</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistFire</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisablePlayerControls</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCSleep</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistFrost</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetMarksman</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisablePlayerFighting</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCSneaking</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetMediumArmor</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisablePlayerJumping</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCTraveling</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistNormalWeapons</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetMercantile</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisablePlayerLooking</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPCVisionBonus</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistParalysis</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetMysticism</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisablePlayerMagic</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPersonality</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistPoison</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetParalysis</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisablePlayerViewSwitch</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPlayerControlsDisabled</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModResistShock</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetPCCrimeLevel</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">DisableTeleporting</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPlayerFightingDisabled</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModRestoration</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetPCFacRep</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DisableVanityMode</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPlayerJumpingDisabled</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModScale</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetPCVisionBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">DontSaveObject</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPlayerLookingDisabled</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSecurity</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetPersonality</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Drop</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPlayerMagicDisabled</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModShortBlade</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetPos</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">DropSoulGem</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPlayerViewSwitch</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial"> 
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSilence</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetReputation</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Else</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetPos</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSneak</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistBlight</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ElseIf</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetRace</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSpear</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistCorprus</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Enable</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetReputation</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSpeechcraft</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistDisease</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableBirthMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistBlight</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSpeed</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistFire</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableClassMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistCorprus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModStrength</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistFrost</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableInventoryMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistDisease</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSuperJump</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableLevelupMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistFire</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModSwimSpeed</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistNormalWeapons</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableLevitation</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistFrost</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModUnarmored</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistParalysis</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableMagicMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModWaterBreathing</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistPoison</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableMapMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistNormalWeapons</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModWaterLevel</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetResistShock</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableNameMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistParalysis</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModWaterWalking</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetRestoration</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnablePlayerControls</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistPoison</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModWillpower</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetScale</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnablePlayerFighting</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetResistShock</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Month</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSecurity</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnablePlayerJumping</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetRestoration</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">Move</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetShortBlade</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">EnablePlayerLooking</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetScale</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">MoveOneToOne (MOTO)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSilence</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnablePlayerMagic</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSecondsPassed</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">MoveWorld</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSneak</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnablePlayerViewSwitch</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSecundaPhase</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnActivate</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSpear</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableRaceMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSecurity</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnDeath</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSpeechcraft</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableRest</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetShortBlade</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnKnockout</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSpeed</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableStatReviewMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSilence</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnMurder</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetStrength</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableStatsMenu</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSneak</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">OnPCAdd</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSuperJump</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableTeleporting</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSoundPlaying</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">OnPCDrop</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetSwimSpeed</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EnableVanityMode</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSpear</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">OnPCEquip</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetUnarmored</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">End</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSpeechcraft</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnPCHitMe</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetWaterBreathing</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">EndIf</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSpeed</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnPCSoulGemUse</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetWaterLevel</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">EndWhile</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSpell</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OnRepair</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetWaterWalking</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Equip</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSpellEffects</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OutputObjNombres</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetWerewolfAcrobatics</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ExplodeSpell</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSpellReadied</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OutputRefNombres</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetWillpower</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Face</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSquareRoot</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">OutputRefInfo (ORI)</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Short</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">FadeIn</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetStandingActor</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">PayFine</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Show</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">FadeOut</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetStandingPC</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PayFineThief</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowAnim (SA)</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">FadeTo</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetStartingAngle</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCClearExpelled</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowGroup (SG)</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Fall</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetStartingPos</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCExpell</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowMap</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">FillJournal</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetStrength</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCExpelled</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowRestMenu</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">FillMap</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSuperJump</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCForce1stPerson</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowScenegraph (SSG)</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">FixMe</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetSwimSpeed</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCForce3rdPerson</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowTargets (ST)</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">Float</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetTarget</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCGet3rdPerson</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ShowVars (SV)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ForceGreeting</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetUnarmored</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCJoinFaction</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">SkipAnim</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ForceJump</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetVanityModeDisabled</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCLowerRank</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">StartCombat</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ForceMoveJump</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWaterBreathing</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCRace</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">StartScript</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ForceRun</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWaterLevel</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCRaiseRank</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">StayOutside</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ForceSneak</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWaterWalking</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCSkipEquip</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Variable</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">StopCellTest (SCT)</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GameHour</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWeaponDrawn</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCVampire</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">StopCombat</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAcrobatics</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWeaponType</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PCWerewolf</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">StopScript</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAgility</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWerewolfKills</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaceAtMe</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">StopSound</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAIPackageDone</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWillpower</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaceAtPC</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">StreamMusic</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAlarm</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetWindSpeed</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaceItem</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">TestCells</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAlchemy</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Goodbye</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaceItemCell</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">TestInteriorCells</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAlteration</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GoToJail</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlayBink</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">TestModels (T3D)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAngle</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">HasItemEquipped</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlayGroup</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">TestThreadCells</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetArmorBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">HasSoulGem</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlayLoopSound3D</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleAI (TAI)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetArmorer</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Help</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlayLoopSound3DVP</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleBorders (TB)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetArmorType</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">HitAttemptOnMe</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaySound</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleCollision (TCL)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAthletics</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">HitOnMe</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaySound3D</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleCollisionBoxes (TCB)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAttackBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">HurtCollidingActor</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaySound3DVP</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleCollisionGrid (TCG)</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAttacked</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">HurtStandingActor</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PlaySoundVP</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleCombatStats (TCS)</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetAxe</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">If</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Position</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleDebugText (TDT)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetBlightDisease</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">IsWerewolf</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PositionCell</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleDialogueStats (TDS)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetBlindness</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Journal</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">PurgeTextures (PT)</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Inconnue</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleFogOfWar (TFOW)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetBlock</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Lock</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">RaiseRank</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleFullHelp (TFH)</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetBluntWeapon</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Long</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Random</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleGodMode (TGM)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetButtonPressed</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">LoopGroup</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveEffects</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleGrid (TG)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCastPenalty</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">LowerRank</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveFromLevCreature</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleKillStats (TKS)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetChameleon</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">MenuMode</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveFromLevItem</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href=" (tl)">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleLights (TL)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCollidingActor</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">MenuTest</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveItem</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleLoadFade (TLF)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCollidingPC</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Tribunal</font></small></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">MessageBox</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveSoulGem</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleMagicStats (TMS)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCommonDisease</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAcrobatics</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveSpell</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleMenus (TM)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetConjuration</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAgility</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">RemoveSpellEffects</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">TogglePathGrid (TPG)</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCurrentAIPackage</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAlarm</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RepairedOnMe</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">UsedOnMe</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCurrentTime</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAlchemy</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ResetActors (RA)</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleScripts</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetCurrentWeather</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAlteration</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Resurrect</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleSky (TS)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDeadNombre</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModArmorBonus</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Return</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleStats (TST)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDefendBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModArmorer</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Rotate</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleTextureString (TTS)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDestruction</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAthletics</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">RotateWorld</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleVanityMode (TVM)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDetected</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAttackBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SameFaction</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleWater (TWA)</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDisabled</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModAxe</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">Say</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleWireframe (TWF)</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDisposition</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModBlindness</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SayDone</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ToggleWorld (TW)</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetDistance</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModBlock</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ScriptRunning</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">TurnMoonRed</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">

</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetEffect</font></a></td>
<a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">ModBluntWeapon</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Set</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">TurnMoonWhite</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetEnchant</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModCastPenalty</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAcrobatics</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">UndoWerewolf</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Bloodmoon</font></small></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetEndurance</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModChameleon</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAgility</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Unlock</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetFactionReaction</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModConjuration</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAlarm</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">WakeUpPC</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetFatigue</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModCurrentFatigue</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAlchemy</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">While</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetFight</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModCurrentHealth</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAlteration</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">XBox</font></a></td>
<td><a href="">

<font size="2" face="Arial">GetFlee</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModCurrentMagicka</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetAngle</font></a></td>

<td><a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">Year</font></a><font size="2" face="Arial">
</font><small><font size="2" face="Arial">Global</font></small></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">GetFlying</font></a></td>

<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">ModDefendBonus</font></a></td>
<a href="">
<font size="2" face="Arial">SetArmorBonus</font></a></td>

<p>Vous pouvez aussi consulter la Liste des Fonctions par Catégorie</p>
</center><hr noShade>
<p><a name="-&gt;"></a><span class="title2">-&gt;</span> <b></p>
<pre>		-&gt;</b>

	Type:	Système

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	if ( player-&gt;GetHealth &lt;= 10 )


<p>Ceci est un opérateur de script utilisé pour accéder aux fonctions de la 
référence d'un objet particulier. Utilisez-le quand vous voulez manipuler ou 
accéder spécifiquement à un objet précis. Notez que si plusieurs objets existent 
dans le monde vous ne savez pas auquel vous allez accéder (le premier que le jeu 
va trouver). Notez également que si vous voulez accéder à un objet de n'importe 
quel endroit le bouton <i>Reference Persist </i>de l'objet doit être coché.</p>
<p>Si l'ID de l'objet à gauche du -&gt; contient des espaces vous devez mettre 
cette ID entre guillemets. Le caractère de soulignement (_) placé au début de l'ID 
d'un objet semble aussi avoir des résultats erratiques dans l'éditeur de script. 
Parfois ils marchent bien mais parfois le compilateur ne les accepte pas. Il est 
recommandé de ne pas nommé les objets avec un caractère de soulignement au 
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="activate"></a><span class="title2">Activate</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Activate, [player]</b>

Détail:  player = ID du joueur optionnelle qui pose comme condition que l'objet soit activé par le joueur, 
			où que soit l'objet et le joueur. Inconnue.

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	If ( OnActivate == 1 )

Scripts:	Dagoth_doors
<p>Cette fonction fait réaliser à l'objet son activation par défaut.</p>
<pre>	<b>	Objet 		Type		Activation</b>

PNJ		  Dialogue	Marche
		Conteneur	  Ouvre		Marche
		Porte		  Ouvre		Ne marche pas ?
		Livre/Parchemin	  Lit		Marche
		Arme		  Prend		Marche
		Armure 		  Prend		Marche
		Divers, etc...	  Prend		Marche
<p>Il y a une caractéristique inconnue dans la fonction Activate en la 
spécification de player après la fonction, par exemple :</p>
<pre>begin RemoteContainer
short OnPCEquip

if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
set OnPCEquip to 0
&quot;dh_remote_chest_01&quot;-&gt;Activate, player
<p>Si le conteneur est persistent (reference persist) le script devrait l'ouvrir 
où que soit le joueur. C'est une façon de créer des conteneurs portables en 
attachant un script tel que celui qui précède à un anneau ou à un objet 
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="additem"></a><span class="title2">AddItem</span> <b></p>

<pre>		AddItem, IDObjet, Nombre</b>

	Détail	IDObjet = Objet à ajouter à l'inventaire de l'appelant.
		Nombre  = Nombre d'objets à ajouter

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	player-&gt;AddItem, &quot;Gold_001&quot;, 200			(donne 200 or au joueur)
		&quot;sinnammu mirpal&quot;-&gt;AddItem, cloudcleaver_unique, 1

Scripts:	bladeScript
<p>Ajoute un nombre donné d'objets au PNJ appelant le script. Notez que la 
valeur Nombre est un short, ce qui limite le nombre d'objets que vous pouvez 
ajouter à 65535 (ou peut-être 65534).</p>
<p>Cette fonction n'accepte de variables globales que dans les résultats des 
dialogues, pas dans les scripts. Cela ne marche pas quand vous fixez la valeur d 
cette variable dans le même résultat de dialogue. Soit vous fixez la variable 
avant de démarrer le dialogue, ou dans une ligne de dialogue qui précède la 
réponse avec AddItem comme résultat (par exemple les Greetings).</p>

<p>Quand un PNJ se voit ajouter une armure (via AddItem ou quand vous lui en 
vendez une), il l'équipera automatiquement si :</p>
<p>&nbsp;1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; La caractéristique du PNJ concernant cette armure est 
plus haute que celle de son armure précédente (les PNJ avec 'Combat à mains 
nues' supérieur à tous les autres caractéristiques <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; d'armures ne mettront jamais 
&nbsp;2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; La valeur d'armure de la nouvelle pièce d'armure est plus 
haute que celle de l'ancienne. (Il ne changera pas pour une armure équivalente).</p>
<p>Un PNJ ne remplacera pas une armure perdue/enlevée/cassée avant qu'on lui en 
ajoute une autre.</p>
<p>Il y a un bug/caractéristique associé qui apparaît quand on utilise AddItem/RemoveItem 
sur un conteneur. Le jeu se rappelle quand vous changez le contenu de ce 
conteneur, et si vous ne l'avez pas fait il n'est nul besoin de stocker le 
contenu du conteneur après que vous ayez pris tout ce qu'il contenait. Le 
premier <i>AddItem </i>marchera toujours sur un conteneur, mais après cela vous 
devez d'abord mettre quelque chose dans le conteneur (i.e. le joueur doit mettre 
un objet lors du jeu), avant qu'un autre<i> AddItem </i>ne fasse son effet.</p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
RemoveItem</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Ben Marshall, Jog et Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="addsoulgem"></a><span class="title2">AddSoulgem</span> <b></p>

<pre>		AddSoulgem, IDCréature, IDGemme</b>

	Détail	IDCréature = Créature dont l'âme doit être ajoutée
		IDGemme  = Type de gemme d'âme à créer. Les différentes ID de gemme d'âme sont :

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	player-&gt;AddSoulgem, &quot;golden saint&quot;, Grand
Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Ajoute une gemme d'âme enchantée à l'inventaire de l'objet appelant, en 
utilisant le type de gemme d'âme et la créature données.</p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
DropSoulGem</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="addspell"></a><span class="title2">AddSpell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		AddSpell, IDSort</b>

	Détail	IDSort = Sort que vous voulez ajouter à l'objet (comme effet on dans l'inventaire).

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	player-&gt;AddSpell, &quot;alit bite&quot;	(ajouté à l'inventaire des sorts)
		AddSpell, &quot;ash woe blight&quot;	(ajoute la malédiction aux sorts affectant l'appelant)
		&quot;adairan lalansour&quot;-&gt;AddSpell, &quot;Ogrul's_Lucky_Again&quot;				
Scripts:	CorprusOnPC

<p>Cette fonction ajoute le sort donné à l'objet appelant. Si IDSort est un sort 
normal, il sera ajouté à la liste des sorts connus et utilisables par le 
personnage. Si le sort est une malédiction (<i>curse</i>) ou une maladie (<i>disease</i>) 
il sera ajouté à la liste des sorts qui affectent l'acteur appelant. Utilisez <i>
RemoveSpell</i> pour enlever les sorts ajoutés par <i>AddSpell</i>.</p>
<p>Un bug lié à cette fonction est que si une malédiction est mise sur une 
créature alors toute créature du même type que vous rencontrerez sera affectée 
par ce sort. Pour régler ce problème appelez simplement <b>
<a href="">
RemoveSpell</a></b> après une condition<b> </b><b>

<a href="">OnDeath</a>
</b>dans un script attaché à la créature. Ce fait donne à penser que le sort est 
ajouté à la définition de la créature et non à une instance particulière de 
cette créature.</p>
<p>Voir Aussi: <a href="#removespell">RemoveSpell</a></p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="addtolevcreature"></a><a name="addtolevitem"></a>

<span class="title2">AddToLevCreature</span><br>
<span class="title2">AddToLevItem</span> <b></p>
<pre>		AddToLevCreature, LevCreature, Creature, Niveau
		AddToLevItem,     LevItem,     objet,     Niveau</b>

	Détail	LevCreature = Liste de niveau de créatures à modifier
		LevItem	    = Liste de niveau d'objets à modifier
		Creature    = ID de la créature à ajouter à la liste
		objet	    = ID de l'objet  à ajouter à la liste
		Niveau	    = Niveau minimum du joueur pour l'activation de la créature ou de l'objet

	Type:	Liste de niveau, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	AddToLevCreature, &quot;ex_azurascoast_sleep&quot;, &quot;ash_ghoul&quot;, 25
		AddToLevItem, &quot;l_m_amulets&quot;, &quot;amulet of 6th house&quot;, 15

Scripts:	Inusité</pre>

<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Permet à l'utilisateur de modifier les 
listes de niveau de créatures et d'objets pendant que le jeu tourne. Cette 
fonction ajoutera le couple objet/niveau à la liste de niveau (à condition que 
cela n'existe pas déjà dans la liste).</font></p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
RemoveFromLevItem</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="addtopic"></a><span class="title2">AddTopic</span> <b></p>
<pre>		AddTopic, TopicID</b>

Détail	TopicID = ID de dialogue à ajouter aux sujets connus par le joueur.

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	addtopic &quot;Redoran councilors&quot;

Scripts:	eotScript
<p>Ajoute le sujet à la liste des sujets de dialogue connus par le joueur. Les 
sujets (<i>topics</i>) connus apparaissent quand le joueur parle à un PNJ qui a 
ce sujet. Quand vous créez un nouveau mod avec de nouveaux dialogues vous 
voudrez souvent ajouter quelques nouveaux sujets à ceux que le joueur connaît 
déjà. Pour ce faire il suffit de créer un objet temporaire près du PNJ qui doit 
utiliser et de lui attacher un script comme le suivant :</p>
<pre>	begin test_AddTopics
		short DoOnce;

		if ( DoOnce == 0 )
			AddTopic &quot;newtopic01&quot;
AddTopic &quot;newtopic02&quot;
			AddTopic &quot;newtopic03&quot;
			set DoOnce to 1
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="aiactivate"></a><span class="title2">AiActivate</span> <b></p>

<pre>		AiActivate, IDObjet, [Reset]</b>

	Détail	IDObjet = Objet à activer, requis
		[reset]  = Paramètre optionnel, inconnu, indique peut-être si le package AI courant est interrompu
	Type:	AI

Retourne:	rien


Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Bien que cette fonction soit dans le fichier d'aide du TESCS elle n'est 
utilisée dans aucun script du jeu de base. Elle oblige la créature ou le PNJ 
référencé à essayer d'activer l'objet donné en paramètre (comme une porte, un 
activator ou un quelconque objet, etc...)</p>
<p>Il y a un bug connu concernant le paramètre optionnel Reset utilisé avec 
AiActivate (vérifié dans Tribunal). Il est donc recommandé de ne pas mettre le 
paramètre Resest. A savoir que cette fonction ne marche que rarement dans le jeu 
Morrowind original, mais a été largement améliorée dans Tribunal. Les actions 
suivantes ont été testées avec succès :</p>
<li>Potion - Les PNJ la boivent (Marche bien avec le Morrowind original) </li>
<li>Objet sur le sol - Le PNJ le prend </li>

<li>Porte - L'ouvre </li>
<li>Porte de téléportation - Téléporte de l'autre côté mais seulement si la 
destination est dans la même cellule ou si elle est déjà chargée en mémoire. 
Sinon le jeu plante.</li>
<li>Activateur - Le PNJ l'active (comme un bouton par exemple.). </li>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="aiescort"></a><a name="aiescortcell"></a><span class="title2">

<span class="title2">AiEscortCell</span> </p>
<pre>		AiEscort,     IDActeur,         Durée, X, Y, Z, [Reset]
		AiEscortCell, IDActeur, IDCell, Durée, X, Y, Z, [Reset]</b>

	Détail	IDActeur 	= La cible PNJ qu’escortera le PNJ source.
		Durée 		= La durée (en secondes) durant laquelle le PNJ cible sera escorté.&nbsp;Une valeur de 0 indique un temps infini.

		IDCell 		= Le nom de la cell où le PNJ cessera d’escorter la cible.
		X,Y,Z 		= La position où le PNJ cessera d’escorter la cible.
		[Reset] 	= Paramètre optionnel, inconnu, indique peut-être si le package AI courant est interrompu.

	Type:	AI

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	AiEscort, Joueur, 0, 70685, 126106, 835, 0
		AiEscortCell, Joueur, &quot;Balmora, Maison d'Hecerinde&quot;, 0, 70685, 126106, 835, 0

Scripts:	whiteguarScript (AiEscort)
		Inusité (AiEscortCell)
<p>Quand le PNJ utilise la fonction AIEscort, le joueur n’est *pas vraiment* 
libre de son chemin. Le PNJ conduit le joueur à destination, et si le joueur 
décide d’aller ailleurs, le PNJ s’arrête et attend le joueur – Tout simplement, 
le joueur doit suivre le PNJ jusqu’à destination. Si la durée est 0, cette 
condition n’existe pas. Lors d’une escorte, si le PNJ cible est attaqué le PNJ 
source viendra l’aider. Une position XYZ de 0, 0, 0 est souvent utilisée dans 
les cas où vous avez à choisir vous même le moment où le PNJ s’arrêtera de vous 
suivre (sans lieu spécifique). Dans ce cas, le PNJ escortera jusqu’à ce qu’un 
autre type de commande AI lui soit assigné</p>
<p>Comme avec les autres fonctions AI, n’assignez cette commande qu’une seule 
fois ou le résultat pourrait être imprévu.</p>

<p>AiEscortCell est semblable à AiEscort, sauf que le PNJ cible s’arrêtera 
d’escorter le PNJ source à la position donnée dans une cellule intérieure 
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetCurrentAIPackage</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="aifollow"></a><a name="aifollowcell"></a><span class="title2">
<span class="title2">AiFollowCell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		AiFollow,     IDActeur,         Durée, X, Y, Z, [Reset]
		AiFollowCell, IDActeur, IDCell, Durée, X, Y, Z, [Reset]</b>

	Détail	IDActeur 	= Le PNJ cible que suivra le PNJ source.
		IDCell 		= Le nom de la cell où le PNJ cessera d’escorter la cible.
		Durée		= La durée (en secondes)durant laquelle le PNJ cible sera escorté. Une valeur de 0 indique un temps infini.

		X,Y,Z 		= La position où le PNJ cessera d’escorter la cible.
		[Reset] 	= Paramètre optionnel, inconnu, indique peut-être si le package AI courant est interrompu.

	Type:	AI

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	&quot;taren andoren&quot;-&gt;AiFollow, &quot;velyna seran&quot; 0, 0, 0, 0
		AiFollowCell, Joueur, &quot;Balmora, Maison d'Hecerinde&quot;, 0, 70685, 126106, 835, 0

Scripts:	talenScript (AiFollow)
		Inusité (AiFollowCell)

<p>Semblable à AiEscort, où le PNJ source sera sensé suivre le PNJ cible 
(IDActeur) pendant un temps donné (en secondes, 0 indiquant un temps infini) ou 
jusqu’à ce qu’ils rejoignent la position prévue (AiFollow pour un lieu 
extérieur, AiFollowCell pour un lieu intérieur). Quand un PNJ utilise AiFollow, 
le joueur choisit lui même où il/elle va. Le PNJ le suivra diligemment quel que 
soit le chemin choisi.<br>
Comme avec les autres fonctions AI, n’assignez cette commande qu’une seule fois 
ou le résultat pourrait être imprévu.<br>
Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetCurrentAIPackage</a> </p>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="aitravel"></a><span class="title2">AiTravel</span> <b></p>
<pre>		AiTravel, X, Y, Z, [reset]</b>

Détail&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; X,Y,Z&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
=&nbsp;&nbsp; La position finale du voyage du PNJ.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
=&nbsp;&nbsp; Paramètre optionnel, inconnu, indique peut-être si le package AI 
courant est interrompu. </p>

Type:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AI</p>
Retourne:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; rien </p>
Exemple:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AiTravel, 1900 -2146 -173 0 &quot;adaves 
therayn&quot;-&gt;AiTravel, 10199, 1945, 100 </p>

Scripts:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lookoutscript (un bon 
exemple qui fait que Fargoth se balade) <br>
dulniScript <br>
tarenScript </p>
<p>Démarre le voyage d’un PNJ jusqu’à une position extérieure précise. La 
distance aux nouvelles coordonnées ne doit pas être trop grande (environ 3000 – 
4000 unités) ou l’acteur ne réagira pas, bien que le problème existe également 
quand on essaie de faire bouger le PNJ vers une autre cell (ce qui cause souvent 
des problèmes). Utilisez la fonction GetAiPackageDone pour savoir quand l’acteur 
a rejoint sa destination. Notez que dormir, se téléporter ou voyager rapidement 
pourra faire que l’acteur ratera ses coordonnées d’arrivée, et que la fonction 
GetAiPackageDone ne marchera pas – ce qui peut être un problème. La coordonnée Z 
peut être approximative et toutes les valeurs doivent être littérales, les 
variables ne sont pas acceptées. Le pathgrid peut aider, mais n’est pas 
<p>Starts the PNJ to travel to the given exterior position. The distance to the 
new coordinates cannot be too great (about 3000-4000 units), or the actor will 
not react, although this maybe related to trying to move the PNJ to another cell 
(which often has problems). Use GetAiPackageDone function to determine when the 
actor reaches destination. Note that sleeping, teleporting, or fast travel will 
cause the actor to warp to the end-coordinates, but the GetAiPackageDone 
function will not fire - this can be a problem. The Z coordinates need only be 
approximate and all values must be literal, no variables accepted. AIpath grid 
helps, but is not mandatory. </p>
<p>Comme avec les autres fonctions AI, n’assignez cette commande qu’une seule 
fois ou le résultat pourrait être imprévu.<br>

Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetCurrentAIPackage</a> </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="aiwander"></a><span class="title2">AiWander</span> <b></p>
<pre>		AiWander, Rayon, Durée, Temps, [Idle2], [Idle3], ...[Idle9], [Reset]</b>

	Détail	Rayon		= Le rayon, dans les unités du jeu, dans lequel va errer le PNJ à partir du lieu où il se trouve.
		Durée		= Le temps (en heures?) pendant lequel le PNJ va errer (0 indique un temps infini)
		Temps		= Sans doute l'heure à partir de laquelle les vagabondages vont commencer (0 n’indiquant aucun moment de départ)
		[Idle2]...	= Paramètres optionnels qui calculent les possibilités pour que le PNJ fasse les mouvements suivants :
&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle2: &nbsp;Regarde autour de lui
&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle3: &nbsp;Regarde derrière lui

&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle4: &nbsp;Se gratte la tête
&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle5: &nbsp;Dépoussière ses vêtements ou son armure sur son épaule
&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle6: &nbsp;Se frotte les mains et regarde sa marchandise
&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle7: &nbsp;Regarde ses doigts et jette des coup d’oeil furtif autour de lui
&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle8: &nbsp;Réfléchit profondément

&nbsp; &nbsp; 					Idle9: &nbsp;Cherche son arme

		[Reset] 	= Paramètre optionnel, inconnu, indique peut-être si le package AI courant est interrompu.

	Type:	AI

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	AIWander, 0, 0, 0	(force le PNJ à rester à sa place)
		&quot;urzul gra-agum&quot;-&gt;AIWander, 128, 0, 0, 60, 30, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Scripts:	attack_Slave
<p>Force le PNJ à errer au hasard aux alentours en utilisant les points de la 
pathgrid et à effectuer divers mouvements aléatoires. Cette fonction est 
fréquemment utilisée pour que les PNJ arrêtent de suivre quelqu’un ou de 
réaliser l’action à laquelle ils étaient assignés.<br>
Il y a deux bugs connus avec cette fonction. Le paramètre de l’Idle2 n’est pas 
correctement compilé dans le script (vérifié avec tribunal). Le paramètre reset 
ne l’est pas non plus, ou incorrectement, et ne devrait pas être utilisé (comme 
dans les autres fonctions d'AI).<br>
Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
GetCurrentAIPackage</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="becomewerewolf"></a><span class="title2">BecomeWerefolf</span>
<PRE><B>		BecomeWerefolf</B>

	Type:	Loup garou, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	player-&gt;BecomeWerewolf


<P>Transforme immédiatement le joueur, un PNJ ou une créature en loup-garou. Ne 
fonctionne correctement qu'avec les PNJs, cependant elle peut être utilisée sur 
les créatures au risque de donner des effets bizarres. Les effets sur les PNJs sont de 
prendre les meshes de loup-garou, ôter tous leurs vêtements et armes et 
conserver leurs paramètres AI. Cela veut dire qu'un PNJ transformé en loup-garou 
ne pourra pas être capable de parler, mais il/elle a les mêmes Idle 
(mouvements), Fight (combat) et Hello (salutations), paramètres, etc… (ils/elles 
parleront juste au joueur avec leur Voice (voix), mais pas de dialogue ensuite). 
De même, les PNJs déjà agressifs continueront à nous attaquer, même s'ils sont 
sous cette nouvelle forme - les scripts ont l'air de continuer à fonctionner 
correctement, tout comme l'objet ID semble rester le même. Je ne sais pas 
vraiment si les statistiques des PNJs affectés par cette fonction sont changées 
ou non - La vitesse est définitivement inchangée, donc on peut penser que seuls 
les dommages causés par l'attaque et les chances de réussite changent.<P>Cette commande peut être utilisée sur les créatures, avec des effets divers - 
le NIF de la créature ne sera PAS changé, leur nom ne le sera pas non plus en " 
garou " comme il le devient chez les PNJs - et ça ne semble marcher que sur 
certaines créatures, transformant le son de leur attaque et leurs statistiques 
d'attaque, si je ne fais pas d'erreur. Les créatures porteuses de bouclier et/ou 
d'armes seront déséquipées quoiqu'elles portent et se battront à la " main " - 
et, comme je l'ai dit, le son de leur attaque deviendra le grognement d'un loup 
garou, mais quoi qu'il en soit, leur Idle et les autres sons restent les mêmes. 
C'est amusant quand, utilisé sur les Riecklings, ceux-ci deviennent des petits 
nains grincheux et boxeurs. 
<P>La transformation en loup garou se passe exactement comme celle en vampire, 
en utilisant la variable globale " PCWerewolf ". Utiliser Becomewerewolf et 
Undowerewolf peut bloquer votre jeu. Certaines quêtes et variables dépendent de 
leur utilisation, donc si vous vous amusez avec, il vaut mieux que vous en soyez 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 
<ADDRESS>Avec la contribution de LDones. </ADDRESS>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="begin"></a><span class="title2">Begin</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		begin NomDuScript</B>

Détails:	NomDuScript = Le nom unique du script

	Type:	Système

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	begin testing_script

<P>Ceci doit être la première ligne en haut de votre script, qui annonce l'ID du 
script. L'ID du script peut être composée de toutes sortes de combinaisons de 
lettres, nombres, soulignage (_) ou espaces. Il est recommandé toutefois de ne 
pas utiliser d'espaces pour plus de simplicité ( comme avec toutes les autres ID 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="betacomment"></a><a name="bc"></a><span class="title2">BetaComment 
(BC)</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		BetaComment, Comment
		BC, Comment</B>

Détails:	Commentaire = ligne de commentaire à sauver

	Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	BC, "test comment"

<P>Fonction console qui enregistre sûrement un commentaire pour utiliser dans un 
<P>Par Alree : 
<P>Vous en avez marre de noter les Bugs avec un stylo sur du vrai papier ? Vous 
voulez faire de vrai rapport de test et/ou de Bugs sur un mod ? C'est possible 
grâce au Morrowind.ini 
<P>une ch'tite ligne dit...<BR>Beta Comment File=<BR>Et bien mettez<BR>Beta 
Comment File=Beta_comments.txt 

<P>Ensuite dans le jeu quand vous repérez un bug... Paf vous ouvrez la console 
(avec ²).<BR>Vous pointez l'objet du litige (ou un par défaut) avec la 
souris...<BR>Et dans la console vous tapez</P>
<P>BC "votre piti commentaire"</P>
<P>Et hop une fois que vous avez fini vous allez dans votre dossier Morrowind et 
là vous trouvez un fichier =&gt; Beta_comments.txt</P>
<P>Voir aussi: <br>
<ADDRESS>Avec la contribution d'Alree (pour la VF). </ADDRESS>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="cast"></a><span class="title2">Cast</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		Cast, IDSort, IDCible</B>

Détails:	IDSort  = Sort à lancer sur la cible
		IDCible = Cible pour le sort

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Cast, "Cure Common Disease Other", Player
		"adairan lalansour"-&gt;Cast, "poisonbloom", "Netch_Giant_UNIQUE"

Scripts:	GavisScript
<P>L'objet appelant jette le sort donné sur la cible (seulement des sorts). Un 
usage commun pour cela est la confection de pièges qui jettent un sort au joueur 
quand il les active. 
<P>Dans le jeu original Morrowind, le sort au toucher peut être lancé par 
n'importe quel objet, mais doit être dirigé vers la REFERENCE spécifique d'un 
PNJ ou d'une créature. Un sort ciblé ou sur soi-même ne peut être lancé que par 
un PNJ ou une créature. Par exemple : 
<CENTER><PRE>FXlanceur-&gt;Cast, "FX_sphère_glacée", temple_mystérieux_PNJ00000000</PRE>

<DIV align=left><I>FXlanceur</I> est un activateur,<I> temple_mystérieux_PNJ</I> 
est un objet PNJ et <I>FX_sphère_glacée</I> est un sort qui lance 0 damage de 
froid sur une aire de 100 pour 0 seconde. J'ai découvert que chaque référence 
PNJ a un nombre à huit chiffres après le nom de l'objet pour le différencier 
d'une autre référence (qui commence à <I>00000000</I>). <I>Player</I> est une 
référence et donc une cible valide pour Cast, comme dans les scripts shrine pour 
les autels. 
<P>La position du lanceur ne change rien, l'effet sera toujours activé sur la 
référence du PNJ ou de la créature et rougeoiera. Seuls les PNJs et certaines 
créatures peuvent lancer un sort ciblé. Certaines créatures comme les rats ne 
peuvent pas lancer de sort. Les objets sans IA peuvent lancer plusieurs sorts à 
la fois sur des cibles diverses ou sur la même alors que les PNJs ou les 
créatures cibleront sur la dernière référence ciblée dans la frame appelée. Les 
PNJs et créatures doivent également revenir où ils étaient quand Cast était 
appelé avant de relancer un sort à nouveau. 

<P>Demander à une référence de se cibler elle-même est un substitut idéal dans 
le Morrowind original par rapport à la commande de tribunal ExploseSpell. 
<P>Voir aussi: <br>
<ADDRESS>Avec la contribution de Ben Marshall. </ADDRESS>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="cellchanged"></a><span class="title2">CellChanged</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		CellChanged</B>

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	court

Exemple:	if ( CellChanged == 1 )

Scripts:	ajiraScript

<P>Retourne 1 pendant une image quand le joueur rentre dans une cellule (mais 
pas quand il la quitte), ou 0 sinon. Souvent utilisé pour disabler/enabler des 
objets une fois que l'on a quitté le lieu (donc ils ne surgissent pas d'un coup 
devant nous ou ne causent pas d'erreurs de scripts, voire de crashs). 
<P>Voir aussi: <br>
<ADDRESS>Avec la contribution de Klinn. </ADDRESS>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="cellupdate"></a><span class="title2">CellUpdate</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		CellUpdate</B>

	Type:	Mouvement, cassée

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	CellUpdate

Scripts:	Non utilisé

<p>Met à jour la position des objets d'une cellule. Cela peut être demandé 
quand on déplace des objets sur une longue distance. Le jeu garde des traces des 
objets basées sur la cellule dans laquelle ils se trouvent, et si un objet est 
déplacé une cellule plus loin que celle d'origine, le mouvement pourrait se 
passer incorrectement quand ce script tourne. </p>
<P>Notez que cette fonction n'a pas l'air de bien fonctionner. Déplacer des 
objets au travers des frontières des cellules extérieures peut les changer ou 
les faire disparaître, et appeler CellUpdate ne donne qu'une erreur de script 
comme résultat. 
<P>Voir aussi: 
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="centeroncell"></a><a name="coc"></a><span class="title2">
CenterOnCell (COC)</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		CenterOnCell, NomCell</B>

Détails: NomCell = Nom d'une cellule intérieure

	Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	CenterOnCell, "Balmora, Temple"


<P>Place le joueur au milieu d'une cellule intérieure donnée. 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="centeronexterior"></a><a name="coe"></a><span class="title2">
CenterOnExterior (COE)</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		CenterOnExterior, CellX, CellY</B>

Détails: CellX
		CellY = Coordonnées de lieu sur la grille des cellules (short)

	Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	CenterOnExterior, -3, -2


<P>Place le joueur au milieu d'une cellule extérieure donnée. 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="changeweather"></a><span class="title2">ChangeWeather</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		ChangeWeather, [Région], [Type]</B>

Détails: Région	= Nom de la région dans laquelle on va changer le temps.
		Type	= Le type de temps que l'on va mettre.
				0 = Clair
				1 = Nuageux
				2 = brumeux
				3 = Couvert
				4 = Pluvieux
				5 = Orage
				6 = Tempête de cendres
				7 = Blight
				8 = Neige (Bloodmoon?)
				9 = Tempête de neige (Bloodmoon?)

	Type:	Temps (météo)

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 0
		ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 1

Scripts:	EndGame

<P>Change la météo en cours dans une région spécifiée. Le temps va immédiatement 
commencer à se transformer, cela peut prendre quelques minutes. Une nouvelle météo sera sélectionnée lors de la 
prochaine mise à jour du temps (12 heures). 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="choice"></a><span class="title2">Choice</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		Choice, 'Bouton1', ...['Bouton5']</B>

Where:   'Bouton1'...	= Texte pour des choix variés. Un choix minimum est demandé, pour cinq maximum.

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Choice, "Continuez..."		(ne donne qu'une option au joueur)
		Choice, "Oui" 1, "Non" 2, "Je ne sais pas" 3

Scripts:	Utilisé uniquement dans le result des dialogues.
<P>Uniquement utilisé dans les dialogues pour donner de un à cinq choix au 
joueur. Les résultats du choix peuvent être récupérés en utilisant la fonction " 
choice " dans la liste des fonctions/variables de la partie " speaker conditions 
area " dans la boîte de dialogue. Utilisez des valeurs pour chaque ligne de 
choix pour spécifier la valeur exacte du retour si l'utilisateur choisit cette 
option (Je ne suis pas sûr de quelles valeurs sont retournées si vous ne donnez 
pas vous-même des valeurs spécifiques, je suppose qu'elles commencent à 1). 

<P>(n.d.t. : à savoir également : dans la partie "topic" (sujet) des dialogues, 
il faut mettre les résultats des choix au dessus du choix lui-même.) 
<P>Important : Si vous spécifiez une valeur après chaque choix, vous 
<B>devez</B> laisser un espace entre les guillemets et le nombre. 
<P>"Choice" et "Goodbye" peuvent être utilisés dans des scripts. Le choix peut 
être également utilisé plusieurs fois dans une colonne pour créer autant 
d'options de choix que l'on désire. Je ne sais pas vraiment ce qui se passe 
quand on les utilise quand aucun dialogue n'est ouvert, mais j'imagine que ça 
provoque un crash. Cependant, quand la boîte de dialogue *est* ouverte, on peut 
les utiliser pour des options de choix très subtiles pour le dialogue. 
<P>Par exemple: <PRE><B>[dans le sujet du dialogue (topic)]</B>
	Bien, alors voilà l'idée. Sur le coup de minuit, 
	tu te trouveras dans la tour du nord. Pendant ce
	temps, j'entrerai dans le quartier, et quand tu
	entendras un sifflement grave, tu ouvriras la porte
	de devant et tu me laisseras sortir. Plus tard, on
	se retrouvera et je te donnerai ta part. Compris ?
</PRE><PRE><B>[dans la partie "result" de la boîte de dialogue]</B>
	Choice "Non." 1
	StartScript "_spzHeistReponseIntelScript"
</PRE><PRE><B>[dans le script]</B>

begin _spzHeistReponseIntelScript

	if (  Player-&gt;GetIntelligence  &gt; 20 )
	  Choice "Plus ou moins..." 2
	if (  Player-&gt;GetIntelligence  &gt; 40 )
	  Choice "Oui, parfait!" 3
	if (  Player-&gt;GetIntelligence  &gt; 60 )
	  Choice "J'ai une meilleur idée." 4

	StopScript "_spzHeistReponseIntelScript" ;obligatoire!
	end _spzHeistReponseIntelScript
<p>Tout simplement, plus le joueur est intelligent, plus il a de choix 
d'options pour sa réponse. </p>
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<ADDRESS>Avec la contribution de Spuzzum.</ADDRESS>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="clearforcejump"></a><span class="title2">ClearForceJump</span>
<PRE><B>		ClearForceJump</B>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ClearForceJump
		"Gadyni Rethan"-&gt;ClearForceJump

Scripts:	Non utilisé

<P>L'acteur appelant s'arrête de sauter après qu'on lui ait lancé la commande ForceJump. 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="clearforcemovejump"></a><span class="title2">ClearForceMoveJump</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		ClearForceMoveJump</B>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ClearForceMoveJump
		"Gadyni Rethan"-&gt;ClearForceMoveJump

Scripts:	Non utilisé

<P>L'acteur appelant s'arrête de sauter après qu'on lui ait lancé la commande ForceMoveJump. 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="clearforcerun"></a><span class="title2">ClearForceRun</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		ClearForceRun</B>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ClearForceRun
		"Gadyni Rethan"-&gt;ClearForceRun

Scripts:	Non utilisé

<P>L'acteur appelant s'arrête de courir après qu'on lui ait lancé la commande ForceRun. 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="clearforcesneak"></a><span class="title2">ClearForceSneak</span>
<PRE><B>		ClearForceSneak</B>

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ClearForceSneak
		"taren andoren"-&gt;ClearForceSneak

Scripts:	tarenScript

<P>L'acteur appelé s'arrête de marcher furtivement après qu'on lui ait lancé la 
commande ForceSneak. 
<P>Voir aussi: <A 

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="clearinfoactor"></a><span class="title2">ClearInfoActor</span>
<PRE><B>		ClearInfoActor</B>

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ClearInfoActor

Scripts:	Non utilisé

<P>Empêche cette information d'apparaître dans le journal. Je ne suis pas tout à fait 
sûr du but ou de l'utilisation de cette fonction. 
<P>Voir aussi: 
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="createmaps"></a><span class="title2">CreateMaps</span> </p>
<PRE><B>		CreateMaps, "nomfichier.esp"</B>

Détails:  "nomfichier.esp" = Plugin to create maps for

	 Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	CreateMaps

<P>L'effet de cette fonction dépend de l'entrée <I>Create Maps Enable</I> dans 
le MORROWIND.INI. Les valeurs acceptées sont : <PRE>	0 = rien
	1 = Carte XBox
	2 = Carte des cellules extérieures

<p>Dans le cadre de la Xbox, les cartes sont créées sur la base du plugin dont 
le nom de fichier est donné (un .MAP est créé dans le dossier Morrowind/Data Files ). 
Dans le cadre d'une carte extérieure, des fichiers BMP de toutes les cellules 
extérieures sont sortis dans le dossier Data Files\map. Notez que ça 
prend un certain temps (plusieurs heures au moins) et qu'il vaut mieux le laisser tourner la nuit.
<P>Voir aussi: 
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="day"></a><span class="title2">Day</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Day</b>

	Type:	Temps, Global

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( Day &gt; 10 )
		set sValue to ( OrigDay + Day )

Scripts:	expelledMG

<p>Global short variable which returns the current day of the month in the game. 
This value can be modified using the SET command to change the day. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">Month</a>,
<a href="">Year</a>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="dayspassed"></a><span class="title2">DaysPassed</span> <b></p>
<pre>		DaysPassed</b>

	Type:	Temps, Global, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( DaysPassed &gt; 10 )
		set sValue to ( OrigDay + DaysPassed )

Scripts:	barAssScript

<p>Global short variable which returns the total number of game days since the 
start of the game. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Day</a>,
<a href="">
<a href="">Month</a>,
<a href="">Year</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Jog.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="enable"></a><a name="disable"></a><span class="title2">Disable</span><br>
<span class="title2">Enable</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Disable

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	&quot;murberius harmevus&quot;-&gt;Disable

Scripts:	Alen_Note

<p>Used to enable/disable objects within the game. A disabled object is saved 
but not visible or processed within the game (though any scripts attached to it 
will still work). Not that it is dangerous to disable an object within its own 
script (causes crashes). There also appears to be some minor issues involved 
with disabling lights. </p>
<p>There are many possibilities allowed with these functions. For example, the 
game strongholds are initially disabled and are only enabled once the player 
performs the appropriate quests </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetDisabled</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="disablelevitation"></a><a name="enablelevitation"></a>
<span class="title2">DisableLevitation</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableLevitation</span> <b></p>

<pre>		DisableLevitation

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	DisableLevitation

Scripts:	TribunalMain
<p>Enables/disables the use of levitation magic. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="disableplayercontrols"></a><a name="disableplayerfighting"></a>
<a name="disableplayerjumping"></a><a name="disableplayerlooking"></a>
<a name="disableplayermagic"></a><a name="disableplayerviewswitch"></a>
<a name="disablevanitymode"></a><span class="title2">DisablePlayerControls</span><br>

<span class="title2">DisablePlayerFighting</span><br>
<span class="title2">DisablePlayerJumping</span><br>
<span class="title2">DisablePlayerLooking</span><br>
<span class="title2">DisablePlayerMagic</span><br>
<span class="title2">DisablePlayerViewSwitch</span><br>
<span class="title2">DisableVanityMode</span> <b></p>
<pre>		DisablePlayerControls

Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	DisablePlayerControls

Scripts:	AzuraEnd
<p>Stops the player from using various parts of the interface. Used during 
character creation and during in-game cut scenes mostly. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">

<a href="">
<a href="">
EnablePlayerViewSwitch</a>, and
<a href="">
EnableVanityMode</a>. </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="disableteleporting"></a><a name="enableteleporting"></a>
<span class="title2">DisableTeleporting</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableTeleporting</span> <b></p>

<pre>		DisableTeleporting

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	DisableTeleporting

Scripts:	DagothUrCreature2
<p>Enables or disables the use of teleportation magic in the game. Use to force 
the player to remain in a particular area or prevent easy escape. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="dontsaveobject"></a><span class="title2">DontSaveObject</span> <b>

<pre>		DontSaveObject</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	DontSaveObject

Scripts:	diseaseAscended
<p>Call when you do not want to save any changes in the calling object to the 
player's save game. </p>
<p>Although this has been said to be a new function with Tribunal, it also 
appears to work fine in the original game (such as in the diseaseAscended script 
which is in the original game). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: <a href="">SetDelete</a> </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="drop"></a><span class="title2">Drop</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Drop, IDObjet, Nombre</b>

Détail:   IDObjet = Objet to drop
		Nombre    = Number of the object to drop

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	player-&gt;Drop, &quot;gold_001&quot;, 100
		Drop, &quot;amulet of mark&quot;, 1
		Drop, Slave_Bracer_Left, 1

Scripts:	slaveScript
<p>The calling PNJ drops the given number of the item into world at his feet. 
Assumably it only Marche if the calling actor has enough of the item to drop. 
There does appear to be some problems dropping items from NPCs where the item is 
dropped at the player's feet instead of the NPCs (Marche in the slave script 
though). </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="dropsoulgem"></a><span class="title2">DropSoulgem</span> <b></p>
<pre>		DropSoulgem, IDCréature</b>

Détail:   IDCréature = Creature to fill the soulgem with

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	DropSoulgem, &quot;atronach_flame&quot;

Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Assumably causes the calling object to drop a filled soulgem with the given 
creature's soul. Assumably the type of soulgem is calculated automatically from 
the value of the creature's soul. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
AddSoulgem</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="else"></a><a name="elseif"></a><a name="if"></a><a name="endif"></a>
<span class="title2">if</span><br>
<span class="title2">elseif</span><br>
<span class="title2">else</span><br>

<span class="title2">endif</span><br>
<pre>		if ( LeftValue CompareOp RightValue )
			&lt; statements &gt;
		elseif ( LeftValue CompareOp RightValue )
			&lt; statements &gt;
			&lt; statements &gt;

Détail:   LeftValue  = Local/global variable or function call
		CompareOp  = ==, &lt;=, &lt;, &gt;, &gt;=, !=
		RightValue = Local/global variable or numeric literal value
		Statements = Zero or more statements to execute

	Type:	Système

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	if ( GlobalVar &gt;= 10 )
			; do stuff
		elseif ( LocalVar &lt; GlobalVar )
			; do stuff
		elseif ( player-&gt;GetStrength == 100 )
			; do stuff
			; do stuff

<p>The IF statement block is used to test and execute conditional statements. 
The elseif/else blocks are both optional. It should be noted that if statements 
can be used in dialogue results. You should not include any operations (add, 
subtract, multiply, divide) in either the <i>LeftValue</i> or <i>RightValue</i> 

fields. Use a temporary variable and a set statement before the if block if you 
need to use operations. </p>
<p>It is important to remember to use spaces surrounding the '(', compare 
operator, and ')'. There are known cases where omitting the spaces will cause 
compiler or runtime errors in the script. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="enableinventorymenu"></a><a name="enablemagicmenu"></a>
<a name="enablemapmenu"></a><a name="enablestatsmenu"></a><span class="title2">

<span class="title2">EnableMagicMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableMapMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableStatsMenu</span><br>
<pre>		EnableInventoryMenu

	Type:	Controls, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien


Scripts:	CharGenClassNPC
<p>These Inconnue functions enable the various menus and are used during 
character creation to limit what the player has access too. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="enablebirthmenu"></a><a name="enableclassmenu"></a>
<a name="enablenamemenu"></a><a name="enableracemenu"></a>
<a name="enablestatreviewmenu"></a><span class="title2">EnableBirthMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableClassMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableNameMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableRaceMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableStatReviewMenu</span> <b></p>

<pre>		EnableBirthMenu

	Type:	Personnage, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	EnableBirthMenu

Scripts:	CharGenClassNPC
<p>These Inconnue functions display the various windows used during character 
creation. You should be able to use these at any time to change/modify your 
character. A common use of these is to change the character creation process. 
See all the CharGen... scripts for more details. EnableRaceMenu allows you to 
choose your race, EnableBirthMenu your birth sign, EnableClassMenu you class, 
etc... </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="enablelevelupmenu"></a><a name="enablerest"></a>
<span class="title2">EnableLevelUpMenu</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableRest</span> <b></p>

<pre>		EnableLevelUpMenu

	Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	EnableLevelUpMenu

Scripts:	CharGenBed
<p>Enables the rest/levelup windows to allow the user to rest and increase their 
levels normally. Note that these functions do not appear to have an associated 
Disable... function. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="enableplayercontrols"></a><a name="enableplayerfighting"></a>
<a name="enableplayerjumping"></a><a name="enableplayerlooking"></a>
<a name="enableplayermagic"></a><a name="enableplayerviewswitch"></a>
<a name="enablevanitymode"></a><span class="title2">EnablePlayerControls</span><br>

<span class="title2">EnablePlayerFighting</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnablePlayerJumping</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnablePlayerLooking</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnablePlayerMagic</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnablePlayerViewSwitch</span><br>
<span class="title2">EnableVanityMode</span> <b></p>
<pre>		EnablePlayerControls

Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	EnablePlayerControls

Scripts:	AzuraEnd
<p>Allows the player to using various parts of the interface disabled from a 
previous call to one of the Disable... functions. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">

<a href="">
<a href="">
DisablePlayerViewSwitch</a>, and
<a href="">
DisableVanityMode</a>. </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="while"></a><a name="endwhile"></a><span class="title2">while</span><br>
<span class="title2">endwhile</span> <b></p>
<pre>		while ( LeftValue CompareOp RightValue )
			&lt; statements &gt;

Détail:   LeftValue  = Local/global variable or function call
		CompareOp  = ==, &lt;=, &lt;, &gt;, &gt;=, !=
		RightValue = Local/global variable or numeric literal value
		Statements = Zero or more statements to execute

	Type:	Système

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	while ( GetStrength &lt; 90 )
			ModStrength, 1

<p>The while is the only loop statement available in the scripting language. The 
while loop is executed within one frame until the condition is satisfied. This 
can cause an unwanted pause in the game if there are many loops required. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="equip"></a><span class="title2">Equip</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Equip, IDObjet</b>

Détail:   IDObjet = Objet to equip on its owner.

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Fargoth-&gt;Equip, &quot;torch_infinite_time_unique&quot;
		Equip, amulet_usheeja
		player-&gt;Equip, &quot;dh_thrift_hammer_01&quot;
Scripts:	lookoutScript
<p>Equips the given item on its owner. Note that this function does not work as 
intended some of the time. Equipping items on the player often does not work, 
although I had successfully equipped repair hammers from a script. Similarily 
with NPCs, equipping weapons/armor may not be possible although you can make 
them quaff potions. </p>
<p>Note that this function appears to be broken in the original Morrowind game (you 
may receive a bad function code error in the game or things simply will not work) 
but is fixed with the Tribunal expansion. In Tribunal you can successfully get 
NPCs to equip weapons/armor as well as on the player. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="explodespell"></a><span class="title2">ExplodeSpell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ExplodeSpell, IDSort</b>

Détail:   IDSort = Sort to explode on the calling object

	Type:	Magie, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ExplodeSpell, &quot;proj_trap_spell&quot;

Scripts:	trapProjScript
<p>Makes the calling object cast the given spell at itself. If an area effect 
touch range spell is used, this can make the reference 'explode'. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="face"></a><span class="title2">Face</span><br>

<pre>		Face, Angle, Temps (unconfirmed)
	or	Face, X, Y (??)</b>

Détail:   Angle = The final Z-angle you want the object to face.
		Temps  = How fast the object rotates?
		X, Y  = Coordinate you want the PNJ to face.

	Type:	Mouvement, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien


<p>Possibly makes an PNJ face a direction and how fast they turn that way. 
Apparently interrupts current animations. I've used to on Wandering NPCs and 
they stop, Face wherever, then continue on wherever they were wandering to as 
soon as the Facing movement is over. Call only once unlike the
<a href=""><b>Rotate</b></a> 
type functions. </p>
<p>This function may be partially or entirely broken. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Jog, CaveRat.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="fadein"></a><a name="fadeout"></a><span class="title2">FadeIn</span><br>
<span class="title2">FadeOut</span> <b></p>
<pre>		FadeIn,  Temps
		FadeOut, Temps</b>

Détail:   Temps = Temps in seconds to fade in/out (0 to 10, float)

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	FadeIn, 1.0
		FadeOut, 2.5

Scripts:	puzzlecanal
<p>Fades the screen in/out to/from black in the given amount of time. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">FadeTo</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="fadeto"></a><span class="title2">FadeTo</span> <b></p>
<pre>		FadeTo, Alpha, Temps</b>

Détail:   Alpha = The final amount of fade (0 = clear, 100 is black)
		Temps  = Temps in seconds to fade (float)

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	FadeTo, 50, 2		(fade to 50% black in 2 seconds)

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Fades the screen to a given amount in the set time. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">FadeIn</a>,
<a href="">FadeOut</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="fall"></a><span class="title2">Fall</span><br>

<pre>		Fall</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien


<p>Assumably this function causes the calling object to fall to the ground. 
Further testing is required. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="filljournal"></a><span class="title2">FillJournal</span><br>
<pre>		FillJournal</b>

Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien


<p>This console function adds all the available journal entries to the 
character's journal. The TESCK help file says this may take a long time. The 
only known use of this function is for testing purposes. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="fillmap"></a><span class="title2">FillMap</span><br>
<pre>		FillMap</b>

Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien


<p>Shows all the town names on the world map. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="fixme"></a><span class="title2">FixMe</span><br>
<pre>		FixMe</b>

	Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien



<p>Reloads the current cell and attempts to 'unstick' the player from any object 
(jump 128 units away). Although this is a console function you can still call 
this function from a script. One use is when moving objects over long distances 
(across cell boundaries). Calling FixMe in this circumstance can correct certain 
display and clipping errors. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="float"></a><span class="title2">Float</span><br>
<pre>		Float</b>

	Type:	Système

Exemple:	float LocalVar


<p>This is the largest and one of the three types of the scripting language. 
Float variables can range from 3.4e+38 to 3.4e-38 and has 7 digits of precision.
<p>Although local variables can start with an underscore character (_), this 
seems to cause strange problems in some functions. Therefore it is reccommended 
that you do not name variables starting with the underscore. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Long</a>,
<a href="">Short</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="forcegreeting"></a><span class="title2">ForceGreeting</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ForceGreeting</b>

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ForceGreeting
		&quot;taren andoren&quot;-&gt;ForceGreeting

Scripts:	anoScript
<p>Makes the PNJ start dialogue with the PC. Does not matter where the PNJ is. 
The only exception to this appears to be that NPCs not in the current cell can 
only be used in a script if the player has visited the cell with the PNJ within 
72 hours. Note that this applies to ForceGreeting and other script functions as 
well. You can get around this limitation by using a
<a href=""><b>

PositionCell</b></a> on the PNJ once per day. Even if their position is not 
actually changed the 72 hour limit will no longer apply (some say you do 
actually have to change the NPC's cell with this technique). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Srikandi and Cortex.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="forcejump"></a><span class="title2">ForceJump</span> <b></p>

<pre>		ForceJump</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ForceJump
		&quot;Gadyni Rethan&quot;-&gt;ForceJump

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Forces the calling actor to jump in place. Note this is different than 
ForceMoveJump which causes the PNJ to jump while they move. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

GetForceJump</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="forcemovejump"></a><span class="title2">ForceMoveJump</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ForceMoveJump</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ForceMoveJump
		&quot;Gadyni Rethan&quot;-&gt;ForceMoveJump

Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Forces the calling actor to jump while they move. Note this is different than 
ForceJump which causes the PNJ to jump in place without moving. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetForceMoveJump</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="forcerun"></a><span class="title2">ForceRun</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ForceRun</b>

Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ForceRun
		&quot;Gadyni Rethan&quot;-&gt;ForceRun

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Forces the calling actor to run when they move. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetForceRun</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="forcesneak"></a><span class="title2">ForceSneak</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ForceSneak</b>

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ForceSneak
		&quot;taren andoren&quot;-&gt;ForceSneak

Scripts:	tarenScript
<p>Forces the PNJ to start sneaking, making him creep around stealthily. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetForceSneak</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="gamehour"></a><span class="title2">GameHour</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GameHour</b>

Type:	Temps

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GameHour &gt;= 18 )
		set fValue to GameHour

Scripts:	anoScript
<p>Retourne the current hour of the day in the game's time. The value is a 
floating point value that will be increased slightly on each frame. Game hour 
can be modified using the SET command to change the game time. </p>
<p>My favourite usage is on an item I created -- the Ring of Eternal Midnight -- 
which causes the GameHour to be set to 0.001 constantly once the day changes -- 
thus, once it becomes midnight, the ring will keep the game frozen at midnight 
until you remove it. When you do remove it, time will advance normally (even if 
you put the ring on again) until midnight is again reached. </p>
<p>Another good usage of setting GameHour directly is to make time pass. 'set 
GameHour to GameHour + 0.5' makes time advance a half-hour instantaneously. It 
correctly identifies new days, but I haven't yet tested whether or not it also 
correctly identifies time passed beyond a new day -- that is, if it is currently 
11:59 PM, whether or not adding a half hour will make it 12:29 AM or simply 
12:00 AM. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getaipackagedone"></a><span class="title2">GetAIPackageDone</span>
<pre>		GetAIPackageDone</b>

	Type:	AI

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetAIPackageDone == 1 )

Scripts:	dulniScript
<p>Retourne 1 for one frame when the NPC's AI package has completed (usually 
returns 0). Use this to determine when an PNJ has arrived at their location when 
using the AiTravel function. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetCurrentAiPackage</a> </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="getangle"></a><span class="title2">GetAngle</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetAngle, Axes</b>

Détail:	Axes = Which world axis to get the object's orientation (X, Y, or Z).
	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( misc_com_wood_bowl_02-&gt;GetAngle, Z &gt;= 180 )
		if ( GetAngle, Y &lt; 0 )
		set TempFloat to ( GetAngle, X )

Scripts:	cavein_script
<p>Retourne a float value of the calling object's current orientation (in 
degrees) in the world along the specified axis. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getarmortype"></a><span class="title2">GetArmorType</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetArmorType, ArmorLocation</b>

Détail:   ArmorLocation = Short value indicating which armor piece to check.
					Helmet		0
					Cuirass		1
					Left Pauldron	2
					Right Pauldron	3
					Greaves		4
					Boots		5
					Left Gauntlet	6
					Right Gauntlet	7
					Shield		8
					Left Bracer	9
					Right Bracer	10

	Type:	Objet, Tribunal

Retourne:	short (-1 to 2)
			Unarmored	-1
			Light Armure	0
			Medium Armure	1
			Heavy Armure	2

Exemple:	if ( GetArmorType, 0 == 1 )
		if ( player-&gt;GetArmorType, 8 == 2 )
		if ( &quot;adairan lalansour&quot;-&gt;GetArmorType, 5 &gt;= 0 )


<p>Retourne the armor weight class of the actor's armor at the given location.
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetWeaponType</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getattacked"></a><span class="title2">GetAttacked</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetAttacked</b>

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetAttacked == 1 )

Scripts:	tarenScript

<p>Retourne 0 if the actor has never been attacked and 1 if he has been attacked.
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getblightdisease"></a><a name="getcommondisease"></a>
<span class="title2">GetBlightDisease</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetCommonDisease</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetBlightDisease

Type:	Magie

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetBlightDisease == 1 )
		set sValue to &quot;delte fyr&quot;-&gt;GetCommonDisease

Scripts:	diseaseCorprus
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object has a common or blight disease, or 0 
otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getbuttonpressed"></a><span class="title2">GetButtonPressed</span>
<pre>		GetButtonPressed</b>

Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short Button
		set Button to GetButtonPressed

Scripts:	bittercup
<p>Retourne the user's choice from the previous MessageBox function. If the user 
hasn't made a choice yet the function returns -1. The first button will return a 
value of 0, the second 1, and so on. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
MessageBox</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getcollidingpc"></a><a name="getcollidingactor"></a>
<span class="title2">GetCollidingActor</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetCollidingPC</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetCollidingActor

	Type:	Collison, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetCollidingPC == 1 )
		if ( GetCollidingActor == 1 )
Scripts:	explosion_pushout
<p>GetCollidingPC returns 1 if the player is colliding with it. Similarily, 
GetCollidingActor returns 1 if ANY actor (including PC) is colliding on it. The 
functions returns 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Are new functions introduced in the Tribunal expansion. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getcurrentaipackage"></a><span class="title2">GetCurrentAIPackage</span>

<pre>		GetCurrentAIPackage</b>

	Type:	AI

Retourne:	short (-1 to 5)
			None     = -1
			Wander   = 0
			Travel   = 1
			Escort   = 2
			Follow   = 3
			Activate = 4
			Pursue   = 5

Exemple:	if ( GetCurrentAIPackage == 3 )
		set g_TempValue to &quot;teruise girvayne&quot;-&gt;GetCurrentAIPackage

Scripts:	devalFollow
<p>Retourne a short value based on the current AIPackage the PNJ is performing.
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetAiPackageDone</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getcurrenttime"></a><span class="title2">GetCurrentTime</span> <b>

<pre>		GetCurrentTime</b>

	Type:	Temps, Inconnue

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GetCurrentTime &gt;= 10 )
		set g_TempValue to GetCurrentTime

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Unknown function that may return the same value of GetSecondsPassed. Further 
testing is required. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetSecondsPassed</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getcurrentweather"></a><span class="title2">GetCurrentWeather</span>
<pre>		GetCurrentWeather</b>

	Type:	Météo

Retourne:	short (0 to 7)
			0	Clear
			1	Cloudy
			2	Foggy
			3	Overcast
			4	Rain
			5	Thunder
			6	Ash
			7	Blight

Exemple:	if ( GetCurrentWeather == 1 )

Scripts:	OutsideBanner
<p>Retourne the current weather conditions. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="getdeadcount"></a><span class="title2">GetDeadNombre</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetDeadNombre, IDObjet</b>

Détail:	IDObjet = Actor to get the number of times it has been killed

	Type:	Stats

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetDeadNombre, &quot;Vorar Helas&quot; &gt; 0 )
		set sValue to ( GetDeadNombre, &quot;ancestor_ghost&quot; )

Scripts:	attack_slave

<p>Retourne the number of items the given actor has been killed. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getdetected"></a><span class="title2">GetDetected</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetDetected, IDActeur</b>

Détail:	IDActeur = Target PNJ used to check if the source actor can them.

	Type:	AI

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetDetected, &quot;teres arothan&quot; == 1 )
		if ( GetDetected, Joueur == 1 )

Scripts:	jeanneScript

<p>Checks to see if the calling PNJ can detect the given actor (returns 1 if it 
can). If not, then the given actor is invisible in some form (such as sneaking, 
chameleon, or invisibility). The TES help file says that this is a slow function 
that should not be called too often. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getdisabled"></a><span class="title2">GetDisabled</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetDisabled</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetDisabled == 1 )
		if ( &quot;misc_vivec_ashmask_01&quot;-&gt;GetDisabled == 0 )
		set fValue to ( &quot;cienne sintieve&quot;-&gt;GetDisabled )

Scripts:	almaScript

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object is currently disabled, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Disable</a>,
<a href="">Enable</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getdistance"></a><span class="title2">GetDistance</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetDistance, IDObjet</b>

Détail:	IDObjet = Objet to get the distance to.

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GetDistance, denegor &lt;= 200 )
		set fValue to ( &quot;cienne sintieve&quot;-&gt;GetDistance, Joueur )

Scripts:	anoScript
<p>Retourne a float value for the distance between the calling object and the 
given IDObjet (in game units). If one of the objects is not unique, the first 
instance of that object is used (thus you should only use the function with 
unique objects). Also, if you move one of the objects using Move or MoveWorld, 
GetDistance will still report the original distance (use GetPos in this 
situation). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="geteffect"></a><span class="title2">GetEffect</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetEffect, EffectID</b>

Détail:	EffectID = Magie effect to check for, use the following values:
			sEffectAbsorbAttribute		sEffectAbsorbFatigue&nbsp;	 	sEffectAbsorbHealth
			sEffectAbsorbSkill&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints 	sEffectAlmsiviIntervention
			sEffectBlind&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectBoundBattleAxe	 	sEffectBoundBoots
			sEffectBoundCuirass		sEffectBoundDagger	 	sEffectBoundGloves
			sEffectBoundHelm&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectBoundLongbow		sEffectBoundLongsword
			sEffectBoundMace		sEffectBoundShield		sEffectBoundSpear&nbsp;&nbsp;
			sEffectBurden&nbsp;&nbsp;			sEffectCalmCreature&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectCalmHumanoid
			sEffectChameleon		sEffectCharm&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectCommandCreatures&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
sEffectCommandHumanoids&nbsp;	sEffectCorpus			sEffectCureBlightDisease
			sEffectCureCommonDisease	sEffectCureCorprusDisease	sEffectCureParalyzation
			sEffectCurePoison		sEffectDamageAttribute		sEffectDamageFatigue
			sEffectDamageHealth&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectDamageMagicka		sEffectDamageSkill&nbsp;&nbsp;
			sEffectDemoralizeCreature	sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid	sEffectDetectAnimal
			sEffectDetectEnchantment	sEffectDetectKey		sEffectDisintegrateArmor&nbsp;&nbsp;
			sEffectDisintegrateWeapon	sEffectDispel			sEffectDivineIntervention
			sEffectDrainAttribute		sEffectDrainFatigue&nbsp;		sEffectDrainHealth&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
			sEffectDrainSkill&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectDrainSpellpoints		sEffectExtraSpell
			sEffectFeather			sEffectFireDamage		sEffectFireShield
			sEffectFortifyAttackBonus	sEffectFortifyAttribute		sEffectFortifyFatigue&nbsp;
sEffectFortifyHealth&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier	sEffectFortifySkill&nbsp;&nbsp;
			sEffectFortifySpellpoints	sEffectFrenzyCreature&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;	sEffectFrenzyHumanoid
			sEffectFrostDamage		sEffectFrostShield&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectInvisibility
			sEffectJump			sEffectLevitate			sEffectLight
			sEffectLightningShield		sEffectLock&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;			sEffectMark
			sEffectNightEye			sEffectOpen			sEffectParalyze
			sEffectPoison			sEffectRallyCreature&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;	sEffectRallyHumanoid
			sEffectRecall			sEffectReflect			sEffectRemoveCurse
			sEffectResistBlightDisease	sEffectResistCommonDisease	sEffectResistCorprusDisease
			sEffectResistFire		sEffectResistFrost		sEffectResistMagicka
			sEffectResistNormalWeapons	sEffectResistParalysis		sEffectResistPoison
			sEffectResistShock		sEffectRestoreAttribute		sEffectRestoreFatigue&nbsp;
			sEffectRestoreHealth&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;	sEffectRestoreSkill&nbsp;		sEffectRestoreSpellPoints
			sEffectSanctuary		sEffectShield			sEffectShockDamage
			sEffectSilence&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectSlowFall			sEffectSoultrap
			sEffectSound			sEffectSpellAbsorption		sEffectStuntedMagicka
			sEffectSummonAncestralGhost	sEffectSummonBonelord		sEffectSummonCenturionSphere
			sEffectSummonClannfear		sEffectSummonDaedroth		sEffectSummonDremora
			sEffectSummonFlameAtronach	sEffectSummonFrostAtronach	sEffectSummonGoldensaint
			sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker	sEffectSummonHunger		sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker
			sEffectSummonScamp		sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion	sEffectSummonStormAtronach
			sEffectSummonWingedTwilight	sEffectSunDamage		sEffectSwiftSwim
			sEffectTelekinesis		sEffectTurnUndead&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;		sEffectVampirism
			sEffectWaterBreathing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;	sEffectWaterWalking		sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease
			sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease	sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease	sEffectWeaknessToFire
			sEffectWeaknessToFrost		sEffectWeaknessToMagicka	sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons
			sEffectWeaknessToPoison		sEffectWeaknessToShock

	BloodMoon: 	sEffectSummonCreature01		sEffectSummonCreature02		sEffectSummonCreature03
			sEffectSummonCreature04		sEffectSummonCreature05

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetEffect, sEffectSilence == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;cienne sintieve&quot;-&gt;GetEffect, sEffectShield != 0 )

Scripts:	Example_NPC_Stuff

<p>Retourne 1 if the given spell effect is currently on the calling object. Do 
not confuse effects and spells (effects are what make up the spells). You can 
also use an exact literal value for the EffectID if you know it. Appears to be 
broken for fatigue related effects? </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetSpellEffects</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; CaveRat.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getfactionreaction"></a><span class="title2">GetFactionReaction</span>
<pre>		GetFactionReaction, FactionID1, FactionID2</b>

Détail:	FactionID1, FactionID2 = Factions to get the reaction adjustment for

	Type:	Faction, Console

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	GetFactionReaction, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;, &quot;Redoran&quot;

<p>Retourne the reaction adjustment for the two given factions. Can only be used 
in the console (unconfirmed)? </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
SetFactionReaction</a>. </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getforcejump"></a><span class="title2">GetForceJump</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetForceJump</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetForceJump == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;Gadyni Rethan&quot;-&gt;GetForceJump )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling actor is jumping from a previous call to ForceJump, 
or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

ForceJump</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getforcemovejump"></a><span class="title2">GetForceMoveJump</span>
<pre>		GetForceMoveJump</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetForceMoveJump == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;Gadyni Rethan&quot;-&gt;GetForceMoveJump )

Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling actor is running from a previous call to 
ForceMoveRun, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
ForceMoveJump</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getforcerun"></a><span class="title2">GetForceRun</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetForceRun</b>

Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetForceRun == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;Gadyni Rethan&quot;-&gt;GetForceRun )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling actor is running from a previous call to ForceRun, 
or 0 otherwise (short value). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
ForceRun</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getforcesneak"></a><span class="title2">GetForceSneak</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetForceSneak</b>

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetForceSneak == 1 )
		if ( &quot;taren andoren&quot;-&gt;GetForceSneak == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the PNJ is currently sneaking (by a previous call to ForceSneak). 
Retourne 0 otherwise. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
ForceSneak</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="gethealthgetratio"></a><span class="title2">GetHealthGetRatio</span>
<pre>		GetHealthGetRatio</b>

Type:	Stats, Inconnue

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( player-&gt;GetHealthGetRatio &lt; 0.10 )
		set fValue to ( &quot;Murudius Flaeus&quot;-&gt;GetHealthGetRatio )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne a float value from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the calling actor's 
current health to maximum health ratio (i.e., 0.0 would be dead, and 1.0 would 
be full health). Note that this is the correct name for the GetHealthRatio 
function listed in the Construction Set help. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getinterior"></a><span class="title2">GetInterior</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetInterior</b>

	Type:	Divers, Inconnue

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetInterior == 1 )
		set sValue to GetInterior

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the current cell is interior, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getitemcount"></a><span class="title2">GetItemNombre</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetItemNombre, IDObjet</b>

Détail:	IDObjet = ID of object to get the Nombre for

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	short?

Exemple:	if ( player-&gt;GetItemNombre, &quot;gold_001&quot; == 11171 )
		if ( GetItemNombre, &quot;blessed_shield&quot; &gt; 0 )
		short ObjectNombre
		set ObjectNombre to ( Joueur-&gt;GetItemNombre, &quot;wraithguard&quot; )

Scripts:	blueScript
<p>Retourne the number of the objectID contained in the calling object. May not 
work correctly if the calling object has more than 32267 of the given item (unconfirmed).

<p>There is a bug with this function when used on containers (possibly related 
to the <a href="">
<a href=""><b>
RemoveItem</b></a> bug). If the player chooses the <i>Take All</i> button on the 
container then subsequent <b>GetItemNombre</b> calls on the container will 
return the number of items in the container before the player took everything.
<p>One way to get around this bug is to set the chest as persistant and use a 
temporary persistant ingrediant in the chest. The persistant ingrediant is 
hidden in the sense that it is added initially to the chest from a script, 
removed when the player Ouvre the container, and added back again when the 
container is closed. See the below script for an example: </p>

<pre>begin HidePersistant
	short doOnce

	if ( onActivate == 1 )
		RemoveItem, &quot;PersistantIngredient&quot;, 1
		set doOnce to 1

	if ( doOnce == 1 )
		If ( onActivate == 1 )
			; do nothing
		elseif ( Activate == 1 )
			; do nothing
		elseif ( MenuMode == 1 )
			; do nothing
			AddItem, &quot;PersistantIngredient&quot;, 1
			Set doOnce to 0
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Paschors and Aquiantus.
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="getjournalindex"></a><span class="title2">GetJournalIndex</span> <b>
<pre>		GetJournalIndex, JournalID</b>

Détail:	JournalID = ID of player's journal to retrieve

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetJournalIndex, MG_StolenReport &gt; 0 ) 
		if ( GetJournalIndex &quot;MS_WhiteGuar&quot; &lt;= 50 )

Scripts:	ajiraReports
<p>This function returns the index of the highest (or the last?) journal entry 
for that journal topic that the player has received. Use this to keep track of 
the player's current location in the quest and for scripting specific events 
according to the quest. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getlos"></a><a name="getlineofsight"></a><span class="title2">GetLOS</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetLineOfSight</span><br>
<pre>		GetLOS, IDObjet
		GetLineOfSight, IDObjet	(Inconnue)</b>

Détail:	IDObjet = Objet to check the line of sight with.

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetLOS, Joueur == 1 )
		if ( GetLineOfSight, Joueur == 1 )
		if ( &quot;arara uvulas&quot;-&gt;GetLOS, &quot;ashamanu&quot; == 1 )

Scripts:	balynScript

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object has a line of sight to other given IDObjet, 
or 0 otherwise. May not work correctly if used on non-actor objects. Both 
versions of the function should be identical. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getlocked"></a><span class="title2">GetLocked</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetLocked</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetLocked == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;door_cavern_doors00_velas&quot;-&gt;GetLocked )

Scripts:	PlagueStart

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object is locked, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getmasserphase"></a><a name="getsecundaphase"></a>
<span class="title2">GetMasserPhase</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetSecundaPhase</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetMasserPhase

Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short
			0 =&nbsp;New moon or Interior Cell (this is the default)
			1 =&nbsp;Waxing or Waning Cresecent
			2 =&nbsp;Waxing or Waning Half
			3 =&nbsp;Waxing or Waning Gibbous
			4 =&nbsp;Full Moon

Exemple:	if ( GetMasserPhase == 1 )
		set sValue to GetSecundaPhase

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne the current phase of the two moons of Tamriel. Note that the 
GetSecundaPhase function is incorrectly referred to as GetSecundusPhase in the 
Construction Set help. Another thing that should be pointed out that the moons 
return whether or not they're full even during the day time, when logically the 
moons are invisible. </p>
<p>This isn't confirmed, but in practice, experimenting with both functions 
almost always resulted in both moons being full immediately upon loading a saved 
game, and both moons remaining at the precise same phase as one another 
throughout their rotation. </p>
<p>When the player is in an interior these functions will return the phase when 
you were last in an exterior cell. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum and Elim.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpccell"></a><span class="title2">GetPCCell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCCell, &quot;IDCell&quot;</b>

Détail:	IDCell = IDCell (partial or full) to test if player is in

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCCell, &quot;Koal Cave&quot; == 1 )
		set sValue to GetPCCell, &quot;Vivec, Arena Pit&quot;
Scripts:	devalFollow
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is in the given cell. Can also check for partial 
matches, i.e., <i>GetPCCell, &quot;Vivec&quot;</i> will return 1 if the player is in a 
cell named <i>Vivec</i> or <i>Vivec, Fred’s House</i>. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcfacrep"></a><span class="title2">GetPCFacRep</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCFacRep, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction to get the PC's reputation in.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCFacRep, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot; &gt; 5 )
Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne the player's faction modifier towards the calling NPC's faction, or 
of the supplied FactionID. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
SetPCFacRep</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcinjail"></a><span class="title2">GetPCInJail</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCInJail</b>

Type:	Divers, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCInJail == 1 )
		set sValue to ( GetPCInJail )
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently in jail, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcjumping"></a><span class="title2">GetPCJumping</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCJumping</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCJumping == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;idros givyn&quot;-&gt;GetPCJumping )
Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently jumping, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetPCSneaking</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcrank"></a><span class="title2">GetPCRank</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCRank, [FactionID]	</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction to get the PC's rank in.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCRank, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot; &gt; 5 )
		if ( &quot;telvanni sharpshooter&quot;-&gt;GetPCRank &gt; 2 )
		if ( player-&gt;GetPCRank, &quot;Temple&quot; &gt;= 0 )	

Scripts:	shrineAralor

<p>Retourne the player’s rank in faction. This will default to the actor’s 
faction if FactionID is not defined. Retourne 0-9 and -1 if not a member. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetPCFacRep</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcrunning"></a><span class="title2">GetPCRunning</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCRunning</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCRunning == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;idros givyn&quot;-&gt;GetPCRunning )
Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently running, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetPCSneaking</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcsleep"></a><span class="title2">GetPCSleep</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCSleep</b>

Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCSleep == 1 )
		set sValue to ( GetPCSleep )
Scripts:	Main
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently sleeping, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpcsneaking"></a><span class="title2">GetPCSneaking</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPCSneaking</b>

Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCSneaking == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;idros givyn&quot;-&gt;GetPCSneaking )
Scripts:	projectileMine
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently sneaking, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetPCRunning</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpctraveling"></a><span class="title2">GetPCTraveling</span> <b>
<pre>		GetPCTraveling</b>

	Type:	Mouvement, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPCTraveling == 1 )
		set sValue to ( GetPCTraveling )
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently fast travelling (silt strider or boat), 
or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getplayercontrolsdisabled"></a><a name="getplayerfightingdisabled">
</a><a name="getplayerjumpingdisabled"></a><a name="getplayermagicdisabled"></a>
<a name="getplayerlookingdisabled"></a><a name="getplayerviewswitch"></a>
<a name="getvanitymodedisabled"></a><span class="title2">
<span class="title2">GetPlayerFightingDisabled</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetPlayerJumpingDisabled</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetPlayerMagicDisabled</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetPlayerLookingDisabled</span><br>
<span class="title2">GetPlayerViewSwitch</span><br>

<span class="title2">GetVanityModeDisabled</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPlayerControlsDisabled
		GetPlayerViewSwitch		(Broken)

	Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetPlayerControlsDisabled == 1 )
		set sValue to GetPlayerFightingDisabled
Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the associated player control/mode is disabled, or 0 otherwise. 
Note that the GetPlayerViewSwitch function appears to be broken. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
DisablePlayerViewSwitch</a>, and
<a href="">
DisableVanityMode</a>. </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getpos"></a><span class="title2">GetPos</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetPos, Axes</b>

Détail:	Axes = Which world axis to get the object's position (X, Y, or Z).
	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( misc_com_wood_bowl_02-&gt;GetPos, Z &gt;= 400 )
		if ( GetPos, Y &lt; 0 )
		set TempFloat to ( GetPos, X )

Scripts:	cavein_script
<p>Retourne a float value of the calling object's current position in the world 
along the specified axis. Does not always return the object's position if the 
object is not in the same cell (or close to) the player (returns 0 instead). In 
such a case, it is better to store the object's position when you know the 
player is close by (such as when the item is dropped) and use them later. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">SetPos</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getrace"></a><span class="title2">GetRace</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetRace, 'RaceID'</b>

Détail:	'RaceID' = RaceID to compare against the calling PNJ.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetRace, &quot;High Elf&quot; == 1 )
		if ( &quot;telvanni sharpshooter&quot;-&gt;GetRace, &quot;Imperial&quot; == 1 )

Scripts:	DaedraMalacath

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling PNJ is of the given race, or 0 otherwise. The 
following is a list of the default races available to the player. </p>
<pre>	Argonian
	Dark Elf
	High Elf
	Wood Elf
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getsecondspassed"></a><span class="title2">GetSecondsPassed</span>
<pre>		GetSecondsPassed</b>

Type:	Temps

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	set TimePassed to ( TimePass + GetSecondsPassed )

Scripts:	Akula_doors
<p>Retourne the time in seconds since the script was last run. Very useful for 
timing events in scripts, for example: </p>
<pre>begin TestTimeScript
	float TimePassed

	set TimePassed to (TimePassed + GetSecondsPassed)

	if ( TimePassed &gt; 10 )
		MessageBox &quot;Displayed every 10 seconds&quot;
		set TimePassed to 0
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="getsoundplaying"></a><span class="title2">GetSoundPlaying</span> <b>
<pre>		GetSoundPlaying, &quot;SoundID&quot;</b>

	Type:	Son

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetSoundPlaying, &quot;endrumble&quot; == 1 )
		set sValue to ( GetSoundPlaying, &quot;endrumble&quot; )

Scripts:	LorkhanHeart

<p>Retourne 1 if the given sound is currently being played by the calling object, 
or 0 otherwise. Son IDs can be found from the Gameplay-Sounds menu in the 
Construction Set. You can use this function to determine the current action of 
the player/actor, such as whether they are casting a spell, or swinging a weapon.
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getspell"></a><span class="title2">GetSpell</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetSpell, IDSort</b>

Détail:	IDSort = The spell you wish to check for.

	Type: 	Magie

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetSpell, shield == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;dorisa darvel&quot;-&gt;GetSpell &quot;Swamp Fever&quot; )

Scripts:	dinScript
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object has the spell in their inventory, or 0 
otherwise. This may work in a similar manner to AddSpell and RemoveSpell where 
if the spell is a normal one, it merely checks if the calling actor knows it. If 
the spell is a disease or curse, however, it may check if the calling actor is 
under the spell's effect. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
GetSpellEffects</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getspelleffects"></a><span class="title2">GetSpellEffects</span> <b>
<pre>		GetSpellEffects, IDSort</b>

Détail:	IDSort = The spell you wish to check for.

	Type: 	Magie

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetSpellEffects, &quot;Burning Hand&quot;  == 1 )
		set sValue to ( &quot;Myn Farr&quot;-&gt;GetSpellEffects, &quot;Rust Chancre&quot; )

Scripts:	bulfimScript

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object is under the effect of the given spell, or 0 
otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
GetSpell</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getspellreadied"></a><span class="title2">GetSpellReadied</span> <b>

<pre>		GetSpellReadied</b>

	Type:	Magie, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetSpellReadied == 1 ) 
		set sValue to ( &quot;shat gro-shazog&quot;-&gt;GetSpellReadied )
Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling actor has a spell read to be cast, or 0 otherwise.
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getsquareroot"></a><span class="title2">GetSquareRoot</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetSquareRoot, Valeur</b>

Détail:	Valeur = Valeur to compute the square root for, can be a literal or float variable

	Type: 	Divers, Tribunal

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GetSquareRoot, fValue &lt; 100 )
		set fValue1 to ( GetSquareRoot, fValue2 )

<p>Computes the square root of the given float value or variable. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getstandingactor"></a><a name="getstandingpc"></a>
<span class="title2">GetStandingActor</span><br>

<span class="title2">GetStandingPC</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetStandingActor

	Type: 	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetStandingActor == 1 )
		set sValue to GetStandingPC

Scripts:	TestMoveRock
<p>Retourne 1 if any actor (or PC) is standing on the calling object, or 0 
otherwise. GetStandingActor checks for any actor including the player. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getstartingangle"></a><span class="title2">GetStartingAngle</span>

<pre>		GetStartingAngle, Axes</b>

Détail:	Axes = World axis to get the object's original orientation (X, Y, or Z).

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GetStartingAngle, X &gt;= 90 )
		set fInitialYAngle to ( &quot;misc_de_goblet_04_dagoth&quot;-&gt;GetStartingAngle, Y )

Scripts:	Float
<p>Retourne a float value of the object's original orientation (in degrees) 
along the given world axis. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetStartingPos</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getstartingpos"></a><span class="title2">GetStartingPos</span> <b>
<pre>		GetStartingPos, Axes</b>

Détail:	Axes = World axis to get the object's original position (X, Y, or Z).

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GetStartingPos, X &gt;= 90 )
		set fInitialYPos to ( &quot;misc_de_goblet_04_dagoth&quot;-&gt;GetStartingPos, Y )

Scripts:	Float

<p>Retourne a float value of the object's original position (in game units) 
along the given world axis. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetStartingAngle</a> </p>
<hr noShade><a name="getacrobatics"></a><a name="getagility"></a>
<a name="getalarm"></a><a name="getalchemy"></a><a name="getalteration"></a>
<a name="getarmorbonus"></a><a name="getarmorer"></a><a name="getathletics"></a>
<a name="getattackbonus"></a><a name="getaxe"></a><a name="getblindness"></a>
<a name="getblock"></a><a name="getbluntweapon"></a><a name="getcastpenalty">
</a><a name="getchameleon"></a><a name="getconjuration"></a>
<a name="getdefendbonus"></a><a name="getdestruction"></a>
<a name="getdisposition"></a><a name="getenchant"></a><a name="getendurance">
</a><a name="getfatigue"></a><a name="getfight"></a><a name="getflee"></a>

<a name="getflying"></a><a name="gethandtohand"></a><a name="gethealth"></a>
<a name="getheavyarmor"></a><a name="gethello"></a><a name="getillusion"></a>
<a name="getintelligence"></a><a name="getinvisible"></a><a name="getlevel"></a>
<a name="getlightarmor"></a><a name="getlongblade"></a><a name="getluck"></a>
<a name="getmarksman"></a><a name="getmediumarmor"></a><a name="getmagicka"></a>
<a name="getmercantile"></a><a name="getmysticism"></a><a name="getparalysis">
</a><a name="getpccrimelevel"></a><a name="getpcvisionbonus"></a>
<a name="getpersonality"></a><a name="getreputation"></a>
<a name="getresistblight"></a><a name="getresistcorprus"></a>
<a name="getresistdisease"></a><a name="getresistfire"></a>
<a name="getresistfrost"></a><a name="getresistmagicka"></a>
<a name="getresistnormalweapons"></a><a name="getresistparalysis"></a>
<a name="getresistpoison"></a><a name="getresistshock"></a>
<a name="getrestoration"></a><a name="getscale"></a><a name="getshortblade"></a>
<a name="getsecurity"></a><a name="getsilence"></a><a name="getsneak"></a>
<a name="getspear"></a><a name="getspeechcraft"></a><a name="getspeed"></a>
<a name="getstrength"></a><a name="getsuperjump"></a><a name="getswimspeed"></a>

<a name="getunarmored"></a><a name="getwaterbreathing"></a>
<a name="getwaterlevel"></a><a name="getwaterwalking"></a>
<a name="getwillpower"></a><span class="title2">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" border="0">
<td><span class="title2">GetAcrobatics</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetAgility</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetAlarm</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetAlchemy</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetAlteration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetArmorBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetArmorer</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetAthletics</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetAttackBonus</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetAxe</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetBlindness</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetBlock</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetBluntWeapon</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetCastPenalty</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetChameleon</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetConjuration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetDefendBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetDestruction</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetDisposition</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetEnchant</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetEndurance</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetFatigue</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetFight</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetFlee</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetFlying</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetHandToHand</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetHealth</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetHeavyArmor</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetHello</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetIllusion</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetIntelligence</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetInvisible</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetLevel</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetLightArmor</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetLongBlade</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetLuck</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetMarksman</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetMediumArmor</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetMercantile</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetMysticism</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetParalysis</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetPCCrimeLevel</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetPCVisionBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetPersonality</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetReputation</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistBlight</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistCorprus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistDisease</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistFire</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetResistFrost</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistNormalWeapons</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistParalysis</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistPoison</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetResistShock</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetRestoration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetScale</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetSecurity</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetShortblade</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetSilence</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetSneak</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetSpear</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetSpeechcraft</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetSpeed</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetStrength</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetSuperJump</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetSwimSpeed</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetUnarmored</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetWaterBreathing</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetWaterLevel</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">GetWaterWalking</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">GetWillpower</span></td>
<pre>		Get____</b>

	Type:	Stats

Retourne:	float
Exemple:	if ( player-&gt;GetHealth &lt; 10 )
		set MyStr to GetStrength

Scripts:	ouch_keening

<p>These functions are used to return the various statistics of the calling 
actor or player. There are several special cases of the Get___ functions as 
described below. </p>
<li><b>GetScale</b> - New in Tribunal </li>
<li><b>GetWaterLevel</b> - New in Tribunal </li>
<li><b>GetPCCrimeLevel</b> - Joueur only </li>

<li><b>GetPCVisionBonus</b> - Joueur only, Inconnue </li>
<p>Note that the GetInvisible was incorrectly spelled as GetInvisibile in the 
original Morrowind game (fixed in a later patch or Tribunal?). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Mod____</a>,
<a href="">Set____</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="gettarget"></a><span class="title2">GetTarget</span> <b></p>

<pre>		GetTarget, IDActeur</b>

Détail:	IDActeur = PNJ ID to check against the source actor's current target.

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetTarget, &quot;taren andoren&quot; == 1 )
		if ( GetTarget Joueur == 1 )

Scripts:	nartiseGuards
<p>Retourne 1 if the target of the PNJ is the given actor. Retourne 0 otherwise.
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getweapondrawn"></a><span class="title2">GetWeaponDrawn</span> <b>

<pre>		GetWeaponDrawn</b>

	Type:	Objet, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( GetWeaponDrawn == 1 ) 
		set sValue to ( &quot;shat gro-shazog&quot;-&gt;GetWeaponDrawn )
Scripts:	BladeScript
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling actor has a weapon drawn ready to attack, or 0 
otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="getweapontype"></a><span class="title2">GetWeaponType</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetWeaponType</b>

	Type:	Objet, Tribunal

Retourne:	short (-1 to 13)
			Unarmed			-1
			Short blade, 1-Hand	0
			Long blade, 1-Hand	1
			Long blade, 2-Hand	2
			Blunt, 1-Hand		3
			Blunt, 2-Hand Close	4
			Blunt, 2-Hand Wide	5
			Spear, 2-Hand Wide	6
			Axe, 1-Hand		7
			Axe, 2-Hand Close	8
			Bow			9
			Crossbow		10
			Thrown Arme		11
			Arrow			12
			Bolt			13

Exemple:	if ( GetWeaponType == 1 )
		if ( &quot;addarnat assardidairan&quot;-&gt;GetWeaponType == -1 )
		if ( player-&gt;GetWeaponType == 10 )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne the weapon type of the actor's current weapon. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:

<a href="">
GetArmorType</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getwerewolfkills"></a><span class="title2">GetWerewolfKills</span>
<pre>		GetWerewolfKills</b>

	Type:	Loup-garou, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	float?

Exemple:	if ( GetWerewolfKills &gt; 1 )


<p>Retourne the number of kills the player (?) has done since they last turned 
into a werewolf (unconfirmed). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="getwindspeed"></a><span class="title2">GetWindSpeed</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GetWindSpeed</b>

	Type:	Météo, Undocumentated

Retourne:	float

Exemple:	if ( GetWindSpeed &gt; 0.5 )

Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Inconnue function that returns the current wind speed. Generally values are 
around 0 to 2 for average conditions. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="goodbye"></a><span class="title2">Goodbye</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Goodbye</b>

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Goodbye

Scripts:	Only in dialogue results

<p>This function immediately ends the players conversation with the PNJ, forcing 
the user to click the Goodbye option to end dialogue. Used only in dialogue 
results (unsure if it can be used in a regular script or not). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="gotojail"></a><span class="title2">GotoJail</span> <b></p>
<pre>		GotoJail</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	GotoJail

Scripts:	GotoJailWhenDone
<p>Sends the player to prison. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="hasitemequipped"></a><span class="title2">HasItemEquipped</span> <b>
<pre>		HasItemEquipped, IDObjet</b>

Détail:	IDObjet = Objet to check being equipped on the calling actor.

	Type:	Objet, Tribunal

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( HasItemEquipped, &quot;ebony spear&quot; == 1 )
		if ( player-&gt;HasItemEquipped, fireblade != 0 )
		if ( &quot;alvis teri&quot;-&gt;HasItemEquipped, &quot;expensive_belt_01&quot; == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Retourne 1 if the given item is currently equipped on the calling actor, or 0 
otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="hassoulgem"></a><span class="title2">HasSoulgem</span> <b></p>
<pre>		HasSoulgem, IDCréature</b>

Détail:	IDCréature = Creature to check for a soul gem

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( Joueur-&gt;HasSoulGem, &quot;atronach_storm&quot; &gt; 1 )
		set sValue to ( HasSoulGem, lich_relvel )

Scripts:	SkinkSoul1

<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object has the given creature's soulgem in their 
inventory, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="help"></a><span class="title2">Help</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Help</b>

	Type:	Console



<p>Console only command that lists some of the console specific functions. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="hitattemptonme"></a><a name="hitonme"></a><span class="title2">
<span class="title2">HitOnMe</span> <b></p>
<pre>		HitAttemptOnMe, IDObjet
		HitOnMe, IDObjet</b>

Détail:   IDObjet = Number of hit points per second to damage any colliding actor (float).

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	Set keeningHit to HitOnMe Keening
		player-&gt;HitOnMe, &quot;chitin dagger&quot;
Scripts:	LorkhanHeart (HitOnMe)
		Inusité (HitAttemptOnMe)
<p>Retourne 1 if a hit on the calling PNJ is attempted (HitAttemptOnMe) or hit (HitOnMe) 
by IDObjet in melee. For example, <i>player-&gt;HitOnMe, &quot;chitin dagger&quot;</i> will 
return 1 if the player is hit by a chitin dagger. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="hurtcollidingactor"></a><span class="title2">HurtCollidingActor</span>

<pre>		HurtCollidingActor, Valeur</b>

Détail:   Valeur = Number of hit points per second to damage any colliding actor (float).

	Type:	Collison, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	HurtCollidingActor 100
		HurtCollidingActor 9999999	(kill any NPCs that collide with it)

Scripts:	Collide_damage_100
<p>Damages colliding actor the given number of health points per second. This 
function requires Tribunal. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
HurtStandingActor</a> </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="hurtstandingactor"></a><span class="title2">HurtStandingActor</span>
<pre>		HurtStandingActor, Valeur</b>

Détail:   Valeur = Number of hit points per second to damage any actor standing on it (float).
			Valeur should be negative for damage, or positive for healing.  This value 
			can be literal or a variable.

	Type:	Collison

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	HurtStandingActor, 1		(heal 1 hitpoint per second)
		HurtStandingActor, -20.0	(hurt 10 hitpoints per second)
		HurtStandingActor, fDmgValue	(use a variable value)

Scripts:	lava
<p>Damages any actor standing on the object the given number of health points 
per second. As mentioned above, a positive value will heal the actor, and a 
negative value will damage them. The value can not only be a literal number, but 
also a variable (local or global). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
HurtCollidingActor</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p>A NAME=&quot;iswerewolf&quot;&gt;</a> <span class="title2">IsWerewolf</span> <b></p>
<pre>		IsWerewolf</b>

	Type:	Loup-garou, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	short?


<p>Retourne 1 if the player (or other PNJ?) is currently in Loup-garou form, or 
0 otherwise. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
UndoWerewolf</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="journal"></a><span class="title2">Journal</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Journal, ID, Index</b>

Détail:   ID	= Journal ID to add.
		Index	= Valeur of the journal entry to add.  Can be a literal value or also a
			  local or global short variable.

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Journal, &quot;A2_4_MiloGone&quot;, 10
		Journal, C3_DestroyDagoth, 50
		Journal, C3_DestroyDagoth, sSumValue		(use a variable value)

Scripts:	amayaJournal
<p>Adds a journal entry to the player's journal using the given value to 
determine which entry to add. Generally the a single ID will refer to a single 
quest, with multiple index values to indicate various parts of the quest. The 
index starts low and ends high. For instance, 10 for the starting journal entry, 
20 and 30 for two middle quest journal entries, and 50 for the last, end of 
quest, journal entry. </p>
<p>This is one of the few functions that can accept a variable for the index 
parametrr. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="lock"></a><span class="title2">Lock</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Lock, Valeur</b>

Détail:   Valeur	= Niveau of the lock to set (0 to 100, shor)

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Lock
		&quot;chest_ashurninibi_01&quot;-&gt;Lock, 50

Scripts:	OvisScript
<p>Locks the calling object to the given lock value. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Unlock</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="long"></a><span class="title2">Long</span><br>

<pre>		Long</b>

	Type:	Système

Exemple:	long LocalVar

<p>This is one of the three types of the scripting language. Long variables are 
signed and can range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. While these are the 
correct logical ranges, the editor appears to only accept values up to 
2,147,483,520. </p>
<p>Although local variables can start with an underscore character (_), this 
seems to cause strange problems in some functions. Therefore it is reccommended 
that you do not name variables starting with the underscore. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Float</a>,
<a href="">Short</a>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Argent and DinkumThinkum.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="loopgroup"></a><span class="title2">loopgroup</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Loopgroup, GroupName, Number, [Attributs]</b>

Détail:	GroupName	= Animation group to play.
		Number		= The number of times to play the animation.
		Attributs		= Optional parameter indicating when the animation should start.
					0 = Normal, the current animation will finish it’s full 
					    cycle, and the new animation will start from its beginning.
					1 = Immediate Start, the current animation will stop 
					    regardless of the frame it is on, and the new 
					    animation will start from its beginning.
					2 = Immediate Loop, the current animation will stop 
					    regardless of the frame it is on, and the new 
					    animation will start at the beginning of its loop cycle.

	Type:	Animation

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	LoopGroup, Idle3, 5

Scripts:	OutsideBanner
<p>Plays the animation group defined by GroupName the number of times specified. 
Optional flags can be used to start the group in different ways. The various 
group names for NPCs can be found by viewing the animation menu options in the 
Personnage menu in the Construction Set. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
PlayGroup</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="lowerrank"></a><span class="title2">LowerRank</span> <b></p>
<pre>		LowerRank</b>

Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	LowerRank
		&quot;tedryn brenur&quot;-&gt;LowerRank

Scripts:	Inusité, only used in dialogue?
<p>Lowers the object’s rank in its current faction. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCLowerRank</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="menumode"></a><span class="title2">MenuMode</span> <b></p>
<pre>		MenuMode</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( MenuMode == 1 )

Scripts:	anoScript
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently in menu mode (i.e., has any inventory/magic 
menus open thus pausing the game). It is a good idea to separate your script 
logic into processing of commands in and out of menumode. Certain actions like 
using items are done when in menu mode. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="menutest"></a><span class="title2">menutest</span> <b></p>
<pre>		menutest</b>

	Type:	Console, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien


<p>It seems to close is variations on inventory menus (player, PNJ, container). 
It does not work on dialogue, enchanting, alchemy, spell or armorer menus. It 
Marche from the console as well as from a script. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

Includes Contributions Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="messagebox"></a><span class="title2">MessageBox</span> <b></p>
<pre>		MessageBox, &quot;Message&quot;, [Var1], [Var2, ...], [&quot;button1&quot;], [&quot;button2&quot;], ...</b>

Détail:	Message      = String message to display
		Var1, 2, ... = Optional variables to insert into message
		Button1, ... = Optional button texts for displaying choices

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien


<p>The MessageBox function has too main abilities, to display simple text 
messages to the player at the bottom of the screen and to display a list of 
choices to the player. To display a message use the function like the following:
<pre>		MessageBox, &quot;This is a simple message&quot;		; Simple text message
		MessageBox, &quot;GameHour = %.2f&quot;, GameHour		; Display a float value with 2 decimal points
		MessageBox, &quot;Long/Short = %G&quot;, 101		; Display a short/long value, not %D as in the help file!
		MessageBox, &quot;String = %S&quot;, &quot;SomeString&quot;		; Display a string value, kinda useless, might not work

<p>Use the optional variables to display numbers/strings in the message text. 
When displaying float values you must specify the number of decimals places to 
use. You can also use the %.0f format to display short/long variables. Although 
the help file only shows 1 or 2 optional variables, there can be more than 2.
<p>To display a list of choices to the user, use the format: </p>
<pre>		MessageBox, &quot;Press ok to continue...&quot;, &quot;Ok&quot;		; One choice
		MessageBox, &quot;What is your answer?&quot;, &quot;Yes&quot;, &quot;No&quot;		; Two choices
		MessageBox, &quot;Choose a number&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, &quot;2&quot;, &quot;3&quot;, &quot;4&quot;, &quot;5&quot;	; Five choices

<p>There are also a number of special strings which can be used within the 
MessageBox string. They all begin with the ^ and not the % character as written 
in the help file: </p>
<pre>		^PCName		The player's name.
		^PCClass	The player's class.
		^PCRace		The player's race.
		^PCRank		The player's rank in the speaker's faction.
		^NextPCRank	The player's next rank in the speaker's faction.
		^Cell		The cell the player is currently in.
		^Global		Any global variable value (ex: ^Day). Floats display with 1 decimal. 
		^PNJ.Name	The NPC's name.
		^PNJ.Race	The NPC's race.
		^PNJ.Class	The NPC's class.
		^PNJ.Faction	The NPC's faction. If they have no faction, it will be blank.
		^PNJ.Rank	The NPC's rank.
<p>This is the same format used in dialogue info texts although for dialogue you 
can omit the PNJ. to use the speaker by default (if you omit the PNJ. in scripts 
the player is used by default). </p>
<p>To return the user's choice, use the GetButtonPressed function, for example:
<pre>begin TestMessageScript
	short MessageOn
	short Button

			; Display message when the player activates the object
	if ( OnActivate == 1 )
		set MessageOn to 1

			; Display the choices to the user
	if ( messageOn == 1 )
		MessageBox, &quot;Do you wish to drink from the Bitter Cup or to pick it up?&quot;, &quot;Drink&quot;, &quot;Pick it up&quot;
Set messageOn to 2

	if ( messageOn == 2 )
		set Button to GetButtonPressed

		if ( Button == -1 )	; Nothing
		if ( Button == 0 )	; drink it
			player-&gt;ModStrength, 20
			Set MessageOn to 0
		if ( Button == 1 )	; pick it up
			Set MessageOn to 0
<p>Use a similar setup for asking the user other choices. </p>
<p>If you pop up a message box with an 'ok' button when a saved game is loaded 
immediately after running Morrowind, you won't have a mouse pointer to click on 
the 'ok' button to get rid of the message box. The game also keeps running while 
the message box is displayed; it doesn't pause as it normally does. You can 
right-click to get into Menu mode, and then you'll have a mouse pointer to clear 
the box with. This only happens the first time you load a save after running 
Morrowind; if you load a save from within the game, you do get a mouse pointer 
to click the 'ok' button with. So apparently it's some sort of initialization 
problem. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
GetButtonPressed</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum.

<hr noShade><a name="modacrobatics"></a><a name="modagility"></a>
<a name="modalarm"></a><a name="modalchemy"></a><a name="modalteration"></a>
<a name="modarmorbonus"></a><a name="modarmorer"></a><a name="modathletics"></a>
<a name="modattackbonus"></a><a name="modaxe"></a><a name="modblindness"></a>
<a name="modblock"></a><a name="modbluntweapon"></a><a name="modcastpenalty">
</a><a name="modchameleon"></a><a name="modconjuration"></a>
<a name="modcurrentfatigue"></a><a name="modcurrenthealth"></a>
<a name="modcurrentmagicka"></a><a name="moddefendbonus"></a>
<a name="moddestruction"></a><a name="moddisposition"></a><a name="modenchant">
</a><a name="modendurance"></a><a name="modfatigue"></a><a name="modfight"></a>
<a name="modflee"></a><a name="modflying"></a><a name="modhandtohand"></a>
<a name="modhealth"></a><a name="modheavyarmor"></a><a name="modhello"></a>
<a name="modillusion"></a><a name="modintelligence"></a><a name="modinvisible">
</a><a name="modlightarmor"></a><a name="modlongblade"></a><a name="modluck">
</a><a name="modmarksman"></a><a name="modmediumarmor"></a><a name="modmagicka">

</a><a name="modmercantile"></a><a name="modmysticism"></a>
<a name="modparalysis"></a><a name="modpccrimelevel"></a>
<a name="modpcvisionbonus"></a><a name="modpersonality"></a>
<a name="modreputation"></a><a name="modresistblight"></a>
<a name="modresistcorprus"></a><a name="modresistdisease"></a>
<a name="modresistfire"></a><a name="modresistfrost"></a>
<a name="modresistmagicka"></a><a name="modresistnormalweapons"></a>
<a name="modresistparalysis"></a><a name="modresistpoison"></a>
<a name="modresistshock"></a><a name="modrestoration"></a><a name="modscale">
</a><a name="modsecurity"></a><a name="modshortblade"></a><a name="modsilence">
</a><a name="modsneak"></a><a name="modspear"></a><a name="modspeechcraft"></a>
<a name="modspeed"></a><a name="modstrength"></a><a name="modsuperjump"></a>
<a name="modswimspeed"></a><a name="modunarmored"></a>
<a name="modwaterbreathing"></a><a name="modwaterlevel"></a>
<a name="modwaterwalking"></a><a name="modwillpower"></a><span class="title2">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" border="0">

<td><span class="title2">ModAcrobatics</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAgility</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAlarm</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAlchemy</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAlteration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModArmorBonus</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModArmorer</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAthletics</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAttackBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModAxe</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModBlindness</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModBlock</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModBluntWeapon</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModCastPenalty</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModChameleon</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModConjuration</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModCurrentFatigue</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModCurrentHealth</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModCurrentMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModDefendBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModDestruction</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModDisposition</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModEnchant</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModEndurance</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModFatigue</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModFight</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModFlee</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModFlying</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModHandToHand</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModHealth</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModHeavyArmor</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModHello</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModIllusion</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModIntelligence</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModInvisible</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModLightArmor</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModLongBlade</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModLuck</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModMarksman</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModMediumArmor</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModMercantile</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModMysticism</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModParalysis</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModPCCrimeLevel</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModPCVisionBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModPersonality</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModReputation</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistBlight</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistCorprus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistDisease</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistFire</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModResistFrost</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistNormalWeapons</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistParalysis</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModResistPoison</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModResistShock</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModRestoration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModScale</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModSecurity</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModShortblade</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModSilence</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModSneak</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModSpear</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModSpeechcraft</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModSpeed</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModStrength</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModSuperJump</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModSwimSpeed</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModUnarmored</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModWaterBreathing</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModWaterLevel</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ModWaterWalking</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ModWillpower</span></td>
<pre>		Mod____, Valeur</b>

Détail:   Valeur = Valeur to modify the stat by.  Can be a literal value or a
			variable (float).

	Type:	Stats

Retourne:	rien
Exemple:	player-&gt;ModCurrentHealth, -10
		ModSuperJump, LocalVar

Scripts:	darksunScript

<p>These Mod____ functions will modify the actor's statistic by the given amount. 
The functions will also accept a float variable instead of a literal number 
value. There are several special cases of the Mod___ functions as described 
below. </p>
<li><b>ModScale</b> - New in Tribunal </li>
<li><b>ModWaterLevel</b> - New in Tribunal </li>
<li><b>ModPCCrimeLevel</b> - Joueur only </li>

<li><b>ModPCVisionBonus</b> - Joueur only, Inconnue </li>
<li><b>ModLevel</b> - No such function, only
<a href="">
GetLevel</a> and
<a href="">
SetLevel</a> exist. </li>

<li><b>ModAlarm</b> </li>
<li><b>ModFight</b> </li>
<li><b>ModFlee</b> </li>
<li><b>ModHello</b> - When you use these functions you change the AI settings 
for ALL references of the actor, not just the calling reference. </li>

<li><b>ModCurrentHealth</b> </li>
<li><b>ModCurrentMagicka</b> </li>
<li><b>ModCurrentFatigue</b> - Special Mod functions. There are no matching 
Get/Set functions for these. </li>
<p>Note that the ModInvisible was incorrectly spelled as ModInvisibile in the 
original Morrowind game (fixed in a later patch or Tribunal?). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:

<a href="">Get____</a>,
<a href="">Set____</a>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="modfactionreaction"></a><span class="title2">ModFactionReaction</span>
<pre>		ModFactionReaction, FactionID1, FactionID2, Valeur</b>

Détail:	FactionID1 = FactionID source 
		FactionID2 = FactionID target
		Valeur	   = Valeur to modify the faction reaction by.
	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ModFactionReaction, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;, &quot;Temple&quot;, -2
		modFactionReaction, &quot;Redoran&quot;, &quot;Nerevarine&quot;, 4 

Scripts:	MoonAndStar

<p>Modifies the reaction of one faction towards members of another faction. 
Positive value indicate more like, while negative values indicate dislike. For 
example, </p>
<pre>	ModFactionReaction, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;, &quot;Temple&quot;, -2
<p>will cause all thieves guild members to increase their dislike of all temple 
members (it is not reversible so you would have to also set the Temple faction 
reaction to the Thieves guild). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
SetFactionReaction</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="modpcfacrep"></a><span class="title2">ModPCFacRep</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ModPCFacRep, Valeur, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	Valeur     = Valeur to modify the faction reputation by.
		FactionID = Optional faction ID to modify.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ModPCFacRep, 10, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;
ModPCFacRep, 25, &quot;Temple&quot;
		&quot;tedryn brenur&quot;-&gt;ModPCFacRep, -5

Scripts:	MaduraFollow
<p>Modifies the reaction modifier for members of the specified faction towards 
the PC. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
SetPCFacRep</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="modregion"></a><span class="title2">ModRegion</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ModRegion, RegionID, Clear, Cloudy, Foggy, Overcast, Rain, Thunder, Ash, Blight, Unknown1, Unknown2</b>

Détail:   RegionID = Region to change the weather in
		Clear    = Chance of clear weather (percent, 0 to 100, float)
		Cloudy   = Chance of cloudy weather (percent, 0 to 100, float)
		Foggy    = Chance of fog (percent, 0 to 100, float) 
		Overcast = Chance of overcast weather (percent, 0 to 100, float)
		Rain     = Chance of rain (percent, 0 to 100, float) 
		Thunder  = Chance of thunder storms (percent, 0 to 100, float)
		Ash      = Chance of ash storms (percent, 0 to 100, float)
		Blight   = Chance of blight storms (percent, 0 to 100, float)
		Unknown1 = Chance of snow (percent, 0 to 100, float) (Bloodmoon)
		Unknown2 = Chance of blizzard (percent, 0 to 100, float) (Bloodmoon)

	Type:	Météo

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ModRegion, &quot;Météo Machine&quot;, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
		ModRegion, &quot;Red Mountain Region&quot;, 50, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Scripts:	weatherScript
<p>Changes the weather chances for the RegionID. Used to get rid of, or add 
weathers to an area permanently. The values must add up to 100 or you will get 
odd results. Note that the last two weather types are Inconnue and currently 
unknown but assumably are the two new snow/blizzard weather types added with 
Bloodmoon. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
ChangeWeather</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="month"></a><span class="title2">Month</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Month</b>

	Type:	Global, Temps

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	set CurrentMonth to Month


<p>Assumably the current month which ranges from 0 to 11. You can use the SET 
command to change the current month. </p>
<p>The Month variable ranges from 0-11, where 0 is the first month of the year (Morning 
Star), 1 is the second month of the year (Sun's Dawn), etc. The game starts in 
Last Seed, which is month 7 (the eighth month of the year). Morrowind does have 
a bug where after a year ends, the month is rolled over to 1 (which is the 
second month of the year). There is a plugin-based fix for it, which you can 
download off of <a href=""><b>Morrowind 
Summit</b></a>, but of course the best fix is for Bethesda to repair the problem.
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Day</a>,
<a href="">
<a href="">Year</a>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="moto"></a><a name="moveonetoone"></a><span class="title2">
MoveOneToOne (MOTO)</span> <b></p>
<pre>		MoveOneToOne (MOTO)</b>

	Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien



<p>Unknown console function that appears to have something to do with animation.
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="move"></a><a name="moveworld"></a><span class="title2">Move</span><br>
<span class="title2">MoveWorld</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Move,      Axes, Speed
		MoveWorld, Axes, Speed</b>

Détail:	Axes  = X, Y or Z
		Speed = Mouvement speed in world units per second.

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Move, X, 10
		MoveWorld, Y, 12


<p>These functions cause the referenced object to move at the given speed. The 
Move function uses the object's axes while the MoveWorld always uses the world 
axes (positive Z is upwards). Note that the exact speed is affected slightly by 
the speed of the system the game is being played. Thus, where an exact final 
position is required it is recommended to test for distance rather than time.
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onactivate"></a><span class="title2">OnActivate</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnActivate</b>

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( OnActivate == 1 )

Scripts:	Alen_note

<p>Retourne 1 if calling object is activated, or 0 otherwise. An object is 
activated when you approach it in the game and press the spacebar (by default).
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="ondeath"></a><span class="title2">OnDeath</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnDeath</b>

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( OnDeath == 1 )

Scripts:	anoScript
<p>Retourne 1 for one frame when the actor is killed (0 otherwise). </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
OnMurder</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onknockout"></a><span class="title2">OnKnockout</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnKnockout</b>

Type:	Combat

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( OnKnockout == 1 )

Scripts:	girasScript
<p>Retourne 1 for one frame when the actor is knocked out (0 otherwise). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">OnDeath</a>,
<a href="">
OnMurder</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onmurder"></a><span class="title2">OnMurder</span> <b></p>

<pre>		OnMurder</b>

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( OnMurder == 1 )

Scripts:	alvisTeriScript
<p>Retourne 1 for one frame when the actor is murdered (0 otherwise). Both this 
and OnDeath will return 1 at the same time, so you can do something like this:
<pre>	if ( OnDeath == 1 )
		if ( OnMurder == 1 )
			Set RedoranMurdered to 2
			Set RedoranMurdered to 1
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">OnDeath</a>,
<a href="">
OnKnockout</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onpcadd"></a><span class="title2">OnPCAdd</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnPCAdd</b>

	Type:	Inventory, Variable

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnPCAdd
		if ( OnPCAdd == 1 )

Scripts:	CharGenStatsSheet
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
When defined, it will be set to 1 when the player adds the calling item to their 
inventory. Should be manually reset if you wish to check for additional item 
additions. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onpcdrop"></a><span class="title2">OnPCDrop</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnPCDrop</b>

	Type:	Inventory, Variable

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnPCDrop
		if ( OnPCDrop == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
When defined, it will be set to 1 when the player drops the calling item from 
their inventory. Should be manually reset if you wish to check for additional 
item drops. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="onpcequip"></a><span class="title2">OnPCEquip</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnPCEquip</b>

	Type:	Inventory, Variable

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnPCEquip
		if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
			set OnPCEquip to 0

Scripts:	bladeScript
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
When defined, it will be set to 1 when the player equips the item, and remain 1 
while the player has it equipped (unless manually reset) and is 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onpchitme"></a><span class="title2">OnPCHitMe</span> <b></p>

<pre>		OnPCHitMe</b>

	Type:	Combat, Variable

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnPCHitMe
		if ( OnPCHitMe == 1 )
			StartCombat Joueur
			Set OnPCHitMe to 0

Scripts:	almaScript
<p>This is not a function but must be defined as a short variable in the script 
to be used. When the player hits the object, the variable will be set to 1. It 
must be reset to 0 when testing for it, such as in the above example script. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onpcrepair"></a><span class="title2">OnPCRepair</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnPCRepair</b>

Type:	Inventory, Variable

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnPCRepair
		if ( OnPCRepair == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
When defined, it will be set to 1 when the player repairs the calling item. 
Should be manually reset if you wish to check for additional item repairs. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onpcsoulgemuse"></a><span class="title2">OnPCSoulGemUse</span> <b>
<pre>		OnPCSoulGemUse</b>

Type:	Inventory, Variable

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnPCSoulGemUse
		if ( OnPCSoulGemUse == 1 )
			Joueur-&gt;additem, &quot;Misc_soulgem_Azura&quot;, 1

Scripts:	AzuraStarScript
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
When defined, it will be set to 1 when the player uses a soul gem for enchanting 
or recharging an item. Should be manually reset if you wish to check for 
additional soul gem uses. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="onrepair"></a><span class="title2">OnRepair</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OnRepair</b>

Type:	Objet, Broken

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	short OnRepair
		if ( OnRepair == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
Retourne 1 if calling object has been attempted to be repaired, or 0 otherwise. 
This function is currently broken and does not work. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
OnPCRepair</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="outputobjcounts"></a><a name="outputrefcounts"></a>
<a name="outputrefinfo"></a><span class="title2">OutputObjNombres</span><br>
<span class="title2">OutputRefNombres</span><br>

<span class="title2">OutputRefInfos</span> <b></p>
<pre>		OutputObjNombres

	Type:	Console, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien


<p>Console only commands that output object/reference info. Further testing is 
required. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="payfine"></a><a name="payfinethief"></a><span class="title2">PayFine</span><br>

<span class="title2">PayFineThief</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PayFine
		PayFineThief (Inconnue)</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PayFine

Scripts:	TGDisNombreScript
<p>Pays the player's fine for committing any crimes and resets the game's AI so 
that guards and NPCs don't hate the player any more. PayFine is used by the game 
to clear the AI after the player pays a fine to a guard or other law enforced. 
It removes any stolen merchandise from the player's inventory and puts it into 
the evidence chests around the island. PayFineThief is similarily used when the 
player uses the Thieves Guild to remove any bounty on their head but does not 
remove any stolen items. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum and Tim Martin.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcclearexpelled"></a><span class="title2">PCClearExpelled</span> <b>
<pre>		PCClearExpelled, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction to clear the player's expelled flag.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCClearExpelled, &quot;Mages Guild&quot;
		PCClearExpelled			(call from a dialogue, uses the actor's faction)

Scripts:	expelledMG

<p>Clears the player's expelled flag for the given faction. If no faction is 
specified, the caller's faction is used. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCExpelled</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcexpell"></a><span class="title2">PCExpell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCExpell, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction to expell the player from.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCExpell, &quot;Mages Guild&quot;
		PCExpell			(call from a dialogue, uses the actor's faction)

Scripts:	Inusité (only in dialogue)
<p>Expells the player from the given faction. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCExpelled</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcexpelled"></a><span class="title2">PCExpelled</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCExpelled, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction to check the player's expelled flag.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	if (PCExpelled, &quot;Mages Guild&quot; == 1)
		if (PCExpelled == 1 )			( uses the caller's faction)

Scripts:	Inusité (only in dialogue)
<p>Retourne 1 if the player is currently expelled from the given faction, or 0 
otherwise. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCExpell</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcget3rdperson"></a><span class="title2">PCGet3rdPerson</span> <b>
<pre>		PCGet3rdPerson</b>

Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if (PCGet3rdPerson == 1)
		set sValue to PCGet3rdPerson

Scripts:	Inusité 
<p>Retourne 1 if in 3rd person mode, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCForce1stPerson</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcforce3rdperson"></a><span class="title2">PCForce3rdPerson</span>

<pre>		PCForce3rdPerson</b>

	Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCForce3rdPerson

Scripts:	Inusité 
<p>Queue the change to 3rd person mode (this may have to wait for the current 
animation to finish). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCForce1stPerson</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcforce1stperson"></a><span class="title2">PCForce1stPerson</span>
<pre>		PCForce1stPerson</b>

	Type:	Joueur Controls

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCForce1stPerson

Scripts:	Inusité 
<p>Queue the change to 1st person mode (this may have to wait for the current 
animation to finish). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
PCGet3rdPerson</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcjoinfaction"></a><span class="title2">PCJoinFaction</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCJoinFaction, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction for the player to join.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCJoinFaction, &quot;Mages Guild&quot;
PCJoinFaction, Nerevarine 
		PCJoinFaction			(uses the caller's faction)

Scripts:	MoonAndStar
<p>Joins the player to the given (or the caller's) faction. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCRaiseRank</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pclowerrank"></a><span class="title2">PCLowerRank</span> <b></p>

<pre>		PCLowerRank, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction for the player to join.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCLowerRank, &quot;Mages Guild&quot;
		PCLowerRank, Nerevarine 
		PCLowerRank			(uses the caller's faction)

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Lowers the player's rank in the given faction. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
<a href="">
PCRaiseRank</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcrace"></a><span class="title2">PCRace</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCRace</b>

	Type:	Global

Retourne:	short



<p>A global variable that holds a numeric value for the player's race. </p>
<pre>	1  = Agonian
	2  = Breton
	3  = Dark Elf
	4  = High Elf
	5  = Imperial
	6  = Khajiit
	7  = Nord
	8  = Orc
	9  = Redguard
	10 =Woodelf
<p>It is unknown what happens for a newly created race. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcraiserank"></a><span class="title2">PCRaiseRank</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCRaiseRank, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	FactionID = Optional faction for the player to join.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PCRaiseRank, &quot;Mages Guild&quot;
		PCRaiseRank, Nerevarine 
		PCRaiseRank			(uses the caller's faction)

Scripts:	sjoringScript
<p>Raises the player's rank in the given faction. If the player is not a member 
of the faction, the player is joined and their rank set to 1. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

<a href="">
RaiseRank</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcskipequip"></a><span class="title2">PCSkipEquip</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCSkipEquip</b>

	Type:	Inventory

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	short PCSkipEquip
		set PCSkipEquip to 1
		set PCSkipEquip to 0

Scripts:	sealedTreasuryOrders
<p>Not a function but must be defined as a short variable in order to be used. 
When defined, set this to 1 to skip equipping the object, or 0 otherwise. Good 
for popping up messages for breaking seals on books and such. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcvampire"></a><span class="title2">PCVampire</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCVampire</b>

	Type:	Global

Retourne:	short


<p>A global variable that gives the state of the player's vampire status. </p>
<pre>	-1 = Has been cured
	 0 = Not a vampire
	 1 = Currently a vampire

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pcwerewolf"></a><span class="title2">PCWerewolf</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PCWerewolf</b>

	Type:	Global, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	short


<p>A global variable that gives the state of the player's werewolf status. </p>

<pre>	-1 = Has been cured (immune to lycanthropy)
	 0 = Not a Loup-garou
	 1 = Currently a Loup-garou
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; LDones.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="placeatme"></a><a name="placeatpc"></a><span class="title2">
PlaceAtMe</span> <span class="title2">PlaceAtPC</span> <b></p>

<pre>		PlaceAtMe, IDObjet, Nombre, Distance, Direction
		PlaceAtPC, IDObjet, Nombre, Distance, Direction</b>

Détail:	IDObjet  = Objet to place into world
		Nombre	  = Number of the object to add
		Distance  = Distance from the player in game units
		Direction = Initial orientation of the object
				0 = front
				1 = back
				2 = left
				3 = right
	Type:	Mouvement
		PlaceAtMe, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PlaceAtPC, &quot;delte fyr&quot;, 1, 120, 0		(just in front of player)
		PlaceAtPC, &quot;Dremora_lord&quot;, 1, 128, 1		(sneak attack behind player)
		PlaceAtMe, &quot;activator_01&quot;, 1, 500, 3

Scripts:	karrodScript
<p>Places the object at the player (PlaceAtPC) or another object/activator (PlaceAtMe), 
in the direction you specify and the distance. If that location is not safe (in 
the air, in a wall, etc), the object will be placed at one of the other axis or 
at the player’s exact location (feet). It is used most often to spawn NPCs/creatures 
near the player/object for a coordinated and timed attack. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
PlaceItemCell</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="position"></a><a name="positioncell"></a><span class="title2">
<span class="title2">PositionCell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Position,     X, Y, Z, ZRot
		PositionCell, X, Y, Z, ZRot, &quot;IDCell&quot;</b>

Détail:	X,Y,Z     = Exterior/interior location to move to the object to (float).
		ZRot	  = World Z-axis orientation of the object (degrees, 0=North, 180=South, float) 
		IDCell	  = Interior cell name
	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Joueur-&gt;Position, -1005, 165018, 100	
		&quot;Salyni Nelvayn&quot;-&gt;PositionCell, 106, 1241, -105, &quot;Assurdirapal, Shrine&quot;
		PositionCell, 8090, 698, -500, 270, &quot;Vivec, St. Olms Haunted Manor&quot;

Scripts:	CharGen

<p>Sets the position of the calling object to the given exterior (Position) or 
interior (PositionCell) location. If you try to teleport to an unsafe place (clipping 
with an object or out in the void), you will instead be placed at the next safe 
location. Some people have noticed bugs using the Position function (NPCs 
disappearing) and reccommend using the PositionCell function instead, which can 
be outside if an exterior cell name is given. </p>
<p>Note that the ZRot parameter does not appear to work when PositionCell is 
used on NPCs. It seems to work fine on the player and other objects though. Also, 
if you PositionCell something you have never met into your current cell then its 
local script will not start running (until you leave the area and return anyways).
<p>A common application of this function is to create a teleportation item (though, 
since variables are not accepted, you can only teleport to set locations), for 
example: </p>
<pre>Begin TestTeleport_Script
	short button
	short messageOn
	short reset
	short OnPcEquip

	if ( OnPCEquip == 0 )
		set reset to 0

	if ( reset == 1 )

	if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
		if ( reset == 0 )
			Set OnPCEquip to 0
			MessageBox &quot;Use the Mazedband to teleport where?&quot; &quot;Vivec&quot; &quot;Mournhold&quot; &quot;Sotha Sil&quot; &quot;Nowhere&quot;
set messageOn to 1

	if ( messageOn == 1 )
		set button to GetButtonPressed

		if ( button &gt;= 0 )
			set messageOn to 0

			; Vivec
		if ( button == 0 )
			playsound &quot;conjuration hit&quot;
			Joueur-&gt;PositionCell 12, 219, -501, 0 &quot;Vivec, High Fane&quot;
			set reset to 1		

			; Mournhold
		elseif ( button == 1 )
			playsound &quot;conjuration hit&quot;
			Joueur-&gt;PositionCell 0, -478, -645, 0 &quot;Mournhold Temple: High Chapel&quot;
set reset to 1		

			; Sotha sil
		elseif ( button == 2 )
			playsound &quot;conjuration hit&quot;
			Joueur-&gt;PositionCell 3976, 4179, 12310, 0 &quot;Sotha Sil, Dome of Sotha Sil&quot;
			set reset to 1

			; Nothing
		elseif ( button == 3 )
			set reset to 1



<p>You should not use either function from dialogue results as it can cause the 
game to crash. Instead, create a script to peform the teleporting and use a
<a href=""><b>
StartScript</b></a> to start it from the dialogue result. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PlaceItemCell</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Cortex and DinkumThinkum.
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="placeitem"></a><a name="placeitemcell"></a><span class="title2">
<span class="title2">PlaceItemCell</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PlaceItem,     IDObjet,        X, Y, Z, ZRot	
		PlaceItemCell, IDObjet, CelID, X, Y, Z, ZRot</b>
Détail:	IDObjet  = Objet to place into world
		CelID	  = Cell name where to place the item
		X,Y,Z	  = Exterior/interior location to place the item, can be a literal value
			    as well as float variables.
		ZRot 	  = World Z-axis orientation of the item (in degrees)
	Type:	Mouvement, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PlaceItem, &quot;false_sunder&quot;, 10, -5006, 0, 0
		PlaceItemCell, &quot;daedric_god_helm&quot;, &quot;Assernerairan, Shrine&quot;, NewX, NewY, NewZ, 45

Scripts:	dulniScript

<p>New functions added in Tribunal to create new item references into the world. 
PlaceItem will create a new item in the exterior while PlaceItemCell does the 
same for an interior cell. With either function, if the target cell for the 
reference is an exterior cell and the given coordinate is outside of that cell, 
then the reference will be added to the cell containing the coordinate. This is 
a nice addition that allows you to add things to the world without previously 
placing them in the editor. </p>
<p>There seems to be a bug with PlaceItemCell in that items added with the 
function disappear if you save, exit, and reload. This seems to depend on the 
order in which things occur. For instance if you add an PNJ to the clothier to a 
cell that the player has never visited the PNJ will be there. However, if you 
save the game after the PNJ has been added, reload that save and then visit the 
cell the PNJ will not be there. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
PlaceAtPC</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="playbink"></a><span class="title2">PlayBink</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PlayBink, &quot;Nom du fichier&quot;, Attribut</b>

Détail:	Nom du fichier = Movie filename
		Attribut 	 = 0 or 1 (1 if you want player to be able to escape movie)

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PlayBink, &quot;mw_cavern.bik&quot;, 1

Scripts:	AzuraEnd
<p>Plays the given BIK movie file. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum and Klinn.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="playgroup"></a><span class="title2">PlayGroup</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PlayGroup, GroupName, [Attributs]</b>

Détail:	GroupName	= Animation group to play.
		Attributs		= Optional parameter indicating when the animation should start.
					0 = Normal, the current animation will finish it’s full 
					    cycle, and the new animation will start from its beginning.
					1 = Immediate Start, the current animation will stop 
					    regardless of the frame it is on, and the new 
					    animation will start from its beginning.
					2 = Immediate Loop, the current animation will stop 
					    regardless of the frame it is on, and the new 
					    animation will start at the beginning of its loop cycle.

	Type:	Animation

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PlayGroup, Idle2
		&quot;taren andoren&quot;-&gt;PlayGroup, Idle, 0
		&quot;Black Dart Malar&quot;-&gt;PlayGroup &quot;Death1&quot;

Scripts:	AzuraEnd
<p>Plays the animation group defined by GroupName. Optional flags can be used to 
start the group in different ways. The various group names can be found by 
viewing the animation menu options in the Personnage menu in the Construction 
Set. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
LoopGroup</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="playloopsound3d"></a><a name="playloopsound3dvp"></a>
<a name="playsound"></a><a name="playsoundvp"></a><a name="playsound3d"></a>
<a name="playsound3dvp"></a><span class="title2">PlayLoopSound3D</span><br>
<span class="title2">PlayLoopSound3DVP</span><br>
<span class="title2">PlaySound</span><br>
<span class="title2">PlaySoundVP</span><br>

<span class="title2">PlaySound3D</span><br>
<span class="title2">PlaySound3DVP</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PlayLoopSound3D,   &quot;SoundID&quot;
		PlayLoopSound3DVP, &quot;SoundID&quot;, Volume, Pitch
		PlaySound, 	   &quot;SoundID&quot;
		PlaySoundVP,       &quot;SoundID&quot;, Volume, Pitch
		PlaySound3D,       &quot;SoundID&quot;
PlaySound3DVP,     &quot;SoundID&quot;, Volume, Pitch</b>

Détail:	SoundID = The sound to play
		Volume  = Float value to adjust the volume, 0 is rien, 1 is full
		Pitch   = Float value to adjust the pitch

	Type:	Son

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	PlaySound, &quot;Crowd Boo&quot;
		PlayLoopSound3DVP. &quot;Son Test Loop&quot;, 1.0, 1.0

Scripts:	SoundTest
<p>These functions play sound with a variety of options. The PlaySound function 
will play the sound at full volume, sounding like it comes from directly at the 
player's location. The 3D functions will cause the sound to be played from the 
calling object's location in the game (so it will be dimmer the farther the 
player is away from it). The VP functions allow you to adjust the volume and 
pitch of the sound, although whenever the functions are used only 1 for both 
volume and pitch are used. The PlayLoop functions will play the sound 
continuously until a StopSound function is called. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
StopSound</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="pt"></a><a name="purgetextures"></a><span class="title2">
PurgeTextures (PT)</span> <b></p>
<pre>		PurgeTextures

	Type:	Console, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien



<p>Console command that assumably unloads all textures currently being used. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="raiserank"></a><span class="title2">RaiseRank</span> <b></p>
<pre>		RaiseRank</b>

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	RaiseRank
		&quot;tedryn brenur&quot;-&gt;RaiseRank

Scripts:	Inusité, only used in dialogue?

<p>Raises the object’s rank in its current faction. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PCRaiseRank</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="random"></a><span class="title2">Random</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Random, Valeur</b>

Détail:	Valeur = One more than the maximum random number you want to generate

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( Random, 10 == 5 )		
		set sValue to Random, 100	; Random number between 0 and 99

Scripts:	Main
<p>Generates a random number between 0 and (Valeur - 1). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="removeeffects"></a><span class="title2">RemoveEffects</span> <b></p>
<pre>		RemoveEffects, EffectID</b>

Détail:	EffectID = Magie effect to remove, use the following number values:
			85  = sEffectAbsorbAttribute	20  = sEffectDrainFatigue		77  = sEffectRestoreFatigue
			88  = sEffectAbsorbFatigue	18  = sEffectDrainHealth		75  = sEffectRestoreHealth
			86  = sEffectAbsorbHealth	21  = sEffectDrainSkill			78  = sEffectRestoreSkill
			89  = sEffectAbsorbSkill	19  = sEffectDrainSpellpoints		76  = sEffectRestoreSpellPoints
			87  = sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints	126 = sEffectExtraSpell			42  = sEffectSanctuary
			63  = sEffectAlmsiviIntervention 8  = sEffectFeather			3   = sEffectShield
			47  = sEffectBlind		14  = sEffectFireDamage			15  = sEffectShockDamage
			123 = sEffectBoundBattleAxe	4   = sEffectFireShield			46  = sEffectSilence
			129 = sEffectBoundBoots		117 = sEffectFortifyAttackBonus		11  = sEffectSlowFall
			127 = sEffectBoundCuirass	79  = sEffectFortifyAttribute		58  = sEffectSoultrap
			120 = sEffectBoundDagger	82  = sEffectFortifyFatigue		48  = sEffectSound
			131 = sEffectBoundGloves	80  = sEffectFortifyHealth		67  = sEffectSpellAbsorption
			128 = sEffectBoundHelm		84  = sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier	136 = sEffectStuntedMagicka
			125 = sEffectBoundLongbow	83  = sEffectFortifySkill		106 = sEffectSummonAncestralGhost
			121 = sEffectBoundLongsword	81  = sEffectFortifySpellpoints		110 = sEffectSummonBonelord
			122 = sEffectBoundMace		52  = sEffectFrenzyCreature		134 = sEffectSummonCenturionSphere
			130 = sEffectBoundShield	51  = sEffectFrenzyHumanoid		103 = sEffectSummonClannfear
			124 = sEffectBoundSpear		16  = sEffectFrostDamage		104 = sEffectSummonDaedroth
			7   = sEffectBurden		6   = sEffectFrostShield		105 = sEffectSummonDremora
			50  = sEffectCalmCreature	39  = sEffectInvisibility		114 = sEffectSummonFlameAtronach
			49  = sEffectCalmHumanoid	9   = sEffectJump			115 = sEffectSummonFrostAtronach
			40  = sEffectChameleon		10  = sEffectLevitate			113 = sEffectSummonGoldensaint
			44  = sEffectCharm		41  = sEffectLight			109 = sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker
			118 = sEffectCommandCreatures	5   = sEffectLightningShield		112 = sEffectSummonHunger
			119 = sEffectCommandHumanoids	12  = sEffectLock			108 = sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker
			132 = sEffectCorpus		60  = sEffectMark			102 = sEffectSummonScamp
			70  = sEffectCureBlightDisease	43  = sEffectNightEye			107 = sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion
			69  = sEffectCureCommonDisease	13  = sEffectOpen			116 = sEffectSummonStormAtronach
			71  = sEffectCureCorprusDisease	45  = sEffectParalyze			111 = sEffectSummonWingedTwilight
			73  = sEffectCureParalyzation	27  = sEffectPoison			135 = sEffectSunDamage
			72  = sEffectCurePoison		56  = sEffectRallyCreature		1   = sEffectSwiftSwim
			22  = sEffectDamageAttribute	55  = sEffectRallyHumanoid		59  = sEffectTelekinesis
			25  = sEffectDamageFatigue	61  = sEffectRecall			101 = sEffectTurnUndead
			23  = sEffectDamageHealth	68  = sEffectReflect			133 = sEffectVampirism
			24  = sEffectDamageMagicka	100 = sEffectRemoveCurse		0   = sEffectWaterBreathing
			26  = sEffectDamageSkill	95  = sEffectResistBlightDisease	2   = sEffectWaterWalking
			54  = sEffectDemoralizeCreature	94  = sEffectResistCommonDisease	33  = sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease
			53  = sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid	96  = sEffectResistCorprusDisease	32  = sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease
			64  = sEffectDetectAnimal	90  = sEffectResistFire			34  = sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease
			65  = sEffectDetectEnchantment	91  = sEffectResistFrost		28  = sEffectWeaknessToFire
			66  = sEffectDetectKey		93  = sEffectResistMagicka		29  = sEffectWeaknessToFrost
			38  = sEffectDisintegrateArmor	98  = sEffectResistNormalWeapons	31  = sEffectWeaknessToMagicka
			37  = sEffectDisintegrateWeapon	99  = sEffectResistParalysis		36  = sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons
			57  = sEffectDispel		97  = sEffectResistPoison		35  = sEffectWeaknessToPoison
			62  = sEffectDivineIntervention	92  = sEffectResistShock		30  = sEffectWeaknessToShock
			17  = sEffectDrainAttribute	74  = sEffectRestoreAttribute		
	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	RemoveEffects, 56
		player-&gt;RemoveEffects, 1

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Removes all spells currently affecting the calling actor that include the 
given effect. Note that this is slightly different from the
<a href="">
GetEffect</a> function which accepts the sEffect___ ID rather than the numeric 
value. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

<a href="">
RemoveSpellEffects</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="removeitem"></a><span class="title2">RemoveItem</span> <b></p>
<pre>		RemoveItem, IDObjet, Nombre</b>

Détail: 	IDObjet = Objet to remove from the calling item's inventory.
		Nombre	 = Number of the object to remove (short).

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Joueur-&gt;RemoveItem, &quot;Daedric_special&quot;, 1
		Fargoth-&gt;RemoveItem, &quot;ring_keley&quot;, 1

Scripts:	lookoutScript

<p>Removes the give number of the item from the calling object but does not drop 
it. There is a potential for crashing the game if you attempt to remove an item 
within it's own script, i.e., </p>
<pre>begin test_CrashScript
	if (OnActivate == 1)
		MessageBox &quot;The item disappears before your eyes&quot;
		player-&gt;RemoveItem, &quot;some_unique_item&quot;, 1
<p>If this script was attached to the <i>some_unique_item</i> and the only 
instance of it was removed from the player's inventory, the game would crash. In 
order to successfully remove the item you will have to use a global script or 
from another object. You can successfully remove items that do not exist in the 
calling object's inventory. The RemoveItem function accepts a short Nombre value 
which limits the number of items you can remove at a time to 65535 (or possibly 
65534). </p>

<p>It appears that if you use RemoveItem from the player, the player's 
encumberence is modified, whether or not they actually have the object. An 
interesting way to modify the amount the player can carry, especially in 
situations where uninstalled mods have caused the player to carry around 'missing 
items' (i.e., the player's encumberence does not reach 0 when naked). Generally, 
though, you will not want to modify the player's encumberence so check for the 
existence of items with the
<a href=""><b>
GetItemNombre</b></a> before you remove them. </p>
<p>There is a bug related to this function when adding/removing items from a 
container causing the container's contents to not be updated the second time 
items are added/removed. See
<a href=""><b>
AddItem</b></a> for information on this. </p>
<p>Note that this function does accept global variables but only in dialogue 
results, not scripts. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">AddItem</a>

Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum and Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="removefromlevcreature"></a><a name="removefromlevitem"></a>
<span class="title2">RemoveFromLevCreature</span><br>
<span class="title2">RemoveFromLevItem</span> <b></p>
<pre>		RemoveFromLevCreature, LevCreature, Creature, Niveau
		RemoveFromLevItem,     LevItem,     objet,     Niveau</b>

Détail	LevCreature = Levelled creature list ID to modify
		LevItem	    = Levelled item list ID to modify
		Creature    = IDActeur to add to levelled creature list
		objet	    = ItemID to add to levelled item list
		Niveau	    = Minimum level of player to activate the item/creature.

	Type:	Liste de niveaus, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	RemoveFromLevCreature, &quot;ex_azurascoast_sleep&quot;, &quot;ash_ghoul&quot;, 25
		RemoveFromLevItem, &quot;l_m_amulets&quot;, &quot;amulet of 6th house&quot;, 15

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Allows the user to modify the levelled item/creature lists while the game is 
running. The functions will remove the given object/level pair to the Liste de 
niveau (assuming that it exists in the list). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
AddToLevItem</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="removesoulgem"></a><span class="title2">RemoveSoulgem</span> <b></p>
<pre>		RemoveSoulgem, IDCréature</b>

	Détail	IDCréature = Creature whose soulgem we wish to remove

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Joueur-&gt;RemoveSoulGem, &quot;atronach_storm&quot;
RemoveSoulGem, &quot;golden saint_staada&quot;

Scripts:	SkinkSoul2
<p>Removes one soulgem containing the given creature's soul from the calling 
actor's inventory. Note that some references incorrectly mention an optional 
'Nombre' argument where you can specify the number of the soulgem to remove (confirmed 
in script output with Bloodmoon and latest patch). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="removespell"></a><span class="title2">RemoveSpell</span> <b></p>

<pre>		RemoveSpell, IDSort</b>

	Détail	IDSort = Sort to remove

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Joueur-&gt;&gt;RemoveSpell, &quot;Vampire Attributes&quot;
		RemoveSpell, stamina
Scripts:	Vampire_Cure_PC
<p>Removes the spell from the calling actors known spell list or affecting 
spells. If the spell is a normal spell, it is removed from the actor's list of 
known spells. If the spell is a curse/disease it is removed from the list of 
spells currently affecting the actor. </p>
<p>A bug vaguely related to this function is that if a creature dies with a 
curse type spell on it, then any other creature of that type you enNombreer from 
that point on will also be effected by that curse. To fix this simply call 
RemoveSpell in an
<a href=""><b>
OnDeath</b></a> clause in a script attached to the creature. The fact that this 
happens in the first place suggests to me that the spell is added to the 
creature definition, and not just that particular instance of the creature. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
RemoveSpellEffects</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Argent.
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="removespelleffects"></a><span class="title2">RemoveSpellEffects</span>
<pre>		RemoveSpellEffects, IDSort</b>

	Détail	IDSort = Sort to remove

	Type:	Magie

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Joueur-&gt;&gt;RemoveSpellEffects, &quot;shock shield&quot;
		RemoveSpellEffects, shield
Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Removes the spell from the calling actors list of affecting spells. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
RemoveSpell</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="repairedonme"></a><span class="title2">RepairedOnMe</span> <b></p>
<pre>		RepairedOnMe, IDObjet</b>

Détail: 	IDObjet = The repair object to check for

	Type:	Objet

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( daedric_shield-&gt;RepairedOnMe, repair_master_01 == 1 )
		if ( &quot;DarkBrotherhood Boots&quot;-&gt;RepairedOnMe, &quot;repair_grandmaster_01&quot; == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Retourne 1 if the calling object is repaired by given object, or 0 otherwise. 
For example, </p>
<pre>	if ( &quot;banhammer_unique&quot;-&gt;RepairedOnMe, &quot;repair_journeyman_01&quot; == 1 )

<p>checks against a Banhammer being repaired by a journeyman's hammer. Obviously, 
the IDObjet should be a valid repair item and the calling item should be a 
weapon or armor. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="ra"></a><a name="resetactors"></a><span class="title2">ResetActors 
(RA)</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ResetActors

	Type:	Console, Inconnue

Retourne:	rien



<p>Console command that moves all actors to their starting positions and sets 
their AI package to the default. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="resurrect"></a><span class="title2">Resurrect</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Resurrect</b>

Type:	Stats

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	gateway_haunt-&gt;Resurrect

Scripts:	KarrodScript
<p>Brings actor back to life. When you do this any changes made to the actor in 
game (stats, inventory, etc...) will be reset to their original value. I have 
experienced game crashes when using this function from the console sometimes 
(not consistent). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="return"></a><span class="title2">Return</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Return</b>

Type:	Système

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	return

<p>Use this to stop processing a script before the end. This is particularily 
useful for long scripts that may take some time to fully process. For example:
<pre>begin TestScript

	if ( MenuMode == 1 )

	; Do stuff
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="rotate"></a><a name="rotateworld"></a><span class="title2">Rotate</span><br>
<span class="title2">RotateWorld</span> <b></p>

<pre>		Rotate,      Axes, Angle/sec
		RotateWorld, Axes, Angle/sec</b>

Détail: 	Axes 	  = The world or object axis to rotate about (X, Y, or Z).
		Angle/sec = The rotation speed to rotate the object (degrees per second).

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Rotate, X, 0.5
		&quot;Act_banner_Khuul&quot;-&gt;RotateWorld, Z, 1

Scripts:	float
<p>Rotates the object along the specified world (RotateWorld) or object (Rotate) 
axis at the specified number of degrees per second. To be used properly, the 
function should be called continuously while rotation is desired, for example:
<pre>begin test_RotateScript
	short RotatingItem

	if ( OnActivate == 1 )
		if ( RotatingItem == 0 )
			set RotatingItem to 1
			set RotatingItem to 0

	if ( RotatingItem == 1 )
		RotateWorld, Z, 0.5
<p>which should start rotating an object up when it is activated and stop when 
it is activated again. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="samefaction"></a><span class="title2">SameFaction</span> <b></p>
<pre>		SameFaction</b>

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( &quot;Shunari Eye-Fly&quot;-&gt;SameFaction == 1 )

Scripts:	Inusité, only used in dialogue
<p>Retourne 1 if player is in the faction of the calling PNJ, or 0 otherwise.

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="say"></a><span class="title2">Say</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Say, &quot;Nom du fichier&quot;, &quot;Text&quot;</b>

Détail:	Nom du fichier = WAV Son file to play
		Text 	 = Text used for dialog captions.

	Type:	Son

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Say, &quot;Vo\Divers\tr_almgreet1.mp3&quot;,	&quot;Many Blessings upon you, my loyal servant.&quot;
&quot;hels_assassin1&quot;-&gt;Say, &quot;Vo\Divers\helsass1.wav&quot;, &quot;...supposed to be here somewhere...&quot;
Scripts:	almaScript
<p>Makes the subject say the given WAV file, only Marche on animating objects.
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">SayDone</a>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="saydone"></a><span class="title2">SayDone</span> <b></p>
<pre>		SayDone</b>

	Type:	Son

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( SayDone == 1 )
		if ( Joueur-&gt;SayDone == 1 )	

Scripts:	DaedraAzura
<p>Retourne 1 if the object is not saying anything, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Say</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="scriptrunning"></a><span class="title2">ScriptRunning</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ScriptRunning, ScriptName</b>

Détail:	ScriptName = Name of the script to check

	Type:	Script

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( ScriptRunning, CharGen == 1 )

Scripts:	Main
<p>Retourne 1 if the given script is running as a global script, or 0 otherwise.
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
StopScript</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="set"></a><span class="title2">Set</span> <b></p>
<pre>		Set <variable> to <expression> </b>

Détail:	<variable>   = Local, global, or external variable to set
		<expression> = Mathematical expression which can include locals, globals
			       literal numbers, functions and the operators +, -, *, and /.

	Type:	Système

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	set LocalVar  to ( 3.14159 * Radius * Radius )
		set GlobalVar to ( ( player-&gt;GetStrength ) / 10 + 1 )
		set GlobalScript.LocalVar to GlobalVar
		set Objet.LocalVar to ( -60 + ( GetPos, X ) / 1024 )

Scripts:	-

<p>Use set to store a value or expression to a variable. The expression can be a 
complex mathematical expression including numbers, functions, and variables. 
When using the set command you should make use of spaces surround all operators 
and variables. You should also surrounding all functions with brackets (if you 
do not use brackets some functions will not compile correctly). </p>
<p>Note that you can have multiple functions in the set expression, however they 
will all apply to the same object reference. For example: </p>
<pre>	set LocalVar to ( player-&gt;GetPos, X ) + ( player-&gt;GetPos, Y )
	set LocalVar to ( player-&gt;GetPos, X ) + ( GetPos, Y )		; Same as the previous set
	set LocalVar to ( player-&gt;GetPos, X ) + ( aengoth-&gt;GetPos, Y )	; Will not work, use two seperate set commands
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade><a name="setacrobatics"></a><a name="setagility"></a>

<a name="setalarm"></a><a name="setalchemy"></a><a name="setalteration"></a>
<a name="setarmorbonus"></a><a name="setarmorer"></a><a name="setathletics"></a>
<a name="setattackbonus"></a><a name="setaxe"></a><a name="setblindness"></a>
<a name="setblock"></a><a name="setbluntweapon"></a><a name="setcastpenalty">
</a><a name="setchameleon"></a><a name="setconjuration"></a>
<a name="setdefendbonus"></a><a name="setdestruction"></a>
<a name="setdisposition"></a><a name="setenchant"></a><a name="setendurance">
</a><a name="setfatigue"></a><a name="setfight"></a><a name="setflee"></a>
<a name="setflying"></a><a name="sethandtohand"></a><a name="sethealth"></a>
<a name="setheavyarmor"></a><a name="sethello"></a><a name="setillusion"></a>
<a name="setintelligence"></a><a name="setinvisible"></a><a name="setlevel"></a>
<a name="setlightarmor"></a><a name="setlongblade"></a><a name="setluck"></a>
<a name="setmarksman"></a><a name="setmediumarmor"></a><a name="setmagicka"></a>
<a name="setmercantile"></a><a name="setmysticism"></a><a name="setparalysis">
</a><a name="setpccrimelevel"></a><a name="setpcvisionbonus"></a>
<a name="setpersonality"></a><a name="setreputation"></a>
<a name="setresistblight"></a><a name="setresistcorprus"></a>

<a name="setresistdisease"></a><a name="setresistfire"></a>
<a name="setresistfrost"></a><a name="setresistmagicka"></a>
<a name="setresistnormalweapons"></a><a name="setresistparalysis"></a>
<a name="setresistpoison"></a><a name="setresistshock"></a>
<a name="setrestoration"></a><a name="setscale"></a><a name="setsecurity"></a>
<a name="setshortblade"></a><a name="setsilence"></a><a name="setsneak"></a>
<a name="setspear"></a><a name="setspeechcraft"></a><a name="setspeed"></a>
<a name="setstrength"></a><a name="setsuperjump"></a><a name="setswimspeed"></a>
<a name="setunarmored"></a><a name="setwaterbreathing"></a>
<a name="setwaterlevel"></a><a name="setwaterwalking"></a>
<a name="setwillpower"></a><span class="title2">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" border="0">
<td><span class="title2">SetAcrobatics</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetAgility</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetAlarm</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetAlchemy</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetAlteration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetArmorBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetArmorer</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetAthletics</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetAttackBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetAxe</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetBlindness</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetBlock</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetBluntWeapon</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetCastPenalty</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetChameleon</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetConjuration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetDefendBonus</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetDestruction</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetDisposition</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetEnchant</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetEndurance</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetFatigue</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetFight</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetFlee</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetFlying</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetHandToHand</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetHealth</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetHeavyArmor</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetHello</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetIllusion</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetIntelligence</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetInvisible</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetLevel</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetLightArmor</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetLongBlade</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetLuck</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetMarksman</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetMediumArmor</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetMercantile</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetMysticism</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetParalysis</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetPCCrimeLevel</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetPCVisionBonus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetPersonality</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetReputation</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistBlight</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistCorprus</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistDisease</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetResistFire</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistFrost</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistMagicka</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistNormalWeapons</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistParalysis</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetResistPoison</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetResistShock</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetRestoration</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetScale</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSecurity</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetShortblade</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSilence</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSneak</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSpear</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSpeechcraft</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetSpeed</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetStrength</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSuperJump</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetSwimSpeed</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetUnarmored</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetWaterBreathing</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">SetWaterLevel</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetWaterWalking</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">SetWillpower</span></td>

<pre>		Set____</b>

Détail:   Valeur = Valeur to set the stat by.  Can be a literal value or a
			variable (float).

	Type:	Stats

Retourne:	rien
Exemple:	player-&gt;SetFatigue, 0
		SetStrength, LocalVar

Scripts:	ouch_keening
<p>These Set functions will set the exact value of the statistic. The functions 
will also accept a float variable instead of a literal numeric value. There are 
several special cases of the Set___ functions as described below. </p>
<li><b>SetScale</b> - New in Tribunal </li>
<li><b>SetWaterLevel</b> - New in Tribunal </li>

<li><b>SetPCCrimeLevel</b> - Joueur only </li>
<li><b>SetPCVisionBonus</b> - Joueur only, Inconnue </li>
<li><b>SetAlarm</b> </li>
<li><b>SetFight</b> </li>

<li><b>SetFlee</b> </li>
<li><b>SetHello</b> - When you use these functions you change the AI settings 
for ALL references of the actor, not just the calling reference. </li>
<li><b>SetScale</b> - You can exceed the 0.5 to 2.0 scale limits imposed by 
the editor. You shouldn't call SetScale in every frame, at least not in 
exteriors or other FPS-critical situations. Keep in mind that the scale will 
be reset to the 0.5 - 2.0 range when you reload. Either call it regularly 
(about every 10 frames) or test for GetScale and reset the scale when it 
doesn't fit. </li>
<p>Note that the SetInvisible was incorrectly spelled as SetInvisibile in the 
original Morrowind game (fixed in a later patch or Tribunal?). </p>

<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Get____</a>,
<a href="">Mod____</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Jog.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setangle"></a><span class="title2">SetAngle</span> <b></p>

<pre>		SetAngle, Axes, Angle</b>

Détail:	Axes  = World axis to set the object's angle (X, Y, or Z)
		Angle = Angle in degrees to set (float). In Tribunal the function can accept
			variable floats as well as literal values.

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetAngle, X, 45.0
		&quot;Act_banner_Tel_Vos&quot;-&gt;SetAngle, Z, 90
		SetAngle, Y, GetStartingAngle, Y
		SetAngle, Y, fValue			(Tribunal only)

Scripts:	SignRotate
<p>Sets the angle of the object in degrees using the given world axis. In 
Tribunal the function also accepts float variables in addition to literal 
values. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setatstart"></a><span class="title2">SetAtStart</span> <b></p>

<pre>		SetAtStart</b>

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetAtStart

Scripts:	BarDoor
<p>This resets the object to the original position and orientation it was given 
in the editor, before any movement or rotation occurred. Be warned that this 
function doesn't always seem to do exactly as it should. Objects are not 
nessecarily reset to its editor defined position. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Includes Contributions fron CaveRat.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setdelete"></a><span class="title2">SetDelete</span> <b></p>
<pre>		SetDelete, Attribut</b>

Détail:	Attribut = 1 to delete object, 0 to clear

	Type:	Divers, Tribunal

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetDelete, 1

Scripts:	trapProjScript
<p>The SetDelete function can be used in combination with Disable to remove an 
object more completely. SetDelete 1 marks a reference for deletion while 
SetDelete, 0 clears that flag. If the reference came from the master file, it is 
still there but knows it shouldn’t be so has no art and no scripting. If was 
created in game, it will actually be deleted. </p>
<p>Use &quot;SetDelete, 1&quot; to mark on object to be deleted/not saved in a save game. 
Objects that have been put in the world with the editor (or perhaps those 
already saved in the game) seem to stay in place when it's used on them, until a 
save/load has happened, and a &quot;SetDelete, 0&quot; could be used on them to undo the 
effect. Items that are placed however, using PlaceAtPC, or PlaceItem, are 
immediately deleted from the world. </p>

<p>There are a couple of things that should be done to make this work, as I had 
some problems with using it crashing the game otherwise. If you use this on an 
object, give it a bit of time of inactivity before you delete it, and Disable it 
ahead of time. So you could put something like this in your script near the top, 
as an example: </p>
<pre>if ( deleteobj = 1 ) ;Local variable, set when you want to delete
if ( deletetimer == 0 )

if ( deletetimer &lt; 10 )
set deletetimer to ( deletetimer + 1 )

if ( deletetimer == 10 )
&quot;my_object_01&quot;-&gt;SetDelete, 1


<p>That way, with the return, it stops the rest of the script if it's up near 
the top of it (below where you setup the variables though), and disables it, and 
gives it a bit of time before it's deleted. It may not need 10 frames, but 
that's not long, and it worked in my scripts It can be quite a useful function 
in scripting things, as it allows for a script to use PlaceAtPC or PlaceItem 
scripts or such to create items within the world, at different locations, or 
different situations, where you may want to delete such items after. </p>
<p>Other useful tips for successfully using SetDelete are: </p>
<li>Always call setDelete from a local script. </li>

<li>Give at least 2 seconds if you've used Cast or ExplodeSpell, otherwise it 
is perfectly OK to Disable one frame then SetDelete the next. </li>
<li>Never SetDelete if the object is in an inventory. </li>
<li>Always Disable first. </li>
<p>Voir Aussi: <a href="">DontSaveObject</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Soralis, Dan_Wheeler and Accido.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setfactionreaction"></a><span class="title2">SetFactionReaction</span>
<pre>		SetFactionReaction, FactionID1, FactionID2, Valeur</b>

Détail:	FactionID1 = FactionID source 
		FactionID2 = FactionID target
		Valeur	   = Valeur to modify the faction reaction by.
	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetFactionReaction, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;, &quot;Temple&quot;, -2
		SetFactionReaction, &quot;Redoran&quot;, &quot;Nerevarine&quot;, 4 

Scripts:	MoonAndStar

<p>Defines the reaction of one faction towards members of another faction. 
Positive value indicate more like, while negative values indicate dislike. For 
example, </p>
<pre>	SetFactionReaction, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;, &quot;Temple&quot;, -2
<p>will cause all thieves guild members to dislike all temple members (it is not 
reversible so you would have to also set the Temple faction reaction to the 
Thieves guild). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

ModFactionReaction</a>. </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setjournalindex"></a><span class="title2">SetJournalIndex</span> <b>
<pre>		SetJournalIndex, JournalID, Index</b>

Détail:   JournalID	= Journal entry to add or modify.
		Index		= Valeur to set the journal entry to.

	Type:	Dialogue

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetJournalIndex, &quot;A2_4_MiloGone&quot;, 10		(???)

Scripts:	Inusité

<p>Sets the Journal to that index. Can move up or down. Inusité so I'm not sure 
what purpose or use this function is. Although it is supposedly included in the 
original game, it only Marche in Tribunal or later versions. </p>
<p>SetJournalIndex is primarily useful to set a Journal to an entry without 
displaying any journal text. This can be used as a form of a quest variable 
without being forced to actually create a global variable to govern that quest 
-- for example, to display something to the player, and then set a special flag 
for that quest you can set the index to 46, and then check to see if the 
dialogue entry is 46 instead of 45 to have the PNJ do something different when 
reacting to the player. Essentially, it's a way of tracking the player's 
shenanigans without tipping off the player with a journal entry. </p>
<p>You can set the journal index to values where a journal index doesn't 
actually exist, as well. Whether or not you can use SetJournalIndex to 
repeatedly display the same journal entry over and over, I haven't tried. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Journal</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum and Melian.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setpcfacrep"></a><span class="title2">SetPCFacRep</span> <b></p>
<pre>		SetPCFacRep, Valeur, [FactionID]</b>

Détail:	Valeur     = Valeur to set the faction reputation to.
		FactionID = Optional faction ID to modify.

	Type:	Faction

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetPCFacRep, 10, &quot;Thieves Guild&quot;
		SetPCFacRep, 25, &quot;Temple&quot;
&quot;tedryn brenur&quot;-&gt;ModPCFacRep, 5

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Defines the reaction modifier for members of the specified faction towards 
the PC. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
ModPCFacRep</a> </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="setpos"></a><span class="title2">SetPos</span> <b></p>
<pre>		SetPos, Axes, Position</b>

Détail:	Axes     = World axis to set the object's position (X, Y, or Z)
		Position = Position in game units to set (float). In Tribunal the function can accept
			   variable floats as well as literal values.

	Type:	Mouvement

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SetPos, X, 45.0
		&quot;Act_banner_Tel_Vos&quot;-&gt;SetPos, Z, -1002.0
		SetPos, Y, GetStartingPos, Y
		SetPos, Y, fValue			(Tribunal only)

Scripts:	shrineGnisisSecret
<p>Sets the position of the object in game units (70 units per meter) using the 
given world axis. In Tribunal the function also accepts local float variables in 
addition to literal values (does not accept globals). This function does modify 
the player's position. Unfortunately there are problems when you use SetPos to 
change the current cell. The cell's contents are not always loaded correctly. In 
this case you may need to use the COE (CenterOnExterior) function to change the 
current cell and then the SetPos to modify the player's position. An easier 
method is to use a
<a href=""><b>FixMe</b></a> 
function call after the player's position has changed. </p>

<p>A related problem is in exteriors the function will only work in the 
currently loaded area (the current cell plus 2-3 cells around the current cell). 
It can't be used to move something to an arbitrary exterior cell. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">GetPos</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Srikandi, and AfterShock_81.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="setwerewolfacrobatics"></a><span class="title2">
SetWerewolfAcrobatics</span> <b></p>

<pre>		SetWerewolfAcrobatics, Valeur</b>

Détail:	Valeur    = New acrobatics skill value/bonus

	Type:	Statistic

Retourne:	rien


<p>Sets the acrobatics skill value/bonus when the player is in Loup-garou form (unconfirmed).
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="short"></a><span class="title2">Short</span><br>
<pre>		Short</b>

Type:	Système

Exemple:	short LocalVar

<p>This is one of the three types of the scripting language. Short variables are 
signed and can range from -32,768 to 32,767. </p>
<p>Although local variables can start with an underscore character (_), this 
seems to cause strange problems in some functions. Therefore it is reccommended 
that you do not name variables starting with the underscore. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Float</a>,
<a href="">Long</a>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum.

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="show"></a><span class="title2">Show</span><br>
<pre>		Show nomvariable
		IDObjet-&gt;show nomvariable</b>

	Détail: nomvarible = <span class="postbody"> variable de script ou variable globale dont on veut connaître la valeur</span></pre>
<pre>	Type:	Console

Exemple:	show chargenstate


<p><span class="postbody">Nomvariable doit etre une variable de script ou une 
variable globale. Affiche la valeur de la variable passée en paramètre. Ssi la 
variable est dans un script attaché à un objet, il faut appeler show depuis 
l'objet. Tout comme showvars, sert surtout à débugger les scripts.</span></p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="sa"></a><a name="showanim"></a><span class="title2">ShowAnim (SA)</span><br>
<pre>		ShowAnim

	Type:	Console, Inconnue



<p>Unknown console command. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="sg"></a><a name="showgroup"></a><span class="title2">ShowGroup (SG)</span><br>
<pre>		ShowGroup

	Type:	Console


<p>Unknown console command. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="showmap"></a><span class="title2">ShowMap</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ShowMap, IDCell</b>

Détail:	IDCell = Partial or complete cell name to show on world map

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ShowMap &quot;Gnisis&quot;
		ShowMap &quot;Vivec&quot;
Scripts:	BookPilgrimsPath
<p>Shows the given cell name on the world map. Will match complete or partial 
cells, so <i>ShowMap, &quot;Vivec&quot;</i> will show cells <i>Vivec</i> and <i>Vivec, 
Fred's House</i> as well. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="showrestmenu"></a><span class="title2">ShowRestMenu</span> <b></p>
<pre>		ShowRestMenu</b>

	Type:	Console

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	ShowRestMenu

Scripts:	BedStandard
<p>Displays the standard rest/sleep menu allowing the player to choose the 
amount of time they wish to rest. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="ssg"></a><a name="showscenegraph"></a><span class="title2">
ShowSceneGraph (SSG)</span><br>
<pre>		ShowSceneGraph

	Type:	Console


Scripts:	n/a
<p>When you use this command the game will freeze for a short time (30 seconds 
or so). When the command is finished it will actually create a new Window on the 
desktop with all the game renderer's information (use Alt-Tab or Alt-Esc to 
temporarily exit the game and view the other window). The information is 
displayed via a tree control and those familiar with hacking NIF files may 
recognize some of the information. The world objects can be found under the 
World Scene Graph--WorldRoot--WorldObjectRoot and then under the currently 
loaded cells. You can view the various rendering information under each object. 
This probably won't be much use to most people but only those performing 
low-level hacking/editting of Morrowind or it's data files (such as NIF files).
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>

<hr noShade>
<p><a name="st"></a><a name="showtargets"></a><span class="title2">ShowTargets 
<pre>		ShowTargets

	Type:	Console


<p>Console command that shows the selected actor's target group members. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="sv"></a><a name="showvars"></a><span class="title2">ShowVars (SV)</span><br>
<pre>		ShowVars

	Type:	Console

Exemple:	sv

<p>Commande de console qui affiche la liste de toutes les variables locales 
et/ou globales. Si aucun objet n'est sélectionné dans la console (référence en 
haut de la fenêtre de la console) SV va lister toutes les variables globales. Si 
un objet est sélectionné SV va lister toutes les variables de scripts attachés à 
l'objet (s'il en a). <span class="postbody">Trés utile pour débugger un script 
qui ne semble pas fonctionner.</span></p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>

<p><a name="skipanim"></a><span class="title2">SkipAnim</span> <b></p>
<pre>		SkipAnim</b>

	Type:	Animation

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	SkipAnim
		&quot;taren andoren&quot;-&gt;SkipAnim

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>Causes the current animation to not be played for this frame. One of the 
useful things to do with this is to create armor dummies for displaying armour 
and clothing. Simply create a new PNJ, set its health to 0, and attach to it a 
script like the following: </p>
<pre>	begin test_dummy

<p>When you insert the PNJ into the game it will die (since it has no hitpoints) 
but it will not 'fall over' since all its animations are disabled. You can then 
access its inventory (since its dead) and any armour that you place in the dead 
body will be automatically equipped. Unfortunately it appears that weapons are 
not automatically equipped in the same manner. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
PlayGroup</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="startcombat"></a><span class="title2">StartCombat</span> <b></p>
<pre>		StartCombat, IDActeur</b>

Détail:   IDActeur = The actor with which to start combat with.

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	&quot;drals indobar&quot;-&gt;StartCombat Joueur
		StartCombat Joueur
Scripts:	almaScript
<p>The calling PNJ will start combat with the given IDActeur. Should only be 
called once (not continuously) or you may experience unintended results (such as 
the PNJ not attacking at all). Once combat is started, the PNJ is subject to the 
usual AI rules (such as fleeing). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
StopCombat</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="startscript"></a><span class="title2">StartScript</span> <b></p>

<pre>		StartScript, ScriptName</b>

Détail:	ScriptName = Name of the script to start

	Type:	Script

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	StartScript, CharGen

Scripts:	Main
<p>This function starts a script running as a global script. It is not attached 
to any object, so functions like moving, rotating, checking distances and such 
have no bearing in a global script (which means you must specify object IDs 
explicity). Note this isn't exactly true as if you start a global script it will 
use the calling script object by default (i.e., if you started a global script 
from within the PNJ Bob's script, the global script would use Bob as the default 
object). Global scripts are good for running complex quests, checking variables, 
or setting timers. Each global script is run every frame so take care not to run 
too many at one or the game's speed will be reduced. </p>
<p>You can target a global script using either IDObjet-&gt;StartScript, or calling 
StartScript from the dialogue results box. While both are true, they don't quite 
work as expected when used together. From the results box, IDObjet-&gt;StartScript 
seems to attach the script to the PNJ calling the dialogue and not the 
referenced object. When you use a targetted global script any function call in 
the script will use the target object (you don't need to explicitly specify the 
object unless you need/want to). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">

<a href="">
StopScript</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Argent.
<hr noShade>
<p><a name="stayoutside"></a><span class="title2">StayOutside</span><br>
<pre>		StayOutside</b>

Type:	Undocuments, Variable, Bloodmoon

Exemple:	short StayOutside
		set StayOutside to 1

Scripts:	Inusité
<p>When used in script, it causes whoever it's assigned to to automatically 
remain (and wait) outside of any interior the player may enter (automatically 
rejoins upon return). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Grumpy. </addres>

<hr noShade>
<a name="sct"></a><a name="stopcelltest"></a><span class="title2">StopCellTest 
<pre>		StopCellTest

	Type:	Console


<p>Assumably this console command stops a cell test previously started by the
<a href="">

TestCells</a> console command. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
TestCells</a>. </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="stopcombat"></a><span class="title2">StopCombat</span> <b>

<pre>		StopCombat</b>

	Type:	Combat

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	&quot;Drores Arvel&quot;-&gt;StopCombat
Scripts:	cattleScript
<p>The calling actor will stop attacking (whether or not they actually are 
currently attacking anything). Note that using this function can result in NPCs 
not to defend themselves or attack at all. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
StartCombat</a> </p>

<hr noShade>
<a name="stopscript"></a><span class="title2">StopScript</span> <b>
<pre>		StopScript, ScriptName</b>

Détail:	ScriptName = Name of the script to stop

	Type:	Script

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	StopScript, CharGen

Scripts:	CharGen
<p>This stops a currently running global script started previously with 
StartScript. Using StopScript resets any local variables used by that script. A 
StopScript will not immediately terminate the script when it is called. Instead, 
the script continues executing to the End statement, and then terminates. Use 
the <a href=""><b>

Return</b></a> command to immediately stop a script for the current frame if 
desired. </p>
<p>If a Tribunal Start Script is terminated with StopScript, it will start up 
again the next time the game is loaded. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">
StartScript</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; DinkumThinkum.

<hr noShade>
<a name="stopsound"></a><span class="title2">StopSound</span> <b>
<pre>		StopSound, SoundID</b>

Détail:	SoundID = The sound to stop playing

	Type:	Son

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	StopSound &quot;Son Test Loop&quot; 

Scripts:	SoundTest

<p>Stops the given sound if it is playing and previously starting with 
PlayLoopSound. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
PlayLoopSound</a> </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="streammusic"></a><span class="title2">StreamMusic</span> <b>
<pre>		StreamMusic, &quot;Nom du fichier&quot;</b>

Détail:	Nom du fichier = Name of the music file to play

	Type:	Son

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	StreamMusic, &quot;conantheme.mp3&quot;

Scripts:	GnisisWarpDoor
<p>Plays the given music file. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="testcells"></a><a name="testinteriorcells"></a><a name="t3d"></a>

<a name="testmodels"></a><a name="testthreadcells"></a><span class="title2">
<span class="title2">TestInteriorCells</span><br>
<span class="title2">TestModels (T3D)</span><br>
<span class="title2">TestThreadCells</span> <b>
<pre>		TestCells
		TestModels (T3D)
		TestThreadCells (Inconnue)</b>

Type:	Console


<p>Assumably this console command tests various objects/locations in the game in 
some manner. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
StopCellTest</a>. </p>
<hr noShade><a name="tai"></a><a name="toggleai"></a><a name="tb"></a>
<a name="toggleborders"></a><a name="tcl"></a><a name="togglecollision"></a>
<a name="tcb"></a><a name="togglecollisionboxes"></a><a name="tcg"></a>
<a name="togglecollisiongrid"></a><a name="tcs"></a><a name="togglecombatstats">
</a><a name="tdt"></a><a name="toggledebugtext"></a><a name="tds"></a>

<a name="toggledialoguestats"></a><a name="tfow"></a><a name="togglefogofwar">
</a><a name="tfh"></a><a name="togglefullhelp"></a><a name="tgm"></a>
<a name="togglegodmode"></a><a name="tg"></a><a name="togglegrid"></a>
<a name="tks"></a><a name="togglekillstats"></a><a name="tl"></a>
<a name="togglelights"></a><a name="tlf"></a><a name="toggleloadfade"></a>
<a name="tms"></a><a name="togglemagicstats"></a><a name="tm"></a>
<a name="togglemenus"></a><a name="tpg"></a><a name="togglepathgrid"></a>
<a name="tso"></a><a name="togglescriptoutput"></a><a name="togglescripts"></a>
<a name="ts"></a><a name="togglesky"></a><a name="tst"></a>
<a name="togglestats"></a><a name="tts"></a><a name="toggletexturestring"></a>
<a name="tvm"></a><a name="togglevanitymode"></a><a name="twa"></a>
<a name="togglewater"></a><a name="twf"></a><a name="togglewireframe"></a>
<a name="tw"></a><a name="toggleworld"></a>
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" border="0">
<td><span class="title2">ToggleAI (TAI)</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ToggleBorders (TB)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleCollision (TCL)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleCollisionBoxes (TCB)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleCollisionGrid (TCG)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleCombatStats (TCS)</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ToggleDebugText (TDT)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleDialogueStats (TDS)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleFogOfWar (TFOW)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleFullHelp (TFH)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleGodMode (TGM)</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ToggleGrid (TG)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleKillStats (TKS)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleLights (TL)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleLoadFade (TLF)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleMagicStats (TMS)</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ToggleMenus (TM)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">TogglePathGrid (TPG)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleScriptOutput (TSO)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleScripts</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ToggleSky (TS)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleStats (TST)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleTextureString (TTS)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleVanityMode (TVM)</span></td>

<td><span class="title2">ToggleWater (TWA)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleWireFrame (TWF)</span></td>
<td><span class="title2">ToggleWorld (TW)</span></td>
<pre>		ToggleAI (TAI)
		ToggleBorders (TB)
		ToggleCollision (TCL)
		ToggleCollisionBoxes (TCB)
		ToggleCollisionGrid (TCG)
		ToggleCombatStats (TCS)
		ToggleDebugText (TDT)
		ToggleDialogueStats (TDS)
		ToggleFogOfWar (TFOW)
		ToggleFullHelp (TFH)
		ToggleGodMode (TGM)
		ToggleGrid (TG)
		ToggleKillStats (TKS)
		ToggleLights (TL)
		ToggleLoadFade (TLF)
		ToggleMagicStats (TMS)
		ToggleMenus (TM)
		TogglePathGrid (TPG)
		ToggleScriptOutput (TSO)
		ToggleSky (TS)
		ToggleStats (TST)
		ToggleTextureString (TTS)
		ToggleVanityMode (TVM)
		ToggleWater (TWA)
		ToggleWireFrame (TWF)
		ToggleWorld (TW)

Type:	Console


<p>These console commands enable/disable various modes or statistics within the 
game (use once to enable and again to disable). Their descriptions are as 
follows: </p>
ToggleAI - Toggle the PNJ/creature AI?

ToggleBorders - Toggles the display of exterior cell borders.
ToggleCollision - Toggle all collsion. When off, the player and all PNJ/creatures 
can walk through anything.

ToggleCollisionBoxes - Toggle display of collision boxes?
ToggleCollisionGrid - Toggle display of collision grid?

ToggleCombatStats - Turn combat stats on/off? Stats are displayed in the 
console window.
ToggleDebugText - Toggles the display of debug statistic in the main 

ToggleDialogueStats - Turn dialogue stats on/off?
ToggleFogOfWar - Toggles the display of unexplored areas of the map. When 
off the unexplored areas are black. When on the unexplored areas are 
displayed normally.

ToggleFullHelp - Displays the ownership and script of objects you look at.
ToggleGodMode - Toggles invulnerability mode for the player. When on the 
player cannot be hurt.

ToggleGrid - Unknown.
ToggleKillStats - Turn kill stats on/off?

ToggleLights - Toggle display of lights.
ToggleLoadFade - Toggles the use of a fade in/out when loading a new cell.

ToggleMagicStats - Turn magic stats on/off?
ToggleMenus - Unknown.

TogglePathGrid - Toggles display of the AI path grid.
ToggleScriptOutput - Unknown

ToggleScripts - Toggles use of scripts or not.
ToggleSky - Turns the sky on/off.

ToggleStats - Turns all the various statistics on or off.
ToggleTextureString - Unknown (display texture filenames of objects?)

ToggleVanityMode - View 1st or 3rd person display?
ToggleWater - Turns the display of water on/off?

ToggleWireFrame - Turns the wire frame mode on/off.
ToggleWorld - Toggles display of the world?

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="turnmoonred"></a><a name="turnmoonwhite"></a><span class="title2">
TurnMoonRed</span> <span class="title2">TurnMoonWhite</span> <b>
<pre>		TurnMoonRed

Type:	Météo, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	TurnMoonRed

<p>Turns the moon(s) the given color for special Loup-garou effects (unconfirmed).
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="undowerewolf"></a><span class="title2">UndoWerewolf</span> <b>
<pre>		UndoWerewolf</b>

Type:	Loup-garou, Bloodmoon

Retourne:	rien


<p>Will undo the werewolf change brought on by the
<a href="">
BecomeWerewolf</a> function. However, the PNJ/creature will essentially be naked 
after the switch. They have to be told to re-equip (weapons are usually re-equipped 
if it occurs in combat). </p>
<p>Using Becomewerewolf and Undowerewolf can break your game. Some quests and 
variables depend solely on on use of these, so if you use one to toy around.... 
you may be asking for it. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">
<a href="">

<a href="">
IsWerewolf</a> </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; LDones.
<hr noShade>
<a name="unlock"></a><span class="title2">Unlock</span> <b>

<pre>		Unlock</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	Unlock

Scripts:	GavisScript
<p>Unlocks the calling object. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Lock</a>

<hr noShade>
<a name="usedonme"></a><span class="title2">UsedOnMe</span> <b>
<pre>		UsedOnMe, IDObjet</b>

Détail:	IDObjet = Objet to test for use

	Type:	Objet, Broken

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( UsedOnMe, Misc_pot_redware_01 == 1 )
Scripts:	UsedOnMe	(commented out saying it was crashing)
<p>Retourne 1 if the given IDObjet is used on the calling object, or 0 otherwise. 
It appears that this function is currently broken. UsedOnMe is probably 
commented out because there's no way for an object to be used on another in the 
Morrowind engine. I suspect that it was early alpha stuff. </p>

<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; Spuzzum.
<hr noShade>
<a name="wakeuppc"></a><span class="title2">WakeUpPC</span> <b>

<pre>		WakeUpPC</b>

	Type:	Joueur Sleeping

Retourne:	rien

Exemple:	WakeUpPC
Scripts:	Sleepers
<p>Wakes up the PC if they are sleeping. Use it to wake up the PC to notify them 
of some timed event. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="xbox"></a><span class="title2">Xbox</span> <b>

<pre>		Xbox</b>

	Type:	Divers

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( Xbox == 1 )
Scripts:	CharGenBed
<p>Retourne 1 if the game is being played on the XBox, or 0 otherwise. </p>
<p>Voir Aussi: </p>
<hr noShade>
<a name="year"></a><span class="title2">Year</span> <b>

<pre>		Year</b>

	Type:	Temps, Global

Retourne:	short

Exemple:	if ( Year == 427 )
		set sValue to ( OrigYear + Year )

<p>Global short variable which returns the current year in the game. The game 
starts in the year 427 (of the 3rd era of Tamriel, or 3E 427). </p>
<p>Voir Aussi:
<a href="">Day</a>,
<a href="">
<a href="">Month</a>

<hr noShade>
Avec la Contribution de&nbsp; the TES Construction Set Help Files, Tim Martin, 
FreshFish (MW Forums), Spuzzum, Soralis (MW Forums), Accido, GhanBuriGhan (MW 
Forums) and
<a href="">
<b>MW Scripting for Dummies</b></a>
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<a href="">
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<b>Display</b></a> <font face="ARIAL" size="2">this document for printing (some 
pages may not display properly).</font> </p>
<p>If you have any problems, suggestions or comments on this page or website, 
please feel free to use the <a href=""><b>
Contact Form</b></a> to send a message to the WebMaster.<br>
This document was last modified on: <span class="date">Tuesday, 27 January 2004, 
at 21:55:17</span> and has been accessed

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1041 times ( /morrow/editor/mw_cscommands.shtml ). </p>
Please note that this site is <b>Completely Unofficial</b> and is in no way 
connected to Bethesda softMarche or Zenimax. Bethesda SoftMarche, Battlespire, 
XnGine, Morrowind, Redguard, Daggerfall, Arena and The Elder Scrolls are 
trademarks of Media Technology Limited, Copyright © 1994-2001 Media Technology 


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