
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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//originally from [[User:DerHexer/rollback.js]]   
function twinklewarnauto() {
   if ( ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 3 ) && ( QueryString.exists( 'vanarticle' )) ) {
      if ( !isIPAddress (mw.config.get('wgTitle')) ) {
          document.getElementById("siteSub").firstChild.nodeValue = "- - - No automatic warning - No IP - - -";

       if (document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ).value == "" ) {
               if ( QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ).slice(0, 5) == "User:" ) {
                    if ( QueryString.get( 'type' ) == "vand" ) { 
                         spam("3", "Warning" , 23 , 0);
                    } else if ( QueryString.get( 'type' ) == "blank" ) {
                         spam("2", "Caution" , 22 , 0);
                    } else {
                         spam("1", "General note" , 21, 0);
               } else {
                    spam("1", "General note" , 1, 0);
       } else {      //User talk not empty
         var now = new Date();
         var actual_time = now.getTime();
         var splitted = document.forms["editform"].wpTextbox1.value.split("<!--");
         var last_time = splitted[splitted.length-1].match(/([\:\d]+)\, (\d+) ([^\d]+) (\d+)/);
         var last_timestamp = Date.parse(RegExp.$2 + " " + RegExp.$3 + " " + RegExp.$4 + " " + RegExp.$1 + ":00 GMT");
         var difftime = actual_time - last_timestamp;

         if (difftime < 69000) {
              document.getElementById("siteSub").firstChild.nodeValue = " - - - No automatic warning - Received a warning in the last minute - - -";
         if ((difftime > 691200000) || (!last_time)) {           //86400000 = 24h, 691200000 = 8d
	      if ( (QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ).slice(0, 5) == "User:") && (QueryString.get( 'type' ) == "vand") ) {
		  spam("3", "Warning" , 23 , 0);
              } else {
	          spam("2", "Caution" , 2 , difftime);    
         } else {       //  < 8d
             if ( (splitted[splitted.length-1].search(/uw\-[^\d]*(\d)/) != -1) || (splitted[splitted.length-1].search(/Template\:Test/) != -1) || (splitted[splitted.length-1].search(/Template\:Blatantvandal/) != -1) || (splitted[splitted.length-1].search(/Uw\-bv/) != -1) ) {
             	var matchedtemplate = splitted[splitted.length-1].match(/uw\-[^\d]*(\d)/);
             	var matchednumber = RegExp.$1;
             	var matchedtemplate2 = splitted[splitted.length-1].match(/Template\:Test(\d)/);
             	var matchednumber2 = RegExp.$1;
                if ( (splitted[splitted.length-1].search(/Template\:Blatantvandal/) != -1) || (splitted[splitted.length-1].search(/Uw\-bv/) != -1) ) {
                      matchednumber = 4;
                if (matchednumber < matchednumber2) { matchednumber = matchednumber2; }

                if (difftime > 111600000) {      //111600000 = 31 h, 31h < x < 8d
                    if ( (matchednumber == 4) && ( QueryString.get( 'type' ) == "norm" ) ) { matchednumber = 3; }
                    if ( (matchednumber == 2) && ( QueryString.get( 'type' ) == "vand" ) ) { matchednumber = 3; }
                    if (matchednumber == 4) {
                        spam("4im", "Only warning" , 14 , difftime);
	            } else if (matchednumber == 3) {
                        spam("3", "Warning" , 13 , difftime);    
                    } else {
		        spam("2", "Caution" , 12 , difftime);
                 } else {         //  < 31 h
              	     if (matchednumber == 4) {
                         if ( difftime > 36000000 ) {     //36000000 = 10 h, 10h < x < 31h
                             spam("4im", "Only warning" , 5 , difftime);  
                         } else {  // final warning and < 10h ago
                            //reports in test status only
                            if ((mw.config.get('wgUserName') != "Oxymoron83") && (mw.config.get('wgUserName') != "Jauerback") && (mw.config.get('wgUserName') != "KnowledgeOfSelf") && (mw.config.get('wgUserName') != "Jan eissfeldt")) {
                                document.getElementById("siteSub").firstChild.nodeValue = "- - - No automatic warning - Reached level 4  - - -";
                            } else {
                                if (userIsInGroup( 'sysop' ) ) {
                                   var alerttext = "Vandalism after final warning on " + ( QueryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) : '[unknown]');
                                   if ( (mw.config.get('wgTitle') == "") || (mw.config.get('wgTitle') == "") || (mw.config.get('wgTitle') == "") ) { alerttext = "*** SENSITIVE IP ——— " + alerttext + " ***"; }
                                   location.href = mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/wiki/Special:Contributions/" + mw.config.get('wgTitle');
                                   window.alert( alerttext );
                                } else {
                                    var meldenquery = {
		                      'title': 'Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism',
		                      'action': 'edit',
		                      'vanarticle': QueryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) : '',
		                      'vandal': mw.config.get('wgTitle'),
		                      'vanarticlerevid': QueryString.exists( 'vanarticlerevid' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticlerevid' ) : '',
		                      'vanarticlegoodrevid': QueryString.exists( 'vanarticlegoodrevid' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticlegoodrevid' ) : '',
		                      //'type': type,
		                      //'count': QueryString.exists( 'count' ) ? QueryString.get( 'count' ) : '',
                                      'aivhelper': true
                          'wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( meldenquery ),'VM','');
             	     } else if (matchednumber == 3) {
	        	spam("4", "Final warning" , 4 , difftime);    
             	     } else {
               		spam("3", "Warning" , 3 , difftime);     
              } else {     //last warning unknown
             	      spam("2", "Caution", 9 , difftime);

function spam( Stufe, StufeSum, lognr, difftime2 ) {
      document.getElementById("siteSub").firstChild.nodeValue = "Message-ID: " + lognr;
      var text = document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ).value;
      var date = new Date();  
      var headerRe = new RegExp( "^==+\\s*" + date.getUTCMonthName() + "\\s+" + date.getUTCFullYear() + "\\s*==+", 'm' );
      if( !headerRe.exec( text ) ) {
	  text +=  "\n== " + date.getUTCMonthName() + " " + date.getUTCFullYear() + " ==\n";

      switch( QueryString.get( 'type' ) ) {
	case 'vand':
		Art = "Vandalism";
		Tmpl = "uw-vandalism";
	case 'blank':
		Art = "Removal of content";
		Tmpl = "uw-delete";
	case 'source':
		Art = "Addition of unsourced material";
		Tmpl = "uw-unsourced";
	case 'spam':
		Art = "Adding spam links";
		Tmpl = "uw-spam";
		Art = "Editing tests";
		Tmpl = "uw-test";

    document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ).value = text + "\n\{\{subst:" + Tmpl + Stufe + "|"+ QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) + "|subst=subst:\}\} --\~\~\~\~\n";
    document.getElementById( 'wpSummary' ).value = StufeSum + ": " + Art + " on [[" + QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) + "]]";;