User:Skysmith/Missing topics about Chemistry
Missing topics in chemistry
Thanks to User:Benjah-bmm27, User:Biscuittin, User:ChemGardener, User:Edgar181, User:Graeme Bartlett, User:Itub, User:Nick Y., User:Rifleman 82, User:Shoy & User:V8rik
Chemistry concepts and terms
- a stage - ()
- absolute boiling point - ()
- absolute density - ()
- absolute detection limit - ()
- absolute gravity - ()
- absolute method - ()
- absolute reaction rate - ()
- abstraction reaction - ()
- acetate of line - ()
- acetone number - ()
- acetone pyrolysis - ()
- acetyl number - ()
- acid cell - ()
- acid disproportionation - ()
- acidic titrant - ()
- acinism - ()
- Acridity - ()
- actinochemistry - ()
- activation (chemistry) - ()
- active solid - ()
- adelition agent - ()
- Adhesive bond - ()
- Adhesive strength - ()
- adsorption complex - ()
- adsorption isobar - ()
- adsorption potential - ()
- aeration cell - ()
- aging (chemistry) - ()
- air deficiency - ()
- air-sensitive crystal - ()
- air-slaked - ()
- aldin catalyst - ()
- aliphatic series - ()
- alkalescence - ()
- alkalimeter - ()
- allelochemistry - ()
- allotriomorphism - ()
- alpha position - ()
- analysis line - ()
- analytical blank - ()
- analytical fingerprint - ()
- anchored catalyst, immobilized catalyst - ()
- anode effect - ()
- anode film - ()
- anode-corrosion efficiency - ()
- anodic polarization - ()
- anti-stokes lines - ()
- apolar molecule - ()
- apparent concentration - ()
- aromatic nucleus - ()
- Associated liquid - ()
- astigmatic mounting - ()
- asymmetry effect - ()
- atomic connectivity - ()
- atomic heat capacity - ()
- auroral line - ()
- autogenous ignition temperature - ()
- autopoisoning, self-poisoning (chemistry) - ()
- autoprotolysis constant - ()
- average bond dissociation energy - ()
- average molecular weight - ()
- axial-acceptor - ()
- Back mixing - ()
- balance (chemistry) - ()
- baler limit - ()
- balmer continuum - ()
- band (analytical chemistry) - ()
- base peak - ()
- basic titrant - ()
- bathochromatic shift - ()
- beam attenuation - ()
- beam-condensing unit - ()
- bed (chemistry) - ()
- benzene series - ()
- Berl saddle - ()
- bias (analytical chemistry) - ()
- bifunctional chelating agent - ()
- bilateral slit - ()
- Biochemical profile - ()
- biologic artifact - ()
- biomimetic catalyst - ()
- black (chemistry) - ()
- blanc rule - ()
- bleed (chemistry) - ()
- blocking group - ()
- boat (chemistry) - ()
- boiling range - ()
- bond migration - ()
- bond moment - ()
- bottom steam - ()
- boundary value component, perfectly mobile component - ()
- branch (organic chemistry) - ()
- bridge (organic chemistry) - ()
- Bromine value - ()
- Brown smoke - ()
- Bubble column - ()
- burning velocity - ()
- c stage - ()
- cadineric - ()
- cage (physical chemistry) - ()
- canonical structure, contributing structure (chemistry) - ()
- capacity (analytical chemistry) - ()
- Capillary column - ()
- carbenoid species - ()
- Carbon burning rate - ()
- carrier gas eluant gas - ()
- catalyst carrier - ()
- catalyst selectivity - ()
- catholyte - ()
- Cation-active compounds Cation-active compound - ()
- cell (physical chemistry) - ()
- cell constant - ()
- centrifugation potential - ()
- cetane-number improver - ()
- chain balance - ()
- Chain compound - ()
- chain isomerism - ()
- channeling (analytical chemistry) - ()
- Characterization factor - ()
- charge population - ()
- charged species - ()
- check standard - ()
- chelometry - ()
- Chemical association - ()
- Chemical autotrophy - ()
- chemical component - ()
- Chemical conversion - ()
- chemical fingerprint - ()
- chemical flux chemiflux - ()
- chemical inhibitor - ()
- Chemical lifetime - ()
- Chemical Reference Substance - ()
- chemical relaxation - ()
- Chemical similitude - ()
- Chemical system -()
- Chemical treatment - ()
- chemiclearance - ()
- chemionics - ()
- chemosmosis - ()
- chloresteric material - ()
- cholestene phase - ()
- cholesteric material - ()
- chrome rad - ()
- clark degree, English degree - ()
- cochineal solution - ()
- codimer - ()
- coherent precipitate - ()
- collision broadening, collision line-broadening - ()
- collision diameter - ()
- color stability - ()
- color standard - ()
- color throw - ()
- column (chemistry) - ()
- column bleed - ()
- combination principle - ()
- combination vibration - ()
- combustion efficiency - ()
- Combustion rate - ()
- combustion wave - ()
- competing equilibrium condition - ()
- complex agent - ()
- complex chemical reaction - ()
- comproid - ()
- concentrate (chemistry) - ()
- concentrate gradient - ()
- concentration potential - ()
- concentration scale - ()
- condensation temperature - ()
- condense phase - ()
- condensed system - ()
- condensible vapors condensible vapor - ()
- conductance coefficient - ()
- Conductivity in solutions - ()
- configuration (chemistry) - ()
- conjugated polyene - ()
- consolute - ()
- constant series, displacement series - ()
- constitutional unit - ()
- constitutive property - ()
- convergence limit - ()
- convergence pressure - ()
- coordination polygon - ()
- coordination polyhedron - ()
- copper number - ()
- coriolis operator - ()
- coriolis resonance interactions - ()
- corresponding states - ()
- Corrosion coupon - ()
- cortical condensation temperature, true condensing point - ()
- cotectic - ()
- count (chemistry) - ()
- countercurrent cascade - ()
- )
- cricondenbar - ()
- cricondentherm - ()
- critical condensation temperature - ()
- critical constant - ()
- critical current density - ()
- Critical humidity - ()
- Critical moisture content - ()
- critical solution temperature - ()
- crystal grating - ()
- cumulated double bonds - ()
- cumulative double bonds, twinned double bonds - ()
- Cure time - ()
- curing temperature - ()
- curing time - ()
- daughter molecule - ()
- dealkylate - ()
- debye relaxation time - ()
- degradation (chemistry) - ()
- degree (chemistry) - ()
- degree of crystallinity - ()
- demasking - ()
- deposition potential - ()
- derrocene - ()
- designated volume - ()
- determination (chemistry) - ()
- developer (chemistry) - ()
- development (chemistry) - ()
- Dew-point boundary - ()
- Dew-point composition - ()
- Dew-point curve - ()
- Dew-point pressure - ()
- dewar structure - ()
- dialyzate - ()
- diastercoisomer, diastercomer - ()
- dibasiz - ()
- dichromic - ()
- diene value - ()
- Diesel index - ()
- differential aeration cells - ()
- differential reaction rate - ()
- Dilute phase - ()
- dioctyl - ()
- diodide - ()
- discontinous phase, disperse phase - ()
- dispension medium - ()
- disperse phase - ()
- disperse system - ()
- dispersible inhibitor - ()
- dispersoid - ()
- displacement series, volta series - ()
- dissociation limit - ()
- dissociation pressure - ()
- dissociation-voltage effect - ()
- distillation curve - ()
- distillation loss - ()
- distillation range - ()
- Doctor solution - ()
- Doping level - ()
- dopple broadening - ()
- double-bond shift - ()
- down flow - ()
- Drag factor - ()
- Draper effect - ()
- drew number - ()
- dry ashing - ()
- Dualayer solution - ()
- Dukler theory - ()
- dulcita - ()
- dynamic allotropy - ()
- Dynamic holdup - ()
- dyson notation - ()
- echelon grating - ()
- effective molecular diameter - ()
- effective permeability - ()
- efficiency (chemistry) - ()
- electrical equivalent - ()
- electrically active fluid - ()
- electrobalance - ()
- electrochemical effect - ()
- electrochemical emf - ()
- electrochemical reduction cell - ()
- electrocratic - ()
- electrode efficiency - ()
- electrodecantation - ()
- electrohydraulic effect - ()
- electrolytic potential - ()
- electrolytic separation - ()
- electrolytic solution - ()
- electromodulation - ()
- electron distribution curve - ()
- electron exchanger - ()
- electronegative potential - ()
- Electroneutrality principle electroneutrality - ()
- electronic energy curve - ()
- electrophilic reagent - ()
- electropositive potential - ()
- elementary process - ()
- elidinization - ()
- enantiomorphism - ()
- enantiotropy - ()
- encounter (chemistry) - ()
- end radiation quantum limit - ()
- endocyclic double bond - ()
- English degree - ()
- entering group - ()
- entrance slit - ()
- entropy of transition - ()
- equation (chemistry) - ()
- equilibrium diagram - ()
- equilibrium film - ()
- equilibrium prism - ()
- equilibrium ratio - ()
- equilibrium still - ()
- equilibrium vaporization ratio - ()
- equivalent conductance - ()
- equivalent nuclei - ()
- escaping tendency - ()
- eutectogenic system - ()
- evaporation loss - ()
- exchange broadening - ()
- exchange narrowing - ()
- exchange velocity - ()
- excitation index - ()
- exciting line - ()
- exhaustion point - ()
- exocyclic double bond - ()
- Exodiffusion - ()
- external circuit - ()
- extreme narrowing approximation - ()
- extrinsic sol – ()
- f line - ()
- false body - ()
- family (chemistry) - ()
- fast method - ()
- feedback (chemistry) - ()
- Film (chemistry) - ()
- film tension - ()
- filter-press cell - ()
- fissiochemistry - ()
- floc point - ()
- flotation agent - ()
- formality (chemistry) - ()
- formyl cation - ()
- Fractionation Factor Fractionation factor - ()
- froth promoter - ()
- frustrated internal reference, attenuate total reflectance - ()
- Fundamental chamber - ()
- funicular distribution - ()
- gamma (chemistry) - ()
- Gel diffusion - ()
- geometrical isomerism - ()
- gold size - ()
- graduate (chemistry) - ()
- gram-molecular volume - ()
- grating constant - ()
- Guldberg-Waage group - ()
- half-cell potential - ()
- hardness (chemistry) - ()
- haring cell - ()
- harmonic vibration-rotation band - ()
- Headspace (chemistry) - ()
- heat of activation - ()
- heat of association - ()
- heat of decomposition - ()
- heat of dissociation - ()
- heat of hydration - ()
- heat of ionization - ()
- hefmeister series, lyotopic series - ()
- hehner number - ()
- Height of transfer unit (HTO) - ()
- heitler-London covalence - ()
- helicate - ()
- Hemicrystalline - ()
- heterolytic bond dissociation energy - ()
- heteropolar bond - ()
- heterotopic faces heterotopic face - ()
- High-energy bond - ()
- Higher olefins - ()
- hygroscopic agent - ()
- Impingement liquid knockout - ()
- incharged species, neutral species - ()
- Internal bond - ()
- Isochemical metamorphism - ()
- Isochemical series - ()
- Isoconcentration - ()
- isodisperse - ()
- isoelectric sequence - ()
- isokinetic relationship - ()
- isokinetic temperature - ()
- isomolecule, nonlinear molecule - ()
- isotopic carrier - ()
- isovalent conjugation - ()
- isovalent hyperconjugation - ()
- K-fluorescence - ()
- kayser (chemistry) - ()
- ketoric - ()
- kilogram-equivalent weight - ()
- knot (chemistry) - ()
- Laboratory compound - ()
- Laboratory medium - ()
- leacher - ()
- Lead susceptibility - ()
- levigate levigation - ()
- levo form - ()
- limiting current density - ()
- limiting density - ()
- limiting mean - ()
- liphobic - ()
- Liquid holdup - ()
- liquid junction emf - ()
- Liquid seal - ()
- Liquid temperature - ()
- liquid-solid equilibrium, solid-liquid equilibrium - ()
- littrow mounting - ()
- lorentz unit - ()
- lyman ghost - ()
- Lyophil - ()
- Mass percentage - ()
- Mechanical theory of adhesion- ()
- mechanism (chemistry) - ()
- mechanochemical effect - ()
- mechanophotochemistry - ()
- Media migration - ()
- membrane mimetic chemistry - ()
- mercaptal - ()
- mesogenic unit - ()
- metal ion indication - ()
- metastable equilibrium - ()
- meter-size catastrophe - ()
- microheterogeneity - ()
- microthrowing power - ()
- migration current - ()
- milk (chemistry) - ()
- mineralize - ()
- mixed indicator - ()
- mixed potential - ()
- mobility coefficient - ()
- molal average boiling point - ()
- molal elevation of the boiling point - ()
- molar (chemistry) - ()
- molar susceptibility - ()
- molecular amplitude - ()
- monidisperse colloidal system - ()
- monoaerial - ()
- monolayer capacity - ()
- multiplet intensity rules - ()
- mutuality of phases - ()
- nematogenic solid - ()
- neodymium ratio - ()
- neutral granulation - ()
- neutralization equivalent - ()
- neutralization number - ()
- nitroaromatic - ()
- noble potential - ()
- noble-gas electron configuration - ()
- nonbonded distance - ()
- noncrossing rule - ()
- nonfaradaic path - ()
- nonhyperbolic - ()
- nonideal solution - ()
- Nonpersistent agent - ()
- nonpolar covalent bond - ()
- normal solution - ()
- Nuclear molecule - ()
- open tubular column, capillary column - ()
- orientation effect - ()
- oscillometric titration - ()
- Osmolar load -()
- Osmophore - ()
- overall stability constant - ()
- overpoint - ()
- oxidation-reduction indication - ()
- Oxidatitive Stability Oxidatitive stability - ()
- oxygen concentration cell - ()
- p-block elements p-block element - ()
- p-branch - ()
- paraffinicity - ()
- parent molecule - ()
- parent name - ()
- partially ionic bond - ()
- particle counting - ()
- particle-scattering factor - ()
- paschen-Runge mounting - ()
- passivation potential - ()
- peak area - ()
- peak enthalpometry - ()
- peak width - ()
- perfect fractionation path - ()
- perfectly mobile component - ()
- pericondensed polycyclic - ()
- Periodic property - ()
- peritectic point - ()
- peritectoic - ()
- permeametry - ()
- permeant - ()
- permselective membrane - ()
- phase ratio - ()
- phase solubility - ()
- phenahtroline indicator - ()
- phenantroline - ()
- Phosphorylation potential - ()
- photocromism - ()
- photohomolysis - ()
- photoisomer - ()
- photomechanochemistry - ()
- piezochemistry - ()
- Pilot-scale chemical reaction - ()
- plait point - ()
- plasma-jet excitation - ()
- Plate efficiency - ()
- poison (chemistry) - ()
- polarographic maximum - ()
- polyallomer - ()
- polydent, multident - ()
- polydisperse colloidal system - ()
- Polymer trap mechanism - ()
- positive isomer - ()
- postignition - ()
- postprecipitation - ()
- potential electrolyte - ()
- potentiomatric cell - ()
- precipitation number - ()
- pressure effect - ()
- pressure shift - ()
- Primary bond - ()
- principal line - ()
- principal moments principal moment - ()
- prochivality, prostereo isomerism - ()
- propagation rate - ()
- propagation step - ()
- proton stability constant - ()
- protophile - ()
- protropic - ()
- pseudocritical properties pseudocritical property - ()
- pseudoreduced compressibility - ()
- pseudoreduced properties pseudoreduced property - ()
- purity (chemistry) - ()
- quadruple point - ()
- quarterpolymer - ()
- quaternary system - ()
- quevenne scale - ()
- r-branch - ()
- radioassay - ()
- radiofunctional name - ()
- ratio of specific head - ()
- rayleigh line - ()
- reaction enthaply number - ()
- reaction line, reaction curve - ()
- reaction path - ()
- reactive bond - ()
- Receiving waters - ()
- recording balance - ()
- Reduced chemical potential - ()
- Refractive Index Increment - ()
- regenerant - ()
- reichert-Meissi number - ()
- relative fugacity - ()
- relaxation kinetics - ()
- repellency - ()
- residual intensity - ()
- resin matrix - ()
- resinography - ()
- resite - ()
- resonance line - ()
- restricted internal rotation - ()
- retention index - ()
- retention volume - ()
- rethrolone - ()
- retrograde evaporation - ()
- reversal temperature - ()
- ring isomerism - ()
- rotational level - ()
- rotational quantum number - ()
- rotatory power - ()
- rowland ghost - ()
- salt error - ()
- saponification equivalent - ()
- screening agent - ()
- second boiling point - ()
- Second-order chemical reaction - ()
- sedimentation balance - ()
- sedimentation constant - ()
- seed (chemistry) - ()
- seed charge - ()
- seeding (chemistry) - ()
- segment (analytical chemistry) - ()
- selective poisoning, selective inhibition - ()
- selectivity coefficient - ()
- semiforbidden line - ()
- Semiliquidity - ()
- Separating power - ()
- series (analytical chemistry) - ()
- smectic phase - ()
- snow point - ()
- solid-liquid equilibrium - ()
- solidus curve - ()
- soliquid - ()
- solubility coefficient - ()
- solubility curve - ()
- solution pressure - ()
- Solution-Liquid-Solid Solution-liquid-solid - ()
- solutrope - ()
- Solvent base - ()
- solvent front - ()
- special cause - ()
- specific catalysis - ()
- specific retention volume - ()
- sphere of attraction - ()
- Spiking solution - ()
- stripping analysis - ()
- sucrochemistry - ()
- Sulfide phase equilibrium - ()
- sulfur number - ()
- Superalkalinity - ()
- supertransuranics - ()
- surface orientation - ()
- sweat (chemistry) - ()
- Syringyl - ()
- term (chemistry) - ()
- termination stop - ()
- ternary system - ()
- thermobalance - ()
- thermoelectric diffusion potential - ()
- thiosalicylic - ()
- topochemical control - ()
- total solids total solid - ()
- transition interval - ()
- transmission diffraction - ()
- transpassive region - ()
- triplepoint - ()
- true electrolyte - ()
- true freezing point - ()
- ultimate analysis - ()
- ultraviolet stabilizer – ()
- uncharged species - ()
- uncoupling phenomena - ()
- undersaturated fluid - ()
- upflow - ()
- vacuum condensing point (vcp) - ()
- vacuum thermobalance - ()
- valence transition - ()
- van der Waals covolume - ()
- van't Hoff isotherm - ()
- vibrational level - ()
- vibrational sum rule - ()
- Virtual bond - ()
- volatile fluid - ()
- volatility product - ()
- volume susceptibility - ()
- washing (chemistry) - ()
- Water-splitting complex - ()
- water-wettable - ()
- wet ashing - ()
- zero branch - ()
- zone (analytical chemistry) – ()
Chemistry principles and laws
- Adsorption theory of heterogenous catalysis - ()
- Alternating of multiplication law - ()
- Antonoff's rule - ()
- Auwers-Skita rule - ()
- Barlow's rule - ()
- Blomstrand-Jörgensen theory - ()
- Bronsted relation - ()
- Bunsen-Kirchoff law - ()
- cabannes' factor - ()
- Caillete and Mathias law - ()
- Carlsbad law - ()
- Catalysis law, Brondstad relation - ()
- Chemical combination laws - ()
- chemical model chemical models - ()
- Combining volumes law, Gaylussac's law of combining volumes - ()
- combining-volumes principle - ()
- component-substance law - ()
- Compton's rule - ()
- Coppet's law - ()
- Cosine law of emission, Labert's law of emission - ()
- definite-composition law, definite-proportions law - ()
- Diffusion laws, Graham's Law of diffusion - ()
- Dissociation theory, Arrhenius dissociation - ()
- Döbereiner's law of triads - ()
- donnan distribution coefficient - ()
- dorn effect - ()
- electrostatic valence rule - ()
- fittig's synthesis - ()
- Franck-Robanovitch hypothesis - ()
- Fries' rule - ()
- Frozen accident theory frozen accident - ()
- Gamma-permanence rule, lande's permanence rule - ()
- Gibb's-Konowalow rule - ()
- grotthus's chain theory - ()
- Grotthuss-Draper theory - ()
- Gurney-Mott theory - ()
- Hammick and Illingworth's rules - ()
- hard-sphere collision theory - ()
- Hardy-Schultze rule - ()
- hardy-Schulz rule - ()
- Heitler-London covalence theory - ()
- In-situ theory, Swamp theory - ()
- Intermediate compound theory of catalysis - ()
- keesom relationship - ()
- Keldysh theory - ()
- Kondakov rule - ()
- Konowaloff rule - ()
- Landé permanence rule - ()
- Law of cohesion - ()
- Law of rational intercepts - ()
- Leffler's assumption - ()
- Lewis' colour theory - ()
- Libry de Bruyn-Ekenstein transformation - ()
- Lindemann's theory - ()
- loomis-Wood diagram - ()
- Lucas's theory - ()
- Meyer's law of esterification - ()
- Multiple intensity rules - ()
- Nernst zero of potential - ()
- Nernst-Thomson rule - ()
- Neumann's principle - ()
- Non-crossing rule - ()
- Oudeman's law - ()
- Penetration theory - ()
- Philo's theory of combustion - ()
- Principle of minimum structural charge - ()
- quantum theory of valence - ()
- Ramsay-Young law - ()
- Retger's law - ()
- Richter's law - ()
- Rotational sum rule - ()
- Schultze-Hardy rule, Hardy-Schultze rule - ()
- Sequence rules - ()
- Sommerfeld law for doubles - ()
- Spectroscopic displacement law - ()
- Stewart-Kirchoff law - ()
- stricking coefficient - ()
- Stuffer law - ()
- Szent-Györgyi hypothesis - ()
- Teller-Redlich rule - ()
- Theory of absolute reaction rate absolute reaction rate - ()
- Theory of definite descriptions - ()
- Theory of electrolytic dissociation, Arrhenius dissociation theory - ()
- Thomson-Berthelot principle - ()
- Traube's rule - ()
- Vibrational sum rule - ()
- Walden's rule - ()
- Welter's rule - ()
- Wenzel's law - ()
- Werner theory of co-ordination compounds - ()
- Wiedemann's additivity law - ()
- Witt colour theory - ()
- witt theory - ()
- Wüllner's law – ()
- balmberger's formula - ()
- benedict equation of state - ()
- duhem's equation, Gibbi-Duhem equation - ()
- Einstein viscosity equation - ()
- flood's equation - ()
- Gibbs-Pounting equation - ()
- graphical formula - ()
- haggenmacher equation - ()
- Henderson equation for pH - ()
- kistiakowsky-Fishtine equation - ()
- langmuir isotherm equation - ()
- Onsager equation - ()
- Van't Hoff formula - ()
- Watson equation - ()
Chemistry specialties
- algorithmic chemistry - ()
- Archaeological chemistry, archeological chemistry - () - ()
- Atmology - ()
- Chemical microscopy - ()
- Hydroxypropyl localization microscopy - ()
- Integrated Physics and Chemistry - ()
- Photo-electrochemistry – ()
Molecular chemistry
- amphipathic molecule - ()
- archival molecule - ()
- difunctional molecule - ()
- Electron carrier system -()
- free molecule - ()
- molecular association - ()
- molecular asymmetry - ()
- molecular conductivity - ()
- molecular diamagnetism - ()
- molecular diameter - ()
- molecular energy level - ()
- molecular paramagnetism - ()
- molecular polarizability - ()
- molecular receptor - ()
- molecular relaxation - ()
- molecular velocity - ()
- neutral molecule - ()
- nonlinear molecule - ()
- octahedral molecule - ()
- outer orbital complex - ()
- quest molecule - ()
- Secondary hydrogen atom - ()
- Square planar molecule - ()
- symmetric top molecule - ()
- tagged molecule - ()
- tertiary hydrogen atom - ()
- tetrafunctional molecule - ()
- trigonal planar molecule - ()
- virtual orbital - ()
Chemical types
- Acetylating agent - ()
- Acid detergent - ()
- acid electrolyte - ()
- Activated silica - ()
- aliphatic polycyclic hydrocarbon - ()
- aliphatic polyene compound - ()
- Alkalising agent - ()
- alternate hydrocarbon - ()
- ampholytic detergent - ()
- anticatalyst - ()
- Antistatic liquid - ()
- aprotic solver - ()
- aromatic ketone - ()
- arseno compound - ()
- aryl compound - ()
- aryl diazo compound - ()
- aryloxy compound - ()
- battery electrolyte - ()
- biophenyl - ()
- boiler compound - ()
- bromiating agent - ()
- capryl compound - ()
- carbocyclide compound - ()
- cater-condense polycyclic - ()
- cationic detergent - ()
- cationic reagent - ()
- Change agent - ()
- coloring agent - ()
- cycloalkylaryl compound - ()
- Desloughing agent - ()
- Detergent alcohol - ()
- dystetic mixture - ()
- ethylic compound, ethyl compound - ()
- Exudate absorbent - ()
- fatty nitrite - ()
- Fluorescent reagent - ()
- fluorogenic substrate - ()
- fluxional compound - ()
- gas-condensate liquid - ()
- hard detergent - ()
- heteropoly compound - ()
- isocyclic compound - ()
- leuco base, leuco compound - ()
- Levelling agent - ()
- meso-ionic compound - ()
- metathetical salts metathetical salt - ()
- methylmercury compound - ()
- Mixed Alcohols mixed alcohol - ()
- monoacetate - ()
- monofunctional compound - ()
- Non-organic - ()
- nonbenzenoid aromatic compound - ()
- nonprotic solvent - ()
- nucleophilic reagent – ()
- organophosphorous compound - ()
- oxy compound - ()
- oxyacanthine, vinetine - ()
- photochemical oxidant - ()
- photochromic compound - ()
- polyhalogen compound - ()
- radiocolloid - ()
- radiomimetic substance - ()
- Regenerant - ()
- Sinking solution - ()
- smectorganic solid - ()
- soft electrophile - ()
- subcompound - ()
- sucrochemical - ()
- sulfuhydryl compound - ()
- Transitional substance - ()
- Volatile compound - ()
- Volatile sulfur compound - ()
- zeolite catalyst - ()
Chemical groups
- Acidic group - ()
- Isoalkyl group, isoalkyl - ()
- 1-naphthalene sulfonic acid - ()
- 1-propylphosphonic acid - ()
- 1,2,4-benzenctricarboxylic acid - ()
- 2-bromopropanoic acid - ()
- 2-ethylbutene - ()
- 2-methylpentane acid - ()
- 3-amino-2-naphthoic acid - ()
- 3,3'-thiodiproprionic acid - ()
- 3,4-dinitrobenzoic acid - ()
- 3,5-diaminobenzoic acid - ()
- 3,5-diamoniobenzoic acid - ()
- 3,5-diiodosalicylic acid - ()
- 3,6-dicholoro-ortho-asinic acid - ()
- 4-(4-chloro-ortho-tolyl)oxybutric acid - ()
- Acid head - ()
- acyclic acid - ()
- adoleic acid - ()
- alic acid - ()
- aliphatid acid - ()
- aminoethylphosphonic acid - ()
- apurinic acid - ()
- aryl acid - ()
- arylsulfonic acid - ()
- azacrown acid - ()
- azetidinecarboxylic acid - ()
- beta-naphthoyacetic acid (BNOA) - ()
- Broenner's acid, Brönner's acid - ()
- bromo acid, easin - ()
- Brown acid - ()
- Caffetannic acid - ()
- clorendic acid - ()
- contact acid - ()
- dialluric acid - ()
- dialoric acid - ()
- diazoic acid - ()
- diazosulfonic acid - ()
- Dibromoacrylic acid - ()
- Dibromosuccinic acid - ()
- dihydroxymaleic acid - ()
- dilinoleic acid - ()
- diphenylacetic acid - ()
- disulfonic acid - ()
- dithionic carbemic acid - ()
- dithionitrobenzoic acid - ()
- dluosilic acid - ()
- ethinic acid - ()
- ethylene sulfonic acid, ethionic acid - ()
- ferricyanic acid - ()
- gamma acid 2,5-napthhylamine sulfonic acid - ()
- gorlic acid - ()
- h acid - ()
- halogen acid - ()
- heavy acid - ()
- hydroxyindoleacetic acid - ()
- isoaspartic acid - ()
- isovaleme acid - ()
- itatartaric acid – ()
- k acid - ()
- m acid - ()
- methylphosphoric acid - ()
- mixed acid - ()
- modified Lewis acid - ()
- Monoperoxyglutaric acid - ()
- Monoperoxyphthalic acid - ()
- Monoperoxysuccinic acid - ()
- N-1-naphthylphtalamic acid - ()
- n-heptadecamic acid - ()
- napthalene-1,5-disulfonic acid - ()
- nitrating acid - ()
- noncarboxylic acid - ()
- nonesterified fatty acid - ()
- nonylphenoxyacetic acid - ()
- oxonic acid - ()
- para-fluorophenylacetic acid - ()
- parabani acid - ()
- Peroxyanisic acid - ()
- Peroxypropionic acid - ()
- phenolsulfonic acid - ()
- phosphoamino acid - ()
- phosphonoacetic acid - ()
- pickling acid - ()
- pinic acid - ()
- polymethacrylic acid - ()
- proprosin acid, methylacetate acid - ()
- Pteroylglutamic acid - ()
- pteroylpolyglutamic acid - ()
- Pyloric acid - ()
- pyridoxic acid - ()
- pyromellitic acid (PMA) - ()
- Rhataniatannic acid - ()
- schodkopf's acid - ()
- schuerkopf's acid - ()
- tellurinic acid - ()
- tetrachlorophthalic acid - ()
- thionic acid - ()
- thiosulfonic acid - ()
- triiodobenzoic acid - ()
- triporic acid - ()
- anisic alcohol - ()
- cheryl alcohol - ()
- linolenyl alcohol - ()
- Methallyl alcohol - ()
- ricinoleyl alcohol - ()
- undelycenicalcohol - () = 10-Undecen-1-ol see de:10-Undecen-1-ol
- combined carbon - ()
- contemporary carbon - ()
- decolorizing carbon - ()
- ditungsten carbon - ()
- face-bridging ligand - ()
- ligand membrane - ()
- Carnot's reagent - ()
- Dobbin's reagent - ()
- Gerard reagent - ()
- jacquemart's reagent - ()
- Karl Fischer reagent - ()
- klein's reagent - ()
- obermayer's reagent - ()
- schulze's reagent - ()
- twitchell reagent - ()
- wagner's reagent, wagner's solution - ()
- woodward's reagent K - ()
- zerewitimoff reagent - ()
- Acid solution - ()
- Folin solution - ()
- Hanus solution - ()
- Hartman's solution - ()
- klein's solution - ()
- pasteur's salt solution - ()
- pavy's solution - ()
- rice's bromine solution - ()
- Sonstadt's solution, Thoulet solution - ()
- wijs' iodine monochloride solution - ()
- Wijs' special solution – ()
Chemical processes
- Acetate process - ()
- Acetone-benzol process - ()
- Acid cleaning - ()
- Acid embrittlement - ()
- Acid preparation - ()
- Acid process - ()
- Acid treatment - ()
- Aciding - ()
- Activate reactive evaporation - ()
- Aerochlorination - ()
- Agent purification - ()
- Air-suspension encapsulation - ()
- Airco-Hoover sweetening - ()
- Alkaline wash - ()
- Alkalisation - ()
- Alkar process - ()
- Alkylate bottom - ()
- ammonation - ()
- ammoniation - ()
- Anelli's oxidation - ()
- Anion metothesis - ()
- Anisotropic membrane - ()
- Anti-redeposition agent - ()
- aqueous alkali-nitrate process - ()
- aroylation - ()
- Artificial atmosphere - ()
- Asbestos-cement cladding - ()
- autoracemization - ()
- B-B fraction - ()
- Back-run process - ()
- Ball-and-ring method ring-and-ball test - ()
- Barren liquor - ()
- Barrier separation - ()
- Benzol-acetone process - ()
- Biazzi process - ()
- Binary separator - ()
- bioburden reduction - ()
- Biochemical conversion process - ()
- Biochemical conversion - ()
- Bituminous distribution - ()
- Blanket gas - ()
- Bleedout - ()
- Blocked operation - ()
- boil-off - ()
- bond hydridization - ()
- Bowl classifier - ()
- Brewster process - ()
- Bulking value - ()
- Butamer process - ()
- Butane dehydrogenation - ()
- Butane vapor-phase isomerization - ()
- carbon replication - ()
- carbophenotion - ()
- Casale process - ()
- Cascade cooler - ()
- Catalyst stripping - ()
- Catalytic hydrotreating - ()
- Catalytic polymerization - ()
- Catforming - ()
- Cathode efficiency - (