
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

<!--hide advert-->
if (document.getElementById("siteNoticeSmall")) document.getElementById("siteNoticeSmall").style.display = "none";

<!-- My main page rearrangements -->
content = document.getElementById("bodyContent");
nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
var featuredPic = false;
for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
	if (nodes[i].getAttribute("style") == "margin: -8px; border-spacing: 8px;")	featuredPic = nodes[i];
	else if (nodes[i].getAttribute("style") == "margin: 0px -8px; border-spacing: 8px;")	mainContent = nodes[i];
if (featuredPic) content.insertBefore(featuredPic, mainContent);
<!-- Replace -->
function wpTextboxReplace()
    var s = prompt("Search regexp:");
        var r = prompt("Replace /"+s+"/ with:");
        if(!r && r != '') return;
        var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
        txt.value = txt.value.replace(new RegExp(s, "mg"), r);
$(function () {
    if (document.forms.editform) {
        mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:wpTextboxReplace()', 'Replace', 'ca-replace',
                       'Regexp replace for the edit window', 'R', document.getElementById('ca-history'));
<!-- end replace-->

function format() {
    var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
    txt.value = catFixer(txt.value);
    txt.value = entities(txt.value);
    txt.value = fixheadings(txt.value);
    txt.value = fixsyntax(txt.value);
    txt.value = linkfixer(txt.value, false);
    //txt.value = imagefixer(txt.value);
    txt.value = whitespace(txt.value);
    txt.value = linksimplifyer(txt.value);
    txt.value = trim(txt.value);

function whitespace(str){
    str = str.replace(/\t/g, " ");

    str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
    str = str.replace(/(\n\n)\n+/g, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/== ? ?\n\n==/g, "==\n==");
    str = str.replace(/\n\n(\* ?\[?http)/g, "\n$1");

    str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
    str = str.replace(/\n\n\*/g, "\n*");
    str = str.replace(/[ \t][ \t]+/g, " ");
    str = str.replace(/([=\n]\n)\n+/g, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/ \n/g, "\n");

    //* bullet points
    str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+) /gm, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+)/gm, "$1 ");

    str = str.replace(/^(={1,4}) ?(.*?) ?(={1,4})$/gm, "$1$2$3");

    //dash — spacing
    str = str.replace(/ ?(–|–|–|–|–) ?/g, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/ ?(—|—|—|—|—) ?/g, "$1");
    str = str.replace(/([^1–9])(—|—|—|—|—|–|–|–|–|–)([^1–9])/g, "$1 $2 $3");

    return trim(str);

function entities(str){
    //str = str.replace(//g, "");
    str = str.replace(/–|–|–/g, "–");
    str = str.replace(/—|—|—/g, "—");
   // str = str.replace(/(cm| m|km|mi)<sup>2</sup>/g, "$1²");
    str = str.replace(/²/g, "²");
    str = str.replace(/°/g, "°");

    return trim(str);

//Fix ==See also== and similar section common errors.
function fixheadings(str)
  if( !str.match(/= ?See also ?=/) )
    str = str.replace(/(== ?)(see also:?|related topics:?|related articles:?|internal links:?|also see:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1See also$3");

  str = str.replace(/(== ?)(external links?:?|outside links?|web ?links?:?|exterior links?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1External links$3");
  str = str.replace(/(== ?)(references?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1References$3");
  str = str.replace(/(== ?)(sources?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1Sources$3");
  str = str.replace(/(== ?)(further readings?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1Further reading$3");

  return str;

function catFixer(str){
    str = str.replace(/\[\[ ?[Cc]ategory ?: ?/g, "[[Category:");

    return trim(str);

//fixes many common syntax problems
function fixsyntax(str)
  //replace html with wiki syntax
  if( !str.match(/'<\/?[ib]>|<\/?[ib]>'/gi) )
    str = str.replace(/<i>(.*?)<\/i>/gi, "''$1''");
    str = str.replace(/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/gi, "'''$1'''");
  str = str.replace(/<br\/>/gi, "<br />");
  str = str.replace(/<br>/gi, "<br />");
  return trim(str);

//formats links in standard fashion
function linkfixer(str, checkImages)
  str = str.replace(/\]\[/g, "] [");
  var m = str.match(/\[?\[[^\]]*?\]\]?/g);
  if (m)
    for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
      var x = m[i].toString();
      var y = x;

      //internal links only
      if ( !y.match(/^\[?\[http:\/\//i) && !y.match(/^\[?\[image:/i) )
        if (y.indexOf(":") == -1 && y.substr(0,3) != "[[_" && y.indexOf("|_") == -1)
          if (y.indexOf("|") == -1)
            y = y.replace(/_/g, " ");
            y = y.replace( y.substr(0, y.indexOf("|")), y.substr(0, y.indexOf("|")).replace(/_/g, " "));
        y = y.replace(/ ?\| ?/, "|").replace("|]]", "| ]]");

      str = str.replace(x, y);

  //repair bad internal links
  str = str.replace(/\[\[ ?([^\]]*?) ?\]\]/g, "[[$1]]");
  str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]]*?)( |_)#([^\]]*?)\]\]/g, "[[$1#$3]]");

  //repair bad external links
  str = str.replace(/\[?\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");
  str = str.replace(/\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\|([^\]]*?)\]/gi, "[http://$1 $2]");

  return trim(str);

//fixes images
function imagefixer(str)

  //remove external images
  str = str.replace(/\[?\[image:http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");

  //fix links within internal images
  var m = str.match(/\[?\[image:[^\[\]]*?(\[?\[[^\]]*?\]*?[^\[\]]*?)*?\]+/gi);
  if (m)
    for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
      var x = m[i].toString();
      var y = x;

      y = y.replace(/^\[\[i/i, "I").replace(/\]\]$/, "");
      y = y.replace(/(\[[^\]]*?)$/, "$1]");
      y = linkfixer(y, true);
      y = "[[" + y + "]]";

      str = str.replace(x, y);

  return trim(str);

//simplifies some links e.g. [[Dog|dog]] to [[dog]] and [[Dog|dogs]] to [[dog]]s
function linksimplifyer(str){
  var m = str.match(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^[]*?)\]\]/g);
  if (m)
    for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
      var n_arr = m[i].toString().match(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^[]*?)\]\]/);
      var n = n_arr[0];
      var a = n_arr[1];
      var b = n_arr[2];

      if (b.indexOf(a) == 0 || b.indexOf(TurnFirstToLower(a)) == 0)
        var k = n.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]*?)\|(\1)([\w]*?)\]\]/i, "[[$2]]$3");
        str = str.replace(n, k);

  str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]\|]+)\]\]([A-Za-z\'][A-Za-z]*)([\.\,\;\:\"\!\?\s\n])/g, "[[$1|$2$3]]$4");

  return str;

//trim start and end, trim spaces from the end of lines
function trim(str) {
   str = str.replace(/ $/gm, "");
   return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");

//turns first character to lowercase
function TurnFirstToLower(input) {
  if (input != "")
    var input = trim(input);
    var temp = input.substr(0, 1);
    return temp.toLowerCase() + input.substr(1, input.length);
    return "";

//entities that should never be unicoded
function noUnicodify(str) {
  str = str.replace(" & ", " & ");
  str = str.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("&lt;", "&amp;lt;").replace("&gt;", "&amp;gt;").replace("&quot;", "&amp;quot;").replace("&apos;", "&amp;apos;");
  str = str.replace("−", "&minus;").replace("×", "&times;");

  str = str.replace(" ", "&nbsp;").replace(" ", "&thinsp;").replace("­", "&shy;");
  str = str.replace("′", "&prime;");
  str = str.replace(/&(#0?9[13];)/, "&$1");
  str = str.replace(/&(#0?12[345];)/, "&$1");

  return str;

$(function () {
  if(document.forms.editform) {
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:format()', 'format', 'ca-format', 'Format article', '', document.getElementById('ca-edit'));

<!--end format tidier-->

<!--inline edit section -->
var body; // shortcut for body node
var xmlhttp; // XMLHTTPRequest object
var startNode; // div that includes section header and edit link
var editSec; // edit link
var editForm; // spliced edit form
var preview; // spliced preview or diff content
var oldContent; // original content of section
var xmlhttpDone = false; // kludge to prevent multiple calls to callback


function inc(path) {
  var lt = String.fromCharCode(60);
  var gt = String.fromCharCode(62);
  document.writeln(lt+'script type="text/javascript" src="/w/index.php?title='+path+'&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"'+gt+lt+'/script'+gt);

function initSecEdit()
  body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

  // apply to all divs of class "editsection"
  var editSecs = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
  var secCount = 1;
  var pagetitleRe=/\/(wiki\/|w\/index\.php\?title=)([^&?]*)/; // from [Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Techniques]
  for ( var i = 0; i < editSecs.length; i++ ) {
    if ( editSecs[i].getAttribute("class") == "editsection" ) {
      for ( var k = 0; k < editSecs[i].childNodes.length; k++ ) {
        if ( editSecs[i].childNodes[k].nodeName == "A" ) {
          // grab editing uri, escape it, then put it back in
          var editURI = ""+encodeURIComponent2(pagetitleRe.exec(decodeURI(editSecs[i].childNodes[k].getAttribute("href")))[2]).replace(/\"/gi, "%22").replace(/\'/gi, "%27")+"&action=edit&section="+secCount;
          // give it a unique id
          editSecs[i].childNodes[k].setAttribute( "id", "editSection"+secCount );
          // swap the href with a function call, passing the original href as the second parameter
          editSecs[i].childNodes[k].setAttribute( "href", "javascript:editSection( document.getElementById('editSection" + secCount + "'), '"+editURI+"' );" );

// called on click of section edit link
function editSection( elem, editURI )
  cancelEdit(); // get rid of any other sections being edited
  editSec = elem;
  startNode = elem.parentNode.parentNode;

  // initiate xmlhttprequest for section edit page
  xmlhttpDone = false;
  xmlhttp = null // kludge
  xmlhttp = createXMLHTTP( "GET", editURI, stateChange );

// put raw input returned from XMLHTTPRequest into a div so we can grab specific elements
function makeDiv( rawHTML )
  var div = createNode( body, "div", {style: "visibility: hidden; position: absolute;"} );
  div.innerHTML = rawHTML.replace(/<script[^>]*><\/script>/gi, ""); // if script tags are placed into the DOM, they force reload of files, and nasty things happen
  return div;

function isHTag( node )
  return node.nodeName.charAt(0) == 'H' && !isNaN( parseInt( node.nodeName.charAt(1) ) );

// callback for onclick of an edit link
function stateChange()
  if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
      if ( xmlhttpDone )
      xmlhttpDone = true;

      // store old content of section – loop until we hit header of same spot in hierarchy
      if ( !oldContent ) {
        oldContent = makeDiv("");
        var curElem = startNode.nextSibling;
        while ( curElem ) {
          var hitSiblingSection = false;
          if ( isHTag( curElem ) ) {
            for ( var i = 0; i < curElem.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
              if ( curElem.childNodes[i].nodeName == "SPAN"
                   && curElem.childNodes[i].getAttribute("class") == "editsection"
                   && parseInt( curElem.nodeName.charAt(1) ) <= parseInt( startNode.nodeName.charAt(1) ) )
                  hitSiblingSection = true;
          else if ( curElem.nodeName == "DIV" && curElem.getAttribute("class") == "printfooter" )

          if ( hitSiblingSection )
          var nextElem = curElem.nextSibling;
          oldContent.appendChild( curElem );
          curElem = nextElem;
        removeNode( oldContent );

      var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
      editForm = $("editform");
      // change onclick of preview and diff buttons to our function
      $("wpPreview").setAttribute( "type", "button" );
      $("wpPreview").setAttribute( "onclick", "javascript:getEditData( previewChanged, $('wpPreview') );" );
      $("wpDiff").setAttribute( "type", "button" );
      $("wpDiff").setAttribute( "onclick", "javascript:getEditData( diffChanged, $('wpDiff') );" );
      insertAfter( editForm, startNode );
      removeNode( div );

      editSec.setAttribute( "oldHref", editSec.getAttribute("href") );
      editSec.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:cancelEdit();" );
      editSec.innerHTML = "cancel";
      alert("Problem retrieving data – status: "+xmlhttp.status);

// firefox hack, not sure if this is a problem in other browsers
function encodeURIComponent2( content )
  // from []
  content = content.replace(/\&lt\;/gi, "<");
  content = content.replace(/\&gt\;/gi, ">");
  content = content.replace(/\&quot\;/gi, "\"");
  content = content.replace(/\&amp\;/gi, "&");
  return encodeURIComponent( content );

// encode differently based on type of form element
function field2Post( node, allowButton )
  var reqBody = "";
  switch ( node.nodeName ) {
    case "TEXTAREA":
      reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"="+encodeURIComponent2( node.value );
    case "INPUT":
      var inputType = node.getAttribute("type");
      if ( inputType == "checkbox" ) {
        if ( node.checked )
          reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"=on"
      else if ( allowButton || (inputType != "submit" && inputType != "button") )
        reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"="+encodeURIComponent2( node.value );
    case "DIV":
      reqBody += form2Post( node, false );
  return reqBody;

// manually encodes a form element for XMLHTTPRequest
function form2Post( node )
  var reqBody = "";
  for ( var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ )
    reqBody += field2Post( node.childNodes[i], false );
  return reqBody;

// get preview or diff data
function getEditData( callback, clickedBut )
  xmlhttpDone = false;
  xmlhttp = null; // kludge
  var action = editForm.getAttribute("action");
  xmlhttp = createXMLHTTP( "POST", ""+action, callback, {
    body: form2Post( editForm ) + field2Post( clickedBut, true ),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "Referer": "" + action.substring( 0, action.indexOf('&') ) + "&action=edit&section="+(parseInt(editSec.getAttribute("id").substring(11))+1)
  } );

// callback for preview data
function previewChanged()
  if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
      if ( xmlhttpDone )
      xmlhttpDone = true;
      var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
      if ( preview )
        removeNode( preview );
      preview = $("wikiPreview");
      insertAfter( preview, startNode );
      removeNode( div );
      alert("Problem retrieving data – status: "+xmlhttp.status);

// callback for diff data
function diffChanged()
  if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
      if ( xmlhttpDone )
      xmlhttpDone = true;
      var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
      if ( preview )
        removeNode( preview );
      preview = $("wikiDiff");
      insertAfter( preview, startNode );
      removeNode( div );
      alert("Problem retrieving data – status: "+xmlhttp.status);

// remove form and preview or diff data
function cancelEdit()
  if ( preview )
    removeNode( preview );
  preview = null;
  if ( editForm )
    removeNode( editForm );
  editForm = null;
  if ( oldContent ) {
    oldContent.setAttribute( "style", "position: static; visibility: visible;" );
    insertAfter( oldContent, startNode );
  oldContent = null;
  if ( editSec ) {
    editSec.setAttribute( "href", editSec.getAttribute("oldHref") );
    editSec.innerHTML = "edit";

addEventListener( "load", initSecEdit, false );
<!-- end inline edit section-->

<!--AJAX preview-->
<!--/AJAX preview-->

<!--Better change view-->
/* {{en:User:Cacycle/wikEd_template}} <pre clear="all"><nowiki> */

// version info
var wikEdDiffProgramVersion = '0.9.1g';
var wikEdDiffProgramDate    = 'May 2, 2007';


== wikEdDiff ==

A user script that provides an improved and easier to read diff view for comparing article versions
on Wikipedia and other MediaWiki sites.

* Additions and deletions are highlighted by color in a single article text
* Block moves are detected and indicated by color
* Unchanged regions of the text are omitted from the output
* Highly optimized for MediaWiki source texts

wikEdDiff uses the Cacycle diff.js routines [[en:User:Cacycle/diff]] and is also an integrated part of wikEd,
the full-featured JavaScript in-browser editor (

Author:   Cacycle (
License:  This code has been released into the public domain

== Installation ==

* Copy the following short block of code to [[User:YOURUSERNAME/monobook.js]]
* Press SHIFT-Reload to update to the newest version
* See for detailed instructions
* Users of wikEd do not have to install wikEdDiff


// install [[User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff]] enhanced diff view using ajax
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
+ ''
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script>');



// user configurable variables

// diff.js routines URL, also defined in wikEd.js
var wikEdDiffScriptSrc = wikEdDiffScriptSrc || '';

// allow ajax requests from local copy for testing, also defined in wikEd.js
if (typeof(wikEdAllowLocalAjax) == 'undefined') { var wikEdAllowLocalAjax = false; }

// wikEdDiff css rules
var wikEdDiffCSS = wikEdDiffCSS || [];
WikEdDiffInitObject(wikEdDiffCSS, {
	'.wikEdDiffWrapper':       'margin: 0 0 1em 0;',
	'.wikEdDiffButtonWrapper': 'text-align: center;',
	'.wikEdDiffButton':        'padding: 0; margin: 0.2em 0 0.33em 0;',
	'.wikEdDiffDiv':           'background: #faf8f6; padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid; border-color: #808080;'

// use local copies of images for testing (set to true in local copy of edit page), also defined in wikEd.js
if (typeof(wikEdUseLocalImages) == 'undefined') { var wikEdUseLocalImages = false; }

// path to local images for testing, also defined in wikEd.js
var wikEdImagePathLocal = wikEdImagePathLocal || 'file:///D:/wikEd/images/';

// path to images, also defined in wikEd.js
var wikEdImagePath = wikEdImagePath || '';

// image filenames, also defined in wikEd.js
var wikEdImage = wikEdImage || [];
WikEdDiffInitImage(wikEdImage, {
	'wikEdDiff': 'c/c6/WikEdDiff.png'

// user readable texts, copy changes to
var wikEdText = wikEdText || [];
WikEdDiffInitObject(wikEdText, {
	'wikEdDiffButtonImg alt': 'wikEdDiff',
	'wikEdDiffButton title':  'Show improved diff view',
	'wikEdDiffLoading':       '...'

// show complete unshortened article text for local diff, also defined in wikEd.js
if (typeof(wikEdFullDiff) == 'undefined') { var wikEdFullDiff = false; }

// end of user configurable variables

// global dom elements
var wikEdDiffWrapper;
var wikEdDiffButtonWrapper;
var wikEdDiffDiv;
var wikEdDiffButton;

// hash of loaded scripts, also defined in wikEd.js
var wikEdExternalScripts = wikEdExternalScripts || [];
if (typeof(wikEdDiffPreset) == 'undefined') { var wikEdDiffPreset = false; }

// diff table element
var wikEdDiffTable;

// call the setup routine
if (typeof(addOnloadHook) == 'function') {
	if (typeof(doneOnloadHook) == 'boolean') {
		if (doneOnloadHook == true) {
		else {
	else {
else {
	window.onload = WikEdDiffSetup;

// WikEdDiffSetup: create wikEdDiff elements

function WikEdDiffSetup() {

// run only once
	if (wikEdDiffWrapper != null) {

// detect diff table
	var table = document.getElementsByTagName('TABLE');
	for (var i = 0; i < table.length; i ++) {
		if (table[i].className == 'diff') {
			wikEdDiffTable = table[i];

// check if this is a diff page
	if (wikEdDiffTable == null) {

// detect already loaded external scripts
	if (wikEdExternalScripts == null) {
		var pageScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
		for (var i = 0; i < pageScripts.length; i ++) {
			var nameMatch = pageScripts[i].src.match(/\/([^\/]*?)($|\?)/);
			if (nameMatch != null) {
				var scriptName = nameMatch[1];
				if (scriptName != '') {
					wikEdExternalScripts[scriptName] = true;

// load the external diff script
	var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
	if (wikEdExternalScripts['diff.js'] == null) {
		var script = document.createElement('script');
		script.type = 'text/javascript';
		script.src  = wikEdDiffScriptSrc;
		wikEdExternalScripts['diff.js'] = true;

// add stylesheet definitions (slow method for IE compatibility)
	var diffStyle = new WikEdDiffStyleSheet();
	var rules = '';
	for (var ruleName in wikEdDiffCSS) {
		var ruleStyle = wikEdDiffCSS[ruleName];
		diffStyle.addRule(ruleName, ruleStyle);

// create wikEdDiff wrapper
	wikEdDiffWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdDiffWrapper';
	wikEdDiffWrapper.className = 'wikEdDiffWrapper';

// create wikEdDiff button wrapper
	wikEdDiffButtonWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdDiffButtonWrapper';
	wikEdDiffButtonWrapper.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonWrapper';

// create wikEdDiff button
	wikEdDiffButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'wikEdDiffButton';
	wikEdDiffButton.title = wikEdText['wikEdDiffButton title'];
	wikEdDiffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButton';

// add button image
	var diffImg = document.createElement('img'); = 'wikEdDiffButtonImg';
	diffImg.src = wikEdImage['wikEdDiff'];
	diffImg.title = wikEdText['wikEdDiffButton title'];
	diffImg.alt = wikEdText['wikEdDiffButtonImg alt'];

	wikEdDiffDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdDiffDiv';
	wikEdDiffDiv.className = 'wikEdDiffDiv'; = 'none';

// add wrapper after diff table
	if (wikEdDiffTable.nextSibling != null) {
		wikEdDiffTable.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEdDiffWrapper, wikEdDiffTable.nextSibling);
	else {

// add event listener to button
	wikEdDiffButton.onclick = WikEdDiff;

// run WikEdDiff if enabled in wikEd
	if (typeof(wikEdDiffPreset) == 'boolean') {
		if ( (wikEdDiffPreset == true) && (WikEdDiffGetCookie('wikEdDiff') == '') ) {


// WikEdDiff: fetch the old versions using ajax to display a diff

function WikEdDiff() {

// check if set tup
	if (wikEdDiffDiv == null) {

// display diff = 'block';

// fetch only once
	if (wikEdDiffDiv.innerHTML.length > 0) {

// check if this is a diff page
	if (wikEdDiffTable == null) {

// display div
	if (wikEdDiffDiv.innerHTML.length == 0) {
		wikEdDiffDiv.innerHTML = wikEdText['wikEdDiffLoading'];

// generate request url from MediaWiki variables or from location url
	var url;
	if (typeof(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')) == 'string') {
		url = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php';
	else {
		url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + '/' + window.location.pathname;
	var article;
	if (typeof(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) == 'string') {
		article = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
	else {
		var articleMatch =\?|&)title=([^&#]+)/);
 		article = articleMatch[2];
	url += '?title=' + encodeURIComponent(article) + '&action=raw&maxage=0';

// get diff table and version link cells
	var tdArray = document.getElementsByTagName('TD');
	var tdOld;
	var tdNew;
	for (var i = 0; i < tdArray.length; i ++) {
		if (tdArray[i].className == 'diff-otitle') {
			tdOld = tdArray[i];
		else if (tdArray[i].className == 'diff-ntitle') {
			tdNew = tdArray[i];
	if ( (tdOld == null) || (tdNew == null) ) {

	var oldVersion = null;
	var newVersion = null;

	var oldUrl;
	var newUrl;

// preview pages use latest article version and textarea
	if (/(\?|&)action=submit\b/.test( == true) {
		var textarea = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1');
		if (textarea.length == 0) {
		newVersion = textarea[0].value;
		newVersion = newVersion.replace(/\s+$/g, '');
		if (typeof(mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) == 'string') {
			oldUrl = url + '&oldid=' + mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId');
		else {
			oldUrl = url;

// diff pages use two different old versions
	else {

// get revision id numbers from links in table cells
		var versionMatchOld = tdOld.innerHTML.match(/(\?|&amp;)oldid=(\d+)/);
		var versionMatchNew = tdNew.innerHTML.match(/(\?|&amp;)oldid=(\d+)/);
		if (versionMatchOld == null) {
		oldUrl = url + '&oldid=' + versionMatchOld[2];
		if (versionMatchNew != null) {
			newUrl = url + '&oldid=' + versionMatchNew[2];
		else {
			newUrl = url;

// allow ajax request from local copy for testing
	if (wikEdAllowLocalAjax == true) {
		if (typeof(netscape) == 'object') {'UniversalBrowserRead');

// get the old version using ajax
	var ajaxOld = WikEdDiffAjaxInitObject();
	if (ajaxOld == null) {
	}'GET', oldUrl, true);

// ajax response handler for old version
	ajaxOld.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if (ajaxOld.readyState != 4) {
		oldVersion = ajaxOld.responseText;
		if (newVersion != null) {
			WikEdDiffResponse(oldVersion, newVersion);

// get the new version using ajax
	if (newUrl != null) {
		var ajaxNew = WikEdDiffAjaxInitObject();
		if (ajaxNew == null) {
		}'GET', newUrl, true);

// ajax response handler for new version
		ajaxNew.onreadystatechange = function() {
			if (ajaxNew.readyState != 4) {
			newVersion = ajaxNew.responseText;
			if (oldVersion != null) {
				WikEdDiffResponse(oldVersion, newVersion);

// WikEdDiffResponse: calculate and display the diff between two versions

function WikEdDiffResponse(oldVersion, newVersion) {

// call external diff program
	var diffText = WDiffString(oldVersion, newVersion);
	if (wikEdFullDiff != true) {
		diffText = WDiffShortenOutput(diffText);
	wikEdDiffDiv.innerHTML = diffText; = 'block';


// get section for section editing
	var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection');
	if (section.length > 0) {
		if (section[0].value != '') {
			url += '&section=' + section[0].value;

// WikEdDiffInitObject: initialize object, keep pre-defined values

function WikEdDiffInitObject(array, preset) {

	for (var key in preset) {
		if (array[key] == null) {
			array[key] = preset[key];

// WikEdDiffInitImage: initialize images, keep pre-defined values

function WikEdDiffInitImage(array, preset) {

	for (var key in preset) {
		if (array[key] == null) {

// remove MediaWiki path prefixes and add local path
			if (wikEdUseLocalImages == true) {
				array[key] = wikEdImagePathLocal + preset[key].replace(/^[0–9a-f]+\/[0–9a-f]+\//, '');

// add path
			else {
				array[key] = wikEdImagePath + preset[key];

// WikEdDiffStyleSheet: create a new style sheet object, also defined in wikEdDiff.js

function WikEdDiffStyleSheet(documentObject) {

	this.styleElement = null;
	if (documentObject == null) {
		documentObject = document;

// IE
	if (documentObject.createStyleSheet) {
		this.styleElement = documentObject.createStyleSheet();

// standards compliant browsers
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		this.styleElement.from = 'text/css';
		var insert = documentObject.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
		if (insert != null) {

// addRule: add one rule at the time using DOM method, very slow

// IE
	this.addRule = function(selector, declaration) {
		if (this.styleElement.addRule) {
			this.styleElement.addRule(selector, declaration);

// standards compliant browsers
		else {
			if (this.styleElement.sheet != null) {
				if (this.styleElement.sheet.insertRule != null) {
					this.styleElement.sheet.insertRule(selector + ' { ' + declaration + ' } ', 0);

// addRules: add all rules at once, much faster
	this.addRules = function(rules) {
		this.styleElement.innerHTML = rules;

// WikEdDiffGetCookie: get a cookie

function WikEdDiffGetCookie(name) {
	var cookie = ' ' + document.cookie;
	var search = ' ' + name + '=';
	var setStr = '';
	var offset = 0;
	var end = 0;
	offset = cookie.indexOf(search);
	if (offset != -1) {
		offset += search.length;
		end = cookie.indexOf(';', offset)
		if (end == -1) {
			end = cookie.length;
		setStr = cookie.substring(offset, end);
		setStr = setStr.replace(/\\+/g, ' ');
		setStr = decodeURIComponent(setStr);

// WikEdDiffAjaxInitObject: cross browser wrapper for creating new XMLHttpRequest object

function WikEdDiffAjaxInitObject() {

	var ajax;

// current browsers
	try {
		ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
	catch (e) {

// IE 6
		try {
			ajax = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
		catch (e) {

// IE 5.5
			try {
				ajax = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
			catch (e) { }

// WikEdDiffGetOffsetTop: get element offset relative to window top

function WikEdDiffGetOffsetTop(element) {
	var offset = 0;
	do {
		offset += element.offsetTop;
	} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) != null );

/* </nowiki></pre> */
<!--/better changes view-->

<!--***Colour code page for top contributor***-->
importScript('User:Ais523/topcontrib.js'); // [[User:Ais523/topcontrib.js]]
<!--/colour code by contributions-->

<!--Changes since I last edited tab-->
function addSinceTab() {
    if (window.location.href.indexOf("&action=history&gotosince=true")!=-1) {
    else if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') != "Special") {
       mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "/w/index.php?title="+mw.config.get('wgPageName')+"&action=history&gotosince=true", 'since', '', "since");
function do_since_I_last_edited() {
        var csub=document.getElementById("contentSub");
        var msg=document.createElement("p");
                        ("Parsing history... please wait..."));
        csub.insertBefore(msg, csub.firstChild)

        var username=document.getElementById("pt-userpage").textContent;
        var hists=document.getElementById("pagehistory").getElementsByTagName('li');
        for (n=0;n<hists.length;n++) {
            if (hists[n].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent==username) {

                         ("You have not edited this page! (recently)"),


<!--/since I last spoke-->

<!-- green links to redirect pages-->
// [[User:Dschwen/highlightredirects.js]] – please include this line if (mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'edit' && mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') != 'Special')

var ss = document.styleSheets[0];
if (ss.insertRule) {
 ss.insertRule('{color:#05a}', ss.cssRules.length);
} else if (ss.addRule) {
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<!--/Green links to redirect-->

<!-- Free use rationale adder-->
//  importScript('User:AzaToth/morebits.js');
//  importScript('User:AWeenieMan/furme.js'); // causing bugs in IE
<!--/Free use rationale adder-->