
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
importScript('User:Shubinator/DYKcheck.js'); //DYKcheck tool
importScript("User:EpochFail/NOOB.js") // NOOB tool

/* <pre><nowiki> */

Name:      wikEd (wikEd.js)
Version:   wikEd 0.9 (beta) (November, 2006). The code is currently under active development and might change rapidly
Update:    press SHIFT-Reload to update to the newest version
Author:    Cacycle (
Bugs:      surprisingly functional
Browsers:  The program works ONLY for Mozilla-based browsers (Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, and Mozilla SeaMonkey)
License:   This code has been released into the public domain
What:      Comfortable JavaScript editor for Wikipedia and other MediaWikis
Important: This file might have to be saved as UTF-16 in order to preserve certain Unicode characters

var wikEdProgramHomepage = '';
var wikEdProgramVersion  = '0.9.7 (beta)';
var wikEdProgramDate     = 'November 14, 2006';

// user configurable variables

// CSS rules edit frame
var wikEdFrameCSS = wikEdFrameCSS || [];

wikEdFrameCSS['body']                      = wikEdFrameCSS['body']                      || 'background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0px; padding: 0.2em; overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical; overflow-x: auto; font-family: monospace;';

// syntax highlighting
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBlock']               = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBlock']               || 'background-color: #e8e8e8;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBlockTag']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBlockTag']            || 'color: #0000e0;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdInlineTag']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdInlineTag']           || 'color: #0000e0;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdUnknown']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdUnknown']             || 'background-image: url({wikEdUnknown});';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSubscript']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSubscript']           || 'position: relative; top: 0.3em;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSuperscript']         = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSuperscript']         || 'position: relative; top: -0.3em;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBold']                = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBold']                || 'font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdComment']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdComment']             || 'background-color: #fff0d0;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdDel']                 = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdDel']                 || 'text-decoration: line-through;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdIns']                 = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdIns']                 || 'text-decoration: underline;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdItalic']              = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdItalic']              || 'font-style: italic;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdRGB']                 = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdRGB']                 || '';

// horizontal rule
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHR']                  = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHR']                  || 'background-color: #d0d0d0;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHRInline']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHRInline']            || 'background-color: #d0d0d0;';

// wiki code
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdWiki']                = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdWiki']                || 'color: #0000e0;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdWikiRedir']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdWikiRedir']           || 'color: #0000e0; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;';

// headings
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHeading']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHeading']             || 'background-color: #e0e0e0; font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHeadingWp']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdHeadingWp']           || 'background-color: #d8e0ff; font-weight: bold;';

// tables
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTableBlock']          = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTableBlock']          || 'background-color: #e8e8e8;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTableLine']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTableLine']           || 'background-color: #e8e8e8;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTableTag']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTableTag']            || 'background-color: #e8e8e8; color: #0000e0;';

// list
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdListBlock']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdListBlock']           || 'background-color: #e8e8e8;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdListLine']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdListLine']            || 'background-color: #f0f0f0';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdListTag']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdListTag']             || 'background-color: #e8e8e8; color: #0000e0; font-weight: bold;';

// space-pre
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSpaceBlock']          = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSpaceBlock']          || 'background-color: #e8e8e8;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSpaceLine']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSpaceLine']           || 'background-color: #e8e8e8;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSpaceTag']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdSpaceTag']            || 'color: #0000e0; font-weight: bold;';

// wiki links, images, categories, templates
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkTag']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkTag']             || 'color: #0000e0;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLink']                = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLink']                || '';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImage']               = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImage']               || 'background-color: #d5ffaa;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCat']                 = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCat']                 || 'background-color: #d0d8ff;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTempl']               = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTempl']               || 'background-color: #e0e8ff;';

// interlanguage
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdInter']               = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdInter']               || '';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkInter']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkInter']           || 'background-color: #c8c8ff;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImageInter']          = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImageInter']          || 'background-color: #c8c8ff;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCatInter']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCatInter']            || 'background-color: #c8c8ff;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTemplInter']          = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTemplInter']          || 'background-color: #c8c8ff;';

// name
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkName']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkName']            || 'color: #f00000; font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImageName']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImageName']           || 'font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCatName']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCatName']             || 'color: #f00000; font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTemplName']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTemplName']           || 'color: #f00000; font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdURLLink']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdURLLink']             || 'color: #f00000; font-weight: bold;';

// text and parameters
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkText']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdLinkText']            || 'font-weight: bold;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImageText']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdImageText']           || '';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCatText']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCatText']             || '';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTemplText']           = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTemplText']           || '';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdURLText']             = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdURLText']             || 'font-weight: bold;';

// insert wikicode here
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdInsertHere']          = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdInsertHere']          || 'background-color: orange; font-style: italic;';

// invisibles, control chars, and strange spaces
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTab']                 = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTab']                 || 'background-image: url({wikEdTab}); background-position: right bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; display: inline;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTabPlain']            = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdTabPlain']            || 'display: inline;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCtrl']                = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdControl']             || 'background-image: url({wikEdCtrl}); background-position: left center; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color: white; display: inline;';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCtrl:before']         = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdCtrl:before']         || 'content: \'\u00a0\'';
wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdBlank']               = wikEdFrameCSS['.wikEdControl']             || 'background-image: url({wikEdBlank}); background-position: left center; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color: white; display: inline;';

// CSS rules main window
var wikEdMainCSS = wikEdMainCSS || [];
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdCombo']                = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdCombo']                || 'font-size: smaller; padding-left: 0.1em; padding-right: 0.1em; margin-left: 0.1em; margin-right: 0.1em; height: 1.6em; vertical-align: bottom;';

// wikEd button areas
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsFormat']        = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsFormat']        || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px black solid; padding: 0.1em; margin: 0.2em  0.6em 0 0    ; float: left;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsFind']          = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsFind']          || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px black solid; padding: 0.1em; margin: 0.2em  0.6em 0 0    ; float: left;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsFix']           = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsFix']           || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px black solid; padding: 0.1em; margin: 0.2em  0.6em 0 0    ; float: left';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsControl']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsControl']       || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px black solid; padding: 0.1em; margin: 0.2em  0     0 0    ; float: right;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsPreview']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsPreview']       || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px black solid; padding: 0.1em; margin: -0.2em 0     0 0.6em; float: right;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsPreviewFull']   = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsPreviewFull']   || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px black solid; padding: 0.1em; margin: -0.2em 0     0 0.6em; float: right;';

// wikEd buttons
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButton']               = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButton']               || 'vertical-align: text-top; font-size: small; text-decoration: underline; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 0; background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px #d4d0cc solid; cursor: pointer;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButton:hover']         = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButton:hover']         || 'background: #e4e0dd; border: 1px outset; cursor: pointer;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButton:active']        = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButton:active']        || 'background: #e4e0dc; border: 1px inset;  cursor: pointer;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonFloat']          = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonFloat']          || 'background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px outset; cursor: pointer; display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 5;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonChecked']        = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonChecked']        || 'vertical-align: text-top; font-size: small; text-decoration: none; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 0; background: #ccc8c3; border: 1px solid;  border-color: black white white black; cursor: pointer;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonUnchecked']      = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonUnchecked']      || 'vertical-align: text-top; font-size: small; text-decoration: none; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 0; background: #ddd8d3; border: 1px solid;  border-color: white black black white; cursor: pointer;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonPressed']        = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonPressed']        || 'vertical-align: text-top; font-size: small; text-decoration: none; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 0; background: #ccc8c3; border: 1px solid;  border-color: black white white black; cursor: wait;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonInactive']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonInactive']       || 'vertical-align: text-top; font-size: small; text-decoration: underline; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 0; background: #c0c0c0; border: 1px #b0b0b0 solid; cursor: not-allowed';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdLocalPreview']         = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdLocalPreview']         || 'vertical-align: top; margin: 0 0.33em 0 0.15em; padding: 0;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdLocalDiff']            = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdLocalDiff']            || 'vertical-align: top; margin: 0 0.33em 0 -0.18em; padding: 0;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdClearSummary']         = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdClearSummary']         || 'vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 0.1em 0 0.5em; padding: 0 0 0.2em 0;';

// preview box
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdPreviewBoxOuter']      = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdPreviewBoxOuter']      || 'clear: both; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #808080 #d0d0d0 #d0d0d0 #808080;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdPreviewBox']           = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdPreviewBox']           || 'background-color: #f9f9f9; padding: 5px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #404040 #ffffff #ffffff #404040;';

// find field
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFindComboInput']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFindComboInput']       || 'position: relative; padding: 0; margin: 0 0.2em; font-style: normal;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdFindText']             = wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdFindText']             || 'height: 1.4em; font-family: monospace; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdFindSelect']           = wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdFindSelect']           || 'height: 1.5em; font-family: monospace; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; z-index: 1;';

// replace field
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdReplaceComboInput']    = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdReplaceComboInput']    || 'position: relative; padding: 0; margin: 0 0.2em; font-style: normal;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdReplaceText']          = wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdReplaceText']          || 'height: 1.4em; font-family: monospace; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdReplaceSelect']        = wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdReplaceSelect']        || 'height: 1.5em; font-family: monospace; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; z-index: 1;';

// summary field
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSummaryComboInput']    = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSummaryComboInput']    || 'position: relative;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wpSummary']                 = wikEdMainCSS['#wpSummary']                 || 'padding: 0; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2; width: auto;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wpSummarySelect']           = wikEdMainCSS['#wpSummarySelect']           || 'border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; z-index: 1;';

// space around submit buttons
wikEdMainCSS['.editButtons']               = wikEdMainCSS['.editButtons']               || 'margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;';

// frame
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFrameOuter']           = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFrameOuter']           || 'width: 100%; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.1em; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #808080 #d0d0d0 #d0d0d0 #808080;';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFrameInner']           = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFrameInner']           || 'padding: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #404040 #ffffff #ffffff #404040;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdFrame']                = wikEdMainCSS['#wikEdFrame']                || 'width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: none;';

// various
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdHelpSpan']             = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdHelpSpan']             || '';

// summary
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSummaryWrapper']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSummaryWrapper']       || 'margin: 0.25em 0 0.4em 0;';
wikEdMainCSS['#wpSummaryLabel']            = wikEdMainCSS['#wpSummaryLabel']            || 'margin-right: 0.2em';
wikEdMainCSS['.editOptions']               = wikEdMainCSS['.editOptions']               || 'position: relative; top: 0.1em;';

// input wrapper
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdInputWrapper']         = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdInputWrapper']         || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdInputWrapperFull']     = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdInputWrapperFull']     || 'position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; padding: 4px; background: white;';

// other wrappers
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdToolbarWrapper']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdToolbarWrapper']       || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdTextareaWrapper']      = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdTextareaWrapper']      || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFrameWrapper']         = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdFrameWrapper']         || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdConsoleWrapper']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdConsoleWrapper']       || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsWrapper']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdButtonsWrapper']       || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSubmitWrapper']        = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSubmitWrapper']        || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper'] = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper'] || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdPreviewWrapper']       = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdPreviewWrapper']       || '';
wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdInsertWrapper']        = wikEdMainCSS['.wikEdInsertWrapper']        || '';

// general settings

// history length for find, replace, and summary fields
var wikEdHistoryLength = wikEdHistoryLength || [];
wikEdHistoryLength['find'] = 10;
wikEdHistoryLength['replace'] = 10;
wikEdHistoryLength['summary'] = 12;

// presets for combo input fields dropdown options, {wikEdUsing} appends a link to this script
var wikEdComboPresetOptions = wikEdComboPresetOptions || [];
wikEdComboPresetOptions['summary'] = wikEdComboPresetOptions['summary'] || [
	'article created',
	'intro rewrite',
	'fixing typos',
	'removing linkspam',
	'reverting test',
	'reverting vandalism',
	'formatting source text',

// text for summary link to this script
var wikEdSummaryUsing = wikEdSummaryUsing || 'using [[User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]';

// expiration time span for history cookies in seconds
var wikEdCookieExpireSec = wikEdCookieExpireSec || (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);

// find ahead as you type checkbox preset
var wikEdFindAheadSelected = wikEdFindAheadSelected || true;

// highlight syntax preset
var wikEdHighlightSyntax = wikEdHighlightSyntax || true;

// enable wikEd preset
var useWikEd = useWikEd || true;

// use local copies of images for testing (set to true in local copy of edit page)
var wikEdUseLocalImages = wikEdUseLocalImages;

// path to local images used by wikEd for testing
var wikEdImagePathLocal = wikEdImagePathLocal || 'file:///D:/wikEd/images/';

// path to images used by wikEd
var wikEdImagePath = wikEdImagePath || '';

// text zoom for edit window (percentage)
var wikEdTextZoom = wikEdTextZoom || 100;

// remove invisible syntax highlighting comments after closing tag
var wikEdRemoveHighlightComments = wikEdRemoveHighlightComments || true;

// show the edit toolbar when the rich-text edit frame is active
var wikEdShowToolbar = wikEdShowToolbar || true;

// show the text-to-source button for testing purposes
var wikEdShowSourceButton = wikEdShowSourceButton || true;

// remove linebreak before minor edit checkbox
var wikEdNoLinebreak = wikEdNoLinebreak || true;

// show the text-to-source button for testing purposes
var wikEdHelpPageLink = wikEdHelpPageLink || ' | <a href="" target="helpwindow">wikEd_Help</a>';

// image filenames
var wikEdImage = wikEdImage || [];
wikEdImage['blank']           = wikEdImage['blank']           || wikEdImagePath + '5/51/WikEd_blank.png';
wikEdImage['bold']            = wikEdImage['bold']            || wikEdImagePath + '5/59/WikEd_bold.png';
wikEdImage['bulletList']      = wikEdImage['bulletList']      || wikEdImagePath + '6/62/WikEd_bullet_list.png';
wikEdImage['case']            = wikEdImage['case']            || wikEdImagePath + 'a/aa/WikEd_case.png';
wikEdImage['caseSensitive']   = wikEdImage['caseSensitive']   || wikEdImagePath + '0/0d/WikEd_case_sensitive.png';
wikEdImage['classic']         = wikEdImage['classic']         || wikEdImagePath + '9/9e/WikEd_classic.png';
wikEdImage['clearFind']       = wikEdImage['clearFind']       || wikEdImagePath + 'f/f0/WikEd_clear_find.png';
wikEdImage['clearHistory']    = wikEdImage['clearHistory']    || wikEdImagePath + 'c/c8/WikEd_clear_history.png';
wikEdImage['clearSummary']    = wikEdImage['clearSummary']    || wikEdImagePath + '2/2c/WikEd_clear_summary.png';
wikEdImage['close']           = wikEdImage['close']           || wikEdImagePath + '9/97/WikEd_close.png';
wikEdImage['ctrl']            = wikEdImage['ctrl']            || wikEdImagePath + '1/10/WikEd_ctrl.png';
wikEdImage['decreaseHeading'] = wikEdImage['decreaseHeading'] || wikEdImagePath + '7/72/WikEd_decrease_heading.png';
wikEdImage['definitionList']  = wikEdImage['definitionList']  || wikEdImagePath + 'f/f5/WikEd_definition_list.png';
wikEdImage['diff']            = wikEdImage['diff']            || wikEdImagePath + 'd/db/WikEd_diff.png';
wikEdImage['error']           = wikEdImage['error']           || wikEdImagePath + '3/3e/WikEd_error.png';
wikEdImage['findAhead']       = wikEdImage['findAhead']       || wikEdImagePath + '3/34/WikEd_find_ahead.png';
wikEdImage['findAll']         = wikEdImage['findAll']         || wikEdImagePath + '7/75/WikEd_find_all.png';
wikEdImage['findNext']        = wikEdImage['findNext']        || wikEdImagePath + 'a/ad/WikEd_find_next.png';
wikEdImage['findPrev']        = wikEdImage['findPrev']        || wikEdImagePath + 'f/f5/WikEd_find_prev.png';
wikEdImage['fixAll']          = wikEdImage['fixAll']          || wikEdImagePath + '8/86/WikEd_fix_all.png';
wikEdImage['fixBasic']        = wikEdImage['fixBasic']        || wikEdImagePath + '3/30/WikEd_fix_basic.png';
wikEdImage['fixCaps']         = wikEdImage['fixCaps']         || wikEdImagePath + '0/00/WikEd_fix_caps.png';
wikEdImage['fixUnicode']      = wikEdImage['fixUnicode']      || wikEdImagePath + 'd/d4/WikEd_fix_unicode.png';
wikEdImage['fixChem']         = wikEdImage['fixChem']         || wikEdImagePath + 'e/e7/WikEd_fix_chem.png';
wikEdImage['fixDash']         = wikEdImage['fixDash']         || wikEdImagePath + 'e/e5/WikEd_fix_dash.png';
wikEdImage['fixHtml']         = wikEdImage['fixHtml']         || wikEdImagePath + '0/05/WikEd_fix_html.png';
wikEdImage['fixMath']         = wikEdImage['fixMath']         || wikEdImagePath + '3/3f/WikEd_fix_math.png';
wikEdImage['fixPunct']        = wikEdImage['fixPunct']        || wikEdImagePath + 'd/db/WikEd_fix_punct.png';
wikEdImage['fixUnits']        = wikEdImage['fixUnits']        || wikEdImagePath + '6/69/WikEd_fix_units.png';
wikEdImage['textZoom']        = wikEdImage['textZoom']        || wikEdImagePath + '7/71/WikEd_font_size.png';
wikEdImage['fullScreen']      = wikEdImage['fullScreen']      || wikEdImagePath + 'd/d3/WikEd_fullscreen.png';
wikEdImage['getFind']         = wikEdImage['getFind']         || wikEdImagePath + '9/96/WikEd_get_selection.png';
//wikEdImage['getFindReplace']= wikEdImage['getFindReplace']  || wikEdImagePath + '9/95/WikEd_get_selection_both.png';
wikEdImage['highlightSyntax'] = wikEdImage['highlightSyntax'] || wikEdImagePath + '6/67/WikEd_syntax.png';
wikEdImage['image']           = wikEdImage['image']           || wikEdImagePath + '3/37/WikEd_image.png';
wikEdImage['increaseHeading'] = wikEdImage['increaseHeading'] || wikEdImagePath + '5/50/WikEd_increase_heading.png';
wikEdImage['indentList']      = wikEdImage['indentList']      || wikEdImagePath + '7/7a/WikEd_indent_list.png';
wikEdImage['italic']          = wikEdImage['italic']          || wikEdImagePath + 'd/d4/WikEd_italic.png';
wikEdImage['jumpTopBottom']   = wikEdImage['jumpTopBottom']   || wikEdImagePath + '5/5d/WikEd_jump_top_bottom.png';
wikEdImage['lastPos']         = wikEdImage['lastPos']         || wikEdImagePath + '5/54/WikEd_jump_next.png';
wikEdImage['logo']            = wikEdImage['logo']            || wikEdImagePath + '6/67/WikEd_logo.png';
wikEdImage['nowiki']          = wikEdImage['nowiki']          || wikEdImagePath + '5/5a/WikEd_nowiki.png';
wikEdImage['numberList']      = wikEdImage['numberList']      || wikEdImagePath + '3/3b/WikEd_number_list.png';
wikEdImage['prevPos']         = wikEdImage['prevPos']         || wikEdImagePath + 'c/c7/WikEd_jump_prev.png';
wikEdImage['preview']         = wikEdImage['preview']         || wikEdImagePath + '3/31/WikEd_preview.png';
wikEdImage['redirect']        = wikEdImage['redirect']        || wikEdImagePath + 'f/fa/WikEd_redirect.png';
wikEdImage['redo']            = wikEdImage['redo']            || wikEdImagePath + 'd/d7/WikEd_redo.png';
wikEdImage['redoAll']         = wikEdImage['redoAll']         || wikEdImagePath + '2/2d/WikEd_redo_all.png';
wikEdImage['regExp']          = wikEdImage['regExp']          || wikEdImagePath + '6/6a/WikEd_regexp.png';
wikEdImage['replaceAll']      = wikEdImage['replaceAll']      || wikEdImagePath + '2/2a/WikEd_replace_all.png';
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wikEdImage['replacePrev']     = wikEdImage['replacePrev']     || wikEdImagePath + 'a/a1/WikEd_replace_prev.png';
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wikEdImage['scrollToText']    = wikEdImage['scrollToText']    || wikEdImagePath + '1/13/WikEd_align_top.png';
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wikEdImage['subscript']       = wikEdImage['subscript']       || wikEdImagePath + '9/9e/WikEd_subscript.png';
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wikEdImage['undo']            = wikEdImage['undo']            || wikEdImagePath + 'e/e6/WikEd_undo.png';
wikEdImage['undoAll']         = wikEdImage['undoAll']         || wikEdImagePath + '0/08/WikEd_undo_all.png';
wikEdImage['unknown']         = wikEdImage['unknown']         || wikEdImagePath + '8/8a/WikEd_unknown.png';
wikEdImage['updateSyntax']    = wikEdImage['updateSyntax']    || wikEdImagePath + '6/67/WikEd_syntax.png';
wikEdImage['useWikEd']        = wikEdImage['useWikEd']        || wikEdImagePath + '6/67/WikEd_logo.png';
wikEdImage['webLink']         = wikEdImage['webLink']         || wikEdImagePath + '1/16/WikEd_weblink.png';
wikEdImage['wikify']          = wikEdImage['wikify']          || wikEdImagePath + '9/9f/WikEd_wikify.png';
wikEdImage['wikiLink']        = wikEdImage['wikiLink']        || wikEdImagePath + '2/21/WikEd_wikilink.png';

// end of user configurable variables

// global variables

// history
var wikEdFieldHist = [];
var wikEdCookieName = [];
var wikEdInputElement = [];
var wikEdSelectElement = [];

var wikEdCheckMarker = [];
wikEdCheckMarker[true] = '\u2022';
wikEdCheckMarker[false] = '\u22c5';

// cache the parsed DOM object
var wikEdFrameDOMCache = null;

// undo all, redo all
var wikEdOrigVersion = '';
var wikEdLastVersion = null;

// global dom elements
var wikEdTextarea = {};
var wikEdFrame = {};
var wikEdFrameBody = {};
var wikEdFrameDocument = {};
var wikEdFrameWindow = {};

var wikEdInputWrapper = {};
var wikEdToolbarWrapper = {};
var wikEdTextareaWrapper = {};
var wikEdFrameWrapper = {};
var wikEdConsoleWrapper = {};
var wikEdButtonsWrapper = {};
var wikEdSummaryWrapper = {};
var wikEdSubmitWrapper = {};
var wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper = {};
var wikEdPreviewWrapper = {};
var wikEdInsertWrapper = {};

var wikEdButtonsFormat = {};
var wikEdButtonsFind = {};
var wikEdButtonsFix = {};
var wikEdButtonsControl = {};
var wikEdButtonsPreview = {};
var wikEdPreviewBox = {};
var wikEdButtonsPreview2 = {};

var wikEdCaseSensitive = {};
var wikEdRegExp = {};
var wikEdFindAhead = {};

var wikEdFindText = {};
var wikEdReplaceText = {};
var wikEdSummaryText = {};

// various
var wikEdFullScreenMode = false;

var wikEdTextareaHeight;
var wikEdLastPosObj = null;

// counters
var i;
var j;

// add setup routine to addOnloadHook
if (window.addOnloadHook != null) {

// wiki file paths for use in regexps
var wikEdServer = mw.config.get('wgServer');
var wikEdArticlePath = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath');
var wikEdScriptPath = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath');
wikEdServer = wikEdServer.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');
wikEdArticlePath = wikEdArticlePath.replace(mw.config.get('wgServer'), '');
wikEdScriptPath = wikEdScriptPath.replace(mw.config.get('wgServer'), '');
wikEdArticlePath = wikEdArticlePath.replace(/\$1$/, '');
wikEdScriptPath = wikEdScriptPath.replace(/\/?$/, '/');;
wikEdArticlePath = wikEdArticlePath.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');
wikEdScriptPath = wikEdScriptPath.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');

// insertTags: override the insertTags function in wikibits.js

function insertTags(tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) {

	if (useWikEd == true) {
		WikEdEditButton('wikEdInsertTags', [tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText]);

//   apply tagOpen / tagClose to selection in textarea,
//   use sampleText instead of selection if there is none
//   taken from wikibits.js
	else {
		if (wikEdTextarea.selectionStart || wikEdTextarea.selectionStart == '0') {
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			var startPos = wikEdTextarea.selectionStart;
			var endPos = wikEdTextarea.selectionEnd;
			if (endPos - startPos) {
				replaced = true;
			var scrollTop = wikEdTextarea.scrollTop;
			var myText = (wikEdTextarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos);
			if (! myText) {
				myText = sampleText;

// exclude ending space char, if any
 			if (myText.charAt(myText.length - 1) == ' ') {
				subst = tagOpen + myText.substring(0, (myText.length - 1)) + tagClose + ' ';
			else {
				subst = tagOpen + myText + tagClose;
			wikEdTextarea.value = wikEdTextarea.value.substring(
				0, startPos) + subst + wikEdTextarea.value.substring(endPos, wikEdTextarea.value.length

// set new selection
			if (replaced) {
				var cPos = startPos+(tagOpen.length + myText.length + tagClose.length);
				wikEdTextarea.selectionStart = cPos;
				wikEdTextarea.selectionEnd = cPos;
			else {
				wikEdTextarea.selectionStart = startPos + tagOpen.length;
				wikEdTextarea.selectionEnd = startPos + tagOpen.length + myText.length;
			wikEdTextarea.scrollTop = scrollTop;

// reposition cursor if possible
		if (wikEdTextarea.createTextRange) {
			wikEdTextarea.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();


// WikEdSetup: setup routine, called

function WikEdSetup() {

	var html = '';

// check if setup was already run
	if (document.getElementById('wikEdLogo') != null) {

// insert logo into personal toolbar
	var logo = {};
	logo.img = document.createElement('img');
	logo.lnk = document.createElement('a');
	logo.lnk.href = wikEdProgramHomepage;
	logo.lnk.alt = 'WikEd Logo';
	var listObj = document.createElement('li'); = 'wikEdLogo';
	var personalTools = document.getElementById('p-personal').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

// set error logo
	WikEdSetLogo(logo, false);

// at the moment this works only for mozilla browsers (Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey)
	if (navigator.appName == null) {
	var nameMatch = navigator.appName.match(/Netscape/i);
	if (nameMatch == null) {
	var name = nameMatch[0];
	if ( (name == null) || (name == '') ) {
	var version = navigator.appVersion.match(/\d+(\.\d+)/)[0];
	if ( (version == null) || (version < 5.0) ) {

// check if this is an edit page
	wikEdTextarea = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
	if (wikEdTextarea == null) {

// reset error indicator

// get initial textarea height
	wikEdTextareaHeight = wikEdTextarea.offsetHeight;

// setup the undo buffers and save the original text for local changes view
	wikEdOrigVersion = wikEdTextarea.value;

// add stylesheet definitions
	var mainStyle = new WikEdStyleSheet();
	for (var rule in wikEdMainCSS) {
		mainStyle.addRule(rule, wikEdMainCSS[rule]);

// rewrite image paths to local copies for testing
	if (wikEdUseLocalImages == true) {

// remove MediaWiki upload paths
		var regExpStr = '/[0-9a-f]+/[0-9a-f]+(/[\\w\\.]+)$';
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		for (i in wikEdImage) {
			wikEdImage[i] = wikEdImage[i].replace(regExp, '$1');
			wikEdImage[i] = wikEdImage[i].replace(wikEdImagePath, wikEdImagePathLocal);

// create wikEd element wrappers

// create input wrapper, this contains the whole fullscreen content
	wikEdInputWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdInputWrapper';
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	wikEdTextarea.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEdInputWrapper, wikEdTextarea);

// create toolbar wrapper
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// create textarea wrapper
	wikEdTextareaWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdTextareaWrapper';
	wikEdTextareaWrapper.className = 'wikEdTextareaWrapper';

// create frame wrapper
	wikEdFrameWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdFrameWrapper';
	wikEdFrameWrapper.className = 'wikEdFrameWrapper';

// create console wrapper for buttons, summary, and submit
	wikEdConsoleWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdConsoleWrapper';
	wikEdConsoleWrapper.className = 'wikEdConsoleWrapper';

// create buttons wrapper for wikEd buttons
	wikEdButtonsWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdButtonsWrapper';
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// create summary wrapper for summary, minor edit, and watch this page
	wikEdSummaryWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdSummaryWrapper';
	wikEdSummaryWrapper.className = 'wikEdSummaryWrapper';

// create submit wrapper for submit buttons and help links
	wikEdSubmitWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdSubmitWrapper';
	wikEdSubmitWrapper.className = 'wikEdSubmitWrapper';

// create submit wrapper for submit buttons and help links
	wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper';
	wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdSubmitButtonsWrapper';

// create preview wrapper for preview and diff box
	wikEdPreviewWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdPreviewWrapper';
	wikEdPreviewWrapper.className = 'wikEdPreviewWrapper'; = 'none';

// create insert wrapper for insert special chars links
	wikEdInsertWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdInsertWrapper';
	wikEdInsertWrapper.className = 'wikEdInsertWrapper';

// append input wrapper to document
	wpEditform = document.getElementById('editform');
	wpEditform.insertBefore(wikEdInputWrapper, wpEditform.firstChild);

// fill the wrappers

// add toolbar to toolbar wrapper
	wpToolbar = document.getElementById('toolbar');
	if (wpToolbar != null) {

// call wikibits:mwSetupToolbar() now because it would terminate with an error after setting textarea to display: none
	if (useWikEd == true) {
		if (wpToolbar != null) {
			if (wpToolbar.getElementsByTagName('IMG').length == 0) {
				if (mwSetupToolbar != null) {
				window.removeEventListener('load', mwSetupToolbar, false);

// add summary elements to summary wrapper
	var summaryLabel = document.getElementById('wpSummaryLabel');

	wikEdSummaryText = document.getElementById('wpSummary');

// move editpage-copywarn out of summary wrapper
// needs to be done before appending editOptions to summary wrapper otherwise a linebreak stays (Mozilla bug)
	var copywarn = document.getElementById('editpage-copywarn');
	if (copywarn != null) {
		wikEdInputWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(copywarn, wikEdInputWrapper.nextSibling);

// crashes Mozilla when appended after filling the iframe
	var editOptions = document.getElementById('wpMinoredit').parentNode;

// add textarea to textarea wrapper

// add edit frame to frame wrapper
// any DOM changes to a starting iframe in designmode may crash the browser, including DOM move, display: none; and position: absolute;

// create the iframe
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// fill the frame with content
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	wikEdFrameBody = wikEdFrameDocument.body;

// add wikEd buttons to buttons wrapper

// format buttons
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButtonInactive"  src="' + wikEdImage['redo']            + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Redo"               title="Redo"                                                     id="wikEdRedo"                  onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdRedo\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['bold']            + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Bold"               title="Bold text"                                                id="wikEdBold"                  onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdBold\');">';
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['underline']       + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Underline"          title="Underline text"                                           id="wikEdUnderline"             onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdUnderline\');">';
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['nowiki']          + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Nowiki"             title="Nowiki markup text"                                       id="wikEdNowiki"                onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdNowiki\');">';
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['subscript']       + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Subscript"          title="Subscript text"                                           id="wikEdSubscript"             onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdSubscript\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['case']            + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Case"               title="Toggle between lowercase, uppercase first, and uppercase" id="wikEdCase"                  onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdCase\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['undoAll']         + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Undo all"           title="Undo all changes"                                         id="wikEdUndoAll"               onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdUndoAll\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButtonInactive"  src="' + wikEdImage['redoAll']         + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Redo all"           title="Redo all changes"                                         id="wikEdRedoAll"               onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdRedoAll\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['updateSyntax']    + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Syntax"             title="Update syntax highlighting"                               id="wikEdUpdateSyntax"          onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdUpdateSyntax\');">';
	html += '<br />';

	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['wikiLink']        + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Link"               title="Wiki link"                                                id="wikEdWikiLink"              onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdWikiLink\');">';
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['numberList']      + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Number list"        title="Numbered list"                                            id="wikEdNumberList"            onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdNumberList\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['indentList']      + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Indent list"        title="Indented list"                                            id="wikEdIndentList"            onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdIndentList\');">';
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['redirect']        + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Redirect"           title="Create redirect, deletes whole text"                      id="wikEdRedirect"              onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdRedirect\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['wikify']          + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Wikify"             title="Wikify pasted content"                                    id="wikEdWikify"                onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdWikify\');">';
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// wikEd control buttons
	html += '<div class="wikEdButtonsControl" id="wikEdButtonsControl">';
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['clearHistory']    + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Clear history"      title="Clear the find, replace, and summary history"             id="wikEdClearHistory"          onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdClearHistory\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['scrollToButtons'] + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Scroll buttons"     title="Scroll to edit buttons"                                   id="wikEdScrollToButtons"       onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdScrollToButtons\');">';
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	html += '<br />';

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	html += '<img class="wikEdButtonUnchecked" src="' + wikEdImage['highlightSyntax'] + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Syntax"             title="Toggle automatic syntax highlighting"                     id="wikEdHighlightSyntax"       onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdHighlightSyntax\', true);">';
	if (wikEdShowSourceButton == true) {
		html += '<img class="wikEdButton"        src="' + wikEdImage['source']          + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Source"             title="Show the source code for testing purposes"                id="wikEdSource"                onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdSource\');">';
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	html += '</div>';

// find / replace buttons
	html += '<div class="wikEdButtonsFind" id="wikEdButtonsFind">';

	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['getFind']         + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Get find"           title="Copy selection to find field (double click: copy selection to find and to replace field)" id="wikEdGetFind" onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdGetFind\');" ondblclick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdGetFindReplace\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['findAll']         + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Find all"           title="Not yet implemented. Find all matches in whole text or selection"              id="wikEdFindAll"               onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdFindAll\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['findPrev']        + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Find prev"          title="Find previous match"                                      id="wikEdFindPrev"              onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdFindPrev\');">';

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	html += '<img class="wikEdButtonInactive"  src="' + wikEdImage['lastPos']         + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Jump next"          title="Jump back to last position"                               id="wikEdLastPos"               onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdLastPos\');">';
	html += '<br />';

//html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['getFindReplace']  + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Get find + replace" title="Copy selection to find and replace fields"                id="wikEdGetFind"               onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdGetFindReplace\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['clearFind']       + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Clear find"         title="Clear the find field (to search for selected text)"       id="wikEdClearFind"             onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdClearFind\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['replaceAll']      + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Replace all"        title="Not yet mplemented. Replace all matches in whole text or selection"           id="wikEdReplaceAll"            onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdReplaceAll\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['replacePrev']     + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Replace prev"       title="Replace previous match"                                   id="wikEdReplacePrev"           onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdReplacePrev\');">';

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	html += '<img class="wikEdButtonUnchecked" src="' + wikEdImage['regExp']          + '" width="16" height="16" alt="RegExp"             title="Search field is a regular expression"                     id="wikEdRegExp"                onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdRegExp\', true);">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButtonUnchecked" src="' + wikEdImage['findAhead']       + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Find ahead"         title="Find ahead as you type (only for non-regexp searches)"    id="wikEdFindAhead"             onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdFindAhead\', true);">';
	html += '</div>';

// fixing buttons
	html += '<div class="wikEdButtonsFix" id="wikEdButtonsFix">';

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	html += '<br />';

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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['fixChem']         + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Fix chem"           title="Fix chemical formulas"                                    id="wikEdFixChem"               onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdFixChem\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['fixUnits']        + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Fix units"          title="Fix units"                                                id="wikEdFixUnits"              onClick="javascript:WikEdEditButton(\'wikEdFixUnits\');">';
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// add html to buttons wrapper
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	wikEdButtonsFix = document.getElementById('wikEdButtonsFix');
	wikEdButtonsControl = document.getElementById('wikEdButtonsControl');
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	wikEdRegExp = document.getElementById('wikEdRegExp');
	wikEdFindAhead = document.getElementById('wikEdFindAhead');
	wikEdFindText = document.getElementById('wikEdFindText');
	wikEdReplaceText = document.getElementById('wikEdReplaceText');

// add submit buttons to submit wrapper
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// add preview box top bar to submit wrapper
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	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['diff']            + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Changes"            title="Show current changes below"                               id="wikEdDiff"                  onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdDiff\');">';
	html += '<img class="wikEdButton"          src="' + wikEdImage['close']           + '" width="16" height="16" alt="Close"              title="Close preview box"                                        id="wikEdClose"                 onClick="javascript:WikEdButton(\'wikEdClose\');">';
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// add preview box and its bottom bar to preview wrapper
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// add insert special chars to insert wrapper
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// wrappers filled

// display only the textarea or the iframe
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// add local preview button next to submit button
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	localPreviewImg.alt = 'Preview below';

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// add local diff button next to submit button
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	localDiff.className = 'wikEdLocalDiff';

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	localDiffImg.alt = 'Changes below';

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// initialize image buttons
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// no linebreak before minor edit checkbox
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// add a clear summary button left to the summary input field
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// clear the summary onclick function
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// clear the summary if it is only a paragraph name
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// clear the summary but leave paragraph names
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// make the summary a combo box

// style needs to be declared here so that it is not overridden by monobook.css = 'auto';

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	summarySelect.onfocus = function() {

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// shorten submit button texts and add onclick handler
	document.getElementById('wpPreview').value = 'Preview';
	document.getElementById('wpDiff').value = 'Changes';

// set up combo input boxes with history
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	wikEdCookieName['find'] = 'findHistory';
	wikEdInputElement['find'] = new Object(wikEdFindText);
	wikEdSelectElement['find'] = new Object(document.getElementById('wikEdFindSelect'));
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// add a link to the wikEd help page
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// add frame stylesheet definition = parseInt(wikEdTextZoom) + '%;';
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// copy the textarea content to the iframe
	if (useWikEd == true) {

// set frame events
	wikEdFrameDocument.addEventListener('keyup', WikEdKeyFrame, true);
	wikEdFrameDocument.addEventListener('keypress', WikEdKeyFrame, true);
	wikEdFrameDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', WikEdKeyFrame, true);

// find ahead events
	wikEdFindText.addEventListener('keyup', WikEdFindAhead, true);

// submit button events
	var saveButton = document.getElementById('wpSave');
	var previewButton = document.getElementById('wpPreview');
	var diffButton = document.getElementById('wpDiff');
	var localPreview = document.getElementById('wikEdLocalPreview');
	var localDiff = document.getElementById('wikEdLocalDiff');

// 'Save page' onclick function
	saveButton.onclick = function() {
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		if (useWikEd == true) {
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// 'Show preview' onclick function
	previewButton.onclick = function() {
		if (wikEdFullScreenMode == true) {
		if (useWikEd == true) {
		previewButton.onclick = null;;

// 'Show changes' onclick function
	diffButton.onclick = function() {
		if (wikEdFullScreenMode == true) {
		if (useWikEd == true) {
		diffButton.onclick = null;;

// 'Show preview' image button onclick function
	localPreview.onclick = function() {

// 'Show changes' image button onclick function
	localDiff.onclick = function() {

// disable scrolling to edit window on next preview page
	document.getElementById('editform').action += '&noscroll';

// scroll to edit window if it is not a preview page
	if ('noscroll') == null) {
		window.scroll(0, WikEdGetOffsetTop(wikEdInputWrapper) - 2);

// focus the edit area
	if (useWikEd == true) {
	else {
		wikEdTextarea.setSelectionRange(0, 0);

// reset error indicator


// WikEdSetLogo: set the logo on top of the page

function WikEdSetLogo(logo, error) {

	if (error == false) {
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		logo.img.alt = 'WikEd error';
		logo.lnk.title = 'WikEd ' + wikEdProgramVersion + ' (' + wikEdProgramDate + '): Loading error';
	else {
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		logo.img.alt = 'WikEd';
		logo.lnk.title = 'WikEd ' + wikEdProgramVersion + ' (' + wikEdProgramDate + ')';

// WikEdSetEditArea: apply css changes to switch between classic textarea and rich text frame

function WikEdSetEditArea(useFrame) {

// turn rich text frame on
	if (useFrame == true) { = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = 'none'; = 'static'; = 'visible'; = 'block';

		if (document.getElementById('toolbar') != null) {
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				document.getElementById('toolbar').style.display = 'block';
			else {
				document.getElementById('toolbar').style.display = 'none';
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// turn classic textarea on
	else { = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = 'none'; = 'static'; = 'visible'; = 'block';

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			document.getElementById('toolbar').style.display = 'block';
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// WikEdButton: toggle or set button checked state
//   used for buttons that do not require nor change the text. Faster than WikEdEditButton()

function WikEdButton(whichButton, toggleButton, setButton, classButton, doButton) {

// get the button object
	var buttonObj = document.getElementById(whichButton);
	if (buttonObj == null) {
		alert('Unknown button \'' + whichButton + '\'');

// check if the button is disabled
	if (buttonObj.className == 'wikEdButtonInactive') {

// set button to pressed, set cursor to hourglass = 'wait';

// init the button
	if (setButton != null) {
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			if (classButton == null) {
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				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';
	else if (classButton != null) {
		buttonObj.className = classButton;

// toggle the button
	if (toggleButton != null) {
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				buttonObj.checked = true;
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';

// perform specific actions
	if ( ( (setButton == null) && (classButton == null) ) || (doButton == true) ) {

// remove active content
		WikEdRemoveElements(['script', 'object', 'applet', 'embed']);

		switch (whichButton) {

// switch between syntax highlighting and plain text
			case 'wikEdHighlightSyntax':
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				obj.html = wikEdFrameBody.innerHTML;
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				wikEdFrameBody.innerHTML = obj.html;

// align textbox with display top
			case 'wikEdScrollToInput':
			case 'wikEdScrollToInput2':
			case 'wikEdScrollToInput3':
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				var inputWrapperTop = WikEdGetOffsetTop(wikEdInputWrapper);
				window.scroll(0, inputWrapperTop);

// align edit buttons with display top
			case 'wikEdScrollToButtons':
			case 'wikEdScrollToButtons2':
			case 'wikEdScrollToButtons3':
				var wikEdConsoleWrapper = document.getElementById('wikEdConsoleWrapper');
				var consoleWrapperTop = WikEdGetOffsetTop(wikEdConsoleWrapper);
				window.scroll(0, consoleWrapperTop);

// cycle through different font sizes
			case 'wikEdTextZoom':
				wikEdTextZoom = wikEdTextZoom / 1.2;
				if (wikEdTextZoom < 60) {
					wikEdTextZoom = Math.round(wikEdTextZoom * Math.pow(1.2, 4) );
				} = parseInt(wikEdTextZoom) + '%;';

// display local preview box
			case 'wikEdPreview':
			case 'wikEdPreview2':
			case 'wikEdLocalPreview':
				if (wikEdFullScreenMode == true) {
				if (useWikEd == true) {
				wikEdPreviewBox.innerHTML = wiki2html(wikEdTextarea.value); = 'block';

// display local diff box
			case 'wikEdDiff':
			case 'wikEdDiff2':
			case 'wikEdLocalDiff':
				if (wikEdFullScreenMode == true) {
				if (useWikEd == true) {
				var diffText = wikEdTextarea.value;
				diffText = StringDiff(wikEdOrigVersion, diffText);
				wikEdPreviewBox.innerHTML = diffText; = 'block';

// close the preview / diff box
			case 'wikEdClose':
			case 'wikEdClose2': = 'none';

// switch between textarea and frame display
//   switching an iframe in design mode immediately after initialization between absolute/static may crash mozilla
			case 'wikEdUseWikEd':

// enble wikEd
				if (buttonObj.checked == true) {

// turn rich text frame on
					useWikEd = true;

// disable wikEd
				else {
					if (wikEdFullScreenMode == true) {

// turn classic textarea on
					useWikEd = false;

// just toggle the case sensitive search button
			case 'wikEdCaseSensitive':

// just toggle the regexp search button
			case 'wikEdRegExp':

// just toggle the find-ahead-as-you-type search button
			case 'wikEdFindAhead':

// switch to fullscreen edit area
			case 'wikEdFullScreen':
				if (buttonObj.checked == true) {
				else {

// clear the find, replace, and summary history stored in cookies
			case 'wikEdClearHistory':

// clear the search find field to search for the selected text
			case 'wikEdClearFind':
				wikEdInputElement['find'].value = '';

// for testing
			case 'wikEdPlaceholder':

// reset the frame DOM cache because the frame content might have changed
	wikEdFrameDOMCache = null;

// reset cursor to normal = 'pointer';


// WikEdEditButton: editing functions
//   used for buttons that require or change the text. More tome consuming than WikEdButton()

function WikEdEditButton(whichButton, parameterArray) {

// get the button object
	var buttonObj = document.getElementById(whichButton);

// check if button is disabled
	if (buttonObj != null) {
		if (buttonObj.className == 'wikEdButtonInactive') {

// remove active content
	WikEdRemoveElements(['script', 'object', 'applet', 'embed', 'textarea']);

// get ranges to apply the changes to:
// whole text, selection, cursor, word and line under cursor and selection
	var obj = {};

// setup whole object for the whole text
	obj.whole = {};
	obj.whole.plainArray = [];
	obj.whole.plainNode = [];
	obj.whole.plainStart = [];
	obj.whole.from = 'whole';

// get whole range
	obj.whole.range = document.createRange();

// get whole plain text
	WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj.whole, wikEdFrameBody);
	obj.whole.code = obj.whole.html;
	obj.whole.plain = obj.whole.html;
	obj.whole.plain = obj.whole.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.whole.plain = obj.whole.plain.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');

// setup selection object for the selected text
	obj.selection = {};
	obj.selection.from = 'selection';

// set selection range
 	obj.sel = wikEdFrameWindow.getSelection();
	obj.selection.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1);

// copy range to document fragment
	var documentFragment = obj.selection.range.cloneContents();

// get selected text
	WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj.selection, documentFragment);
	obj.selection.code = obj.selection.html;
	obj.selection.plain = obj.selection.html;
	obj.selection.plain = obj.selection.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.selection.plain = obj.selection.plain.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');

// setup cursor object for the cursor position
	obj.cursor = {};
	obj.cursor.from = 'cursor';
	obj.cursor.range = document.createRange();
	obj.cursor.range.setStart(obj.sel.focusNode, obj.sel.focusOffset);
	obj.cursor.range.setEnd(obj.sel.focusNode, obj.sel.focusOffset);
	obj.cursor.plain = '';

// setup focusWord object for the word under the cursor
	obj.focusWord = {};
	obj.focusWord.from = 'focusWord';
	obj.focusWord.range = document.createRange();

// setup focusLine object for the line under the cursor
	obj.focusLine = {};
	obj.focusLine.from = 'focusLine';
	obj.focusLine.range = document.createRange();

// setup selectionWord object for the words under the selection
	obj.selectionWord = {};
	obj.selectionWord.from = 'selectionWord';
	obj.selectionWord.range = document.createRange();

// setup selectionLine object for the lines under the selection
	obj.selectionLine = {};
	obj.selectionLine.from = 'selectionLine';
	obj.selectionLine.range = document.createRange();

// find the respective word and line boundaries
	WikEdFindBoundaries(obj.focusWord, obj.focusLine, obj.whole, obj.cursor);
	WikEdFindBoundaries(obj.selectionWord, obj.selectionLine, obj.whole, obj.selection);

// get the wikified plain text for the word under the cursor
	var documentFragment = obj.focusWord.range.cloneContents();
	WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj.focusWord, documentFragment);
	obj.focusWord.code = obj.focusWord.html;
	obj.focusWord.plain = obj.focusWord.html;
	obj.focusWord.plain = obj.focusWord.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.focusWord.plain = obj.focusWord.plain.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');

// get the wikified plain text for the line under the cursor
	var documentFragment = obj.focusLine.range.cloneContents();
	WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj.focusLine, documentFragment);
	obj.focusLine.code = obj.focusLine.html;
	obj.focusLine.plain = obj.focusLine.html;
	obj.focusLine.plain = obj.focusLine.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.focusLine.plain = obj.focusLine.plain.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');

// get the wikified plain text for the words under the selection
	var documentFragment = obj.selectionWord.range.cloneContents();
	WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj.selectionWord, documentFragment);
	obj.selectionWord.code = obj.selectionWord.html;
	obj.selectionWord.plain = obj.selectionWord.html;
	obj.selectionWord.plain = obj.selectionWord.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.selectionWord.plain = obj.selectionWord.plain.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');

// get the wikified plain text for the lines under the selection
	var documentFragment = obj.selectionLine.range.cloneContents();
	WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj.selectionLine, documentFragment);
	obj.selectionLine.code = obj.selectionLine.html;
	obj.selectionLine.plain = obj.selectionLine.html;
	obj.selectionLine.plain = obj.selectionLine.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.selectionLine.plain = obj.selectionLine.plain.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');

// select the appropriate object to change (whole, selection, cursor, focusWord, focusLine, selectionWord, or selectionLine)
	obj.changed = {};
	switch (whichButton) {

// undo: whole
		case 'wikEdUndo':
		case 'wikEdRedo':
			obj.changed = obj.cursor; // dummy

// whole text changes: whole
		case 'wikEdUndoAll':
		case 'wikEdRedoAll':
			obj.changed = obj.whole;

// basic wiki character formatting: selection / focusWord / cursor
		case 'wikEdBold':
		case 'wikEdItalic':
		case 'wikEdUnderline':
		case 'wikEdStrikethrough':
		case 'wikEdNowiki':
		case 'wikEdSuperscript':
		case 'wikEdSubscript':
		case 'wikEdWikiLink':
		case 'wikEdWebLink':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else if (obj.focusWord.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
			else  {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

// character formatting: selection / focusWord
		case 'wikEdCase':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.focusWord;

// update syntax highlighting: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdUpdateSyntax':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

// multiple line changes: selectionLine
		case 'wikEdDecreaseHeading':
		case 'wikEdIncreaseHeading':
		case 'wikEdBulletList':
		case 'wikEdNumberList':
		case 'wikEdIndentList':
		case 'wikEdDefinitionList':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.focusLine;

// image: selectionWord (if text is selected) / cursor
		case 'wikEdImage':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selectionWord;
			else  {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

// table: selectionLine / cursor
		case 'wikEdTable':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
			else  {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

// wikify, textify: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdWikify':
		case 'wikEdTextify':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

// redirect: whole
		case 'wikEdRedirect':
			obj.changed = obj.whole;

// character formatting: selection / focusWord
		case 'wikEdGetFind':
		case 'wikEdGetFindReplace':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.focusWord;

// find and replace: find value / selection / focusWord
		case 'wikEdFindPrev':
		case 'wikEdFindNext':
		case 'wikEdReplacePrev':
		case 'wikEdReplaceNext':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else if (obj.focusWord.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = null;

// replaceall: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdFindAll':
		case 'wikEdReplaceAll':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

		case 'wikEdUpdown':
			obj.changed = obj.cursor; //dummy

// jump to position: dummy
		case 'wikEdPrevPos':
		case 'wikEdLastPos':
			obj.changed = obj.cursor; //dummy

// fixing buttons: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdFixBasic':
		case 'wikEdfixUnicode':
		case 'wikEdFixAll':
		case 'wikEdFixHtml':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.whole

// fixing buttons: selection / focusLine
		case 'wikEdFixPunct':
		case 'wikEdFixMath':
		case 'wikEdFixUnits':
		case 'wikEdFixDashes':
		case 'wikEdFixCaps':
		case 'wikEdFixChem':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.focusLine;

// fixing buttons: selection / focusWord
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.focusWord;

// source: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdSource':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

// insert tags: selection / focusWord / cursor
		case 'wikEdInsertTags':
			if (obj.selection.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else if (obj.focusWord.plain != '') {
				obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

// unknown edit function
			alert('Unknown edit function \'' + whichButton + '\'');

// reset button to active, reset cursor
			if (buttonObj != null) {
				if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
					buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';
			} = 'auto';


// exit
	if (obj.changed == null) {

// reset button to active, reset cursor
		if (buttonObj != null) {
			if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';

// set local syntax highlighting flag
	var highlightSyntax = wikEdHighlightSyntax;

// manipulate the text
	var selectChange = true;
	switch (whichButton) {

// undo
		case 'wikEdUndo':
			if (wikEdLastVersion == null) {
				wikEdLastVersion = obj.changed.plain;
			obj.changed.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1);
			obj.changed.plain = null;

// redo
		case 'wikEdRedo':
			obj.changed.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1);
			obj.changed.plain = null;

// bold
		case 'wikEdBold':
			if ( /\'\'\'([^\'].*?)\'\'\'/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\'\'\'([^\'].*?)\'\'\'/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\'\'\'' + obj.changed.plain + '\'\'\'';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(\'\'\')( *)(.*?)( *)(\'\'\')/, '$2$1$3$5$4');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\'{6,}/g, '\'\'\'\'\'');

// italic
		case 'wikEdItalic':
			if ( /(\'{3,})\'\'([^\'].*?)\'\'(\'{3,})/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(\'{3,})\'\'([^\'].*?)\'\'(\'{3,})/g, '$1$2$3');
			else if ( /(^|[^\'])\'\'([^\'].*?)\'\'([^\']|$)/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|[^\'])\'\'([^\'].*?)\'\'([^\']|$)/g, '$1$2$3');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\'\'' + obj.changed.plain + '\'\'';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(\'\')( *)(.*?)( *)(\'\')/, '$2$1$3$5$4');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\'{6,}/g, '\'\'\'\'\'');

// underline
		case 'wikEdUnderline':
			if ( /&lt;u&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;u&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;u&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/u&gt;';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(&lt;u&gt;)( *)(.*?)( *)(&lt;\/u&gt;)/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// strikethrough
		case 'wikEdStrikethrough':
			if ( /&lt;s&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;s&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;s&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/s&gt;';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(&lt;s&gt;)( *)(.*?)( *)(&lt;\/s&gt;)/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// nowiki
		case 'wikEdNowiki':
			if ( /&lt;nowiki&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/nowiki&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;nowiki&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/nowiki&gt;/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;nowiki&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/nowiki&gt;';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(&lt;nowiki&gt;)( *)(.*?)( *)(&lt;\/nowiki&gt;)/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// superscript
		case 'wikEdSuperscript':
			if ( /&lt;sup&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;sup&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;sup&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/sup&gt;';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(&lt;sup&gt;)( *)(.*?)( *)(&lt;\/sup&gt;)/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// subscript
		case 'wikEdSubscript':
			if ( /&lt;sub&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;sub&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;sub&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/sub&gt;';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(&lt;sub&gt;)( *)(.*?)( *)(&lt;\/sub&gt;)/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// toggle lowercase / uppercase
		case 'wikEdCase':

// lowercase all uppercased text
			if (obj.changed.plain.toUpperCase() == obj.changed.plain) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.toLowerCase();

// first-letter-uppercase all lowercased text
			else if (obj.changed.plain.toLowerCase() == obj.changed.plain) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\b(\w)(\w*)/g,
					function (p, p1, p2) {
						return(p1.toUpperCase() + p2.toLowerCase());

// uppercase mixed upper and lowercased text
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.toUpperCase();

// undo all
		case 'wikEdUndoAll':
			if (wikEdLastVersion == null) {
				wikEdLastVersion = obj.changed.plain;
			obj.changed.plain = wikEdOrigVersion;
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/</g, '&lt;');

// redo all
		case 'wikEdRedoAll':
			if (wikEdLastVersion != null) {
				obj.changed.plain = wikEdLastVersion;

// update syntax highlighting
		case 'wikEdUpdateSyntax':
			highlightSyntax = true;

// create wikilink
		case 'wikEdWikiLink':
			if ( /\[\[(.*?)\]\]/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\[\[' + obj.changed.plain + '\]\]';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(\[\[)( *)(.*?)( *)(\]\])/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// create weblink
		case 'wikEdWebLink':
			if ( /\[(.*?)\]/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\[' + obj.changed.plain + '\]';
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(\[)( *)(.*?)( *)(\])/, '$2$1$3$5$4');

// decrease heading level
		case 'wikEdDecreaseHeading':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)=(=+) *([^\n]*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2'); // decrease heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)=(?!=) *([^\n]*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2'); // remove heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *([^\n]*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2'); // adjust closing tags

// increase heading level
		case 'wikEdIncreaseHeading':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *([^\n]*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1=$2 $3 $2='); // increase heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([^=\n\s][^\n]*?)(?=\n|$)/g, '$1== $2 =='); // create new heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *([^\n]*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2'); // adjust closing tags

// create bullet list
		case 'wikEdBulletList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/([^\n]+)/g,
				function (p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([\*\#\:\;]*) */g, '*$1 ');
					p1 = p1.replace(/^(\*{4,})([\*\#\:\;]*)/g, '$2');

// create numbered list
		case 'wikEdNumberList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/([^\n]+)/g,
				function (p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([\*\#\:\;]*) */g, '#$1 ');
					p1 = p1.replace(/^(\*{4,})([\*\#\:\;]*)/g, '$2');

// create indented list
		case 'wikEdIndentList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/([^\n]+)/g,
				function (p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([\*\#\:\;]*) */g, ':$1 ');
					p1 = p1.replace(/^(\*{4,})([\*\#\:\;]*)/g, '$2');

// create definition list
		case 'wikEdDefinitionList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/([^\n]+)/g,
				function (p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([^\s\;]+) */g, '; $1 : ');

// create image
		case 'wikEdImage':
			if (obj.changed.plain != '') {
				obj.changed.plain = '[[Image:<span class="wikEdInsertHere">filename</span>|thumb|<span class="wikEdInsertHere">width</span>px|' + obj.changed.plain + ']]';
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '[[Image:<span class="wikEdInsertHere">filename</span>|thumb|<span class="wikEdInsertHere">width</span>px|<span class="wikEdInsertHere"> </span>]]';
				if (obj.focusWord.plain != '') {
					obj.changed.plain = ' ' + obj.changed.plain + ' ';

// create table
		case 'wikEdTable':
			if (obj.changed.plain != '') {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n) */g, '\n|-\n| ');
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^\n\|\-\n/, '\n{| {{Prettytable}}\n');
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/$/g, '\n|}\n');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\n{| {{Prettytable}}\n|+ <span class="wikEdInsertHere">caption</span>\n! <span class="wikEdinserthere">heading</span> !! <span class="wikEdInsertHere">heading</span>\n|-\n| <span class="wikEdInsertHere">cell</span> || <span class="wikEdInsertHere">cell</span>\n|-\n| <span class="wikEdInsertHere">cell</span> || <span class="wikEdInsertHere">cell</span>\n|}\n';
				if (obj.focusLine.plain != '') {
					obj.changed.plain = '\n' + obj.changed.plain + '\n';

// wikify: always done above
		case 'wikEdWikify':

// textify: strip html from pasted content
		case 'wikEdTextify':
			var objTextify = {};

// get inner html without wikifying
			if (obj.changed.from == 'whole') {
				WikEdGetInnerHTML(objTextify, wikEdFrameBody);
			else {
				obj.selection.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1);
				var documentFragment = obj.selection.range.cloneContents();
				WikEdGetInnerHTML(objTextify, documentFragment);

			obj.changed.plain = objTextify.plain;
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');

// redirect
		case 'wikEdRedirect':
			var linkTarget;
			if (obj.selectionWord.plain != '') {
				linkTarget = obj.selectionWord.plain;
			else {
				linkTarget = '<span class="wikEdInsertHere">article link</span>';

// remove leading and trailing spaces
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

// remove link text
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/\|.*?(\]|$)/g, '$1');

// remove square brackets
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/\[|\]/g, '');

// remove link leftovers
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/ +\| +/g, ' ');

			obj.changed.plain = '#redirect [[' + linkTarget + ']]';

			if (wikEdInputElement['summary'].value == '') {
				wikEdInputElement['summary'].value = '#redirect [[' + linkTarget + ']]';
			selectChange = false;

// copy selection to find field
		case 'wikEdGetFind':
			wikEdInputElement['find'].value = obj.changed.plain;
			obj.changed.plain = null;

// copy selection to find and to replace field
		case 'wikEdGetFindReplace':
			wikEdInputElement['find'].value = obj.changed.plain;
			wikEdInputElement['replace'].value = obj.changed.plain;
			obj.changed.plain = null;

// find and replace
		case 'wikEdFindPrev':
		case 'wikEdFindNext':
		case 'wikEdReplacePrev':
		case 'wikEdReplaceNext':
		case 'wikEdFindAll':
		case 'wikEdReplaceAll':

// get the find text //////////////////
			var findText;
			if (wikEdInputElement['find'].value != '') {
				findText = wikEdInputElement['find'].value;
			else {
				if (obj.selection.plain == '') {
					obj.changed.plain = null;
				else {
					findText = obj.selection.plain;

// get the replace text
			var replaceText = wikEdInputElement['replace'].value;

// format the find and replace texts as regexp or plain text
			if (wikEdRegExp.checked == false) {
				findText = findText.replace(/([\\^\$\*\+\?\.\(\)\[\]\{\}\:\=\!\|\,\-])/g, '\\$1');

// replace \n with newline character
			else {
				replaceText = replaceText.replace(/((^|[^\\])(\\\\)*)\\n/g, '$1\n');

// set regexp flags
			var regExpFlags = 'g';
			if ( ! wikEdCaseSensitive.checked ) {
				regExpFlags += 'i';

// create regexp
			var regExpFind = new RegExp(findText, regExpFlags);

// replace all
			var replacedFlag = false;
			if (whichButton == 'wikEdReplaceAll') {
				if (regExpFind.test(obj.changed.plain)) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExpFind, replaceText);
					replacedFlag = true;
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = null;

// find all
			if (whichButton == 'wikEdFindAll') {
////////////////////////// set selection with multiple ranges
				obj.changed.plain = null;

// replace an existing selection
			else if ( (whichButton == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (whichButton == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ) {
				if (regExpFind.test(obj.selection.plain)) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.selection.plain.replace(regExpFind, replaceText);
					replacedFlag = true;
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = null;
			else if ( (whichButton == 'wikEdFindNext') || (whichButton == 'wikEdFindPrev') ) {
				obj.changed.plain = null;

			if ( (whichButton == 'wikEdFindNext') || (whichButton == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (whichButton == 'wikEdReplaceNext')  || (whichButton == 'wikEdReplacePrev') ) {
				if (replacedFlag == false) {

// get direction
					var backwards = false;
					if ( (whichButton == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (whichButton == 'wikEdReplacePrev') ) {
						backwards = true;

// get case sensitive
					var caseSensitive = false;
					if (wikEdCaseSensitive.checked == true) {
						caseSensitive = true;

// find the text
					if (wikEdRegExp.checked) {
						WikEdFind(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, regExpFind);
					else {
						WikEdFind(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, null);
						selectChange = false;

// save search history to cookie
			if ( (whichButton == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (whichButton == 'wikEdFindNext') ) {
			if ( (whichButton == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (whichButton == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (whichButton == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ) {

// jump to top or bottom
		case 'wikEdUpdown':

// jump to bottom
/////////////////////// also check which is closer!!!!!
			if ( (obj.cursor.range.startContainer == wikEdFrameBody) && (obj.cursor.range.startOffset == 0) ) {
				wikEdFrameBody.scrollTop = wikEdFrameBody.scrollHeight;

// jump to top
			else {
				wikEdFrameBody.scrollTop = 0;
			obj.changed.plain = null;

// jump to previously changed position
		case 'wikEdPrevPos':
			if (wikEdFrameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('undo') == true) {
				wikEdLastPosObj = obj.cursor;
			obj.changed.plain = null

// jump back to last position
		case 'wikEdLastPos':
			if (wikEdLastPosObj != null) {
				obj.changed = wikEdLastPosObj;
				wikEdLastPosObj = null;
				obj.changed.plain = null;
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = null;

// fixbasic: fix characters, spaces, empty lines, certain headings, needed for all fixing functions
// to do: only certain changes in multiline tags: comments, tables, subst
		case 'wikEdFixBasic':
		case 'wikEdFixPunct':
		case 'wikEdFixMath':
		case 'wikEdFixChem':
		case 'wikEdfixUnicode':
		case 'wikEdFixUnits':
		case 'wikEdFixDashes':
		case 'wikEdFixHtml':
		case 'wikEdFixCaps':
		case 'wikEdFixAll':

// source on
		case 'wikEdSource':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.code;
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(<(br|p)\b[^>]*>)/g, '$1\n');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			highlightSyntax = false;

// insert tags
		case 'wikEdInsertTags':
			var tagOpen = parameterArray[0] || '';
			var tagClose = parameterArray[1] || '';
			var sampleText = parameterArray[2] || '';
			tagOpen = tagOpen.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
			tagOpen = tagOpen.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
			tagOpen = tagOpen.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			tagClose = tagClose.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
			tagClose = tagClose.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
			tagClose = tagClose.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			tagsampleText = sampleText.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
			tagsampleText = sampleText.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
			tagsampleText = sampleText.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			if ( (obj.changed.plain == '') && (sampleText.length > 0) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = tagOpen + sampleText + tagClose;
			obj.changed.plain = tagOpen + obj.changed.plain + tagClose;

// default
			alert('Unknown edit function \'' + whichButton + '\'');

// update the selection only, do not change the text
	if (obj.changed.plain == null) {

// scroll the selected text into the viewport by using a backwards find
		if (selectChange != false) {

// get the plain text of the selection
			var plainText = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1).cloneContents().textContent;

// collapse the selection to the end and search backwards
			if (plainText.length > 0) {
				if (plainText.indexOf('\n') < 0) {

// function: window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog)
					wikEdFrameWindow.find(plainText, true, true, false, false, false, false);

// apply text changes
	else {

// a text change erases the last version for redo all
		if ( (whichButton != 'wikEdUndo') && (whichButton != 'wikEdRedo') && (whichButton != 'wikEdUndoAll') ) {
			wikEdLastVersion = null;

// highlight the syntax
		obj.html = obj.changed.plain;
		if (highlightSyntax == true) {

// display tabs
		else {
			obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\t)/g, '<' + 'pre class="wikEdTabPlain">$1<' + '/pre><!--wikEdTabPlain-->');

// display multiple blanks as blank-&nbsp;
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/  /g, '&nbsp; ');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/  /g, '&nbsp; ');

// newlines to <br />
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');

// make changed range text the current selection

// get the scroll position
		var frameSrollTop;
		if (obj.changed.from == 'whole') {
			frameSrollTop = wikEdFrameBody.scrollTop

// replace the selection with changed text
		if (obj.html != '') {
			WikEdFrameExecCommand('inserthtml', obj.html);
		else {

// select the whole text after replacing the whole text and scroll to same height
		if (obj.changed.from == 'whole') {
			wikEdFrameBody.scrollTop = frameSrollTop;
			var range = document.createRange();
			selectChange = false;

// select the changed text and scroll it into the viewport by using a backwards find
		if (selectChange != false) {

// get the text content of the changed text
			var div = document.createElement('div');
			div.innerHTML = obj.changed.plain;
			var plainText = div.textContent;

// find the text
			if (plainText.length > 0) {
				if (plainText.indexOf('\n') < 0) {

// function: window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog)
					wikEdFrameWindow.find(plainText, true, true, false, false, false, false);

// reset button to active, reset cursor
	if (buttonObj != null) {
		if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
			buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';
		} = 'auto';

// grey out inactive buttons

// reset the frame DOM cache because the frame content has been changed
	wikEdFrameDOMCache = null;

// focus the frame
	if (useWikEd == true) {


// WikEdFind: custom find function with regexp properties, sets obj.changed.range, uses obj ranges

function WikEdFind(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, regExp) {

	var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1);

// empty the range to avoid error messages for reverse direction ranges
	obj.changed.range = document.createRange();

// use the fast built-in find function for non-regexp searches
	if (regExp == null) {

// function: window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog)
		var found = wikEdFrameWindow.find(findText, caseSensitive, backwards, false, false, false, false);
		if (found == false) {
			obj.changed.range.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
			obj.changed.range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
		else {
			range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(obj.sel.rangeCount - 1);
			obj.changed.range.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
			obj.changed.range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);

// slow javascript regexp find and replace
	else {

// perform find
		WikEdParseDOM(obj, wikEdFrameBody);
		var regExpMatch = [];

// find next, search to the right
		if (backwards == false) {

// set start position for search to right
			regExp.lastIndex = obj.plainFocus;

// execute the regexp search to the right
			regExpMatch = regExp.exec(obj.plain);

// collapse the selection to its end for no find
			if (regExpMatch == null) {
				obj.changed.range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);

// find previous, search to the left
		else {

// cycle through the matches to the left
			var regExpMatchNext;
			do {
				regExpMatch = regExpMatchNext;
				regExpMatchNext = regExp.exec(obj.plain);
				if (regExpMatchNext == null) {
			} while (regExpMatchNext.index < obj.plainAnchor);

// collapse the selection to its start for no find
			if (regExpMatch == null) {
				obj.changed.range.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);

// select the find
		if (regExpMatch != null) {
			i = 0;
			while ( (obj.plainStart[i + 1] <= regExpMatch.index) && (obj.plainStart[i + 1] != null) ) {
				i ++;
			j = i;
			while ( (obj.plainStart[j + 1] <= regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[0].length) && (obj.plainStart[j + 1] != null) ) {
				j ++;
			obj.changed.range.setEnd  (obj.plainNode[j], regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[0].length - obj.plainStart[j]);
			obj.changed.range.setStart(obj.plainNode[i], regExpMatch.index - obj.plainStart[i]);

// WikEdTextify: strip html off of text

function WikEdTextify(obj) {

// convert html to plain
	obj.plain = obj.html;
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n/g, '');

// delete tags
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<(style|script|script|object|applet|embed)\b[^>]*>.*?<\/\1>/g, '');

// newlines
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<(br)\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');

// remove highlighting pre tags
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<(\/?)pre\b([^>]*)>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (/\bclass=\"wikEd\w+\"/.test(p3)) {
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {

// blocks
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(address|blockquote|center|div|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|hr|isindex|p|pre)\b[^>]*>/g, '\u0000\u0000');

// lists
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(dir|dl|menu|ol|ul)\b[^>]*>/g, '\u0000');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(dd|dt|li)>/g, '\u0000');

// forms
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(select|textarea)\b[^>]*>/g, '\u0000');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(option|legend|optgroup)>/g, '\u0000');

// table
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(table|caption)\b[^>]*>/g, '\u0000');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(tr|th|td)>/g, '\u0000');

// finish html to plain conversion
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');

// remove trailing spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/[ \t\u00a0]+([\n\u0000])/g, '$1');

// trim down \u0000 and \n
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u0000+/g, '\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\n+/g, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{2,}$/g, '\n');


// WikEdInactiveButtons: grey out inactive buttons, called after every change and click

function WikEdInactiveButtons() {

// undo, prevpos
	if (wikEdFrameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('undo') == true ) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndo').className = 'wikEdButton';
		document.getElementById('wikEdPrevPos').className = 'wikEdButton';
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndoAll').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndo').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
		document.getElementById('wikEdPrevPos').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndoAll').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

// redo
	if (wikEdFrameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('redo') == true ) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedo').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedo').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

// redo all
	if (wikEdLastVersion != null) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedoAll').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedoAll').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

// lastpos
	if (wikEdLastPosObj != null) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdLastPos').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdLastPos').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';


// WikEdFixBasic: fix characters, spaces, empty lines, certain headings, needed for all fixing functions

/// change: double spaces ok after dot

function WikEdFixBasic(obj) {

// non-breaking space character to normal space
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\u00a0)/g, ' ');

// remove trailing spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/( |&nbsp;)+\n/g, '\n');

// empty line before and after headings, spaces around word (lookahead)
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n+(=+) *([^\n]*?) *(=+)(?=\n)\n*/g, '\n\n$1 $2 $3\n\n');

// uppercase well known headings
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n=+ external links? =+\n/ig, '\n== External links ==\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n=+ see also =+\n/ig, '\n== See also ==\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n=+ references? =+\n/ig, '\n== References ==\n');

// add space after * # : ; (list) and after {| |- | (table)
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([\*\#\:\;]+|\{\||\|\-|\|\}|\|) */g, '$1$2 ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\n/g, '\n');

// empty line before and after tables
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n+(\{\|)/g, '\n\n$1');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\n\|\}) *([^\n]*)[\n|$]+/g, '$1\n\n$2\n\n');

// empty line before and after lists
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([^\*\#\:\;].*?)\n+([\*\#\:\;])/g, '$1$2\n\n$3');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([\*\#\:\;].*?)\n+([^\*\#\:\;])/g, '$1$2\n\n$3');

// split into lines and change single lines, used to handle tables
	var lines = obj.plain.split('\n');
	obj.plain = '';
	var tableflag = false;
	for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
		var line = lines[i];

// do not change lines starting with a blank
		if ( ! line.match(/^ /) ) {

// detect table
			if ( line.match(/^(\{\||\!|\|[^}])/) ) {
				tableflag = true;
			else if ( line.match(/^\|\}/) ) {
				tableflag = false;

// changes only to be done in tables
			if (tableflag) {

// add spaces around ||
				line = line.replace(/ *\|\| */g, ' || ');

// changes not to be done in tables
			if ( ! tableflag) {

// empty line before and after images
				line = line.replace(/^(\[\[image:.*?\]\])/ig, '\n$1');
				line = line.replace(/(\[\[image:.*?(\[\[.*?\]\].*?)*\]\])$/ig, '$1\n');

// empty line before and after includes
				line = line.replace(/^(\{\{.*?\}\})/g, '\n$1');
				line = line.replace(/(\{\{.*?\}\})$/g, '$1\n');

// to be done: convert single newlines into spaces
//      line = line.replace(/(\n[^\n \*\#\:\;\|\{].*?)\n([^\n \*\#\:\;\|\{])/g, '$1 $2');

// concatenate the lines
		obj.plain += line;
		if (i < lines.length - 1) {
			obj.plain += '\n';

// remove spaces in wikilinks
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[\[ *([^\n]*?) *\]\]/g, '[[$1]]');

// remove spaces in external links
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[ *([^\n]*?) *\]/g, '[$1]');

// no space around pipes before brackets
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\| +\]\]/g, '|]]');

// no space around pipes before curly brackets
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\| +\}\}/g, '|}}');

// no empty line between headings and includes
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n(=+ [^\n]*? =+\n)\n+(\{\{.*?\}\})/g, '\n$1$2');

// spaces in comments
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;!--) *([^\n]*?) *(--&gt;)/g, '$1 $2 $3');

/* ????
// empty lines around html comments
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n+(&lt;!--.*?--&gt;)\n+/g, '\n$1\n\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^(&lt;!--.*?--&gt;)\n+/g, '$1\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n+(&lt;!--.*?--&gt;)$/g, '\n$1');

// empty line before and after categories
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/( |\n)*(\[\[category:[^\n]*?\]\])( |\n)*/gi, '\n\n$2\n\n');

// categories not separated by empty lines (lookahead)
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\[\[category:[^\n]*?\]\])\n*(?=\[\[category:[^\n]*?\]\])/gi, '$1\n');

// single empty lines only
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n');

// remove leading and trailing newlines
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\n+/, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{2,}$/, '\n');


// WikEdFixPunct: remove space before .,:;

function WikEdFixPunct(obj) {

	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([\w\'\"\”\]\}\)]) +([\.\,\:\;])(\s+|$)/g, '$1$2 ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\s+$/g, '');


// WikEdFixUnicode: fix unicode character representations

function WikEdFixUnicode(obj) {

// replace supported chars: change decimal, hex, and character entities into actual char
	for (i = 0; i < wikEdSupportedChars.length; i ++) {
		var replaceChar = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(wikEdSupportedChars[i][0], 16));

// decimal representation
		var regExpStr = '&#0*' + parseInt(wikEdSupportedChars[i][0], 16) + ';|';

// hex representation
		regExpStr += '&#x0*' + wikEdSupportedChars[i][0] + ';';

// case insensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

// character entity representation
		regExpStr = '&amp;' + wikEdSupportedChars[i][1] + ';';

// case sensitive replace
		regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

// replace unsupported chars in IE6: change decimal, hex, and chars into character entities
	for (i = 0; i < wikEdProblemChars.length; i ++) {
		replaceChar = '&' + wikEdProblemChars[i][1] + ';';

// decimal representation
		regExpStr = '&#0*' + parseInt(wikEdProblemChars[i][0], 16) + ';|';

// hex representation
		regExpStr += '&#x0*' + wikEdProblemChars[i][0] + ';';

// case insensitive replace
		regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

// actual character representation
		regExpStr = '\\u' + wikEdProblemChars[i][0];

// case sensitive replace
		regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

// replace special chars (spaces and invisible characters): change decimal, hex, and chars into character entities
	for (i = 0; i < wikEdSpecialChars.length; i ++) {
		var replaceChar = '&amp;' + wikEdSpecialChars[i][1] + ';';

// decimal representation
		var regExpStr = '&#0*' + parseInt(wikEdSpecialChars[i][0], 16) + ';|';

// hex representation
		regExpStr += '&#x0*' + wikEdSpecialChars[i][0] + ';';

// case insensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

// actual character representation
		regExpStr = '\\u' + wikEdSpecialChars[i][0];

// case sensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

// unicode line separator and paragraph separator
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u2028/g, '\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u2029/g, '\n\n');


// WikEdFixMath: math character fixer, originally from User:Omegatron

function WikEdFixMath(obj) {


// change only outside <math> </math> wikicode
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(.*?)((&lt;math(\b.*?)&gt;.*?&lt;\/math&gt;)|$)/gi,
		function (p, p1, p2) {

// convert html entities into actual dash characters
			p1 = p1.replace(/&plus;/g, '+');
			p1 = p1.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');
			p1 = p1.replace(/&middot;/g, '·');

// convert dash next to a number into a minus sign character
			p1 = p1.replace(/([^\w\,\{])-(\d)/g, '$1\u2212$2');

// changes 2x3 to 2×3
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\d *)x( *\d)/g, '$1\u00d7$2');

// changes 10^3 to 10<sup>3</sup>
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\d*\.?\d+)\^(\u2212?\d+\.?\d*)/g, '$1&lt;sup&gt;$2&lt;/sup&gt;');

// change x^3 to x<sup>3</sup>
			p1 = p1.replace(/([\w])\^(\u2212?\d+\.?\d*) /g, '$1&lt;sup&gt;$2&lt;/sup&gt;');

// change +/- to ±
			p1 = p1.replace(/( |\d)\+\/(-|\u2212)( |\d)/g, '$1\u00b1$3');

// htmlize single char superscripts
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\u00b9|&sup1;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;1&lt;/sup&gt;');
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\u00b2|&sup2;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;');
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\u00b3|&sup3;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;');

			return(p1 + p2);

// WikEdFixChem: fix chemical formulas

function WikEdFixChem(obj) {


	var realElements = 'H|He|Li|Be|B|C|N|O|F|Ne|Na|Mg|Al|Si|P|S|Cl|Ar|K|Ca|Sc|Ti|V|Cr|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|Ge|As|Se|Br|Kr|Rb|Sr|Y|Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|In|Sn|Sb|Te|I|Xe|Cs|Ba|Hf|Ta|W|Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|Hg|Tl|Pb|Bi|Po|At|Rn|Fr|Ra|Rf|Db|Sg|Bh|Hs|Mt|Ds|Rg|La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu|Ac|Th|Pa|U|Np|Pu|Am|Cm|Bk|Cf|Es|Fm|Md|No|Lr';
	var pseudoElements = '|Me|Et|Pr|Bu|e';

// fix common typos
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|[^a-z])h2o([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1H2O$2');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|[^a-z])h3o+/g, '$1H3O+');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|[^a-z])oh-/g, '$1OH+');

// uppercase lowercased elements
	var regExp = new RegExp('(^|[^a-zA-Z])(' + realElements.toLowerCase() + pseudoElements.toLowerCase() + ')([^a-zA-Z]|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 != 'e') {
				p2 = p2.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1).toLowerCase();
			return(p1 + p2 + p3);

// fix superscripts
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&plus;/g, '+');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&middot;/g, '·');
	regExp = new RegExp('(' + realElements + pseudoElements + '|\\))(\\d*(\\+|-|\\u2212))', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/-/g, '\u2212');
			return(p1 + '&lt;sup&gt;' + p2 + '&lt;/sup&gt;');

// fix indices
	regExp = new RegExp('(' + realElements + pseudoElements + '|\\))(\\d+)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1&lt;sub&gt;$2&lt;/sub&gt;');

// fix prefixes
	regExp = new RegExp('(\\d+) *(\\(|' + realElements + pseudoElements + ')', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2');

// fix arrows
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *-+&gt; */g, ' \u2192 ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *&lt;-+ */g, ' \u2190 ');

// &hdarr; and "leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon" not supported in IE6
//	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(&lt;=+&gt;|&hdarr;|&harr;|\u2190 *\u2192) */g, ' \u21cc ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(&lt;==+&gt;|&hdarr;|&harr;|\u21cc|\u2190 *\u2192) */g, ' <=> ');

// fix -
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\w|\)|&gt;) +(-|\u2212) +(\w|\()/g, '$1 \u2212 $3');


// WikEdFixUnits: unit formatter - new tab adds spaces between number and units, makes units consistent
// originally from User:Omegatron

function WikEdFixUnits(obj) {

// convert all &deg; into actual ° symbol
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&deg;/g, '°');

// convert the word ohm(s) or the html entity into the actual Omega symbol (not the actual ohm symbol &#8486;) and make sure it's spaced
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|K|h|da|d|c|m|&mu;|µ|&micro;|n|p|f|a|z|y)? ?(&Omega;|&#8486;|(ohm|Ohm)s?)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 $2\u03a9$5');

// convert various micro symbols into the actual micro symbol, make sure it's spaced
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(&mu;|&micro;)(g|s|m|A|K|mol|cd|rad|sr|Hz|N|J|W|Pa|lm|lx|C|V|O|F|Wb|T|H|S|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|°C|M)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 µ$3$4');

// convert capital K to lowercase k in units
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?K(g|s|m|A|K|mol|cd|rad|sr|Hz|N|J|W|Pa|lm|lx|C|V|O|F|Wb|T|H|S|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|°C|M)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 k$2$3');

// capitalize units correctly
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(khz)([ ,.])/gi, '$1 kHz$3');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(mhz)([ ,.])/gi, '$1 MHz$3');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(ghz)([ ,.])/gi, '$1 GHz$3');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|K|h|da|d|c|m|&mu;|µ|&micro;|n|p|f|a|z|y)?(hz|HZ)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 $2Hz$4');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|K|h|da|d|c|m|&mu;|µ|&micro;|n|p|f|a|z|y)?(pa|PA)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 $2Pa$4');

// add a space before dB
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(dB)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 $2$3');

// add a space before any units that were missed before
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|K|h|da|d|c|m|&mu;|µ|&micro;|n|p|f|a|z|y)?(g|m|A|K|mol|cd|rad|sr|Hz|N|J|W|Pa|lm|lx|C|V|O|F|Wb|T|H|S|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|°C|M)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 $2$3$4');

// separate one for seconds since they give a lot of false positives like "1970s". Only difference is mandatory prefix.
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\d) ?(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|K|h|da|d|c|m|&mu;|µ|&micro;|n|p|f|a|z|y)(s)([\s.,:;\'\"\/\)])/g, '$1 $2$3$4');

// bps or b/s or bits/s --> bit/s
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([KkMmGgTtPpEeYyZz])(bps|bits?\/s|b\/s)/g, '$1bit/s');

// Bps or byte/s or bytes/s --> B/s
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([KkMmGgTtPpEeYyZz])(Bps|bytes?\/s)/g, '$1B/s');

// after that, make capitalization correct
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/K(bit|B)\/s/g, 'k$1/s');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/m(bit|B)\/s/g, 'M$1/s');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/g(bit|B)\/s/g, 'G$1/s');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/t(bit|B)\/s/g, 'T$1/s');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/e(bit|B)\/s/g, 'E$1/s');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/y(bit|B)\/s/g, 'Y$1/s');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/z(bit|B)\/s/g, 'Z$1/s');

// fix a common error
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/mibi(bit|byte)/g, 'mebi$1');


// WikEdFixDashes: dash fixer - adds a tab that fixes several obvious en/em dash, minus sign, and such special characters.
// originally from User:Omegatron

function WikEdFixDashes(obj) {

// convert html entities into actual dash characters
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&mdash;/g, '—');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&ndash;/g, '–');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');

// convert -- and em dashes with or without spaces to em dash surrounded by spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([a-zA-Z\'\"”\]\}\)]) *(--|—|&mdash;) *([a-zA-Z\'\"“\[\{\(])/g, '$1 — $3');

// convert - or en dashes with spaces to em dash character surrounded by spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([a-zA-Z\'\"”\]\}])( |&nbsp;)+(\u2212|–|&ndash;) +([a-zA-Z\'\"“\[\{])/g, '$1$2— $4');

// convert hyphen next to lone number into a minus sign character
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([a-zA-Z\'\"”\]\>] )-(\d)/g, '$1\u2212$2');

// convert dashes to en dashes in dates
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([ \(][12]\d\d\d) ?(--?|—|&mdash;) ?([12]\d\d\d|\d\d)([ \),.;])/g, '$1–$3$4');


// WikEdFixHTML: fix html to wikicode

function WikEdFixHTML(obj) {

// remove syntax highlighting
	obj.html = obj.plain;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');

// turn visible html code into real html, exclude comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&lt;(\/?\w.*?)&gt;/g, '<$1>');

// wikify

// turn real html into visible html code
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
	obj.plain = obj.html;


// WikEdFixCaps: fix capitalizing of lists, linklists, images, headings

function WikEdFixCaps(obj) {

// uppercase lists
// start (listcode (char-ent|tag|category..|digit|non-word,non-ret))(word,non-digit..) end
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^([\*\#\:\;]+ (\&\w+\;|&lt;[^\n]*?&gt;|\{\{.*?\}\}[^\n]*|\d|[^\w\n])*)([^\W\d].*?)?$/gm,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if ( ! p3.match(/^(http|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda|$)/) ) {
				p3 = p3.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
			return(p1 + p3);

// uppercase link lists (link)
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^([\*\#\:\;]+ \[\[)([^\n]*?)(\]\])/gm,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {

// uppercase link
			p2 = p2.replace(/^((\&\w+\;|\W|\d)*)([^\W\d].*)$/,
				function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
					if ( ! p3.match(/^(http|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/) ) {
						p3 = p3.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
					return(p1 + p3);

// uppercase comment
			p2 = p2.replace(/(\| *(\&\w+\;|&lt;[^\n]*?&gt;|\W|\d)*)([^\W\d].*)$/,
				function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
					if ( ! p3.match(/^(http|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/) ) {
						p3 = p3.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
					return(p1 + p3);
			return(p1 + p2 + p3);

// uppercase headings
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^(=+ (\&\w+\;|&lt;[^\n]*?&gt;|\d|[^\w\n])*)([^\W\d].*? =+)$/gm,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if ( ! p3.match(/^(http|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/) ) {
				p3 = p3.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
			return(p1 + p3);

// uppercase images
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\[\[)image:(\w)([^\n]*\]\])/igm,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			return(p1 + 'Image:' + p2.toUpperCase() + p3);


// WikEdFixAll:

function WikEdFixAll(obj) {

// WikEdRemoveElements: remove elements by tag name

function WikEdRemoveElements(tagNameArray) {

// cycle through the element names
	for each (var tagNameStr in tagNameArray) {
		var elementArray = wikEdFrameDocument.getElementsByTagName(tagNameStr);
		for (i = 0; i < elementArray.length; i ++) {

// WikEdFindBoundaries: find word boundaries and line boundaries starting from selection.range

function WikEdFindBoundaries(word, line, whole, selection) {

// get the start node and offset
	var startNode = selection.range.startContainer;
	var startNodeOffset = selection.range.startOffset;

// get the end node and offset
	var endNode = selection.range.endContainer;
	var endNodeOffset = selection.range.endOffset;

	if (startNode.nodeType == 1) {
		startNode = startNode.childNodes[startNodeOffset];
		startNodeOffset = 0;
	if (endNode.nodeType == 1) {
		endNode = endNode.childNodes[endNodeOffset];
		endNodeOffset = 0;

// find the start and end nodes in the whole plain text arrays
	var startNodeIndex;
	var endNodeIndex;
	for (i = 0; i < whole.plainNode.length; i ++) {
		if (startNode == whole.plainNode[i]) {
			startNodeIndex = i;
		if (endNode == whole.plainNode[i]) {
			endNodeIndex = i;

// find last previous word and line boundary
	var foundWord = false;
	var foundLine = false;
	var regExp = new RegExp('.*[^\\w\\-]', 'g');
	var plain = '';

// check text nodes left-wise for a boundary
	for (i = startNodeIndex; i >= 0; i --) {
		plain = whole.plainArray[i];

				plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
				plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
				plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');

// boundary is a newline
		if (plain == '\n') {

// current newline is the start node
			if (i == startNodeIndex) {
				if (! foundWord) {
					foundWord = true;
			else {
				if (! foundWord) {
					foundWord = true;
			foundLine = true;

// check text node for a word boundary
		else if (! foundWord) {
			if (i == startNodeIndex) {
				plain = plain.substr(0, startNodeOffset);

				plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
				plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
				plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
			regExp.lastIndex = 0;
			if (regExp.exec(plain) != null) {
				word.range.setStart(whole.plainNode[i], regExp.lastIndex); /////
				foundWord = true;

// boundary is start of text
	if (! foundLine) {
		if (! foundWord) {

// find next word and line boundary
	regExp = new RegExp('[^\\w\\-]', 'g');
	foundWord = false;
	foundLine = false;

// check text nodes right-wise for a boundary
	for (i = endNodeIndex; i < whole.plainArray.length; i ++) {
		plain = whole.plainArray[i];

				plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
				plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
				plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');

// boundary is a newline
		if (plain == '\n') {
			if (! foundWord) {
				foundWord = true;
			foundLine = true;

// check text node for a word boundary
		else if (! foundWord) {
			if (i == endNodeIndex) {
				regExp.lastIndex = endNodeOffset;
			else {
				regExp.lastIndex = 0;
			var regExpArray = regExp.exec(plain);
			if (regExpArray != null) {
				word.range.setEnd(whole.plainNode[i], regExpArray.index);
				foundWord = true;

// boundary is end of text
	if (! foundLine) {
		line.range.setEndAfter(whole.plainNode[whole.plainArray.length - 1]);
		if (! foundWord) {
			word.range.setEndAfter(whole.plainNode[whole.plainArray.length - 1]);

// remove syntax highlighting and wikify

function WikEdRemoveHighlightingWikify(obj) {

	if (obj.html != '') {

// remove syntax highlighting

// wikify
		if (obj.htmlCode == true) {

// WikEdWikifyHTML:
//   obj.html contains the text to be wikified
//   expects < > &lt; &gt; &amp;  spaces instead of &nbsp;  \n instead of <br />

	allowed and converted tags:
	not allowed yet:
	other allowed tags:
	mediawiki tags:

function WikEdWikifyHTML(obj) {

	var regExpStr;
	var regExp;
	var regExpMatch;

// delete tags: <style>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(style)\b[^>]*>.*?<\/\1>/g, '');

// sanitize attributes in opening html tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(\w+)(.*?) *(\/?)>/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p3 != '') {
				p3 = ' ' + p3;
			return('<' + p1 + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) + p3 + '>');

// remove <span> ... </span> pairs withhout attributes
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(\/?)span\b([^>]*)>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (p3 == '') {
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {

// remove <p> ... </p> pairs withhout attributes
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(\/?)p\b([^>]*)>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (p3 == '') {
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {

// remove trailing spaces
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[ \t]+\n/g, '\n');

// escape character entities
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&(?!(amp;|lt;|gt;))/g, '&amp;');

// remove MediaWiki table of contents
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<table\b[^>]*?\bid=\"toc\"[^>]*>.*?<\/table>/g, '');

// remove MediaWiki print footer
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b[^>]*?\bclass=\"printfooter\"[^>]*>[^<>\"]+\"<a\b[^>]*>[^<]+<\/a>\"<\/div> */g, '');

// remove MediaWiki category list tags
	regExp = /<div\b[^>]*\bid=\"catlinks\"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/div>/g;
	while(regExp.test(obj.html) == true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1');
	regExp = /<p\b[^>]*?\bclass=\"catlinks\"[^>]*>(.*?)<a\b[^>]*>[^<>]+<\/a>: (.*?)<\/p>/g;
	while(regExp.test(obj.html) == true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1$2');

// remove comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--.*?-->/g, '');

// <hr> horizontal rule
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<hr\b[^>]*>\s*/i, '\n----\n');

// <i> <em> <dfn> <var> <cite> italic
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(i|em|dfn|var|cite)\b[^>]*>/g, '\'\'');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<\/(i|em|dfn|var|cite)\b[^>]*>/g, '\'\'');

// <b> <strong> bold
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(b|strong)\b[^>]*>/g, '\'\'\'');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<\/(b|strong)\b[^>]*>/g, '\'\'\'');

// <h1> .. <h6> headings
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span class=\"editsection\">.*?<\/span> */g, '');

	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<h1\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h1>\s*/g, '\n\n= $1 =\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<h2\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h2>\s*/g, '\n\n== $1 ==\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<h3\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h3>\s*/g, '\n\n=== $1 ===\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<h4\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h4>\s*/g, '\n\n==== $1 ====\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<h5\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h5>\s*/g, '\n\n===== $1 =====\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<h6\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h6>\s*/g, '\n\n====== $1 ======\n\n');

	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span\b[^>]*\bclass=\"mw-headline\">(.*?)<\/span> */g, '$1');

// sanitize <span> <div>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(span|div) ([^>]*)>/g,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			return('<' + p1 + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) +  '>');

// remove <thead> <tbody> <tfoot>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<(thead|tbody|tfoot)\b[^>]*>\s*/g, '');

// line breaks in table cells
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(td|th)\b[^>]*>)\s*([^]*?)(<\/\2>)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '&lt;br /&gt;\n');
			return(p1 + '<br />' + p3 + p4);

// remove table closing tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/(td|th|tr|caption|thead|tbody|tfoot)>)/g, '');

// <td> table cells
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<td>/g, '\n| ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<(td) ([^>]*)>\s*/g,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			return('\n|' + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) + ' | ');

// <th> table cells
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<th>\s*/g, '\n| ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<(th) ([^>]*)>\s*/g,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			return('\n!' + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) + ' | ');

// line breaks in table cells continued
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');

// <tr> table rows
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<tr>\s*/g, '\n|-\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<(tr) ([^>]*)>\s*/g,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			return('\n|-' + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) + '\n');

// <caption> captionCaption
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<caption>\s*/g, '\n|+ ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<(caption) ([^>]*)>\s*/g,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			return('\n|+' + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) + ' | ');

// <table> tables
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<table>\s*(\|-\n)?/g, '\n\n{|\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<(table) ([^>]*)>\s*(\|-\n)?/g,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			return('\n{|' + WikEdSanitizeAttributes(p1, p2) + '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<\/table>\s*/g, '\n|}\n\n');

// convert links
	var regExpMatch = [];
	var regExpStr = '(<a(\\b[^>]*)>(.*?)</a>)';
	var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			var linkPar = p2;
			var linkText = p3;
			var linkArticle = '';
			var linkTitle = '';
			var imgWidth = '';

// internal wiki links

// get the title="" parameter
			regExpStr = ' href=\\"' + wikEdServer + '(' + wikEdArticlePath + '|' + wikEdScriptPath + ')([^\\">]*)\\"';
			regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
			regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkPar);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				regExpStr = ' title=\\"([^\\">]*)\\"';
				regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
				regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkPar);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					linkTitle = regExpMatch[1];

// get wiki article name from url parameter list
			regExpStr = ' href=\\"' + wikEdServer + wikEdScriptPath + 'index\\.php\\?[^\\"]*?\\btitle=([^\\"]*?)(&amp;|\\")';
			regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
			regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkPar);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				linkArticle = regExpMatch[1];
				if (linkArticle != '') {
					linkArticle = linkArticle.replace(/_/g, ' ');
					linkArticle = decodeURIComponent(linkArticle);

// ISBN links
					regExpStr = ' href=\\"' + wikEdServer + wikEdScriptPath + 'index\\.php\\?[^\\"]*?\\bisbn=(\\d+)(&amp;|\\")';
					regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
					regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkPar);
					if (regExpMatch != null) {
						return('ISBN ' + regExpMatch[1]);

// get wiki article name from url
			if (linkArticle == '') {
				regExpStr = ' href=\\"' + wikEdServer + wikEdArticlePath + '([^\\"]*)\\"';
				regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
				regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkPar);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					linkArticle = regExpMatch[1];
					if (linkArticle != '') {
						linkArticle = linkArticle.replace(/_/g, ' ');
						linkArticle = decodeURIComponent(linkArticle);

// format wiki link
			if (linkArticle != '') {

// check for wiki image
				regExpStr = '^<img\\b[^>]*?\\bwidth=\\"(\\d+)\\"[^>]*?>$';
				regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
				regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkText);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					imgWidth = regExpMatch[1];
					imgWidth = '|' + imgWidth + 'px';
					if ( (linkTitle != '') && (linkTitle != 'Enlarge') ) {
						linkTitle = '|' + linkTitle;
						return('[[' + linkArticle + imgWidth + linkTitle + ']]');
					else {
						return('[[' + linkArticle + imgWidth + ']]');

// ISBN link
				regExpStr = '^' + wikEdServer + wikEdScriptPath + 'index\\.php\\?.*?\\btitle=.*?&amp;isbn=(\d+)';
				regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
				regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkAddr);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					return('ISBN ' + regExpMatch[1]);

// category link
				regExpMatch = /^category:(.*)/i.exec(linkArticle);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					return('[[Category:' + regExpMatch[1].substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + linkText.substr(1) + ']]');

// wiki link
				if (linkArticle == linkText.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + linkText.substr(1)) {
					return('[[' + linkText + ']]');

// date link (English only)
				regExpMatch = /^(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (\d{1,2})$/.exec(linkArticle);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					var month = regExpMatch[1];
					var day = regExpMatch[2];
					if (linkText == (day + ' ' + month) ) {
						return('[[' + linkArticle + ']]');

// lowercase the article name if the first char of the link text can exist in lower/uppercase and is lowercase
				if ( linkText.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() != linkText.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() ) {
					if ( linkText.substr(0, 1) == linkText.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() ) {
						linkArticle = linkArticle.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + linkArticle.substr(1);

// suffix links
				regExpStr = '^' + linkArticle.replace(/(\W)/, '\\$1') + '(\\w+)$';
				regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr);
				regExpMatch = regExp.exec(linkText);
				if (regExpMatch != null) {
					return('[[' + linkText + ']]' + regExpMatch[1]);
				return('[[' + linkArticle + '|' + linkText + ']]');

// external link
			regExpMatch = linkPar.match(/ href=\"([^\">]*)\"/);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				var linkAddr = regExpMatch[1];
				if (linkAddr != '') {

// PubMed link
					regExpMatch = /^http:\/\/www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/entrez\/query\.fcgi\?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=pubmed&amp;.*?&amp;list_uids=(\d+)/.exec(linkAddr);
					if (regExpMatch != null) {
						return('PMID ' + regExpMatch[1]);

// DOI link
					regExpMatch = /^http:\/\/dx\.doi\.org\/(.*)/.exec(linkAddr);
					if (regExpMatch != null) {
						return('{{doi|' + regExpMatch[1] + '}}');

// other external link
					return('[' + linkAddr + ' ' + linkText + ']');

// return unchanged text

// clean up MediaWiki category list
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span\b[^>]*>(\[\[Category:[^\]]+\]\])<\/span>[\s\|]*/gi, '$1\n');

// clean up DOI
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\[\[Digital object identifier\|DOI\]\]:(\{\{doi\|[^\}\s]+\}\})/gi, '$1');

// convert images
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<img\b([^>]*)>/g,
		function (p, p1) {

// get and format parameters
			var address = '';
			var regExpMatch = /\bsrc\s*=\s*(\'|\")([^\'\"]*)(\'|\")/i.exec(p1);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				address = regExpMatch[2].replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');

			var imgAlt = '';
			regExpMatch = /\balt\s*=\s*(\'|\")([^\'\"]*)(\'|\")/i.exec(p1);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				imgAlt = regExpMatch[2].replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');
				imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/&amp;nbsp;|\n/g, ' ');
				imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
				imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/^ | $/g, '');
				if (imgAlt != '') {
					imgAlt = '|' + imgAlt;

			var imgWidth = '';
			regExpMatch = /\bwidth\s*=\s*(\'|\")([^\'\"]*)(\'|\")/i.exec(p1);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				imgWidth = '|' + regExpMatch[2].replace(/^ +| +$/g, '') + 'px';

			var imgLink = '';
			regExpMatch = /([^\/]+)$/.exec(address);
			if (regExpMatch != null) {
				imgLink = regExpMatch[1];
				if (imgLink != '') {
					return('[[Image:' + imgLink + imgWidth + imgAlt + ']]');

// convert lists: * # : ;
	var listObj = {};
	listObj.prefix = '';
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ *<(\/?(ol|ul|li|dl|dd|dt))\b[^>]*> */g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			switch (p1.toLowerCase()) {
				case 'ol':
					listObj.prefix += '#';
				case 'ul':
					listObj.prefix += '*';
				case 'dl':
					listObj.prefix += ':';
				case '/ol':
				case '/ul':
				case '/dl':
					listObj.prefix = listObj.prefix.substr(0, listObj.prefix.length - 1);
				case 'li':
				case 'dd':
					return('\u0000' + listObj.prefix + ' ');
				case 'dt':
					return('\u0000' + listObj.prefix.replace(/:$/, ';') + ' ');
				case '/li':
				case '/dt':
				case '/dd':
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\u0000+[#\*:\;]+ (?=\u0000)/g, '');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\u0000+/g, '\n');

// <> remove not allowed tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/?)(\/?)(\w+)(.*?>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			if ( /^(big|blockquote|colgroup|center|code|del|div|font|ins|p|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|gallery|noinclude|includeonly|ref|references)$/i.test(p3) ) {
				return(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4);
			else {

// remove empty inline and block tag pairs
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(big|colgroup|code|del|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki)\b[^>]*><\/\1>/g, '');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(blockquote|center|div|math|gallery|noinclude|includeonly|ref|references)\b[^>]*><\/\1>/g, '\n');

// escape < >
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

// newlines to <br />
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[ \t]+\n/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');


// WikEdSanitizeAttributes: see Sanitizer.php

function WikEdSanitizeAttributes(tag, attributes) {

	var common = 'lang|dir|style|class'; // not needed: id|title
	var tablealign = '|align|char|charoff|valign';
	var tablecell = '|abbr|axis|headers|scope|rowspan|colspan|nowrap|width|height|bgcolor';
	tag = tag.toLowerCase();
	var sanitized = '';
	var regExp = /(\w+)\s*=\s*(\'|\")([^\'\"]*)(\'|\")/g;
	var regExpMatch;
	while (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(attributes)) {
		var attrib = regExpMatch[1];
		var attribValue = regExpMatch[3];
		if (attribValue == '') {
		var valid = false;
		if ('center|em|strong|cite|code|var|sub|supdl|dd|dt|tt|b|i|big|small|strike|s|u|rb|rp|ruby'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if (common.indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('div|span|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|align').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('blockquote'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|cite').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('br'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ('style|clear'.indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('pre'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|width').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('ins|del'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|cite|datetime').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('ul'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|type').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('ol'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|type|start').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('li'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|type|value').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('table'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|summary|width|border|frame|rules|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor|frame|rules|border').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('caption'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|align').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('thead|tfoot|tbody'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + tablealign).indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('colgroup|col'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|span|width' + tablealign).indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('tr'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|bgcolor' + tablealign).indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('td|th'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + tablecell + tablealign).indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('font'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|size|color|face').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('hr'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|noshade|size|width').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('rt'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if ((common + '|rbspan').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('ref'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
			if (('name').indexOf(attrib) >= 0) { valid = true; }
		else if ('references'.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
		if (valid == true) {

// remove non-standard styles and clean up
			if (attrib == 'style') {
				attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(^| )(-moz-[\w\-]+): [\w\-]+; */g, '$1');
				attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(^| )([\w\-]+): (-moz-[\w\-]+|windowtext); */g, '$1');
				attribValue = attribValue.replace(/\b0(%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)\b/g, '0');
				attribValue = attribValue.replace(/[\w\-]+ *\: *\; */g, '');
				attribValue = attribValue.replace(/ *(;|:) */g, '$1 ');
				attribValue = attribValue.replace(/( |;)+$/g, ';');
			sanitized += ' ' + attrib + '="' + attribValue + '"';

// WikEdRemoveHighlighting: remove syntax highlighting in obj.plain; sets obj.htmlCode if text contains html code

function WikEdRemoveHighlighting(obj) {

// remove highlighting and atttribute-free span tags
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(\/?)span\b([^>]*)>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (/\bclass=\"wikEd\w+\"/.test(p3)) {
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {

// remove highlighting div tags
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(\/?)div\b([^>]*)>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (/\bclass=\"wikEd\w+\"/.test(p3)) {
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {

// remove highlighting and pre tags
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(\/?)pre\b([^>]*)>)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (/\bclass=\"wikEd\w+\"/.test(p3)) {
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {

// comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEd\w+-->/g, '');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n|\r/g, '');

// check for pasted html content
	if (obj.html.match(/<(?!br\b)/)) {
		obj.htmlCode = true;
	else {
		obj.htmlCode = false;

// WikEdHighlightSyntax: highlight syntax in obj.html; if singleLine is set, no block syntax will be highlighted; call WikEdRemoveHighlighting first
//   expects < > &lt; &gt; &amp;  spaces instead of &nbsp;  \n instead of <br />

function WikEdHighlightSyntax(obj, singleLine) {

// block elements

// various blocks
	if (singleLine != true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;(blockquote|center|div|pre)\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '<span class="wikEdBlock">$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;\/(blockquote|center|div|pre)\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '$1</span><!--wikEdBlock-->');

// lists * # : ;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^([\*\#\:\;]+)(.*?)$/gm, '<span class="wikEdListLine"><span class="wikEdListTag">$1</span><!--wikEdListTag-->$2</span><!--wikEdListLine-->');
	if (singleLine != true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((<span class=\"wikEdListLine\">[^\n]*\n)+)/g, '<span class="wikEdListBlock">$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<span class=\"wikEdListLine\">[^\n]*)(\n)(?!<span class=\"wikEdListLine\">)/g, '$1</span><!--wikEdListBlock-->$2');

// #redirect (finish)
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<span class=\"wikEdWikiRedir\">)(.*?<\/span><!--wikEdWikiRedir-->)/g, '$1#$2');

// space-pre
	if (singleLine != true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^ ( *)(.*?)$/gm, '<span class="wikEdSpaceLine"><span class="wikEdSpaceTag">&nbsp;$1</span><!--wikEdSpaceTag-->$2</span><!--wikEdSpaceLine-->');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((<span class=\"wikEdSpaceLine\">[^\n]*\n)+)/g, '<span class="wikEdSpaceBlock">$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<span class=\"wikEdSpaceLine\">[^\n]*)(\n)(?!<span class="wikEdSpaceLine">)/g, '$1</span><!--wikEdSpaceBlock-->$2');

// ---- <hr> horizontal rule
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n|<[^>]*>)(----)(\n|<[^>]*>|$)/g, '$1<span class="wikEdHR">$2</span><!--wikEdHR-->$3');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;hr&gt;)/g, '<span class="wikEdHRInline">$1</span><!--wikEdHRInline-->');

// == headings
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n|<[^>]*>)(=+ *)([^\n]*?)( *=+ *)(\n|<[^>]*>|$)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/(=+)/g, '<span class="wikEdWiki">$1</span><!--wikEdWiki-->');
			p4 = p4.replace(/(=+)/g, '<span class="wikEdWiki">$1</span><!--wikEdWiki-->');
			if ( /^(external links?|see also|references?)$/i.test(p3) ) {
				p1 = p1 + '<span class="wikEdHeadingWp">';
				p5 = '</span><!--wikEdHeadingWp-->' + p5;
			else {
				p1 = p1 + '<span class="wikEdHeading">';
				p5 = '</span><!--wikEdHeading-->' + p5;
			return(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5);

// tables                         {|   |+   |-   !  |}   |
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^(\{\||\|\+|\|\-|\!|\|\}|\|)(.*?)$/gm, '<span class="wikEdTableLine"><span class="wikEdTableTag">$1</span><!--wikEdTableTag-->$2</span><!--wikEdTableLine-->');
	if (singleLine != true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n)((<[^>]*>)*\{\|)/g, '$1<span class="wikEdTableBlock">$2');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n)((<[^>]*>)*\|\}(<[^>]*>)*)/g, '$1$2</span><!--wikEdTableBlock-->');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;table\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '<span class="wikEdTableBlock">$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;\/table\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '$1</span><!--wikEdTableBlock-->');

// <gallery> wiki markup
	if (singleLine != true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;(gallery)\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '$1<span class="wikEdWiki">$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;\/(gallery)\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '$1</span><!--wikEdWiki-->');

// various block tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;\/?(blockquote|center|div|pre)\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '<span class="wikEdBlockTag">$1</span><!--wikEdBlockTag-->');

// <p> ... </p> pairs with (wikEdBlockTag) and withhout attributes (wikEdUnknown)
	var isRemove = [];
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;(\/?)p\b(.*?)&gt;)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 == '') {
				if (p3 == '') {
					return('<span class="wikEdUnknown">' + p1 + '</span><!--wikEdUnknown-->');
				if (/\/$/.test(p3)) {
					return('<span class="wikEdUnknown">' + p1 + '</span><!--wikEdUnknown-->');
				return('<span class="wikEdBlockTag">' + p1 + '</span><!--wikEdBlockTag-->');
			if (isRemove.pop() == true) {
				return('<span class="wikEdUnknown">' + p1 + '</span><!--wikEdUnknown-->');
			return('<span class="wikEdBlockTag">' + p1 + '</span><!--wikEdBlockTag-->');

// inline elements

// <sup> </sub> <ins> <del>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((&lt;)sup\b.*?(&gt;)(.*?)(&lt;)\/sup\b.*?(&gt;))/gi, '<span class="wikEdSuperscript">$1</span><!--wikEdSuperscript-->');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((&lt;)sub\b.*?(&gt;)(.*?)(&lt;)\/sub\b.*?(&gt;))/gi, '<span class="wikEdSubscript">$1</span><!--wikEdSubscript-->');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((&lt;)(ins|u)\b.*?(&gt;)(.*?)(&lt;)\/(ins|u)\b.*?(&gt;))/gi, '<span class="wikEdIns">$1</span><!--wikEdIns-->');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((&lt;)(del|s|strike)\b.*?(&gt;)(.*?)(&lt;)\/(del|s|strike)\b.*?(&gt;))/gi, '<span class="wikEdDel">$1</span><!--wikEdDel-->');

// various inline tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;\/?(sub|sup|ins|u|del|s|strike|big|br|colgroup|code|font|small|span|tt|rb|rp|rt|ruby)\b.*?&gt;)/gi, '<span class="wikEdInlineTag">$1</span><!--wikEdInlineTag-->');

// unsupported or not needed <> tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;\/?)(\w+)(.*?\/?&gt;)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if ( ! /^(col|thead|tfoot|tbody|big|br|blockquote|colgroup|center|code|del|div|font|ins|p|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|gallery|noinclude|includeonly|ref|references)$/i.test(p2) ) {
				p1 = '<span class="wikEdUnknown">' + p1;
				p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdUnknown-->';
			return(p1 + p2 + p3);

// comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;!--[^]*?--&gt;)/g, '<span class="wikEdComment">$1</span><!--wikEdComment-->');

// <nowiki> <math> <noinclude> <includeonly> <ref> <references> wiki markup
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((&lt;)(nowiki|math|gallery|noinclude|includeonly|ref|references)\b.*?(&gt;)(.*?)(&lt;)\/(nowiki|math|gallery|noinclude|includeonly|ref|references)\b.*?(&gt;))/gi, '<span class="wikEdWiki">$1</span><!--wikEdWiki-->');

// URLs, allowed chars: \w / . & ? = - @ # % ~ + (; allowed because of &amp; and common misuse)
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|irc:\/\/|gopher:\/\/|news:|mailto:)[^\u0000-\u0020\!\"\$\'\(\)\*\,\:\<\>\[\\\]\^\`\{-\|\}\u007f-\uffff]*)/gi,
		function (p, p1, p2) {
			p1 = p1.replace(/(.*)/, '<span class="wikEdURLLink">$1</span><!--wikEdURLLink-->');

// URLs with text
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\[)( *<span class=\"wikEdURLLink\">.*?<\!--wikEdURLLink--> *)([^\]\n]*?)( *\])/gi,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {

// link text
			p3 = p3.replace(/(.*)/, '<span class="wikEdURLText">$1</span><!--wikEdURLText-->');

// link tags
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\[)/, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			p4 = p4.replace(/(\])/, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');

			return(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4);

// [[ ]] links, images, categories
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\[\[)([^\]]*)(\]\])/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {

// image
			if ( /^\s*image\s*:/i.test(p2) ) {
				if (p2.match(/\s*\w+\s*:\s*image\s*:/i)) {
					p1 = '<span class="wikEdImageInter">' + p1;
					p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdImageInter-->';
				else {
					p1 = '<span class="wikEdImage">' + p1;
					p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdImage-->';
				p2 = p2.replace(/^(\s*)(.*:)+/, '$1<span class="wikEdInter">$2</span><!--wikEdInter-->');
				p2 = p2.replace(/(\s*)([^>:\|]+)(\s*\|\s*|$)/, '$1<span class="wikEdImageName">$2</span><!--wikEdImageName-->$3');
				p2 = p2.replace(/(\|\s*)(.*)/,
					function (p, p1, p2) {
						p2 = p2.replace(/(.*?)(\s*(\||$))/g, '<span class="wikEdImageText">$1</span><!--wikEdImageText-->$2');
						return(p1 + p2);

// category
			else if ( /^\s*category\s*:/i.test(p2) ) {
				if (p2.match(/\s*\w+\s*:\s*category\s*:/i)) {
					p1 = '<span class="wikEdCatInter">' + p1;
					p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdCatInter-->';
				else {
					p1 = '<span class="wikEdCat">' + p1;
					p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdCat-->';
				p2 = p2.replace(/^(\s*)(.*:)+/, '$1<span class="wikEdInter">$2</span><!--wikEdInter-->');
				p2 = p2.replace(/(\s*)([^>:\|]+)(\s*\|\s*|$)/, '$1<span class="wikEdCatName">$2</span><!--wikEdCatName-->$3');
				p2 = p2.replace(/(\|\s*)(.*)/,
					function (p, p1, p2) {
						p2 = p2.replace(/(.*?)(\s*(\||$))/g, '<span class="wikEdCatText">$1</span><!--wikEdCatText-->$2');
						return(p1 + p2);

// wikilink
			else {
				if (p2.match(/^\s*\w+\s*:/)) {
					p1 = '<span class="wikEdLinkInter">' + p1;
					p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdLinkInter-->';
				else {
					p1 = '<span class="wikEdLink">' + p1;
					p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdLink-->';
				p2 = p2.replace(/^(\s*)(.*:)+/, '$1<span class="wikEdInter">$2</span><!--wikEdInter-->');
				p2 = p2.replace(/(\s*)([^>:\|]+)(\s*\|\s*|$)/, '$1<span class="wikEdLinkName">$2</span><!--wikEdLinkName-->$3');
				p2 = p2.replace(/(\|\s*)(.*)/,
					function (p, p1, p2) {
						p2 = p2.replace(/(.*?)(\s*(\||$))/g, '<span class="wikEdLinkText">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkText-->$2');
						return(p1 + p2);

// link tags
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\[+)/, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			p2 = p2.replace(/(\|)/gi, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			p3 = p3.replace(/(\]+)/, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			return(p1 + p2 + p3);

// {{ }}, {{{ }}} templates
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\{\{+)([^\}]*)(\}\}+)/g,
		function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2.match(/^\s*\w+\s*:/)) {
				p1 = '<span class="wikEdTemplInter">' + p1;
				p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdTemplInter-->';
			else {
				p1 = '<span class="wikEdTempl">' + p1;
				p3 = p3 + '</span><!--wikEdTempl-->';
			p2 = p2.replace(/^(\s*)(.*:)+/, '$1<span class="wikEdInter">$2</span><!--wikEdInter-->');
			p2 = p2.replace(/(\s*)([^>:\|]+)(\s*\|\s*|$)/, '$1<span class="wikEdTemplName">$2</span><!--wikEdTemplName-->$3');
			p2 = p2.replace(/(\|\s*)(.*)/,
				function (p, p1, p2) {
					p2 = p2.replace(/(.*?)(\s*(\||$))/g, '<span class="wikEdTemplText">$1</span><!--wikEdTemplText-->$2');
					return(p1 + p2);

// template tags
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\{+)/, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			p2 = p2.replace(/(\|)/g, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			p3 = p3.replace(/(\}+)/, '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">$1</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->');
			return(p1 + p2 + p3);

// #redirect
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n)(#)(redirect\b)/g, '$1<span class="wikEdWikiRedir">$3</span><!--wikEdWikiRedir-->');

/////////// blocks original place

// <b> <i>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\'\'\')(\'*)(.*?)(\'*)(\'\'\')/g, '<span class="wikEdBold">$2$3$4</span><!--wikEdBold-->');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\'\')(.*?)(\'\')/g, '<span class="wikEdItalic">$1$2$3</span><!--wikEdItalic-->');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<span class=\"wikEdBold\">)/g, '$1\'\'\'');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/span><!--wikEdBold-->)/g, '\'\'\'$1');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\'{2,})/g, '<span class="wikEdWiki">$1</span><!--wikEdWiki-->');

// named colors
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\b(red|orange|yellow|fuchsia|white|lime|aqua|silver)\b)/g, '<span style="background-color: $1;" class="wikEdColors">$1</span><!--wikEdColors-->');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\b(maroon|olive|purple|green|navy|teal|blue|black|gray)\b)/g, '<span style="color: white; background-color: $1;" class="wikEdColors">$1</span><!--wikEdColors-->');

// RGB colors
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})([\s\'\";])/g, '<span style="background-color: $1;" class="wikEdColors">$1</span><!--wikEdColors-->$2');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(rgb\(\s*\d+,\s*\d+,\s*\d+\s*\))/gi, '<span style="background-color: $1;" class="wikEdColors">$1</span><!--wikEdColors-->');

// display control chars with popup title
	var regExpStr = '';
	for (var decimalValue in wikEdControlChars) {
		regExpStr += String.fromCharCode(decimalValue);
	var regExp = new RegExp('([' + regExpStr + '])', 'g');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp,
		function (p, p1) {
			if (p1 == '\u0009') {
				p1 = '<' + 'pre class="wikEdTab" title="' + wikEdControlChars[p1.charCodeAt(0).toString()] + '">' + p1 + '<' + '/pre><!--wikEdTab-->';
			else if (p1 != '\u000a') {
				p1 = '<' + 'pre class="wikEdCtrl" title="' + wikEdControlChars[p1.charCodeAt(0).toString()] + '">' + p1 + '<' + '/pre><!--wikEdCtrl-->';

// display strange spaces with popup title
	var regExpStr = '';
	for (var decimalValue in wikEdStrangeSpaces) {
		regExpStr += String.fromCharCode(decimalValue);
	var regExp = new RegExp('([' + regExpStr + '])', 'g');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp,
		function (p, p1) {
			if (p1 != '\u000a') {
				p1 = '<' + 'pre class="wikEdBlank" title="' + wikEdStrangeSpaces[p1.charCodeAt(0).toString()] + '">' + p1 + '<' + '/pre><!--wikEdBlank-->';

// remove comments
	if (wikEdRemoveHighlightComments == true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEd\w+-->/g, '');


// WikEdUpdateTextarea: copy frame content to textarea

function WikEdUpdateTextarea() {

// get frame content
	var obj = {};
	obj.html = wikEdFrameBody.innerHTML;

// textify so that no html formatting is submitted
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

// copy to textarea
	wikEdTextarea.value = obj.plain;


// WikEdUpdateFrame: copy textarea content to frame

function WikEdUpdateFrame() {

// get frame content
	var obj = {};
	obj.html = wikEdTextarea.value;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');

// highlight the syntax
	if (wikEdHighlightSyntax == true) {

// display tabs
	else {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\t)/g, '<' + 'pre class="wikEdTabPlain">$1<' + '/pre><!--wikEdTabPlain-->');

// multiple blanks to blank-&nbsp;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/  /g, '&nbsp; ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/  /g, '&nbsp; ');

// newlines to <br />
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');

// set frame content
	wikEdFrameBody.innerHTML = obj.html;


// WikEdKeyFrame: event handler for key and mouse events in the frame

function WikEdKeyFrame(event) {

// grey out inactive buttons

// reset the frame DOM cache
	wikEdFrameDOMCache = null;


// WikEdFrameExecCommand: wrapper for execCommand method

function WikEdFrameExecCommand(command, option) {

	wikEdFrameDocument.execCommand(command, false, option);

// WikEdFindAhead: non-regexp and case-insensitive find-as-you-type, event handler for find field

function WikEdFindAhead() {

	if (wikEdFindAhead.checked == true) {

// get the find text
		var findText = wikEdFindText.value;
		if (findText == '') {

// function: window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog)
		var found = wikEdFrameWindow.find(findText, false, false, true, false, false, false);
		if (found == false) {
 			var sel = wikEdFrameWindow.getSelection();
			sel.collapse(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);

// WikEdFullScreen: change to fullscreen edit area  or back to normal view

function WikEdFullScreen(fullscreen) {

// get dom nodes
	var wikEdButtonsPreview = document.getElementById('wikEdButtonsPreview');

// hide or show elements
	var displayStyle;
	if (fullscreen == true) {
		displayStyle = 'none';
	else {
		displayStyle = 'block';

// elements above input wrapper
	var node = document.getElementById('editform').previousSibling;
	while (node != null) {
		if ( (node.nodeName == 'DIV') || (node.nodeName == 'H3') ) { = displayStyle;
		node = node.previousSibling;
	document.getElementsByTagName('H1')[0].style.display = displayStyle;

// divs below input wrapper
	var node = wikEdInputWrapper.nextSibling;
	while (node != null) {
		if (node.nodeName == 'DIV') { = displayStyle;
		node = node.nextSibling;

// divs below input wrapper, some levels up
	var node = document.getElementById('column-one');
	while (node != null) {
		if (node.nodeName == 'DIV') { = displayStyle;
		node = node.nextSibling;

// insert wrapper
	document.getElementById('wikEdInsertWrapper').style.display = displayStyle;

// change styles
	if (fullscreen) {
		wikEdInputWrapper.className = 'wikEdInputWrapperFull';
		wikEdButtonsPreview.className = 'wikEdButtonsPreviewFull';
	else {
		wikEdInputWrapper.className = 'wikEdInputWrapper';
		wikEdButtonsPreview.className = 'wikEdButtonsPreview';

// resize the frame
	if (fullscreen) {
		var consoleTop = WikEdGetOffsetTop(wikEdConsoleWrapper);
		var consoleHeight = wikEdConsoleWrapper.offsetHeight;
		var frameHeight = wikEdFrame.offsetHeight;
		var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
		var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
		var frameHeightNew =  frameHeight + (windowHeight - (consoleTop + consoleHeight) ) - 2; = frameHeightNew + 'px';
	else { = wikEdTextareaHeight + 'px';

// scroll to edit frame
	if (fullscreen == false) {
		window.scroll(0, WikEdGetOffsetTop(wikEdInputWrapper) - 2);

// set the fullscreen button state
	WikEdButton('wikEdFullScreen', null, fullscreen);

// grey out or re-activate scroll-to buttons
	var buttonClass;
	if (fullscreen) {
		buttonClass = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
	else {
		buttonClass = 'wikEdButton';
	document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToInput').className = buttonClass;
	document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToInput2').className = buttonClass;
	document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToButtons').className = buttonClass;
	document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToButtons2').className = buttonClass;

	wikEdFullScreenMode = fullscreen;


// WikEdResizeComboInput: set the size of the background select boxes so that the button is visible

function WikEdResizeComboInput(field) {

// add a dummy option
	var dummy;
	if (wikEdSelectElement[field].options.length == 0) {
		wikEdSelectElement[field].options[0] = new Option('');
		dummy = true;

// set option widths to 0
	for (i = 0; i < wikEdSelectElement[field].options.length; i ++) {
		wikEdSelectElement[field].options[i].style.width = '0';

// calculate select width
	var inputWidth = wikEdInputElement[field].clientWidth;
	var selectWidth = wikEdSelectElement[field].clientWidth;
	var optionWidth = wikEdSelectElement[field].options[0].offsetWidth;
	var border = wikEdInputElement[field].offsetWidth - wikEdInputElement[field].clientWidth;
	wikEdSelectElement[field].style.width = (selectWidth - optionWidth + inputWidth - border) + 'px';

// delete dummy option
	if (dummy) {
		wikEdSelectElement[field].options[0] = null;

// set option widths to auto
	for (i = 0; i < wikEdSelectElement[field].options.length; i ++) {
		wikEdSelectElement[field].options[i].style.width = 'auto';

// WikEdChangeComboInput: set the input value to selected option; onchange event handler for select boxes

function WikEdChangeComboInput(field) {

// get selection index (-1 for unselected)
	var selected = wikEdSelectElement[field].selectedIndex;
	if (selected >= 0) {

// get selected option
		var option = wikEdSelectElement[field].options[selected];
		if (option.text != '') {

// add a tag to the summary box
			if (field == 'summary') {
				var text = wikEdInputElement[field].value;
				if ( (text != '') && (!text.match(/ \*\/ $/) ) ) {
					if (option.text.match(/^\w/)) {
						text += ', ';
					else {
						text += ' ';
				text += option.text;
				wikEdInputElement[field].value = text;

// add case and regexp checkboxes to find / replace fields
			else if (option.value == 'setcheck') {
				WikEdButton('wikEdCaseSensitive', null, (option.text.charAt(0) == wikEdCheckMarker[true]) );
				WikEdButton('wikEdRegExp',        null, (option.text.charAt(1) == wikEdCheckMarker[true]) );
				wikEdInputElement[field].value = option.text.substr(3);

// add option text
			else {
				wikEdInputElement[field].value = option.text;

// WikEdAddToHistory: add an input value to the cookie history

function WikEdAddToHistory(field) {

	if (wikEdInputElement[field].value != '') {

// load history from cookie

// add current value to history

// add case and regexp checkboxes to find / replace value
		if ( (field == 'find') || (field == 'replace') ) {
			wikEdFieldHist[field][0] =
				wikEdCheckMarker[ document.getElementById('wikEdCaseSensitive').checked ] +
				wikEdCheckMarker[ document.getElementById('wikEdRegExp').checked ] +
				' ' + wikEdFieldHist[field][0];

// remove paragraph names from summary
		if (field == 'summary') {
			wikEdFieldHist[field][0] = wikEdFieldHist[field][0].replace(/^\/\* .*? \*\/ */, '');

// remove multiple old copies from history
		i = 1;
		while (i < wikEdFieldHist[field].length) {
			if (wikEdFieldHist[field][i] == wikEdFieldHist[field][0]) {
				wikEdFieldHist[field].splice(i, 1);
			else {
				i ++;

// remove new value if it is a preset value
		if (wikEdComboPresetOptions[field] != null) {
			i = 0;
			while (i < wikEdComboPresetOptions[field].length) {
				if (wikEdComboPresetOptions[field][i] == wikEdFieldHist[field][0]) {
				else {
					i ++;

// cut history to maximal history length
		wikEdFieldHist[field] = wikEdFieldHist[field].slice(0, wikEdHistoryLength[field]);

// saved history to cookie

// WikEdSetComboOptions: generate the select options from cookie history; onfocus handler for select box

function WikEdSetComboOptions(field) {

// load history from cookie

	var option = {};
	var selected = null;
	j = 0;

// delete options
	var options = wikEdSelectElement[field].options;
	for (i = 0; i > options.length; i ++) {

// delete optgroup
	option = document.getElementById(field + 'Optgroup');
	if (option != null) {

// workaround for onchange not firing when selecting first option from unselected dropdown
	option = document.createElement('option'); = 'none';
	wikEdSelectElement[field].options[j++] = option;

// add history entries
	for (i = 0; i < wikEdFieldHist[field].length; i ++) {
		if (wikEdFieldHist[field][i] != null) {
			if (wikEdFieldHist[field][i] == wikEdInputElement[field].value) {
				selected = j;
			option = document.createElement('option');
			option.text = wikEdFieldHist[field][i];
			if ( (field == 'find') || (field == 'replace') ) {
				option.value = 'setcheck';
			wikEdSelectElement[field].options[j++] = option;

// add preset entries
	if (wikEdComboPresetOptions[field] != null) {
		var startPreset = j;
		for (i = 0; i < wikEdComboPresetOptions[field].length; i ++) {
			if (wikEdComboPresetOptions[field][i] != null) {
				if (wikEdComboPresetOptions[field][i] == wikEdInputElement[field].value) {
					selected = j;
				option = document.createElement('option');
				option.text = wikEdComboPresetOptions[field][i];
				if (field == 'summary') {
					option.text = option.text.replace(/\{wikEdUsing\}/g, wikEdSummaryUsing);
				wikEdSelectElement[field].options[j++] = option;

// add a blank separator
		if (startPreset > 1) {
			option = document.createElement('optgroup');
			option.label = '\u00a0'; = field + 'Optgroup';
			wikEdSelectElement[field].insertBefore(option, wikEdSelectElement[field].options[startPreset]);

// set the selection
	wikEdSelectElement[field].selectedIndex = selected;

// WikEdClearHistory: clear the history of combo input fields

function WikEdClearHistory(field) {
	var cookieExpire = new Date();
	cookieExpire.setTime( cookieExpire.getTime() + wikEdCookieExpireSec * 1000 );
	WikEdSetCookie(wikEdCookieName[field], '', cookieExpire.toGMTString());

// WikEdLoadHistoryFromCookie: get the input box history from the respective cookie

function WikEdLoadHistoryFromCookie(field) {
	var cookie = WikEdGetCookie(wikEdCookieName[field]);
	if (cookie != '') {
		cookie = decodeURIComponent(cookie);
		wikEdFieldHist[field] = cookie.split('\n');
	else {
		wikEdFieldHist[field] = [];

// WikEdSaveHistoryToCookie: save the input box history to the respective cookie

function WikEdSaveHistoryToCookie(field) {
	var cookieExpire = new Date();
	cookieExpire.setTime( cookieExpire.getTime() + wikEdCookieExpireSec * 1000 );
	var cookie = '';
	cookie = wikEdFieldHist[field].join('\n')
	cookie = cookie.replace(/\n$/, '');
	cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookie);
	WikEdSetCookie(wikEdCookieName[field], cookie, cookieExpire.toGMTString());

// WikEdGetStyle: get computed style properties for non-inline css definitions
function WikEdGetStyle(element, styleProperty) {
	var style;
	if (element != null) {
		style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(styleProperty);

// WikEdGetCookie

function WikEdGetCookie(name) {
	var cookie = ' ' + document.cookie;
	var search = ' ' + name + '=';
	var setStr = '';
	var offset = 0;
	var end = 0;
	offset = cookie.indexOf(search);
	if (offset != -1) {
		offset += search.length;
		end = cookie.indexOf(';', offset)
		if (end == -1) {
			end = cookie.length;
		setStr = cookie.substring(offset, end);
		setStr = setStr.replace(/\\+/g, ' ');
		setStr = decodeURIComponent(setStr);

// WikEdSetCookie

function WikEdSetCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {
	var cookie = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
	if (expires != null) {
		cookie += '; expires=' + expires
	if (path != null) {
		cookie += '; path=' + path;
	if (domain != null)  {
		cookie += '; domain=' + domain;
	if (secure != null) {
		cookie += '; secure';
	document.cookie = cookie;

// WikEdGetOffsetTop: get element offset relative to window top

function WikEdGetOffsetTop(element) {
	var offset = 0;
	do {
		offset += element.offsetTop;
	} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) != null );

// WikEdGetOffsetLeft: get element offset relative to left window border

function WikEdGetOffsetLeft(element) {
	var offset = 0;
	do {
		offset += element.offsetLeft;
	} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) != null );

// define leaf elements for WikEdGetInnerHTML
var wikEdLeafElements = [];
wikEdLeafElements['IMG'] = true;
wikEdLeafElements['HR'] = true;
wikEdLeafElements['BR'] = true;
wikEdLeafElements['INPUT'] = true;

// WikEdParseDOM: wikEdFrameDOMCache contains the last parse if the frame has not changed

function WikEdParseDOM(obj, topNode) {

/* problematic because of obj.changed //////////////////////
	if (wikEdFrameDOMCache != null) {
		obj = wikEdFrameDOMCache;

	obj.plainLength = 0;
	obj.plainArray = [];
	obj.plainNode = [];
	obj.plainStart = [];
	obj.plainPos = [];
	WikEdParseDOMRecursive(obj, topNode);
	obj.plain = obj.plainArray.join('');
	wikEdFrameDOMCache = obj;

// WikEdParseDOMRecursive:

function WikEdParseDOMRecursive(obj, currentNode) {

// cycle through the child nodes of currentNode
	for each (var childNode in currentNode.childNodes) {

		if (childNode == null) {

// check for selection
		if (childNode == obj.sel.focusNode) {
			obj.plainFocus = obj.plainLength + obj.sel.focusOffset;
		if (childNode == obj.sel.anchorNode) {
			obj.plainAnchor = obj.plainLength + obj.sel.anchorOffset;
		var value = null;

// get text of child node
		switch (childNode.nodeType) {
			case 1:
				if ( (childNode.childNodes.length == 0) && (wikEdLeafElements[childNode.nodeName] == true) ) {
					if (childNode.nodeName == 'BR') {
						value = '\n';
				else {
					WikEdParseDOMRecursive(obj, childNode);
			case 3:
				value = childNode.nodeValue;
				value = value.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
			case 5:
				value = '&' + childNode.nodeName + ';';

// add text to text object
		if (value != null) {

// array of text fragments

// array of text fragment node references

// array of text fragment text positions

// node references containing text positions
 			obj.plainPos[childNode] = obj.plainLength;

// current text length
 			obj.plainLength += value.length;

// WikEdGetInnerHTML: get innerHTML from document fragment

function WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj, currentNode) {

// initialize string
	if (obj.html == null) {
		obj.html = '';
	if (obj.plain == null) {
		obj.plain = '';
	if (obj.plainArray == null) {
		obj.plainArray = [];
		obj.plainNode = [];
		obj.plainStart = [];

	for (var i = 0; i < currentNode.childNodes.length; i ++) {
		var childNode = currentNode.childNodes.item(i);
		switch (childNode.nodeType) {
			case 1:
				obj.html += '<' + childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
				for (var j = 0; j < childNode.attributes.length; j ++) {
					if (childNode.attributes.item(j).nodeValue != null) {
						obj.html += ' ' + childNode.attributes.item(j).nodeName + '="' + childNode.attributes.item(j).nodeValue.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;') + '"';
				if ( (childNode.childNodes.length == 0) && wikEdLeafElements[childNode.nodeName] ) {
					obj.html += '>';
					if (childNode.nodeName == 'BR') {
						obj.plain += '\n';
				else {
					obj.html += '>';
					WikEdGetInnerHTML(obj, childNode);
					obj.html += '</' + childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '>'
			case 3:
				var value = childNode.nodeValue;
				value = value.replace(/\n/g, ' '); // important for pasted page content
				obj.plainArray.push(value); // plain array contains & < > instead of &amp; &lt; &gt;
				value = value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
				value = value.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
				value = value.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
				obj.html += value;
				obj.plain += value;
			case 4: obj.html += '<![CDATA[' + childNode.nodeValue + ']]>';
			case 5:
				var value = '&' + childNode.nodeName + ';';
				value = value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
				obj.html += value;
				obj.plain += value;
			case 8: obj.html += '<!--' + childNode.nodeValue + '-->';

// WikEdStyleSheet: create a new style sheet object
function WikEdStyleSheet(documentObject) {

	this.styleElement = null;
	if (documentObject == null) {
		documentObject = document;

// IE
	if (documentObject.createStyleSheet) {
		this.styleElement = documentObject.createStyleSheet();

// standards compliant browsers
	else {
		this.styleElement = documentObject.createElement('style');
		this.styleElement.from = 'text/css';
		var insert = documentObject.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
		if (insert != null) {

// add-a-rule method

// IE
	this.addRule = function(selector, declaration) {
		if (this.styleElement.addRule) {
			this.styleElement.addRule(selector, declaration);

// standards compliant browsers
		else {
			if (this.styleElement.sheet != null) {
				if (this.styleElement.sheet.insertRule != null) {
					this.styleElement.sheet.insertRule(selector + ' { ' + declaration + ' } ', 0);

// WED: shortcut for WikEdDebug
function WED(objectName, object) {

	WikEdDebug(objectName, object);

// WikEdDebug: print the value of variables

function WikEdDebug(objectName, object) {

	document.getElementById('wikEdTextareaWrapper').style.position = 'static';
	document.getElementById('wikEdTextareaWrapper').style.visibility = 'visible'; = 'block';
	if (objectName == null) {
		wikEdTextarea.value = ''; = '25em';
	else {
		wikEdTextarea.value += objectName + ': ' + object + '\n';

// character tables used in FixUnicode()
//   see
//   removed because of internal use: < ['003c', 'lt']; > ['003e', 'gt']; & ['0026', 'amp'], ['00a0', 'nbsp']

// supported chars in Mozilla and IE6
var wikEdSupportedChars = [
	['00a1', 'iexcl'],  // ¡
	['00a2', 'cent'],   // ¢
	['00a3', 'pound'],  // £
	['00a4', 'curren'], // ¤
	['00a5', 'yen'],    // ¥
	['00a6', 'brvbar'], // ¦
	['00a7', 'sect'],   // §
	['00a8', 'uml'],    // ¨
	['00a9', 'copy'],   // ©
	['00aa', 'ordf'],   // ª
	['00ab', 'laquo'],  // «
	['00ac', 'not'],    // ¬
	['00ae', 'reg'],    // ®
	['00af', 'macr'],   // ¯
	['00b0', 'deg'],    // °
	['00b1', 'plusmn'], // ±
	['00b2', 'sup2'],   // ²
	['00b3', 'sup3'],   // ³
	['00b4', 'acute'],  // ´
	['00b5', 'micro'],  // µ
	['00b6', 'para'],   // ¶
	['00b7', 'middot'], // ·
	['00b8', 'cedil'],  // ¸
	['00b9', 'sup1'],   // ¹
	['00ba', 'ordm'],   // º
	['00bb', 'raquo'],  // »
	['00bc', 'frac14'], // ¼
	['00bd', 'frac12'], // ½
	['00be', 'frac34'], // ¾
	['00bf', 'iquest'], // ¿
	['00c0', 'Agrave'], // À
	['00c1', 'Aacute'], // Á
	['00c2', 'Acirc'],  // Â
	['00c3', 'Atilde'], // Ã
	['00c4', 'Auml'],   // Ä
	['00c5', 'Aring'],  // Å
	['00c6', 'AElig'],  // Æ
	['00c7', 'Ccedil'], // Ç
	['00c8', 'Egrave'], // È
	['00c9', 'Eacute'], // É
	['00ca', 'Ecirc'],  // Ê
	['00cb', 'Euml'],   // Ë
	['00cc', 'Igrave'], // Ì
	['00cd', 'Iacute'], // Í
	['00ce', 'Icirc'],  // Î
	['00cf', 'Iuml'],   // Ï
	['00d0', 'ETH'],    // Ð
	['00d1', 'Ntilde'], // Ñ
	['00d2', 'Ograve'], // Ò
	['00d3', 'Oacute'], // Ó
	['00d4', 'Ocirc'],  // Ô
	['00d5', 'Otilde'], // Õ
	['00d6', 'Ouml'],   // Ö
	['00d7', 'times'],  // ×
	['00d8', 'Oslash'], // Ø
	['00d9', 'Ugrave'], // Ù
	['00da', 'Uacute'], // Ú
	['00db', 'Ucirc'],  // Û
	['00dc', 'Uuml'],   // Ü
	['00dd', 'Yacute'], // Ý
	['00de', 'THORN'],  // Þ
	['00df', 'szlig'],  // ß
	['00e0', 'agrave'], // à
	['00e1', 'aacute'], // á
	['00e2', 'acirc'],  // â
	['00e3', 'atilde'], // ã
	['00e4', 'auml'],   // ä
	['00e5', 'aring'],  // å
	['00e6', 'aelig'],  // æ
	['00e7', 'ccedil'], // ç
	['00e8', 'egrave'], // è
	['00e9', 'eacute'], // é
	['00ea', 'ecirc'],  // ê
	['00eb', 'euml'],   // ë
	['00ec', 'igrave'], // ì
	['00ed', 'iacute'], // í
	['00ee', 'icirc'],  // î
	['00ef', 'iuml'],   // ï
	['00f0', 'eth'],    // ð
	['00f1', 'ntilde'], // ñ
	['00f2', 'ograve'], // ò
	['00f3', 'oacute'], // ó
	['00f4', 'ocirc'],  // ô
	['00f5', 'otilde'], // õ
	['00f6', 'ouml'],   // ö
	['00f7', 'divide'], // ÷
	['00f8', 'oslash'], // ø
	['00f9', 'ugrave'], // ù
	['00fa', 'uacute'], // ú
	['00fb', 'ucirc'],  // û
	['00fc', 'uuml'],   // ü
	['00fd', 'yacute'], // ý
	['00fe', 'thorn'],  // þ
	['00ff', 'yuml'],   // ÿ
	['0027', 'apos'],   // '
	['0022', 'quot'],   // "
	['0152', 'OElig'],  // Œ
	['0153', 'oelig'],  // œ
	['0160', 'Scaron'], // Š
	['0161', 'scaron'], // š
	['0178', 'Yuml'],   // Ÿ
	['02c6', 'circ'],   // ˆ
	['02dc', 'tilde'],  // ˜
	['2013', 'ndash'],  // –
	['2014', 'mdash'],  // —
	['2018', 'lsquo'],  // ‘
	['2019', 'rsquo'],  // ’
	['201a', 'sbquo'],  // ‚
	['201c', 'ldquo'],  // “
	['201d', 'rdquo'],  // ”
	['201e', 'bdquo'],  // „
	['2020', 'dagger'], // †
	['2021', 'Dagger'], // ‡
	['2030', 'permil'], // ‰
	['2039', 'lsaquo'], // ‹
	['203a', 'rsaquo'], // ›
	['20ac', 'euro'],   // €
	['0192', 'fnof'],   // ƒ
	['0391', 'Alpha'],  // Α
	['0392', 'Beta'],   // Β
	['0393', 'Gamma'],  // Γ
	['0394', 'Delta'],  // Δ
	['0395', 'Epsilon'],// Ε
	['0396', 'Zeta'],   // Ζ
	['0397', 'Eta'],    // Η
	['0398', 'Theta'],  // Θ
	['0399', 'Iota'],   // Ι
	['039a', 'Kappa'],  // Κ
	['039b', 'Lambda'], // Λ
	['039c', 'Mu'],     // Μ
	['039d', 'Nu'],     // Ν
	['039e', 'Xi'],     // Ξ
	['039f', 'Omicron'],// Ο
	['03a0', 'Pi'],     // Π
	['03a1', 'Rho'],    // Ρ
	['03a3', 'Sigma'],  // Σ
	['03a4', 'Tau'],    // Τ
	['03a5', 'Upsilon'],// Υ
	['03a6', 'Phi'],    // Φ
	['03a7', 'Chi'],    // Χ
	['03a8', 'Psi'],    // Ψ
	['03a9', 'Omega'],  // Ω
	['03b1', 'alpha'],  // α
	['03b2', 'beta'],   // β
	['03b3', 'gamma'],  // γ
	['03b4', 'delta'],  // δ
	['03b5', 'epsilon'],// ε
	['03b6', 'zeta'],   // ζ
	['03b7', 'eta'],    // η
	['03b8', 'theta'],  // θ
	['03b9', 'iota'],   // ι
	['03ba', 'kappa'],  // κ
	['03bb', 'lambda'], // λ
	['03bc', 'mu'],     // μ
	['03bd', 'nu'],     // ν
	['03be', 'xi'],     // ξ
	['03bf', 'omicron'],// ο
	['03c0', 'pi'],     // π
	['03c1', 'rho'],    // ρ
	['03c2', 'sigmaf'], // ς
	['03c3', 'sigma'],  // σ
	['03c4', 'tau'],    // τ
	['03c5', 'upsilon'],// υ
	['03c6', 'phi'],    // φ
	['03c7', 'chi'],    // χ
	['03c8', 'psi'],    // ψ
	['03c9', 'omega'],  // ω
	['2022', 'bull'],   // •
	['2026', 'hellip'], // …
	['2032', 'prime'],  // ′
	['2033', 'Prime'],  // ″
	['203e', 'oline'],  // ‾
	['2044', 'frasl'],  // ⁄
	['2122', 'trade'],  // ™
	['2190', 'larr'],   // ←
	['2191', 'uarr'],   // ↑
	['2192', 'rarr'],   // →
	['2193', 'darr'],   // ↓
	['2194', 'harr'],   // ↔
	['21d2', 'rArr'],   // ⇒
	['21d4', 'hArr'],   // ⇔
	['2200', 'forall'], // ∀
	['2202', 'part'],   // ∂
	['2203', 'exist'],  // ∃
	['2207', 'nabla'],  // ∇
	['2208', 'isin'],   // ∈
	['220b', 'ni'],     // ∋
	['220f', 'prod'],   // ∏
	['2211', 'sum'],    // ∑
	['2212', 'minus'],  // −
	['221a', 'radic'],  // √
	['221d', 'prop'],   // ∝
	['221e', 'infin'],  // ∞
	['2220', 'ang'],    // ∠
	['2227', 'and'],    // ∧
	['2228', 'or'],     // ∨
	['2229', 'cap'],    // ∩
	['222a', 'cup'],    // ∪
	['222b', 'int'],    // ∫
	['2234', 'there4'], // ∴
	['223c', 'sim'],    // ∼
	['2248', 'asymp'],  // ≈
	['2260', 'ne'],     // ≠
	['2261', 'equiv'],  // ≡
	['2264', 'le'],     // ≤
	['2265', 'ge'],     // ≥
	['2282', 'sub'],    // ⊂
	['2283', 'sup'],    // ⊃
	['2286', 'sube'],   // ⊆
	['2287', 'supe'],   // ⊇
	['2295', 'oplus'],  // ⊕
	['22a5', 'perp'],   // ⊥
	['25ca', 'loz'],    // ◊
	['2660', 'spades'], // ♠
	['2663', 'clubs'],  // ♣
	['2665', 'hearts'], // ♥
	['2666', 'diams']   // ♦

// special chars (spaces and invisible characters)
var wikEdSpecialChars = [
	['2002', 'ensp'],   //   en space
	['00ad', 'shy'],    // ­ soft hyphen
	['2003', 'emsp'],   //   em space
	['2009', 'thinsp'], //    thin space
	['200c', 'zwnj'],   // ‌ zero width non-joiner
	['200d', 'zwj'],    // ‍ zero width joiner
	['200e', 'lrm'],    // ‎ left-to-right mark
	['200f', 'rlm']     // ‏ right-to-left mark

// unsupported chars in IE6
var wikEdProblemChars = [
	['03d1', 'thetasym'], // ϑ
	['03d2', 'upsih'],    // ϒ
	['03d6', 'piv'],      // ϖ
	['2118', 'weierp'],   // ℘
	['2111', 'image'],    // ℑ
	['211c', 'real'],     // ℜ
	['2135', 'alefsym'],  // ℵ
	['21b5', 'crarr'],    // ↵
	['21d0', 'lArr'],     // ⇐
	['21d1', 'uArr'],     // ⇑
	['21d3', 'dArr'],     // ⇓
	['2205', 'empty'],    // ∅
	['2209', 'notin'],    // ∉
	['2217', 'lowast'],   // ∗
	['2245', 'cong'],     // ≅
	['2284', 'nsub'],     // ⊄
	['22a5', 'perp'],     // ⊥
	['2297', 'otimes'],   // ⊗
	['22c5', 'sdot'],     // ⋅
	['2308', 'lceil'],    // ⌈
	['2309', 'rceil'],    // ⌉
	['230a', 'lfloor'],   // ⌊
	['230b', 'rfloor'],   // ⌋
	['2329', 'lang'],     // 〈
	['232a', 'rang']      // 〉

// ASCII control characters and invisibles, used for syntax highlighting
var wikEdControlChars = {
	'0': 'null',
	'1': 'start of heading',
	'2': 'start of text',
	'3': 'end of text',
	'4': 'end of transmission',
	'5': 'enquiry',
	'6': 'acknowledge',
	'7': 'bell',
	'8': 'backspace',
	'9': 'horizontal tab',
	'10': 'line feed, new line',
	'11': 'vertical tab',
	'12': 'form feed, new page',
	'13': 'carriage return',
	'14': 'shift out',
	'15': 'shift in',
	'16': 'data link escape',
	'17': 'device control 1',
	'18': 'device control 2',
	'19': 'device control 3',
	'20': 'device control 4',
	'21': 'negative acknowledge',
	'22': 'synchronous idle',
	'23': 'end of trans. block',
	'24': 'cancel',
	'25': 'end of medium',
	'25': 'substitute',
	'26': 'escape',
	'27': 'file separator',
	'28': 'group separator',
	'29': 'record separator',
	'30': 'unit separator',
	'173' : 'soft hyphen',           // \u00ad
	'8204': 'zero width non-joiner', // \u200c
	'8205': 'zero width joiner',     // \u200d
	'8206': 'left-to-right mark',    // \u200e
	'8207': 'right-to-left mark',    // \u200f
	'8232': 'line separator',        // \u2028
	'8233': 'paragraph separator'    // \u2028

// strange spaces, used for syntax highlighting
var wikEdStrangeSpaces = {
	'31': 'non-breaking space', // \u00a0
	'8194': 'en space',         // \u2002
	'8195': 'em space',         // \u2003
	'8201': 'thin space',       // \u2009

/* </nowiki></pre> */