
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// <nowiki>
// local copy of [[:de:Benutzer:TMg/autoFormatter.js]]

 * Displays an Auto-Format function in the toolbar that automatically corrects many typical
 * wiki fication errors. A detailed description can be found on the discussion page.
 * (<nowiki> to bypass [[bugzilla:8761]].)
(function( $, mw ) {
	if ( typeof mw !== 'object' || (mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) !== 'edit' && mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) !== 'submit') ||
		typeof $ !== 'function' ) {
	if ( !mw.libs ) {
		mw.libs = {};

	mw.libs.autoFormatter = {
		click: function( a ) {
			if ( window.wikEd && window.wikEd.useWikEd ) {
			var e = document.forms['editform'].elements, textbox = e['wpTextbox1'], summary = e['wpSummary'];
			if ( !textbox ) {
			if ( !a || !a.nodeType || a.nodeName === 'IMG' ) {
				$( a && a.nodeType ? a : 'img[rel=autoFormatter]' ).css( {
					backgroundColor: '',
					opacity: ''
				} );
			this.clickedElement = a;
			this.isAll = false;
			this.isDisambiguation = /\{\{\s*[Bb]egriffsklärung\s*[|}]/.test( textbox.value );
			this.lang = mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' );
			this.localisation = typeof window.autoFormatLocalisation === 'undefined' ||
				window.autoFormatLocalisation === true ? this.lang : window.autoFormatLocalisation;
			this.cleanElement( textbox );
			summary.value = this.cleanInternalLinks( summary.value );
			if ( window.wikEd && window.wikEd.useWikEd ) {
			return false;
		isChanged: function( oldValue, newValue ) {
			/* Removed spaces at the end of the text are never counted as changes */
			oldValue = oldValue.replace( /\s+$/, '' );
			newValue = newValue.replace( /\s+$/, '' );
			/* Do not display removed spaces at the end of the line as a change, but replace it */
			var changed = oldValue.replace( /[\t\r ]+\n/g, '\n' ) !== newValue;
			var a = this.clickedElement;
			if ( !a || !a.nodeType || a.nodeName === 'IMG' ) {
				$( a && a.nodeType ? a : 'img[rel=autoFormatter]' ).css( {
					backgroundColor: changed ? '#DEF740' : '',
					borderRadius: changed ? '3px' : '',
					opacity: changed ? '' : '.4'
				} );
			} else if ( a && ) { = changed ? 'green' : 'silver';
			/* Do not use normalized line breaks as a change, which avoids flickering */
			return changed || oldValue.replace( /\r+$/gm, '' ) !== newValue;
		cleanElement: function( e ) {
			if ( typeof e.selectionStart === 'number' ) {
				var scroll = e.scrollTop, s1 = e.selectionStart, s2 = e.selectionEnd;
				if ( s2 > s1 && (s1 > 0 || s2 < e.value.length) ) {
					var t = this.cleanText( e.value.substring( s1, s2 ) );
					if ( t === false ) {
					var newValue = e.value.substr( 0, s1 ) + t + e.value.substr( s2 );
					e.value = newValue;
					/* Fix for Opera */
					s2 = s1 + t.length + (e.value.length - newValue.length);
				} else if ( !this.cleanAll( e ) ) {
				e.selectionStart = s1;
				e.selectionEnd = s2;
				e.scrollTop = scroll;
			} else if ( typeof document.selection === 'object' ) {
				var range = document.selection.createRange();
				if ( range.text.length ) {
					var t = this.cleanText( range.text );
					if ( t !== false ) {
						range.text = t;
				} else {
					this.cleanAll( e );
			} else {
				this.cleanAll( e );
		cleanAll: function( e ) {
			this.isAll = true;
			var t = this.cleanText( e.value );
			if ( t !== false ) {
				e.value = t.replace( /^\s*\n/, '' );
			return t !== false;
		cleanText: function( t ) {
			var oldValue = t;
			/* Control characters, undefined Unicode numbers, and BOM */
			t = t.replace( /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x9F\uFEFF]+/g, '' );
			t = t.replace( /[\t\r \xA0\xAD\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200D\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u2060\u3000]+\n/g, '\n' );
			/* Show invisible soft separator, no matter where */
			t = t.replace( /(?:\xAD|&#*(?:shy|x0*AD\b|0*173\b);?)+/gi, '&shy;' );
			/* ZERO WIDTH SPACE only in Latin */
			t = t.replace( /([\x00-\u024F])\u200B+(?=[\x00-\u024F])/g, '$1' );
			/* LRM is ineffective when it is next to an LR character */
			t = t.replace( /\u200E+(?=[A-Z\]ªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-\u02B8])/gi, '' );
			t = t.replace( /([A-ZªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-\u02B8])\u200E+/gi, '$1' );
			t = t.replace( /\u200E+/g, '&lrm;' );

			t = this.backupNowikis( t );

			t = this.cleanCharacterEntities( t );

			t = this.backupFilenames( t );

			// t = this.cleanHeadlines( t );

			/* Uniform spellings for keywords, including blanks */
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(SEITENTITEL|DISPLAYTITLE):\s*/gi,
				this.localisation === 'de' ? '{{SEITENTITEL:' : this.localisation ? '{{DISPLAYTITLE:' : '{{$1:' );
			t = t.replace( /#(WEITERLEITUNG|REDIRECT)[\s:=]*\[+\s*([^[\]|]*[^\s[\]|])(?:\s*\|[^[\]]*)?\]+/gi,
				this.localisation === 'de' ? '#WEITERLEITUNG [[$2]]' : this.localisation ? '#REDIRECT [[$2]]' : '#$1 [[$2]]' );
			t = t.replace( /\[\[ *([CK]ategor[iy]e?)\s*:\s*([^[\]|]*[^\s[\]|])\s*(?=[\]|])/gi,
				this.localisation === 'de' ? '[[Kategorie:$2' : this.localisation ? '[[Category:$2' : '[[$1:$2' );
			t = this.cleanThumbnails( t );

			t = this.cleanReferences( t );
			t = this.cleanTags( t );
			t = this.cleanExternalLinks( t );
			t = this.cleanWikimediaLinks( t );
			t = this.cleanInternalLinks( t );
			// t = this.cleanTemplates( t );

			t = t.replace( /\bclass\s*=\s*(?:(") *([ \w-]*? ?))?(?: *\bprettytable\b)+/g, 'class=$1$2wikitable' );
			/* Unnecessary spaces for HTML attributes, important before the quotation marks */
			while ( /[!<|][ \w"-;=?[\]]*\b *= +"/i.test( t ) ) {
				t = t.replace( /([!<|][ \w"-;=?[\]]*)\b *= +"/gi, '$1="' );

			/* Search for the first interlanguage link; 9 because of [[zh-classical:…]] */
			var i = /^\[\[ *[a-z]{2,3}(?:-[a-z-]{2,9})? *:/m ), slice;
			if ( i > 0 ) {
				i = Math.max( i, t.indexOf( '<references', i ) );
				slice = t.slice( i );
				t = t.slice( 0, i );
			t = this.cleanTypography( t );
			t = this.cleanDates( t );
			if ( slice ) {
				t += slice;

			t = this.cleanDuplicateLinks( t );
			// t = this.cleanUnits( t );
			// t = this.cleanISBNs( t );
			t = this.cleanCategories( t );
			t = this.cleanNewlines( t );
			/* Paragraph, paragraph and sentence with protected spaces */
			t = t.replace( /§(?: *|&nbsp;)(\d\w* +A[bsatz.]+)(?: *|&nbsp;)(\d+ +S[atz.]+) *(?=\d)/gi,
				'§&nbsp;$1&nbsp;$2&nbsp;' );
			t = t.replace( /§(?: *|&nbsp;)(\d\w* +A[bsatz.]+) *(?=\d)/gi,
				'§&nbsp;$1&nbsp;' );
			t = t.replace( /§ *(?=\d)/gi,
				'§&nbsp;' );

			t = this.cleanRedundantTemplateParameters( t );
			t = this.cleanTemplatesByRules( t );
			t = this.executeUserReplacements( t );

			t = this.restoreFilenames( t );
			t = this.restoreNowikis( t );
			return this.isChanged( oldValue, t ) ? t : false;
		cleanCharacterEntities: function( t ) {
			var entities = {
				/* Unicode block Basic Latin (U+0000 to U+007F) */
				'grave': '`',
				/* Unicode block Latin-1, Supplement (U+0080 to U+00FF) */
				'cent': '¢', 'pound': '£', 'yen': '¥', 'sect': '§', 'laquo': '«', 'deg': '°', 'plusmn': '±', 'pm': '±',
				'sup2': '²', 'sup3': '³', 'acute': '´', 'centerdot': '·', 'middot': '·', 'raquo': '»', 'frac14': '¼',
				'frac12': '½', 'half': '½', 'frac34': '¾', 'Auml': 'Ä', 'Ouml': 'Ö', 'times': '×', 'Uuml': 'Ü',
				'szlig': 'ß', 'auml': 'ä', 'ouml': 'ö', 'div': '÷', 'divide': '÷', 'uuml': 'ü',
				/* Unicode block general punctuation (U+2000 to U+206F) */
				'ndash': '–', 'mdash': '—', 'lsquo': '‘', 'rsquo': '’', 'rsquor': '’', 'lsquor': '‚', 'sbquo': '‚',
				'ldquo': '“', 'rdquo': '”', 'rdquor': '”', 'bdquo': '„', 'ldquor': '„', 'dagger': '†', 'Dagger': '‡',
				'ddagger': '‡', 'bull': '•', 'bullet': '•', 'hellip': '…', 'mldr': '…', 'permil': '‰', 'prime': '′',
				'Prime': '″', 'lsaquo': '‹', 'rsaquo': '›',
				/* Unicode block currency signs (U+20A0 to U+20CF) */
				'euro': '€',
				/* Unicode block arrows (U+2190 to U+21FF) */
				'rarr': '→', 'harr': '↔',
				/* Unicode block mathematical operators (U+2200 to U+22FF) */
				'minus': '−', 'infin': '∞', 'ap': '≈', 'approx': '≈', 'asymp': '≈', 'ne': '≠', 'le': '≤', 'leq': '≤',
				'ge': '≥', 'geq': '≥'
			/* Limit to U+FFFF because of compatibility reasons, keep &#x1000F; intact */
			t = t.replace( /&#*(x([\dA-F]{2,})|(\d{3,})|[a-z]{2,9}\d{0,2}\b)(?![\dA-F=]);?/gi, function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
				if ( $2 ) {
					$3 = parseInt( $2, 16 );
				/* Don't decode spaces and control characters */
				if ( $3 > 160 && $3 < 8191 || $3 > 8207 && $3 < 8232 || $3 > 8239 && $3 < 8287 || $3 > 8303 && $3 < 55296 ) {
					return String.fromCharCode( $3 );
				return entities[$1] || entities[$1.toLowerCase()] || $0;
			} );
			t = t.replace( / +&#*(?:amp|x0*26|0*38);? +/gi, ' & ' );
			/* Protected spaces uniformly as "&nbsp;" simplifies many of the following search patterns */
			return t.replace( /&#*(?:nbsp|x0*A0\b|0*160\b);?/gi, '&nbsp;' );
		cleanTags: function( t ) {
			t = t.replace( /(<\/?s)trike\b/gi, '$1' );
			t = t.replace( /<sub\s*(>[^<>]*<)\s*(?:sup\s*[.\/\\]+|[.\/\\]+\s*sup)\s*>/gi, '<sub$1/sub>' );
			t = t.replace( /<sup\s*(>[^<>]*<)\s*(?:sub\s*[.\/\\]+|[.\/\\]+\s*sub)\s*>/gi, '<sup$1/sup>' );

			/* Drop default font attributes */
			t = t.replace(
				'$1' );
			t = t.replace( /(<font\b[^<>]*?)\s+size[\s"',=]*(?:-1\b|2\b|100\b[ ,.]*\d*%|1(?:\.0*)?em\b)["';]*/gi, '$1' );
			/* Remove tags with no content and no attributes */
			t = t.replace( /<(\w+)\s*(\s\w[^<\/>]*)?>\s*<\/\1\b[^<>]*>/gi, function( $0, $1, $2 ) {
				if ( ($2 && /^ref/i.test( $1 )) || /^[bh]r$/i.test( $1 ) ) {
					return '<' + $1.toLowerCase() + ($2 || '') + ' />';
				return $2 && /\bclear:/i.test( $2 ) ? $0 : '';
			} );
			/* Remove inline elements with no attributes */
			while ( /<(font|span)\s*>\s*(?:<(?!\1)|[^<])*?\s*<\/\1[^<>]*>/i.test( t ) ) {
				t = t.replace( /<(font|span)\s*>\s*((?:<(?!\1)|[^<])*?)\s*<\/\1[^<>]*>/gi, '$2' );
			t = t.replace(
				'<span style="color:$1;">$2<\/span>' );
			t = t.replace( /<font\s+size[\s"',=]*(?:-[2-9]|[01])[\s"';]*>((?:<(?!font)|[^<])*?)<\/font[^<>]*>/gi,
				'<small>$1<\/small>' );
			t = t.replace( /<font\s+size[\s"',=]*(?:[+-]0|3)[\s"';]*>((?:<(?!font)|[^<])*?)<\/font[^<>]*>/gi,
				'<span style="font-size:larger;">$1<\/span>' );
			/* Merge nested inline tags */
			t = t.replace(
				'<$1 style="$3;">$4' );
			t = t.replace(
				'$1 style="$2;$3;">$4' );

			/* Replace various forms of HTML line breaks by uniform */
			t = t.replace( /<(?:[\s\/\\]*br\b)+\s*(\s\w[^<>]*?)?[\s.\/\\]*>/gi, '<br$1 />' );
			/* Remove unnecessary HTML line breaks when a paragraph follows anyway */
			t = t.replace( / *<br \/>(?=\n[\n#*:;])/gi, '' );
			t = t.replace( /<(ref|small|su[bp])\b\s*(\s\w[^<>]*?)?\s*><small\s*>([^<>]*)<\/small\s*><\/\1\s*>/gi,
				'<$1$2>$3<\/$1>' );
			t = t.replace( /<small\s*><(ref|small|su[bp])\b\s*(\s\w[^<>]*?)?\s*?( ?\/|>[^<>]*<\/\1)\s*><\/small\s*>/gi,
				'<$1$2$3>' );
			/* Drop old navigation bar wrapper, see [[Template:NaviBlock]] */
			return t.replace( /<div\s+class[^<>\w]*BoxenVerschmelzen[^<>\w]*>\s*(\{\{[^#:<>{}]*\}\})\s*<\/div>/gi, '$1' );
		cleanHeadlines: function( t ) {
			/* No spaces in headings */
			while ( /^=.*&nbsp;.*=$/im.test( t ) ) {
				t = t.replace( /^(=.*)&nbsp;(?=.*=$)/gim, '$1 ' );
			/* Fatigue of at least complete headings is undesirable */
			t = t.replace( /^(=+) *'''([^\n']+)''' *(?==+$)/gm, '$1 $2 ' );
			/* Repairs defective headlines, removes colons, sets blanks */
			t = t.replace( /^(=+) *(.*[^\s=:]) *:? *\1$/gm, '$1 $2 $1' );
			/* Normalize "External links" headlines, use "Weblinks" in German */
			return t.replace( /^== *(?:Externer?|External)? *(?:Weblinks?|Links?|Webseiten?|Websites?) *=+/gim,
				this.lang === 'de' ? '== Weblinks ==' : '== External links ==' );
		cleanThumbnails: function( t ) {
			if ( this.localisation === 'de' ) {
				/* Unnecessary "right" shorten */
				t = t.replace(
					'$1|thumb|' );
				/* Set the order to "thumb|upright" if one isn't localized */
				t = t.replace(
					'$1|mini|hochkant$2$3|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:mini|thumb)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|mini|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*r(?:echts|ight)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|rechts|' );
				/* Change from "miniature" to "mini" only together with other changes */
				t = t.replace(
					'$1|$2mini$3|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*l(?:inks|eft)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|links|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:oh|no)ne\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|ohne|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:zentriert|cent[er]+)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|zentriert|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:gerahmt|[en]*framed?)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|gerahmt|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:rahmenlo|frameles)s\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					'$1|rahmenlos|' );
				t = t.replace( /(\[\[Datei:[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:hochkan|uprigh)t[\s=_]*([\d.]*)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
					function( $0, $1, $2 ) { return $1 + '|hochkant' + ($2 ? '=' + $2 : '') + '|'; } );
			/* vertical-align values from the CSS standard */
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:grundlinie|baseline)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|baseline|' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:tief(?:gestellt)?|sub)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|sub|' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:hoch(?:gestellt)?|sup|super)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|super|' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:oben|top)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|top|' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*text-(?:oben|top)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|text-top|' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*mi(?:tt|ddl)e\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|middle|' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*(?:unten|bottom)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|bottom|' );
			return t.replace( /(\[\[(?:Datei|File):[^\n[\]]*[^\s[\]|])\s*\|+\s*text-(?:unten|bottom)\s*\|+\s*/gi,
				'$1|text-bottom|' );
		cleanExternalLinks: function( t ) {
			t = t.replace( /\b(?:http(s?)(?::+\/*|\/\/+:*)\b)+/gi, 'http$1://' );
			/* Doppelte eckige Klammern um Weblinks vereinfachen */
			t = t.replace( /\[+ *(https?:\/\/[^\n[\]]*?) *\]+/gi, '[$1]' );
			/* Weblinks mit senkrechtem Strich reparieren */
			t = t.replace( /(\[https?:\/\/[^\s[\]|]*?) *\| *(?=[^\s=[\]|]+\])/gi, '$1 ' );
			/* Schrägstriche am Ende einfacher Domains ergänzen */
			t = t.replace( /(\[https?:\/\/\w[\w.-]*\w\.\w+) +/gi, '$1/ ' );
			/* Domains klein schreiben, egal ob beschriftet oder nicht */
			t = t.replace( /\bhttps?:\/\/\b[0-9a-z.-]*[A-Z][\w.-]*/g, function( $0 ) { return $0.toLowerCase(); } );
			/* Verbliebene projektinterne Weblinks protokollrelativ machen */
			return t.replace( /\[ *https?:\/+(?=[a-z-]+\.wikipedia\.org\b)/gi, '[//' );
		cleanWikimediaLinks: function( t ) {
			if ( typeof window.autoFormatWikimediaLinks !== 'undefined'
				&& !window.autoFormatWikimediaLinks
				) {
				return t;

			var wiki = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ).replace( /wiki$/i, '' ),
				ns = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[-1];

			/* Convert permanent weblinks to special page syntax */
			var permaLinkReplace = function( $0, $1, $2, $3, $4 ) {
				/* Auf Alternative ausweichen, wenn zwischen ID und Anker noch Parameter stehen */
				var m = /^(\d*([^#]*))(.*)$/.exec( $3 );
				return m && m[2] ? '[{{fullurl:' +
					($1 === wiki ? '' : $1 + ':') + ($2 || ':').replace( /_/g, ' ' ) + '|oldid=' + m[1] + '}}' + m[3] +
					(typeof $4 === 'string' ? ' ' + $4 : '') + ']' :
					'[[:' + $1 + ':' +
						($1 === wiki ? ns : 'Special') + ':Permanent' +
						($1 === 'de' ? 'er ' : '') + 'Link/' + $3 +
						(typeof $4 === 'string' ? '|' + $4 : '') + ']]';
			/* Weblinks to language versions (also on their own) in Wikilinks convert */
			var interWikiReplace = function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
				/* Auf Alternative ausweichen, wenn Parameter enthalten wind */
				var m = /^([^?]*)\?([^#]*)(.*)$/.exec( $2 );
				try {
					return m ? '[{{fullurl:' +
						($1 === wiki ? '' : $1 + ':') +
						decodeURIComponent( m[1] ).replace( /_/g, ' ' ) + '|' + m[2] + '}}' + m[3] +
						(typeof $3 === 'string' ? ' ' + $3 : '') + ']' :
						'[[:' + $1 + ':' + $2.replace( /_/g, ' ' ) +
							(typeof $3 === 'string' ? '|' + $3 : '') + ']]';
				} catch ( ex ) {
					return $0;
			/* Replace spelling [[Weblink#Anchor with spaces|Label]] */
			t = t.replace(
				/\[+ *(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z-]+)\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/[\w.]*\?(?:title=([^\s&[\]|]*)&)?oldid=([^\n?[\]|]+?) *\|+ *([^\n[\]|]*?) *\]+/gi,
			t = t.replace(
				/\[+ *(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z-]+)\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^\n[\]|]*?) *\|+ *([^\n[\]|]*?) *\]+/gi,
			/* Notation [Weblink#Anchor label] convert */
			t = t.replace(
				/\[+ *(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z-]+)\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/[\w.]*\?(?:title=([^\s&[\]|]*)&)?oldid=([^\s?[\]|]+) +([^\n[\]|]+?) *\]+/gi,
			t = t.replace(
				/\[+ *(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z-]+)\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^\s[\]|]*) +([^\n[\]|]+?) *\]+/gi,
			/* Notation [Weblink#Anchor] convert */
			t = t.replace(
				/\[+ *(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z-]+)\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/[\w.]*\?(?:title=([^\s&[\]|]*)&)?oldid=([^\s?[\]|]+) *\]+/gi,
			t = t.replace(
				/\[+ *(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z-]+)\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^\s[\]|]*) *\]+/gi,
			/* Remaining project-internal weblinks without square brackets likewise convert */
			t = t.replace(
			return t.replace(
		cleanInternalLinks: function( t ) {
			var wiki = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ).replace( /wiki$/i, '' ),
				ns = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[-1];

			/* Convert unnecessary template to special page syntax */
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Permalink\s*\|[^{|}]*\|\s*(\d+(?: ?#[^{|}]*?)?)\s*(?:(\|)\s*([^{|}]*?))?\s*\}\}/gi,
				'[[' + ns + ':Permanent' + (wiki === 'de' ? 'er ' : '') + 'Link/$1$2$3]]' );
			/* Selected {{fullurl:...|...}} more compact */
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*fullurl:\s*([^\n{|}]+)\|\s*(?:diff=prev&oldid=(\d+)|oldid=(\d+)&diff=prev)\s*\}\}/gi,
				'{{fullurl:$1|diff=$2$3}}' );

			/* Wikilinks with unnecessary prefix ":w:en:", "w:en:" or ":de:" simplify*/
			t = t.replace( new RegExp( '\\[\\[ *(?::? *w *)?: *' + wiki +
				' *: *(((?:Bild|Datei|File|Image|[CK]ategor[iy]e?) *:)?[^\\n[\\]]*\\S) *\\]\\]', 'gi' ),
				function( $0, $1, $2 ) {
					return '[[' + ($2 ? ':' : '') + $1 + ']]';
				} );

			/* Anchor decode in internal links */
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[[^\n#[\]{|]*#)([^\n#[\]|]+)(?=\|?[^\n#[\]|}]*\]\])/g, function( $0, $1, $2 ) {
				try {
					/* Coding of some characters (%25, %5B, %5D, %7B-%7D) */
					return $1 + decodeURIComponent( $2.replace( /\.(?=[289A-E][\dA-F]|[357][B-F]|40|60)/g, '%' ) ).
						replace( /[%[\]{|}]/g, function( $0 ) {
							return '%' + $0.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ).toUpperCase();
						} );
				} catch ( ex ) {
					return $0;
			} );
			/* Decode other coded link targets */
			t = t.replace( /\[\[([^\n#%[\]{|}]*%[2-9A-E][^\n#[\]{|}]*)(?=#?[^\n[\]{|}]*\|?[^\n[\]{|}]*\]\])/gi,
				function( $0, $1 ) {
					try {
						/* Coding of some characters (%25, %3C, %3E, %5B, %5D, %7B-%7D) */
						return '[[' + decodeURIComponent( $1 ).replace( /[%<>[\]{|}]/g, function( $0 ) {
							return '%' + $0.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ).toUpperCase();
						} );
					} catch ( ex ) {
						return $0;
				} );
			/* Removing underscores from links */
			t = t.replace( /\[\[[^\n[\]_{|}]+_[^\n[\]{|}]+(?=\|?[^\n[\]{|}]*\]\])/g, function( $0 ) {
				return $0.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
			} );

			/* [[Link|Dash]]- becomes [[Link|Dash]]- and [[Link|Die]]s to [[Link|Dies]] because it is more readable;
			   MediaWiki only accepts lowercase letters, ä, ö, ü and ß */
			t = t.replace( /\[\[ *([^\n[\]|]+?) *(\|[^\n[\]|]+?)(?:(-+)\]\]|\]\]([a-zßäöü]*))/g, '[[$1$2$4]]$3' );
			/* [[Link|Link]]s werden zu [[Link]]s weil kürzer und besser lesbar */
			return t.replace( typeof window.autoFormatMaskedLinks === 'undefined' || window.autoFormatMaskedLinks ?
				/\[\[([^\n:[\]|]+)\|\1([^\n[\]|]*)\]\]/g :
				/\[\[([^\n:[\]|]+)\|\1([a-zßäöü]* *)\]\]/g, '[[$1]]$2' );
		cleanDuplicateLinks: function( t ) {
			/* Remove links from dates that start with a year (e.g. ISO) */
			t = t.replace( /\[+([12]\d{3}\W+(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])\W+(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9]))\]+/g, '$1' );

			/* Never link dates and years in Persondata templates */
			var re = /\{\{\s*P(erson(?:endaten|data)\b[^{}]*\|\s*(?:GEBURTSD|STERBED|DATE)[\s\w]*=[^\n=[\]{|}]*)\[+([^\n=[\]{|}]+)\]+/i;
			while ( re.test( t ) ) {
				t = t.replace( re, '{{P$1$2' );

			if ( /\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:(?:Tag|Days of the year)[|\]]|\{\{(?:Artikel Jahr|Year nav)\s*[|}]/i.test( t ) ) {
				return t;
			/* Exclude files and infoboxes from the start of the article */
			var m = /^(?:\s*\[\[\w+:(?:\[[^\]]*\]\]|[^\]])*\]\])*(?:\s*\{\{(?:\{[^}]*\}\}|[^}])*\}\})+/.exec( t );
			var start = m ? m[0].length : 0, found = [], a = [];
			/* Unlink years that are linked more than one time */
			re = /\[\[ *([12]\d{3}) *\]\]/g;
			/* Find the first find of a year, then unlink it */
			while ( m = re.exec( t ) ) {
				if ( m.index >= start ) {
					found[m[1]] ? a.push( m ) : found[m[1]] = true;
			var r = '', p = 0;
			for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
				r += t.slice( p, a[i].index ) + a[i][1];
				p = a[i].index + a[i][0].length;
			return p ? r + t.slice( p ) : t;
		cleanDates: function( t ) {
			var months = mw.config.get( 'wgMonthNames' ) || ['', 'Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni',
				'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'];

			/* Add missing space between day and month */
			t = t.replace( new RegExp( '([\\s!\'(>|„](?:3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])\\.?)(?=(?:' +
				months.slice( 1 ).join( '|' ) + ')\\b)', 'g' ), '$1 ' );
			/* No non-breaking space between month and year */
			t = t.replace( new RegExp( '(\\b(?:3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])\\.?(?:[\\s\\xA0]|&nbsp;)+(?:' +
				months.slice( 1 ).join( '|' ) + '))(?:\xA0|&nbsp;)(?=[12]\\d{3}\\b)', 'g' ), '$1 ' );
			/* Replace misunderstood German date format with long form */
			var separator = this.lang === 'en' ? ' ' : '. ';
			t = t.replace(
				/([\s'(>„])(3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])\. *(1[012]|0?[1-9])\. *(?=[12]\d{3}[!,.:;?]?[\s')<\]“])/g,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
					return $1 + ($2 | 0) + separator + months[$3 | 0] + ' ';
				} );
			/* Unspaced dashes in "1850–14 January" are bad style in German and English */
			separator = this.lang === 'de' ? ' bis ' : ' – ';
			t = t.replace( /(\s[12]\d{3}'*) *[–—−-] *('*(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])\.?) *([A-S][a-zä]{2,}\b)/g,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
					for ( var i = months.length; --i; ) {
						if ( $3 === months[i] ) return $1 + separator + $2 + ' ' + $3;
					return $0;
				} );
			/* En-dashes in 4-digit annual ranges */
			t = t.replace(
				/([\s!'(>|„])(?:\[\[ *([12]\d{3}) *\]\]|([12]\d{3})) *[–—-] *(?:\[\[ *([12]\d{3}) *\]\]|([12]\d{3}))(?=[!,.:;?]?[\s!')\/<\]|}“])/g,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ) {
					return ($2 || $3) < ($4 || $5) ? $1 + ($2 || $3) + '–' + ($4 || $5) : $0;
				} );
			/* En-dashes in 2-digit annual ranges */
			t = t.replace( /([\s!'(>|„][12]\d(\d\d)) *[—-] *(?=(1[3-9]|[2-9]\d)[!,.:;?]?(?:[\s!')\/<\]|“]|$))/g,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) { return $2 < $3 ? $1 + '–' : $0; } );
			/* "1980 – 90" becomes "1980–1990" in the German Wikipedia, "1980–90" otherwise */
			var full = typeof window.autoFormatShortYearRanges !== 'undefined' ? window.autoFormatShortYearRanges :
				this.localisation === 'de';
			t = t.replace(
				/([\s!'(>|„]([12]\d)(\d\d)) *– *(?!(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0[1-9])\.? [A-S][a-zä]{2,}\b)(?=(\d\d)[!,.:;?]?(?:[\s!')\/<|“]|$))/g,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3, $4 ) { return $3 < $4 ? $1 + '–' + (full ? $2 : '') : $0; } );
			/* ISSNs but without en-dashes, important after the year numbers */
			return t.replace( /(IS\wN\W*\d+)–(?=\d)/g, '$1-' );
		cleanTypography: function( t ) {
			var de = this.lang === 'de';

			/* Double quotes */
			if ( de ) {
				t = t.replace( /(^|[\s!#'(*+\/:;>[|-])(?:"|,,)(?!\s)([^\n"“”„]*[^\s"“”„])"(?=[\s!'),.\/:;<?\]}-]|$)/g,
					'$1„$2“' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*((?:Zitat|")\s*\|\s*(?:(?:1|Text)\s*=)?[^={|}]*)/gi, function( $0, $1 ) {
				return '{{' + $1.replace( /„([^\n‘‚“”„]+)“/g, '‚$1‘' );
			} );
			/* Auslassungspunkte */
			t = t.replace( /(^|[ '(>[|„])\.\.\.(?=[ '),<?\]}“]|$)/gm, '$1…' );
			t = t.replace( /[,;](?:[ \xA0]|&nbsp;)*†(?: |&nbsp;)*(?=[\w[])/gi, '; † ' );
			t = t.replace( /\( *([\d,.]*\d(?: |&nbsp;)*[KMk]i?B)(?:ytes?)?([,;]) *([A-Z]{3,4}(?:\W+Datei)?) *\)/g,
				'($3$2 $1)' );
			t = t.replace( /\( *([A-Z]{3,4}(?:\W+Datei)?)([,;]) *([\d,.]*\d)(?: |&nbsp;)*([KMk]i?B)(?:ytes?)? *\)/g,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3, $4 ) {
					$3 = $3.replace( de ? /\b\.(?=\d{3}\b)/g : /\b,(?=\d{3}\b)/g, '' );
					$3 = $3.replace( /^(\d*),(?=\d*$)/, '$1.' );
					$3 = ($4.charAt() === 'M' ? Math.round( $3 * 10 ) / 10 : Math.round( $3 )) || $3;
					return '(' + $1 + (de ? ('; ' + $3).replace( /\./, ',' ) : $2 + ' ' + $3) + '&nbsp;' + $4 + ')';
				} );
			/* En-dashes with page numbers */
			t = t.replace( /\b(Sp?\.|Seiten?|Spalten?) *(\d+) *[–—−-] *(?=\d+[\s!),.\/:;<?\]|}“])/g, '$1 $2–' );
			/* English Wikipedia also uses en dashes */
			return t.replace( /([\w'\)>\]\xC0-\u024F“]) +-(,?) +(?=[\w'\(\[\xC0-\u024F„])/g, '$1 –$2 ' );
		cleanUnits: function( t ) {
			/* Since mid-2007, percentage values have automatically been given a protected space */
			t = t.replace( /(\S)(?:\xA0|&nbsp;)(?=%)/gi, '$1 ' );
			if ( this.lang === 'de' ) {
				t = t.replace( /([\s'(*+\/;„][\u2212-]?\d+(?:[,–]\d+)?)(?=%[\s!'),.\/:<?\]|“])/gi, '$1 ' );
				t = t.replace( /((?:\d|\b)[cmk]?m) *<[Ss][Uu][Pp]\s*>\s*([23²³])\s*<\/[Ss][Uu]\w\s*>(?!\/)/g,
					function( $0, $1, $2 ) {
						return $1 + ({ '2': '²', '3': '³' }[$2] || $2);
					} );
			/* Units of measure always with spaces */
			t = t.replace(
				/([ '(*+:;„][\u2212-]?\d+(?:[,–]\d+)?) ?(k[Bgm]|Ki?B|k?Hz|[MGT](?:i?B|Hz)|cm|ha|m[lm]|EUR|CHF|US[D$]|JPY|[gm€¥])(?=[²³]?[ !'),.\/:;<?“])/g,
				'$1&nbsp;$2' );
			return t;
		cleanISBNs: function( t ) {
			/* ISBNs with hyphens */
			return t.replace(
				/(^|[\s#'(*>|])(?:(ISBN\d?\s*=\s*)|ISBN(?:-?1[03]| *1[03]:)?:?\s*)(9-?7-?[89]-?)?([013][\d\u2010-\u2012\u2212-]{8,}[\dX]\b)/gim,
				function( $0, $1, $2, $3, $4 ) {
					return $1 + ($2 || 'ISBN ') + ($3 || '').replace( /^9\D*7\D*(\d)\D*/, '97$1-' ) + $4.
						/* Remove all dashes */
						replace( /[^\dX]+/gi, '' ).
						/* Group 0 for English books */
						replace( /^0([01]\d)(\d{6})\B/, '0$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^0([2-6]\d\d)(\d{5})\B/, '0$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^0(7\d{3}|8[0-4]\d\d)(\d{4})\B/, '0$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^0(8[5-9]\d{3})(\d{3})\B/, '0$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^0(9[0-4]\d{4})(\d\d)\B/, '0$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^0(9[5-9]\d{5})(\d)\B/, '0$1-$2-' ).
						/* Group 1 for English books */
						replace( /^1(0\d)(\d{6})\B/, '1$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^1([1-3]\d\d)(\d{5})\B/, '1$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^1(4\d{3}|5[0-4]\d\d)(\d{4})\B/, '1$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^1(5[5-9]\d{3}|[67]\d{4}|8[0-5]\d{3}|86[0-8]\d\d|869[0-7]\d)(\d{3})\B/, '1$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^1(869[89]\d\d|8[7-9]\d{4}|9[0-8]\d{4}|99[0-8]\d{3})(\d\d)\B/, '1$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^1(999\d{4})(\d)\B/, '1$1-$2-' ).
						/* Group 3 for German books */
						replace( /^3(0[0-24-9]|1\d)(\d{6})\B/, '3$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^3(03[0-3]|[2-6]\d\d)(\d{5})\B/, '3$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^3(03[4-6]\d|7\d{3}|8[0-4]\d\d)(\d{4})\B/, '3$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^3(03[7-9]\d\d|8[5-9]\d{3}|95[4-9]\d\d|9[69]\d{3})(\d{3})\B/, '3$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^3(9[0-4]\d{4})(\d\d)\B/, '3$1-$2-' ).
						replace( /^3(95[0-3]\d{4}|9[78]\d{5})(\d)\B/, '3$1-$2-' ).
						/* Add missing dash after group */
						replace( /^([0-57]|6\d\d|8\d|9[0-4]|9[5-8]\d|99[0-8]\d|999\d\d)\B/, '$1-' );
				} );
		cleanReferences: function( t ) {
			t = t.replace( /<\s*references\s*(\s\b[^<>]*?)?\s*(?:\/|>\s*<\s*\/\s*references)\s*>/gi, '<references$1 />' );
			t = t.replace( /<\s*references\s*(\s\b[^<\/>]*?)?\s*>/gi, '<references$1>' );
			t = t.replace( /<\s*\/\s*references\s*>/gi, '<\/references>' );
			if ( this.isAll ) {
				var re = /(<references[^<\/>]*)>/g, m;
				while ( m = re.exec( t ) ) {
					if ( t.indexOf( '<\/references>', m.index ) < 0 ) {
						t = t.slice( 0, m.index ) + m[1] + ' />' + t.slice( m.index + m[0].length );
			t = t.replace( /<\s*ref\s*(\s\b[^<>]*?)\s*(?:\/|>\s*<\s*\/\s*ref)\s*>/gi, '<ref$1 />' );

			/* Remove line breaks in single items only at the top of the article */
			var i = t.indexOf( '<references' ), slice;
			if ( i > 0 ) {
				slice = t.slice( i );
				slice = slice.replace( /<\s*ref\s*(\s\b[^<\/>]*?)?\s*>[\t ]*/gi, '<ref$1>' );
				slice = slice.replace( /(?:(\n[\t ]*)|[\t ]*)<\s*\/\s*ref\s*>/gi, '$1<\/ref>' );
				t = t.slice( 0, i );
			t = t.replace( /<\s*ref\s*(\s\b[^<\/>]*?)?\s*>\s*/gi, '<ref$1>' );
			t = t.replace( /\s*<\s*\/\s*ref\s*>/gi, '<\/ref>' );
			if ( slice ) t += slice;

			/* Remove blanks between end of sentence and <ref> or two <ref> */
			t = t.replace( /([!,.;?]|<ref\b[^<>]*(?:\/|>[^<>]*<\/ref)>) +(?=<ref[ >])/gi, '$1' );
			/* Shorten two equal punctuation marks before and after a <ref> to one */
			return t.replace( /([!,.:;?])(<ref\b[^<>]*(?:\/|>[^<>]*<\/ref)>)\1/gi, '$1$2' );
		cleanCategories: function( t ) {
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(SORTIERUNG|DEFAULT ?\w*SORT\w*)\s*[:|][\s\xA0]*/gi,
				this.localisation === 'de' ? '{{SORTIERUNG:' : this.localisation ? '{{DEFAULTSORT:' : '{{$1:' );

			/* Match every character thats in one of the two replacement maps or should be deleted */
			var re = /["&'\-\/?`¡-¥©-´·-ſǍ-\u01ED\u01F8-\u021B\u02B0-\u036FΆ-ώ\u0400-Ј\u040D-ј\u045DўҐ-ғҚқҢңҮ-ұҺһ\u04D0-\u04D7\u1E00-ỹ\u2010-•′″‹›−]/g;
			/* Unicode block Latin-1, Supplement (U+0080 to U+00FF) */
			var trSet1 = '"/?¡¢£¤¥©ª«¬®°±²³·¹º»¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýÿ';
			var trSet2 = '    cL YCa  R  23 1o  AAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOxOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooo ouuuuyy';
			/* Unicode block Latin, extended-A (U+0100 to U+017F) */
			trSet1 += 'ĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıĴĵĶķĸĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅņŇňʼnŊŋŌōŎŏŐőŔŕŖŗŘř';
			trSet2 += 'AaAaAaCcCcCcCcDdDdEeEeEeEeEeGgGgGgGgHhHhIiIiIiIiIiJjKkkLlLlLlLlLlNnNnNnnNnOoOoOoRrRrRr';
			trSet1 += 'ŚśŜŝŞşŠšŢţŤťŦŧŨũŪūŬŭŮůŰűŲųŴŵŶŷŸŹźŻżŽžſ';
			trSet2 += 'SsSsSsSsTtTtTtUuUuUuUuUuUuWwYyYZzZzZzs';
			/* Unicode block Latin, extended-B (U+0180 to U+024F) */
			trSet1 += 'ǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟǠǡǤǥǦǧǨǩǪǫǬǭǸǹǺǻǾǿȀȁȂȃȄȅȆȇȈȉȊȋȌȍȎȏȐȑȒȓȔȕȖȗȘșȚț';
			trSet2 += 'AaIiOoUuUuUuUuUueAaAaGgGgKkOoOoNnAaOoAaAaEeEeIiIiOoOoRrRrUuUuSsTt';
			/* Unicode block Cyrillic (U+0400 to U+04FF) */
			trSet1 += '\u0400ІЈ\u040DЎАБВГДЕЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФЦЪЫЭабвгдезийклмнопрстуфцъыэ\u0450іј\u045DўҐґҚқҮүҰұҺһӐӑӒӓӖӗ';
			trSet2 += 'EIJIUABWGDESIJKLMNOPRSTUFZAYEabwgdesijklmnoprstufzayeeijiuGgQqUuUuHhAaAaEe';
			/* Unicode block Latin, extended additional (U+1E00 to U+1EFF) */
			trSet1 += 'ḀḁḂḃḄḅḆḇḈḉḊḋḌḍḎḏḐḑḒḓḔḕḖḗḘḙḚḛḜḝḞḟḠḡḢḣḤḥḦḧḨḩḪḫḬḭḮḯḰḱḲḳḴḵḶḷḸḹḺḻḼḽḾḿṀṁṂṃṄṅṆṇṈṉṊṋṌṍṎṏṐṑṒṓṔṕṖṗ';
			trSet2 += 'AaBbBbBbCcDdDdDdDdDdEeEeEeEeEeFfGgHhHhHhHhHhIiIiKkKkKkLlLlLlLlMmMmMmNnNnNnNnOoOoOoOoPpPp';
			trSet1 += 'ṘṙṚṛṜṝṞṟṠṡṢṣṤṥṦṧṨṩṪṫṬṭṮṯṰṱṲṳṴṵṶṷṸṹṺṻṼṽṾṿẀẁẂẃẄẅẆẇẈẉẊẋẌẍẎẏẐẑẒẓẔẕẖẗẘẙẚẛ\u1E9C\u1E9D\u1E9F';
			trSet2 += 'RrRrRrRrSsSsSsSsSsTtTtTtTtUuUuUuUuUuVvVvWwWwWwWwWwXxXxYyZzZzZzhtwyasssd';
			trSet1 += 'ẠạẢảẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẮắẰằẲẳẴẵẶặẸẹẺẻẼẽẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỈỉỊịỌọỎỏỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộỚớỜờỞởỠỡỢợỤụỦủỨứỪừỬửỮữỰựỲỳỴỵỶỷỸỹ';
			trSet2 += 'AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeIiIiOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoUuUuUuUuUuUuUuYyYyYyYy';
			/* Unicode block general punctuation (U+2000 to U+206F) */
			trSet1 += '\u2012—―\u2016‗‘‚\u201B“”„\u201F†‡•′″‹›−';
			trSet2 += '                    ';
			var trMap = { '&': 'und', '¼': '14', '½': '12', '¾': '34',
				'Æ': 'Ae', 'Þ': 'Th', '\u1E9E': 'SS', 'ß': 'ss', 'æ': 'ae', 'þ': 'th', 'IJ': 'Ij', 'ij': 'ij',
				'Œ': 'Oe', 'œ': 'oe', 'Ǣ': 'Ae', 'ǣ': 'ae', 'Ǽ': 'Ae', 'ǽ': 'ae',
				/* Unicode block Greek and Coptic (U+0370 bis U+03FF) */
				'Ά': 'Alpha', 'Έ': 'Epsilon', 'Ή': 'Eta', 'Ί': 'Iota', 'Ό': 'Omikron', 'Ύ': 'Ypsilon', 'Ώ': 'Omega',
				'ΐ': 'iota',
				'Α': 'Alpha', 'Β': 'Beta', 'Γ': 'Gamma', 'Δ': 'Delta', 'Ε': 'Epsilon', 'Ζ': 'Zeta', 'Η': 'Eta',
				'Θ': 'Theta', 'Ι': 'Iota', 'Κ': 'Kappa', 'Λ': 'Lambda', 'Μ': 'My', 'Ν': 'Ny', 'Ξ': 'Xi',
				'Ο': 'Omikron', 'Π': 'Pi', 'Ρ': 'Rho', 'Σ': 'Sigma', 'Τ': 'Tau', 'Υ': 'Ypsilon',
				'Φ': 'Phi', 'Χ': 'Chi', 'Ψ': 'Psi', 'Ω': 'Omega', 'Ϊ': 'Iota', 'Ϋ': 'Ypsilon',
				'ά': 'alpha', 'έ': 'epsilon', 'ή': 'eta', 'ί': 'iota', 'ΰ': 'ypsilon',
				'α': 'alpha', 'β': 'beta', 'γ': 'gamma', 'δ': 'delta', 'ε': 'epsilon', 'ζ': 'zeta', 'η': 'eta',
				'θ': 'theta', 'ι': 'iota', 'κ': 'kappa', 'λ': 'lambda', 'μ': 'my', 'ν': 'ny', 'ξ': 'xi',
				'ο': 'omikron', 'π': 'pi', 'ρ': 'rho', 'ς': 'sigma', 'σ': 'sigma', 'τ': 'tau', 'υ': 'ypsilon',
				'φ': 'phi', 'χ': 'chi', 'ψ': 'psi', 'ω': 'omega', 'ϊ': 'iota', 'ϋ': 'ypsilon', 'ό': 'omikron',
				'ύ': 'ypsilon', 'ώ': 'omega',
				/* Unicode block Cyrillic (U+0400 bis U+04FF) */
				'Ё': 'Jo', 'Ђ': 'Dje', 'Ѓ': 'Gje', 'Є': 'Je', 'Ѕ': 'Dze', 'Ї': 'Ji', 'Џ': 'Dsche', 'Ж': 'Sch',
				'Х': 'Ch', 'Ч': 'Tsch', 'Ш': 'Sch', 'Щ': 'Schtsch', 'Ю': 'Ju', 'Я': 'Ja', 'ж': 'sch', 'х': 'ch',
				'ч': 'tsch', 'ш': 'sch', 'щ': 'schtsch', 'ю': 'ju', 'я': 'ja', 'ё': 'jo', 'ђ': 'dje', 'ѓ': 'gje',
				'є': 'je', 'ѕ': 'dze', 'ї': 'ji', 'Ғ': 'Gh', 'ғ': 'gh', 'Ң': 'Ng', 'ң': 'ng', 'Ӕ': 'Ae', 'ӕ': 'ae' };
			trSet1 += this.localisation === 'de' ? "–" : "'-–";
			trSet2 += this.localisation === 'de' ? " " : "'--";
			var trReplace = function( $0, $1, $2 ) {
				return $1 + $2.replace( /&#?\w+;/g, ' ' ).replace( re,function( $0 ) {
					/* Some characters are replaced with the empty charAt(-1) on purpose */
					return trMap[$0] || trSet2.charAt( trSet1.indexOf( $0 ) );
				} ).replace( /(\S) +(?= |$)/g, '$1' ).replace( /(\S)# */g, '$1 #' );
			t = t.replace( /(\{\{(?:SORTIERUNG|DEFAULT\w*SORT\w*):)([^\n{}]+)(?=\}\})/g, trReplace );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:[^\n[\]|]+\|)([^\n[\]|]+)(?=\]\])/g, trReplace );

			/* Upper/lower case has been ignored since 8 March 2011 */
			var title = $.escapeRE( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) );
			t = t.replace( new RegExp( '\\{\\{(?:SORTIERUNG|DEFAULT\\w*SORT\\w*):\\s*' + title + '\\}\\}\\s*', 'gi' ), '' );
			var m = /\{\{(?:SORTIERUNG|DEFAULT\w*SORT\w*):([^\n{}]*)/.exec( t );
			t = t.replace( new RegExp( '(\\[\\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:[^[\\]|]*)\\|' + (m && $.escapeRE( m[1] ) || title) +
				'\\s*(?=\\]\\])', 'gi' ), '$1' );
			return t.replace( /(\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:)([a-z])/g, function( $0, $1, $2 ) { return $1 + $2.toUpperCase(); } );
		cleanNewlines: function( t ) {
			/* Reduce multiple blank lines to individual */
			t = t.replace( this.isDisambiguation ? /\n{3,}(?=\n)/g : /\n{3,}/g, '\n\n' );
			/* No blank space before one-line <references /> */
			t = t.replace( /(==\n)\n+(?=<references[^\n<>]*\/>\n\n)/gi, '$1' );
			/* Empty line according to individual instructions */
			t = t.replace(
				/(<\/?references[^\n<>]*>)\s*(?=\{\{Navi(?:gationsleiste |Block)|\{\{SORTIERUNG:|\{\{DEFAULT\w*SORT\w*:|\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:)/gi,
				'$1\n\n' );
			/* Blank between lists/specific templates and categories block */
			t = t.replace(
				/(\{\{(?:Begriffsklärung|Coordinate|Navi(?:gationsleiste |Block)|Normdaten)[^{}]*\}\}|^\* *[h[{][^\n]*)\s*(?=\{\{SORTIERUNG:|\{\{DEFAULT\w*SORT\w*:|\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:)/gim,
				'$1\n\n' );
			/* Split categories into separate lines (don't make this a look-ahead, it's slow!) */
			t = t.replace( /([^\s>-]) *(\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:[^\n[\]]*\]\])/gi, '$1\n$2' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:[^\n[\]]*\]\]) *(?![\s<-]|$)/gi, '$1\n' );
			t = t.replace( /(\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:[^\n[\]]*\]\]\n) *(?!\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:|[\s<-]|$)/gi, '$1\n' );
			/* No space between SORTING and category */
			t = t.replace( /(\{\{(?:SORTIERUNG|DEFAULT\w*SORT\w*):[^\n{}]*\}\})\s*(?=\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:)/gi, '$1\n' );
			/* Two empty lines in front of English stub templates */
			return t.replace( /(\[\[[CK]ategor[iy]e?:[^\n[\]]*\]\])\s*(?=\{\{[\w-]+-stub\b)/gi, '$1\n\n\n' );
		cleanTemplates: function( t ) {
			var de = this.lang === 'de';

			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*:?\s*(?:Vorlage|Template)\s*:\s*/gi, '{{' );
			/* Remove underline from all templates */
			t = t.replace( /(?:^|[^{])\{\{[ 0-9a-z\xC0-\u024F-]*_[ \w\xC0-\u024F-]*/gi, function( $0 ) {
				return $0.replace( /_+$/, '' ).replace( /[ _]+/g, ' ' ).replace( /\{ +/, '{' );
			} );
			/* Remove ineffective blank lines from templates */
			while ( /^\{\{(?:<(?:br|file>)[^>]*>|[^<>{}])*\n\n+ *[|}]/m.test( t ) ) {
				t = t.replace( /^(\{\{(?:<(?:br|file>)[^>]*>|[^<>{}])*\n)\n+(?= *[|}])/gm, '$1' );

			/* Use a {{Commons category|…}} template instead of {{Commons|Category:…}} */
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Commons *(?:cat|category)?\s*\|\s*[CK]ategor[iy]e?\s*:\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{Commonscat|' : '{{Commons category|' );

			/* Project-wide uniform spellings for frequently used templates */

			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(-|Br|Breakafterimages|Clr)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi, de ? '{{Absatz' : '{{$1' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Absatz|(Clear)(?:[ |]*(?:all|both))?)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi,
				de ? '{{Absatz' : function( $0, $1 ) { return '{{' + ($1 || 'Clear'); } );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Artikel über lebende Pe\w*|BLP)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi, '{{Artikel über lebende Person' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Belege|Quellen?)(?: *fehlen)?(?:[\s|]*(?=\}\})| *(?=\s*\|))/gi, '{{Belege fehlen' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Benutzer(?:in)?|IP|User|Vandale)\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{Benutzer|' : '{{User|' );
			// t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*cite +(?=\w+\s*\|)/gi, '{{cite ' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Commons(?:[\s|]*(?=\}\})|\s*(\|)\s*)/gi, '{{Commons$1' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Commons *cat(?:egory)?(?:[\s|]*(?=\}\})|\s*(\|)\s*)/gi,
				de ? '{{Commonscat$1' : '{{Commons category$1' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Dieser *Artikel\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{Dieser Artikel|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*DOI\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{DOI|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*dts(x?)\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{dts$1|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Erledigt[\s|~]*\}\}/gi, '{{Erledigt|[[User:Zyxw|Zyxw]] ([[User talk:Zyxw|talk]]) 15:11, 23 June 2017 (UTC)}}' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Gefallen|Fallen|Verlust|Verschlechtert|Decrease|Down|Loss)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi,
				de ? '{{Gefallen' : '{{decrease' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Gestiegen|Steigen|Gewinn|Profit|Verbessert|Increase|Gain)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi,
				de ? '{{Gestiegen' : '{{increase' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Hauptartikel|Hauptseite|Main|Main *articles?|See *main)\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{Hauptartikel|' : '{{Main|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Internetquelle|Weblink)(?=\s*\|)/gi, '{{Internetquelle' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:In *TeX *konvertieren|TeX)(?:[\s|]*(?=\}\})|\s*(\|)\s*)/gi, '{{In TeX konvertieren$1' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*lang\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{lang|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Link *([FG]A)\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{Link $1|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*nts\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{nts|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Nur *Liste|Liste)(?:[\s|]*(?=\}\})| *(?=\s*\|))/gi, '{{Nur Liste' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Okina[\s|]*\}\}/gi, '\u02BB' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Rotten *Tomatoes\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{Rotten Tomatoes|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*S(?:iehe *auch|ee[ -]*also)\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{Siehe auch|' : '{{See also|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:SortDate|Datesort)\d*\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{SortDate|' : '{{dts|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*SortKey(Name)?\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{SortKey$1|' : function( $0, $1 ) { return $1 ? '{{sortname|' : '{{sort|'; } );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:(?:Toter|Bad|Broken|Dead)[ -]*Link|404|Dead|DL)[\s|]*(?=[|}])/gi,
				de ? '{{Toter Link' : '{{dead link' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(u)nsign?(?:iert|ed)?\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{$1nsigniert|' : '{{$1nsigned|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Unverändert|Stabil|Steady|Nochange|Unchanged)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi,
				de ? '{{Unverändert' : '{{steady' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(?:Vorlage|Tl?1?|Temp|Template(?: *link)?)\s*\|\s*/gi,
				de ? '{{Vorlage|' : '{{tl|' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Wik(ibooks|inews|iquote|isource|ivoyage|tionary)[\s|]*(?=[|}])/gi, '{{Wik$1' );

			/* Unified lowercase for language templates such as {{enS|...}} */
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*([A-Za-z])([a-z]+S)(?:[\s|]*(?=\}\})|\s*(\|)\s*)/g, function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
				return '{{' + $1.toLowerCase() + $2 + ($3 || '');
			} );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*IMDb *([a-z])(\w+)\s*\|\s*/gi, function( $0, $1, $2 ) {
				return '{{IMDb ' + (de ? $1.toUpperCase() : $1.toLowerCase()) + $2 + '|';
			} );

			t = t.replace( /\(\{\{\s*B\s*((?:\|[^\n{|}]*){2,4})\}\}\)/gi, '{{Bibel$1}}' );
			/* Remove navigation bar wrapper if it contains a single navigation bar only */
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*NaviBlock\s*\|[\s|]*([^\n<>{|}]+)[\s|]*(?=\}\})/gi, '{{$1' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*(NaviBlock[^<>{}]*?)(?:[\s|]-*)*(?=\}\})/gi, function( $0, $1 ) {
				return '{{' + $1.replace( /\s*\|(?:-*[\s|])*/g, '\n|' ) + '\n';
			} );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*Normdaten\s*\|\s*PND\s*=\s*/g, '{{Normdaten|TYP=p|GND=' );
			t = t.replace( /\{\{\s*WBA\s*\|\s*/gi, '{{Waybackarchiv|' );
			t = t.replace(
				/\[ *\{\{\s*Wayback\w*\s*\|\s*url\s*=\s*[^\s\d{|}]*(\d{1,14})\/(\w+:[^\s{|}]*)[^{}]*\}\}\s+([^[\]|]*)\]/gi,
				'{{Webarchiv | url=$2 | wayback=$1 | text=$3}}' );

			return t.replace( /(\|\s*(?:Breit|Läng)engrad\s*=\s*[\d.\/]*?)\/[\/0]*(?=[\n|}])/g, '$1' );
		cleanRedundantTemplateParameters: function( t ) {
			var parameters = window.redundantTemplateParameters || [
				'(?:IMDb Name|IMDb Titel|OFDb|Rotten Tomatoes)|2',
				'Infobox (?:Arcade|Computer- und Videospiel|Musikalbum)|Titel',
				'Infobox (?:Band|Burg|Chemikalie|Eishockeyspieler|Flughafen|Flugzeug|Gemeinde in ' +
					'(?:Deutschland|Österreich)|Gemeindeverband in Deutschland|Landkreis|Ort in den ' +
					'(?:Niederlanden|Vereinigten Staaten)|Schiff|Schutzgebiet|Software|Stadion|Unternehmen)|Name',
				'Infobox (?:Berg|Fluss|Insel|See)|NAME',
				'Infobox Fußballspieler|kurzname',
				'Infobox Gemeinde in Italien|nomeComune',
				'Infobox Nationalpark|title',
				'Infobox Ort in der Schweiz|NAME_ORT',
				'Infobox Ort in (?:Polen|Tschechien)|Ort',
				'Infobox Ortsteil einer Gemeinde(?: in Deutschland)?|Ortsteil',
				'Infobox PKW-Modell|Modell',
				'Infobox Publikation|titel'];
			var title = '\\s*(?:' +
				$.escapeRE( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) ).replace( /\s+/g, '\\s+' ) +
			for ( var i = parameters.length; i--; ) {
				var m = /^(.+)\|(\d+)$/.exec( parameters[i] );
				var re = m ? m[1] + '\\s*(?:\\|[^{|}]*){' + (m[2] - 1) + '})\\|' + title + '(?=\\}\\})' :
					parameters[i].replace( /[\s_]+/g, '[\\s_]+' ).replace( /\|(?=[^|]*$)/, '\\s*(?:\\|[^{}]*)?)\\|\\s*' ) +
						'\\s*=' + title + '(?=\\||\\}\\})';
				t = t.replace( new RegExp( '(\\{\\{\\s*' + re, 'g' ), '$1' );
			return t;
		cleanTemplatesByRules: function( t ) {
			var rules = window.autoFormatTemplates || [{ name: 'Personendaten', format: '|_=_\n' }];
			for ( var rule in rules ) {
				if ( !rules[rule] || !rules[rule].name ) {
				rule = rules[rule];
				/* Format muss minimalst |_=_ lauten */
				if ( !rule.format ) rule.format = '';
				if ( rule.format.indexOf( '|' ) < 0 ) rule.format = '|' + rule.format;
				if ( rule.format.indexOf( '_' ) < 0 ) rule.format = rule.format.replace( '|', '|_' );
				if ( rule.format.indexOf( '=' ) < 0 ) rule.format += '=';
				if ( rule.format.match( /_+/g ).length < 2 ) rule.format += '_';
				var re = new RegExp( '\\{\\{[\\s\\xA0]*' + /[\s_]+/g, '[\\s_]+' ) + '(\\s*<![^>|}]*>)?[\\s\\xA0]*\\|', 'gi' );
				var m, a = [];
				while ( m = re.exec( t ) ) {
					a.push( m );
				for ( var i = a.length; i--; ) {
					t = this.cleanTemplateByRule( t, rule, a[i].index + 2, a[i][1] );
			return t;
		cleanTemplateByRule: function( t, rule, start, comment ) {
			var parameters, p = '', pos = start - 1;
			var nesting = { '[': 0, '{': 0 };
			while ( ++pos < t.length ) {
				var c = t.charAt( pos );
				if ( c === '[' || c === '{' ) {
				} else if ( c === ']' && nesting['[']-- <= 0 ) {
					return t;
				} else if ( c === '}' && nesting['{']-- <= 0 ) {
					/* Parsing had started after the opening {{, so before the closing }} stop */
					if ( t.charAt( pos + 1 ) !== '}' ) {
						return t;
					if ( parameters ) {
						parameters.push( p );
				} else if ( c === '|' && nesting['['] <= 0 && nesting['{'] <= 0 ) {
					if ( parameters ) {
						parameters.push( p );
					} else {
						parameters = [];
					p = '';
				p += c;
			if ( pos >= t.length || nesting['['] > 0 ) return t;

			var m = /((_+)#*)( *)[^_]*((_+)#*)( *)/.exec( rule.format );
			var kMax = m ? m[1].length : 0, kMin = m ? m[2].length : 0, kFix = m ? m[3].length : 0;
			var vMax = m ? m[4].length : 0, vMin = m && m[5].length > 1 ? m[5].length : 0, vFix = m ? m[6].length : 0;
			var result = + (comment || '') + (/\n$/.test( rule.format ) ? '\n' : '');
			for ( var i = 0; parameters && i < parameters.length; i++ ) {
				p = parameters[i];
				if ( !(m = /^\s*\|[\s\xA0]*(([^=|]*?) *)[\s\xA0]*=[\t \xA0]*([\s\S]*? *)\s*$/.exec( p )) ) {
					/* Remove empty unnamed parameters if a named one follows */
					if ( !/^\s*\|-*\s*$/.test( p ) || (parameters[i + 1] && parameters[i + 1].indexOf( '=' ) < 1) ) {
						result += p;
				p = rule.parameters && typeof rule.parameters[m[2]] !== 'undefined' ? rule.parameters[m[2]] : m[1];
				/* Discard parameters that are marked with false or similar in the rules */
				if ( !p ) {
				for ( var f = 0; (f < kFix || kMax && p.length > kMax) && /\s$/.test( p ); f++ ) {
					p = p.slice( 0, -1 );
				for ( var f = 0; (f < vFix || vMax && m[3].length > vMax) && /\s$/.test( m[3] ); f++ ) {
					m[3] = m[3].slice( 0, -1 );
				while ( p.length < kMin ) {
					p += ' ';
				while ( m[3].length < vMin ) {
					m[3] += ' ';
				result += rule.format.replace( /_+#*([^_]*)_+#*/, p.replace( /\$/g, '$$$$' ) + '$1' +
					m[3].replace( /\$/g, '$$$$' ) );
			if ( rule.format.indexOf( '\n' ) >= 0 ) {
				if ( typeof rule.trim === 'undefined' || rule.trim ) {
					result = result.replace( /[\t\r ]+$/gm, '' );
				/* Closing }} always on a separate line, if any break is in play */
				result = result.replace( /\n+\s*$/, '' ) + '\n';
			return t.slice( 0, start ) + result + t.slice( pos );
		executeUserReplacements: function( t ) {
			var from, replacements = window.autoFormatReplacements || {};
			for ( from in replacements ) {
				var to = replacements[from];
				/* If the replacements are not an associative object but a 2-dimensional array */
				if ( typeof to === 'object' && to.length > 1 ) {
					from = to[0], to = to[1];
				/* If the search pattern is a regular expression already, 'function' is for older Chrome */
				if ( typeof from === 'object' || typeof from === 'function' ) {
					t = t.replace( from, to );
				/* Do not allow empty search patterns for safety reasons */
				if ( /^\s*$/.test( from ) || typeof to !== 'string' ) {

				/* Most regex characters mask, except for characters */
				from = from.replace( /([$()*+.?^{|}])/g, '\\$1' );
				to = to.replace( /\$/g, '$$$$' );
				/* Observe word boundaries */
				from = from.replace( /^(?=\w|\\d)/, '\\b' ).replace( /(\w)$/, '$1\\b' );
				var a = [];
				for ( var re = /\\[dw]/g, m, i = 1; m = re.exec( from ); a.push( m ) ) {
					to = to.replace( m[0], '$' + i++ );
				for ( var i = a.length; i--; ) {
					from = from.slice( 0, a[i].index ) + (a[i][0] === '\\d' ? '(\\d+)' :
						'([A-Za-z\xB5\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u024F]+)') +
						from.slice( a[i].index + 2 );
				/* Look-ahead when a placeholder in search pattern and substitute is at the end */
				if ( /\+\)\\b$/.test( from ) && new RegExp( '\\$' + a.length + '$' ).test( to ) ) {
					from = from.replace( /([^()]+)\)\\b$/, '?=$1\\b)' );
					to = to.replace( /\$\d+$/, '' );
				/* Allow optional spaces after dots in the search pattern */
				from = from.replace( /\\\.(?=[(\w\xC0-\u024F])/g, '\\.(?:[ \xA0]|&nbsp;)*' );
				t = t.replace( new RegExp( from, 'g' ), to );
			return t;
		backupNowikis: function( t ) {
			this.nowikis = [];
			var re = /<(nowiki|includeonly|syntaxhighlight|source|html|pre|code|score|timeline|hiero|math)\b(?!\s*\/>)[\s\S]*?<\/\1\s*>/gi;
			var m;
			while ( m = re.exec( t ) ) {
				delete m.input;
				this.nowikis.push( m );
			for ( var i = this.nowikis.length; i--; ) {
				var placeholder = '<nowiki>' + i + '<\/nowiki>';
				t = t.slice( 0, this.nowikis[i].index ) + placeholder +
					t.slice( this.nowikis[i].index + this.nowikis[i][0].length );
				if ( /^<\w+\s*>\s*<\/\w+\s*>$/.test( this.nowikis[i][0] ) ) {
					this.nowikis[i][0] = /^no/i.test( this.nowikis[i][1] ) ? '<nowiki />' : '';
				} else if ( /^s[oy]/i.test( this.nowikis[i][1] ) ) {
					this.nowikis[i][0] = this.nowikis[i][0].replace( /^(<)\w+|\w+\s*(?=>$)/g, '$1syntaxhighlight' );
				this.nowikis[i][1] = placeholder;
				delete this.nowikis[i].index;
			return t;
		restoreNowikis: function( t ) {
			for ( var i = 0, len = this.nowikis.length, index = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
				index = t.indexOf( this.nowikis[i][1], index );
				if ( index >= 0 ) {
					t = t.slice( 0, index ) + this.nowikis[i][0] +
						t.slice( index + this.nowikis[i][1].length );
			delete this.nowikis;
			return t;
		backupFilenames: function( t ) {
			/* Save file name including unification as "File:" */
			this.files = [];
			var ns = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[6];
			var ext = mw.config.get( 'wgFileExtensions' ) || ['png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'tiff',
				'tif', 'xcf', 'pdf', 'mid', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'svg', 'djvu', 'oga', 'flac', 'wav', 'webm'];
			/* Match <gallery> lines, [[File:Thumbnails]] and {{Template|Parameters.jpg}} */
			var m, re = new RegExp(
				'(^ *|\\[\\[:?)\\s*(' + ns + '|Bild|File|Image) *: *([^\\n[\\]|]*?) *(?=[\\n\\]|])|'
					+ '(^ *|\\|\\n?(?:[^=[\\]{|}]*=)? *)\\s*([^\\n/[\\]{|}]*\\.(?:'
					+ ext.join( '|' ) + '))(?= *[\\n|}])',
			while ( m = re.exec( t ) ) {
				var o = ( m[5] ? m[4] : m[1] ).length;
				m.index += o;
				m.l = m[0].length - o;
				/* Multiple underscores and spaces never have a meaning in filenames */
				m[3] = ( m[5] || m[3] ).replace( /(?:[ _\xA0]|%20|%5F|%C2%A0|&nbsp;)+/gi, ' ' );
				this.files.push( m );
			var r = '', p = 0;
			for ( var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++ ) {
				this.files[i][0] = '<file>' + i + '<\/file>';
				/* Uniform spelling and space equalization */
				r += t.slice( p, this.files[i].index )
					+ ( this.files[i][2] ? ( this.localisation ? ns : this.files[i][2] ) + ':' : '' )
					+ this.files[i][0];
				p = this.files[i].index + this.files[i].l;
			return p ? r + t.slice( p ) : t;
		restoreFilenames: function( t ) {
			/* Save resaved file names */
			var r = '', p = 0;
			for ( var index, i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++ ) {
				if ( (index = t.indexOf( this.files[i][0], p )) < 0 ) {
				r += t.slice( p, index ) + this.files[i][3];
				p = index + this.files[i][0].length;
				delete this.files[i];
			if ( p ) t = r + t.slice( p );
			/* failures try again, happens, for example, with resorted gallery lines */
			for ( var i = this.files.length; i--; ) {
				if ( this.files[i] ) {
					t = t.replace( this.files[i][0], this.files[i][3] );
			delete this.files;
			return t;

	/* mw.loader.using('user.options') notwendig? */
	if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) ) {
		mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor', function() {
			$( document ).ready( function() {
				$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
					'section': 'main',
					'group': 'format',
					'tools': {
						'autoFormatter': {
							'label': 'Auto-Format',
							'type': 'button',
							'icon': '//',
							'action': {
								'type': 'callback',
								'execute': function() { return this ); }
				} );
			} );
		} );
	} else if ( mw.user.options.get( 'showtoolbar' ) ) {
		mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.action.edit', function() {
			mw.toolbar.addButton( '//',
				'Auto-Format', '', '', '', 'mw-customeditbutton-autoFormatter' );
			$( document ).ready( function() {
				$( '#mw-customeditbutton-autoFormatter' ).click( function() { return this ); } );
			} );
		} );
	} else {
		$( document ).ready( function() {
			/* If necessary, link under the editing window */
			var b = $( '.editButtons' ), c = b.children().last();
			( 'span' ) ? c : b).append( $( '.mw-editButtons-pipe-separator', b ).first().clone() );
			var a = $( '<a href="#">Auto-Format</a>' ); function() { return this ); } );
			b.append( a );
		} );
})( jQuery, mediaWiki );
// </nowiki>