User talk:Kalan/markblocked.js

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Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This script strikes through the names of blocked users in Wikipedia pages like in LiveJournal. It affects links to user and user talk pages (except subpages and section links) and contributions (may be useful for anons).


How it should look

After the page has finished loading, the script searches for userpage links, grabs the information about their status from API and marks them: blocked users are marked by being struck out and changed to a lighter color; users that are blocked indefinitely get italic text and an even lighter colour in addition to the striking out.

If the strikeout stops you from reading link text, just hover your mouse above it, and it will change into an underline.

Also, the link tooltip now contains useful information: the username of the admin who performed the block, the expiry time and the comment from the block log.


To save the settings, you should add them to your js-file (commonly monobook.js).

Setting Explaination
mbTempStyle = '…css‑code…'
By setting this, you may completely change the style of links to temporary blocked users.
mbTempStyle = 'border-bottom:1px solid #F4A430'
mbIndefStyle = 'border-bottom:1px solid #E41212'
mbTempStyle = ''

In case you don't like the effect on temporary blocked users

mbIndefStyle = '…css‑code…'
The same for indefinitely blocked users.
As an alternative, you may use CSS. Class names for the links are .user-blocked-temp and .user-blocked-indef.
mbTooltip = '— $2 until $1 with reason: $3'
Tooltip appendix, where $1 is for expiry time, $2 is for blocker, and $3 is replaced with the block comment.
mbLoadingOpacity = 0.25
By default, when data loading is in progress, links become a little pale. You may change the transparency from 0 (invisible) to 1 (unchanged); default is 0.85. Doesn't work in IE.
mbNoAutoStart = true
If you don't need strikeouts on every page and bandwidth amount matters for you, turn it on. Henceforth the process will not run automatically and you will have to press the xx tab.
mbTipBox = true
If you use Lupin's popups or any other script that changes the behavior when moving a mouse above the link, you may find this option useful. It causes the tooltip to be carried out into a small orange box before the link. #User:Vandal
mbTipBoxStyle = '…css‑code…'
You may style the orange box above as you like. For CSS tricks, use .user-blocked-tipbox.

Technical details

  • The script has been tested in IE 6.0, IE 7.0, Firefox, Opera 9.27.
  • Due to bugs in Firefox 2, users of this browser may not see the full text of tooltips. A possible way to fix that is the Long Titles extension.
  • Links are not semi-transparent in Internet Explorer by default.

Known issues

  • Some pages (e.g., history of blocked user's talkpage) may look weird.