Wikipedia:Notability basics

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Significant coverage

We need significant coverage. This helps show that a topic meets the

guidelines. We need multiple sources that discuss the topic directly and in detail. Not: passing mentions, directory listings, or any old thing that happens to have the topic's name in it.

Reliable sources

We need sources that are

reliable. Usually this means that the publisher has a reputation for fact checking and the text must be approved by an editor before it is printed. Choose: books from reputable publishing houses, mainstream newspapers, or other periodicals. Not: tabloids
, discussion boards, fansites, Facebook, YouTube, or most blogs. (Some blogs are written by professional journalists and published on newspaper websites, but most blogs have no editorial oversight, and comments on blogs, like forum posts, are almost never ok.)

Independent sources

We need sources that are

reliable sources
such as recognized experts on the subject or trustworthy reporters, best if published in mainstream media or in books and journals printed by reputable publishers.
