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There is a page named "Wikipedia:Revision deletion" on Wikipedia
- Hiding revisions)historical reasons) is a form of enhanced deletion that, unlike normal page deletion or revision deletion, expunges information from any form of usual...24 KB (2,959 words) - 04:59, 14 February 2025all remaining ones intact. The effect of using Wikipedia:Revision deletion is that the revisions will remain in the page history, but their deleted contents...14 KB (1,920 words) - 05:31, 27 January 2025Revision of borders of Poland (1945) was proposed for deletion. This page is an archive of the discussion about the proposed deletion. This page is no...2 KB (356 words) - 06:05, 22 April 2010total number of revisions is over 1.3 billion. Currently, the article count is 6,954,335 articles, with 1,271,003,575 total revisions, giving an average...7 KB (875 words) - 19:28, 20 January 2025first revisions that are only a sentence or two in length are pure vandalism or self-promotion, two of the most obvious reasons for speedy deletion. Even...7 KB (931 words) - 16:45, 4 July 2023Wikipedia:Revision deletion (WP:REVDEL) Wikipedia:Revision deletion/Examples Wikipedia:Revision deletion/Statistics Wikipedia:Revision deletion/Noticeboard...1 KB (164 words) - 04:30, 10 August 2024support removing the copyright-violating revisions via revision deletion; see the policy, Wikipedia:Revision deletion, specifically #Criteria for redaction...6 KB (594 words) - 08:16, 3 March 2023the page and restoring specific revisions, so it uses these attribution methods. When using Wikipedia:Revision deletion and deselecting the Delete editor's...5 KB (607 words) - 04:33, 17 June 2024should not be visible even to Wikipedia administrators; otherwise, Revision Deletion (RevDel) may be used. Wikipedia has a strict privacy policy that specifies...10 KB (1,198 words) - 06:58, 29 December 2024Shortcut WP:FRP BLPs smell like sewers. Flagged revisions have been promised for years now. 'Nuff said. To the Wikimedia Foundation, Note: We are asking...58 KB (5,179 words) - 13:43, 17 October 2024than 5000 revisions cannot be deleted by administrators. Because full page deletion is required to hide one revision, pages with many revisions cannot have...16 KB (2,152 words) - 01:10, 6 January 2024
- Deletion policy If you suspect that a work is a copyright violation, you can place it on Wikisource:Copyright discussions. If you believe that an article
- a project to better organize information in articles related to Policy Revision. This page and its subpages contain their suggestions; it is hoped that