This page is for uploading images and other media files to the English Wikipedia.

Are you uploading a free image or media file?
Please consider uploading it to the Wikimedia Commons.
Items uploaded to the Commons can be used on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, helping to create a central repository of free images and multimedia.

Where is the media from?
- It is entirely my own work and I am willing to release it irrevocably under a free license.
- It is the work of someone else, who has given permission to release it under a free license
- It is a work from a US federal government source (NOT state or local government)
- It is a work from Flickr and its author has released it under a free license
- It is a promotional photo from an advertisement, press kit, or similar source
- It is a historically significant fair use image
- It is the cover of an album or a single
- It is an audio sample of a song
- It is a cover or other page from a book, DVD, newspaper, magazine, or similar source
- It is a screenshot taken of a movie, TV program, computer game, web site, computer program, music video, or similar source
- It is the logo of an organization, brand, product, public facility, or other item
- It is a picture of a postage stamp, or of currency
- It is an image from a website
- Other files
- I don't know who the author is, or I am unsure which license applies
- I need help figuring out what the license is or I need help in understanding image copyright and Fair Use policies
- For experienced users
If you are familiar with our image policies and already know which license applies, you can go directly to the plain upload form.
- Help for new users
- For questions about image licensing and copyright, go to Media copyright questions.
- For requesting a file upload if you don't have a confirmed account yet, go to Wikipedia:Files for upload.
- For help creating your first own article, go to Wikipedia:Article wizard 2.0.
- For finding out where to ask other questions, go to Wikipedia:Questions.