Wikipedia:WikiProject Extinction/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject_Extinction along with their pageviews, including all redirects.


Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 3,193,727

Updated: 03:11, 6 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Chicxulub crater 200,329 6,462 FA High
2 Neanderthal 133,525 4,307 GA High
3 Dodo 100,342 3,236 FA High
4 Thylacine 79,018 2,548 FA High
5 Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 68,243 2,201 FA Top
6 Timeline of the far future 62,221 2,007 FL High
7 Barbary lion 61,644 1,988 C Low
8 Woolly mammoth 55,016 1,774 FA High
9 Extinction 54,601 1,761 C Top
10 Permian–Triassic extinction event 51,474 1,660 B Top
11 Smilodon 51,117 1,648 FA High
12 IUCN Red List 50,751 1,637 C High
13 Mammoth 49,321 1,591 B High
14 Aurochs 48,880 1,576 GA High
15 Extinction event 47,591 1,535 B Top
16 Holocene extinction 44,481 1,434 B Top
17 Ecology 41,767 1,347 GA Low
18 Dire wolf 37,008 1,193 FA Mid
19 Mastodon 36,100 1,164 B Mid
20 Human extinction 36,015 1,161 B Top
21 Great auk 34,824 1,123 FA Mid
22 Steller's sea cow 33,777 1,089 FA High
23 Moa 33,212 1,071 B High
24 Passenger pigeon 32,339 1,043 FA High
25 Caspian tiger 29,022 936 B High
26 Late Pleistocene extinctions 28,620 923 C Top
27 International Union for Conservation of Nature 27,726 894 C High
28 Critically Endangered 27,446 885 Start Mid
29 Endangered species 26,255 846 C High
30 Homo floresiensis 25,878 834 B Mid
31 Megatherium 25,461 821 C Mid
32 Elephant bird 24,624 794 B Mid
33 Extinct in the wild 24,419 787 Start Mid
34 Least-concern species 24,073 776 Start Mid
35 Local extinction 22,433 723 Start Mid
36 Quagga 21,023 678 FA Mid
37 Haast's eagle 20,927 675 C High
38 Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 20,116 648 Start Top
39 Kauaʻi ʻōʻō 19,618 632 C High
40 Javan tiger 19,469 628 B Low
41 Arctodus 18,914 610 B Low
42 Global catastrophic risk 18,433 594 B High
43 CITES 18,111 584 C Mid
44 Wild horse 18,094 583 C Low
45 Ground sloth 17,967 579 B Mid
46 Baiji 17,506 564 C Mid
47 Pyrenean ibex 17,214 555 C Mid
48 Irish elk 16,860 543 C Low
49 Late Ordovician mass extinction 16,443 530 Start Top
50 De-extinction 15,536 501 C High
51 California grizzly bear 14,906 480 B Mid
52 Extinction Rebellion 14,894 480 B Mid
53 Lists of extinct species 14,656 472 List High
54 Vulnerable species 13,815 445 Start Mid
55 Woolly rhinoceros 13,789 444 B Mid
56 Neanderthal extinction 13,689 441 C Mid
57 Late Devonian extinction 13,118 423 C High
58 Carolina parakeet 12,059 389 C Mid
59 Japanese wolf 11,789 380 Start Low
60 Eradication of infectious diseases 11,645 375 C Low
61 Pinta Island tortoise 11,388 367 C Low
62 Chinese paddlefish 11,171 360 C High
63 List of recently extinct mammals 11,054 356 List High
64 Columbian mammoth 10,858 350 FA Mid
65 Megalania 10,567 340 Start Low
66 IUCN Red List of extinct species 10,490 338 List High
67 Wildlife conservation 10,478 338 B Low
68 Endangered species (IUCN status) 10,258 330 Start Low
69 Revival of the woolly mammoth 9,808 316 C High
70 Japanese sea lion 9,358 301 C Mid
71 Endling 9,242 298 Start Mid
72 Lonesome George 9,057 292 C High
73 St. John's water dog 8,968 289 Start Low
74 Biodiversity loss 8,893 286 C High
75 Rodrigues solitaire 8,862 285 FA Low
76 Golden toad 8,683 280 C High
77 Bali tiger 8,625 278 Start Low
78 Tarpan 8,550 275 B Mid
79 Near-threatened species 8,517 274 Start Mid
80 Cape lion 8,420 271 C Mid
81 History of lions in Europe 8,065 260 Start Low
82 Diprotodon 8,004 258 GA Low
83 Aepyornis 7,885 254 C Low
84 IUCN Red List extinct in the wild species 7,841 252 List High
85 Elasmotherium 7,642 246 C Low
86 Atlas bear 7,362 237 C Low
87 Endangered Species Act of 1973 7,271 234 C High
88 Eastern cougar 7,160 230 C Low
89 Lists of IUCN Red List critically endangered species 6,970 224 List Low
90 List of animals that are extinct in the wild 6,958 224 List High
91 Hawaiian crow 6,912 222 Start High
92 Australian megafauna 6,893 222 C Low
93 Caribbean monk seal 6,787 218 C Mid
94 Cave hyena 6,744 217 C Low
95 Straight-tusked elephant 6,732 217 Start Low
96 List of extinct bird species since 1500 6,440 207 List High
97 Dwarf elephant 6,190 199 Start Low
98 Stegodon 6,154 198 B Low
99 Steppe mammoth 6,059 195 Start Low
100 List of extinct dog breeds 5,981 192 List High
101 Saber-toothed predator 5,893 190 Start Mid
102 Capitanian mass extinction event 5,865 189 C Low
103 Ex situ conservation 5,807 187 C High
104 Conservation biology 5,742 185 B High
105 List of critically endangered mammals 5,598 180 List Low
106 Yuka (mammoth) 5,536 178 Stub Low
107 List of North American animals extinct in the Holocene 5,480 176 List Low
108 Re'em 5,393 173 Start Low
109 Bullenbeisser 5,261 169 Start Low
110 Minimum viable population 5,138 165 Start High
111 Megaloceros 5,128 165 Start Low
112 Sea mink 5,128 165 FA Low
113 Falkland Islands wolf 4,997 161 C Low
114 Megalonyx 4,970 160 C Low
115 Lyall's wren 4,796 154 C Low
116 Cryptoblepharus egeriae 4,690 151 Stub High
117 List of extinction events 4,652 150 List Mid
118 Mexican grizzly bear 4,620 149 Start Low
119 Guam kingfisher 4,511 145 Stub High
120 Western black rhinoceros 4,456 143 Start Mid
121 Threatened species 4,449 143 C Mid
122 List of European species extinct in the Holocene 4,397 141 List Low
123 Salish Wool Dog 4,388 141 Stub Low
124 Bison latifrons 4,354 140 Start Low
125 Seychelles giant tortoise 4,307 138 C Low
126 Neanderthal genetics 4,295 138 C High
127 Procoptodon 4,260 137 Start Low
128 Alagoas curassow 4,258 137 Start High
129 Eocene–Oligocene extinction event 4,244 136 Start High
130 NatureServe conservation status 4,131 133 Start Mid
131 Tasmanian emu 4,110 132 Start Low
132 North African elephant 4,090 131 Start Low
133 Data deficient 4,006 129 Start Mid
134 The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History 3,991 128 C Mid
135 Schomburgk's deer 3,938 127 C Low
136 Huia 3,851 124 FA Mid
137 List of possible impact structures on Earth 3,828 123 List High
138 Abutilon pitcairnense 3,799 122 Start High
139 Rocky Mountain locust 3,799 122 C High
140 Hawaiian Poi Dog 3,753 121 Start Low
141 Functional extinction 3,633 117 Start Mid
142 Brugmansia suaveolens 3,627 117 C High
143 Palaeoloxodon falconeri 3,547 114 Start Low
144 Réunion ibis 3,508 113 FA Low
145 Carboniferous rainforest collapse 3,476 112 C Low
146 Franklinia 3,426 110 Start High
147 Martha (passenger pigeon) 3,339 107 C High
148 Dromornithidae 3,337 107 C Low
149 Ornimegalonyx 3,291 106 Start Low
150 Arabian ostrich 3,262 105 C Low
151 Techichi 3,248 104 Start Low
152 Stenodus leucichthys 3,230 104 Start Low
153 Rare species 3,188 102 Start Mid
154 Macrauchenia 3,182 102 C Mid
155 Spectacled cormorant 3,179 102 Start Low
156 Eremotherium 3,176 102 B Low
157 Bernard's wolf 3,175 102 Stub Mid
158 Subfossil lemur 3,163 102 FA Mid
159 South Island giant moa 3,136 101 Stub Low
160 Archaeoindris 3,131 101 FA Low
161 Cryptoprocta spelea 3,111 100 FA Low
162 Heath hen 3,068 98 C Low
163 Eastern barred bandicoot 3,039 98 C Low
164 Pygmy mammoth 2,987 96 C Low
165 Labrador duck 2,964 95 Start Mid
166 List of Asian animals extinct in the Holocene 2,957 95 List Low
167 Bird–window collisions 2,942 94 Start Mid
168 Pink pigeon 2,925 94 C Low
169 Pink-headed duck 2,920 94 B Low
170 English Water Spaniel 2,824 91 GA Low
171 Myotragus 2,748 88 Start Low
172 Imperial woodpecker 2,746 88 Start Low
173 Bramble Cay melomys 2,743 88 GA High
174 Eskimo curlew 2,717 87 Start Low
175 Conservation-dependent species 2,693 86 C Mid
176 Toxodon 2,656 85 Start Low
177 Mylodon 2,636 85 C Low
178 List of African animals extinct in the Holocene 2,608 84 List Low
179 Florida black wolf 2,562 82 Stub Mid
180 Meiolania 2,558 82 Start Low
181 Voay 2,530 81 Start Low
182 Mohoidae 2,506 80 Stub Low
183 Brugmansia arborea 2,506 80 Stub High
184 Syrian elephant 2,502 80 Start Mid
185 Timeline of extinctions in the Holocene 2,458 79 List High
186 Extinction debt 2,455 79 C Mid
187 List of recently extinct plants 2,452 79 List Mid
188 List of endangered species in Pakistan 2,419 78 List Low
189 Corypha taliera 2,402 77 Start High
190 Mauritius kestrel 2,357 76 Start Low
191 Extinction symbol 2,356 76 Start Mid
192 Dogo Cubano 2,338 75 Stub Low
193 Hare Indian Dog 2,336 75 Start Low
194 Cuvieronius 2,331 75 C Low
195 Bluebuck 2,313 74 FA Low
196 Kihansi spray toad 2,295 74 Stub High
197 Xerces blue 2,276 73 Start Low
198 Laughing owl 2,264 73 B Low
199 List of Australia-New Guinea species extinct in the Holocene 2,216 71 List Low
200 Encephalartos woodii 2,209 71 Stub High
201 Syrian wild ass 2,205 71 Start Low
202 Eastern elk 2,199 70 C Mid
203 The world's 100 most threatened species 2,166 69 List Mid
204 Dinornis 2,163 69 Start Low
205 Sicilian wolf 2,149 69 Start Low
206 Gastric-brooding frog 2,137 68 C Mid
207 Bubal hartebeest 2,137 68 Start Low
208 Genyornis 2,123 68 Start Low
209 Megaladapis 2,104 67 C Low
210 List of extinct cetaceans 2,074 66 List Low
211 Cuban macaw 2,037 65 FA Low
Lists of extinct animals
2,035 65 Redirect High
213 Extinction risk from climate change 2,017 65 Start High
214 Dusky seaside sparrow 2,004 64 Start Low
215 Moho (genus) 1,998 64 Start Mid
216 Bornean rhinoceros 1,980 63 C Low
217 Woylie 1,962 63 B Low
218 List of Late Quaternary prehistoric bird species 1,925 62 List Mid
219 Notiomastodon 1,876 60 Start Low
220 North Island giant moa 1,871 60 C Low
221 Nothrotheriops 1,868 60 Start Low
222 Hawaiʻi ʻōʻō 1,866 60 Stub Low
223 Caucasian wisent 1,833 59 Start Low
224 Background extinction rate 1,827 58 Start Mid
225 Raphinae 1,822 58 GA Mid
226 Mammuthus subplanifrons 1,806 58 Stub Low
227 Lyuba (mammoth) 1,801 58 Start Low
228 Golden skiffia 1,786 57 Stub High
229 List of recently extinct fishes 1,781 57 List Low
230 Breeding back 1,773 57 C Low
231 List of threatened species of the Philippines 1,766 56 List Low
232 Dicrogonatus gardineri 1,755 56 Stub Low
233 Red Deer Cave people 1,735 55 Start Low
234 Thylacoleonidae 1,713 55 Start Low
235 Echo parakeet 1,705 55 FA Low
236 Paschalococos 1,698 54 Start Low
237 Timeline of Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event research 1,685 54 C Low
238 Cambrian–Ordovician extinction event 1,685 54 Stub Mid
239 Gigarcanum 1,682 54 Start Low
240 List of plants that are extinct in the wild 1,676 54 List High
241 Tenerife giant rat 1,664 53 Start Low
242 Tahltan Bear Dog 1,657 53 Start Low
243 Bird extinction 1,637 52 Start Mid
244 Cyprinodon longidorsalis 1,630 52 Stub High
245 Bush moa 1,624 52 Start Low
246 Paramylodon 1,598 51 B Low
247 Stegodontidae 1,562 50 Stub Low
248 King Island emu 1,553 50 FA Low
249 Newfoundland wolf 1,552 50 Stub Low
250 Argentine polar dog 1,545 49 C Low
251 List of South American animals extinct in the Holocene 1,526 49 List Low
252 Pied raven 1,513 48 C Low
253 Saint Helena earwig 1,511 48 Start Low
254 Chaeropus 1,496 48 C Mid
255 Tauros Programme 1,492 48 C Mid
256 Dusicyon avus 1,487 47 Start Low
257 Space and survival 1,470 47 Start Mid
258 List of New Zealand species extinct in the Holocene 1,464 47 List Low
259 Paradise parrot 1,431 46 Start Low
260 Encephalartos brevifoliolatus 1,427 46 Stub High
261 Palaeoloxodon cypriotes 1,417 45 Start Low
262 Poʻouli 1,410 45 C Mid
263 Upland moa 1,400 45 C Mid
264 Not evaluated 1,398 45 Start Mid
265 European wild ass 1,345 43 B Mid
266 Sardinian pika 1,341 43 C Low
267 Sloth lemur 1,329 42 Start Low
268 Leptoptilos robustus 1,321 42 Start Low
269 Palaeoloxodon naumanni 1,314 42 Start Low
270 List of recently extinct insects 1,309 42 List Mid
271 Kangaroo Island emu 1,303 42 Start Low
272 Guam flying fox 1,289 41 Start Mid
273 List of resurrected species 1,289 41 Start Low
274 List of recently extinct amphibians 1,285 41 List Mid
275 Bulldog rat 1,276 41 Stub Low
276 List of endangered animals of North America 1,273 41 List Low
277 Elephants in ancient China 1,271 41 Start Mid
278 Guam rail 1,261 40 Start High
279 2019 mass invasion of Russian polar bears 1,258 40 C Mid
280 Red rail 1,244 40 FA Mid
281 Ecnomiohyla rabborum 1,234 39 GA Low
282 Murrayglossus 1,221 39 Start Low
283 Tahitian Dog 1,221 39 GA Low
284 Palaeopropithecus 1,213 39 C Low
285 Guadalupe caracara 1,209 39 Start Low
286 Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event 1,203 38 Start Low
287 Pachylemur 1,200 38 GA Low
288 List of recently extinct reptiles 1,183 38 List Mid
289 Spotted green pigeon 1,160 37 FA Low
290 Megalocnus 1,147 37 Stub Low
291 Atitlán grebe 1,142 36 Start Low
292 Bennu heron 1,134 36 Stub Low
293 Medea hypothesis 1,118 36 Stub Low
294 Brugmansia aurea 1,112 35 Start High
295 List of Madagascar and Indian Ocean Island animals extinct in the Holocene 1,102 35 List Mid
296 Bruniquel Cave 1,101 35 Start Low
297 Sardinian dhole 1,101 35 Stub Low
298 Centrobunus braueri 1,100 35 Stub Low
299 Norfolk kākā 1,099 35 Start Low
300 Desert rat-kangaroo 1,096 35 C Low
301 Carpathian wisent 1,092 35 Stub Mid
302 Oʻahu ʻōʻō 1,087 35 Start Low
303 Toolache wallaby 1,087 35 C Low
304 Maclear's rat 1,081 34 Stub Low
305 Christmas Island pipistrelle 1,080 34 C Mid
306 Cave lion 1,071 34 Disambig NA
307 Broad-billed parrot 1,067 34 FA Mid
308 Olson's Extinction 1,053 33 Start High
309 Gallotia goliath 1,046 33 Stub Low
310 Bishop's ʻōʻō 1,035 33 Start Low
311 Desert bandicoot 1,022 32 Start Low
312 Brugmansia versicolor 1,013 32 Stub High
313 Timor giant rat 1,011 32 Stub Low
314 Woodward's eagle 1,011 32 Stub Low
315 List of Hawaiian animals extinct in the Holocene 999 32 List Mid
316 List of mammoth specimens 994 32 List Low
317 South Island kōkako 992 32 C Low
318 Texas wolf 991 31 Stub Low
319 Bootherium 990 31 Start Low
320 Broad-faced potoroo 989 31 C Low
321 Mullerornis 981 31 Stub Low
Ecological collapse
975 31 Redirect Mid
323 Eudyptes warhami 975 31 Start Low
324 Hanyusuchus 968 31 C Low
325 Diego (tortoise) 968 31 B Low
326 Amsterdam wigeon 964 31 Stub Low
327 List of species protected by CITES Appendix I 954 30 List Low
328 Atlas wild ass 948 30 Start Low
329 New Zealand Threat Classification System 932 30 C Mid
330 Saint Helena olive 924 29 Start Mid
331 Hypothetical species 919 29 Stub Low
332 Portuguese ibex 917 29 Stub Low
333 Monkey lemur 912 29 Start Low
334 Round Island burrowing boa 907 29 Start Low
335 Hemiauchenia 895 28 Start Low
336 Javan elephant 890 28 Start Low
337 Knowledge ark 888 28 Start Mid
338 Mauritius blue pigeon 886 28 FA Mid
339 Southern black rhinoceros 868 28 Start Low
340 Stygobromus lucifugus 863 27 Stub Low
341 Waitaha penguin 861 27 Start Low
342 Silver trout 857 27 Start Low
343 End-Ediacaran extinction 852 27 Start High
344 Norfolk Spaniel 845 27 GA Low
345 White swamphen 841 27 FA Low
346 Euceratherium 841 27 Stub Low
347 Queen of Sheba's gazelle 840 27 Stub Low
348 Toughie (frog) 839 27 Start Low
349 Heptaxodontidae 830 26 Start Low
350 Middle Miocene disruption 830 26 Start Mid
351 Diprotodontidae 826 26 Stub Low
352 Mesozoic marine revolution 820 26 Start Mid
353 Black softshell turtle 813 26 Start High
354 Cervalces 803 25 Stub Low
355 Laysan rail 802 25 C Low
356 Tetrameryx 801 25 Stub Low
357 Crescent nail-tail wallaby 800 25 C Low
358 Alabama beach mouse 793 25 Stub Low
359 Hypnomys 791 25 C Low
360 Prolagus 784 25 Stub Low
361 New Zealand goose 782 25 Stub Low
362 Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus 769 24 Stub Mid
363 Jamaican red macaw 755 24 Stub Low
364 Stilt-owl 751 24 Stub Low
365 Palaeolama 750 24 Start Low
366 Small Mauritian flying fox 749 24 Start Mid
367 List of species protected by CITES Appendix II 735 23 List Low
368 Cylindraspis 733 23 Start Low
369 Platygonus 724 23 Start Low
370 Eastern hare-wallaby 723 23 Start Low
371 Protemnodon 721 23 Stub Low
372 List of extinct butterflies 720 23 List Low
373 St. Croix macaw 718 23 FA Low
374 Dogor 717 23 Start Low
375 Hesperotestudo 715 23 Start Low
376 Aylacostoma chloroticum 713 23 Stub High
377 Chendytes 711 22 Stub Low
378 Thismia americana 706 22 Start Mid
379 Tecopa pupfish 692 22 C Low
380 Smooth handfish 691 22 Start Low
381 Lists of IUCN Red List near threatened species 684 22 List Mid
382 Broad-billed moa 681 21 Stub Low
383 Marquesan Dog 681 21 GA Low
384 Cascade mountain wolf 674 21 Stub Mid
385 Coextinction 671 21 Start High
386 Big-eared hopping mouse 668 21 B Low
387 Mauritius sheldgoose 667 21 FA Low
388 Réunion giant tortoise 662 21 Start Low
389 Alaotra grebe 659 21 Start Low
390 Stockoceros 646 20 Stub Low
391 Choiseul pigeon 645 20 FA Low
392 Glossotherium 645 20 Stub Low
393 Oceanic eclectus 644 20 Stub Low
394 List of endangered fishes 643 20 List Low
395 Kioea 641 20 Start Low
396 Timeline of Extinction Rebellion actions 635 20 C Low
397 Siberian Tiger Introduction Project 619 19 Start Low
398 Gregory's wolf 619 19 Stub Low
399 Caucasian moose 618 19 Stub Mid
400 IUCN Red List endangered species (Animalia) 614 19 List Mid
401 Neochoerus pinckneyi 613 19 Stub Low
402 Guadeloupe amazon 609 19 FA Low
403 Aldabrachelys gigantea arnoldi 607 19 C Low
404 Lake Mackay hare-wallaby 603 19 Start Low
405 Lesser Antillean macaw 600 19 FA Low
406 Bermuda hawk 595 19 Stub Low
407 Mascarene grey parakeet 591 19 FA Low
408 Megaceroides algericus 590 19 Start Low
409 Saudi gazelle 589 19 Stub Low
410 Rodrigues parrot 588 18 FA Mid
411 George (snail) 580 18 C Mid
412 List of Oceanian species extinct in the Holocene 580 18 List Low
413 Archaeolemur 576 18 Start Low
414 Martinique macaw 573 18 GA Low
415 North-eastern black rhinoceros 570 18 Start Low
416 List of extinct birds in the wild 569 18 List Low
417 Endangerment of orangutans 568 18 C Low
418 Cretan owl 562 18 Stub Low
419 Branta rhuax 559 18 Stub Low
420 Lestodon 557 17 Start Low
421 Chatham kākā 553 17 Start Low
422 Conservation-reliant species 552 17 Start Mid
423 Mascarene teal 548 17 Start Low
Toarcian turnover
546 17 Redirect NA
425 Cape Verde giant skink 546 17 Start Low
426 Viti Levu giant pigeon 537 17 Stub Low
427 Red-bellied gracile opossum 535 17 Stub Low
428 Partula turgida 528 17 Stub Low
429 Nēnē-nui 523 16 Start Low
430 Acratocnus 522 16 Start Low
431 Lau event 520 16 Start Mid
432 Regional Red List 516 16 Start Mid
433 Colombian grebe 509 16 Stub Low
434 Turtle-jawed moa-nalo 507 16 Stub Low
435 Seychelles parakeet 505 16 FA Low
436 Afrocyclops pauliani 504 16 Stub Low
437 Sthenurus 503 16 C Low
438 Saddle-backed Rodrigues giant tortoise 502 16 Stub Low
439 Endangered species recovery plan 498 16 C High
440 Southern pig-footed bandicoot 491 15 Start Low
441 Newton's parakeet 490 15 FA Low
442 Guadalupe storm petrel 488 15 Start Low
443 Syncaris pasadenae 487 15 Start Low
444 Giant malleefowl 478 15 Stub Low
445 Mauritius scops owl 469 15 Start Low
446 Noronhomys 467 15 FA Low
447 Titicaca orestias 467 15 C Low
448 Neochoerus 467 15 Stub Low
449 Badlands bighorn 465 15 Stub Mid
450 Scelidotherium 465 15 Stub Low
451 Dresbachian 460 14 Stub Mid
452 Mascarene parrot 458 14 FA Low
453 Vanvoorstia bennettiana 455 14 Start Low
454 Dominican green-and-yellow macaw 455 14 Start Low
455 Queen Charlotte Islands caribou 453 14 Stub Low
456 List of extinct arachnids 453 14 List Mid
457 New Zealand owlet-nightjar 453 14 Start Low
458 Puerto Rican nesophontes 452 14 Stub Low
459 Uruz Project 451 14 C Mid
460 New Zealand bittern 450 14 Start Low
461 Brugmansia insignis 449 14 Start High
462 Pteropus brunneus 447 14 C Low
463 Madeiran large white 445 14 Start Low
464 Coryphomys 444 14 Stub Low
465 Laysan honeycreeper 443 14 Start Low
466 Brace's emerald 440 14 Start Low
467 Réunion swamphen 436 14 FA Low
468 Aldabrachelys grandidieri 429 13 Start Low
469 South Island snipe 429 13 Start Low
470 Thicktail chub 427 13 Start Low
471 List of Neanderthal sites 426 13 List Low
472 List of endangered and threatened animals and plants of Illinois 424 13 List Low
473 Megavitiornis 423 13 Start Low
474 Babakotia 422 13 FA Low
475 Rodrigues rail 422 13 FA Low
476 Kauaʻi ʻakialoa 417 13 C Mid
477 List of recently extinct invertebrates 417 13 List Mid
478 Laysan millerbird 416 13 Start Low
479 Lapitiguana 415 13 Stub Low
480 Mylohyus 415 13 Stub Low
481 Kāmaʻo 412 13 Start Mid
482 Aylacostoma guaraniticum 404 13 Stub High
483 Cebu warty pig 404 13 Stub Low
484 Hoopoe starling 399 12 FA Low
485 Astolfo's rail 399 12 Stub Low
486 Acalypha rubrinervis 399 12 Stub Low
487 List of recently extinct molluscs 397 12 List Low
488 Shiriyanetta 393 12 Stub Low
489 Ireviken event 391 12 Start Mid
490 End-Botomian mass extinction 390 12 Start High
491 Long-legged bunting 390 12 Start Low
492 ʻUla-ʻai-hawane 390 12 Start Mid
493 Longjaw cisco 390 12 Start Low
494 Red-headed macaw 387 12 Stub Low
495 Kauaʻi nukupuʻu 386 12 Start Low
496 Martinique amazon 381 12 Stub Low
497 Golden swallow 380 12 FA Low
498 Namibcypris 380 12 Stub Low
499 Brachyprotoma 379 12 Stub Low
500 North Island snipe 379 12 Start Low
501 Defaunation 378 12 C Mid
502 Lord Howe long-eared bat 375 12 B Low
503 Kona giant looper moth 374 12 Stub Low
504 Megadytes ducalis 369 11 Stub Low
505 Camellia amplexicaulis 368 11 Stub Low
506 Northern pig-footed bandicoot 366 11 Start Low
507 Kokia cookei 366 11 Stub High
508 Mesopropithecus 364 11 FA Low
509 Bridled white-eye 364 11 Start Low
510 Crested moa 364 11 Start Low
511 Navassa curly-tailed lizard 363 11 Stub Low
512 Raiatea parakeet 361 11 Start Low
513 Rodrigues giant day gecko 360 11 Start Low
514 San Marcos gambusia 358 11 Start Mid
515 Talpanas 357 11 Start Low
516 Mount Glorious day frog 355 11 Start Low
517 Charco Palma pupfish 354 11 Stub High
518 Blackfin cisco 354 11 Start Low
519 Hawkins's rail 354 11 Stub Low
520 Revive & Restore 351 11 Start Low
521 Jack Sepkoski 349 11 Start Low
522 Maui nukupuʻu 348 11 Start Mid
523 Black-fronted parakeet 347 11 Start Low
524 Lake Pedder earthworm 346 11 Stub Mid
Flabellidium spinosum
346 11 Redirect NA
526 Norfolk pigeon 342 11 Start Low
527 Chatham rail 342 11 Stub Low
528 Fred M. Packard Award 339 10 Stub Low
529 Rodrigues night heron 339 10 FA Low
530 List of species protected by CITES Appendix III 338 10 List Low
531 Simosthenurus 337 10 Start Low
532 Coregonus fera 337 10 Stub Low
533 Antidorcas bondi 337 10 Stub Low
534 Lord Howe pigeon 336 10 Start Low
535 Urania sloanus 335 10 Start Low
536 Bermuda flicker 334 10 Stub Low
537 Antigone cubensis 333 10 Stub Low
538 Paleogenomics 329 10 C Low
539 Aylacostoma stigmaticum 328 10 Stub High
540 List of recently extinct arthropods 327 10 List Mid
541 Perameles papillon 323 10 Stub Low
542 Maui ʻakepa 322 10 Start Low
543 Bermuda saw-whet owl 321 10 Stub Low
544 Hadropithecus 320 10 GA Low
545 List of Macaronesian animals extinct in the Holocene 317 10 List Low
546 Paul Schultz Martin 315 10 Start Low
547 Nullarbor dwarf bettong 314 10 Start Mid
548 Ascension night heron 314 10 Start Low
549 Norfolk boobook 311 10 C Mid
550 Guadeloupe parakeet 310 10 Stub Low
551 Halarachne americana 308 9 Stub Low
552 Ameca shiner 307 9 Stub High
553 Anas chathamica 307 9 Stub Low
554 Guam flycatcher 307 9 Start Low
555 Mediterranean sand tiger shark 306 9 Start Low
556 Tahiti rail 305 9 FA Low
557 Small-billed moa-nalo 303 9 Stub Low
303 9 Redirect NA
559 Sympetrum dilatatum 303 9 Stub Low
560 Lesser ʻakialoa 301 9 Stub Low
561 Rodrigues scops owl 300 9 Start Low
562 Large Palau flying fox 299 9 Stub Low
563 Lord Howe gerygone 296 9 C Low
564 Tasman starling 294 9 Start Low
565 Greater ʻamakihi 293 9 Stub Low
566 Mantell's moa 292 9 Stub Low
567 Red-moustached fruit dove 291 9 Start Low
568 Madeiran wood pigeon 288 9 Stub Low
569 Raiatea starling 287 9 Start Low
570 Titanohierax 286 9 B Low
571 Antifer 283 9 Stub Low
572 Nothrotherium 281 9 Stub Low
573 Chatham fernbird 280 9 Start Low
574 São Miguel scops owl 280 9 Start Low
575 Perrin's cave beetle 278 8 Stub Low
576 Ryukyu kingfisher 275 8 Start Low
577 Kona grosbeak 275 8 Start Low
578 Adiantum lianxianense 272 8 Stub Low
579 Fauna of Guyana 270 8 List Unknown
580 Lists of IUCN Red List least concern species 269 8 List Low
581 Giant solenodon 269 8 Stub Low
582 Buteogallus borrasi 265 8 Stub Low
583 Pile-builder megapode 264 8 Start Low
584 Rodrigues day gecko 264 8 Start Low
585 Cyanea pinnatifida 263 8 Start High
586 Brachylophus gibbonsi 263 8 C Low
587 Salvelinus neocomensis 262 8 Stub Low
588 Levuana moth 261 8 Start Low
589 Long-billed wren (New Zealand) 257 8 Start Low
590 Saint Croix racer 256 8 Stub Low
591 Christmas Island forest skink 255 8 C Low
592 Canary Islands quail 255 8 Stub Low
593 Neomacounia 254 8 Start Low
594 Brugmansia vulcanicola 254 8 Stub High
595 Abaco Barb 253 8 Start Low
596 Tristan moorhen 251 8 Stub Low
597 Rodrigues pigeon 250 8 Start Low
598 Aptian extinction 250 8 Start Mid
599 List of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha animals extinct in the Holocene 250 8 List Low
600 Gravenche 250 8 Start Low
601 Earth Strike 249 8 Start High
602 Lord Howe parakeet 248 8 Start Low
603 Malagasy sheldgoose 244 7 Stub Low
604 Spelaeomys 244 7 Stub Low
605 Megalomys desmarestii 243 7 Stub Low
606 Plate-toothed giant hutia 243 7 Stub Low
607 Hemigrapsus estellinensis 242 7 GA Low
608 Pseudoextinction 240 7 Start Low
609 Madatyphlops cariei 240 7 Start Low
610 Rodrigues blue pigeon 239 7 Stub Mid
611 Bromus interruptus 238 7 Start High
612 Mulde event 236 7 Start Mid
613 Rodrigues starling 234 7 FA Low
614 Pseudobactricia 234 7 Stub Low
615 Lowland kagu 233 7 Stub Low
616 Biodiversity Impact Credit 233 7 Start Unknown
617 Hulitherium 232 7 Start Low
618 Marquesas swamphen 231 7 Stub Low
619 Long-tailed hopping mouse 231 7 C Low
620 Mascarene coot 229 7 Start Low
621 Madeiran scops owl 229 7 Stub Low
622 Eastwood's long-tailed seps 227 7 Stub Low
623 Hadramphus tuberculatus 225 7 Start Low
624 Beyşehir bleak 224 7 Stub Low
625 Megalomys luciae 223 7 Stub Low
626 Diabolotherium 222 7 Start Low
627 San Benedicto rock wren 220 7 Stub Low
628 Xenotrichini 218 7 Start Low
629 ʻĀmaui 217 7 Start Mid
630 Powerful goshawk 216 6 Start Low
631 Mauritian wood pigeon 213 6 Stub Mid
632 Mauritian turtle dove 212 6 Stub Mid
633 Bromus bromoideus 212 6 Stub High
634 Large Samoan flying fox 212 6 Stub Low
635 Ahytherium 211 6 Start Low
636 Allison Argo 210 6 C Low
637 Dexteria 210 6 Stub Low
638 Ugly Animal Preservation Society 209 6 Start Mid
639 Robust white-eye 209 6 Start Low
640 National List of Threatened Terrestrial Fauna of the Philippines 209 6 List Low
641 Coregonus bezola 206 6 Stub Low
642 Oʻahu moa-nalo 206 6 Stub Low
643 Acaena exigua 205 6 Stub Low
644 White-chested white-eye 204 6 Start Mid
645 Marianne white-eye 204 6 Start Low
646 Sopkarga mammoth 203 6 Stub Low
647 Conservation-induced extinction 203 6 Start Mid
648 Bermuda towhee 203 6 Stub Low
649 The Wildlife Society 201 6 Start Low
650 Réunion rail 201 6 Start Low
651 Insular cave rat 201 6 Stub Low
652 Bermuda flightless duck 200 6 Stub Low
653 Endangered Species Act Amendments of 1978 199 6 C Low
654 Conservation biology of parasites 199 6 Start Mid
655 San Cristóbal flycatcher 198 6 Start Low
656 Oʻahu ʻakepa 195 6 Stub Low
657 Lord Howe boobook 195 6 Stub Low
Blue Paul Terrier
194 6 Redirect Low
List of extinct animals of the British Isles
192 6 Redirect NA
660 Maui Nui large-billed moa-nalo 192 6 Stub Low
661 Encephalartos nubimontanus 192 6 Stub High
662 Platytropius siamensis 191 6 Stub Low
663 Coregonus gutturosus 189 6 Stub Low
664 Yunnan box turtle 189 6 Start Low
Capromeryx minor
187 6 Redirect NA
666 Begonia eiromischa 187 6 Stub Low
667 Oryzomys nelsoni 186 6 GA Low
668 Hibiscadelphus wilderianus 186 6 Stub Low
List of extinct animals of the Philippines
184 5 Redirect Low
670 Techirghiol stickleback 184 5 Start Low
671 Antillean cave rail 183 5 Stub Low
672 Guadeloupe ameiva 183 5 Start Low
673 Short-tailed hopping mouse 181 5 Stub Low
674 Pedder galaxias 181 5 Start Low
675 Antioquia brushfinch 181 5 Stub Low
676 How to Clone a Mammoth 180 5 C Low
677 Puerto Rican barn owl 179 5 Stub Low
678 Salvelinus profundus 179 5 Start Low
679 Chatham Island merganser 177 5 Stub Low
680 Rhyacophila amabilis 177 5 Stub Low
681 Cyanea superba 176 5 Start High
682 Lesser koa finch 176 5 Start Low
683 Aldabra brush warbler 175 5 Start Low
684 Bonin nankeen night heron 174 5 Start Low
685 Scarlett's duck 174 5 Start Low
686 Roberts' lechwe 172 5 Stub Low
687 Wood harrier 171 5 Start Low
688 Extinct Birds 170 5 Start Low
689 Goff's pocket gopher 169 5 Stub Low
690 Meridiorhantus orbignyi 169 5 Stub Low
691 Sespe Condor Sanctuary 168 5 Start Mid
692 Réunion fody 165 5 Start Low
693 Saint Helena petrel 164 5 Stub Low
694 Macquarie rail 163 5 Stub Low
695 Santalum fernandezianum 163 5 Stub Low
696 Hodgens' waterhen 162 5 Stub Low
697 Red List of South African Plants 161 5 Start Low
698 Pennatomys 160 5 FA Low
699 Ugi naked-tailed rat 159 5 Stub Low
700 Rhantus novacaledoniae 158 5 Stub Low
701 Salmo pallaryi 158 5 Stub Low
702 Galapagos damsel 156 5 Stub Low
703 Microgale macpheei 154 4 GA Low
704 Pacifastacus nigrescens 153 4 Stub Low
705 New Caledonian gallinule 152 4 Stub Low
706 Lagostomus crassus 152 4 Stub Low
707 King Kong grosbeak 152 4 Stub Low
708 Achyranthes atollensis 152 4 Stub Low
709 Geograpsus severnsi 151 4 C Low
710 Trochetiopsis melanoxylon 151 4 Stub Low
711 Robust crow 150 4 C Low
712 Buhler's coryphomys 150 4 Stub Low
713 Plateau chub 149 4 Stub Low
714 Akrav 148 4 Start Low
715 Great hopping mouse 147 4 Stub Low
716 Tongoenas 147 4 Start Low
717 Rhantus papuanus 147 4 Stub Low
718 Madhuca insignis 146 4 Stub Low
719 Kosrae starling 146 4 Start Low
720 Hydrodamalinae 144 4 Stub Low
721 Rivero's barn owl 144 4 Stub Low
722 Santa Fe Island tortoise 144 4 Start Low
723 Bountyphaps 142 4 Stub Low
724 Kauaʻi palila 138 4 Start Low
725 Crudia zeylanica 137 4 Stub Low
726 Encephalartos relictus 137 4 Stub High
727 Puerto Rican crow 135 4 Start Low
728 Lord Howe fantail 135 4 Start Low
729 Roque Chico de Salmor giant lizard 135 4 Stub Low
730 Preservation breeding 134 4 Stub Low
731 Réunion pochard 134 4 Stub Low
732 Gracile goshawk 133 4 Start Low
733 Atelopus ignescens 133 4 Start Low
132 4 Redirect NA
735 Alphonsea hortensis 132 4 Stub High
736 Lord Howe thrush 131 4 Stub Low
737 Ratas Island lizard 131 4 Stub Low
738 Heliotropium pannifolium 130 4 Stub Low
739 Ibiza rail 130 4 Start Low
740 Sporobolus durus 129 4 Stub Low
741 Mangareva kingfisher 129 4 Start Low
742 Asphalt miniature owl 128 4 Stub Low
743 Triaenodes phalacris 127 4 Stub Low
744 Tropidophis bucculentus 126 4 Stub Low
745 Sphenocoelus 126 4 Stub Low
746 Underwood's mussurana 125 4 Stub Low
124 4 Redirect Low
748 Rhinodrilus fafner 123 3 Stub Low
749 Henderson ground dove 123 3 Stub Low
750 Martinique curlytail lizard 122 3 Stub Low
751 Argyroxiphium virescens 122 3 Stub Low
752 List of Red Lists 122 3 List Low
753 Giant nukupuʻu 121 3 Stub Low
754 Valerianella affinis 121 3 Stub Low
755 Snipe-rail 120 3 Start Low
756 Malagasy shelduck 120 3 Stub Low
757 Consumed scrubfowl 119 3 Start Low
758 Chondrostoma scodrense 117 3 Stub Low
759 Huahine gull 115 3 Stub Low
760 Cuban pauraque 115 3 Stub Low
761 Euphorbia mayurnathanii 114 3 Stub High
762 Argocoffeopsis lemblinii 114 3 Stub Low
763 Triaenodes tridontus 113 3 Stub Low
764 Acalypha wilderi 113 3 Stub Low
765 Providence blue pigeon 113 3 Start Low
766 Chadwick Beach cotton mouse 112 3 Start Low
767 List of museums and colleges with mastodon fossils on display 112 3 List Low
768 Selli Event 112 3 C Low
769 New Zealand stiff-tailed duck 111 3 Stub Low
770 New Caledonian barn owl 110 3 Start Low
771 Cayman nesophontes 110 3 Stub Low
772 Extinct species in art 110 3 Start Unknown
773 Tongan tooth-billed pigeon 109 3 Start Low
774 Santo Stefano lizard 109 3 Stub Low
775 Endorheic chub 109 3 Stub Low
776 Lost Animals of the 20th Century 108 3 Start Mid
777 Mwalau 108 3 Stub Low
778 Madeira finch 108 3 Start Low
779 Lítla Dímun sheep 107 3 Stub Mid
780 Oldenlandia adscensionis 107 3 Stub Low
781 Ecotron 106 3 Stub Low
782 Ciridops 106 3 Stub Low
783 Lānaʻi ʻalauahio 106 3 Stub Low
784 Parras characodon 106 3 Stub Low
785 Ilex gardneriana 105 3 Stub Low
786 Hova gallinule 104 3 Stub Low
787 Psidium dumetorum 103 3 Stub Low
788 Chestnut ermine moth 102 3 Stub Low
789 Perameles myosuros 102 3 Stub Low
790 Australonyx 102 3 Stub Low
791 Chloridops 102 3 Stub Low
792 Nesotrochis 101 3 Stub Low
793 Xylotoles costatus 100 3 Start Low
794 Megistonyx 99 3 C Low
795 Stout-legged finch 99 3 Stub Low
796 Orbexilum stipulatum 99 3 Start Low
797 Henderson imperial pigeon 98 3 Stub Low
798 Small Samoan flying fox 98 3 Stub Low
799 New Zealand coot 96 3 C Low
800 Atelopus longirostris 95 3 C Low
801 Coregonus restrictus 94 3 Stub Low
802 Hesperelaea 94 3 Start Low
803 Miocnus 94 3 Stub Low
804 Stipax 92 2 Stub Low
805 Thomasettia 92 2 Stub Low
806 Megalomys 92 2 Stub Low
807 Jamaican wood rail 91 2 Stub Low
808 Markham's frog 91 2 Stub Low
809 Lottia alveus 91 2 Start Low
810 Theliderma stapes 90 2 Stub Low
811 Oeceoclades seychellarum 90 2 Start Low
812 Antillean cave rat 89 2 Stub Low
813 Puerto Rican quail-dove 89 2 Start Mid
814 Guadalupe wren 89 2 Start Low
815 Western Lewin's rail 88 2 Start Low
816 Cyanea dolichopoda 88 2 Stub Low
817 Leiopelma waitomoensis 88 2 Stub Low
818 Battus polydamas antiquus 88 2 Stub Low
Réunion parakeet
86 2 Redirect NA
820 Epioblasma haysiana 85 2 Stub Low
821 Gomphrena rigida 85 2 Stub Low
822 Norfolk triller 85 2 Start Mid
823 Cambay Shale Formation 84 2 Start Unknown
824 Pleorotus 84 2 Stub Low
825 Mammoth central 83 2 Start Low
826 Highland finch 82 2 Start Low
827 New Caledonian ground dove 81 2 Stub Low
828 Niue night heron 81 2 Stub Low
829 Cathartes emsliei 81 2 Stub Low
830 Malagasy lapwing 80 2 Stub Low
831 Casearia tinifolia 80 2 Stub Low
832 Henderson sandpiper 79 2 Stub Low
833 Great Maui crake 78 2 Stub Low
834 Paul Wignall 77 2 Start Low
835 Ana Colovic Lesoska 76 2 Start Low
836 Norfolk thrush 76 2 Start Low
837 Eastern Canary Islands chiffchaff 76 2 Start Low
838 Peale's Barber Farm Mastodon Exhumation Site 75 2 Stub Low
839 Imber's petrel 74 2 Stub Low
840 Norfolk Island rail 74 2 Start Low
841 Megalomys georginae 74 2 Stub Low
842 Barbados rail 74 2 Stub Low
843 Chatham coot 73 2 C Low
844 Kokia lanceolata 73 2 Stub Low
845 Vava'u rail 73 2 Stub Low
846 Procambarus angustatus 73 2 Stub Low
847 Niceforo's pintail 72 2 Start Low
848 Epioblasma arcaeformis 72 2 Stub Low
849 Trias greenfinch 71 2 Start Low
850 Casearia quinduensis 71 2 Stub Low
851 Persoonia prostrata 71 2 Start Low
852 Wildlife inspector 71 2 Start Low
853 Mobilize Earth 70 2 Start Mid
854 Ayenia ivorensis 70 2 Stub Low
855 Hopea shingkeng 70 2 Stub Low
856 Achatinella abbreviata 69 2 Start Low
857 Western rufous bristlebird 68 2 Start Low
858 Rotund rocksnail 68 2 Stub Low
859 Alasmidonta mccordi 68 2 Stub Low
860 Great Oʻahu crake 68 2 Stub Low
861 Streblorrhiza 68 2 Stub Low
862 Great ground dove 67 2 Stub Low
863 Xanthostemon sebertii 66 2 Stub Low
864 Cyanea quercifolia 66 2 Stub Low
865 Tongatapu rail 66 2 Stub Low
866 Rallicola extinctus 66 2 Stub Low
867 Sitalcicus gardineri 64 2 Stub Low
868 Microgale grandidieri 64 2 Stub Low
869 Cynometra beddomei 64 2 Stub Low
870 Erica pyramidalis 63 2 Stub Low
871 Conservation paleobiology 63 2 Start Low
872 Poecilobothrus majesticus 63 2 Start Low
873 Persoonia laxa 62 2 Start Low
874 Xerocrassa picardi 62 2 Stub Low
875 Genome sequencing of endangered species 62 2 C Low
876 ʻEua rail 62 2 Stub Low
877 Cyrtandra waiolani 61 1 Stub High
878 Campomanesia lundiana 61 1 Stub Low
879 Cheke's wood rail 61 1 Stub Low
880 Longnut 61 1 Stub Low
881 Epioblasma turgidula 61 1 Stub Low
882 Ryania speciosa var. mutisii 60 1 Stub Low
883 Hibiscadelphus bombycinus 60 1 Stub Low
884 Majorcan hare 60 1 Stub Low
885 Perritos de sandia 59 1 Stub Low
886 Mangaia crake 58 1 Stub Low
887 Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat 58 1 Stub Low
888 Pluchea glutinosa 58 1 Stub Low
889 Huahine starling 58 1 Stub Low
Norfolk starling
58 1 Redirect NA
891 Vitirallus 57 1 Stub Low
892 Fitchia mangarevensis 56 1 Stub Low
893 Partula labrusca 56 1 Stub Low
894 Hesperocolletes 56 1 Start Low
895 Cryosophila williamsii 55 1 Stub High
896 Chirostoma charari 55 1 Stub Low
897 Epioblasma lenior 55 1 Stub Low
898 Oʻahu petrel 54 1 Stub Low
899 Huahine swamphen 54 1 Stub Low
900 Erythroxylum echinodendron 54 1 Stub High
901 Melicope obovata 54 1 Stub Low
902 Wahlenbergia roxburghii 54 1 Stub Low
903 Megalobulimus cardosoi 53 1 Stub Low
904 Elseya uberrima 53 1 Start Low
905 Cape lechwe 53 1 Start Low
906 Blockade Australia 52 1 C Low
907 Alasmidonta wrightiana 52 1 Stub Low
908 Lepisanthes unilocularis 52 1 Stub Low
909 San Clemente wren 51 1 Stub Low
910 Psiadia schweinfurthii 51 1 Stub Low
911 Biotocus turbinatus 50 1 Stub Low
912 Alasmidonta robusta 50 1 Stub Low
913 Euphrasia arguta 50 1 Start Low
914 Ormosia howii 50 1 Stub Low
Hooded seedeater
50 1 Redirect NA
916 Daito varied tit 49 1 Stub Low
917 Vitrinula chaunax 49 1 Stub Low
918 Saint Helena shearwater 48 1 Stub Low
919 Maui Nui finch 47 1 Start Low
920 Primitive koa finch 47 1 Start Low
921 Fluminagrion taxaense 47 1 Stub Low
922 Okenane 46 1 C Low
923 Johannes Fritz 46 1 Start Low
List of extinct flora of Australia
46 1 Redirect NA
925 Latent extinction risk 45 1 Start Low
926 Unio cariei 45 1 Stub Low
927 Partula taeniata 45 1 Stub Low
928 Epioblasma flexuosa 45 1 Stub Low
929 Cyprus dipper 45 1 Stub Low
930 Forkshell 45 1 Stub Low
931 Sterculia khasiana 44 1 Stub Low
932 Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus 44 1 Stub Low
933 Heterelmis stephani 44 1 C Low
934 Myrcia skeldingii 44 1 Stub Low
935 Highnut 44 1 Stub Low
936 Independence Valley tui chub 44 1 Stub Low
List of extinct animals of Pakistan
44 1 Redirect Low
938 Epioblasma propinqua 43 1 Stub Low
939 Rhachistia aldabrae 43 1 Start Mid
940 Sierra Club v. Babbitt 43 1 B Low
941 Tityus exstinctus 43 1 Stub Low
942 Mauritius ground thrush 42 1 Start Low
943 Digerus gibberulus 42 1 Stub Low
944 Epioblasma sampsonii 42 1 Stub Low
945 Organization for Bat Conservation 42 1 Start Low
946 Celastrina ogasawaraensis 42 1 Stub Low
947 Cyclosurus mariei 41 1 Stub Low
948 Cyclophorus horridulum 41 1 Stub Low
949 List of critically endangered species in the United States 41 1 List Low
950 Ohridohauffenia drimica 40 1 Stub Low
Field of Bullets
40 1 Stub Low
952 Pleurobema johannis 40 1 Stub Low
953 Galipea ossana 40 1 Stub Low
954 Huahine cuckoo-dove 40 1 Stub Low
955 Guettarda retusa 40 1 Stub Low
956 Wikstroemia skottsbergiana 39 1 Stub Low
957 Plectostoma sciaphilum 39 1 Stub Low
958 Mangaia rail 39 1 Stub Low
959 Thick-lipped pebblesnail 39 1 Stub Low
960 Daito wren 39 1 Stub Low
961 Smith Island cottontail 39 1 Start Low
962 Epioblasma biemarginata 39 1 Stub Low
Mammut pacificus
38 1 Redirect NA
964 Marquesas cuckoo-dove 38 1 Stub Low
965 Flabellidium 38 1 Stub Low
966 Threatened arthropods 38 1 Start Mid
967 Melicope macropus 37 1 Stub Low
968 Nuku Hiva rail 37 1 Stub Low
969 Lined pocketbook 37 1 Stub Low
970 Pouteria stenophylla 36 1 Stub Low
Corsican giant shrew
36 1 Redirect Low
972 Melicope cruciata 36 1 Stub Low
973 Dasberg Event 36 1 Start Low
974 Rauvolfia nukuhivensis 36 1 Stub Low
975 Hernandia drakeana 36 1 Stub Low
976 Theliderma tuberosa 35 1 Stub Low
Trilepidea adamsii
35 1 Redirect NA
978 Niue rail 35 1 Stub Low
979 Pradosia glaziovii 35 1 Stub Low
980 Vitrinula chichijimana 34 1 Stub Low
981 Pradosia mutisii 34 1 Stub Low
Havana silk dog
34 1 Redirect NA
983 Wendlandia angustifolia 34 1 Stub Low
984 Weinmannia spiraeoides 33 1 Stub Low
985 Euphrasia ruptura 33 1 Stub Low
Violet macaw
32 1 Redirect NA
987 Ua Huka rail 32 1 Stub Low
988 Pradosia argentea 31 1 Stub Low
989 Rachis comorensis 31 1 Stub Low
990 Licania caldasiana 31 1 Stub Low
991 Alagoas black-throated trogon 31 1 Stub High
992 Tule shrew 31 1 Stub Low
993 List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Venezuela 30 0 List Low
994 Short-spired elimia 30 0 Stub Low
995 Roystonea stellata 29 0 Stub Low
996 Vitrinula hahajimana 29 0 Stub Low
997 Fluvidona dulvertonensis 29 0 Stub Low
998 Tornelasmias capricorni 28 0 Stub Low
28 0 Redirect NA
List of extinct animals of Romania
28 0 Redirect Low