XX Corps (Ottoman Empire)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
XX Corps
Yirminci Kolordu
Battle of Jerusalem
Battle of Megiddo
Mirliva Abdul Kerim Pasha
Mirliva Ali Fuad Pasha (June 30, 1917-June 26, 1920[1])

The XX Corps of the

Ottoman Army. It was formed during World War I

World War I

Order of Battle, December 1916

In December 1916, the corps was structured as follows:[2][3]

Order of Battle, August 1917

In August 1917, the corps was structured as follows:[6]

Order of Battle, June 1918, September 1918

In June 1918, September 1918, the corps was structured as follows:[7]

After Mudros

Order of Battle, November 1918

In November 1918, the corps was structured as follows:[8]

Order of Battle, January 1919

In January 1919, the corps was structured as follows:[9][10]

  • XX Corps (Anatolia, Ereğli)
    • Afyon
      • 3rd Infantry Regiment, 58th Infantry Regiment, 143rd Infantry Regiment
    • 24th Division (Ereğeli)
      • 69th Infantry Regiment, 89th Infantry Regiment, 159th Infantry Regiment


  1. ^ T.C. Genelkurmay Harp Tarihi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Türk İstiklâl Harbine Katılan Tümen ve Daha Üst Kademelerdeki Komutanların Biyografileri, Genkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1972, p. 154. (in Turkish)
  2. ^ İsmet Görgülü, On Yıllık Harbin Kadrosu: 1912 - 1922 (Balkan-Birinci Dünya ve İstiklâl Harbi), Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1993, p. 183. (in Turkish)
  3. , p. 154.
  4. ^ [1] turkeyswar, Campaigns, Macedonia front.
  5. ^ [2] turkeyswar, Campaigns, Macedonia front.
  6. , p. 170.
  7. , p. 188, 197.
  8. , p. 202.
  9. , p. 209.
  10. , p. 326.

See also

  • Macedonian front (World War I)
    • Monastir Offensive