Decolonization of the Americas

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Brazilian Empire.[1]

Spain would lose all three of its remaining Caribbean colonies by the end of the 1800s.

Philippine Islands
in the Pacific Ocean. Under military occupation, Cuba became a U.S. protectorate until its independence in 1902.

Peaceful independence by the voluntary withdrawal of colonial powers then became the norm in the second half of the 20th century. However, there are still British and Dutch colonies in North America (mostly Caribbean islands). France has fully integrated most of its former colonies in the Americas (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, and Martinique) as fully constituent Departments of France.

Conditions before revolution

Undermining of metropolitan authority

Political map of the Americas in 1794

During the 18th century, Spain recovered much of the strength it had lost in the 17th century but the country's resources were under strain because of the incessant warfare in Europe from 1793. This led to increased local participation in the financing of defense and increased participation in militias by the locally born. Such development was at odds with the ideals of the centralized absolute monarchy. The Spanish also made formal concessions to strengthen defense; In Chiloé, Spanish authorities promised freedom from the Encomienda for indigenous locals who settled near the new stronghold of Ancud (founded in 1768) and contributed to its defense. The increased local organization of the defenses would ultimately undermine the metropolitan authority and bolster the independence movement.[2]

Napoleonic Wars


Spain, Portugal, Russia, and Austria
at different times, from 1799 to 1815.

In the case of Spain and its colonies, in May 1808, Napoleon captured

Fernando VII and installed his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, as Spanish monarch. This event disrupted the political stability of Spain and broke the link with some of the colonies which were loyal to the Bourbon Dynasty. The local elites, the creoles, took matters into their own hands organizing themselves into juntas to take "in absence of the king, Fernando VII, their sovereignty devolved temporarily back to the community". The juntas swore loyalty to the captive Fernando VII and each ruled different and diverse parts of the colony. Most of Fernando's subjects were loyal to him in 1808, but after he was restored to the Spanish crown in 1814, his policy of restoring absolute power alienated both the juntas and his subjects. He abrogated the Cádiz Constitution of 1812 and punished those who had supported it. The violence used by royalist forces and the prospect of being ruled by Fernando shifted the majority of the colonist population in favor of separation from Spain.[3]
The local elites reacted to absolutism in much the same way that the British colonial elites, Tory and Whig alike, had reacted to London's interference before 1775.

Spanish military presence in its colonies

Graphs showing the make-up of the royalist army at the time of the revolution.

The colonial army of the Spanish Empire in the Americas was made up of local American and European supporters of

King Ferdinand. The Royalists were made up of a cross-section of society loyal to the crown with Americans composing the majority of the royalist forces on all fronts. There were two types of military units: from the regular Spanish army which were sent out or formed with local Europeans and called Expidicionarios and units called veterans or militias created in the Americas. The militias included some veteran units and were called the disciplined militia. Only 11% of the personnel in the militias were European or American whites. After Rafael del Riego's revolution in 1820, no more Spanish soldiers were sent to the wars in the Americas. In 1820 there were only 10,000 soldiers in Royal Army in Colombia and Venezuela, and Spaniards formed only 10% of all the royalist armies, and only half of the soldiers of the expeditionary units were European. By the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824, less than 1% of the soldiers were European.[citation needed

Other factors

were raised by the Enlightenment.

Independence movements in South America can be traced back to slave revolts in plantations in the northernmost part of the continent and the Caribbean. In 1791, a massive slave revolt sparked a general insurrection against the plantation system and French colonial power.[4] These events were followed by a violent uprising led by José Leonardo Chirino and José Caridad González that sprung up in 1795 Venezuela, allegedly inspired by the revolution in Haiti.

Toussaint L'Ouverture was born a slave in Saint-Domingue where he developed labor skills that would give him higher privileges than other slaves. He intellectually and physically advanced resulting in promotion, land of his own, and owning slaves. In 1791, slaves in Haiti formed a revolution to seek independence from their French owners. L'Ouverture joined the rebellion as a top military official to abolish slavery without complete independence. However, through a series of letters written by Toussaint, it became clear that he grew open to equal human rights for all that live in Haiti. Similar to how the United States Constitution was ratified, the enlightenment ideas of equality and representation of the people created an impact of change against the status quo that sparked the revolution. The letter details the great concerns he felt due to a conservative shift in France's legislature after the revolution in 1797. The greatest fear was that these conservative values could give ideas to the French Government to bring back slavery. The enlightenment has proven to forever change the way a captive society thinks after L'Ouverture refuses to let the French send him and his people back into slavery. "[W]hen finally the rule of law took the place of anarchy under which the unfortunate colony had too long suffered, what fatality can have led the greatest enemy of its prosperity and our happiness still to dare to threaten us with the return of slavery?" Ultimately, slavery was abolished from French colonies in 1794 and Haiti declared Independence from France in 1804.[5]

United States

The United States of America declared independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776, thus becoming the first independent, foreign-recognized nation in the Americas and the first European colonial entity to break from its mother country. Britain formally acknowledged American independence in 1783 after its defeat in the American Revolutionary War. The U.S. victory encouraged independence movements in other parts of the Americas.

Although initially occupying only the land east of the

Tecumseh's Confederacy

Haiti and the French Antilles


Napoleon Bonaparte sold Louisiana
to the United States and from then on focused on the European theater, marking the end of France's ambitions of building a colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere.

Spanish America

Places in the Americas by date of independence.[contradictory] Note that the United States did not complete its continental territorial expansion until 1867; Canada did not complete sovereignty as an independent country until 1982.
(provinces) of the South American viceroyalties.

Except for Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Spanish colonies in the Americas won their independence during the first quarter of the 19th century.

During the

Ferdinand VII of Spain

This experience of self-government, along with the influence of Liberalism and the ideas of the French and American Revolutions, brought about a struggle for independence, led by the Libertadores. The territories freed themselves, often with help from foreign mercenaries and privateers. The United States and Europe were neutral, yet aimed to achieve political influence and trade without the Spanish monopoly.

In South America, Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín led the final phase of the independence struggle. Although Bolívar attempted to keep the Spanish-speaking parts of the continent politically unified, they rapidly became independent of one another as well, and several further wars were fought, such as the Paraguayan War and the War of the Pacific.

A related process took place in what is now Mexico, Central America, and parts of North America between 1810 and 1821 with the Mexican War of Independence. Independence was achieved in 1821 by a coalition uniting under Agustín de Iturbide and the Army of the Three Guarantees. Unity was maintained for a short period under the First Mexican Empire, but within a decade the region fought against the United States over the borderlands (losing the bordering lands of California and Texas). Most of the heat was during the official Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848.[6]

In 1898, in the Greater Antilles, the United States won the Spanish–American War and occupied Cuba and Puerto Rico, ending Spanish territorial control in the Americas.


After the defeat of Spain in the

King Ferdinand VII, the Spanish colonial government of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, present-day Argentina, majority of Bolivia, parts of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, became greatly weakened. Without a recognized king on the Spanish throne to render the office of the Viceroy legitimate, the right of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros to govern came under fire. The local elites, tired of the Spanish trade restrictions and taxes, seized the opportunity and during the May Revolution of 1810, removed Cisneros and created the first local government, the Primera Junta

José de San Martín

Following half a decade of battles and skirmishes with provincial royalist forces within the former Vice-royalty along with military expeditions across the Andes to

Argentine Republic


Following upheaval caused by the

, a local struggle for independence kicked off with two failed revolutions. Over sixteen years of struggle followed before the first steps toward the establishment of a republic were taken.

Formally, it is considered that the fight for independence culminated in the Battle of Ayacucho, on 9 December 1824.[citation needed]

Retreat of European colonialism and change of political borders in South America, 1700–present


The Battle of Boyacá sealed Colombia's independence


The Chilean Independence campaign was led by Liberator General Jose de San Martin with the support of Chilean exiles such as Bernardo O'Higgins. The local independence movement was composed of Chilean-born criollos, who sought political and economic independence from Spain. The independence movement was far from gaining unanimous support among Chileans, who became divided between independentists and royalists. What started as an elitist political movement against their colonial master, finally ended as a full-fledged civil war. Traditionally, the process is divided into three stages:

Patria Nueva


The first uprising against Spanish rule took place in 1809, and criollos in Ecuador set up a junta on 22 September 1810, to rule in the name of the Bourbon monarch; but as elsewhere, it allowed assertion of their power.[7] Only in 1822 did Ecuador fully gain independence and became part of Gran Colombia, from which it withdrew in 1830.[8] At the Battle of Pichincha, near present-day Quito, Ecuador on 24 May 1822, General Antonio José de Sucre's forces defeated a Spanish force defending Quito. The Spanish defeat guaranteed the liberation of Ecuador.


In 1821, the entire Kingdom of Guatemala was peacefully subject to Spanish rule. With the innovations produced by the constitutional system, the freedom of the press and the exaltation of the parties, which were born in the popular elections, opinion in favor of independence spread.

Those in favor of independence held meetings in Guatemala, but they did not have the resources to rise up against the government; They expected everything from the progress made in Mexico by the Plan of Iguala or Plan of Independence. Likewise, not all the independentists were in agreement with the system of government proclaimed by Iturbide, much less by the dynasty called to the Mexican throne, but then it was only about independence, each one reserving their opinion regarding the forms of government.

On September 13, the minutes of Ciudad Real de Chiapas and other towns of that State adhering to the Plan of Iguala were received in Guatemala; the advances that the army was making gave all their strength to the pronouncements of Chiapas, which by itself never had any political importance in that kingdom.

The trustee of the Guatemala City Council, Mr. Mariano Aycinena, requested an extraordinary session to present a petition in order to proclaim independence. pp. 85–90.</ref>[9]


Independence in Mexico was a protracted struggle from 1808 until the fall of the royal government in 1821 and the establishment of independent Mexico. In the

Plan de Iguala, which called for independence, equality of peninsular and American-born Spaniards, a monarchy with a prince from Spain as king, and secured Catholicism as the proclaimed state religion. [10]He persuaded the insurgent Guerrero to ally with him and create the Army of the Three Guarantees. Juan O'Donojú,the final Viceroy of New Spain, and Iturbide settled a treaty in Córdoba which recognized Mexico as independent from the Spanish Empire. Iturbide and O'Donojú entered Mexico City with the Army of the Three Guarantees on September 27, 1821, where the remaining Spanish forces surrendered.[11]
With no European monarch presenting himself for the Crown of Mexico, Iturbide himself was proclaimed emperor Agustín I in 1822. He was overthrown in 1823 and Mexico was established as a republic. Decades of political and economic instability ensued which resulted in a population decline.


Paraguay gained its independence on the night of May 14 and the morning of May 15, 1811, after a plan organized by various pro-independence nationalists including Fulgencio Yegros and José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia.


Painting of José de San Martín's proclamation of the independence of Peru on 28 July 1821 in Lima

Spain initially had the support of the Lima oligarchs because of their opposition to the commercial interests of Buenos Aires and Chile. Therefore, the Viceroyalty of Peru became the last redoubt of the Spanish Monarchy in South America. Nevertheless, a Creole rebellion arose in 1812 in Huánuco and another in Cusco between 1814 and 1816. Both were suppressed. These rebellions were supported by the armies of Buenos Aires.

Peru finally succumbed after the decisive continental campaigns of José de San Martín (1820–1823) and Simón Bolívar (1824). While San Martín was in charge of the land campaign, a newly-built Chilean Navy led by Lord Cochrane transported the fighting troops and launched a sea campaign against the Spanish fleet in the Pacific. San Martín, who had displaced the royalists of Chile after the Battle of Maipú, and who had disembarked in Paracas in 1820, proclaimed the independence of Peru in Lima on 28 July 1821. Four years later, the Spanish Monarchy was defeated definitively at the Battle of Ayacucho in late 1824.

After independence, the conflicts of interests that faced different sectors of Creole Peruvian society and the particular ambitions of the

Peru-Bolivian Confederation
was also created, but was dissolved two years later due to Chilean military intervention.


Following the events of the May Revolution, in 1811 José Gervasio Artigasled a successful revolt against the Spanish forces in the Provincia Oriental, now Uruguay, joining the independentist movement that was taking place in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata at the time. In 1821, the Provincia Oriental was invaded by Portugal, trying to annex it into Brazil under the name of Província Cisplatina.

The former Vice-royalty of the Río de la Plata,

Treaty of Montevideo was signed in 1828, fostered by Britain, declaring Uruguay as an independent state.[12]


According to the Encyclopedia Americana of 1865, General Francisco de Miranda, already a hero to the French, Prussians, English, and Americans had garnered a series of successes against the Spanish between 1808 and 1812. He had effectively negated their access to all the ports in the Caribbean, thus preventing them from receiving reinforcements and supplies, and was essentially conducting mopping-up operations throughout the country. At that point, he convinced Simon Bolívar to join the struggle and put him in charge of the fort at Puerto Cabello. This was all at once a supply and arms depot, a strategic port, and the central holding facility for Spanish prisoners. Through what amounts to a gross dereliction of duty, Simon Bolívar neglected to enforce the customary security dispositions before departing to a social event. During the night there was an uprising of the Spanish prisoners and they managed to subdue the Independentist garrison and gain control of the supplies, arms and ammunition, and the port. The Loyalist forces progressively regained control of the country and eventually, Monteverde's successes forced the newly formed congress of the republic to ask Miranda that he sign a capitulation at La Victoria in Aragua, on July 12, 1812, thus ending the first phase of the revolutionary war.

After the capitulation of 1812, Simón Bolívar turned over Francisco de Miranda to the Spanish authorities, secured a safe passage for himself and his closest officers, and fled to New Granada. He later returned with a new army, while the war had entered a tremendously violent phase. After much of the local aristocracy had abandoned the cause of independence, blacks and mulattoes carried on the struggle. Elites reacted with open distrust and opposition to the efforts of these common people. Bolívar's forces invaded Venezuela from New Granada in 1813, waging a campaign with a ferocity captured perfectly by their motto of "war to the death". Bolívar's forces defeated Domingo Monteverde's Spanish army in a series of battles, taking Caracas on August 6, 1813, and besieging Monteverde at Puerto Cabello in September 1813.

Battle of Carabobo

With loyalists displaying the same passion and violence, the rebels achieved only short-lived victories. The army led by the loyalist José Tomás Boves demonstrated the key military role that the Llaneros came to play in the region's struggle. Turning the tide against independence, these highly mobile, ferocious fighters made up a formidable military force that pushed Bolívar out of his home country once more. In 1814, heavily reinforced Spanish forces in Venezuela lost a series of battles to Bolívar's forces but then decisively defeated Bolivar at La Puerta on June 15, took Caracas on July 16, and again defeated his army at Aragua on August 18, for 2,000 Spanish casualties out of 10,000 soldiers as well as most of the 3,000 in the rebel army. Bolívar and other leaders then returned to New Granada. Later that year the largest expeditionary force ever sent by Spain to America arrived under the command of Pablo Morillo. This force effectively replaced the improvised llanero units, who were disbanded by Morillo.

Bolívar and other republican leaders returned to Venezuela in December 1816, leading a largely unsuccessful insurrection against Spain from 1816 to 1818 from bases in the Llanos and Ciudad Bolívar in the Orinoco River area.

In 1819 Bolívar successfully invaded New Granada, and returned to Venezuela in April 1821, leading an army of 7,000. At Carabobo on June 24, his forces decisively defeated Spanish and colonial forces, winning Venezuelan independence, although hostilities continued.


Prince Pedro in São Paulo after giving the news of the Brazilian independence on 7 September 1822

Unlike the Spanish, the Portuguese did not divide their colonial territory in the Americas. The captaincies they created were subdued to a centralized administration in Salvador which reported directly to the Crown in Lisbon. Therefore, it is not common to refer to "Portuguese America" (like Spanish America, Dutch America, etc.), but rather to Brazil, as a unified colony since its very beginnings.

As a result, Brazil did not split into several states by the time of independence (1822), as happened to its Spanish-speaking neighbors. The adoption of a monarchy instead of a federal republic in the first six decades of Brazilian political sovereignty also contributed to the nation's unity. [citation needed]

After several failed revolts in the Portuguese colony,

Napoleon Bonaparte forced the Portuguese court out of their capital city of Lisbon and into exile in Brazil. Over the next eight years, the capital of the Portuguese empire would be located in Rio de Janeiro
. In 1815, after Lisbon was reclaimed from the French by the Portuguese, King Dom João VI declared that Rio and Lisbon would become equal centers of the empire. King João VI was forced back to Lisbon in 1821 by the Portuguese Cortes but left his son Dom Pedro behind to run Rio. A year later, Dom Pedro declared independence for Brazil and officially became emperor Pedro I. Although Brazil's independence was met with little resistance from Portugal, several small-scale battles were fought against Portuguese loyalist forces until 1824 to bring the rest of the Brazilian territories under the control of the new Brazilian government, and they were officially recognized by their former colonial overlords in 1825. [13]


Newfoundland, would join later (the last only in 1949). Additionally, Britain's and Norway's claims to Arctic lands were ceded to Canada in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. By 1931, the United Kingdom had relinquished its control over Canada's foreign policy. What few political links that remained between Canada and the UK were formally severed in 1982 with the Canada Act

20th century

Other countries did not gain independence until the 20th century:

From Spain:

From the United Kingdom:

  • Jamaica: from the United Kingdom, in 1962
  • Trinidad and Tobago: from the United Kingdom, in 1962
  • Guyana (formerly British Guiana): from the United Kingdom, in 1966.
  • Barbados: from the United Kingdom, in 1966
  • Bahamas
    : Granted internal self-government in 1964 and, then achieved full independence from the United Kingdom in 1973.
  • Grenada: from the United Kingdom, in 1974
  • Dominica: from the United Kingdom, in 1978
  • Saint Lucia: from the United Kingdom, in 1979
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
    : from the United Kingdom, in 1979
  • Antigua and Barbuda: from the United Kingdom, in 1981
  • Belize (formerly British Honduras): from the United Kingdom, in 1981
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis: from the United Kingdom, in 1983

From the Netherlands:

Current non-sovereign territories

Some parts of the Americas are still administered by European countries or the United States:

Some of the remaining non-sovereign territories of the Americas have retained this status by choice, and enjoy a significant degree of self-government. (Some have nevertheless been placed on the

départements d'outre-mer, or DOM). Other regions however have had or currently have movements to change their political status, for example, different movements to change the political status of Puerto Rico and intermittent calls for independence in other non-sovereign territories such as Martinique and others, with differing amounts of support. An independence referendum
in Bermuda in 1995 resulted in a massive "no" vote.


Country[note 1] Colonial name Colonial power[note 2] Independence date[note 3] First head of state[note 4] Independence won through
 United States Thirteen Colonies  British Empire July 4, 1776; September 3, 1783[note 5] George Washington[note 6] American Revolutionary War, Siege of Yorktown
 Haiti Saint-Domingue  
Kingdom of France (until 1792)
 French First Republic
January 1, 1804[note 7] Jean-Jacques Dessalines[note 8] Haitian Revolution
 Argentina Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata  Spanish Empire May 25, 1810; July 9, 1816[note 9] Juan Martín de Pueyrredón[note 10] Argentine War of Independence
 Paraguay May 14, 1811 Junta[note 11] Paraguay campaign
 Chile Captaincy General of Chile February 12, 1818[note 12] Bernardo O'Higgins[note 13] Chilean War of Independence
as part of  Gran Colombia
Viceroyalty of New Granada August 7, 1819[note 14] Simón Bolívar Bolívar's campaign to liberate New Granada
as part of  Gran Colombia
Captaincy General of Venezuela June 24, 1821 [note 15] Simón Bolívar Venezuelan War of Independence, Battle of Carabobo
 Costa Rica
as part of Federal Republic of Central America
Captaincy General of Guatemala September 15, 1821[note 16][note 17] Gabino Gaínza[note 18][note 19] Act of Independence of Central America
as part of Federal Republic of Central America
September 15, 1821[note 16][note 20] Gabino Gaínza[note 18][note 21]
as part of Federal Republic of Central America
September 15, 1821[note 16] Gabino Gaínza[note 18]
as part of Federal Republic of Central America
September 15, 1821[note 16][note 22] Gabino Gaínza[note 18][note 23]
 El Salvador
as part of Federal Republic of Central America
September 15, 1821[note 16][note 24] Gabino Gaínza[note 18][note 25]
 Mexico Viceroyalty of New Spain September 27, 1821 Agustín I Mexican War of Independence
 Dominican Republic[note 26] Captaincy General of Santo Domingo November 20, 1821[note 27] José Núñez de Cáceres[note 28] -
as part of  Gran Colombia
Viceroyalty of New Granada November 28, 1821 Simón Bolívar -
as part of  Gran Colombia
May 24, 1822[note 29] Simón Bolívar[note 30] Ecuadorian War of Independence
 Peru Viceroyalty of Peru December 9, 1824 Simón Bolívar Peruvian War of Independence
 Bolivia Real Audiencia of Charcas August 6, 1825[note 31] Simón Bolívar[note 32] Bolivian War of Independence
 Brazil[note 33] United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves  Portuguese Empire August 29, 1825[note 34] Pedro I Brazilian War of Independence
Cisplatina Province
 Spanish Empire;
 Empire of Brazil
August 27, 1828[note 35] José Gervasio Artigas;
Juan Antonio Lavalleja
Battle of Las Piedras;
Cisplatine War
 Dominican Republic[note 36] Captaincy General of Santo Domingo  Spanish Empire August 16, 1865[note 37] José María Cabral Dominican Restoration War
 Canada Province of Canada
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
 United Kingdom July 1, 1867[note 38] John A. Macdonald[note 39] Canadian Confederation[note 40]
 Cuba Restoration (Spain) Captaincy General of Cuba  Spain[note 41] December 10, 1898[note 42] Tomás Estrada Palma[note 43] Cuban War of Independence[note 44]
 Jamaica  Jamaica  United Kingdom August 6, 1962 Alexander Bustamante -[note 45]
 Trinidad and Tobago  Trinidad and Tobago August 31, 1962[note 46] Eric Williams -
 Guyana  British Guiana May 26, 1966[note 47] Forbes Burnham[note 48] -
 Barbados  Barbados November 30, 1966[note 49][14] Errol Barrow Barbados Independence Act 1966
 Bahamas  Bahamas July 10, 1973 Lynden Pindling -
 Grenada  British Windward Islands February 7, 1974 Eric Gairy -
 Suriname  Dutch Guiana  Netherlands November 25, 1975 Johan Ferrier -
 Dominica  British Windward Islands  United Kingdom November 3, 1978 Patrick John -
 Saint Lucia February 22, 1979 John Compton -
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines October 27, 1979 Milton Cato -
 Belize  British Honduras September 21, 1981 George Cadle Price -
 Antigua and Barbuda  British Leeward Islands November 1, 1981 Vere Bird -
 Saint Kitts and Nevis September 19, 1983 Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw -

Gained independence from Spain, United States

Country Colonial name Colonial power Independence date First head of state War for independence
 Cuba Cuba  Spanish Empire;  United States 10 October 1868
December 10, 1898
May 20, 1902
6 February 1909
Tomás Estrada Palma Spanish–American War

Gained independence from the United States


Country Event name Colonial power Independence date First head of state Part of war(s)
 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Affair  United States February 11, 1904
Juan Isidro Jiminez
Banana Wars
 Haiti United States occupation of Haiti  United States August 1, 1934 Sténio Vincent Banana Wars
 Dominican Republic United States occupation of the Dominican Republic (1916–1924)  United States September 18, 1924 Desiderio Arias Banana Wars
 Dominican Republic Dominican Civil War  United States September 3, 1965 Joaquín Balaguer Cold War

1907–1919 (miscellaneous)

Occupied territory Years Occupied state Occupying state Event Part of war(s) Subsequently annexed?
Nicaragua 1912–1933  Nicaragua  United States Occupation of Nicaragua Banana Wars No
Veracruz 1914  Mexico  United States Occupation of Veracruz Mexican Revolution No

World War I and immediate aftermath

Occupied territory Years Occupied state Occupying state Event Part of war(s) Subsequently annexed?
Haiti 1915–1934  Haiti  United States Occupation of Haiti Banana Wars No
Dominican Republic 1916–1924  Dominican Republic Occupation of the Dominican Republic No
Cuba 1917–1922  Cuba Sugar Intervention No


Occupied territory Years Occupied state Occupying state Event Part of war(s) Subsequently annexed?
Dominican Republic 1965–1966  Dominican Republic  United States
Invasion of the Dominican Republic
Dominican Civil War No


Occupied territory Years Occupied state Occupying state Event Part of war(s) Subsequently annexed?
Falkland Islands 1982  United Kingdom  Argentina Occupation of the Falkland Islands Falklands War No
Grenada 1983  Grenada  United States Invasion of Grenada
Grenadian Revolution
Panama 1989–1990  Panama  United States Invasion of Panama War on drugs No
Haiti 1994–1995  Haiti Operation Uphold Democracy 1991 Haitian coup d'état No

Gained independence from France, Spain

Country Colonial name Colonial power Independence date First head of state War for independence
 Haiti Saint-Domingue  First French Empire January 1, 1804 Jean-Jacques Dessalines Haitian Revolution
 Dominican Republic as the Republic of Spanish Haiti Captaincy General of Santo Domingo  Spanish Empire November 20, 1821 José Núñez de Cáceres Haitian occupation of Santo Domingo
 Dominican Republic Captaincy General of Santo Domingo  Haiti February 27, 1844 Juan Pablo Duarte Dominican War of Independence
 Dominican Republic Captaincy General of Santo Domingo  Spanish Empire August 16, 1865 José María Cabral Dominican Restoration War

Gained independence from the British Empire/United Kingdom

Country Colonial name Colonial power Independence date First head of state War for independence
 United States Thirteen Colonies  British Empire September 3, 1783[15] George Washington American Revolutionary War
 Jamaica  Jamaica  United Kingdom August 6, 1962 Alexander Bustamante -
 Trinidad and Tobago  Trinidad and Tobago  United Kingdom August 31, 1962 Eric Williams -
 Guyana  British Guiana  United Kingdom May 26, 1966 Forbes Burnham -
 Barbados Barbados  United Kingdom November 30, 1966 Errol Barrow -
 Bahamas  Bahamas  United Kingdom July 10, 1973
Lynden Oscar Pindling
 Grenada  British Windward Islands  United Kingdom February 7, 1974
Eric Matthew Gairy
 Dominica  British Windward Islands  United Kingdom November 3, 1978 Louis Cools-Lartigue -
 Saint Lucia  British Windward Islands  United Kingdom February 22, 1979 John Compton -
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  British Windward Islands  United Kingdom October 27, 1979 Milton Cato -
 Belize  British Honduras  United Kingdom September 21, 1981 George Cadle Price -
 Antigua and Barbuda  British Leeward Islands  United Kingdom November 1, 1981
Vere Cornwall Bird
 Canada  Dominion of Canada  United Kingdom 1867/1931/1982 John A. Macdonald/R. B. Bennett/Pierre Trudeau -[16]
 Saint Kitts and Nevis  British Leeward Islands  United Kingdom September 19, 1983
Robert L. Bradshaw

Gained independence from Portugal

Country Colonial name Colonial power Independence date First head of state War for independence
 Brazil United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves  Portuguese Empire September 7, 1822 Pedro I Brazilian War of Independence
 Uruguay Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata;

Cisplatina Province

 Spanish Empire;

 Empire of Brazil in 1828

May 18, 1811;

August 27, 1828 [17]

José Gervasio Artigas;

Juan Antonio Lavalleja

Battle of Las Piedras

Cisplatine War

Gained independence from Mexico

Country[18] Colonial name Colonial power[19] Independence date[20] First head of state[21]
 Costa Rica as part of  United Provinces of Central America
Viceroyalty of New Spain
 Spanish Empire in 1821;

Mexico First Mexican Empire in 1823

September 15, 1821 Gabino Gaínza
 Guatemala as part of  United Provinces of Central America
Viceroyalty of New Spain
 Spanish Empire in 1821;

Mexico First Mexican Empire in 1823

September 15, 1821 Gabino Gaínza
 Nicaragua as part of  United Provinces of Central America
Viceroyalty of New Spain
 British Empire (Mosquito Coast) in 1787;

 Spanish Empire in 1821; Mexico First Mexican Empire in 1823

September 15, 1821 Gabino Gaínza
 Honduras as part of  United Provinces of Central America
Viceroyalty of New Spain
 British Empire (Mosquito Coast) in 1787;

 Spanish Empire in 1821; Mexico First Mexican Empire in 1823

September 15, 1821 Gabino Gaínza
 El Salvador as part of  United Provinces of Central America
Viceroyalty of New Spain
 Spanish Empire in 1821;

Mexico First Mexican Empire in 1823

September 15, 1821 Gabino Gaínza

Gained independence from the Netherlands

Country[22] Colonial name Colonial power[23] Independence date[24] First head of state[25]
 Suriname Suriname  Netherlands November 25, 1975 Johan Ferrier

Gained independence from Spain

No Country Modern state Pre-independence name

(if different)

Date year note
1 Saint-Domingue  Haiti Dominican Republic Captaincy General of Santo Domingo ? 1795 Peace of Basel, ceded the eastern portion of the island of Hispaniola, present-day Dominican Republic, to France.
2 First Republic of Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Spain Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata 14 May 1811 May Revolution part of Spanish American wars of independence
3 First Republic of Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Spain Captaincy General of Venezuela 5 July 1811 Venezuelan wars of independence
4 Uruguay Uruguay  Uruguay Spain Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata ? 1811 Uruguay gained independence from Spain, was annexed by the Empire of Brazil, then regained independence in 1825.
5 United Provinces of the Río de la Plata Argentina Argentina Spain Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata 9 July 1816 Argentine wars of independence
6 State of Chile  Chile Spain Captaincy General of Chile 12 February 1818 Chilean wars of independence
7 Gran Colombia Colombia Colombia Spain Viceroyalty of New Granada 17 December 1819 Bolívar's campaign to liberate New Granada
8 Protectorate of Peru Peru Peru Spain Viceroyalty of Peru 28 July 1821 Peruvian War of Independence
9 First Mexican Empire  Mexico Spain New Spain 15 September 1821 Mexican War of Independence
10  Costa Rica 15 September 1821 Costa Rica part of 1st Mexican Empire. Then later got independence and creation of Federal Republic of Central America in 1823. Then later dissolved in 1841 creation of Costra Rica.
11  El Salvador 15 September 1821 El Salvador part of 1st Mexican Empire. Then later got independence and creation of Federal Republic of Central America in 1823. Then later dissolved in 1841 creation of El Salvador.
12  Guatemala


15 September 1821 Guatemala part of 1st Mexican Empire. Then later got independence and creation of Federal Republic of Central America in 1823. Then later dissolved in 1841 creation of Guatemala. late British annexed north-east Guatemala and made colony of British Honduras
13  Honduras 15 September 1821 Honduras part of 1st Mexican Empire. Then later got independence and creation of Federal Republic of Central America in 1823. Then later dissolved in 1841 creation of Honduras.
14  Nicaragua 15 September 1821 Nicaragua part of 1st Mexican Empire. Then later got independence and creation of Federal Republic of Central America in 1823. Then later dissolved in 1841 creation of Nicaragua.
15 Panama  Panama Spain Viceroyalty of New Granada November 28 1821 Independence of Panama (Bloodless revolution)
16 Ecuador  Ecuador Spain Viceroyalty of New Granada 24 May 1822 Ecuadorian War of Independence
17 Bolivia Bolivian Republic  Bolivia Spain Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata 6 August 1825 Bolivia war of independence
18 Dominican Republic Second Dominican Republic  Dominican Republic Spain Captaincy General of Santo Domingo

(Spanish occupation of the Dominican Republic)

15 July 1865 Spain ceded the island of Hispaniola to France in the Peace of Basel in 1795. Spain recaptured and held the eastern portion of Santo Domingo between 1809 and 1821, a time period known as España Boba. The Republic of Spanish Haiti gained independence from Spain in 1821, but was subsequently occupied by Haiti for 23 years until 1844, when it gained independence as the First Dominican Republic. The country remained independent until it was reoccupied by Spain from 1861 until 1865, when the country regained its independence as the Second Dominican Republic. Fifty-one years later, between 1916 and 1924, the Dominican Republic was occupied by the United States for 8 years. The Third Dominican Republic followed the end U.S. occupation.
19 Cuba  Cuba Spain Captaincy General of Cuba 10 October 1868 Spain ceded Cuba to the United States via
another period of occupation. This dominance would last until the end of the communist Cuban Revolution
on January 1, 1959.
20 11 April 1899 Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the United States at the end of the
American nationality through the Foraker Act of 1900, and the expansion of the civil government and the establishment of American citizenship through the Jones-Sheffield Act of 1917. In 1952, via the Constitution of Puerto Rico, the island became an unincorporated and organized American territory with autonomous local, democratic government, officially named the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Spanish: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, lit.
'Free Associated State of Puerto Rico').

North America

This is a list of all present

English and the Dutch. The United States of America gained its independence in American Revolutionary War; most of nations in Central America gained independence in the early 19th century; Canada and many other island countries in the Caribbean Sea (most of them were British colonies) gained their independence in 20th century. Today, North America consists of twenty-two sovereign states with common government system being some form of presidential republic

Sovereign state Predecessors
Antigua and Barbuda Colony of Antigua (1671–1816; 1833–1958) (part of British Leeward Islands)
Colony of Barbuda (1671–1816; 1833–1958) (part of British Leeward Islands)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
Colony of Antigua (1962–1981) (Associated State since 1967)
 Antigua and Barbuda (1981–present) (Commonwealth realm)
Bahamas, The Kingdom of England Colony of the Bahamas (1648–1717)
Colony of the Bahamas (1717–1973)
 Commonwealth of the Bahamas (1973–present)
Barbados Colony of Barbados (1625–1885) (part of British Windward Islands)
Colony of Barbados (1885–1958; 1962–1966) (separated Crown colony)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
 Barbados (1966–present)
Belize British Honduras (1862–1973)
Belize (1973–1981) (British self-governing colony)
 Belize (1981–present) (Commonwealth realm)
Second World War
the term Dominion of Canada were also used)
Costa Rica Part of Real Audiencia of Guatemala (1543–1609) (part of New Spain)
Part of Captaincy General of Guatemala (1609–1821) (part of New Spain)
Part of Mexican Empire (1822–1823)
Part of Federal Republic of Central America (1823–1838)
Free State of Costa Rica (1838–1847)
First Costa Rican Republic (1848–1948)
 Second Costa Rican Republic (1949–present)
Cuba Part of Captaincy General of Santo Domingo (1512–1607)
Captaincy General of Cuba (1607–1898)
United States Military Government in Cuba (1898–1902)
Republic of Cuba (1902–1959) (1902–1959)
 Republic of Cuba (1959–present)
Dominica Colony of Dominica (part of British Leeward Islands 1871–1958) (1763–1958)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
Dominica (1962–1978) (Associated State since 1967)
 Commonwealth of Dominica (1978–present)
Dominican Republic
Haiti (1822–1844)
Dominican Republic (1844–1861)
Occupied by Spain (1861–1865)
 Dominican Republic
El Salvador Part of Real Audiencia of Guatemala (1543–1609) (part of New Spain)
Part of Captaincy General of Guatemala (1609–1821) (part of New Spain)
Part of Mexican Empire (1822–1823)
Part of Federal Republic of Central America (1823–1841)
 Republic of El Salvador (1841–present) (before 1890 referred to as Republic of Salvador in English)
Grenada French Grenada (1649–1763)
British Grenada (1763–1958) part of British Windward Islands 1833–1958)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
British Grenada (1962–1974) (Associated State (since 1967)
 Grenada (Commonwealth realm) (1974–present)
Guatemala Part of Real Audiencia of Guatemala (1543–1609)
Part of Captaincy General of Guatemala (1609–1821)
Part of Mexican Empire (1822–1823)
Part of Federal Republic of Central America (1823–1839)
 Republic of Guatemala (1839–present)
with Dominican Republic annexed 1822–1844)
Empire of Haiti (1849–1859)
 Republic of Haiti (1859–present) (occupied by United States
Honduras Part of Real Audiencia of Guatemala (1543–1609)
Part of Captaincy General of Guatemala (1609–1821)
Part of Mexican Empire (1822–1823)
Part of Federal Republic of Central America (1823–1838)
Honduras Honduras Honduras  Republic of Honduras (1838–present)
Jamaica Colony of Jamaica (1655–1962)
 Jamaica (1962–present) (Commonwealth realm)
Provisional Government of Mexico (1823–1824)
United Mexican States (1824–1835)
Mexican Republic (1835–1846)
United Mexican States (1846–1863)
Mexican Empire (1863–1867)
 United Mexican States
Nicaragua Part of Real Audiencia of Guatemala (1543–1609)
Part of Captaincy General of Guatemala (1609–1821)
Part of Mexican Empire (1822–1823)
Part of Federal Republic of Central America (1823–1838)
 Republic of Nicaragua (1838–present)
Saint Kitts and Nevis Colony of Saint Christopher (1623–1882) (since 1833 part of British Leeward Islands)
Colony of Nevis (1628–1882) (since 1833 part of British Leeward Islands)
Colony of Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla (1882–1958) (part of British Leeward Islands; Anguilla separated from 1882 to 1951)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla (1962–1983) (Associated State since 1967; Anguilla separated since 1980)
 Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983–present) (also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis)
Saint Lucia Colony of Sainte Lucie (1674–1814)
Colony of Saint Lucia (1814–1958) (since 1838 part of British Windward Islands)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
Colony of Saint Lucia (1962–1979) (Associated State since 1967)
 Saint Lucia (Commonwealth realm) (1979–present)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Colony of Saint Vincent (1763–1958) (since 1838 part of British Windward Islands)
Part of West Indies Federation (1958–1962)
Colony of Saint Vincent (1962–1979) (Associated State since 1967)
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1979–present) (Commonwealth realm)
United States
Kingdom of Hawaii (1795–1893), Republic of Hawaii (1894–1898)
 United States of America

South America

This is a list of all present

English. Most of the present-day nations gained independence in the early 19th century. Today, South America consists of twelve sovereign states with common government system being some form of presidential republic

Sovereign state Predecessors
Argentina Viceroyalty of Peru (1542–1776) (Viceroyalty of the Crown of Castile)
Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (1776–1810) (Viceroyalty of the Spanish Empire)
United Provinces of the Río de la Plata (1810–1831)
Argentine Confederation (1831–1861)
 Argentine Republic (1861–present)
Bolivia Governorate of New Toledo (1528–1542)
Viceroyalty of Peru (1542–1776) (Viceroyalty of the Crown of Castile)
Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (1776–1810) (Viceroyalty of the Spanish Empire)
Viceroyalty of Peru (1810–1825) (Viceroyalty of the Spanish Empire)
 Republic of Bolivia (1825–2009)
 Plurinational State of Bolivia (2009–present)
United States of Brazil (1964–1989) (military dictatorship, renamed "Federative Republic of Brazil" in 1967)
 Federative Republic of Brazil
Chile Captaincy General of Chile (1542–1818)
 Republic of Chile (1818–present)
Colombia Muisca Confederation (~1450–1540)
Viceroyalty of Peru (1542–1717)
Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717–1819)
Gran Colombia (1819–1831)
Republic of New Granada (1831–1858)
Granadine Confederation (1858–1863)
United States of Colombia (1863–1886)
 Republic of Colombia (1886–present)
Ecuador Viceroyalty of Peru (1542–1717)
Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717–1822)
Gran Colombia (1822–1830)
 Republic of Ecuador (1830–present)
Commonwealth Realm of Guyana (1966–1970)
 Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Panama Viceroyalty of Peru (1542–1717)
Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717–1819)
Gran Colombia (1819–1831)
Republic of New Granada (1831–1858)
Granadine Confederation (1858–1863)
United States of Colombia (1863–1906)
 Republic of Panama (1906–present)
Paraguay Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (1776–1814)
 Republic of Paraguay (1814–present)
Peru Inca Empire (1438–1533)
Governorate of New Castile (1528–1542) & Governorate of New Toledo (1528–1542) (both Spanish colonies)
Viceroyalty of Peru (1542–1824)
 Republic of Peru (1824–present)
Suriname Colony of Surinam (1630–1954)
Country of Suriname (1954–1975) (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)'
 Republic of Suriname (1975–present)
Trinidad and Tobago Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717–1797)
British West Indies (1797–1962)
 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (1962–present)
Uruguay United Provinces of the Río de la Plata (1810–1816)
United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves (1816–1822)
Empire of Brazil (1822–1828)
 Eastern Republic of Uruguay (1828–present)
Venezuela Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717–1819)
Gran Colombia (1819–1828)
 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1828–present) (renamed from "Republic of Venezuela" in 1999)

World reaction

United States and Great Britain

Great Britain and the United States were rivals for influence in the newly independent sovereign nations.[26] As a result of the successful revolutions which established so many newly independent nations, United States President James Monroe and the Secretary of State John Quincy Adams drafted the Monroe Doctrine.[citation needed] It stated that the United States would not tolerate any European interference in the Western Hemisphere. This measure ostensibly was taken to safeguard the newfound liberties of these new countries, but it was also taken as a precautionary measure against the intrusion of European states.[citation needed] Since the United States was a newly founded nation, it could not prevent other European powers from interfering, for that the United States looked for Britain's help and support to execute the Monroe Doctrine into action.

Great Britain's trade with Latin America greatly expanded during the revolutionary period, which until then was restricted due to Spanish mercantilist trade policies. British pressure was sufficient to prevent Spain from attempting any serious reassertion of its control over its lost colonies.

Attempts at hemispheric unity

The notion of closer Spanish American cooperation and unity was first put forward by the Liberator

United Provinces of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica), and Mexico
. Nevertheless, the great distances and geographical barriers, not to mention the different national and regional interests, made union impossible.

Sixty-three years later the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics was established. It was renamed the International Commercial Bureau at the Second International Conference of 1901–1902. These two bodies, in existence as of 14 April 1890, represent the point of inception of today's Organization of American States.

See also


  1. ^ Timeline list arranged according to current countries. Explanatory notes are added in cases where decolonization was achieved jointly or where the current state is formed by a merger of previously decolonized states. For simplicity's sake, the numerous U.S. military occupations that occurred during the Banana Wars are not listed here despite accusations of American imperialism.
  2. ^ Some territories changed hands multiple times, so the list is mentioned as the last colonial power.
  3. list of sovereign states by formation date. Any discrepancies between dates listed here and public holidays celebrating the country's independence (and whether the date listed is celebrated as a holiday at all) are noted, as well as the national day if the country does not have an independence day. Date when a commonwealth realm abolished its monarchy is noted. Note that a large number of states (i.e. those formed in the aftermath of the Spanish American wars of independence
    ) would not be recognized by their colonial power as independent until decades later.
  4. ^ For countries that became independent either as a Commonwealth realm or as a parliamentary republic the head of government is listed instead.
  5. incorporation in 1959, but some of the territories remain unincorporated
  6. September 5, 1774 until Washington's inauguration the United States was nominally headed by the President of the Continental Congress. Elias Boudinot
    held the office on the date of independence.
  7. ^ Not recognized by France until April 17, 1825.
  8. ^ Jean-Pierre Boyer was President on the date of France's recognition.
  9. ^ Not recognized by Spain until April 29, 1857.
  10. ^ Justo José de Urquiza was President on the date of Spain's recognition.
  11. ^ Composed of the following leaders: Vicente Ignacio Iturbe Domínguez; Juan Valeriano de Zevallos; Fulgencio Yegros; Pedro Juan Caballero and José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia
  12. ^ Not celebrated as a holiday. The date September 18, 1810 (when the Government Junta was formed) is celebrated as Chile's date of independence. Chile would not be recognized by Spain until April 25, 1844.
  13. ^ Assumed office four days after independence as Supreme Director. Manuel Bulnes was President on the date of Spain's recognition.
  14. ^ Celebrated as Battle of Boyacá Day. The date July 20, 1810 (when Viceroy Antonio José Amar y Borbón formally declared New Granada's independence) is celebrated as Colombia's date of independence.
  15. ^ Not celebrated as a holiday. After declaring independence from Spain on July 5, 1811 with the enactment of the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence, the territory of present-day Venezuela continued to struggle for its independence until June 24, 1821 when the decisive victory of Simón Bolívar and Venezuelan forces over the Spanish at the Battle of Carabobo led to the independence of the country from Spain and the establishment of the Republic of Gran Colombia, from which Venezuela gained independence on January 13, 1830. Venezuela celebrates July 5, 1811 as its independence day.
  16. ^ a b c d e After gaining independence from Spain, the Federal Republic of Central America was annexed by the Mexican Empire on January 25, 1822. The Federal Republic would regain independence on July 1, 1823.
  17. ^ On November 15, 1838, Costa Rica formally withdrew from the Federal Republic of Central America and then declared itself as an independent republic on September 28, 1848
  18. ^
    Vicente Filisola
  19. ^ Braulio Carrillo Colina was Head of State when Costa Rica withdrew from the Federal Republic of Central America. José María Castro Madriz was President when Costa Rica declared its sovereignty.
  20. ^ Sometime around 1840 Guatemala formally withdrew from the Federal Republic of Central America and became an independent republic on March 21, 1847.
  21. ^ Mariano Rivera Paz was Head of State around the time of Guatemala's withdrawal from the Federal Republic of Central America. Rafael Carrera became President upon the declaration of Guatemala's sovereignty.
  22. ^ On November 15, 1838, Honduras formally withdrew from the Federal Republic of Central America and became an independent state.
  23. ^ Francisco Zelaya y Ayes was sworn in as Acting President on September 21, 1839. From November 12, 1838, from the Federal Republic to Zelaya y Ayes' inauguration, Honduras was headed by a provisional President. José Lino Matute held office on the date of independence.
  24. ^ On February 18, 1841, El Salvador (by then the only member remaining in the Federal Republic of Central America), formally withdrew and became an independent state.
  25. ^ Juan Lindo was President when El Salvador withdrew from the Federal Republic.
  26. ^ as the Republic of Spanish Haiti
  27. annexed by Haiti on February 9, 1822. On November 6, 1844, after months of fighting starting from February 27 of that year, the Dominican Republic regained sovereignty upon the ratification of the Constitution of the Dominican Republic
    . The February 27 date is celebrated as the Dominican Republic's date of independence.
  28. ^ Pedro Santana was the President of the Central Government Junta on the date of ratification of the Dominican Constitution.
  29. ^ Celebrated as Battle of Pichincha Day. The date August 10, 1909 (when the city of Quito formally declared Ecuador's independence) is celebrated as Ecuador's date of independence. On May 13, 1830, Ecuador formally seceded from Gran Colombia.
  30. ^ Juan José Flores was Jéfe Supremo when Ecuador seceded from Gran Colombia.
  31. ^ Not recognized by Spain until July 21, 1847.
  32. ^ Assumed office six days after independence as President. José Ballivián was President on the date of Spain's recognition.
  33. ^ As the Empire of Brazil.
  34. ^ Not celebrated as a holiday. Brazil’s independence from Portugal was officially recognized on August 29, 1825 by the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro. The date September 7, 1822 (when then-Prince Regent Dom Pedro formally declared Brazil's independence) is celebrated as Brazil's date of independence.
  35. ^ Not celebrated as a holiday. After its decisive victory over Spanish forces at the Battle of Las Piedras, Uruguay continued to struggle for its independence against Spain. From 1816 to 1820, the territory of present-day Uruguay was invaded and conquered by the Portuguese Empire during the Portuguese conquest of the Banda Oriental. Uruguay was formally annexed firstly by the Portuguese Empire in 1821 and secondly by the Empire of Brazil in 1822 as a Brazilian province under the name Cisplatina. Uruguay declared independence from the Empire of Brazil on August 25, 1825, but its independence was officially recognized on August 27, 1828 by the Preliminary Peace Convention. Uruguay celebrates August 25, 1825 as its independence day.
  36. ^ On March 18, 1861, the Dominican Republic under Pedro Santana formally rejoined the Spanish Empire as a colony. This proved to be very unpopular among the Dominican people, and on August 16, 1865, the Dominican Republic became independent once again.
  37. ^ Celebrated as Restoration Day.
  38. ^ Celebrated as Canada Day. The Dominion of Canada was constituted through the Constitution Act, 1867 entering into force on July 1, 1867. On December 11, 1931, it got increased self-governance powers through the Statute of Westminster, followed by complete sovereignty on April 17, 1982, after the passage of the Canada Act 1982. Because of these decades-long steps, Canada Day is not considered to be a celebration of Canada's independence (although it is usually celebrated as such).
  39. ^ R. B. Bennett and Pierre Trudeau were respectively the Prime Minister on the date of passage of the Statute of Westminster and the Canada Act.
  40. Rebellions of 1837
    were a pair of Canadian armed uprisings that occurred in 1837 and 1838 in response to frustrations in political reform.
  41. ^ De jure. De facto the  United States.
  42. another period of occupation. This dominance would last until the end of the Cuban Revolution on January 1, 1959. As a result, Cuba celebrates the date October 10, 1868, as its date of independence, when Carlos Manuel de Céspedes formally declared Cuba's independence and launched the Ten Years' War
  43. ^ Assumed office on May 20, 1902 as President. Although Fidel Castro was the de facto leader of Cuba in the aftermath of the Cuban Revolution, he would not assume office until February 16, 1959, as Prime Minister. Manuel Urrutia Lleó was sworn in as President two days after the end of the Cuban Revolution.
  44. ^ The Ten Years' War was an earlier armed uprising that failed to gain independence from Spain.
  45. ^ See Independence of Jamaica.
  46. ^ Abolished its commonwealth monarchy on August 1, 1976.
  47. ^ Abolished its commonwealth monarchy on February 23, 1970.
  48. ^ Remained Prime Minister when Guyana abolished its monarchy. Arthur Chung was sworn in as President on March 17, 1970. From the abolition of Guyana's monarchy and Chung's inauguration Edward Luckhoo served as Acting President.
  49. ^ Abolished its commonwealth monarchy on November 30, 2021.


  1. ^ "Pedro I | emperor of Brazil | Britannica". Archived from the original on February 10, 2023. Retrieved February 10, 2023.
  2. ^ Ossa Santa Cruz, Juan Luis (2010). "La criollización de un ejército periférico, Chile, 1768 to 1810". Historia (in Spanish). 42 (II): 413–448. Archived from the original on February 1, 2016. Retrieved January 27, 2016.
  3. ^ Chambers, Sarah C., and John Charles Chasteen. Latin American Independence: An Anthology of Sources. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub., 2010.
  4. ^ "Timeline: Haiti". BBC News. April 29, 2009. Archived from the original on May 14, 2019. Retrieved April 30, 2009.
  5. ^ Toussaint L'Ouverture, "Letter to the French Directory, 1797", in Nicola Foote, Sources for Latin America in the Modern World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
  6. ^ "Mexican-American War | Mexico-United States [1846-1848]". Encyclopædia Britannica. Archived from the original on May 14, 2017. Retrieved May 6, 2017.
  7. ^ David Bushnell, "Wars of Independence: South America", in The Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, vol. 5, p. 447. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1996.
  8. ^ Fuertes Medina, Aurelia. "History of Ecuador". A Guide to Andean Countries. Archived from the original on December 1, 1998.
  9. LCCN 18005317
    . Retrieved July 2, 2022.
  10. .
  11. ^ Bakewell, 404
  12. .
  13. ^ Faulconbridge, Guy; Ellsworth, Brian (November 30, 2021). "Barbados ditches Britain's Queen Elizabeth to become a republic". Reuters. Archived from the original on November 30, 2021. Retrieved December 5, 2021.
  14. incorporation in 1959, but some of the territories remain unincorporated
  15. Rebellions of 1837
    were a pair of Canadian armed uprisings that occurred in 1837 and 1838 in response to frustrations in political reform.
  16. ^ After gaining independence of Spain the territory of present-day Uruguay in 1817 was occupied and in 1921 annexed by Portugal to be administered as Brazilian province.
  17. ^ Timeline list arranged according to current countries. Explanatory notes are added in cases where decolonization was achieved jointly or where the current state is formed by merger of previously decolonized states.
  18. ^ Some territories changed hands multiple times, so in the list is mentioned the last colonial power.
  19. list of sovereign states by formation date
  20. ^ First head of state after independence. For current and former Commonwealth realms instead of first head of state is listed the first head of government.
  21. ^ Timeline list arranged according to current countries. Explanatory notes are added in cases where decolonization was achieved jointly or where the current state is formed by merger of previously decolonized states.
  22. ^ Some territories changed hands multiple times, so in the list is mentioned the last colonial power.
  23. list of sovereign states by formation date
  24. ^ First head of state after independence. For current and former Commonwealth realms instead of first head of state is listed the first head of government.
  25. ^ Fred Rippy, Rivalry of the U.S. and Great Britain over Latin America (1808–1830) New York, Octagon Press, 1964 [c1929].

Further reading