Evolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment

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Evolutionary ideas during the periods of the

mechanical philosophy encouraged viewing the natural world as a machine with workings capable of analysis. But the evolutionary ideas of the early 18th century were of a religious and spiritural nature. In the second half of the 18th century more materialistic and explicit ideas about biological evolution began to emerge, adding further strands in the history of evolutionary thought

17th and early 18th century

The word evolution (from the

atheistic atomism of Democritus and Epicurus, used the term evolution to describe his opponent's ideas that vibrations and collisions of atoms in the void — without divine intervention — had formed "Primordial Seeds" (semina) which were the "immediate, primitive, productive Principles of Men, Animals, Birds and Fishes."[1] For Hale, this mechanism was "absurd", because "it must have potentially at least the whole Systeme of Humane Nature, or at least that Ideal Principle or Configuration thereof, in the evolution whereof the complement and formation of the Humane Nature must consist ... and all this drawn from a fortuitous coalition of senseless and dead Atoms."[1]

While Hale first used the term evolution in arguing against the exact mechanistic view the word would come to symbolize, he also demonstrates that at least some

Schopenhauer), held that evolution was a fundamentally spiritual process, with the entire course of natural and human evolution being "a self-disclosing revelation of the Absolute".[3]

Typical of these theorists,

J. G. von Herder, expressed similar ideas.[5]

Between 1603 and 1613

Sir Walter Raleigh was a prisoner in the Tower of London awaiting execution; in this period he wrote a history of the world in five volumes where he described his American experiences and adventures, in it he wondered whether all the new species discovered in the new continent could have found their place on Noah's Ark. A very serious question at the time, he postulates that only animals from the old continent found place on the Ark; eventually, after the Flood, some of these animals would migrate to the new continent and, under environmental pressure, change their appearances to create new species.[6] Fifty years later, Matthew Hale went even further, and said that only the prototypes of all animal species were welcomed on the Ark; these would eventually differentiate after their release.[7]
Many clergymen were happy with Raleigh and Hale ideas since they appeared to solve the problem of the Ark's tonnage.

Mid 18th century

In his Venus Physique in 1745, and System of Nature in 1751, Pierre Louis Maupertuis veered toward more materialist ground. He wrote of natural modifications occurring during reproduction and accumulating over the course of many generations, producing races and even new species. He also anticipated in general terms the idea of natural selection.[8]

Vague and general ideas of evolution continued to proliferate among the mid-eighteenth century

scientific classification would be considered a family) are all descended from a single, common ancestor. The ancestor of each family had arisen through spontaneous generation; environmental effects then caused them to diverge into different species. He speculated that the 200 or so species of mammals then known might have descended from as few as 38 original forms. Buffon's concept of evolution was strictly limited. He believed there were "internal molds" that shaped the spontaneous generation of each family and that the families themselves were entirely and eternally distinct. Thus, lions, tigers, leopards, pumas and house cats could all share a common ancestor, but dogs and house cats could not.[9][10] Although Darwin's foreword to his 6th edition of Origin credited Aristotle with foreshadowing the concept of natural selection, he also wrote that "the first author who in modern times has treated it in a scientific spirit was Buffon".[11]

Some 18th-century writers speculated about human evolution.

race on earth had been a brown and reddish colour he said "that an intermediate tawny colour found amongst Asiatics and Native Amerindians" had been the “original complexion of mankind” and that others races came about by the original race spending generations in different climates.[12] Between 1767 and 1792 James Burnett, Lord Monboddo included in his writings not only the concept that man had descended from other primates, but also that, in response to their environment, creatures had found methods of transforming their characteristics over long time intervals. He also produced research on the evolution of linguistics, which was cited by Erasmus Darwin in his poem Temple of Nature.[13] Jan-Andrew Henderson states that Monboddo was the first to articulate the theory of natural selection.[14]

In 1792, the philosopher

Critique of Judgement, what he referred to as “a daring venture of reason”, in which “one organic being [is] derived from another organic being, although from one which is specifically different; e.g., certain water-animals transform themselves gradually into marsh-animals and from these, after some generations, into land-animals.”[15] Some 20th-century philosophers, such as Eric Voegelin, credit Kant with foreshadowing modern evolutionary theory.[16]

In 1796,

Zoönomia, which suggested "that all warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament ... with the power of acquiring new parts"[17]
in response to stimuli, with each round of improvements being inherited by successive generations. In his 1802 poem Temple of Nature, he described the rise of life from minute organisms living in the mud to its modern diversity:

First forms minute, unseen by spheric glass,
Move on the mud, or pierce the watery mass;
These, as successive generations bloom,
New powers acquire and larger limbs assume;
Whence countless groups of vegetation spring,
And breathing realms of fin and feet and wing.

See also


  1. ^ .
  2. ^ Bowler 2003 pp. 33-38
  3. ^ Schelling, System of Transcendental Idealism, 1800
  4. ^ Lovejoy 1936, p. 257
  5. ^ Lovejoy 1936, pp. 183–184, 279–280, 369
  6. ^ Wendt Herbert, In Search of Adam, 1955, pp. 38-39
  7. ^ Wendt Herbert, In Search of Adam, 1955, pp. 40
  8. ^ Bowler 2003 pp. 73–75
  9. ^ Bowler 2003 pp. 75–80
  10. ^ Larson 2004 pp. 14–15
  11. ^ Darwin 1872 p.9
  12. ^ Colin Kidd, The forging of races: race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600 - 2000, 2006, p. 30
  13. ^ Darwin, Erasmus 1825 p.9
  14. ^ Henderson 2000
  15. ^ Kant 1792 Section 80
  16. ^ Eric Voegelin, CW VOL 3,Chapter 14, The Unfolding of the World of Organic Forms pp 142-144.
  17. ^ Darwin, Erasmus 1818 Vol I section XXXIX
  18. ^ Darwin, Erasmus 1825 p. 15
