Feminist views on the Oedipus complex

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Sphinx & Oedipus

Feminist psychoanalysts have confronted these ideas (particularly the female relationship to the real, imaginary and symbolic phallus
) and reached different conclusions. Some generally agree with Freud's major outlines, modifying it through observations of the pre-Oedipal phase. Others reformulate Freud's theories more completely.

Hélène Deutsch

Hélène Deutsch (1884–1982) was one of Freud's first female pupils and the first analyst who made an integral, chronological study of woman's psychological development. In short, Deutsch claims that women have a passive-masochistic sexuality, they are born for reproduction and their development must be seen as different from the development of men.[1]

Deutsch sees the female development as exceedingly difficult and tortuous, because at some point she must transfer her primary sexual object choice from her mother to her father (and males), if she is to attain her expected heterosexual adulthood.

phallic) clitoris. Masochistic
tensions in the girl prevail and she longs to be castrated by her father. The desire for a child also becomes masochistic.

Melanie Klein

Melanie Klein, originator of the Kleinian school of psychoanalysis, agreed with the basic structure of the Oedipal situation, but argued that it originated at 6 months of life while subsequently continuing to be worked through during the time that Freud had previously articulated. She identified the recognition of triangular relationships as originating during this time with the start of the infant's burgeoning awareness of the mother's relationships with others.

Nancy Chodorow

internalized object relationships and with external relationships. Because a girl does not have to repress her pre-Oedipal and Oedipal attachment to father and mother, she reaches a more relational sensibility than boys. Chodorow illustrated this through studies suggesting that men love (and fall in love) romantically, where women love and fall in love sensibly and rationally.[4]

Luce Irigaray


female sexuality is based on lack. In Freud's paradigm, female desire is the desire for a baby to substitute for penis, thus female pleasure is derived from reproduction.[6] Irigaray disagrees: "How can we accept that the entire female sexuality is being controlled by the lack and envy of the penis?"[7] Female sexuality is not solely related to reproduction, but neither is it less valuable in reproduction, and thus it should not hold less social power.[8] Furthermore, she says that Freud is forgetting the mother-daughter relationship.[9] To enter the Oedipus-complex, a girl must hate her mother. Irigaray says this view makes it impossible for a girl to give meaning to the relationship with her mother.[10]

See also


  1. ^ Fischer, Psychoanalyse en vrouwelijke seksualiteit, p. 103.
  2. ^ Juschka, D. M. Feminism in the Study of Religion, p. 88.
  3. ^ Chorodow, Family structure and feminine personality, pp. 87–89.
  4. ^ Chorodow, Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory, pp. 73–74.
  5. ^ Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, p. 73.
  6. ^ Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, pp. 57, 34.
  7. ^ Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, p. 58.
  8. ^ Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, p. 59.
  9. ^ Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, p. 119.
  10. ^ Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un, p. 120.


  • Benjamin, J. (1995). Like Subject, Love Objects. Yale University Press.
  • Bornheimer, C., and C. Kahane (1985). In Dora's Case. London: Virago Press.
  • Chorodow, N. J. (2001). "Family structure and feminine personality In: Juschka, D. M., Feminism in the Study of Religion. London and New York: Continuum.
  • Chorodow, N. J. (1989). Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Chorodow, N. J. (1978). The Reproduction of Mothering. University of California Press.
  • Fischer, A., W. Van Hoorn, and J. Jansz (1983). Psychoanalyse en vrouwelijke seksualiteit. Uitgeverij Boom, Meppel en Amsterdam.
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  • Horney, K. (1951). Neurosis and Human Growth. London: Routledge.
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  • Irigaray, L. (1977). Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un. Paris: Editions de Minuit.
  • Irigaray, L. (1974). Speculum of the Other Woman. 1985. Cornell University Press.
  • Irigaray, L. (2004). Key Writings. New York: Continuum.
  • Irigaray, L. (1993). Sexes and Genealogies. Columbia University Press.
  • Kristeva, J. (1982). The Powers of Horror. Columbia University Press.
  • Lacan, J. (1973). Encore: On Feminine Sexuality. New York: Norton & Company, 1998.
  • Mitchell, J., and J. Rose (1982). Jacques Lacan and the ecole freudienne, Feminine Sexuality. New York: Pantheon.
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  • Paris, B. J. (1994). Karen Horney. A psychoanalyst's search for self-understanding. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
  • Pollock, G. (2006). "Beyond Oedipus. Feminist Thought, Psychoanalysis, and Mythical Figurations of the Feminine." In: Zajko, V., and M. Leonard (eds), Laughing with Medusa. Oxford University Press.
  • Riviere, J. "Womanliness as masquerade",
    International Journal of Psychoanalysis
    no. 10, 1929.