History of education in ancient Israel and Judah

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Education has been defined as, "teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible, but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgement and well-developed wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization)".

While curriculum and texts for schools has been found in other areas of the ancient near east, no direct evidence—either literary or archaeological—exists for schools in ancient Israel.

the book of Ben Sira (51:23).[2]

However, the writing of the Bible as well as the variety of inscriptional material from ancient Israel testifies to a relatively robust scribal culture that must have existed to create these textual artifacts.

Kadesh Barnea, and Kuntillet ʿAjrud.[1] However, these were probably not schools in the traditional sense but rather an apprenticeship system located in the family.[1]

The total literacy rate of Jews in Israel in the first centuries c.e. was "probably less than 3%". While this may seem very low by today's standards, it was relatively high in the ancient world. If we ignore women (on the ground of their not participating in society), take into consideration children above the age of seven only, forget the far-away farmers and regard literacy of the non-educated people (e.g., one who cannot read the Torah but reads a bulla, that is: pragmatic literacy), then the literacy rate (adult males in the centers), might be even 20%, a high rate in traditional society.[3][4][5]

Torah commandments

Three Torah

(numbers 10, 11, 17) command provision of education in general society:

  • Number 10 - To read the Shema twice daily, as it is written "and thou shalt talk of them . . . when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deuteronomy 6,7).
  • Number 11 - To
    " (Deuteronomy 6,7).
  • Number 17 - For every man to write a Torah scroll for himself, as it is written "write ye this song for you" (Deuteronomy 31,19).

Thus the father was obligated as the sole teacher of his children in Jewish history (Deut. xi. 19).

House of the teacher


high priest caused public schools to be opened in every town and hamlet for all children above six or seven years of age (Babylonian Talmud, Bava Batra 21a).[6]

Expense and conduct


assistant teacher ("resh dukana") was necessary; and for over forty, two teachers were required.[6]

Teaching staff


married men were engaged as teachers,[6] but there is a difference of opinion regarding the qualification of the "melammed" (teacher). Raba preferred one who taught his pupils much, even though somewhat carelessly. Rav Dimi of Nehardea, preferred one who taught his pupils little, but correctly, as an error
in reading once adopted is hard to correct (ib.). It is, of course, assumed that both qualifications were rarely found in one person.

Texts and subject areas

The standard education texts were the

Mishna and later the Talmud and Gemora, all hand-written until invention of printing. However, significant emphasis was placed on developing good memory skills in addition to comprehension by practice
of oral repetition.

Ancient Israel
, the child would be taught from the six broad subject areas into which the Mishna is divided, including:


Despite this schooling system, many children did not learn to read and write. It has been estimated that at least 90 percent of the Jewish population of Roman Palestine in the first centuries CE could merely write their own name or not write and read at all,[7] or that the literacy rate was either about 3 percent[8] or 7.7 percent.[9] The exact literacy rate among male Jews in Roman Palestine was probably between 5 and 10 percent.[9]

Epigraphic evidence documents that a preliminary scribal infrastructure developed over the course of the 10th century BC as state-centralization progressed, followed by a much larger infrastructure during the Neo-Assyrian period under which parts of the biblical texts were composed. Literacy then declined during the period of the exile and slowly re-established itself in the intervening centuries.[10] Some of Israel's earliest teaching material may be reflected in some portions within the Book of Proverbs.[11]

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ .
  2. .
  3. ^ Walton, Steve; Trebilco, Paul; Gill, David W. J. (2017). The Urban World and the First Christians. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 189–190. .
  4. ^ Jaffee, Martin S. (2001). Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism, 200 BCE-400 CE. Oxford University Press. p. 164n7. .
  5. ^ Bar-Ilan, Meir (1992). "Illiteracy in the Land of Israel in the First Centuries C.E.". In Fishbane, S.; Schoenfeld, S.; Goldschlaeger, A. (eds.). Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society, II. Ktav. pp. 46–61.
  6. ^ ; at page 9.
  7. ^ Hezser, Catherine "Jewish Literacy in Roman Palestine", 2001, Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism; 81. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, p. 503.
  8. ^ Bar-Ilan, M. "Illiteracy in the Land of Israel in the First Centuries C.E." in S. Fishbane, S. Schoenfeld and A. Goldschlaeger (eds.), "Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society", II, New York: Ktav, 1992, pp. 46-61.
  9. ^ .
  10. ^ David Carr, The Formation of the Hebrew Bible, Oxford 2011, pp375-86
  11. ^ Carr, Formation, pp. 408-10, 30-31