Moderate Party (Spain)

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Moderate Party
Partido Moderado
Political positionCentre to centre-right

The Moderate Party (


The Moderates contained various factions. Some supported working with Progressives, but others sought closer ties with the Old Regime. However, the party's dominant ideology was adherence to the centrist juste milieu of the French Doctrinaires.[1][2]


The "moderates" or "liberal moderates" were a continuation of the doceañistas, supporters of the

Infante Carlos, Count of Molina

The party was organized in 1834 during the governmental presidency of Francisco Martínez de la Rosa. After several years of progressivist domination, it held power continuously during the so-called Década moderada ("Moderate decade", 1843–1854) under the leadership of General Ramón María Narváez; after the bienio progresista ("progressivist biennium", 1853–1855) it returned to power allied with the Liberal Union (Spanish: Unión Liberal). After the Glorious Revolution of 1868 and the constitution of 1869 they failed to obtain representation in the new Cortes, and lost all power. When the monarchy was restored in 1874 following the First Spanish Republic, they united with the Liberal Union to form the Conservative Party under the direction of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo.


The party's political ideology of "moderatism" (Spanish: moderantismo) is comparable to British conservatism and, especially, to French doctrinairism, from whom its ideologues (especially Juan Donoso Cortés) took part of their argumentation.

Their principal ideas were:


The Moderate Party was supported by part of the Army (the moderate espadones such as General Narváez), landowners (a landowning oligarchy of traditional aristocrats and upper bourgeoisie, especially the large landowners owners, the latifundistas of Andalusia and the Meseta Central), and a portion of the middle class (the so-called gente de orden "people of order"). Economically the party tended to support free trade, allowing the export of agricultural surplus, a policy compatible with the interests of its social base. Electorally, they defended limited suffrage, in particular sufragio censitario, "census suffrage" that limited the electoral census to the wealthy, only those who owned a certain amount of property or paid a certain amount of taxes.

Once Carlism had been defeated militarily, the 1839 Convention of Vergara that put an end to the war allowed some of the more moderate Carlists to join the party or to support it from without. Similarly, after the Concordat of 1851 the party gained the support of much of the clergy, although the so-called neocatólicos ("neo-Catholics") remained outside and still nurtured hopes of a Carlist restoration.


  1. ^ Candil Jiménez, Francisco (2001). "Algunos datos sobre el pensamiento y actividad política de Joaquín Francisco Pacheco". Homenaje al Dr. Marino Barbero Santos: in memoriam. Universidad de Salamanca. p. 115.
  2. ^ Comellas García-Llera, José Luis (2014). Historia de España contemporánea. Rialp. pp. 185–186.


See also