Academic ranks in Israel

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.



Tenured and tenure-track positions are as follows:[citation needed]

  • Professor emeritus
    /emerita (full professor who has retired)
  • Full professor
    [Hebrew: "Professor Min HaMinyan"]
  • Associate professor [Hebrew: "Professor Khaver"]
  • Senior lecturer [Hebrew: "Martze Bakhir"]
  • Lecturer [Hebrew: "Martze"]


The ranking system combines the British system and the German one.[citation needed] There are four faculty ranks rather than three: lecturer (martsé), senior lecturer (martsé bakhír), associate professor (profésor khavér), and full professor (profésor min ha-minyán). The two lower ranks are similar to their counterparts in the British system. The two higher ranks originally had German rather than American equivalents: professor khavér was comparable to professor extraordinarius, while professor min ha-minyan was the equivalent, and Hebrew translation of, professor ordinarius. Traditionally, lecturer is equivalent to the American assistant professor rank, senior lecturer with tenure is equivalent to the American associate professor rank. Promotion from lecturer to senior lecturer rank usually entails tenure, but not always. Tenure (not guaranteed) is granted after 4–7 years (depending on institution and academic achievements). A professor khavér is comparable to the American advanced associate professor; some academics never become a "profésor min ha-minyan." Israeli universities do not, as a rule, grant tenure to new hires, regardless of previous position, rank, or eminence. A candidate is typically considered for tenure together with promotion to the next highest rank. Candidates who were recruited at a higher rank may also be considered for tenure following a trial period (varying across institutes).

In 2012, the

without coordination with the other universities.
