Albert–Brauer–Hasse–Noether theorem

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local-global principle in algebraic number theory
and leads to a complete description of finite-dimensional
Abraham Adrian Albert

Statement of the theorem

Let A be a central simple algebra of rank d over an algebraic number field K. Suppose that for any valuation v, A splits over the corresponding local field Kv:

Then A is isomorphic to the matrix algebra Md(K).


Using the theory of Brauer group, one shows that two central simple algebras A and B over an algebraic number field K are isomorphic over K if and only if their completions Av and Bv are isomorphic over the completion Kv for every v.

Together with the

cyclic field extension
L/K .

See also


  • Brauer, R.; Hasse, H.; Noether, E. (1932), "Beweis eines Hauptsatzes in der Theorie der Algebren", J. reine angew. Math., 167: 399–404
  • Fenster, D.D.; Schwermer, J. (2005), "Delicate collaboration: Adrian Albert and Helmut Hasse and the Principal Theorem in Division Algebras", Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 59 (4): 349–379,
  • Pierce, Richard (1982), Associative algebras,
  • Albert, Nancy E. (2005), "A3 & His Algebra, iUniverse,
