Amnesty of 1953

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Amnesty of 1953

The Amnesty of 1953 was the largest

Lavrenty Beria's draft.[3] Between 1.2 million [4] and 1.35 million[5]
persons were freed.

The amnesty was applied to:

  • all persons with imprisonment term up to 5 years
  • all persons convicted for
    and economic crimes, as well as for some minor military crimes
  • all women with children of age up to 10 years, all pregnant women, all children of age up to 18 years
  • all men older than 55 and women older than 50
  • all persons with grave uncurable diseases

The amnesty was not applied to people with term over 5 years convicted for counter-revolutionary crimes, major theft of socialist property, banditism, and murder. Other acts of the amnesty included the reduction of imprisonment terms, dismissing unfinished criminal proceedings which fit the above criteria, etc.[6]

The amnesty was followed with the considerable rise of criminal activities,[5] therefore it was partially rolled back and many criminal amnestees were imprisoned again.[7]

See also


  1. ^ a b Daniel Johnson, Amnesty of 1953: the biggest in Russian history, Global News, February 18, 2020
  2. (with downloadable pdf file)
  3. ^ Записка Л.П.Берии в Президиум ЦК КПСС о проведении амнистии. 26 марта 1953 г.
  4. ^ Земсков В. Н. Заключенные, спецпоселенцы, ссыльнопоселенцы, ссыльные и высланные (Статистико-географический аспект) // История СССР. — 1991. — № 5. — С. 151—165.
  5. ^
  6. ^ Указ Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 27.03.1953 «Об амнистии»
  7. .