Anna Judic

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Anna Judic at the Bouffes-Parisiens

Anne Marie-Louise Damiens, stage name Anna Judic (18 July 1849, Semur-en-Auxois – 15 April 1911, Golfe-Juan) was a French comic actress.


Niece of

Théâtre du Gymnase in Les Grandes Demoiselles, a one-act comedy by Edmond Gondinet. However, it was at the Eldorado
that she first really became known, in a répertoire of "chansons légères" in which her apparent innocence allowed her to make ruder double-entendres than she might otherwise have done. Over time, she adopted "Judic", the name of her husband whom she had married before she was 17.

After the

La Roussotte and his masterwork, Mam'zelle Nitouche

After a failed production of La Cosaque, she began travelling, appearing at the

Menus-Plaisirs, the Eldorado and the Alcazar d'Été but never regaining the immense success of her debut roles. She returned to the Gymnase in mother-figure roles in works such as Le Bourgeon, Le Secret de Polichinelle and L'Âge difficile, to which she brought "une tendresse, une douceur et une bonhomie touchantes" ("a tenderness, a softness and a touching affability") before retiring to her native Burgundy. She appeared with Sarah Bernhardt
in La Belle au Bois Dormant (Sleeping Beauty) to strong notices, in 1908.

She is buried at Montmartre.

Her lover was the journalist and author Albert Millaud.[2]


  1. ^ Georges Jacobi – German Biography database
  2. ^ Yon, Jean-Claude. Jacques Offenbach. Éditions Gallimard, Paris, 2000, p. 493.