Anna de Amicis

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Anna Lucia de Amicis (c. 1733–1816) was an Italian

W. A. Mozart and his father, Leopold, and created the role of Giunia in Lucio Silla (Milan 1772).[2]


  1. ^ T. J. Walsh, Opera in Dublin, 1705–1797: The Social Scene (1973): "The de Amicis family included the father, Domenico, a bass, Maria Anna, his daughter and Gaetano, his son, both of whom sang small roles. The star of the company was a second daughter, Anna Lucia, a soprano, who was born about 1740."
  2. ^ The Cambridge Mozart Encyclopedia, p. 6. Cliff Eisen, Simon P. Keefe - 2006 Mozart wrote to his sister on 29 May 1770 that 'De Amicis sings incomparably' and Leopold Mozart wrote to his wife on 26 December 1772 that 'She sings and acts like an angel'.