Bahjat al-Muhaisen

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Bahjat al-Muhaisen

Bahjat al-Muhaisen (1927 – 10 April 2007) was a Jordanian military officer who served in significant infantry commands during his career.

Born in

Operation Shredder. Colonel Bahjat al-Muhaisen was injured in the battle,[2] and Colonel Yoav Shaham
was killed in action.

Seven months later still in command of his brigade, Bahjat participated in the

East Bank of Jordan. His brigade was the last one to cross the Jordan River on 7 June, 1967 before destroying the bridges. Hebron was captured that day at 18:00. A little less than a year later, he saw action again in Battle of Karameh. That day ended decisively in favor of the Jordanian army

Al-Muhaisen was transferred to the command of Al

Black September
, had started and there was an urgent need to enforce order and peace. During this time, Al-Muhaisen had met with a number of developments which led him to submit his resignation in 1971. These developments included unclarity in the Military hierarchy within the Second Division epitomized by the inter-linking and the contradictory orders issued by GHQ which went straight to those under AL Muhaisen rather than through him. A number of Political & Military leaders were working towards escalating the situation with the Palestinian factions & creating a state of unrest . Al Muhaisen was left with no choice but to submit his resignation and move with his family to his hometown of Tafila. He died in Amman, Jordan on 10 April 2007.


  1. ^ Arabic Article Bahjat Al Muhaisen
  2. ^ UN report Archived 12 October 2007 at the Wayback Machine by the Secretary General concerning incident of 13 November 1966 in Jordan. Retrieved 1 October 2007.